Unit 2 Football P1 listening and Speaking P2 Reading Comprehension P3 Extended Activities


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Unit 2 Football

• P1 listening and Speaking• P2 Reading Comprehension• P3 Extended Activities

P1 listening and Speaking

• 1Introduction of functions

• 2 Listen and speak

• 3 Try to speak more

• 4 Make your own dialogue

It is always desirable to express one’s concerns and worries in search of supportive action from your friends or teachers. Write down your concerns or worries if you have any.

1 About my familyExampleMy father is over 80 years old, but he is still so independent that he

always tries to do farm work in order to help the family. I am concerned about his health. I hope that he would stop working and enjoy the later part of his life.

_________________________________________________________2 About my future career


3 About my friend_________________________________________________________


Listen and speak

answer to the questions

1b 2b 3c 4a

Listen and speak• Listen to the conversation and tick the correct

answer to each question.

Turn to p. 1, and let’s listen.Turn to p. 1, and let’s listen. Turn to p. 1, and let’s listen.Turn to p. 1, and let’s listen.

1. What does the coach want to tell Sam?


2. What does Sam hope to hear?


3. Why can’t Sam play the game on Saturday?


4. Sam is about the decision.


Try to speak more


• trying some new blood: trying some new players on the team

• drop me: not allow me to play the game• put it straight: be frank; tell the truth; say what one thinks• break the news gently: be careful when giving disappointin

g or sad news• taking the game away from somebody: destroy one’s chan

ce to play the game; ruin someone’s fun• take it easy: not to take the matter too seriously

Make your own dialogue

• Suppose you are the coach of the football team, and your partner is called Martin, a bench player for many months. You are telephoning him a piece of good new. Make a conversation with your partner according to the following cues.

A say you have a basketball match this Friday.

B Say you hope to play forward this time

A Break the news gently. B’s not playing, reason: injured last time.

B Say no problem, no need to worry about his leg.

A Say the opposing team is strong, hard game, need to try new players.

B Say no whit protest, taking the game away from you, get very angry.

A Advise him to take it easy. Tell the truth, he wasn’t active enough last match

B Explain why not active last time. Couldn’t play well under too much pressure from fans.

A Say decision can’t be changed.

A Hi B I want o talk with you about the match on Friday.

B What position shall I be playing? May I play forward this time?

A But I was thinking…, you got injured last time. So I’m concerned about your leg.

B There is no problem with my leg. You don’t worry.

A But the opposing team is a bit strong ,It will be a hard game. We are thinking about trying some new bloods this time.

B Oh, no! you can’t take the game away from me, basketball is my life. You know, I practice very hard.

A Take it easy, B. Let’s be frank, you should have been more active last game.

B Oh, I know. It was the fans. I felt under too much pressure from the fans.

A Well, the decision has been made, hope you understand. I’m sorry. B.

Look at the cartoons, what is funny about them? Make a story on the basis of the pictures and then tell it to your classmates.

Phrases for reference:

(1)the goal keeper goofed (2)fiasico

(3) joke (4)crossbar (5) ridiculous game

Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities

• Pre-reading Tasks

• Notes

• Translation

• Comprehension work

• Language work

Do you like to play sports? What do you think of these sports in the list? Name just one sport which can be described by the following words.

Names of events: spectacular impressive boring sensational dull fast-moving dangerous thrilling violent barbarous exciting slow

1. 100m dash 2.canoe/kayak 3.boxing 4.volleyball 5.skating 6.football 7.weightlifting 8.table tennis

9.equestrian 10.archery 11. Badminton12.balance beam 13. basketball 14. Hockey15. tennis 16. baseball

Read the following list of events or issues, underline the event or issue which directly related to the development of the modern football game. Neglect those that had no direct impact on the development of the modern version.

horse racing, hunting and fishing a weekend pastime Queen Victoria banned football. Rugbyoutlawing the carrying of the ball in the hands in the 19th The king of England once banned football. Mexican culturevillage greens as playground Oliver Cromwell was a football fan.a war game in ancient Romethe slavery system the founding of the Football Association in the 19th century

long since: if something has long since happened, it happened a long time ago

• e.g.

• I've long since forgiven her for what she did.

• I’ve long since forgotten what our quarrel was about.

• Other staff had long since gone home

ban: vt. to officially forbid sth


1.Smoking is banned in the building

2.ban sb from doing sthCharlie's been banned from driving for a year

nevertheless: adv. (formal) in spite of a fact that you have just mentioned


1.It was a terrible accident. Nevertheless, air travel is still the safest form of transportation.

2.What you said was true. It was, nevertheless, a little unkind

be in danger of (doing) sth: be in a situation when it is possible you may be killed or injured by sth d



1.Some of the children were in danger of starvation

2.My friend is in danger of losing life.( = My friend’s life is in danger.)

save sb/sth (from sth/doing sth): make or keep sb/sth safe ( from death, harm, loss, et


1.The policeman saved the children from the fire

2.It is almost too late to save the rainforest from destruction.

come into being/existence: enter into a state, activity


1.This first worker’s league came into being

2.The Red Army came into being after the defeat of the first great revolution.

object: vi. to feel or say that you oppose or disapprove of something


1.His supporters will certainly object if he is fired.

2. object to such treatment/to being treated like this.

outlaw: to completely stop something by making it illegal


1.Drugs like opium have been outlawed except for medical purposes

2.Slavery was not officially outlawed in Australia until 1898.

in the process: while you are doing something or something is happening


1.I started moving the China ornaments but dropped a vase in the proces.

2.I spilt the coffee, burning myself in the process.

足球是一项很古老的运动。古罗马人、中国人和墨西哥人都玩踢球的游戏。对罗马人而言足球是一场战争游戏,在这场游戏中,两支士兵队用任何可能的暴力使球突破对方的防线。罗马帝国早已灰飞烟灭,但这种军营的暴力游戏仍在继续——并且还相当凶暴。 中世纪,有一种“足球”盛行于意大利、法兰西、英格兰和苏格兰,但由于这种游戏很危险,所以国王们下令将它禁止了,长达 300年足球一直遭受官方的强烈反对。然而, 1613 年英格兰国王自己却破例在乡下欣赏“音乐和足球比赛”。数年后,英国独裁者奥立佛•克伦威尔在大学期间就踢自己玩起了足球。


足球然而,到了 18 世纪末,足球在西欧真正濒临消失的危险。奇怪的是,英国“公学”将它从灭绝中救了回来。这些公学(其实是私立学校)里富有的年轻人无处狩猎、钓鱼、骑马或用别的什么来消耗体力;课外他们能做的就是在学校空地上踢球。他们玩的就是他们经常在乡下草地上看到的游戏,也就是被国王禁止的那种游戏。渐渐地每个学校都开始形成自己独特的风格和规定。 到了维多利亚时代,热情的中学生们开始为过去一直属于军队或乡村的粗野游戏起草规则。他们还把这种游戏带到了大学。为了让在中学踢法各异的足球运动得以在大学顺利进行,需要确立更多的规则。这样,足协便应运而生。然而有一所公学拒绝合作。该校代表反对这种新的大众化的游戏。这所学校—— Rugby (“英式橄榄球” rugby即源自该校名——译注)——抛开新协会而按自己的方式用一种椭圆形球来玩,这种球可以用脚踢,也可以用手拿。于是,足球和橄榄球就此诞生并分道扬镳了。

1863 年足协批准了一项规定:禁止用手持球,只能用脚控球。这种足球和



有些规则更像橄榄球的而不像足球的。到 19 世纪 70 年代初,快速、





Part III Extended Activities

• Dictation

• Read more

• Grammar work

• Word formation

• Vocabulary work

• Translation

Dictation• Script of the Dictation In the 1970s, Pele retired from the national team

of Brazil and became a professional player for a team in New York. Soccer wasn’t very popular in the United States at that time. Few North Americans knew about this fast-moving sport. There was no money to pay professional players, and there was little interest in soccer in the high schools and colleges. When Pele and other international stars began playing in various U.S. cities, people saw how interesting the game was and began to go to the matches. Today there is a professional league called the North American Soccer League. It is common for important games to have fifty to sixty thousand fans.

Read more• True/False/Not Mentioned

– Answers: F, F, NM, NM, T, F, T, F

• Topics for discussion

1. What is the most important factor that makes football a popular sport in the world in the present day?

2. Comment on the future of football in China.

3. What is your opinion about football as a professional sport?

Grammar work1. Original: The apple trees in our new garden look like no

t more than a branch. They are too young to bear fruit.

Correct: The apple trees in our new garden look like no more than (or nothing more than/ not … much more than) a branch. They are too young to bear fruit.

2. Original: We met Jane but no Elizabeth.

Correct: We met Jane but not Elizabeth.

3. Original: The FA developed football and standardised.

Correct: The FA developed and standardized football.

Grammar work4. Original: You may speak both English and Chinese at the

meeting. Correct: You may speak either English or Chinese at the


5. Original: These boys not only play football very well, but rugby .

Correct: These boys not only play football, but play rugby as well/too.

6. Original: James is not a good player as his father. Correct: James is not as good a player as his father is.

7. Original: Either Tom and Jim has your pen. Correct: Either Tom or Jim has your pen.

Word formation• Answers:

1. a thing (the stove on which you cook); the person who cooks is a cook/chef.

2. a thing; the person who types is a typist.3. a person or a thing; a person who has a ticket, e.g. for a

football match; a kind of wallet for holding tickets, such as a 30-day pass for the bus.

4. a thing5. a person or a thing; a person who cleans; a substance

of instrument for cleaning6. a person or a thing; a person who smokes; a short

name for a seat in the smoking area of a public place.7. a person, someone who drinks a lot of alcoholic

beverage.8. a person, who is in charge of some work
