Unit 1 Welcome to the Internet: the Tools of the Trade


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Unit 1

Welcome to the Internet: the Tools of the Trade

Welcome to the Internet: Background Info

Network Connection

•User will usually dial up from home, or has dedicated connection at work/school. Servers should have a dedicated connection.

What would happen if they didn’t? Hint: what’s the difference between a dedicated connection and a dial-up connection?

Background Info

Keep the Client / Server model in mind; Browser application (Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer) installed on user’s computer is the client for the HTML coded files on the server.

Background Info

A Web page is made up of tags defining how text, and graphics will be displayed and Hyperlinks, which can be used to transfer the browser to another location within the same site/page or to another site/page located anywhere on the Internet. Today it is common to use Hyperlinks to access audio/video files.

Background Info

Background Info


Background Info

A Web Site is made up of directories and files stored on a server which is connected to the Internet

Web servers can host multiple Websites simultaneously

Background Info

Internet Clients and Servers:

Lesson 1

Quick Browser and Operating System Know-How

Welcome to the Internet

There are two browsers that dominate:

– Internet Explorer– Netscape Navigator

Graphical User Interface– Click pictures called Icons– Underlined words called

hypertext links

Communicating with the Internet

To open your browser, click the icon on the desktop

Or, click the icon on the Windows taskbar or Macintosh Dock

Review the Key Parts of Your Browser

Menu bar


Pull-down menu

Changing Windows and Scrolling Around

Windows Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons

Macintosh Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons

Changing Windows and Scrolling Around

Click and drag the lower corner in and out to resize a window

View more of the page by clicking scroll bars and dragging them.

Saving, Moving, and Deleting Files and Folders

Windows list, icon, and thumbnail views

Saving, Moving, and Deleting Files and Folders

To create a folder:– From the File menu,

select New Folder to create a new folder

To delete a folder or file:– Drag the folder to the

Recycle Bin or Trash

Downloading Web Pages

From the File menu, select Save as…

Enter homepage.html for the file name

Find the folder you created

Click Save


Downloading Graphics

Right-click or click and hold an image on a web page

From the menu, select Save Picture As…

In the save dialog box, enter mypicture.gif or mypicture.jpg


Moving Files

Locate your folder

Create a new folder called Downloads

Drag your downloaded files onto your Downloads folder to move them

Copying and Pasting Text

Open your word processor Launch your browser Select some text From the Edit menu, select

Copy Switch to your word processor From the Edit menu, choose


Copying and Pasting Images

Right-click or click and hold an image on a Web page

Choose Copy Image (or Copy)

Switch to your word processor

From the Edit menu, choose Paste

Or, right-click in document and select paste.

Lesson 2

Through the Looking Glass: A Browser Primer

Introduce Yourself to Your Browser’s Tools

Title bar Back button Forward button Home button Address box Search tool

Introduce Yourself to Your Browser’s Tools

Title bar Back button Forward button Home button Address box Search tool

“Address Please”-Entering Internet Addresses

A Web address is known as the Uniform Resource Locator or URL

You enter Web addresses into the Address or Location Box

The Toolbar: One-Click Commands

Choose the Back button to take you back to a previous site

Choose the Forward button to take you to a page futures came back from

The Toolbar: One-Click Commands

Choose the Home to quickly jump to your browser’s homepage

Choose the Stop button to stop loading a page before finishes

The Toolbar: One-Click Commands

Choose the Refresh/Reload button to load your current Web page again

Using the History Folder

The History folder keeps track of sites that you have visited and their addresses

Adding to Favorites/Bookmarks

Use the Favorites/Bookmarks option to keep track of sites that you visit frequently

Lesson 3

Wwwhat? Understanding Net Addresses

Hyper About Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks allow you to point your mouse at words or pictures, click once, and jump to another page instantly

The mouse pointer turns to a hand when passing over links

How Hyperlinks Work

URLs are like street addresses for the Web

A street address has as many as six parts:– (1) A name– (2) A street address– (3) A city– (4) A state– (5) A ZIP code– (6) A national code (from overseas)

(1)John Doe (2)1234 Anywhere Street(3)Santa Clause, (4)CA (5)09876 (6)USA

How Hyperlinks Work

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) serve the same purpose as a street address to help locate resources on the Web

A URL has three parts:– (1) The Web server with a Web page is located– (2) The folder(s) the Web page is in– (3) The actual name of the file


Creating Hypertext Links

Hidden HTML tags make hyperlinks or “links” work

They are written similar to this:<a href=“http://www.disney.com”>Click to link to Disney’s Web Site</a>

This link appears on the screen as this: Click to link to Disney’s Web site

Domain Names and IP Numbers

URLs contain domain names such as apple.com, microsoft.com and abc.com

Computers have an Internet Protocol (IP) numbers such as that identify it on the Internet.

A Domain Name Server (DNS) matches an IP number with its domain name

Top-level Domain Names

Top-level domain names (TLDs) tell you what kind of identity owns a particular domain name

The first top-level domain names to appear on the net were:.com Commercial institutions or businesses.edu Educational institutions.gov Government sites.mil Military sites.net Network gateways.org Organizations.int International organizations

Lesson 4

Beyond the Looking Glass: Your Dream Browser

Toggling the Toolbar and Status Bar

You can customize your browser to fit your needs

Use the View menu to toggle toolbars on or off

You can also click buttons on your toolbar to change views as well

Changing Font Options

Choose Fonts in the Internet Options or Preferences to change your font options

You can use the View menu to increase or decrease the font size in your Web browser

Changing Colors

You can change the color of hyperlinks, fonts, and the background in your browser

Choose Colors in the Internet Options or Preferences to change your colors

Faster Browsing

To browse the Web faster, such as when you are on a modem or have a slow connection, you can turn certain options off

For example, to browse the Web more quickly, you can turn images off and then load them as you need them

Go to your Internet Options, or Preferences to turn multimedia options on or off

Lesson 4

Beyond the Looking Glass: Your Dream Browser

Toggling the Toolbar and Status Bar

You can customize your browser to fit your needs

Use the View menu to toggle toolbars on or off

You can also click buttons on your toolbar to change views as well

Changing Font Options

Choose Fonts in the Internet Options or Preferences to change your font options

You can use the View menu to increase or decrease the font size in your Web browser

Changing Colors

You can change the color of hyperlinks, fonts, and the background in your browser

Choose Colors in the Internet Options or Preferences to change your colors

Faster Browsing

To browse the Web faster, such as when you are on a modem or have a slow connection, you can turn certain options off

For example, to browse the Web more quickly, you can turn images off and then load them as you need them

Go to your Internet Options, or Preferences to turn multimedia options on or off