Unit 1 Growing Up I.Lead-inLead-in II.Language PointsLanguage Points III.Text AnalysisText Analysis...


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Unit 1 Growing Up

I. Lead-inII. Language Points III. Text Analysis IV. Writing

Background Information

John Lennon: was an English rock musician and cofounder of the famous band the Beatles, the most lauded (praised) and influential rock group of all time.

Background Information

Background Information

Chronology of John Lennon

--- October 9, 1940

Born John Winston Lennon, in Liverpool , England. --- September 1957, Enrolled at Liverpool College of Art.

-- August 23, 1962 Married college girlfriend Cynthia Powell (divorced 1968).

Background Information

Background Information

-- February 19, 1963

Please Please Me reached Number One in the U.K. charts.

-- February 12, 1964

The Beatles started their first U.S. tour.

Background Information

-- June 15, 1965

The Beatles received MBEs(Member of the

Order of the British Empire) from Queen

Elizabeth Ⅱ

Background Information

--- March 14, 1969

Married Yoko Ono.

-- November 25, 1969

Lennon returned his MBE in peace protest.

Background Information

-- December 8, 1980

Shot dead outside his apartment in the Dakota building in New York City. The killer was a crazed fan, Mark Chapman, who had recently obtained Lennon’s autograph( 亲笔签名 ).

Background Information

The U.S Grade School System before schooling → pre-school (kids under five go to Day Nursery)→Kindergarten: under 5 →elementary/primary school (grade 1-6: 6-11 years old) →junior high/middle school (grades7-8:12-13 years old) →senior high school (grades 7-8: 14-18 years old) → college, institute, academy , university


Whose essay did Mr. Fleagle read to the class? How did the class respond?

Which paragraph in this part gives readers the impression that Baker’s essay was very good?

Why did Baker feel so delighted?

inspire   (v.) put uplifting thoughts, feelings, or

aims into 激励;鼓励

His mother’s words His mother’s words inspired inspired confidenceconfidence in himin him. .



The man inspires dislike in us. 那人经常引起我们的厌恶 .

→ inspire sb with sth e.g. ---His father inspires his son with confidence.

---His father inspires confidence in his son.

→ inspire sb to n/do sth e.g. ---The teacher inspire us to greater efforts. (老师激励我们更加努力)

inspiring (adj.) making one feel enthusiastic or excited about something 激励或鼓舞人心的

Brazilian Ronaldinho is ______________________ ___________.巴西人罗纳尔迪尼奥是一位有着天赋和激情的足球运动员。

Ding Junhui is __________________ to young Chinese snooker players. 对于年轻的中国斯诺克台球运动员来说,丁俊晖就是一个鼓舞人心的榜样。

an inspiring example_

a talented and inspiring football star

spirit-lifting 鼓舞的 uplifting 鼓舞人心的 upbeat (optimistic; cheerful) 乐观的;欢乐的

inspiration 1) person or thing that inspires


Her mother was Her mother was a constant a constant inspirationinspiration to her. to her.



inspiration 2) influence(s) arousing creative

activity in literature, music, art, etc. 灵感

---- Many painters tend to draw their ---- Many painters tend to draw their inspirationinspiration from nature. from nature.



take hold: become established

→ The idea of one child only has taken hold

in many Chinese families.

→ Old habits die hard. That’s why you

should stop smoking before the habit takes hold.

turn out: produce

e.g. --- American film studios turn out hundreds of films each year.

turn out: ◎ prove + N./adj./to V. ◎ turn out + N./adj./ to V. e.g. --- He turns out a bad guy. --- Your method turned out effective.

turn out: appear

e.g. --- The police turned out in force that day

severe: completely plain; stern, strict;

e.g. --- a severe black dress 普通的黑裙子

--- his severe writing style 朴实的写作风格

--- severe training 严格的训练

severe : causing very great pain, difficulty, worry

e.g. --- in the climate of severe business

competition 在激烈的商业竞争形势中

sequence: connected line of events, ideas, etc.

in sequence 顺次,换次 in rapid sequence 紧接着 in regular sequence 按次序 the sequence of events 事情的先后


consequent (文语)因…的结果而引起的,必然 的( following as effect

resulting )

consequential: ( following as an effect or outcome )

e.g. ---The recession has a consequent

impact on jobs. ---The war and the consequential

collapse of his dictatorship.

More to learn:

sequential ( sequent ) 相继发生的,随之而来的

e.g. --- sequential data processing 序列数据处理

subsequent (作为结果)接着发生的 ( before a noun ) e.g.---the subsequent change in her


anticipate → expect

anticipate ving/that clause expect to do sth/that clause

---The police had anticipated trouble from the soccer fans. --- We anticipated running into (troubles) problems in carrying out the medical welfare reform.


Line 3~ 4Until then I’d been bored by everything associated with English courses.

What can we infer from this sentence?

He didn’t like English courses.

Up to then he had lost interest in English courses.

He didn’t like English courses.

Up to then he had lost interest in English courses.


Line 4 ~ 6 I hated the assignments to turn out

long, lifeless paragraphs that were agony for teachers to read and for me to write.


I found it painful to write long, boring essays as required by teachers; neither did teachers enjoy what I wrote.


I found it painful to write long, boring essays as required by teachers; neither did teachers enjoy what I wrote.


Line 7 - 8 When our class was assigned to Mr.

Fleagle for third-year English I anticipated another cheerless year in that most tedious of subjects.

What does another cheerless year mean? the author expected English courses to be as boring as before.the author expected English courses to be as boring as before.

Part Division Parts Lines Main Ideas

Baker was bored by everything associated with English courses, including essay writing.

Baker found himself attracted by one particular topic and wrote about it for his own joy.

The experience of writing the essay helped him discover his talent for writing and realize what he wished to do in life.







Writing -- Narration

A narrative comprises details. It is important to remember only those details that help bring out the main idea of the narrative are useful and effective. When selecting details, therefore, you should keep in mind your purpose in writing the narrative.

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