(UNI150) Reflection Assigment




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Heston AllredUNI 150, Section 83086October 4, 2010I feel the topic of science, technology, engineering and mathematics is the most suited to me out of my top results on the Kuder Assessment Assignment. I feel this way because science and technology are things that I am very interested in learning more about. My major is currently Bioengineering, which has a lot to do with all of the topics listed in the title. Elements of math, technology, science and obviously engineering are necessary in being an effective bioengineer. Furthermore I have always found science interesting growing up and have always liked learning how things work and how to build things. I feel the second category from the assessment that is most suited me is the agriculture, food, and natural resources category. I think this is because I have always liked the outdoors and nature. The types of jobs associated with agriculture and natural resources are often outside.The three majors at ASU that interest me the most are Bioengineering, premedical engineering, and landscape architecture. I like bioengineering because many of the job applications are hands on and you get to build or maintain devices that have to do with the human body. I am also very interested and fascinated by the human body and life in general so this major covers lots of my interests. I like landscape architecture because it also has to do with bioengineering and also has to do with architecture which I am interested in and its landscape so it outdoors.I found the fact that bioengineers on average make a salary of about $77,000. I liked that surgeons specialize in the treatment of disease, injury, and deformity by

performing surgery, which sounds very interesting to me. Also, one of the most prevalent specialties in surgery is orthopedic surgery. That is what I would like to study so for that reason I found it intersting.I think this information helps give me a clearer picture of exactly what my major is. It also helped me to be surer that I was really interested in my major because I could compare it to others. Also, it helped me realize that there are some other majors that are appealing to me so I should keep weighing my options and if I ever want to I can change without being worried because I am more informed now.Word Count: 393