UK Carpet… · Furniture -...


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UK Carpet Care T�ARPET�ARE

Professional Carpet and Upholstery cleaners .............. , ........... .


Pre-inspection - Identify carpet fibre, construction, : history and soiling . •..••..•..•..•..•..••..: Stain Removal - Attempt stain removal to identified : areas with appropriate techniques . . •..•.. . •..•..•..:. • •..:

: Neutraliser rinse - Rinse and extract all broken soils in fibres with approporiate rinsing solution to

ensure correct PH level of fibres.

Rotary absoprtion - Absorb and warm carpet fibres to remove as much excess moisture as

possible to speed drying.

• •••••••••••••••••••••

Power Vacuum - Remove all insoluble dust and hairs etc. Move furniture if applicable.

Combination - Rotary agitation.

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• Clean the edges - Clean all edges and hard to

reach areas.


Check bonnet - Inspect bonnet to ensure complete removal of soil.

