“TURN YOUR NEGATIVE THINKING TO POSITIVE” Life could be so much better for many people,if they...


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Life could be so much better for many people,if they would just spot their negative thinking habits and replace them with positive ones.




Situation 1 says:

I will be happy once I have a house, a car…………

My solution says: Learn to be happy with what you have ,where you are right at this moment.

Situation 2 says:

I wish I were as pretty, as talented as everyone else.

My solution says: Stop comparing yourself to others and look at your strengths and successes however small

Situation 3 says:

Seeing others becoming successful makes me jealous and resentful.

My solution says: Look not at those above you in the social ladder but those below you

Situation 4 says:

I am a miserable failure …….I can not seem to do anything right.

My solution says: See your successes and ignore your failures.

Situation 5 says:

I am going to beat so and so no matter what…..I am better than him. And there is no way I will help him succeed….he might beat me.

My solution says: Learn to think in terms of abundance rather than scarcity.

Situation 6 says:

Why do these bad things always happen to me?

My solution says: See bad things as part of the ebb and flow of life.

Situation 7 says:

You cannot do anything right! why can’t you be like……

My solution says: Take the mistakes or bad behaviours of others as an opportunity to teach

Situation 8 says:

Your work frustrates. It’s super lame.

My solution says: Learn to interact with people in a more positive way …it makes others feel good and it makes you feel better yourself.

Situation 9 says:Insulting people in retaliation.

My solution says: Try to understand their problems more and what problems are they going through?

Situation 10 says:I don’t think I can do this …..may be some other time.

My solution says: Find ways to make yourself a success at your goal. If you fail try again…

Thanks in millions for the patient hearing……..

Have a wonderful Saturday….
