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Health is the most important part of human life, both physically and spiritually

healthy. No exception to children - children, every parent wants their children to grow and

develop optimally, this can be achieved if their bodies healthy. Oral health is a state where

the teeth and mouth are in a condition free from the smell of the mouth, gums and teeth

strength is good, the absence of plaque and tartar, tooth in a state of white and clean, and has

good strength.

To achieve oral health is optimal, it must be treated regularly. Treatment can range

from attention to diet eat, do not eat too many foods that contain sugar and sticky foods.

Cleaning of plaque and food scraps left by brushing, techniques and how not to damage the

structure of teeth and gums. Cleaning of tartar and tooth decay fillings by dentists, as well as

extraction of teeth that can no longer be maintained. Regular visits to the dentist needed done

regularly every 6 months either no complaints or no complaints. Gums such as cavities and

tartar and bad breath problem.

Keeping Dental and Oral HealthTeeth not only has the function to chew food but also

have functions that support ekstetika beauty. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the

cleanliness and health. Do not let the less-damaged teeth kept clean.

Damage to teeth can also cause disturbances in other organs. Complications of the disease

spreading to other organs due to dental health problems are common. To that end, dental

health should be properly addressed.

Recommend early dental care. Do not wait for dental problems then visit the dentist.

Teeth that are treated early will be healthy and free from problems and dental health

problems as we mature.White teeth are not necessarily healthy. Healthy teeth and gums must

be supported with strong roots. Actually, to get healthy teeth, does not require a hard effort.

Here are some ways to keep your oral health:

Brushing your teeth after each meal in a good way.

Try to reach and clean the entire surface of the tooth.

Use a good toothbrush, a soft and did not hurt the gums.

Using a toothpaste containing substances are needed, such as fluoride and calcium.


Use a mouthwash after brushing your teeth to kill bacteria that teringgal in between


Avoid foods that are too hot or too cold and sweet and sticky foods on the teeth.

A. Caring for Sensitive Teeth

When a tooth ache when drinking cold water or eating food when it is sour or sweet

tooth category sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth will be more susceptible to dental disease.

Therefore, take extra care not to damage the tooth. Factors most likely to cause tooth

sensitivity is:

Incorrect tooth brushing habits. Excessive pressure when brushing can make the gums

become irritated, causing cavities, tooth enamel thinning, can even cause damage to the tooth


In this condition there is an unhealthy mouth plaque or tartar which became the

breeding of germs. Corals are also too long can irritate the teeth and cause bad breath.

The buildup of food debris in the teeth meeting. Eventually, the leftovers are piled up and

gradually mengirisitasi gums, causing tooth loss.

B. Dental Care With HD Products

Prevention is better than cure. When a tooth is damaged terlajur, it would be slulit to

return to a healthy state. Begin oral care early. Use toothpaste that is able to support dental


High-Desert Polifrez, toothpaste gel that is a combination of bee propolis and tea tree oil, can

help the health of your teeth and mouth. The content can help overcome the tartar and plaque

as well as providing a fresh taste on the breath. In addition to inhibiting the formation of

plaque, High-Desert Polifrez can also help overcome gingivitis, helps inhibit harmful

organisms and bacteria in the mouth and helps whiten teeth. Oral hygiene are poor not only

cause bad breath, tooth decay and gingivitis, but also increases the risk of heart disease and

other health problems. Maintaining oral hygiene is the window toward healthy living for

more than 90% of the materials that enter your body through your mouth.

Five steps to make sure your oral hygiene:

1. Brushing teeth

The main key dental hygiene is brushing teeth properly on a regular basis. Here is the correct

way of brushing your teeth:


Place the brush at a 45 ° angle against the gums.

Perform a light brushing motion from right to left and vice versa.

Do the same on the inside and the outside of the teeth.

Brush the surface of the teeth that you use to chew.

Brush the inside of the front teeth and light vertically up and down with the


Brush at least twice a day and if possible after eating.

Brushing your teeth for at least three minutes.

Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods or beverages. The

combined effect of acid and brushing can erode tooth enamel.

2. Gargling with antiseptic

You can refine brush by rinsing using antiseptic solution to kill bacteria that cause

plaque in places that are not affordable gear.

3. Cleaning between the teeth

You also need to make sure cleaning sidelines between teeth with interdental cleaning.

Depending on the size of the space between the teeth, do the following treatments: Dental

floss (floss). Dental floss is the best way to clean the space between the teeth. Waxed dental

floss (waxed floss) is a convenient tool for better glide and less frilly. Take a piece of dental

floss (approximately 40 cm), hold it tightly between the fingers of both hands and clean the

space between the teeth to move up and down. The use of dental floss may require several


Toothpick. Good Toothpicks made of wood and has a tapered shape that fits in the space

between the teeth. Put a toothpick upright as much as possible in between the teeth between

the teeth where there is dirt stuck. Remove dirt with a toothpick. Brush between the teeth.

Inter-dental brush brush head is ideal for smaller large space between the teeth and between

the teeth and braces that are difficult to clean with a regular toothbrush. The use of inter-

dental brush does not replace the need to brush your teeth, but in addition to your dental

hygiene routine.

4. Chewing gum.

The use of sugar-free gum can be beneficial to your dental health. Chewing gum can clean

the teeth as usual sweetener xylitol gum contains beneficial bacteria inhibit the growth of


streptococcus to reduce cavities and plaque. In addition, chewing activity also stimulates the

production of saliva, which is a natural protection against tooth decay.

5. Brushing the tongue

Cleaning the tongue with a toothbrush or tongue scrapers eliminate the buildup of

bacteria, food debris, fungi, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue. Bacteria and coral

that grow on the tongue associated with common oral problems. In addition, bacterial decay

produces sulfur compounds on the back of the tongue that causes bad breath.

1.2 Rules of Problem

Is toothache would give affect heart attack?

1.3 The Goal

In order for students to learn about how we maintain oral health, tooth decay and

mouth and can affect heart attacks and other diseases, then of this paper to find out how to

prevent the destruction of the teeth and mouth.

1.4 Benefits

The benefits of writing this paper can enhance the understanding by the reader to avoid

damage to the mouth nd gear.

As the information for all those who experience toothache to better keep the teeth in both

the present and for the next.




2.1. Definition Dental Caries

Caries is derived from the Latin meaning caries decay. Dental caries is a regressive

chronic process that begins with the dissolution of minerals as a result of disruption of email

balance between email and its surroundings caused by microbial acid formation of the

substrate so that the resulting destruction of organic components which finally happened

cavity.In other words, where the process is going to keep going to the deeper part of the

tooth thus forming a hole that can not be repaired by the body through the process of

healing, this process occurs demineralization caused by the interaction of bacteria,

carbohydrates corresponding to the tooth surface and time.4, 13Caries progression can vary

between one and another person from the population of one and other populations.

2.2. Dental Anatomy

Teeth has several parts: the roots of the teeth, is part of a tooth that is embedded in the

bone jaw surrounded (protected) by periodontal. Network gear is part of the teeth that can be

seen. c. Cusps are pointed or blunt protrusions found on the crown. Figure 2.1. Anatomy

Teeth17 (University of North Sumatra,2004)

2.3. Tooth surfaces The names are used to indicate the tooth surface is:

Occlusal surface: molar chewing surface and pre-molar teeth.

Mesial surface: the surface closest to the center line of the body.

Lingual surfaces: the surface closest to the tongue in the lower jaw, in upper jaw

called the palatal surfaces.

Distal surfaces: the surface farthest from the center line.

Buccal surface: the surface closest to the lips and cheeks.

Incisal edge: teeth-incisors and canine teeth have cutting edge instead of the occlusal

surface. University of North Sumatra

Proximal surfaces: surfaces adjacent to its location.


2.4. Dental Network

a. Enamel

Enamel is a substance that is not his cell and is also the only components in the

human body that has no reparative power because itenamel regeneration is not possible. The

structure of tooth enamel is a complex chemical composition, consisting mostly of 97%

mineral (calcium, phosphate, carbonate, and fluoride), 1% water and 2% organic

matter,located in a crystalline pattern. Due to the enamel composition as the ions in the oral

fluids can entry into the inner enamel and this allows the transport of ions through the

enamel surface to the outer surface resulting in a change enamel.18

b. Dentin

As well as enamel, dentin consists of calcium and phosphorus but with proportions

Higher protein (mainly collagen). Dentin is a vital network dentinnya tubules containing

cytoplasmic extension odontoblas. Cells odontoblas surrounding the pulp chamber and its

survival depends on providing. Blood and lymphatic drainage of pulp tissue. Therefore the

sensitive dentin University of North Sumatra wide range of stimuli, eg heat and cold as well

as physical damage including damage caused by the drill teeth .19 Cementumm Cementum

is the thin outer cover that is similar in structure to the root bones.19

c. Pulpal

Present in the dental pulp and formed from connective tissue containing veins nerves and

blood vessels that supply the dentin. Nerve fibers is transmit stimuli, such as heat and cold

of the tooth to the brain, where it is experienced as a sense sicks .20 Stimuli that evoke

defense reactions is the stimulation of bacterial (On caries), mechanical stimulation (for

traumatics, invoice teeth, cavity preparation, and tooth wear), and can also be caused by

stimulation of acid such khemis food, toxic dental materials, or that may be dehydrated

dentin occurs when the cavity preparation / drilling teeth.19 University of North



2.5 Avoid the problems of oral health.

2.5.1. Clean your teeth regularly

Purpose of brushing is to eliminate or inhibit the growth of plaque, cleaning the teeth

from fooddebris and staining, stimulates the gum tissue, and apply the toothpaste

containing a special material to prevent cavities, periodontal disease, and reduce the

sensitivity. The time is right brushing after every meal and before bed at night. The duration

of brushing your teeth for approximately 2 minutes, 5-10 movement for each section. In

order to purge the region of the gap between two teeth more leverage, it is recommended to

use dental floss (dental floss). Besides the teeth, brushing the tongue is also necessary to

clean the tongue of debris that can cause bad breath. To further investigate how to brush

teeth properly can read the previous article here Teeth Cleaning.

2.5.2. Avoid consumption of foods and beverages

That are sweet and sticky Sweet and sticky foods such as candy, ice, caramel, soft drinks

and others can cause many dental problems. Expand eat vegetables and fruits are fibrous and

watery good for healthy bones and teeth because it contains vitamin C can increase


2.5.3. Teeth regularly checked by

Dental examinations periodically by visiting the dentist needs to be done at least six

months. In order for the problems of oral health that exist can be addressed as early as

possible. Do not wait until the complaint.

2.6 Five steps to make sure your oral hygiene:

2.6.1. Brushing teeth

The main key dental hygiene is brushing teeth properly on a regular basis. Here is the

correct way of brushing your teeth:

1. Place the brush at a 45 ° angle against the gums.

2. Perform a light brushing motion from right to left and vice versa.

3. Do the same on the inside and the outside of the teeth.

4. Brush the surface of the teeth that you use to chew.


5. Brush the inside of the front teeth and light vertically up and down with the


6. Brush at least twice a day and if possible after eating.

7. Brushing your teeth for at least three minutes.

8. Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods or beverages. The

combined effect of acid and brushing can erode tooth enamel.

2.6.2. Gargling with antiseptic

You can refine brush by rinsing using antiseptic solution to kill bacteria that cause

plaque in places that are not affordable gear.

2.7. Cleaning Between The Teeth

You also need to make sure cleaning the sidelines between teeth with interdental

cleaning. Depending on the size of the space between the teeth, do the following treatments:

2.7.1. Dental floss (floss).

Dental floss is the best way to clean the space between the teeth. Waxed dental floss

(waxed floss) is a convenient tool for better glide and less frilly. Take a piece of dental floss

(approximately 40 cm), hold it tightly between the fingers of both hands and clean the space

between the teeth to move up and down. The use of dental floss may require several


2.7.2. Toothpick.

Good Toothpicks made of wood and has a tapered shape that fits in the space between the

teeth. Put a toothpick upright as much as possible in between the teeth between the teeth

where there is dirt stuck. Remove dirt with a toothpick.

2.7.3. Brush between the teeth.

Inter-dental brush brush head is ideal for smaller large space between the teeth and

between the teeth and braces that are difficult to clean with a regular toothbrush. The use of

inter-dental brush does not replace the need to brush your teeth, but in addition to your

dental hygiene routine.


2.7.4. Chewing gum.

The use of sugar-free gum can be beneficial to your dental health. Chewing gum can

clean the teeth as usual sweetener xylitol gum contains beneficial bacteria inhibit the growth

of streptococcus to reduce cavities and plaque. In addition, chewing activity also stimulates

the production of saliva, which is a natural protection against tooth decay.

2.7.5. Brushing the tongue

Cleaning the tongue with a toothbrush or tongue scrapers eliminate the buildup of

bacteria, food debris, fungi, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue. Bacteria and fungi

that grow on the tongue associated with common oral problems. In addition, bacterial decay

produces sulfur compounds on the back of the tongue that causes bad breath. Good oral

health is essential for your teeth and your overall health. To keep your teeth as long as

possible, to practice proper oral hygiene and learn about the risks associated with oral health

is very important.

2.8 Control And Prevention

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 percent of American

adults over age 65 have lost all their teeth. How do you maintain your oral health would

determine your oral hygiene. In addition, there are other risk factors that may arise due to the

oral cavity that are not clean, as reported bye How.

2.8.1 Mouth cavity

Many people think that children are the only patients who are prone to cavities, but adults

can also get cavities. If you eat a lot of foods rich in carbohydrates, such as bread, candy,

cookies and soda, without proper oral care, plaque can appear in your teeth. Plaque gnawing

teeth and causing a small hole appeared.

2.8.2 Mouth Odor

Having good oral health is essential to avoid bad breath. Bad breath, called halitosis, can

result when food particles get stuck in your mouth. Bacteria accumulate and cause an

unpleasant smell. Flossing and brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a

day can reduce or prevent bad breath. Brush and clean your tongue every time you brush

your teeth because the back of the tongue vulnerable to bacteria.


2.8.3 Periodontal Disease

Good oral health can help prevent periodontal disease. The first stage of periodontal

disease is called gingivitis. Gingivitis is triggered by the formation of plaque on your teeth.

Plaques will affect your gums, making the gums appear swollen and red. Your gums may

bleed when you brush your teeth. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress

menjadiperiodontitis, which causes the bone and tissue that support your teeth deteriorate.

2.8.4 Heart Disease

Good oral health can save your life. Bacteria from your mouth due to improper dental

care can enter your bloodstream. It can cause blood clots to form in the arteries, which can

lead to stroke or heart attack.




Teeth is one of the organs in the body of mammals (including humans) that

functions in the digestive system. Gigi is an external organ in the human digestive tract

that help tear food so food that goes into the internal organs will be easily digested. In

ancient times, people do not really pay attention to your teeth and give special attention

as today. Previously differently. With growing age, the more teeth called attention to the

community because of the many problems that present on the tooth.

1. Oral hygiene are poor not only cause bad breath, tooth decay and gingivitis, but also

increases the risk of heart disease and other health problems. Maintaining oral hygiene is

the window toward healthy living for more than 90% of the materials that enter your

body through your mouth. Choosing a toothpaste and toothbrushes are sold in grocery

stores and pharmacies is not always easy because of the many choices available. Here

are a few things that may be a consideration in choosing. Choose a toothbrush with soft

furry little head can reach places that are difficult, especially the space between the teeth.

Do not buy a stiff bristle brush because it would be too hard for the teeth and gums. Feel

free to change your toothbrush is not neat feathers, at least every three months. Purpose

of brushing is to eliminate or inhibit the growth of plaque, cleaning the teeth from food

debris and staining, stimulates the gum tissue, and apply the toothpaste containing a

special material to prevent cavities, periodontal disease, and reduce the sensitivity. The

time is right brushing after every meal and before bed at night. The duration of brushing

your teeth for approximately 2 minutes, 5-10 movement for each section. In order to

purge the region of the gap between two teeth more leverage, it is recommended to use

dental floss (dental floss). Besides the teeth, brushing the tongue is also necessary to

clean the tongue of debris that can cause bad breath. To further investigate how to brush

teeth properly can read the previous article here Teeth Cleaning.

2. Avoid consumption of foods and beverages that are sweet and sticky Sweet and

sticky foods such as candy, ice, caramel, soft drinks and others can cause many dental

problems. Expand eat vegetables and fruits are fibrous and watery good for healthy

bones and teeth because it contains vitamin C can increase endurance. Examples are


broccoli, watermelon, oranges, apples and so on. It should also avoid foods that are too

hot or cold foods can cause bad breath, and avoid smoking.

3. Teeth regularly checked by Dental examinations periodically by visiting the dentist

needs to be done at least six months. In order for the problems of oral health that exist

can be addressed as early as possible. Do not wait until the complaint. If the toothbrush

bristles are not uniform after ten days of usage, you are brushing too strong! Do not

scrub too hard! Conversely, if the toothbrush still looks new after 4 months of usage, it

means you do not brush your teeth often enough or too cautious. After brushing your

teeth, look at the results. If you still see the plaque (white precipitate), repeat brushing

gently in the parts that are still dirty. Five steps to make sure your oral hygiene:

1. Brushing teeth

The main key dental hygiene is brushing teeth properly on a regular basis. Here is

the correct way of brushing your teeth:Place the brush at a 45 ° angle against the gums.

Perform a light brushing motion from right to left and vice versa. Do the same on the

inside and the outside of the teeth. Brush the surface of the teeth that you use to chew.

Brush the inside of the front teeth and light vertically up and down with the movement.

Brush at least twice a day and if possible after eating. Brushing your teeth for at least

three minutes. Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods or

beverages. The combined effect of acid and brushing can erode tooth enamel.

2. Gargling with antiseptic

You can refine brush by rinsing using antiseptic solution to kill bacteria that cause

plaque in places that are not affordable gear.

3. Cleaning between the teeth

You also need to make sure kebersihkan sidelines between teeth with interdental

cleaning. Depending on the size of the space between the teeth, do the following

treatments: Dental floss (floss). Dental floss is the best way to clean the space between

the teeth. Waxed dental floss (waxed floss) is a convenient tool for better glide and less

frilly. Take a piece of dental floss (approximately 40 cm), hold it tightly between the

fingers of both hands and clean the space between the teeth to move up and down. The

use of dental floss may require several sessions.


4. Chewing gum.

The use of sugar-free gum can be beneficial to your dental health. Chewing gum can

clean the teeth as usual sweetener xylitol gum contains beneficial bacteria inhibit the

growth of streptococcus to reduce cavities and plaque. In addition, chewing activity also

stimulates the production of saliva, which is a natural protection against tooth decay.

5. Brushing the tongue

Cleaning the tongue with a toothbrush or tongue scrapers eliminate the buildup of

bacteria, food debris, fungi, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue. Bacteria and

fungi that grow on the tongue associated with common oral problems. In addition,

bacterial decay produces sulfur compounds on the back of the tongue that causes bad






Oral health is good, it is part of overall health, can add age and prolong life, enabling

them to not only live longer, but also to extend active involvement in all activities in the

community. And to be the realization of oral health services to improve the quality of life, all

the parties in this case the government, professional organizations, the private sector and the

public should be able to carry out their respective roles very well especially in the field of

oral health care.


In order for tooth enamel, no damage, you need to limit any kind of sweet and sour.

Reduce your intake of foods and beverages that taste sweet and sour, like a candy sweet,

white wine, orange juice, and foods made from starch because it will damage your teeth only.

Avoid consumption of foods and beverages that are sweet and sticky Sweet and sticky foods

such as candy, ice, caramel, soft drinks and others can cause many dental problems. Expand

eat vegetables and fruits are fibrous and watery good for healthy bones and teeth because it

contains vitamin C can increase endurance. Examples are broccoli, watermelon, oranges,

apples and so on. It should also avoid foods that are too hot or cold foods can cause bad

breath, and avoid smoking.