TTTC Ch. 10-17 vocabulary. 5 steps for vocab journals 1)Write word and page number 2)Write sentence...


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TTTC Ch. 10-17 vocabulary

5 steps for vocab journals

1) Write word and page number

2) Write sentence with word from the book

3) Write you own definition

4) Write the actual definition and part of speech

5) Write your own sentence using the vocab word

• eccentricity 117 • talisman 118• invulnerable 118• pagoda 119• monastery 121• cadres 128• piasters 129• bivouacked 144• feigned 156• reproached 156• catharsis 157• complicity 160• tactically 169• happenstance 175

Eccentricitypart of speech: noun

: the quality or state of being eccentric : deviation from an established pattern or norm; : odd or whimsical behavior


part of speech: noun

• : an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune

• : something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects

Invulnerablepart of speech: adjective

• : incapable of being wounded, injured, or harmed

• : immune to or proof against attack

pagodapart of speech: noun

• : a tower in eastern Asia usually with roofs curving upward at the division of each of several stories and erected as a temple or memorial

Monasterypart of speech: noun

• : a house for persons under religious vows; : an establishment for monks

Cadrespart of speech: noun

• : frame, framework

• : a nucleus or core group especially of trained personnel able to assume control and to train others; : a group of people having some unifying relationship <a of lawyers>

• : a cell of indoctrinated leaders active in promoting the interests of a revolutionary party

piastersalso spelled piastrespart of speech: noun

a monetary subunit of the pound

bivouackedpart of speech: verb

• : to make a bivouac : camp

• : to take shelter often temporarily

feignedpart of speech: adjective

• : fictitious

• : not genuine or real

Reproachedpart of speech: verb

• : to express disappointment in or displeasure with (a person) for conduct that is blameworthy or in need of amendment

• : to make (something) a matter of reproach (see 1reproach)

• : to bring into discredit

Catharsispart of speech: noun

• : purgation

• : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension

• : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression


part of speech: noun

• : association or participation in or as if in a wrongful act

• : an instance of complicity

tacticallypart of speech: adverb

• : of or relating to combat tactics: as : of or occurring at the battlefront <a defense> <a first strike> : using or being weapons or forces employed at the battlefront < missiles> : of, relating to, or designed for air attack in close support of friendly ground forces

• of or relating to tactics: as : of or relating to small-

scale actions serving a larger purpose : made or carried out with only a limited or immediate end in view : adroit in planning or maneuvering to accomplish a purpose

Happenstancepart of speech: noun or adjective

• : a circumstance especially that is due to chance
