Trust, Respect, Achievement, Community TRAC Newsletter · Term 2 29th Apr-5th July Term 3 22rd...


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Tumby Bay Area

School Governing


Newsletter Date: Thursday Term 1 WK 3

What's On

LEADERSHIP REPORT GOVERNING COUNCIL The Governing Council AGM is next Tuesday at 7pm in the new STEM Studio. It would be wonderful to see as many families represented as possible. Governing Council is a real opportunity for families to become involved in shaping the culture of our school. We also have many sub-committees you may be interested in, you are welcome to join these without being on our Governing Council and they are another way to be involved and contribute to making our school even more fabulous! INDONESIAN Open Access Indonesian lessons have begun for the R-6 students. The R-2 students will have Penny Ellin as their teacher. Penny is teaching at Lake Wangary School as well as doing Open Access lessons. Penny came to Tumby Bay last week and met her students personally. The Year 3-6 classes have Blake White from Adelaide. She was the teacher last year for most of these students which provides continuity. Blake will visit our school on Thursday next week to meet the students and have a face-to-face lesson with them. SWIMMING CARNIVAL Our swimming Carnival will be held on Friday next week at the Cummins pool. This involves students from year 4-12. The R-3 students will have school as usual that day. Mr Masson and the house captains are busy organising the events and student participation. Students are reminded to be sun-smart. When they are not racing, they will need to wear a rashie or t-shirt, wear a hat and regularly apply sunscreen. Our House Captains will lead their houses with pride and we are looking forward to a great day. SPORTS DAY – ADVANCE NOTICE The date of Sports Day this year will be on Thursday 14

th March. Please note the change of

date from Wednesday 13th March.

PRIMARY SPECIAL PERSONS AFTERNOON – ADVANCE NOTICE On Friday afternoon 22nd March, in the afternoon families/special friends of the Primary students will be invited to come into the classrooms to work with students on a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) project. The times at this stage will be 11.50 – 12.40 for Year 6; 1.20-2.10 for Year 3/4/5; 2.10 – 3.00pm for Year R/1/2. YEAR 12 EVENING On Monday evening, the Year 12 staff, led by Senior School Leader Gavin Hammond, hosted an evening for Year 12 students and their families. This event was held for the first time in 2019 and we hope it will become a feature of our calendar in the future. The night was a great opportunity for families to gain an insight on how to assist their child through Year 12, meet all of the other parents and have the chance to hear from each Year 12 teacher Special thanks to Teena Norton-Fahey and her assistants who provided a delicious tea and the RSL for hosting our event. SEESAW APP Last year, Louise O’Leary trialled the Seesaw app with the parents/caregivers of the Year 1/2 class. Due to the extremely positive feedback from families, we are now extending this to all Primary classes. The Seesaw app allows for quick and easy communication between families and teachers, including photos and messages which are only sent to the appropriate families, maintaining confidentiality. Class teachers will be sending communication regarding this app in the near future. DUX ASSEMBLY Next week on Wednesday, the R-12 Dux assembly will be held at 11am on the 20th February in the hall. We will have great pleasure in presenting this award to Katia Butler who is our proud Dux of 2018. Also at this assembly we will hold a very special ceremony where the Reception students are welcomed to our school by our Year 12 students, this is always a special occasion so BYO tissues! All families, friends and members of the community are welcome to attend.

Term Dates 2019 Term 1 29th Jan-15th Apr Term 2 29th Apr-5th July

Term 3 22rd July-27th Sept Term 4 14th Oct-13th Dec

Trust, Respect, Achievement, Community TRAC

18/2/19 Swimming Trials

19/2/19 Governing Council AGM 7pm

21/2/19 8/9 Cricket

20/2/19 Dux Assembly Welcome Receptions 11.00am

22/2/19 Swimming Carnival

27/2/19 & 1/3/19

Yr. 12 Kayaking

28/2/19 SAPSASA Basketball Carnival Yr 7 @ Tumby

PRIMARY ASSEMBLY Yesterday the first Primary Assembly was held. We are using a new format this year, with classes taking it in turns to be the hosts and showcase their work. Thank you to Mr Treasure and the Year 6 class for doing such a terrific job of hosting this assembly. Awards were present to the following students for the Learning Dispositions of Grit, Resilience and Self-Regulation:

Year R/1 - Zac Jefferson, Ethan Lawrie, Harper Franks Year 1/2 – Thea Foster, Jaxon Dillon, Connor Lawrie

Year 3/4 –Beckett Franks, Tyler Bowan, LeRoy Calderwood Year 4/5 – Elke Allen, Ruvae Curtis, Drae Bamford

Year 6 – Archer Trezise, Cobi Dillon, Codie Peterson-White

School Governing Council AGM

Tuesday 19th February 2019

All Welcome


Meringa (red)

Gem Parsons

Tanner Richter

Rahni Edwards-Eldridge

Pintaboo (yellow)

Shannen Webb

Tayla Milligan

Braeden Hammond

Jackson Murphy

Baxter Carr

Aja Coles

Yarranyacka (green)

Tom McDonald

Georgia Stratford

Katrina Van Der Lans

Courtney Bowyer

Georgia Solly

Alex Stratford

Mitch Higgins

Parents need to find a replacement if they cannot fill their shift. Please call/text Annette on 0428322803 if you are finding this difficult to discuss some possible options. RECESS TIME: 10.40 – 11.00 LUNCH TIME: 12.40 – 1.10


WK 3

RECESS 11/2 Annette Hammond

12/2 Helen Baillie

13/2 Andy/Tammy Allen

14/2 Rebecca Burford

15/2 Charmaine Cross

LUNCH Suzanne Georg

Helen Baillie

Rachel Anesbury

Leanne Butler

Emma Dempsey

WK 4

RECESS 18/2 Annette Hammond

19/2 Helen Baillie

20/2 Sharon Anesbury

21/2 Annette Hammond




Suzanne Georg

Helen Baillie

Nyrie/Ben Cook

Julian Baillie

WK 5

RECESS 25/2 Annette Hammond

26/2 Helen Baillie

27/2 Aaron Bamford

28/2 Carrie Calderwood

1/3 Natasha Dillon

LUNCH Suzanne Georg

Helen Baillie

Annette Hammond

Bianca Carpenter

Nicole Doley

WK 6

RECESS 4/3 Annette Hammond

5/3 Helen Baillie

6/3 Simona/Donald Bawden

7/3 Annette Hammond

8/3 Corrinne Pople

LUNCH Suzanne Georg

Helen Baillie

Kelsey Enright

Danielle Carr

Stacy Edwards

WK 7



12/3 Helen Baillie



14/3 Madelyn Carr

15/3 Jodie Elliott

LUNCH Helen Baillie

Annette Hammond

Brad/Lauren Foster

WK 8

RECESS 18/ Annette Hammond 3

19/3 Helen Baillie

20/3 Jess Bennett

21/3 Teegan Carson

22/3 Jan Franklin

LUNCH Suzanne Georg

Helen Baillie

Peta/Craig Berryman

Jordie Caulfield

Shae Franks

WK 9

RECESS 25/3 Annette Hammond

26/3 Helen Baillie

27/3 Danielle Best

28/3 Matthew / Danielle Cave

29/3 Chelsea/Craig Franks

LUNCH Suzanne Georg

Helen Baillie

A Boddington Nicole Challinger

Danica Gates

WK 10

RECESS 1/4 Taryn Coad

2/4 Helen Baillie

3/4 Borthwick

4/4 Nicole Clark

5/4 Mel Cave

LUNCH Suzanne Georg

Helen Baillie

Keira Bowen

Annette Hammond

Annette Hammond

WK 11

RECESS 8/4 Annette Hammond

9/4 Helen Baillie

10/4 Helen Bowyer

11/4 Danny/Alisha Collins

12/4 Lisa Higgins

LUNCH Suzanne Georg

Helen Baillie

Jody Brands

Leah Cooper

Sharon Hollier

2019 Eyre Academy Trials.

REGISTRATION ARE NOW OPEN UNTIL 10th FEB 2019 This year we will be running two compulsory trials in Wudinna.

Phase 1 Trial - Sunday 17th February, 9am Phase 2 Trial - Sunday 17th March, 9am Sign in on the day begins at 8.30am to ensure we have a prompt 9.00am start. Players must turn 14 years of age PRIOR to the 30 September 2019 and must not turn 17 years of age PRIOR to 31 October 2019 to be eligible for the 2019 program. Please do not wear representative tops (Association/Eyre Academy etc) to trials. Click below to be transferred to the My.Netball Registration page.…/pages/…/welcome.aspx… For further details: Disy Moseby (Program Manager) Ph. 0472 252 040


We are looking for community members that would be

willing to umpire at the LEP Sapsasa Basketball Carnival

on Thursday 28th February (Wk 5) at the Tumby Bay

Courts and Rec Centre. The Carnival will start at 10am

and finish at approximately 2pm. If you are available for

any of this time period please let me know by Monday

18th February (Wk 4). NYRIE BAILLIE: 0429882041 or

Tumby Bay Netball Club

Are Looking For Coaches

For the 2019 Season All Grades!!

A Grade A Reserves

B Grade B Reserves

D Grade E Grade

E Reserves E3’s


Please forward your applications to:


TBNC, PO Box 97, Tumby Bay SA 5605

Application closing date February 17th

For further information on coaching positions please

contact Karlee on 0428 518 419, or the above

email address.

Tumby Bay Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) is a group of young people which aims to get the local youth actively involved in their local communities. It provides a great opportunity for young people to be heard, take action and meet new people. YAC organises free activities for people aged 12-25 years such as laser skirmish, movie nights and camps with exciting guest speakers. We will be holding a stall at the Tumby Market @ the Bay and assisting the Colour Tumby committee at the Street Art Festival. If you wish to join us to have fun and learn new leadership and teamwork skills, come along to our next meeting on Monday 18


February at 4.15pm at the Council office or contact Madi Allen at the Council on 8688 2101 for more information.
