Triple threat marketing



At last, a realistic Revenue Share that keeps it's feet on the ground... not promising millions overnight, but steady, generous, consistant earnings...! Whether you have a web site to promote or not, it's a two step process... 1/ Buy and repurchase as many add packs as you can with what’s in both your “Spendable” and “Repurchase” balances. 2/ Surf the required number of adds to keep your Add Packs active and earning for the next 24 hours. DONE! you're earning money...!

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Sometimes, revenue sharing is used as an incentive program – a small business owner may pay partners or

associates a percentage-based reward for referring new customers, for example. Other times, revenue sharing is

used to distribute profits that result from a business alliance.

In the case of “Triple Threat Marketing” there are three phases to the membership (you only need to participate in

phases one and two to make money…!) and it provides an excellent opportunity to make extra money from home

legitimately whether you’re a stay at home mom or dad or just someone who wants to make some extra cash to

supplement your main income.

Although you don’t need a website to take part in the membership, it’s an added bonus for those who do, you have

the option to advertise your websites within the system and earn money whilst doing so…! But if you’re not

interested in promoting a website all you really need to do, once you have become a member and deposited

whatever cash you can afford at the time (minimum $10) the more you deposit, the quicker it will compound, and

you’ll be surprised how quickly it will accumulate…!

It then becomes just a two-step process…

1/ Buy and repurchase as many add packs as you can with what’s in both your “Spendable” and

“Repurchase” balances.

2/ Surf the required number of adds to keep your Add Packs active and earning for the next 24 hours.


Phase 1 of the program is the subscription module which cost $10 per month.

With this phase the members gain access to the Facebook auto-poster which is

a fully automated way to market on Facebook. Members also gain access to a

library of digital learning resources that explains how to improve your internet

marketing. Phase 1 offers members the ability to refer new members and earn

a commission from their subscription. Members are given half of all their

referrals $10 monthly subscription. Refer only two members to Triple Threat

and your subscription pays for itself. A perfect example of: how to make money

being a stay at home mom.

Phase 2 offers members the ability to have maximum exposure through

website promotions. Members will view your website directly via the website

ads. Website visitors and members will view your banner/text ads every time

they visit our site. Plus as a bonus for using our platform we will share the

revenue with all of our members. We have 5 tiers of Ad Packs that can be

purchased and they all grow at different rates as they expire. We share this

revenue with our members over time. Earn money passively while you

promote your business!

Phase 3 offers our members Solo Ads for $25 each. Solo Ads are huge email

blasts that are sent to all of our members. Imagine your personal

advertisement sent to thousands of people who are interested in online

marketing, or how to earn money on the internet at home with revenue

sharing. That's exactly what we are offering. As an added bonus, we are paying

our members commissions for each and every Solo Ad purchased. For every

three Solo Ads that are purchased we will pay out $50 to members who have

already purchased Solo Ads prior. With this formula every member contributes

to the pay out of the other members. You will also be receiving revenue from

Phase 2 while you wait for your Solo Ad commission to be paid for Phase 3.

Here are the Add Tiers and their relevant information:

As you can see from the table, these are realistic figures and not the usual get rich quick promises, and from a

company that has longevity in mind, a membership that cares and is growing fast and a sustainable business plan…!

If you would like to find out more, come and join us, just click the link and visit Triple Threat Marketing NOW…!
