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Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Trinity Lutheran Church 1826 Killian Hill Road Lilburn, GA

(770) 972-4418

Discipleship Guide

August 2019

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide



Vision/Mission/Welcome Statements 4

Worship Schedule 5

Special Events for August 6

Focus on Learning 7

Small Groups & Events 8-9

Discipleship Opportunities 10

TLC Community Schools 11

Women of the ELCA 12-13

Get Connected/Contact Us 14-15

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Our Vision and Mission

Through God's Grace, Growing as God's Disciples

As baptized children of God, we are called and gathered: In Christ to worship, pray, study, and live in fellowship. With Christ to welcome, care for, and grow disciples. Through Christ, to serve and invite others to share in God's grace.

Statement of Welcome

In response to the call in Romans 15:7 "welcome one another there-fore, as Christ has welcomed you for the glory of God," we believe that every person has worth as an individual and every person is entitled to dignity and respect. We therefore publicly proclaim that: + We welcome people of any race, nationality, sexual orientation,

age and physical ability into the membership of our church, and we encourage all people to share their faith, gifts and talents in wor-ship, service, study and leadership;

+ We commit to remove all barriers that exclude people from full

and active participation in our church; and + We will continually strive to be non-judgmental in our thoughts

and actions and discourage judging others at every opportunity.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide



Sunday Traditional Worship with Anointing at 9:00 am

Praise Worship at 11:15 am

Wednesday Youth Led Worship at 7:00 pm

Except during Advent when we gather for Vespers at 7:15 p.m.

Celebrate! Wednesday

Dinner at 5:30 pm Adult Education at 6:00 pm Music Ensemble Rehearsals

Praise Worship & Confirmation at 7:00 pm

The Nursery is available during Sunday morning worship services.

Trinity gathers weekly as a community to offer our praise, worship and thanksgiving. We offer 2 services each Sunday and a midweek service throughout the school year. All services are grounded in Word and Sacra-ment. Our midweek (Wednesday) service is led by our youth praise team will return on September 11.

Our services offer a variety of music and traditions as we praise our one God with many voices.

Worship Schedule

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Special Events for August

Blessing of the Backpacks August 4

First Day of TLC Before & After Care Monday, August 5

Quilt Dedication Sunday, August 11

Lutheran World Relief Truck August 23-24

First Day of Trinity Preschool Monday, August 26

Upcoming Events

Celebrate Wednesday Wednesday, September 4

Confirmation Orientation Wednesday, Sept 4 @ 7:00 pm

Rally Day Mission Fair Sunday, Sept 8 @ 10:00 am

Rally Day Family Fun/Picnic Sunday, Sept 8 @ 4:00 pm

Beer & Hymns Sunday, Sept 8 @ 6:00 pm

God’s Work...Our Hands September 8-9

New Member Class September 22

Reception of New Members September 29

Oktoberfest Saturday, October 5

Tent Worship Sunday, October 6 @ 10:30 am

First Communion Classes October 20 & 27 @ 12:30 pm

Trunk or Treat Sunday, October 27 @ 4-6 pm

Rite of First Communion Sunday, November 3

Rally Day & God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday This year Trinity is combining our fall kick-off with “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday on September 8. Mark this day down in your calendar now and watch for updates and more information coming soon!

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Focus on Learning

Adult Sunday School

Animate: Bible Sunday mornings at 10:15 am in the Parlor

Beginning in August

Animate: Bible is an adult faith formation series that explores seven big con-versations about the Bible, including the canon, history, testaments, Gospels, genre, interpretation, and grace David Wickert will lead this class each Sun-day. All are welcome!

Faith Walk Want to get more out of worship services? Join Pastor Katie each Wednesday at 10-11 am in the Parlor as week explore the Bible readings for the following Sunday. We use the Daily Devotions as our beginning point. Daily Devotions are written by Pastor Katie and are available at our website.

Children & Youth Sunday School Sunday School classes for children and youth will kick off on Sunday, Septem-ber 8. Watch for next issue of Trinity’s Discipleship Guide for Sept - Oct (to be published the last week of August) for more information.

Confirmation This ministry is for all Middle Schoolers is a three-year study program that will cover the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Sacraments, and the Lutheran Church and its history. We meet on Wednesday nights at 7-8:30 pm. Orientation is September 4 at 7pm and should be attend-ed by parents and student.

Wednesday Night Parlor Class Wednesday Night Parlor Class will resume on September 4 and will be led by Ed Ringer.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Small Groups & Upcoming Events

TLC Book Club Love books? Looking for a great way to meet new people at Trinity? Then join Trinity’s Book Club on Tuesday, August 6, at 6:30 pm in Hanberry Hall for food, fellow-ship, and discussion of books that are “reader’s choice.” The book for next month’s discussion on September 3 is “Educated: A Memoir” by Tara Westover.

Men’s Breakfast Just need some GUY TIME? Come join us on August 3 for breakfast in Shepherd’s Hall. Breakfast is served at 8:30 am and we never run short of bacon!

JUST Club (Jesus Uses Senior, Too!) J.U.S.T. is for individuals over 50 and couples in which at least one person is

over 50. We meet monthly for food and fellow-ship beginning. Join us in Hanberry Hall on the second Friday of each month. Please bring an appetizer, side, main or dessert dish. Wine and appetizers begin at 6:30 pm and dinner at 7:00.

Our program for August 9, will be presented by Don Goldsmith who is going to share with us news about Habitat for Humanity.

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group If you are a caregiver, a family member or a friend of someone with demen-tia, we invite you to join us for our monthly support group. This group serves to provide emotional, educational and social support for those with a loved one who has dementia. We will meet on August 8 in the Parlor from 6pm – 7pm. Please contact Pastor Katie with questions or for more information.

Meditation Group All are invited to join the Meditation Group on Thursdays, August 1 and August 15, at 6 pm in the Parlor.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Knit & a Prayer & Java & Bible Study Calling all Yarn lovers! Our Knit and a Prayer groups crochet or knit hats and scarves for those in need to be distributed with Brown Bag lunches later this year.

Knit & a Prayer meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month (August 18) at 3:00 pm in the Parlor. Java Knit & a Prayer meets the 4th Friday of each month (August 23) at the Alcove Coffee Shop (4615 Stone Mountain Hwy, Lilburn GA 30047) at 11:00. Watch the Faith Living for special holiday times. All are welcome!!

Prayer Lifters Prayer Lifters is Trinity’s email/text prayer team that offers prayers for those in need either by receiving the prayer request by email or text. If you are in-terested in becoming a part of our Prayer Lifters team, please contact Debbie Ringer at or if you have a prayer request for our team you can also email it to her.

Dinner Divas Looking for a dinner group to get to know other women in our congregation? Join our Dinner Divas group who meets monthly for dinner, fellowship and devotion. We will be meeting on August 20 pm at Jim ‘N Nicks (1190 Scenic Hwy Lawrenceville GA 30045) on the patio.

Table Talk Table Talk is a casual discussion of current issues held at Summit’s Tavern. We will meet this fall on the third Tues-day of the month. The goal is not to agree but to listen to one another in a spirit of community. Mark your calendar now for August 20. Watch the Faith Living and Trinity Tid-ings eNews for the topic of discussion..

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Loaves & Fishes Congregational collections of food to support the Lilburn Cooperative Min-istry and Trinity’s Brown Bag Minis-try. Collection barrels can be found in Hanberry Hall and at the top of the back stairwell.

Brown Bag Ministry Are you a brown bagger? We’d like to invite you to become one by partici-pating in our inter-generational min-istry to take brown bag lunches to those in need. We prepare 80 peanut butter sandwich sack lunches each month. You can participate by do-nating food items, donating your time to put the lunches together or deliv-ering the lunches. The Brown Bag Ministry meets the second Saturday of each month at 9:00am in Hanberry Hall.

Adopt a Road Trinity’s Care of Creation team has adopted the mile long stretch of road between Hwy 78 and the Yellow River bridge. This service to our local com-munity allows us as a congregation to demonstrate care and appreciation

for our neighborhood. The next schedule date for Adopt-a-Road is August 17. Contact Paul Kuester at for more infor-mation.

Discipleship Opportunities

Backpack Buddies The Backpack Buddies program is gear-ing up for back to school! This program provides elementary school children who qualify for free or reduced-price meals a sack of healthy and easy-to-prepare foods. The sack is for the weekend when students are not at

school and don’t have access to the free-meal program. For many of these children, school meals may be the only reliable meals they eat during the week. Also, many of these families are in desperate need of basic toiletries, as food assistance programs do not cover these items.

We are again partnering up with Shiloh Elementary School for 20 children. Place your donations in the Backpack Buddies bin in Hanberry Hall or you can contribute funds and we'll do the shop-ping! Make your check out to Trinity Lutheran Church and write Backpack Buddies on the memo of your check.

The most needed items are:

• Milk-individual, shelf-stable (white or chocolate)

• Juice boxes

• Small boxes of cereal

• Chef Boyardee Meals

• Hormel Compleats Meals

• Jif to Go (peanut butter) packs

• Snack Pack pudding or Jello Cups

• Vegetables - small cans with pop tops

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministry is a caring ministry in which trained lay people, through one-to-one caring relationships, offer support and care to those in our church family and the community who are hurting. Everyone experiences difficult times at some point in life. Having someone to care, to listen, to share Christ’s healing love with you can help as you encounter trying times. For more information, please contact Connie Rifkind at 404-408-7814

Community Schools

Trinity Preschool

Trinity Lutheran Preschool provides a quality early learning experience with age-appropriate activities in a Christian setting. Classes are available for chil-dren ages 12 months to 4 years, with a variety of classes/schedules for each age group. Preschool hours are 9:30 am to 12:30 pm for our PDO class while our 2 year olds and older dismiss at 1:30 pm with supervised lunch (children will bring lunch from home).

Preschool begins August 26.

TLC for Kids

As part of Trinity’s commitment to our children, TLC for Kids serves school-age children and their families with quality care, age-appropriate activities and transportation to and from com-munity elementary schools. Care is available before and after school on Gwinnett County school days, (including early release days) and full days on teacher workdays.

Before & After Care begins August 5.

For information about our Community Schools programs, please contact our director, Brenda Moody, at 678-344-3575 or at You can also visit our website at www.tlc-lilburn and select Community Schools from the menu.

Quilting Day PieceMakers invites you to join them for a Lutheran World Relief Day of Quilt-ing on Saturday, August 10, from 9 am - 3 pm in Shepherd's Hall. Lunch will be provided. Come for the day or just a few hours. Ages 8 - 99 are welcome. Con-tact Vicki Thiemann for more information at 404-445-3903 or by email at

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Women of the ELCA

Women of Trinity, if you are interested in a new avenue for Bible Study and Fellowship, visit a circle of the Women of the ELCA. Trinity has several Circles, which meet on various days and times, giving you options from which to choose. You may contact the Circle Leader or a current member for more details, or just plan to drop in at the meeting of your choice.

Many WELCA members also participate in the ongoing projects of the Piece Makers Quilting Group.

Esther Circle – 2nd Tuesday of the month at 12:15pm (after yoga) – Meets in the Parlor

Co-Leaders Anne Beck (770-972-6995)

Joan Craig (770-378-5497)

Bible Study DVD study on Paul

Service Projects TLC Community Schools

Rachel Circle – 3rd Monday of the month at 1:00 pm – Meets in the Parlor

Co-Leaders Carol Thompson (770-979-9388)

Elane Lukasiewicz (770-680-5716)

Bible Study “Twelve Women of the Bible”

Service Projects Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits and School Kits, Backpack Buddies

Rebecca Circle – 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm – Meets in the Parlor or occasionally in someone’s home

Co-Leaders Janice Hawkins (770-972-7924)

Lawana Pupp (770-714-5153)

Bible Study DVD series “Believing Jesus –A Study of Acts by Lisa Harper

Service Projects Lutheran Campus Ministry dinners, LWR Personal Care Kits

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Strong Backs & Willing Hearts Needed Friday, August 9 at 1-3 pm

Friday, August 23 at 8:15 am-1:00 pm

Saturday, August 24 at 8:30 am-12:00 pm

On Friday, August 9 at 1pm there will be a truck arriving from our offsite storage facility that will need to be unloaded. The LWR Quilt & Kit boxes will be moved into our designated storage room on the lower level. We will need about 4 people to do this. These are Trinity's LWR projects that have been put together and boxed during the year.

This year Trinity is once again the metro Atlanta site for the collection of Lutheran World Relief Quilts & Kits. WELCA will be managing this collection and we are in need of some volunteers with strong backs and willing hearts

to help load the truck. Volunteers will need to be able to unload vehicles, climb into a big rig trailer, and place boxes up to 40 lbs on pallets. Averitt Trucking has promised that a pallet jack will be inside the tractor trailer when it is dropped off on the 22nd. If you think this may be the job for you or a friend, please contact Janice Hawkins (770-712-6090) or email at or sign up Sundays on the purple bulletin insert.

Lydia Circle – 2nd Sunday of the month at 12:15 pm – Meets in the Parlor

Co-Leaders Viva Boyett (404-987-5141)

Erika McElveen (678-480-2363)

Bible Study DVD series on Prayer

Service Projects Lilburn Co-Op Hygiene Kits, Fleece blankets for Lutheran World Relief

Miriam Circle – 4th Sunday of the month at 7pm in the Parlor

Co-Leaders Christine Pearson (678-446-9410)

Laura McHan (404-993-6331)

Bible Study Propel series then TBD

Service Project Working with Trinity’s Refugee Welcome Team, particularly with regard to the young children in the new family.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide



myTLClink is a secured, online information system that allows Trinity mem-bers to:

• Review what Trinity has in our database about you. View your profile and submit change requests (phone, email, address, etc.)

• View an online directory.

• Search for small groups.

• Sign up for volunteer opportunities.

• View your contributions.

• View Trinity's calendar.

The directory and contribution areas of myTLClink are up and ready for you to view. Small groups is currently a work-in-process. Let us know of any changes or additions that are needed. We will soon begin to work on volun-teer opportunities - a place where you can find what's available here at Trini-ty. Further down the road we will implement Event Registration and Online Giving.

We hope that you will find this a valuable tool and will use it often. myTLClink can be found on our website: (last tab on the menu bar. Click on Create an Account to get started. You will enter your first and last name and your email address. The system must find an exact match be-fore it will grant you access and send you an email with login information. If your email address is not current in our system, please email Darlene ( and give her an update. For more infor-mation, click on myTLClink FAQ or Get Started with myTLClink.

ChurchLife App Once you have created an account in myTLClink, you can also download a free app so that you can access the online directory and calendar from your mobile phone. You will use the same login information that you created in myTLClink. Contact Darlene in the church office at 770-972-4418 if you have trouble getting connected.

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide


Get Connected

Like us on Facebook at

Sign up for eNews, Trinity Tidings and Trinity Tidbits, on the main page of our website at

Follow us on Instagram at trinitylutheran_lilburn.

Send a request to John Parson at to join the Youth Facebook group. You can see the Youth Calendar and sign up for the Youth eNews on the Youth page of our website at Also, send John our cell phone number to receive youth group texts.

ELCA Southeastern Synod - like them on FaceBook and sign up for their e-News on their website at

ELCA - visit their website at

Rev. Katie Christie

Staff Pastor

Rick Kilgore

Director of Music

David Singer, Organist

John Parson

Director of Youth & Family Ministries

Darlene Luciani

Office Manager

Shannon Lovett,

Facilities Superintendent

Melanie Haynes,


Brenda Moody

Community Schools Director

1826 Killian Hill Road

Lilburn, GA 30047

Phone: 770-972-4418

Fax: 770-972-6170



Contact Us

Trinity Lutheran Church Discipleship Guide