Leading Edge Cell Culture: Oktoberfest  At noon on September 18 th , 2010, the mayor of Munich will kick off Oktoberfest with the traditional ‘‘O’zaptf’’ as he taps the rst keg of the festiv al. Over th e course of the next 2 weeks, more than si x million pe ople wil l celebra te the 200 th anni- ver sar y of Okto ber fest by sav ori ng roasted chi cken, jui cy wei sswurs t, and giant pretzels. But, mos t import ant ly, the re wil l be beer—enough beer to ll six Olympic-sized swimming pools. In this Cell Culture, we follow a typical beer at Oktober- fest, from its frothy pour into a 1 liter stein to its breakdown in the liver of an unseasoned tourist. Froth Factors Foam, zz , fro th, or bubbles—the multi ple names giv en to the head of beer is a testimony to its upmost importance for beer lovers around the world. But why does this layer of foam form only in bee r and notothercarbo nated bev er age s, suc h as sod a andcham- pag ne?The secretliesatthebeer-bubble int er face,wherea pro tein in barl ey, the lipid -tran spor t protein (LTP1), prev ents the smal l bubb les from coales cing into bigg er, more fragil e ones. Now, according to Mills et al. (2009), a partial unfolding of LTP1 during the bre win g pro cess is key to stabilizi ng beer bubbl es and increasing the quality of the head. LT P1 is the pr imar y pr ot ei n in beer foam (  40 mg/ ml) . Lik e det er- gents, LTP1 pos ses ses both hydro phobi c and hydro phili c surfaces, causing it to align at the air-water interface of bubbles, where it lowers the surface tension. However, unlike deter- gents, LTP1 molecules form an elastic network of proteins that can stretch. Thus, when the bubble starts to expand, the protein layer is held in place, pulls the bubble back into shape, and prevents rupturing. In other words, the protein makes the bubbles ‘‘sticky.’ Most proteins in barley denature and precipitate when the barley and hops are boiled together for 1–2 hr before fermenta- tion. Us ing a combi nation of nuclear magnetic resonance spectrosco py and circular dicrohism, Mills and coll eagues nd that LTP1 refolds after 2 hr of boiling. However, the refolding isn’t perfect, and a small segment of the protein at the C-terminal region stays unfolded. This stru ctur al rearrangeme nt enh ances LTP1’s surf ace pressure and localiza tion at theair-buffer inte r- face, improving its ability to stabilize bubbles. Thus, remarkably, brewing conditions have evolved to match the subtle biophysical properties of barley LTP1; the proper amount of boiling before fermentation maximizes the quality of foam by inducing a precise conformational change in LTP1. Mills et al. (2009). Biochemistry 48  , 12081–12088. Bitter Buds Of course, revelers at Oktoberfest don’t congregate in the ‘‘beer tents’’ to analyze foam, but rather to raise their steins, toast a hearty ‘‘Prost!’’ and savor the avors of local Munich beers. Like most brews, the primary avor of Oktoberfest beer derives from bitter compounds in hops. These mole- cules activate a family of G protein-coupled receptors, the TASTE 2 Recep- tors (TAS2R), expressed on taste buds of the tongue. Changing only a few amin o acids on a TAS2R rece ptor can dramatic ally alter an individual’s sensitivity to bitter compounds. A study by Hinrich et al. (2006) found that such small variations in TAS2R receptors inuence not only individual pref- erences for ‘‘hoppy’ ’ beers but also the amount of alcohol one consumes on a regular basis (Hinrichs et al. 2006).  A genome-wide sea rchfor genes tha t inc reasean indiv idu al’ s ris k foralco- holism identied a locus near a cluster of genes encoding the 25 human TAS2R receptors. Hinrichs et al. (2006) then genotyped four single-nucleo- tide polymorphisms within and anking the TAS2R16 gene in 2310 individ- ual s (26 2 famili es) , app roximate ly half of whom were dia gnose d wit h alco hol- rela ted diso rder s. One allele within TAS2R16 was sign ica ntly asso- ciate d with an incr ease d risk of alco holi sm. This substit ution (N1 72K) is located on an extracellular loop of the receptor that putatively binds ligands. Indeed, the authors nd that the risk allele reduces the binding afnity of TAS2R16 for certain bitter compounds by 50% in vitro. Although future studies are needed to compa re the per cep tio n of bit ter tas tes among indivi dua ls exp ressin g thetwovariationsof TAS2R16, the seresult s sup por t thehypot hesis tha t enh anced sen sit ivi ty to bit ter compounds in bee r and oth er alc oholicdrinksmay reduce overall consump- tion of alcohol. Hinrich et al. (2006). Am. J. Hum. Genet. 78  ,103–111. The lipid trans port protein (LTP1) in barley stabil izes beer bubbles. Images courtesy of Alvimann (left) and A. Mackie (right). Hop owers contain bitter compounds that acti- vate TAS2R receptors. This photo is licensed from F li ck r user dun ca nh1 (  http://www.ickr.com/ photos/duncanh1/  ) under a Creati ve Commons  Attribution license. Cell 142, September 17, 2010 ª2010 Elsevier Inc. 827

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Leading Edge

Cell Culture: Oktoberfest

At noon on September 18 th , 2010, the mayor of Munich will kick off Oktoberfest with the traditional ‘‘O’zaptf’’ as he tapsthe rst keg of the festival. Over the course of the next 2 weeks, more than six million people will celebrate the 200 th anni-versary of Oktoberfest by savoring roasted chicken, juicy weisswurst, and giant pretzels. But, most importantly, there willbe beer—enough beer to ll six Olympic-sized swimming pools. In this Cell Culture, we follow a typical beer at Oktober-

fest, from its frothy pour into a 1 liter stein to its breakdown in the liver of an unseasoned tourist.

Froth FactorsFoam, zz, froth, or bubbles—the multiple namesgiven to the headof beer is a testimony to its upmost importance for beer loversaround the world. But why does this layer of foam form only inbeer and notothercarbonatedbeverages, such as soda andcham-pagne?The secretlies at thebeer-bubble interface, wherea proteinin barley, the lipid-transport protein (LTP1), prevents the smallbubbles from coalescing into bigger, more fragile ones. Now,according to Mills et al. (2009), a partial unfolding of LTP1 duringthe brewing process is key to stabilizing beer bubbles andincreasing the quality of the head.

LTP1 is the primary protein in beer foam ( 40 mg/ml). Like deter-gents, LTP1 possesses both hydrophobic and hydrophilicsurfaces, causing it to align at the air-water interface of bubbles, where it lowers the surface tension. However, unlike deter-gents, LTP1 molecules form an elastic network of proteins that can stretch. Thus, when the bubble starts to expand, theprotein layer is held in place, pulls the bubble back into shape, and prevents rupturing. In other words, the protein makesthe bubbles ‘‘sticky.’’

Most proteins in barley denature and precipitate when the barley and hops are boiled together for 1–2 hr before fermenta-tion. Using a combination of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and circular dicrohism, Mills and colleagues nd thatLTP1 refolds after 2 hr of boiling. However, the refolding isn’t perfect, and a small segment of the protein at the C-terminalregion stays unfolded. Thisstructural rearrangement enhances LTP1’s surface pressure and localizationat theair-buffer inter-face, improving its ability to stabilize bubbles. Thus, remarkably, brewing conditions have evolved to match the subtlebiophysical properties of barley LTP1; the proper amount of boiling before fermentation maximizes the quality of foam byinducing a precise conformational change in LTP1.Mills et al. (2009). Biochemistry 48 , 12081–12088.

Bitter BudsOf course, revelers at Oktoberfest don’t congregate in the ‘‘beer tents’’ toanalyze foam, but rather to raise their steins, toast a hearty ‘‘Prost!’’ andsavor the avors of local Munich beers. Like most brews, the primary avorof Oktoberfest beer derives from bitter compounds in hops. These mole-cules activate a family of G protein-coupled receptors, the TASTE 2 Recep-tors (TAS2R), expressed on taste buds of the tongue. Changing only a fewamino acids on a TAS2R receptor can dramatically alter an individual’ssensitivity to bitter compounds. A study by Hinrich et al. (2006) found thatsuch small variations in TAS2R receptors inuence not only individual pref-erences for ‘‘hoppy’’ beers but also the amount of alcohol one consumes ona regular basis (Hinrichs et al. 2006).

A genome-widesearchfor genes that increase an individual’s risk foralco-holism identied a locus near a cluster of genes encoding the 25 humanTAS2R receptors. Hinrichs et al. (2006) then genotyped four single-nucleo-tide polymorphisms within and anking the TAS2R16 gene in 2310 individ-uals (262 families), approximately half of whom were diagnosed withalcohol-related disorders. One allele within TAS2R16 was signicantly asso-ciated with an increased risk of alcoholism. This substitution (N172K) is

located on an extracellular loop of the receptor that putatively binds ligands. Indeed, the authors nd that the risk allelereduces the binding afnity of TAS2R16 for certain bitter compounds by 50% in vitro. Although future studies are neededto compare theperception of bitter tastes among individuals expressing the twovariations of TAS2R16 , these results supportthehypothesis that enhanced sensitivity to bitter compounds in beer and other alcoholicdrinksmayreduce overall consump-tion of alcohol.Hinrich et al. (2006). Am. J. Hum. Genet. 78 ,103–111.

The lipid transport protein (LTP1) in barley stabilizes beerbubbles. Images courtesy of Alvimann (left) and A. Mackie(right).

Hop owers contain bitter compounds that acti-vate TAS2R receptors. This photo is licensed fromFlickr user duncanh1 ( http://www.ickr.com/ photos/duncanh1/ ) under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

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Keeping Up with the LocalsLast year at Oktoberfest, Munich police reported a record 759 bierleichen,(literal translation, ‘‘beer corpses’’), who had passed out due to the sedativeeffects of ethanol. Indeed, one stein of beer can easily raise the level of alcohol in the blood to 10 mM ( 0.06%). At such high concentrations,ethanol targets numerous channels and receptors in the central nervoussystem. However, a study by Corl et al. (2009) indicates that the epidermalgrowth factor (EGF) pathway regulates the lethargic effect of ethanol.

Using a forward-genetic screen, Corl et al. identied mutant fruit les thatcontinue to imbibe ethanol even after wild-type Drosophila had passed out.The authors mapped the mutations to a gene encoding a MAP-4 kinase,which they name Happyhour . MAP-4 kinases often act downstream of theEGF receptor (EGFR), and indeed, Corl and colleagues nd that boostingEGFR activity, by overexpressing its ligand Spitz, potently increases theies’ resistance to ethanol; conversely, blocking the activity of EGFRenhances their sensitivity to ethanol. The authors then demonstrate that treating mice with well-known inhibitors of EGFRreduces their consumption foralcohol and delays their recovery from a sedating dose of ethanol. Together, these results indi-cate that Happyhour is an inhibitor of the EGF pathway and that it modulates alcohol consumption by triggering lethargy and

stupor. The authors hope that the EGFR inhibitors, which are already FDA approved and well tolerated in humans, may bea new therapeutic strategy for treating alcohol use disorders.Corl et al. (2009). Cell 137 , 949–960.

Beating the Beer BlushNo party lasts forever, and as soon as the beer hits the stomach, dehydro-genase enzymes start oxidizing the ‘‘toxin’’ into innocuous acetate. First,alcohol dehydrogenase converts the ethanol to acetaldehyde; then, themitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) takes over, adding onemore oxygen atom to form acetate. Unfortunately, for many East Asians,the reaction stalls at the second step, and theaccumulation of acetaldehydein their blood causes nausea, dizziness, and reddening of the face, evenafter only a small quantity of beer.

Approximately 40% of East Asiansexpress a variant of ALDH2, which hasonly 8% the catalytic activity of the wild-type enzyme. Using a high-throughput screen, Chen et al. (2008) identied a small molecule, named Alda-1, that restores near wild-type activity to the mutant enzyme in vitro.Now, an X-ray crystal structure of ALDH2 shows how the activator functionsas a chemical chaperone to increase the maximal velocity of the mutantenzyme (V max ) and its afnity (K m ) for the cofactor nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide (NAD+) (Perez-Miller et al., 2010). In the mutant ALDH2,a substitution of a glutamate residue for a lysine residue damages the struc-tural integrity of both the NAD+-binding site and the catalytic active site.Binding of Adal-1 restoresorderin these regions andstabilizes theenzyme’s

interaction with NAD+ and substrates. In addition, Alda-1 blocks a portion of the large active site, restricting the motion of substrates and increasing the likelihood of productive encounters between substrates during catalysis.

In addition to triggering an uncomfortable reaction to ethanol, reduced activity of ALDH2 is also associated with increased

cardiac damage during heart attacks and heart surgery. Therefore, the authors hope that these structural studies will lead tothe development of better chaperones for ALDH2, which could serve as new pharmacological tools during heart surgery.Perez-Miller et al. (2010). Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17 , 159–164.Chen et al. (2008). Science 321 ,1493–1495 .

Michaeleen Doucleff

Activating the epidermal growth factor pathway blocks the sedative effects of ethanol. Figure by Alexander Kupka/LOOK/Getty Images.

The chemical chaperone Alda-1 (purple) activatesaldehyde dehydrogenase (ribbon model). Imagecourtesy of T. Hurley.

Cell 142 , September 17, 2010 ª 2010 Elsevier Inc. 829