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By: Monique Potts and Jamie Nelson

Jamie and Monique, two busy moms, designed this program because they have made the switch to a natural lifestyle. Jamie is a Wellness Advocate for dōTERRA and is an essential oils Mama. Monique is a Bauman Graduate Certified Nutrition Consultant. They have combined their specialties to help you become a more natural you for yourself, your family and for the rest of your life! NOT JUST FOR A CLEANSE, or a DIET, or a SHORT PERIOD OF TIME. Jamie and Monique will coach you through the process so you can make this vital change in an affordable, realistic, and permanent way. UNREFINED29 is a unique and successful program that will teach you how to live a healthy and natural lifestyle in just 29 days.


This 29-day program is going to guide you through an elimination diet paired with the proper use of essential oils for eliminating the toxic load in your body and your environment. An elimination diet can benefit anyone who wants to find which foods are either helping or harming your body. This program is designed to help you achieve your optimal health so you can become the best and happiest version of you! This guide will: 1. Educate you on the common food allergens and the importance of doing an elimination diet. For 29 days, you will eliminate from your diet the following foods: grains, soy, corn, dairy, eggs, nuts and seeds, nightshades and sugar. After 29 days, we educate you how to introduce one food at a time to determine which foods work for your body and which foods do not. The goal is to identify those foods that may be causing your body extra burden and stress 2. Teach you how to shop for and prepare whole unrefined food. 3. Teach you how to make your own beauty and cleaning products to eliminate the toxic load in your household. 4. Explain how to incorporate essential oils into your life to eliminate the toxic load in your house, on your body, and stress relief and more energy. We will show you how to become more familiar with and obtain as much benefit as possible from farmers in your area and from local farmers’ markets. We will offer instruction for you on ways to eat local, fresh food in all seasons.


We will encourage you to learn more about how your food is produced and get genuinely connected with food and food sources so you can enjoy what you eat to the fullest. Specific physical benefits such as more refreshing sleep, clearer skin, and healthier and stronger hair and nails are likely results. And if you currently experience frequent headaches, acne, unexplained skin rashes, autoimmune disorders, food sensitivities, insomnia, fatigue, or gastrointestinal pain and discomfort, your symptoms may be substantially reduced or eliminated. Both nutritional and lifestyle changes may be necessary to reach the goals of UNREFINED29, but through our program, you will see for yourself that the natural result of wisely investing time to properly nourish and take care of yourself will be greater energy and a new zest for life.

Commitment This is only the beginning of a path that leads to wellness in all parts of your life. This should not be a 29-day program that lasts just 29 days. How much further you have to go will depending on where you are now in your own personal health journey. This is not a quick-fix solution which magically produces health in 29 days. This is the start to your personal health and wellness. Throughout these 29 days we want you to learn an incredible amount about nutrition and your own body so you will be encouraged and motivated keep working towards a whole, healthy, natural, you for the rest of your life. For us, an elimination diet is a first step we can take to find out what foods do and don’t work for us. Remember, this is a pretty good indicator of where your gut health stands (more detail below), but we still suggest everyone find a functional doctor who does blood testing for food sensitivities. Your regular MD is probably not a functional doctor. A functional doctor one who specializes in testing of IgG, IgA, and IgE. UNREFINED29 is designed to begin the process of healing your gut once and for all. Healing your gut is so important because the gut is believed to be the source of all diseases as well as the pathway to good health (1,2). Throughout the 29 days, we will be eliminating foods that can add inflammation to your gut. Inflammation is believed to be the underlying issue in almost any side effect you feel in your body such as, but not limited to: Autoimmune


disorders, Arthritis, Narcolepsy, Kidney problems, Digestive issues such as Heartburn, Gas, Bloating, Diarrhea or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Seasonal Allergies or Asthma, Hormonal imbalances such as PMS or PCOS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Lupus, Psoriasis, or Celiac Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Mood and Brain issues such as Depression, Anxiety, ADD or ADHD, Skin issues such as Acne, Rosacea, Eczema, Candida, Parasite, Bacteria, Food allergies or Food intolerances, Migraines, Addiction, Neurodegenerative diseases such as Dementia, Sinus or other Respiratory issues. If you have any of these underlying issues, you more than likely have an inflamed gut.

What is inflammation? Picture your inflamed gut as if it were a huge, open, gaping wound on your arm. How would it feel if you were asked to pour a bunch of vinegar on your wound? Or what if someone asked you to then use a brush and scrub the wound? Now, what kind of reaction would you have to such a sensation as something as soft as a feather touching your wound? Even the feather may still cause irritation because the “wound” is so bad. This analogy can be applied when evaluating the health of our gut. In fact, some foods, even those deemed “health, healing foods” (i.e. eggs, dairy or gluten), can be harmful to the gut and may cause serious problems. If you continue to ingest these types of foods, the gut can’t heal, or in other words, the “wound” keeps opening. For many of us, this concept is hard to understand simply because we can’t see the gut. It is important, though, to pay attention to what is happening on the outside of your body as a result of what you are doing on the inside (eating foods that cause inflammation).

To treat inflammation we can take anti-inflammatory medications, but that is like putting a band-aid on a wound that never heals. The band-aid helps, but without discovering and treating the cause of the wound, we need the band-aid every day. To get to the source of your inflammation we start by healing the part of the body where all disease begins, the digestive tract or gut. More than 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates said, “All diseases begin in the gut.” The goal of this 21-day anti-inflammatory diet and restorative supplement protocol is to eliminate and then help identify any food sensitivities/allergies, heal any gut infections, heal a common condition known as leaky gut, and replenish the gut microbiome with the proper amount and variety of probiotic bacteria. Despite the fact that the gut is most often a key


player in chronic/systemic inflammation, you may not have any overt digestive symptoms so we must be sure it’s proper function has been restored. UNREFINED29 is just the beginning of a positive and healthy lifestyle change. The elimination diet works to give your body a break during the 29 days. Remember, right now your gut is like an open wound. Even when the wound begins to look healed on the outside, it’s still tender on the inside. UNREFINED29 heals the top layer, but we need to go farther. Your commitment still lies with healing the underneath layer as well. The more adamant you are about staying true to an elimination diet, the better results you will have.

This protocol will restore proper gut function while reducing systemic inflammation, so you can heal and if necessary, go on to identify any further causes of chronic inflammation. In some cases, when there are additional conditions affecting the body, the protocol is diagnostic. This means that after completing this protocol you may NOT feel completely better, which will help you and your practitioner more clearly identify any additional conditions causing your symptoms. So ANY result of this diet/supplement protocol is a beneficial one as it gives you more information on how to heal.

After the next 29 days, you should feel a significant improvement in your health, but remember this is just the beginning of your commitment to feeling and looking your best! You have only eliminated the foods that might be bothering you, but other problems could still be present in the gut. For example:

● Candida: a yeast-like, parasitic fungus that can sometimes cause thrush ● Parasites: an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host)

and benefits by depriving nutrients at the host's expense. ● H-pylori: type of bacteria that causes ulcers.


Detoxing has become a popular way for people to feel better about their bodies. There are many things created and marketed to “detox” your body. UNREFINED29 stays away from using this term because we don’t believe that there is a quick fix which produces optimal health. Certainly this can’t be achieved by taking a pill, or by not eating, or by sleeping on some “magic pillow.” What you will learn is how to eliminate toxins from your body and


choose foods and supplements that aid in perfecting your health from the inside out! Ultimately, we will teach you how to get to know your body best and learn what truly nourishes your body and what does not. Toxins are all around us. These toxins are found in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breath. Some toxins can be avoided and some cannot. The good news is, that our bodies are always detoxing. (3,4). UNREFINED29 plus essential oils aids in this process. During this program, we will give you an abundant amount of tools and resources for you to use to help the body detox in it’s natural form. Just to list a few, here are some benefits of having fewer toxins in your body:

● Better sleep ● More energy ● Clearer mind ● Loss of weight ● Hormonal balance ● Healthy digestive tract ● Better sex life ● Pain reduction

While there are many things we can do to support the body’s natural ability to detox, it’s important to realize that the detox system is a complex process. This process looks different for everyone’s individual body and needs. Our bodies need many nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for this process to work.


PART 1 Food

Changing your life with whole foods

From the standpoint of food intake, rebooting requires that you adhere to an allergy-free or elimination diet for 29 days. The consumption of the typical American diet for years and years has overloaded your body with toxins and exposed you to multiple allergens. In turn, the toxins and allergens have made your body work so much harder than necessary, impairing the function of many bodily systems and processes. In order to give your body a break from common food allergens and toxins, you must dedicate at least 29 days to a detoxing regimen. Once this is done, you will have the opportunity to gradually add foods to your diet so you will be able to clearly see and experience which which foods work well for your body and which foods do not.

Be prepared to give up

● Sugar: white sugar, brown sugar, turbinado sugar, raw sugar, molasses, Karo syrup, sorghum and Sucanat, honey, maple sugar/syrup, brown rice syrup, date sugar, coconut sugar, acesulfame potassium, agave, agave nectar, aspartame, barley malt, barley malt syrup, beet sugar, brown rice syrup, brown sugar, cane crystals, caramel, coconut sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, crystalline fructose, demerara sugar, dextrin, dextrose, diastatic malt, erythritol, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, galactose, glucose, glucose solids, golden syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, inulin, invert sugar, jaggery, lactose, malt syrup, maltodextrin, maltose, mannitol, monk fruit, neotame, palm sugar, panela, panocha, rapadura, refined cane sugar, refined sugar, rice bran syrup, rice syrup, saccharine, saccharose, sorbitol, sorghum syrup, stevia, sucralose, sucrose, sugar, syrup, treacle, xylitol, yacon syrup


● High glycemic fruits as well as limit all other fruits to NO MORE THAN ½

cup a day. Bananas, ripe plantains (yellow peel), grapes and raisins, pineapple, oranges, tangerines, kumquats, grapefruit, all melon, mango, figs, dates, plantains, persimmon, lychee, custard apples (cherimoya), and all dried versions of these fruits; all canned fruit.

● Corn

● Soy and soy products: edamame (whole soybeans), black soybeans,

tempeh (fermented), tofu, miso (fermented), natto (fermented), soy sauce or shoyu or tamari (fermented), soy yogurt (fermented), soy flour (including kinako - roasted soy flour), soy nuts, soy milk, soy sprouts, soy oil, Braggs Aminos, and any processed food containing soy.

● Dairy: whole, 2% and skim milk, cream, half ‘n half, sour cream, butter,

ghee, hard and soft cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, whey, and kefir made from cow, goat and sheep dairy.

● Eggs: chicken, goose, duck, quail, including any food that contains


● Fermented alcoholic beverages: beer, wine, mead, port, sake, cognac, cordials, liqueurs. Distilled liquors: tequila, vodka, whiskey (bourbon, Irish), brandy, gin, scotch, rye, rum.

● Nuts and seeds: almonds, anise, annatto, black caraway, Brazil nuts,

cashews, celery seed, chestnuts, chia, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, fenugreek, flax, hazelnuts, hemp seeds, macadamia nuts, mustard, nutmeg, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, poppy, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, walnuts, any flours, butters, or oils.

● Gluten: wheat, wheat germ, barley, rye, spelt, kamut

● Bad fats and oils: margarines and butter substitutes, cottonseed oil,

corn oil, canola oil, grapeseed oil, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, peanut oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, flax oil (which is high in phytoestrogens and the human body is not efficient at


converting its omega-3 fatty acids into useable form), hemp oil (which is very high in polyunsaturated fats)

● All grains: amaranth, barley, bran, buckwheat, corn, durum, fonio, Job’s

tears, kamut, millet, oats, quinoa, rice, rye, sorghum, spelt, teff, triticale, wheat, wild rice

● Legumes: green beans, green peas, snow peas, pea pods, adzuki beans,

mung beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), kidney beans, pinto beans, lima beans, black beans, soybeans, black-eyed peas, Great Northern beans, fava beans, navy beans, lentils (red and green), split peas (green and yellow)

● Nightshade vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, goji berries and

all peppers (sweet bell peppers, spicy peppers such as chili peppers, cayenne pepper), tomatillos, pimento, paprika. (you CAN have black pepper)

● Salts: processed/iodized salt, which is table salt like Morton's salt, white

sea salt, Kosher salt or any processed salt, which are all WHITE. This also includes other foods with lots of added salt such as olives and capers (but sardines with added salt are allowed).

● Beverages: coffee, decaf coffee, instant coffee, Postum, black tea, white

tea, instant tea (green tea is allowed), guarana, rooibos (red bush tea is a legume) and maté tea.

● Chocolate

● Pork, if you are highly inflamed

● Mushrooms, if candida is an issue: shiitake, maitake, porcini, oyster,

chanterelles, lion’s mane, button, crimini, and Portobello.


12 rules to follow for the next 29 days

1. You must find a minimum of 20-30 minutes for each meal. We know this sounds hard but eating in a relaxed state is key for healthy digestion. You must chew your food. This means no shakes, no smoothies, no rushing through your meals. The first step in digestion is to actually chew your food. Your food should not resemble food by the time you’re ready to swallow it. Make a goal for yourself to chew every bite you take 15-20 times. Try to avoid sitting in front of the TV while eating. Our brains cannot always separate real life from TV so if you are watching a stressful or scary show you will not be in a relaxed state for digestion.

2. Buy organic whenever possible. Organic fruits and vegetables contain higher amounts of phytonutrients and lesser amounts of pesticides, so choose them when you can. Because organic foods are free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other toxins, they further reduce the burden on your body to help facilitate this cleanse.

3. Eat breakfast within 15-20 min of waking. This will help balance and regulate blood sugar. Do not work out before you have had food.

4. All meats and products derived from meat must come from grass-fed sources.

5. Do not use shakes, smoothies or juicing.

6. You must eat balanced meals. This means every time food enters your mouth it will include portions of fats, carbohydrates and protein.

7. Eat absolutely no fruit for breakfast as well as no more than ½ cup of fruit per day.

8. Consume 8-10 ½ cup servings of vegetables per day minimum. The more meat you eat, the more vegetables you must also eat. The amount of vegetables you eat must be double the amount of meat.

9. Stay hydrated. Ample water is a must!

10. Read labels. This is where things can get tricky. You will be shocked at what is hidden in different foods. Bacon, for example, very often has sugar


added. Find a sugar-free bacon. Sliced deli meats again often have sugar added, so check ingredients first.

11. AVOID ADDITIVES. Acrylamides, artificial food color, artificial and natural flavors, autolyzed protein, brominated vegetable oil, emulsifiers, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, MSG, nitrates or nitrites, olestra, phosphoric acid, propylene glycol, textured vegetable protein, trans fats, yeast extract

12. Purchase organic or natural grass-fed/grass-finished meats and pastured poultry that come from animals given no toxins, antibiotics or growth hormones, which is much healthier for us, them and the planet. Eliminate all cured meats (with the ingredient nitrites) and all processed/refined foods, especially those that contain hydrogenated oils (trans fats).

Permitted Foods

Low glycemic fruits: · Organic only (with a daily limit of ½ cup of the following low glycemic fruit) all berries: blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, elderberries,gooseberries, loganberries, bilberries, raspberries, strawberries and cranberries. Also,rhubarb, avocado. Juice of these fruits is allowed if it’s used in recipes or consumed in small quantities (4-6 oz) with a balanced meal. Dried and freeze-dried versions of these fruits are allowed with no added sugar or sulfites.

Moderate glycemic fruits: cherries, apricots, plums, prunes, kiwi, pomegranates, pears, peaches, apples, lemons, and limes. Juice of these fruits is allowed if it’s used in recipes or consumed in small quantities (4-6 oz) with a balanced meal.


Root vegetables: Parsnips, turnips, Jerusalem artichokes, green plantains (green peel), kohlrabi.NOTE: If you have tested positive for gASCA, pANCA, ACCA, ALCA or AMCA (blood test) or if you have been diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis), you must avoid: parsnips, turnips, Jerusalem artichokes, green plantains, burdock root, and jicama to be compliant with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.


Winter squash: pumpkin, acorn squash, spaghetti squash, delicata squash, butternut squash, buttercup squash, hubbard squash, kabocha, and hokkaido.


Root vegetables: Carrots, beets, celery root (celeriac), horseradish root, chicory root, dandelion root, and burdock root.

Summer squash: zucchini (courgette), pattypan, yellow, and crookneck squash.

Vegetables: cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage (purple & green), Savoy cabbage, okra,Brussels sprouts, onions, leeks, green onions (scallions), chives, shallots, garlic, asparagus, artichokes, celery, fennel bulb, jicama, water chestnuts, radish, daikon radish, black radish, rutabaga and bitter gourd (aka bitter melon).


Green leafy vegetables: (for sauté): collard greens, kale (Red Russian, lacinato and curly)spinach, Swiss chard, mustard greens, dandelion greens.

Greens for salads: red and green leaf lettuces, romaine lettuce, bibb lettuce, arugula, spinach,watercress, fresh basil, cilantro, parsley, tatsoi, bok choy, cabbage (purple and green),dandelion greens, endive, radicchio and purslane.

Coconut products: including coconut oil, manna, creamed coconut, coconut aminos, canned (non-BPA lined cans only) coconut milk (with no additives such as guar gum and carageen), shredded coconut (but no coconut sugar or nectar). Fats/Oils: olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, lard, bacon fat, cultured avocado oil. Grass-Fed /Pasture-raised Meats: beef & beef liver, buffalo, lamb, venison, elk, goat and ostrich, chicken & chicken liver, turkey, duck and goose.

Wild-Caught Seafood and fish: abalone, anchovy, anemone, Arctic char, Atlantic croaker, barcheek goby, bass, bonito, bream, brill, brisling, carp,


catfish, caviar, clams, cockles, cod, conch, conger, common dab, crab, crappie, crawfish, croaker, cuttlefish, drum, eel, fera, filefish, gar, haddock, hake, halibut, herring, jellyfish, John Dory, king mackerel, lamprey, limpets, ling, loach, lobster, marlin, mackerel, mahi-mahi, milkfish, minnow, monkfish, mullet, mussels, octopus, oysters, pandora, perch, periwinkles, plaice, polock, sailfish, salmon, sardine, scallops, sea cucumber, sea urchin, sea squirts, shad, shark, sheepshead, shrimp, silverside, smelt, snails, snakehead, snapper, sole, squid, starfish, swordfish, tarpon, tilapia, tilefish, trout, tub gurnard, tuna, turbot, walleye, whelks, whiting.

Salt: Full-mineral salts: Celtic brand, REAL salt brand, and other natural, unprocessed salts such as Himalayan pink salt (olives are allowed if they are not cured with added salt). Vinegars: Apple cider vinegar, coconut vinegar, red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar (as long as it has no added sugar).

Beverages: All herb teas, green tea, kombucha (with no sugar added), coconut water. Juices from low- and moderate-glycemic fruits are allowed in small amounts (4-6 oz) with a meal. I don’t recommend daily juicing on this Cleanse diet. Let your practitioner know if you have questions about this.

Herbs: all fresh and non-seed herbs are allowed such as basil, tarragon, thyme, mint, oregano, rosemary, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, edible flowers, black pepper. All spices are allowed except the Nightshade spices, which may be hidden in spice blends, including curries and green tea chai teas. If you want to add a hot spice to your meal, try black pepper. ALL other herbs/spices are allowed and are highly recommended, especially anti-inflammatory herbs/spices such as turmeric, ginger, parsley, garlic, fennel, cilantro and cinnamon, which helps balance blood sugar. If you have tested positive for gASCA, pANCA, ACCA, ALCA or AMCA (blood test) or if you have been diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis), you must avoid: licorice, aloe, marshmallow, slippery elm, chicory root, xanthan gum, nettles, noni, arrowroot, pau d’arco (a/k/a bark tea), kudzu, bee pollen, fenugreek, lignin, and psyllium husks.


Salt: Full-mineral salts: Celtic brand, REAL salt brand, and other natural, unprocessed salts such as Himalayan Pink salt. Olives are allowed if they are not cured with added salt.

Fermented Foods: (allowed only if your Cyrex Labs Array #4 results show no yeast sensitivity):sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi, kombucha (commercially made with no sugar added only), kvass, apple cider vinegar, ume plum vinegar, distilled vinegar, fish sauce (Red Boat brand contains no sugar) and pickled ginger (without vinegar, fructose, artificial colors). coconut yogurt, kombucha, water and coconut kefir, fermented vegetables.

Organic: Organic is expensive, we know, but we ask that for the next 29 days you do your best to fill your kitchen with only organic produce and meat. Check ingredients: Be aware that many meats have sugar added to them and you should try to avoid them. Do not check or count calories. During the next 29 days, try to purchase only single-ingredient foods and plan on making your own dressings and marinades. Think fresh: Avoid canned and frozen foods as much as possible. Buy seasonal: Depending on the time of the year and your geographic location, certain foods are what we call “in season” which means those foods are growing naturally at that time. These foods are believed to support your body in the season when they are grown and during which you are consuming them. If this list looks overwhelming to you, scroll to the end of this guide where meal ideas and recipes will be located.

Eat more high quality fats

If you are like most Americans, you have heard over and over again that fats are bad and cause heart disease so you run as far from fats as you can. The term “quality fats” refers to fats that are not highly processed or exposed to extreme heat. Ideally the source of quality fats will be grass-fed animals. Use oils, a form of fat, for making salad dressings but avoid cooking with oils


since they usually have a low smoke point which leads to reduction of nutritional value. All fats and oils have a point at which cooking will make them rancid and cause them to be less than optimal for your body. When you cook with fats, use low heats and slower cooking to keep your fats safe! Don’t fear fats but do change the way you purchase and use them. Remember, our bodies need all three macronutrients--fats, protein, carbohydrates--to function properly.

Eat your vegetables

We will say it again. 8-10 ½ cup servings of vegetables is the bare minimum while on UNREFINED29. Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner must consist of vegetables. Eat a variety of colors think of eating the rainbow when you have your vegetables. Think the deeper the color the more nutrients

Eat grass-fed meats and wild-caught fish and seafood

High quality meats are central to our program. Grass-fed means that all animals were raised eating the diet that their bodies were designed to eat. This leads to healthier animals for several reasons. One main reason is that Omega 3:6 ratio is more in balance. Animals fed corn and grains have a higher level of omega 6’s inflammatory fats. Eat 3-4 ounces of meat per meal and around 20 grams of protein on average per meal.

Don’t count calories

Counting calories does not equate to healthy eating or weight loss for that matter. Likewise, just because two different foods have the same amount of calories, you cannot conclude they have equal nutritional value. The fact that one food has more calories than another has no direct bearing on how healthful that food may be or how appropriate it may be for your individual needs. It is much more useful to consider nutrient content and density instead of calories. You will not be required to keep track of your caloric intake as you follow UNREFINED29. In our experience you are much less likely to overeat when you are fueling your body with the correct fuel. The only concern we might have is to low of caloric intake if you are not eating enough fats.


Drink A LOT of water

Keeping your body hydrated is very important at all times! When you are doing a total body detox, you need to be drinking plenty of water to help flush your body. To calculate the proper amount of water to drink for your body, take your total body weight in pounds and divide by two. The number you get is how many ounces of water you should drink every day to aid in the detoxing of toxins from your body. As part of the UNREFINED29 group program, you will receive a full bottle of Lemon Oil that we recommend you add to your water daily. You only need one drop of oil for each eight ounces of water. Due to its high limonene content, Lemon Oil is a powerful antioxidant that can help ward off free radicals. Taken internally, Lemon Oil provides cleansing and digestive benefits, can soothe an irritated throat, and supports healthy respiratory function. Lemon oil is also a natural energizer.

AVOID ALL REFINED SUGAR This is the hard part--no sugar. Prepare to read labels so you are fully aware of what ingredients are in any given product you are planning for consumption. You will only want to consume whole foods, and whole foods usually consist of only one ingredient. Meat is a product where it is common to find hidden sugars, preservatives and other ingredients you should avoid. To select healthy bacon and lunch meats, you will almost always have to specifically request “sugar-free” meats at the deli counter.

How To calculate your protein intake

To calculate your daily protein needs, consider body weight and daily activity level. Although there are many other variables that can affect your daily requirements, this is where you will start. A standard equation for adults is to multiply your weight by a factor of 0.4 for low activity, 0.5 for moderate activity or 0 .65 for high activity to get grams of protein required per day (example: 125 lbs x 0.5 = 62.5g). If your need for


protein is increased due to recovery from illness, surgery or an accident, you may need to multiply by a factor of 0.8. Easy conversion from ounces to grams for animal based protein sources:

1 oz=7 grams 3 oz=21 grams 4 oz=28 grams



Essential Oils

What are essential oils and how do they work

Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants. You often see lavender, lemon or eucalyptus used in products for relaxation, energy, stress reduction and relief from the symptoms of a variety of illnesses. Non-traditional medicine has recognized the medicinal properties of these aromatic compounds for centuries, and they are mentioned many times in the Bible. Certainly you have often heard people ask, “I wonder what people used before we had all these drugs?” One of the answers, many people will agree, is essential oils! Our ancestors looked to the natural environment around them to find solutions for their ailments. This passage from summarizes the value and usefulness of these compounds: “Many [essential oils] have powerful cleansing properties and are naturally antimicrobial. Their unique chemical structure allows them to pass directly through the skin for immediate systemic response to topical application. And certain oils may be used as dietary aids to promote vitality and well-being.” In UNREFINED29, we will use a few essential oils internally to help eliminate toxins from the body in it’s natural form. A few others will promote external health and stress relief; and several more will help with sleep, energy and stress. It is important to not only cleanse your body and environment but also your mind. Poor sleep, excess stress and a low energy level all can contribute to hormonal imbalance and make it much more difficult to expel the fats and toxins inside your body.


Using essential oils

Essential oils have powerful medicinal properties inside our bodies! They have a reaction within 30 seconds. They are so powerful that most suggest avoiding taking them internally. For this program, we do talk about ingesting essential oils but we only recommend using the highest quality Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils. In the UNREFINED29 program, we use only dōTERRA essential oils. We do not recommend or work with any other brands. We use these oils per manufactures recommendations. We do caution you to use them according to our specific recommendations. Essential oils can be used in three different ways:

1. Aromatically: Inhaled either from the bottle, from putting a drop in your hand and covering your nose or from a diffuser. This is the quickest way to feel the benefits of essential oils. Your body will have a neurological response within 30 seconds.

2. Topically: When essential oils touch your body, they are absorbed into your bloodstream and your body will feel the effects. Some areas of the body that absorb the oils quickly are the bottoms of the feet, the wrists, behind the ears and on your ankle.

3. Internally: To take essential oils internally, you can put a few drops in a vegetable capsule or add to water or food. We caution you on taking essential oils internally and recommend that you refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations before doing so.

Disclaimer: Please remember that anything discussed here does not constitute medical advice and cannot substitute for appropriate medical care. Where essential oils are mentioned, it’s recommended you use only pure, unadulterated therapeutic grade essential oils and follow the safety directions of the manufacturer.

UNREFINED29 basic essential oil kit

The following are essential oils that UNREFINED29 recommends using for the 29-day program and support your body while doing an elimination diet.


When you are a part of the 29-day group coaching program, you will get all these essential oils sent to you.

Zendocrine essential oil

Zendocrine essential oil is a blend of clove, grapefruit, rosemary and geranium. As explained from “These oils help cleanse your organs, mainly the liver. Our bodies are amazing at removing toxins because that is what they are made to do. But with the environment we live in, the products we use, and the processed foods we eat, our natural systems can get “clogged up” much like the filter in a coffee pot or a vacuum cleaner. Once our bodies get “clogged up,” they often need a little help to restore their filtering ability just as your vacuum cleaner works better with a new, clean filter. Zendocrine will help cleanse the body without damaging the organs or otherwise impairing their function.” This oil is administered by placing five drops in a vegetable capsule and taking it after breakfast.

Epsom salt baths

Using Epsom salt in a foot bath or full body bath will help draw out toxins and replenish magnesium in our bodies. The essential oils we have selected to be added into the epsom salt baths aid in relaxation and help with circulation. Both are forms of helping the body to expel toxins. A foot bath is a great suggestion for those who are busy or just don’t like baths. The skin pores in our feet are the largest in our bodies which makes the technique a quick way to pull toxins out and feel the benefits of the essential oils. Here are five basic benefits of an Epsom salt bath:

● Increase magnesium ● Reduce inflammation ● Flush toxins


● Reduce stress (remember stress leads to hormonal imbalance and adrenal fatigue)

● Relieve illness symptoms In addition to Epsom salt, here are the three essential oils we recommend for use in the bath preparation and the specific benefits associated with them. Lemongrass: used for soothing aching feet, tired muscles and painful backs. Other properties include: antibacterial, antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, an astringent, a diuretic, a disinfectant. Lavender: one of the most popular and frequently used of the essential oils. Most commonly known for calming and relaxation, but it is also good for all things skin-related. Other properties include: analgesic, antibiotic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, sedative, and disinfectant. Geranium: known to heal the skin and found in many skin products. It also stimulates the immune system, aids in poor circulation, and is anti-mucolytic. Other properties include: analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, disinfectant, diuretic, and sedative.

Detoxifying and slimming body wrap

This blend of essential oils is applied externally to your abdomen. It will help with water retention, speed up your metabolism and extract some of the toxins in your skin. When you are a part of the 29-day program, we will send you a 10mL bottle of these oils already blended and ready to use. If you are not a part of the program, we suggest buying these (only sold separately) and blending them yourself with organic fractionated coconut oil. (Recipe below.) The oils that we included in this body wrap are: Slim and Sassy Blend (grapefruit, lemon, ginger, and cinnamon), eucalyptus, wintergreen, peppermint, lavender, and cypress. All of the major benefits are summarized as follows: Slim and Sassy Blend Manages appetite and hunger


Helps hydrate Balances metabolism Eucalyptus Increases blood flow Clears up skin infections Calms and creates a sense of well-being Wintergreen Aids in obesity issues Cleanses the lymphatic system Nourishes and heals skin Peppermint Aids in digestion Helps your body absorb the oils Soothes and cools the skin Lavender Diuretic Heals skin issues and renews skin cells Minimizes scars Cypress Relieves lymphatic congestion Aids in circulation Grapefruit Cleanses and detoxifies Slims, tones and treats cellulite, suppresses appetite One of the advantages of participating in UNREFINED29 is the savings we can offer you on these oils. If you had to purchase them yourself, you would spend almost $200.00. As an UNREFINED29 member, you will receive a 10 mL bottle of these oils already pre-blended and ready to use! You will also receive a bandage wrap, and during one of our webinars, we will demonstrate how to do the wrap.


We suggest doing the wrap twice a week while you are going through the program. Thereafter, it can be used sparingly or before any big event.

Oil pulling with essential oils

Oil pulling is a centuries-old technique. It’s inexpensive and simple, and we highly recommend you give it a try.

First thing in the morning, take a spoonful of coconut oil, add a drop of essential oil and swish it around in your mouth until you can’t swish anymore. Our recommendation is to swish for 15 to 20 minutes and then spit out the used oil, just like mouthwash. In theory, this extracts toxins from your body through the tissues in your mouth. In your essential oil kit for UNREFINED29, you will receive On Guard essential oil blend. This is the oil we recommend for oil pulling. This oil will kill bacteria, help to pull out toxins and boost your immunity!

Cleansing your household products

As part of the UNREFINED29 program, you will also be reducing the toxic load in your environment. Your goal is to eliminate toxic chemicals and smells in your house. These come mainly from cleaning products. We will teach you how to clean your house, do your laundry and clean your teeth by making all your own products with fewer and less harmful ingredients!


First, you want to carefully inspect the products you now have around the house and discard those with the harshest ingredients. Look for words and phrases like: Danger, Warning or Caution, "may cause skin irritation," "flammable," "vapors harmful," or "may cause burns on contact," "corrosive". When ingredients are listed (not all cleaning products will list ingredients), choose products made with plant-based instead of petroleum-based ingredients. Second, avoid products that list chlorine or ammonia as active ingredients. Third, beware of unregulated "greenwash" claims on labels! Terms such as "natural" and "eco-friendly" shouldn't be equated with safety unless they're backed up with specific ingredient information, such as "solvent-free," "no petroleum-based ingredients," "no phosphates," etc. "Non-toxic" has no official definition, so unless a third party has verified this claim, it is not meaningful. And don't believe "organic" ingredients in cleaning and other chemical products are any safer than other substances. Although "organic" in the grocery store refers to foods grown without synthetic pesticides, in chemistry it refers to chemicals that are carbon-based, including some VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that release harmful fumes and may cause brain damage or cancer.


PART 3 The Program

Your guide through 29 days

During the first week, you will focus on food. You will eliminate all food that can cause allergies, inflammation and foods that wear you down. After you learn how to prepare your food, we will guide you through the proper use of essential oils. During the UNREFINED29 group program, you will receive an essential oil kit for internal and external use. Once you begin to understand how and when to use essential oils, you can then start to explore making your own household products and beauty products using essential oils.

Before your 29 days start ● Clean out your pantry and fridge of all processed foods and foods with

sugar. This includes dressings, marinades, seasonings, etc. ● Replace those items from the “Useful things to have on hand” items. ● Know where you are going to buy food. We suggest finding local farms,

CSA boxes, Vitamin Cottage, and Whole Foods. ● Fill your freezer with grass-fed meat, wild-caught seafood, organic

vegetables and fruit. ● Plan a “Prep Day” and a “Shopping Day.” The difficult part about this is

the amount of preparation time you need. If you do prepare, you will succeed.

● We suggest buying a Crock-Pot. This is not a “must” but we promise it makes cooking easier especially when you live a busy life.

Some useful items to have on hand

Lard/Tallow: Lard and tallow are some of the good fats we have stressed! You will be eating fat at least four times a day. You can cook with lard instead of oil, but it does need to be a nutritionally sound product, and it must also be


from grass-fed sourced animals. We recommend the products found at as well as Uswellness Meats. You can find this on Amazon!

Gelatin: Grass-fed beef gelatin can be used to make dessert type snacks! There are many recipes on Pinterest and on our website as well. These yummy little gummies will give you 9 grams of protein! Great Lakes gelatin is the brand we suggest, but if you find another gelatin from grass-fed sources, don’t be afraid to try it. Vital Proteins is also another great source. Also on Amazon! Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is used a lot in an allergy-free diet. Coconut oil can be used to flavor food, cook with. Look for a good 100% organic coconut oil. Mineral Rich Salt: Table salt is not healthful. We recommend the purchase of Himalayan salt, real salt, Hawaiian salt. Epsom Salt: Epsom salt will be used to naturally detoxify the body externally. Epsom salt is comprised mainly of the minerals magnesium and sulfate. It is a natural exfoliant and anti-inflammatory. Epsom salt can be used to fight illness and, in the case of UNREFINED29, we will be using it to cleanse our bodies. If you are a part of our 29-day group, you will receive a pre-blended bottle of Epsom salt with essential oils for body detox! More details below. Herbs and Spices: These can be a way to add flavor and also extra nutrients. We love the Savory Spice shop in Boulder.

Meal guidelines


Each meal you eat should be a balance of all three macronutrients in the following proportions: 25% protein (meat/fish), 25% fat and 50% carbohydrate (vegetables). Think dinner for breakfast! Leftovers are great for breakfast We know this sounds weird, but breakfast is the meal that sets you up for the rest of your day. It needs to be a complete meal, with no sugar, and you need to eat within 15-20 minutes of waking up. This is a natural way to help regulate your blood sugar level throughout the day which, in turn, helps you avoid the usual cravings and energy crashes sure to follow a poor or skipped breakfast.


We will have weekly webinars (online meetings or you can call in on your cell phone.) The link to or phone number to connect will be emailed to 48 hours before the scheduled call time. You can also find the connection link on our secured Facebook group. There will be time for you to ask questions live to the nutritionists and wellness advocate. What you can plan to learn from our weekly webinars:

● Blood sugar regulation-understanding the importance of blood sugar ● Brain health ● Gut health ● Education about “leaking gut” ● Probiotics/supplements ● Nutrient density of foods ● A calorie is not a calorie

What to expect: week by week

Week 1: You will feel tired, fatigued. During this week your body’s energy is being used to adjust to a substantial dietary change. If your blood sugar regulation has been especially poor, this is the worst you have felt in a long time. You will be very tempted to give up. DON’T! Avoid vigorous exercise this week. Stay focused, plan meals, eat often and drink plenty of water! Food: Your main focus this week is eating more of the healthful foods and eliminating all foods listed in Part 1. Concentrate on meal planning and eating enough fat, protein and carbohydrates at each meal. If you are hungry, eat.


Don’t count calories. If you are still hungry after meals, you are probably not eating enough good fats. Essential Oils: Start taking Zendocrine essential oil. This comes in a capsule. You will take one a day for 14 days. You can take this after your first meal of the day. You should not feel any noticeable side effects. Start using Lemon Oil in every glass of water! One drop is all you need. Week 2: Most of you will start to feel a little gain in energy. For some of you, meal preparation may still feel overwhelming. It will get easier, we promise. You might begin to feel what we call a “cleaner running system.” You should start sleeping better at night, and you should wake up feeling more refreshed and ready for the day. Food: Focus on eating a cup of bone broth daily. Have plenty of food prepared. You should start to recognize how blood sugar is related to everything you eat. Essential oils: Continue taking the Zendocrine essential oil blend and Lemon oil. You may start to add in Epsom salt baths and body wraps! You can do the epsom salt baths as much as you would like; we recommend twice a week. The body wrap can be done twice a week as well while you are in the program. Thereafter, we recommend using it sparingly. It’s designed to be used to be used before a big event or once a week. Week 3: You have turned the corner. You should be understanding how to eat a balanced meal, how to calculate your protein intake and how to use your essential oils for body detox. You should be having bone broth daily and you should start exploring more herbs to make with your meals! Herbs and seasonings are very good for you! Food: If you are not feeling the best you have ever felt, please contact Monique for more specific guidance. By this stage of the diet you should be feeling full of energy, but there are many reasons why someone might not feel optimal. Some of you might still have an underlying gut pathogen. Others might have adrenal fatigue. Essential oils: You will be finished with Zendocrine essential oil. Continue with Lemon Oil in your water, body wraps and Epsom salt baths. You may now add in oil pulling (every day for 20 minutes). Start gathering supplies to make your own cleaning products and beauty products. Throw away all toxic products around your house. Recipes below.


Week 4: You should be feeling very energized. Digestive issues should improve. Skin should be clear and radiant. Sleep should be great, and you should wake up energized! By eliminating the toxic load around your house, you should have less congestion, fewer headaches, and more energy! Food: You will start adding food back in. Refer to the section below on how to do that. Essential oils: You should now be an expert at using essential oils for internal and external body detox. You should now be making your own cleaning and beauty products. At this point, you might be ready to start learning more about essential oils. A great website to reference is

Reintroducing foods after 29 days When 29 days is almost up, we want to make sure that you understand this

does not mean that you go back to eating a bunch of junk. This is meant to be a lifestyle change. Avoiding sugar, GMOs, grains and many other foods are

best for your long term health, but we do think that some foods are healthful foods and we can try adding them back in.

This is the order in which we suggest you add back food:

1. Eggs

1. Nightshades

2. Nuts and seeds

3. Dairy

4. Non-gluten grains

5. Corn. Almost all corn is GMO

6. Gluten grains

7. Soy. 90% of soy in the US is genetically modified so watch for it (We suggest you stay away from 5, 6, and 7 most of the time even if you handle them well.)


Now, how to add them back in correctly? We will add one food at a time. Why? Because we want to use this as a time to isolate what foods work for you and what ones don’t. You will take one day and pick the food you are adding. Have that food at all three meals. Example: If you pick eggs, then you will eat eggs at breakfast, lunch and dinner. You will look for reactions immediately and for the next 2 days.

What form could a reaction take?

● Headache

● Couldn't sleep

● Overly tired right after you eat the food

● Irritable

● Skin problems

● Digestive changes Any of these symptoms is your body’s way of telling you that it’s not processing that specific food. NOW LISTEN CLOSELY. . . if you had a reaction to the last food you may not add the next food until the reaction has gone away. So, for example, if you had a skin flare up you may not add the next food in until your skin has cleared up all the way. Same goes for any other reaction. If you cheated during this elimination diet, you didn’t give yourself the opportunity to do proper healing. The results of adding foods back into your system might not produce 100% accuracy unless the rules were followed. Our hope is by the end of this process of eliminating toxins from your system, you found the right foods for your body. After the program you will have properly and effectively learned how to eat balanced meals and how to regulate your blood sugar.

Cleansing your mind


You are on a journey to cleanse your body of toxins using whole foods and essential oils. Toxins, however, lurk in other places, too. Living a truly unrefined life requires the elimination of all toxins regardless of the form or shape they may take. This means you need to banish the toxic load in your mind as well.

Release any anger, fears, resentments or any conflicts you may have with others. Take the 29 days to focus on yourself. Pay attention to yourself. Love yourself. Concentrate on treating yourself well. When you fully love yourself and treat yourself right in all aspects of your life, you will see a reduction of those “mental toxins” that can generate so much negativity in your life. Relax. You do enough, you have enough, and you are enough. Instead of only trying to please everyone else, honor and respect yourself. For the next 29 days, do only things that truly resonate with YOU! Say “NO” to others. Do not do things for others unless it truly makes you feel amazing instead of just wanting to satisfy the needs and demands of someone else. For the next 29 days, spend your time only where you want. Put your energy only where you want. Cleansing and detoxing is hard enough mentally and physically. Your body and your mind need you to rest. Your focus should be on preparing your meals, cleansing your body, cleansing your home of toxins and chemicals. After 29 days, you will know how to make wiser choices in group settings around food and alcohol.

10 ways to reduce stress


1. Yoga: Yoga is a great way to stretch your body and relax your mind. If you are new to yoga, and like group classes, check out your local yoga studio. Many places will offer your first class or first week for free. You can also find yoga classes at your local recreation center. If you are prefer to do yoga out of your home, there are many YouTube channels that offer yoga for free! Just search “Yoga” in YouTube.

2. Acupuncture

3. Meditation: There are many ways that people can meditate. Meditation is a sacred and personal thing and it’s all about finding the type of meditation for you. If you are new to meditation, here are some ideas of how you can start and find the best way that works for you.

a. Silent Meditation: Take ten minutes every day to be in silence. Taking this time to sit, be focused and concentrating on your own being can really help to center yourself and eliminate stress for the day. During this time, you will focus on your breathing. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Making sure to take deep, long breaths.

b. Guided Meditation: There are many applications, videos and recordings for guided meditations. These can be anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour. Some of these meditations can be more spiritual than others. Again, it’s about finding what is right for you. If you are new to meditation, one that we really like and recommend is called Headspace. You can find this as an application on your smartphone or iPad. Other places to find guided meditations would be through podcasts (search: guided meditation), on YouTube or you can pay for mP3s. Here is a link of one that we also like, it is more spiritually based.

c. Visual Meditation: Visual meditation can be done in many different ways. The main thing is concentrating on being present and to not think about the past or the future. During this type of meditation, some people will visualize colors. Thinking about breathing in a certain color and breathing out another color. Or, visualizing yourself surrounded by light, feeling safe, secure and grounded. Another way, is to visualize yourself in a field of flowers. Visualizing the smells, the feelings and being relaxed. And lastly, you can visualize yourself


accomplishing something that you desire. “I see myself….doing xyz with ease and effortlessly”

d. Mantras: Coming up your own mantra based on something you feel in your life and concentrating on that saying for 10 minutes. With your eyes closed, say your mantra over and over and visualize yourself in those words. Here are some examples: “I am open and receptive to my highest good now.” “I am abundant and prosperous.” “I am healthy and energized.” “I am full of love and light.” “I am with peace and pure bliss.”

4. Oils: Essential oils not only smell great but they also have a neurological response inside your body! The most simple way to receive the benefits from essential oils, is to put a drop in your hand, rub your hands together, cup over your nose and inhale. Take 3 deep breaths. Again, it’s finding what essential oil works best for you and your body. Here is a list of essential oils to start with:

a. Lavender: Lavender is the “gateway” to essential oils. Lavender is great for all things calming, relaxing and anti-stress. It is very grounding without causing you to be sleepy.

b. Frankincense: This oil has been used for a very long time! It is referenced in the bible many time and can be found in many spiritual places. This oil is commonly used for meditation and grounding.

c. Chamomile: This oil has calming and relaxing properties. This oil can help reduce anxiety, anger and negative emotions.

d. Bergamont: This oil has calming properties. It is citrus based.

e. Geranium: Geranium is an essential oil that helps relieve tension, stress and release negative memories (it works with the liver chakra to release toxins from the body)

f. Wild Orange: This is a natural antidepressant and mood elevator.


g. Sandalwood: This oil is used in many cultures for yoga and meditation. It works to balance the emotions.

h. Ylang Ylang: This oil is considered an aphrodisiac. It works differently on different people. This oil can be either stimulating or calming.

i. Vetiver: Vetiver oil is psychologically grounding, calming, and stabilizing

j. Cedarwood: This oil stimulates the limbic region of the brain (centre of emotions) and the pineal gland, which releases melatonin.

5. Go to bed early and get 8-9 hours of sleep

6. Journal: A morning journal can be extremely beneficial to productivity as well as releasing emotions. You can write in the morning about your feelings, your dreams or what you want to accomplish during the day. Some people like “to-do” lists, which help to release the feeling of being overwhelmed. You can write down in the morning 5 things you are grateful for accomplishing during your day that have not even happened yet. This is the practicing the “Law of Attraction” and expressing gratitude.

7. Expressing Gratitude: Expressing Gratitude is simply thanking the “Universe” for all that you are and all that you having in your life. Even if you are stuck in feelings of lack and feel this is impossible, simply by changing your verbiage and outlook on life can start to shift your awareness and bring more to you. By saying or writing down: “I am grateful for a day full of ease and bliss,” “I am grateful for my health and safety,” “I am grateful for new opportunities today.” If you are new to “The Law of Attraction”, this might seem a little crazy to you, but changing your outlook on life and focusing on what you are grateful for, rather than what you lack, will actually bring more positive things to your life.

8. Read: Spending a few moments during the day to read something for knowledge or enjoyment can help to reduce stress. So often we get caught up in what we “have” to do that we forget to take a few moments and enjoy the small things.

9. Drink a hot beverage or bone broth: A hot cup of tea or water with lemon is warming, soothing and nourishing. You can have this be a tea that has


herbs for relaxing or add a drop of essential oil to help your body relax as well (Chamomile is suggested)

10. Epsom salt bath or foot bath: Using Epsom salt in a foot bath or full body bath will help draw out toxins and replenish magnesium in our bodies. A foot bath is a great suggestion for those who are busy or just don’t like baths. The skin pores in our feet are the largest in our bodies which makes this technique a quick way to pull toxins out and feel the benefits of the essential oils. Adding essential oils such as lavender or geranium are added benefits for reducing stress!


PART 4 What to eat?

We want to make this as easy as possible for everyone to follow! We realize that some people in the program are either beginners to cooking and preparing meals, or have busy schedules hindering their ability to spend lots of time in the kitchen or prefer not to cook at all. We do not want to give you a meal guide that states: “eat these exact meals for 29 days.” Rather, we want you to choose the foods you like and prepare them in a way that you enjoy most. We encourage you to choose from the list above to make healthful decisions. Again, we can not stress enough to buy local and what is in season. This will make it more affordable! When you are grocery shopping, buy plenty of produce and buy what’s on special.

Meal time

Every meal needs to have 25% protein, 25% fat and 50% carbohydrate. We will have a list below of suggestions of what to pick from that are easy to prepare and tend to be the most affordable. What we do, is prepare our protein ahead of time so there is always something ready and then add to the protein with different combinations of fat and carbohydrates (vegetables) to keep your meals interesting. The worst thing when doing a “diet” is getting bored! So please be creative. You can do this by adding spices and seasonings. If you would like suggestions for sauces and dressings, we recommend looking up recipes online. Just include in the search engine A.I.P. (i.e: AIP salad dressing, AIP soup, AIP marinade, etc.) There is also a list of dressings and sauces at the end of this book.



To make this the most affordable for you and your family, we recommend buying produce that is in season! These items will usually be on special. Also, find which of your grocery stores has days where they have double coupons or produce specials. This may sound cheesy, but some stores will have produce specials from the last week and the current week on the same day. Usually Wednesdays. Farmers markets are the best places to buy produce. Especially if you go towards the end of the market time, they will basically give you produce for a small price!

Dirty dozen and clean 15

If it’s not possible to buy organic, follow this list of what to buy organic and

what you can avoid buying organic. We would rather you save money here

than buying poor quality meats.

Dirty produce means always buy organic! Non-organic sources of these foods

could be full of pesticides.

1. Apples

2. Strawberries

3. Grapes

4. Celery

5. Peaches

6. Spinach

7. Sweet bell peppers

8. Nectarines (imported)

9. Cucumbers

10. Cherry tomatoes

11. Snap Peas (imported)

12. Potatoes

+ Hot Peppers

+ Kale/Collard Greens


Clean produce means it’s safe to buy even if not organic!

1. Avocados

2. Sweet Corn

3. Pineapples

4. Cabbage

5. Sweet peas (frozen)

6. Onions

7. Asparagus

8. Mangoes

9. Papayas

10. Kiwi

11. Eggplant

12. Grapefruit

13. Cantaloupe

14. Cauliflower

15. Sweet Potatoes

Use a Crock-Pot

We love the Crock-Pot! This can make the next 29 days so easy!!! Cooking meat in the Crock-Pot is amazing! It comes out so juicy and tender! The big bonus is that there is usually enough for more than one meal and if there are bones in your meat, use the bones to make bone broth!

Meal prep This is a big one! Setting yourself up for success and having food available is vital to the program! Here are some ideas for meal prep:

● Always have a meat in the Crock-Pot. Even cooking something at night so you can eat it for breakfast or take it for lunch the next day.


● Dice up your veggies! Especially the harder ones to prepare, like sweet potatoes or squash.

● Keep a container in the fridge with your favorite vegetables so you can easily saute them or roast them in the oven with coconut oil, tallow, lard, olive oil or avocado oil.

● Always have bone broth ready and available for an afternoon treat. Add vegetables if you find yourself being hungry or wanting to snack.

● Defrost your meat at night so it’s ready the next day! Always plan meals one day ahead. Have all your ingredients ready.

These are meal ideas for someone who is busy, on the go and uses the Crock-Pot. First, pick your protein. Then, add your starchy vegetable (this helps to keep you full), add more vegetables and lastly, add your good fat! Protein ideas

● Sugar-Free bacon ● Scallops ● Steak ● Chicken breast or thighs* (cook less time) ● Whole chicken* ● Pork Shoulder* ● Pork chops*(cook less time) ● Pork Loin* ● Chicken wings*(cook less time) ● Ground meat ● Turkey meat ● Shrimp

*Great meat to cook in the Crock-Pot! Add seasonings, a little bit of water or broth and cook on low for 8 hours. Starchy Vegetables (for a busy schedule, have these cooked ahead of time or diced up ready to saute)

● Sweet potatoes ● Squash ● Pumpkin ● Eggplant


● Zucchini Vegetables (Sautee together, make a “hash” or roast ahead of time)

● Mushrooms and onions ● Kale ● Spinach ● Cabbage ● Brussel Sprouts ● Asparagus ● Broccoli ● Cauliflower

Good fats (Either cook your food in this fat or drizzle on top) ● Coconut oil ● Tallow ● Lard ● Avocado oil ● Olive oil ● Or, eat an avocado with your meal ●

Bone broth Bone broth is an essential component of UNREFINED29 program! While you are eliminating so much from your diet, the bone broth will help add healthful minerals to your body and is great for your gut! We recommend to sip on a cup every afternoon! You can add veggies or extra seasonings to make it extra special. It does take two days to prepare so get in the habit of preparing this every week! Here is how to do it: There are 2 basic ways to make bone broth. 1. Make yourself at home with chicken as follows: ● Place a whole chicken to make a in the Crock-Pot or you can also make a roasted chicken in the oven. Season and add any vegetables that you might wish to have. ● Cook on low for eight hours ● Debone your chicken use your chicken meat on salads, for breakfast fast, you can even save to make a soup with later in the week and then put


the once you have used all the of meat off of the check then take your carcass and put it back in the Crock-Pot ● Add water to the top ● Cook on low for two days and check periodically on water level ● Keep bones in freezer and recycle them to make more broth until bones are gone 2. Option two for bone broth. Go to Whole Foods and purchase soup bones in the freezer section. Any bones work--fish, chicken, beef, lamb-- they must be from wild-caught fish or grass-fed animals. ● Place in Crock-Pot ● Fill Crock-Pot with water ● Add one tbsp. of apple cider vinegar ● Cook on low for two days and check periodically on water level ● Keep bones in freezer and recycle them to make more broth until bones are gone We enjoy a little Oregano essential oil added to our warm broth. If you are interested in this, contact us to get yourself some! This is the ultimate immunity booster!

Blood Sugar Regulating Snacks ● Sugar-free sliced deli meat wrapped around vegetables of your choice.

We like avocado. ● Nachos: sweet potato chips with ground meat and guacamole remember

no tomatoes in your guacamole ● Cucumber roll-ups with tuna salad, chicken salad or any meat of your

choice. ● Plantain chips dipped in tuna salad or some other protein. ● Jerky ● Bacon-wrapped dates, butternut squash, asparagus. ● Gummies homemade with grass-fed gelatin. Here is a suggested

recipe; do not add the honey though:

● Avocado-stuffed meatballs



Herbal Infusions and Smoothies�

Rosehips and Lemon Tea�

Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. of Rosehips in a teacup or mug and let stand for 10 minutes. Juice half of a lemon into the mug, strain and enjoy! This is a great way to start your day.

Golden Turmeric Milk

It’s recommended to drink this tea frequently due to the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric and ginger. Ginger can also remedy nausea.�1 cup filtered water or broth�1 Throat Coat* or Licorice tea bag

1/2 cup coconut milk�1/4 tsp. ground turmeric�1/8 tsp. ground ginger�1/8 tsp. ground cardamom�Bring water or broth to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer tea bag for 10 minutes. Remove bag. Add coconut milk, turmeric and other spices, remove from heat and serve. This beverage should be served and consumed while warm, because coconut milk hardens at room temperature. If your Turmeric Milk gets cold, simply re-heat to “melt” the coconut milk once again.�*Throat Coat or Licorice tea are Traditional Medicinals brands of tea. Any brand of licorice tea will work to sweeten this milk without using any sweetener.

High-Potassium Immune Broth/Vegetable Broth

This broth is very high in minerals and alkalizing to the system. It makes a great beverage to sip between meals or the broth can be used to make any soup. The broth can also be used as a side to any meal. It’s also helpful as a meal replacement if your digestive system is upset. It will keep for 4 days in the refrigerator or it can be frozen. Parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme and garlic are all antibacterial and antiviral herbs that add flavor also. NOTE: Do not add RepairVite or any glutamine-based supplement to any hot beverage, use cool or room temperature water only.


2 quarts spring water� 1 onion (white or yellow) or 2 leeks, chopped in chunks�4 stalks of celery, chopped in chunks�8 cloves garlic, chopped in chunks�4 carrots, sliced in chunks�1/2 head broccoli, cut in chunks�1 bunch parsley�1 bunch greens (either collards, spinach, kale or chard), chopped�rosemary, thyme, sage, ginger, turmeric and/or cardamom (optional, depending on your taste) Bring water to a boil, add all ingredients cover and let simmer on low for 2-4 hours. Cool, strain and discard the vegetables. If there are leftovers, cover and refrigerate or freeze for future use. Can be used as a base for soup or served as a broth. Reheat in small quantities as desired.

Bone Broth (Slow Cooker method)

Bone broth is very high in minerals, alkalizing to the system and provides gut healing collagen and gelatin to the diet. It makes a great beverage to sip between meals or the broth can be used to make any soup. It is recommended that you drink this broth regularly. If you cannot make it yourself there are several places local to Boulder, CO that sell bone broth: Fresh Thymes and Black Belly Restaurants.

�For BEEF Broth: beef marrow bones or soup bones or beef shank�For CHICKEN Broth: leftover chicken bones or 1-2 chicken carcasses, add’l necks, backs, feet 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, distilled vinegar or lemon juice

1 quart spring water or enough to cover bones in the slow cooker�Place the slow cooker on high while you’re preparing your ingredients. Add just enough bones to fill your slow cooker so when the water is added it completely covers the bones. Add bones, add “acid” in the form of vinegar or lemon juice. This will help leach the minerals from the bones during cooking. NOTE: bones can be roasted in the oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour beforehand to add flavor, but this step is not necessary. Once the water in the slow cooker comes to a boil, turn heat setting down to low and cook for 24-36 hours. OR add all ingredients, set the slow cooker temperature to low and walk away for the duration of the cook time – easy.�Cool, strain and discard the bones. Reheat to drink because when bone broth is cooled the gelatin will congeal, giving it a jiggly texture. There is no need to skim anything from this broth as the congealed gelatin contains the healing properties of the broth. If there are leftovers, refrigerate in a glass jar or freeze for future use. The best way to


freeze is in a glass jar (leaving a generous 2 inches of air space in the jar) or in ice cube trays. When the cubes are frozen, pop out into a freezer bag so you can use smaller amounts of broth easily without thawing the whole jar. I also recommend freezing in smaller quantities because that’s most likely how you’ll use it in the future. The leftover broth can be used as a base for soup or served as a beverage.�For “perpetual” broth, you can pour the first batch of broth off of the bones at 18 hours, refill the slow cooker with water, simmer the second batch for another 18 hours, then strain to yield more broth from one batch of bones. The second batch will have less collagen/gelatin, but added to the first, this will ensure you’ve gotten everything (minerals, gelatin, collagen) out of the bones you can.�For more flavorful broth:�Add any of the following ingredients to the last 2 hours of the broth’s cooking time to add flavor: celery, onion, garlic, spices such as: parsley, rosemary, thyme, sage, cardamom, ginger. You can also add a generous dollop of coconut milk to your mug as this can make for a tastier broth.

Sauces, Dressings and Spice Mix Recipes

Vinaigrette Salad Dressing

1 tbsp. olive oil�1 tsp. apple cider vinegar or lemon juice�1 small garlic clove minced�1 tsp. blend of dried parsley, thyme OR 2 tsp. fresh herbs Celtic salt to taste�Blend ingredients together.

Golden Vinaigrette Dressing

Try over Arugula

Makes nine 2-tablespoon servings vinaigrette Prep time: 10 minutes�3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil�1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

2 tbsp. Dijon mustard�1 tsp. ground turmeric�Pinch Celtic sea salt�4 cups trimmed arugula, washed�In a small bowl, whisk together the oil, juice, mustard, turmeric, salt, and pepper. Drizzle over fresh arugula. Toss to coat.

From Mark Hyman, MD, The Ultra-Metabolism Cookbook

Raspberry Basil Vinaigrette Dressing


1 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar�2 tbsp. shallots�1 cup fresh basil packed well 2 cloves garlic chopped

1 cup fresh raspberries washed and dried�Place all ingredients into blender and add salt and pepper at the end (if desired).

Apple Vinaigrette (great Fall/Winter dressing)

1 cup extra virgin olive oil�1/2 cup apple cider vinegar�2 tbsp. red onion�2 cloves garlic chopped�1/2 tsp. dried mustard or 1 tbsp. prepared mustard 3/4 cup chopped apple

Place all ingredients into blender and add salt to taste at the end (if desired).

Avocado Dressing (makes a creamy dressing without dairy)

Use this dressing as a mayonnaise substitute.

1 medium-sized avocado 1/4 cup olive oil

Avocado Dressing Recipe Cont’d

2 tbsp. lime OR lemon juice (the flavor of the lime beat the lemon in all my taste tests) 1/4 tsp. salt�1 tsp. lime or lemon zest (optional)�1/8 tsp. Dijon mustard or dried mustard powder (optional)

2 tbsp. coconut milk (optional)�1 tbsp. fresh parsley or cilantro, chopped fine (optional)�2 tbsp. water or more to thin to the consistency you like (add LAST, after all ingredients)�In a blender or small food processor, combine ingredients until smooth. Use water to thin to the consistency you like. You can make it thicker (with a smaller amount of water) for a sauce and thinner (with more water) for a pourable dressing. This dressing does not store well for more than a day or two. Make and use quickly.�I find that this dressing is very good with ALL of the optional ingredients added, but leave one or two out and it’s still a delicious dressing.

Coconut Milk Ranch Dressing


•   1 cup coconut milk (use canned coconut milk to ensure dressing is thick enough, Thai Kitchen brand is the thickest canned coconut milk product, Natural Value brand uses no BPA in their cans) �

•   2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice �

2 tbsp. coconut cream (optional, if you need to thicken it, try Let’s Do Organic brand coconut cream found at Whole Foods/Vitamin Cottage)�1/4 cup orange juice (sub 4 tbsp. apple juice to make Cleanse-friendly)�1 tsp. unrefined sea salt�1/2 tsp. freshly-ground black pepper�1/4 tsp. dried mustard�1/4 tsp. dried dillweed�1/4 tsp. paprika (eliminate for the Cleanse)�1/2 tsp. dried oregano�2 tsp. garlic powder�2 tbsp. fresh chives, finely minced�2 tbsp. fresh Italian parsley, finely minced�In a small bowl, whisk the coconut milk with the lemon juice and orange juice (or apple juice) and let it sit for 5 minutes. This will thicken somewhat in the fridge, but if you want it thicker, add in coconut cream here. Whisk in the remaining ingredients until smooth and creamy, cover and then refrigerate for at least half an hour to allow the flavors to meld and the dressing to thicken.�Keeps well refrigerated for up to one week.�Yield: 16 servings or about 2 cups

Caesar Dressing

4 tbsp. lemon juice�1 clove garlic, large or 2 cloves garlic, small, chopped fine 2-3 anchovy filets, chopped fine or use 1 tsp. anchovy paste pinch of salt�pepper to taste�1/2 cup olive oil�Add all ingredients except olive oil to a small bowl. Whisk until blended and then drizzle in the olive oil a bit at a time while whisking to blend. If using a blender, drizzle in the olive oil while blending on a lower speed to emulsify the oil (allow it to blend with the other ingredients). You might need to double the recipe in order to use a blender. A small food processor might work with this quantity of ingredients. Store the excess in a container in the fridge for up to a week.

Blackberry Sauce (for red meat)

1 tbsp. olive oil�2 tbsp. shallots, chopped (can sub yellow onion)�1 small garlic clove, minced�1 tsp. dry mustard�1/2 tsp. finely chopped thyme�fresh ground black pepper to taste�1 10 oz. jar of blackberry fruit only (no sugar) preserves or spread�Sauté shallots or onions in oil until translucent. Add garlic


and other spices and stir well. Remove from heat to stir in blackberry preserves. Thin with broth or water if necessary. Can halve this recipe.

Curry Powder (Nightshade-Free)

2 tsp. Cumin Seed, ground�2 tsp. Ginger powder�2 tsp. Coriander Seed, ground�2 tsp. Turmeric powder�1 tsp. Garlic powder�1/2 tsp. Fennel Seed, ground�1/4 tsp. Nutmeg, ground�1/4 tsp. Allspice, ground�Mix all ingredients together in a mortar and pestle, or by hand. Store in airtight container for up to several months. Yields 1/4 cup.

Breakfast Side Dishes

Mixed Berry Bowl

In a bowl combine any mix of fresh berries: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. Pour coconut milk over berries and top with flaked, dried coconut and cinnamon.

Mixed Fruit Bowl

In a bowl, chop or grate apple or pear. Pour coconut milk over the top and add flaked, dried coconut and cinnamon.

Apple or Pear Salad

In a bowl, chop or grate apple or pear. Pour coconut milk over the top and add flaked, dried coconut and cinnamon.

Baked Apples or Pears

I recommend baking apples ahead to save time in the morning.

4 apples or pears�1/4 – 1/2 cup of water or berry juice�1/4 cup dried coconut flakes and dried, fresh or frozen berries (your choice)�2 tsp. cinnamon�Baked apple (or pear). Core an apple or pear and peel halfway down. Place in a small baking dish with 1-inch of fruit juice (or water) covering the bottom. Sprinkle cinnamon in the center of the fruit and fill with dried coconut and/or dried/frozen/fresh berries. Bake covered for 45-55 minutes at 350° or until soft when pierced with a fork. Bake several at once, reheat as necessary.


Baked Apple stuffed with Breakfast Sausage

I recommend baking apples ahead and using leftover turkey sausage to speed up breakfast prep. You can also use packaged breakfast sausage or sausage purchased at Whole Foods meat counter (they are a full-service meat counter and will grind to your specifications if you call ahead). Avoid any with sugar/sweeteners, preservative (especially nitrates/nitrates), natural flavors, canola oil or gluten ingredients.

4 apples�1/4 – 1/2 cup of water or berry juice�4 tsp. cinnamon�1/4 – 1/2 cup breakfast sausage (see next recipe)�Core 4 apples and peel halfway down. Place in a small baking dish with just enough water to cover the bottom of the dish with about 1/4-inch of liquid. Fill the center of each apple with 1 tsp. chopped, fresh sage or 1/2 tsp. of dried. Bake covered for 45-55 minutes at 350° or until soft when pierced with a fork. Fill the center with leftover turkey sausage before serving.

Breakfast Sausage

2 tsp. olive oil�1/2 cup onion, chopped�1 lb ground meat (turkey, beef, buffalo, elk, lamb, chicken)�1 tbsp. sausage spice blend�Chop onion and add to skillet with a small amount of olive oil. Sauté over medium heat for 10 minutes and then add ground meat. When meat is thoroughly browned, add spice blend and stir well. Remove from heat and divide to use for future breakfasts. Freezes well.

Sausage Spice Blend

Make up this spice blend to add to ground meat to get a “breakfast sausage” flavor. All of these spices are available at the Savory Spice Shops in Boulder/Denver. Use 1 tbsp. per pound of ground meat to make patties or loose meat.�2 tbsp. Celtic salt 2 tbsp. sage, ground 2 tbsp. onion powder�2 tbsp. garlic powder or granules�2 tsp. rosemary, ground (I grind mine in a food mill/spice grinder)�1 tsp. ginger, powder�2 tsp. thyme�1 tbsp. parsley flakes�1 tbsp. black pepper (more if you like)�2 tsp. marjoram�1 tsp. coriander�Grind whole spices then mix all in a bowl with a fork. Store in a jar and use 1 tbsp. per pound of ground meat to make your own sausage. This is especially helpful if you can’t find sausage without illegal additives. The spices can also be ordered online at�Once you have


finished the Cleanse, you can add the following ingredients for a more traditional flavor:�1 tsp. cayenne pepper�1 tsp. honey powder

Salmon Roll-ups

Take smoked salmon slices and place a small bit of avocado, root veggies and/or fresh basil leaves and place in the center. Roll up. Squeeze a small bit of lemon juice on top.

Turkey Roll-ups

Take turkey breast slices and place fresh basil leaves, spinach, arugula and avocado and place in the center. Roll up.

Breakfast Recipes

Serve the meals below with a side of berries or fruit or one of the veggie side salad recipes.

Butternut Squash Breakfast Porridge

1/2 to 3/4 cup shredded coconut 1 cup butternut squash, mashed 1/2 cup applesauce�3 tbsp. coconut milk

1/2 tsp. vanilla�1/2 tsp. cinnamon�1/2 tsp. ginger�1/4 tsp. nutmeg�1/4 tsp. salt�1/4 apple, sliced thin (optional)�1/2 cup ground meat breakfast sausage (optional) - see recipe in this book�Add shredded coconut to a medium saucepan and cook over medium-low heat until the coconut starts to brown. Set aside in a bowl. Return the pan to the heat, add the remainder of the ingredients to the pan, stirring until well-mixed and smooth. Lower heat and let cook for a few minutes to let the flavors combine. Remove from heat, add the toasted, shredded coconut and stir well. Top with sliced apples and sausage crumbles.�Can be stored in an airtight container for up to 4 days.

Layered Breakfast Salad

1 tsp. coconut or olive oil�1/4 cup broccoli, chopped (or use baby broccoli or broccolini)�1 large or 2 small leaves of kale, chopped�1/4 cup onion, minced�1 serving leftover meat or fish�1/4-1/2 medium cucumber, sliced in quarter rounds�1/2 avocado, sliced (optional)�favorite spices, fresh or dried


(optional)�In a skillet heat oil and add broccoli, chopped kale and onion. Cook until soft, approximately 3 minutes. Add leftover meat/fish to reheat, if necessary. Place the cucumbers in the bottom of your bowl, add the fish/veggies (or top veggies with smoked salmon/lox). Top with chopped avocado and chopped fresh or dried spices such as basil, oregano, thyme or your own favorite to taste. Serves 1.

Savory Salmon & Greens

1 tbsp. olive or coconut oil�1/2 cup broccoli, chopped (or use baby broccoli or broccolini)�1 large or 2 small leaves of kale, chopped�1/2 cup onion, minced�1/4 cup leftover salmon broken in bite-sized pieces (can also used smoked salmon/lox)�1/2 avocado, sliced (optional)�favorite spices, fresh or dried (optional)�In a skillet heat 1 tbsp. coconut oil or olive oil. Add broccoli, chopped kale and onion. Cook until soft, approximately 3 minutes. Add leftover fish to reheat, if necessary. Place fish/veggies in a bowl or top veggies with smoked salmon/lox. Add avocado. Sprinkle with chopped fresh or dried spices such as basil, oregano, thyme or your own favorite to taste. Serves 1.

Southwestern Pile-Up

1 tsp. olive oil�Leftover chicken or beef slices�1 small yellow onion, chopped fine or 2 green onions, chopped 1/2 tsp. cumin�1/2 tsp. Celtic salt�2 cups spinach� Optional toppings:�Chopped fresh cilantro�Sliced avocado or guacamole Sauté onion in olive oil until translucent. Add meat to reheat, season with cumin and Celtic sea salt. Serve on a bed of spinach and top with avocado and cilantro.

Meat/Veggie Scramble

This recipe uses leftover slices of meat or ground meat. You can brown a pound of ground meat at the beginning of the week with or without veggies and spices (see previous recipe for sausage spices). Then, use as an addition to several breakfasts.�

2 tbsp. coconut oil 1 small yellow onion, chopped fine or 2 green onions, chopped 1 small zucchini, sliced in rounds�1 small head of broccoli florets (optional)�2 handfuls greens (kale, chard, spinach, arugula or a mix)


1 cup leftover ground or sliced turkey, beef, buffalo, elk or lamb�1/2 avocado, sliced�1 tsp. of fresh or dried basil, parsley or cilantro (optional)�Add coconut oil to small skillet and all the veggies except the greens. When the veggies are almost done to your liking, add greens and meat, cover and finish cooking (about 3 minutes) to wilt greens and reheat meat. Add basil, parsley or cilantro at the end of the cooking process and top with avocado when it’s on the plate or in the bowl.

Serves 2.

Asian-style Greens Bowl

1 tbsp. olive or coconut oil�1 tsp. fresh ginger, grated�2 green onions, chopped in 1/2-in pieces�1 baby bok choy, chopped roughly�1/2 zucchini, sliced in quarter-rounds�1/4 cup broccoli, chopped fine�1 cup ground or sliced meat (leftover strips of steak or chicken works well here)�1/4 cup shredded carrot�1 tbsp. parsley, chopped�Heat oil in a skillet on medium heat. Add ginger, onions, bok choy, zucchini, and broccoli. Cook covered until veggies are soft, approximately 10 minutes. When veggies are almost done, add meat to heat. Garnish with shredded carrot and parsley. Celtic salt to taste. Serves 2.

Salmon Hash

2 medium parsnips, diced (or use turnips or a mix) 1/2 cup cauliflower florets�2 tbsp. coconut oil, divided�1 small yellow onion, chopped

2 green onions�2 cloves garlic, diced or smashed�2 cups of greens (kale, chard, spinach or a mix) 1/2 pound of grilled or baked, leftover salmon filet OR 1 10 oz. package of smoked salmon 1 tbsp. fresh dill, chopped�1 tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped�Celtic salt, to taste

Boil diced parsnips and/or turnips until tender, about 10 minutes, adding cauliflower after 5 minutes. When they’re done, drain thoroughly, and let them sit draining in a colander. In a large skillet, over medium-high heat, add 1 tbsp. coconut oil. When hot, add onions and cook about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Then add garlic and greens. Continue cooking until greens are wilted, about 7 minutes total. Add the boiled veggies to this mixture and stir to coat veggies. Break up leftover salmon into small pieces and add to skillet


on low heat with an additional tbsp. coconut oil, parsley and dill. Cook only long enough to reheat salmon. Salt to your taste. NOTE: Leftover salmon (not the band) can be added to either the Turnip Hashbrown recipe or the Butternut Squash and Parsnip Hashbrown recipe to create a hash also.

Sautéd Greens with Breakfast Bratwurst

2 turkey, chicken or buffalo bratwurst-style sausages 2 tbsp. olive oil�1 small yellow onion, chopped thin�2 cloves garlic

2 cups of greens (kale, chard, spinach or a mix)�1/4 avocado, sliced (per person, optional)�Pierce the casing of the sausages with a fork and place them in a skillet with enough water to cover. Cover the pan and simmer on medium heat for 5-10 minutes, turning sausages once. Cook longer if they’re frozen. Remove from pan, allow to cool. Slice and set aside. Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil until done. Add the sliced sausages back to the pan and cook until done. Add greens when sausage is almost done and stir until greens are wilted and sausage is completely done. Top with avocado slices and salt to taste. Yields 2-3 servings.

Spicy Greens with Fish or Meat

1 tsp. coconut or olive oil�1 tsp. fresh ginger, grated�2 cloves garlic, minced�Swiss chard, kale, collards, dandelion greens, arugula or a mixture (use 4 large leaves or 1/2 cup raw, chopped per serving)

leftover salmon or trout (you can also use leftover chicken, thinly sliced steak, meatloaf or burgers)

Celtic sea salt to taste�1/4 to 1/2 avocado�Heat oil over medium heat. Add ginger and garlic and sauté for 1 minute. Add greens and sauté for 2-3 minutes more. Remove before wilting occurs. Top with reheated or cold meat and avocado. Serves 1.

Gut Repair Cleanse 21

Fruit Salad Side Dish



2 tbsp. lime juice 1/2 tsp. lime zest dash Celtic sea salt Salad:

6 kiwis, peeled and sliced or diced�1/2 cup blueberries�1/2 cup strawberries�1/2 apple, coarsely grated (tart Granny Smith or Pink Lady works well)�Compose dressing and whisk thoroughly. Place fruit in bowl and top with dressing. Mix gently. Serve.

Lunch Recipes�Salads�Mixed Green Salad�Include any type of lettuce except iceberg (lack of nutrients) and any of the following: cabbage (red or green), watercress, dandelion greens, carrots, cucumbers, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, beets and/or asparagus (try lightly steamed), water chestnuts, red or green onions, chives, cilantro, parsley, and any fresh or dried spices.

Add canned tuna, chicken or salmon, leftover meats cut into strips or leftover fish. Top with sliced avocado.�Refer to one of the dressing recipes above.

Avocado Salad

Mix gently in a bowl:�1 1/2 cup chopped avocado�1/4 cup scallions or red onion, chopped�1/3 cup grated carrot�1/3 cup chopped cucumber (or substitute beets) Mix and pour on top:�2 tbsp. olive oil�1 tbsp. lemon juice

Romaine with Brussels Sprouts

A warm salad for winter.

1 1/2 cups Brussels sprouts, quartered and steamed 2 romaine hearts, chopped�2 tbsp. olive oil�1⁄4 cup onion, chopped

3 garlic cloves�juice from 1/2 lemon�Wash, trim and quarter the Brussels sprouts before steaming for about 12-15 minutes. Meanwhile, rough chop the Romaine heart and divide between 2 large, flat bowls. In a skillet

Romaine Salad Recipe Cont’d

over medium heat, add the oil, onion and garlic granules. Sauté for about 5 minutes then add the steamed Brussels sprouts. Stir until completely mixed, then divide and add to the top of the 2 salads. Divide lemon and squeeze over top.


Cole Slaw

Combine equal amounts of grated carrot and thinly sliced red and/or green cabbage. Add half as much of each diced celery, onion or green onion as desired. Sprinkle with caraway seeds, salt. Use fresh lemon/lime juice and olive oil to dress. Try the coconut milk ranch dressing also.�For Asian Coleslaw, add:

1/2 daikon radish, grated or sliced using a mandolin 1/2 large or 1 small cucumber, diced�For Waldorf Coleslaw, add:�1 apple, grated

2 tbsp. coconut milk

Chinese Cabbage Slaw

2 1/2 cups Chinese (Napa) cabbage or green cabbage, shredded 2 cups celery, thinly sliced�1 can water chestnuts, drained�2 scallions or a small bunch of chives

1 tbsp. olive oil�1 tsp. apple cider vinegar�1 tbsp. lemon juice�1/2 tsp. caraway seeds (optional)�Shred the cabbage and chop the scallions. Toss the vegetables together. Mix oil, vinegar, lemon and caraway. Just before serving, combine vegetables and dressing. Makes 3-6 cups.

Middle Eastern Carrot Salad

Mix the following together and chill at least one hour before serving:

4 cups grated carrots�1/2 tsp. ground coriander seeds�2 tsp. chopped fresh mint (1/2 tsp. if using dried)�1 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley�3 tbsp. fresh lemon juice�1 tbsp. olive oil�Whisk together the last 3 dressing ingredients before you pour over salad. This recipe calls for a small amount of maple syrup for flavor, but the cleanse eliminates sugar otherwise.

Greens & Apple Salad

Measurements are per salad or per person. Layer the following on each plate:


Handful of mixed greens and a handful of spinach per person 1/2 small cucumber, sliced per person�1 tbsp. red onion, diced per person�1/4 apple, grated per person


2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar 1 tsp. lime juice (optional) Celtic salt to taste

Whisk vinegar and lime juice together and then slowly drizzle the oil in as you whisk to emulsify, pour over salad. Garnish with edible flowers such as violets, nasturtiums, borage flowers, daylilies, dandelions or rose of Sharon petals.

Winter Spinach Salad

2 cups spinach, washed, dried and torn�1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced�1/4 cup daikon radish, thinly sliced�1 cup beets lightly cooked, thinly sliced (beets can be sliced then steamed or baked ahead before slicing)

1/2 cup carrots, grated


1/2 cup olive oil�1/4 cup organic cider vinegar�pinch of salt�Blend dressing together and set aside. Toss the first five salad ingredients well with dressing.

Raw Kale Salad

I recommend few to no raw brassica vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, collards, etc) if you have any hypothyroid disorder. They are recommended if you have any hyperthyroid disorder.�1 handful of coarsely chopped kale per person

1 tsp. olive oil per serving�1 tsp. lemon juice per serving�Celtic sea salt to taste�Place all ingredients into a large bowl. Massage the kale with the olive oil and lemon juice until the kale begins to bruise and break down. This usually requires a couple of minutes of vigorous massage. Eat the kale alone as a salad, or top with your favorite veggies.


Chicken Salad

1 cup chopped (bite-size) white meat chicken per person. Leftover roast chicken works well, but you can also use canned chicken.

1/8 cup red onion per person, chopped very fine OR 1 green onion (scallions) per person 1/8 – 1/4 cup of chopped celery per person�2 tbsp. to 1/4 c chopped apple per person�1-2 tbsp. avocado dressing (use as mayo sub, recipe in sauces section)

Mix all ingredients, serve on a bed of mixed greens or spinach or in a lettuce wrap. Sides: soup, celery and/or other raw vegetable sticks: carrots, jicama, daikon and red radishes.

Tuna Salad Nicoise

This lunch can be packed and assembled later. Pack up a can of tuna (with the can opener), the romaine, an avocado and some leftover steamed veggies: asparagus, parsnips and carrots along with a small container of vinaigrette dressing. Assemble and dress.�1 can tuna, chicken, salmon (1/2 can per person)

4-6 leaves of romaine, green or red leaf lettuce, per person 8 stalks asparagus, per person�10 slices of parsnip, sliced thin, per person�1 small carrot, sliced thin, per person

2 tbsp. red or green onion, chopped fine, per person 1/2 avocado, per person�Dressing (serves 2):�2 tbsp. olive oil

1 tbsp. lemon juice�1 tsp. dried basil�Clean and trim asparagus stalks, thinly slice carrots and parsnips and steam all until the parsnips are done. If your carrots/parsnips are thick-cut add asparagus half way through steaming. You can use a vegetable peeler to get the carrot/parsnip slices thin so they steam quickly. Set aside to cool.�Arrange lettuce(s) on a plate. Slice onion and avocado, add to lettuce leaves. Add steamed veggies. Spoon tuna onto bed of lettuce leaves. Dress with olive oil, lemon juice and basil.


Salmon Salad

2 6-oz. cans salmon with bones, drained and flaked OR 1 12-oz. can. 3 tbsp. finely chopped onion or green onion�1/4 cup celery, finely chopped�1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped

1/2 tsp. dried basil (or chopped fresh)�1/4 cup Avocado Dressing as a mayo sub (recipe in dressings section of this document, above) Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. For a cheesy flavor sprinkle nutritional yeast on top. You can purchase nutritional yeast in the bins or packaged at Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage. Serve with celery sticks, cucumber rounds or on top of a greens salad.

Grated Beet Salad

Combine:�1 medium-sized beet, grated�1 large carrot, grated.�Dressing:�1 tbsp. lemon juice�1 tbsp. olive oil�1 tbsp. chopped parsley�1/4 tsp. dried mint or 1 tbsp. fresh mint, chopped�You can also steam or bake the beets and carrots first.

Carrots and Onion Sautéed with Spinach

1 tbsp. coconut or olive oil�1 cup carrots, sliced into rounds and half-rounds�1 cup yellow onion, chopped�3 cups spinach, washed, dried and chopped�pinch of nutmeg�Heat oil on medium heat and sauté carrots for 10 minutes, covered. Add a very small amount of water if necessary to prevent sticking. Stir frequently. Lower heat, add onions and continue to sauté for 5 minutes. Add enough water to partially cover vegetables and cook covered for 20-30 minutes until vegetables are soft and have a melt in your mouth consistency. Stir occasionally, add water if necessary. Add spinach, cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and grate nutmeg over top.

Root Vegetable Stew

2 tbsp. olive oil�1/2 cup beets, sliced 1/4 inch thick, pieces about 1/2 inch x 3/4 inch�2/3 cup carrots sliced 1/4 inch thick�1/2 cup parsnips sliced 1/4 inch thick�1 cup turnips sliced 1/2 inch thick, pieces about 1 inch square�1 1/4 cup onions chopped in 3/4 inch pieces�1 quart of boiling water�Celtic salt to taste�Cut all vegetables first then heat oil briefly in a heavy pan on medium


heat. Add veggies and cover pan tightly. Sauté 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. After 15 minutes, pour in hot water to completely cover veggies and replace cover when simmer is resumed.�Simmer for about 35-50 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add hot water as needed to keep stew moist. Stew is done when all veggies are soft. Season with a pinch of salt.


Curried Carrot & Apple Soup

2 tbsp. olive oil�2 med-large onion, chopped (2 1/4 cups)�2 stalk celery, finely chopped�2 tbsp. grated fresh ginger�1 1/2 tbsp. curry powder�7 large carrots, peeled and thinly sliced (3 1/4 cups)�2 large McIntosh or other apples, peeled and coarsely chopped (3 1/4 cups)�2 bay leaf�2 cups no sodium or homemade chicken or vegetable broth�1 12 oz. can coconut milk�1/4 tsp. salt�1/2 to 1 cup of watercress or arugula (for greens garnish swirl)�Heat oil in a medium soup pot over medium heat. Stir in onion, celery and ginger; cook until the onion is softened and translucent, 8 to 12 minutes; do not brown. Stir in curry powder, cayenne, then add carrots, apples and bay leaf. Stir well over medium heat for 2 minutes then add broth, coconut milk and salt. Bring the mixture to a low boil then reduce the heat to low. Cover tightly and simmer until carrots and apples are tender, 20 to 25 minutes. Remove the bay leaf. Puree until smooth. Reheat if necessary. Garnish each serving with a swirl of watercress or arugula puree. (Add spinach to spicy greens to make swirl if you don’t have enough watercress or arugula.)

NOTE: You can also add some fresh grated turmeric along with the ginger.

Carrot-Ginger Soup

3 lbs carrots, cut into 1-inch pieces�10 cups cold water or homemade vegetable broth; start with 8 cups then add more if needed�1 tsp. salt�3 tbsp. olive oil�2 cups yellow onion, chopped�2 tsp. fresh ginger, grated�1/2 tsp. curry powder�1/4 tsp. ground ginger�1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon�1/8 tsp. ground allspice�1/8 tsp. ground coriander�In a 6- to 8-quart pot combine the carrots and the water. Cover and bring to a boil over medium- high heat. Add 1 tsp. of salt and decrease the heat to medium-low. Cook until the carrots are very tender, about 20 minutes. Drain and reserve the cooking liquid and carrots in two separate bowls. In the same pot, heat the olive oil over medium


heat. Add the onions with a pinch of salt and sauté until golden. Add the ginger, curry, cumin, cinnamon, allspice, coriander and stir to combine. Deglaze the pan with 1 cup of the carrot cooking liquid. Add the carrots to the pot and mix well to coat with the onions and spices.�In a blender, puree the soup in batches, adding the cooking liquid first and then the carrots. Blend until very smooth. Add additional liquid to reach the desired thickness. Taste and adjust the flavor with a little lemon juice or salt.�Courtesy of Rebecca Katz from One Bite at a Time

Pumpkin Curry Soup

This recipe can save time when you want to prepare a starchy side dish, but may not have time to cook squash. Use 1 1/2 cups of cooked pumpkin or butternut squash or you can use one of the varieties of “boxed” pumpkin (Farmer’s Market or Pacific Natural Foods brands) found near the canned pumpkin at the grocery.

2 tbsp. olive oil�2 stalks celery (about 1⁄2 cup), chopped 1/2 cup yellow onion, chopped�1/2 apple (I use Pink Lady), chopped 1/4 tsp. cinnamon�1 tsp. cumin

1/4 thyme�1 1/2 cups broth (veggie or chicken or beef) still makes a thick soup�1 15 oz. box or can of pumpkin (Farmer’s Market/Pacific brands) OR 1 1/2 cups pureed pumpkin/squash�1 tsp. lemon juice�1/4 cup coconut milk (optional)�1/2 tsp. salt�In a medium soup pan, sauté the celery, onion and apple in the olive oil over medium-low heat. Sauté for 10 minutes or until the veggies are very soft and the onion translucent because you’ll be blending it. When just about done, add cinnamon and cumin. Add the thyme and the broth and bring to a boil. Cook further only if the veggies are not soft enough to blend completely. Cover to prevent broth from boiling away. Remove from heat, add pumpkin, lemon, coconut milk and salt, then using an immersion blender, blend until smooth. For a thinner soup, add more broth. You can also blend using a traditional blender, but allow the soup to cool first.�Additions: serve with chopped avocado and/or chopped chicken.�Serves 4

Fresh Spinach Soup

2 tbsp. olive oil�1 teaspoon garlic, chopped�1 cup onion carrots, celery, and leek, medium diced�6 cups water�2 bay leaves�Sprig of thyme�2 pounds


spinach, chopped�Heat the olive oil in a medium stockpot and sauté the garlic for two minutes. Add onion, celery, leeks and carrots to the pot. Sauté until the onions are translucent. Add water, bay leaves, and thyme to the stockpot. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for one hour. Allow to cool for one hour. Remove bay leaves, thyme. Puree vegetables and broth in a blender. Pour the puree back into the stockpot and add spinach. Bring to medium heat and cook until spinach wilts. Serve hot.

Cucumber Gazpacho

1 leek, rough sliced�1 clove garlic, rough sliced�3 small cucumbers, peeled, seeded and rough chopped�1/2 cup Italian or flat-leaf parsley, chopped�juice of 1 lemon�1 cup vegetable stock, cool�1/4 cup olive oil�1/2 tsp. Celtic salt�In a steamer, place the leek and garlic, and steam for 3-5 minutes to calm some of their pungency. Remove from heat. Put the cucumber, parsley, leek, and garlic in the blender with the lemon juice, stock, olive oil, salt, and blend until smooth (20-30 seconds). Adjust for taste with salt. Chill just enough to serve cool. Makes 3-4 cups.

Butternut Squash Soup

1 medium to large butternut squash 1 large onion�3 medium cloves of garlic�1 tbsp. ginger

1 tsp. turmeric�1 tsp. curry powder�2 cups +/- no sodium or homemade vegetable or chicken broth�6 oz. can coconut milk�2 tbsp. fresh cilantro�salt to taste�Peel squash and chop into medium-sized chunks, place in a steamer and steam until chunks pierce easily with a fork (better that it’s slightly overdone than underdone). Saute onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric and curry. Add steamed squash to sautéed veggies and spices until coated. Blend in a blender in batches with broth until desired thickness (add more broth to thin, but add slowly to ensure soup doesn’t get too thin). Reheat if necessary. Garnish with cilantro.

Lunch/Dinner Side Recipes

Baked Root Vegetables

This is a great recipe for winter. In the summer, cook them and once they’ve cooled add to the top of a salad or serve as a side warm or not.�Cut root


vegetables into large chunks: carrots, beets, parsnips and turnips. Add red or yellow sliced onions (keep chunky), Celtic salt and spices like rosemary and garlic to a baking dish, cover lightly with olive oil. Bake at 375° for 30-45 minutes or turn up the heat to 400° and reduce cooking time for crispier vegetables. This can also be used for a single root vegetable, such as roasted beets or turnips.

Roasted Beets

A wonderful side dish, you can also slice for salads or eat as a snack.

4 large beets�1 tbsp. fresh grated ginger�2 cloves garlic minced�Extra virgin olive oil�Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash beets. Mix up the ginger, garlic and oil in a small bowl, then use to coat the outside of the beets. Wrap individual beets in aluminum foil or place them all in baking dish. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour if beets are large. For less cooking time, chop beets and place in a baking dish. Stir to coat with oil, garlic and ginger.

Roasted Cauliflower

Cauliflower, cut into florets (about 1/2 cup per person)�1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil�Celtic sea salt to taste�Granulated garlic or turmeric to taste (optional)�Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place the cauliflower, olive oil, and salt in a large bowl and toss. Place in a large roasting pan in the oven for 30 minutes. Before serving lightly sprinkle with garlic and/or turmeric.

Turnip Hashbrowns

6 small turnips, quartered (you can use larger turnips, but they tend to be woody) 4 small carrots, cut in chunks (optional)�2 small parsnips, cut in chunks (optional)�2 tbsp. coconut oil

4 tbsp. green onion, chopped fine�3 tbsp. parsley, chopped fine�2 tbsp. fresh chives, chopped fine (optional)�1/2 tsp. salt�black pepper to taste�In a medium saucepan, add enough water to cover the vegetables and boil until tender. Drain them in a colander and let them sit for about 5-10 minutes until they’re dry. Place in a flat- bottomed bowl and mash with a potato masher or use an electric mixer. When the veggies are mashed, add the coconut oil to a skillet and over medium-high heat, add the remainder of the ingredients. Almost immediately add the mashed vegetables. Let them cook until they’re


brown before turning. Again, let them brown before turning. Do this 2 or 3 more times until the vegetables have browned and are well-mixed with the spices.

Butternut Squash and Parsnip Hashbrowns

2 tbsp. olive or coconut oil�2 cups shredded or grated parsnips�2 cups shredded or grated butternut squash�1/3 cup grated or minced onion�1/4 tsp. salt� 1Tbsp. fresh parsley, minced (1 tsp.. dried)�1/2 tsp. garlic powder�1/4 cup vegetable or chicken stock or water�Peel and grate the parsnips and squash. I used the attachment on my food processor or you can use a regular box grater. Finely mince or grate the onion. Mix the parsnips, squash, onion, salt, garlic powder, parsley, and stock in a large bowl. Melt the oil of your choice in a large pan over medium heat. Add the vegetable mixture and flatten it out in the pan.�Let it cook 3-4 minutes before stirring each time. If it appears your parsnips and squash are too dry, pour a little more stock over them, but don’t add much more liquid or they will get mushy. Cook until browned, about 15 minutes, stirring or flipping every 3-4 minutes.

Roasted Butternut Squash or Squash Fries

For Breakfast: sprinkle with cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.�1 butternut squash or more OR use a bag of the frozen butternut squash chunks. If using whole squash, cut them in half, scoop out the seeds, peel and chop into “fries” or bite-sized chunks. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will cook. Place fries or chunks in a mixing bowl, drizzle with olive oil and mix thoroughly. You only need to use enough oil to thinly coat each piece of squash. You can also use a “Misto” olive oil sprayer and once the pieces have been placed on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, you can spray both sides of each piece of squash. Once the squash is coated with oil, place on parchment-lined cookie sheets. Bake for 45 minutes at 400 degrees. Check at 25 minutes if your pieces are small and remove from oven when pieces begin to brown.�Serve topped with your favorite spice and/or salt.

Bok Choy


Also known as Chinese cabbage, bok choy is actually higher in nutrients than regular cabbage. One cup (chopped) contains nearly the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of beta-carotene. It’s also high in vitamin C, potassium and anti-cancer phytonutrients. It tastes delicious in salads, soups and steamed or stir-fried as both a side or main dish.

Green Garlic

Green garlic (available in stores in the spring) can be used in any recipe that calls for mature garlic. It imparts a milder and more delicate flavor than mature, raw garlic.

Stir-Fried Bok Choy with Ginger and Crispy Leeks

2 tbsp. olive oil for frying leeks�1 large or 2 small leeks, sliced in half, cleaned thoroughly and sliced thinly including the light

green tops. You can also cut matchsticks that are about 2 inches long.�1 piece of ginger, 3-inches in size, peeled and grated fine�3 stalks green garlic, chopped chunky from root end about 4 inches OR sub 2-3 cloves of garlic 5-8 heads baby bok choy or 1 large head bok choy, chopped coarsely�1/2 tsp. Celtic salt�Heat oil in a medium-size skillet over medium-high heat. Because the size of your skillet will vary, ensure you have enough oil in the pan to cover the leeks. When the oil is hot (but before it smokes), add sliced leeks. Fry until golden brown, about 1–2 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer fried leeks to paper towels to drain. Salt lightly while hot.�Reserve oil from leeks and discard some if there’s more than 2 Tbsp. Return the skillet to medium heat, and when hot, add ginger and garlic, stir until golden, about 1 minute. Add bok choy, sauté until crisp tender, about 5 minutes. Top each serving with crispy leeks to serve. Yields 4 side-dish servings.�Variation: add any other vegetables along with the bok choy for a more colorful sauté.

Asparagus with Lemons and Onions

6-8 asparagus spears per person�1 tbsp. olive oil�1 lemon, sliced in rounds and then quartered, reserve 1/4 of lemon sliced�1 red onion, sliced in rounds�Steam asparagus lightly (5-10 minutes) and set aside with lid off to cool quickly. In a saute pan, heat 1 tbsp. of oil and then add red onion rounds. Stir often and cook on medium heat until almost caramelized (about


10-12 minutes) and then add quartered lemon slices and cook for an additional 3-5 minutes until lemons are well coated.�Place asparagus on serving dish (or individual plates), squeeze the juice from 1/4 lemon over the asparagus then top in the center with the onions and lemons. Serve.

Sautéd Greens: Kale, Collards, Chard, Spinach or Dandelion Greens

1 1/2 cups of greens per person, chopped�2 tbsp. olive oil�2 cloves of garlic, minced per person�Chop the greens and place the heartier kale, collards and chard in a saucepan with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil and allow greens to boil for about 2-3 minutes. Strain in a colander and then run under very cold water briefly to halt the cooking process. This is called blanching and works well for heavier vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and hearty greens to wilt them before sautéing.

Place the olive oil and garlic in a skillet over medium heat until garlic is tender, about 2-3 minutes. Add blanched greens and/or lighter unblanched spinach and dandelion greens and cook until tender, another 3-5 minutes.�Serving suggestion: top with leeks, red onion or chopped rosemary. Note: Dandelion greens/spinach do not require blanching. You can also mix the greens for this recipe.

Spinach with Garlic and Lemon

1 1/2 cups of fresh spinach per person, chopped (if large leaves) OR 1 box of frozen spinach to serve 4

1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced, per person 2 tsp. garlic, chopped�1 tsp. olive oil, per person�1 lemon wedge per person

Heat the olive oil in a skillet. Add the chopped spinach, onion strips and garlic and sauté until the spinach has wilted to desired consistency. Place veggies in a serving bowl or individual plates and serve with a lemon wedge side. You can also top with avocado if desired. You can also mix the greens for this recipe.

Alternative recipe suggestion: sauté sliced turnips and then add turnip greens or sauté beets and then add beet greens.


Herb Pesto

2 cups, packed, Arugula, Parsley or Basil�2 cups Artichoke Hearts, jarred in water from King Soopers or frozen from Trader Joe’s�4 tbsp. Olive Oil, divided�Juice of 1 Lemon, divided�Sea Salt, to taste�1-4 cloves Garlic, if desired�Place greens and artichokes into food processor. Pulse until desired consistency is made. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil, then half of the lemon juice. Add garlic, if desired. Taste and add more oil and lemon, as needed. Season with salt and taste again. Serve with vegetables, on top of spaghetti squash or zucchini pasta. Store in airtight container, refrigerated, for up to 2 days. Yields 2 cups

Stuffed Squash

Delicata squash works well for this recipe. If you add some ground meat (I suggest the breakfast sausage recipe) to the stuffing, this makes a balanced snack. Otherwise, add some lunchmeat or a piece of meat for a meal or snack.�1/2 delicata squash or other winter squash

2+ tbsp. olive oil for brushing inside squashes and sautéing veggies 1/2 small yellow onion per person, chopped�1/2-1 clove garlic per person, minced�1 handful of lacinato kale per person

1 handful of collard greens per person�1 handful of spinach per person�1/8 tsp. apple cider vinegar, per person�3 tbsp. Granny Smith apple per person, grated�Cut the squashes in half lengthwise, spoon out all the seeds (reserve for toasting later and enjoy after the cleanse) and brush the inside with olive oil. Coat a cookie sheet with coconut oil and place squashes face down on sheet and place in a 375-degree oven for 30 minutes or until pierced easily with a fork. (Use more time, possibly up to one hour, for larger, denser squashes like acorn). Squash can also be roasted face up in a baking dish with a small amount of water in the bottom.

While squashes roast in oven, add olive oil onion and garlic to a pan over medium heat. Sauté about 10 minutes and then add the greens. Cover skillet and cook for another 10 minutes stirring occasionally until greens are sufficiently wilted and flavors are mixed. Add vinegar and take off heat. Keep covered until squash are done. Remove squash from oven and brush with


olive oil again (if dried out), while they’re still warm. Fill with greens mixture and top with grated apple.

Dinner Recipes

POULTRY DINNERS� Chicken in the Slow Cooker 1

�4 chicken thighs (dark meat) or 4 boneless breasts (white meat)�1 onion, chopped�2 stalk celery, chopped�3 carrots, chopped�3 bay leaves�2 tsp. dried thyme�2 tsp. dried marjoram�2 tsp. dried basil�1 cup water�1/2 tsp. Celtic salt�Place chicken in the bottom of the slow cooker. Take chopped onion, celery, carrots, bay leaves and other spices and sauté for about 10 minutes in a small skillet. Add sauteed vegetables to a Crock-Pot and add water and salt.�Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4 hours. If cooking on high, additional water may be necessary. This dish can be served with the chicken intact OR it can be cooked longer until the meat falls apart. After stirring, the contents of the slow cooker are then more of a chicken stew. If thigh meat is used, just remove the one bone per thigh before serving. Note: if you’re in a hurry, vegetables/spices do not have to be sauteed before adding to the slow cooker.

Chicken in the Slow Cooker 2

4 chicken thighs (dark meat) or 4 boneless breasts (white meat) 1 onion, chopped�1 stalk celery, chopped�3 bay leaves

2 tsp. dried rosemary�2 tsp. dried basil�1/2 lemon, sliced in half rounds�1/2 lemon, juiced�1 cup water�1/2 tsp. salt�Place chicken in the bottom of the slow cooker. Take chopped onion, celery, bay leaves and other spices and sauté for about 10 minutes in a small skillet. Add sauteed vegetables to slow cooker and add lemon rounds and juice, artichoke hearts, water and salt.�Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4 hours. If cooking on high, additional water may be necessary. This dish can be served with the chicken intact OR it can be cooked longer until the meat falls apart. After stirring, the contents of the slow cooker are then more of a chicken stew. If thigh meat is used, just remove the one bone per thigh before serving. Note: if you’re in a hurry, vegetables/spices do not have to be sauteed before adding to the slow cooker.


Classic Chicken Soup from Bauman Chef Cookbook

1 whole fryer chicken, cleaned and cut into sections (breast, thigh, drumstick, etc...) 2 cloves garlic, whole�1 medium ginger root, cut into a few large pieces�1 small celery root or sub 2 stalks celery, cut into a few large pieces

1 bunch fresh parsley 1 bunch fresh dill�1 onion, chopped�1 leek, sliced

2 celery stalks, chopped�2 carrots, sliced into bite-sized rounds or half-rounds�salt to taste�Chop the chicken and the vegetables according to instructions after each ingredient. Add the chicken, garlic, ginger, celery root, along with half the dill and parsley to a large pot and add enough cold water to generously cover all the ingredients. Bring to a light boil, then lower the heat immediately and simmer for 45 minutes or until the meat is falling off the bone. After 45 minutes, strain the broth into a large bowl and discard the garlic, ginger, celery root, and herbs. Shred the chicken, while discarding the bones, cartilage, and skin. Add shredded chicken back to the bowl with the broth. Set aside.�Using the same pot on medium heat, add a little broth or oil and sauté the onion, leeks, celery, and carrots for a few minutes until slightly softened. Add the contents of the bowl (broth and shredded chicken) and bring the pot to a boil. Turn down to simmer and cook until the vegetables are tender. Chop the remaining parsley and dill and add to the soup just before serving. Season with full-mineral salt to taste. Serve.

Roast Chicken with Artichokes

1 tbsp. olive oil�1 Whole roaster chicken or several small roasting chickens�2 tbsp. fresh rosemary, chopped fine and 1 additional tbsp. rosemary�1 tsp. dried or fresh thyme and 1 additional tsp. dried thyme�1/2 tsp. Celtic salt�2 large or 4 small cloves of garlic, chopped fine, divided�2 tbsp. coconut oil�2 large lemons�1 – 2 artichokes (1 choke for 2 people, or 1 small globe artichoke per person)

You can also steam the artichokes for 20 minutes before placing them around the chicken to

ensure they get done.

1/4 cup water or chicken broth (homemade or sodium free)�Pour the olive oil in the bottom of the roasting pan. Place chicken in a roasting pan with tall


sides, breast up. Take 2 tbsp. of rosemary, 1 tsp. of thyme, the salt and half of the garlic and mix into coconut oil. Spread the coconut oil, salt, garlic and spice mixture under the skin of the chicken, separating it away from the meat. Leave skin intact.

Chop half the lemon into half rounds. Take the other half of the lemon and squeeze the juice over the chicken. Spread the half rounds on top of the chicken. Sprinkle the additional rosemary, thyme and garlic over the chicken. Pour the water or chicken broth around the chicken.�You can trim the tips of the artichoke leaves off with kitchen scissors and chop the very top of each choke off also. Chop the stems off and quarter the trimmed artichokes. Place them around and under the chicken in the roasting pan. The more the chokes are covered in water or broth, the more done and flavorful they will be. Slice half of the second lemon in half rounds and place them on top of the chokes. Take the remaining half of lemon and juice over the chokes.

Cover the chicken with foil or a lid and place in 375-degree oven for approximately 40 minutes depending on the size of the chicken. Check at 40 minutes and when juices run clear from a slice in the thigh, it’s done. Remove the foil and return the chicken to the oven, turning the heat up to broil. Broil for 5 to 10 minutes on the middle rack to brown the skin of the bird. You may want to remove the artichokes before broiling. Serve chicken on a platter with artichokes, olives and lemons around it.

Quick Baked Chicken with Lemon

4 whole breasts, boneless and skinless�1 tbsp. olive oil�2 large lemons�3 cloves of garlic, chopped fine OR garlic powder 1 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley per breast

1 sprig fresh rosemary per breast or 1 tbsp. dried, chopped�2 tsp. dried or fresh thyme�1/2 tsp. Celtic salt�Place the breasts in a baking dish or on foil on a broiler pan. Seed and slice one lemon into rounds and cut the other one in half. Top breasts with olive oil, juice of the 2 lemon halves, garlic or garlic powder, spices and salt (in that order). Place the lemon rounds on the chicken breasts. Bake for 30 minutes at 375 degrees. May need more or less time depending on the thickness of the breasts. Use leftover chicken breasts from this recipe for chicken salad!


Coconut Curry Chicken

This recipe is flavorful enough to work with a variety of meats, not just chicken, or even as a vegetable curry side dish. Try beef steak sliced very thin or shrimp.�

Main Dish:� 2 tbsp. coconut oil 6 cups of mixed vegetables, chopped bite-size (I used: baby bok choy, carrots, broccoli, peppers, zucchini. You can also use Napa cabbage.)�8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs (no bones/skin saves time in this recipe)�2-4 tbsp. cilantro, chopped (for garnish)


1 tbsp. coconut oil�1/2 cup onions, rough chopped�1 can coconut milk (I suggest Natural Value brand: no BPA and no added ingredients) 2 1/2 tbsp. lime juice�1/4 cup cilantro, packed tight, stems included�3 tbsp. curry powder (I used Madras curry from Savory Spice Shop.)�2 tbsp. fish sauce (I suggest Red Boat: no sugar, very high quality, Whole Foods now carries it) Celtic salt to taste�Start by placing all of the vegetables in a large skillet with the coconut oil. Sauté the vegetables until tender, about 15 minutes. Cover them while they cook if you like your vegetables soft, and stir often. While the vegetables are sautéing, begin working on the sauce. Add coconut oil and onions to a medium skillet and sauté onions until they’re translucent, about 5-8 minutes. While they’re sautéing, add the rest of the sauce ingredients to a blender. NOTE: I suggest you add the curry powder to the blender in 1 tbsp. increments, tasting in between. The curry powder I used (Madras Curry blend) is not spicy and therefore worked well at 3 Tbsp. You may need much less if you’re using a spicier blend. Once the onions are done, add to the blender with the rest of the sauce ingredients and blend until the sauce is smooth. Add salt to taste.�I suggest grilling the chicken if this saves time for you. It also adds flavor. Grill thighs on med- hot grill for 5 minutes on each side. Move to a cutting board to chop, bite-sized. If you’re not grilling, chop the chicken in bite-sized pieces and sauté in the pan you used to cook the onions for the sauce until it’s cooked through. Once the vegetables are done, add the chicken and the sauce, stirring over med-low heat to warm before serving.�Serves 6 if served over vegetables.�Serving suggestions:�Serve over chopped romaine (about 3-4 leaves per serving) or steamed spaghetti squash or roasted root vegetables.�The Madras Curry can also be ordered


online at NOTE: what makes this recipe Cleanse-friendly is when you make it nightshade-free. This dish will be free of nightshade family spices if you use the Madras Curry powder and don’t use bell peppers as a vegetable. In addition, The Savory Spice Shop has 3 curry blends without nightshade spices: Madras, Mild Yellow and Vadouvan.�

Leftover serving suggestion:�To serve leftovers as a different meal, simply add immune broth (recipe in this document) or your favorite broth when reheating to create a soup. The spices in this dish along with the coconut milk will make a very nice coconut curry broth soup with no additional preparation.

Seafood Dinners

White Fish Stew�

Bring about 1 quart of water to boil in a kettle�Heat 2 tbsp. olive oil over medium heat in a deep skillet. When hot, add:�2 cups parsnips, chopped�1 cup chopped carrots�1 cup chopped leeks�Stir every 2-3 minutes. When potatoes begin to brown lightly, add and stir in: 2 tsp. finely chopped garlic 1/2 tsp. oregano�1 cup chopped zucchini�3/4 - 1 pound white fish (white fish such as cod or haddock)�1/4-1/3 cup minced fresh parsley�Add hot water to skillet to just cover vegetables. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cover skillet tightly. Simmer for approximately 30-40 minutes until potatoes start to soften, adding water as necessary to keep it juicy. Add 1 cup chopped zucchini. Continue simmering 10-15 minutes until the squash is soft and the mixture begins to thicken.�Heat a small skillet over medium heat with 1 tsp. olive oil or ghee. Add 1/3 – 1/2 pound fish. Sauté until fish loses its transparency and is almost done. Season to taste with sea salt and/or lemon juice. Carefully lift fish and stir into skillet with vegetables, allowing it to break into large chunks. If sautéing fish fillets, you can sauté each filet singly.�Top with: 1/3-1/2 cup minced fresh parsley. Serves 4

Trout or Salmon Stew

3 tbsp. olive oil�1 cup carrots, chopped into rounds�1 cup yellow onion, large cubes�2 cups parsnips or carrots, quartered and sliced 1/2-inch thick�2 tsp. finely chopped garlic�1 tsp. dried and crushed rosemary or 2-3 sprigs of fresh�1 1/2 tsp. dried sage or 4-5 fresh leaves�1/2-1 tsp. Celtic salt�2-3 tsp. olive oil�3/4 - 1 lb trout fillets or salmon�1/4 - 1/3 cup minced fresh cilantro


OR parsley (optional)�Heat skillet on medium high with 3 tbsp. of oil and sauté carrots for 5 minutes. Add potatoes and cook for another 5 minutes then add the onions, rosemary and sage and continue to sauté for 5-10 additional minutes. Meanwhile heat up some water in a kettle. Cover vegetables with the boiling water and bring back to a boil for one minute. Cover and turn down to medium simmer. Cook slowly so the potatoes do not break down and disappear but that a stew like consistency is created. Cook for an additional 10-15 minutes before adding chilies and fish (see below).

Melt 2 tsp. of oil or ghee in another skillet and cook trout or salmon fillets (whole fish or filets already boned with heads removed). Sear quickly so the bones loosen but skin remains pink. Remove fish from the skillet, cool so you can remove bones and break into bite-sized pieces. If cooking filets, cook until fish breaks apart easily but is not completely done. You may need to do this one fish at a time if your pan is small so may need to add oil in between.

Once you’ve added the water and the stew has cooked for about 15 minutes, add 3/4 of the green chilies. Before serving, taste for heat, if not too hot add the rest of the chilies. The consistency of the stew should be juicy and saucy so add water during cooking to achieve this texture. Next, add the trout, salt and serve hot. Top with chopped or whole-leaf cilantro or Coconut Curry Recipe parsley sprigs (optional). Serves 2. This recipe serves 4 if you double the amount of fish and increase the spices, veggies and other ingredients by 1.5 times.

Baked Salmon

1 lb wild salmon filet (can double recipe to serve 4 people, or use salmon steaks) 1 tbsp. olive oil�1 lemon with additional lemon wedge per person (optional)�1/4 tsp. Celtic sea salt (to taste)

2 tbsp. fresh rosemary, chopped (or 1 tbsp. dried and chopped) OR use oregano 2 cloves of garlic, minced�1/2 cup onion, chopped fine�1 lemon (optional)

Cover both sides of the salmon with the olive oil then place skin side down in a baking dish. If using lemon, cut the lemon in half and juice one half over the fish, discard any seeds. Slice the other half in rounds and set aside. Sprinkle with Celtic sea salt and rosemary (or oregano). Top the fish with the lemon


rounds. Mix garlic and onion in a small bowl. Cover fish with this mixture. Place in baking dish and bake at 275°. If fish is not dense it may cook in 20 minutes. For thicker fillets or steaks it check it at 20 minutes, but may require more baking time. You may broil fish after baking for a crisper top, so subtract from cooking time. Can also garnish each serving with a lemon wedge. If you like, this is an excellent way to prepare the fish to cool and later add to mixed green salads. Serves 1/2 lb. of fish per person.

Grilled Herbed Shrimp with Greens

Marinade/dressing�1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil�1/4 cup apple cider vinegar�1 tsp. dried basil leaves�1/2 tsp. dried oregano leaves�1/8 tsp. salt�2 cloves garlic, minced�Salad�1 lb shelled deveined uncooked large shrimp�1 (12 ounce) package mixed salad greens�1/2 cup shredded carrot�1/2 cup cucumber, sliced in rounds�1/2 cup sliced radish�Heat your grill.�In a medium bowl, combine all marinade/dressing ingredients; blend well with a whisk. Reserve half of the marinade to use as dressing; add shrimp to remaining marinade and toss to coat; let stand at room temperature for 10 minutes to marinate.�Remove shrimp from marinade (reserve marinade to brush on shrimp while grilling) and thread onto four 12-inch metal skewers. Place skewers on grill, turning and brushing once with marinade and cook 6-8 minutes or until shrimp turn pink. In a large bowl, toss salad greens, carrot, cucumber, radishes, and reserved dressing. Divide salad onto individual serving plates and top with shrimp.

Beef Dinners

�Ground Beef, Buffalo or Turkey burgers�Or Meatloaf

�Double this recipe to make both meatloaf and burgers. This gives you some to serve for dinner and some to have leftover. If you wrap leftover burgers individually in foil and freeze, you have burgers to use anytime.�Start with 1/2 – 1 pound of ground meat.�1 small to medium yellow or red onion, chopped very fine�2-4 cloves of garlic, chopped very fine�handful of fresh parsley, chopped OR 2 tsp. dried�1 large sprig fresh thyme, chopped fine OR 1 tsp. dried�2 stems fresh basil, chopped OR 1 tsp. dried�Mix well and make into patties or meatloaf. For meatloaf use a bread loaf pan or you can just form it into a loaf on a cookie sheet.�Fry burgers on the grill or in a skillet. Bake meatloaf for 20-40 min. at 375°depending on thickness. If you form into a


skinnier loaf on a cookie sheet, it will cook faster and there will be more exterior for those who like it crispy. Center of loaf should be brown all the way through when it’s done.�Can sauté onions until caramelized to top burgers or meatloaf slices.

Artichoke “Pasta”

1 medium sized spaghetti squash, roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper 1/2 cup shallot, diced (about 1 large shallot) OR 1/2 red onion, diced�1 leek, sliced�2 tbsp. olive oil

1 tsp. Celtic or Himalayan sea salt�3 cloves garlic, minced�1 cup broccoli florets, chopped into bite-sized pieces�1 12 oz-bag frozen artichoke hearts, defrosted and coarsely chopped (available at Trader Joe’s) 1 pound ground meat (grass-fed beef, turkey, chicken, buffalo)�1 tsp. dried basil�1 tsp. dried oregano�2 cups spinach or arugula�olive oil, to taste�salt, to taste�1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped�juice of 1 lemon, add to taste�Cut spaghetti squash in half, scoop out the seeds, place halves face down on a cookie sheet after coating with olive oil. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 30-40 minutes until a fork pierces squash easily. Sauté shallots and leeks in 2 tbsp. olive oil with 1 tsp. sea salt. Cook until softened, about 2-3 minutes. Add garlic and continue to sauté, stirring frequently to ensure veggies don’t burn. Add broccoli, chopped artichokes, and ground meat. When meat is nearly done, add basil, oregano, and spinach or arugula. Cover and continue to cook until greens are wilted. Season liberally with olive oil and salt to taste.

To serve, scoop out “spaghetti” from the squash, placing a serving on each plate. A medium squash should provide enough pasta for all 4 of the topping servings. Add meat and veggie sauce to the pasta, then finish with fresh basil and squeezed fresh lemon juice.�Serves 4

Lettuce-Wrap Tacos

This recipe calls for approx 1 cup of avocado dressing recipe.

1 medium red onion, diced�1 tbsp. olive oil�1 pound ground meat (grass-fed beef, turkey, chicken, buffalo)�1 tbsp. cumin�1 tsp. salt�1⁄2 cup cilantro�Hearts of romaine (the inner leaves of a head of romaine lettuce OR find the hearts packaged) Slaw topping:�1 cup savoy cabbage, chopped


fine�1/4 cup cucumber, chopped small chunks�2 scallions, chopped fine�2 tbsp. olive oil�Sea salt�1 lime, sliced into wedges�Place all ingredients except lime wedges in a bowl and mix well.�Sauté onions in olive oil, cook until translucent. Add ground meat, cumin, season with salt and cook until no longer pink. While meat is cooking, mix up the slaw. Remove the meat from heat, add cilantro and toss. Separate romaine hearts into leaves and top each leaf “boat” with 1/4 cup meat, 1 tbsp. avocado dressing, and slaw. Squeeze lime over the top and serve.�You can also wrap meat and veggies in a green- or red-leaf lettuce leaf and wrap.�Serves 4-taco servings for 4 people.

Tomato-Free Bolognese Sauce with Vegetable “Pasta”

1 cup onion, diced�5 cloves garlic, minced�2 tbsp. high heat fat (tallow, duck fat, etc) 2 tbsp. olive oil�2 cups carrots, diced�2 cups beets, diced�1 stalk celery, chopped�1 1/2 cup vegetable stock�2 bay leaves 1 1/2 tsp. dried oregano�1/2 tsp. dried thyme�1/4 tsp. black or Sichuan pepper, ground�1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar�1 lb ground beef or ground meat of your choice�4-6 zucchini, julienned or spiralized OR spaghetti squash, roasted and pulled�Warm a saucepan over medium high heat. Add onions, garlic and fat/oil blend. Sauté until onions are translucent. Add carrots, beets, celery and cook, covered, until softened. Pour stock over veggies, bringing to a boil. Reduce to simmer and add spices. Return pan lid and cook for about 15 minutes. Spoon out bay leaves and set aside. Use an immersion blender in the pot (or, remove to a blender) and carefully create the consistency of your liking. (If using a blender, let cool and allow for steam to release before blending as the mixture can really explode if it’s too hot and not able to breathe.) If using a blender, add the sauce back to the pan. Return the bay leaves, add vinegar and crumble ground meat into the sauce. Cook over medium low heat for 30 minutes until meat is fully cooked. If the sauce is now too thick, add additional broth to return the sauce to your desired thickness. Serve over zucchini or spaghetti squash noodles.�Serves 4-6.

Slow Cooker Beef Roast

2 lb chuck roast�Celtic salt to taste�1 cup water�1 tbsp. olive oil�4 carrots, chopped�2 small or 1 large turnip, chopped�1 large onion, chopped�4 large cloves of garlic�2 stalks celery, chopped�1 tsp. each dried marjoram, thyme, basil�2 bay leaves�Season chuck roast with salt to taste and brown on all


sides in a large skillet over high heat. Place in slow cooker with water. Place olive oil and the rest of the veggies and herbs in the skillet and sauté until onions are starting to get translucent. Place skillet contents in slow cooker. Cover and cook on low setting for 8 hours or high setting for 4-6 hours.

Snack Recipes

Balanced Snack Suggestions

Half an avocado with chicken, tuna or salmon salad topped with cucumber slices.�

Apple slices spread with coconut butter and a side of meat.�- Lettuce wraps.

Any well-spiced meat rolled in romaine or leaf lettuce with a dressing.

A small serving of hearty stew leftovers�.

Sardine spread, tuna or salmon salad with carrot chips, cucumber rounds and/or celery sticks.

Baked apple or pear stuffed with or with a side of breakfast sausage or other meat.

Berries and/or cherries with coconut milk, topped with dried coconut. Add a side of meat.

Kale salad or kale chips with a side of meat or fish.

Meat burger with sliced veggies or small salad or small squash soup.

Salmon or Turkey Roll-ups

Wrap smoked salmon slices around fresh basil leaves. Roll up. Squeeze a small bit of lemon juice on top and garnish with avocado.�Start with a leaf of romaine or leaf lettuce, add roast beef or turkey slices, wrap around avocado and cucumber slices. Dip in coconut milk ranch dressing.


You can also experiment with spinach, arugula, tart apple or another type of dressing. Place 2-3 roll ups on a plate for a larger snack.

Chicken Wings

When you bake, broil or grill a chicken, add up to a dozen wings or legs or drumettes to your baking dish and spice generously. Serve 2-3 wings on a plate with a dipping sauce and a side of carrot/celery sticks.

Mixed Berry Bowl

In a bowl combine fresh berries: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. Pour coconut milk over berries and top with and cinnamon.

Sardine Spread

2 (3 3/4 oz) cans sardines packed in olive oil, no need to drain 2 cloves garlic minced�1 tbsp. onion minced�1 tbsp. fresh flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped

1 tsp. fresh lemon zest, finely grated �2 tsp. fresh lemon juice�Mash together all ingredients in a bowl until combined well. Serve on cucumber rounds, celery sticks and/or carrot chips.

Kale Chips

1 bunch kale, any type�1-2 T olive oil�1 tsp. garlic powder and/or cumin 1 tsp. Celtic salt Preheat oven to 225 degrees. Begin with one bunch of washed and dried (very important that its dry!) kale. Rip or cut the kale into 1-2 inch pieces (chip size). In a large bowl, add oil and kale and mix with your hands until kale is lightly covered. Add a little oil at a time to prevent over- coating. Add garlic or cumin and salt while mixing to coat evenly. Spread the kale on a baking sheet covered with foil or parchment paper for easy clean-up. Ensure that the chips aren’t overlapping too much or those chips won’t get crispy. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Check frequently to remove from oven when crispy, but not burned. Stir at least once. Chips will burn if left in the oven too long. Remove when done and serve.

Try adding a sprinkle of lime juice while mixing (before baking) for a different flavor.


Dessert Recipes

Homemade Applesauce

6-8 large tart apples�juice of one lemon�2 cinnamon sticks and 1 tsp. ground cinnamon�1/2 tsp. fresh grated nutmeg�Core and cut apples into quarters and place in large pot. Squeeze lemon juice on top and cover with 1 cup of water and cinnamon sticks (use more water if necessary). Cover pot and cook on medium for approximately 1 hour. Periodically stir. When done place in food processor and add powdered cinnamon, nutmeg, and maple syrup. OR continue to cook until apples breakdown into sauce (about 2-4 hours) and then add spices.

Baked Apple or Pear

Baked apple (or pear). Core an apple or pear and peel halfway down. Place in a small baking dish with 1-inch of fruit juice (or water) covering the bottom. Sprinkle cinnamon in the center of the fruit and fill with blueberries (dried or fresh) OR any other berry. Bake covered for 45-55 minutes at 350° or until soft when pierced with a fork. Bake several at once, reheat as necessary.

Fruit Gelatin Snacks

3 cups tart cherry Juice, unsweetened�1 cup apple Juice, unsweetened�2 tbsp. grass-fed gelatin (Great Lakes brand, red bottle)�In a small saucepan, bring cherry juice to a boil. While this is warming, place the apple juice in a heat stable bowl. Sprinkle gelatin over entire surface of juice (do not stir in). Allow gelatin to bloom for 3-5 minutes (you will understand when you see it). Once cherry juice is boiling, slowly pour into bowl of apple juice, whisking until incorporated and no lumps remain. Let this sit for 3-5 minutes to absorb gelatin, then immediately pour into cake pan. Cover pan and place in refrigerator for at least one hour, until gelatin is firm. You can use cookie cutters to make fun shapes or pour into individual ramekins for individual servings.�Store, refrigerated, for up to 5 days.


Essential Oil Recipes

Body Wrap This slimming body wrap uses 7 different oils. You will need to mix all of these together in a 5oz. glass spray bottle. 40 drops of Slim and Sassy Blend 15 drops eucalyptus 15 drops wintergreen 10 drops peppermint 10 drops lavender 10 drops cypress 4 oz. coconut oil Spray liberally on your abdomen and cover with a layer of muslin, three layers of plastic wrap and a bandage wrap. Leave this on for one to two hours. You do not need to wash off the remaining solution when you are done. Your skin will continue to absorb the essential oils and you can rub the coconut oil in like a lotion.

Epsom salt bath (either foot or full bath)

If you do not have an UNREFINED kit, here is how you can make your own epsom salt bath blend. How to:

● ½ cup Epsom salt ● 4 drops each lavender, geranium, and lemongrass essential oils ● 1 tub of hot water


● Soak for 20 minutes or as long as comfortable ● Be sure to couple with internal hydration (plain water or water with ● lemon

Oil pulling Use one tablespoon of coconut oil and one drop of essential oil (any flavor you like, peppermint tastes great!). In your UNREFINED kit, you will receive “On Guard” essential oil, this oil will help to pull out bacteria and toxins as well as boost your immunity! How to: Swish the coconut oil and essential oil blend in your mouth for 20 minutes. It will start to turn into a liquid. Spit out when finished.

Reinventing your personal hygiene products

With a few simple ingredients that you probably have in your household already, you can make your own personal hygiene products. Not only are these items helping to eliminate your toxic load but they are also more cost effective and you can customize the blends through essential oils!

Deodorant One of our favorite at home products! Deodorant can be expensive at the store when you are buying all natural and I don’t know about you, but they tend to be very drying! This blend is moisturizing and works great! What you need:

● Baking soda ● Arrowroot powder ● Coconut oil ● Essential oils ● Empty container

How to:


Toothpaste What you need:

● Baking soda ● Coconut oil ● Essential oils (try peppermint, wintergreen, clove or cinnamon)

Shampoo What you need:

● Baking soda ● Water ● Essential oils (we recommend lavender, peppermint, or melaleuca)

How to:

Conditioner What you need:

● Olive oil, jojoba oil, argan oil or fractionated coconut oil ● Apple cider vinegar ● Essential oil (we recommend peppermint, lavender, rosemary, wild

orange, ylang ylang or geranium) How to: Mix the apple cider vinegar, carrier oil and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.


Reinventing your household cleaning products

With a few safe, simple ingredients like soap, water, baking soda, vinegar, castile soap, and essential oils, you can make all the cleaning products you need. You may have to use a little extra elbow grease, but you will save lots of money you would otherwise spend on unnecessary, specialized cleaners! One important general technique is to purify your house simply by allowing diffuse essential oils to help cleanse the air! Many oils are invigorating so they give you that extra energy boost you need to clean. Among our favorites are Purify, Grapefruit, Citrus Bliss, Lime, Lemongrass, and Balance. As a program participant, you will receive lemon oil; it smells amazing and makes for a clean environment.

Multi-surface cleaner

Water and 10 drops lemon oil, or water and On Guard.

Grease cleaner Pure lime oil: using pure lime oil will cut through any grease!

Sink cleaner Hot water and lemon oil.

Low-abrasive scrub for bath, tile, and toilet Make in small batches and store in an airtight container. These amounts make enough for two to four applications:

● 3/4 rounded cup baking soda ● 1/4 cup liquid castile soap ● 1 tablespoon water 1 tablespoon vinegar ● 5-10 drops dōTERRA Lemon essential oil

Window cleaner Combine in a 16 oz. spray bottle the following:


● 1 1/2 cup white vinegar ● 1/2 cup distilled water ● 8 drops of any citrus oil of your choice (could use Lemon, Lime,

Grapefruit, Wild Orange, or a combination)

Products we like that might be useful to you after you have completed the program

Coconut Oil/ Fats Tropical Traditions Fatworks Green Pasture Products GrassFed Meats to buy online and have shipped: Boulder Lamb Uswellness Meats Collagen and Gelatin (to make snacks) Vital Proteins Great Lakes Items you might like after UNREFINED29 Fat Face Steves Paleo Goods one stop shop Salad dressings Wild Mountain Paleo Market Rx Bar Pure


If you are interested in �Gut Restoration Supplements

Here is what we suggest: Protocol�Supplements required per person:�-GI Synergy - 1 bottle of 90 packets (3 capsules per packet)�-RepairVite powder - 2 tubs�-Strengtia probiotics - 2 boxes of 60 capsules ea.�The above supplements are used in conjunction with the 21-day Gut Repair Cleanse Diet. The day you begin the diet and begin taking the supplements as directed below is called Day 1. Take the supplements until they are completely gone, despite the fact that they will last beyond the 21- day diet. Simply take them until they are gone. If you have any difficulty during the Cleanse Diet or have questions, make an appointment with your practitioner.�Protocol:�Begin the diet on DAY 1, take only the RepairVite powder and the Strengtia�probiotic DAY 1 thru DAY 3 before adding the GI Synergy packets on DAY 4.�Repairvite powder - for healing and reducing inflammation.�1 scoop Repairvite in 4-6 ounces of water before breakfast and dinner (at least 15 minutes away from food).NOTE: Do not add RepairVite or any glutamine-based supplement to any hot beverage, use cool or room temperature water only. Most people go into the kitchen to prepare their meal, take the RepairVite and by the time they’re sitting down to the meal at least 15 minutes have elapsed. Do not use hot water as heat destroys the glutamine in the product.�Strengtia - “good” bacteria�1 capsule after a pre-bed protein snack (examples: 1/4 avocado sliced then wrapped in turkey or salmon slices OR a small 1/4 cup dinner leftovers of meat/veggies). Take the probiotics away from the GI Synergy capsules so the bacteria do not get “killed” by the herbs. Taken before bed, they will repopulate the gut during the night to reestablish your good flora.�GI Synergy - herbs to eliminate harmful bacteria, yeast and parasites.�2 packets with or after breakfast and 2 packets with or after dinner. With 3 capsules per packet, this means you will take 6 capsules with both breakfast and dinner. Be diligent to ensure you take all the packets. The packets have a very small “tear” slice for easy opening or you can use scissors.�After the Cleanse, continue the Strengtia probiotic and once you finish the GI Synergy herbs, change the dose of the Strengtia to:�1 capsule with breakfast and 1 capsule with dinner.�When you finish the GI Synergy herbs you can now move your probiotic capsules to take them with meals. This can be any two meals of the day, the above is just suggested


meals. You can now stop eating the bedtime snack if you wish also. Finish taking the Strengtia probiotics until the two boxes are finished.

NOTE: If you are a menstruating woman, the best time to start this protocol is Day 3-7 of your period because that is when the hormone burden on the liver is most likely the lowest.

When the gut is healed, the body functions very proficiently.

Expert from Monique:

“Pain is weakness leaving the body” Why didn’t I like this quote? Maybe it's just personal, maybe it’s my lack of being able to stop and take care of myself when I need to, but I think it’s bigger than that. I got online today, and The Paleo Mom (I love her stuff I think she’s amazing ) wrote about her own personal stress and her journey. I realized the reason I dislike that quote is because we live in a world where we don’t take care of ourselves. Where we ignore the pain we push through and don’t love and honor ourselves. One of the reasons that I love yoga is the idea that you just do what you can and that’s it’s a practice and there should be no expectations. We live in this world that we believe people are lazy and that we just need to push ourselves harder. What if we lived in a society that is exactly opposite? Most of us never stop to even take care of ourselves. What if forcing ourselves to go to the gym on some days is way worse then going home and going to sleep? I have had a personal journey of pretty severe stress in the last six months. I have had a lot of things that hit me all at once and I have thought to myself a lot lately that yes, thankfully, I eat a healthful diet because who knows what my health would be like right now if I didn’t but the problem is can we out eat the stress? No. I don’t believe that we can. At what point does our bodies just say enough is enough?! I don’t believe that we are designed to handle the stress load that we as people take on these days.


I think to myself…”When have I laid down for bed in peace when the day is done and had nothing else on my mind?” I haven’t. I lay down with a million things I should have done or need to do. What if we come to the point where we just can accept that we are good enough and pushing ourselves harder is not the answer?! We spend so much time worrying about the end goal and not enjoying the path to get there and if we haven't made it to the goal then we seem to look at ourselves as not good enough of failures. What if stress is so much more powerful than anything I can do as a

nutritionist to help you with food?

What if the daily beating up of yourself or the need to push harder is so detrimental to your body that the food and diet I help with can only do so much. What if the first step is really to love yourself and stop with the constant need to go go go. How many of us stop to eat breakfast, lunch snack, dinner? Do you even know what your food tastes like anymore? We can’t ever reach our end goal if our body gives out far before we have that ability. What if we slowed down and achieved our goals in life with happiness all along the way. How much more would the end goal feel fulfilling? My fear for myself as well as many of my clients is what impact is the stress in your life having on your health and can I really help others if you aren't willing to help your self in the most basic way? I worry, similar to what Paleo Mom discussed in her blog, will people believe in my nutrition advice if I have destroyed myself through stress? Its a matter of practice what I preach and a thought to all of you are you actually caring for yourself. What can you do:

● Stop, breathe, eat and relax ● Take a break rather than pushing yourself harder ● Sleep when your body says it’s tired ● Enjoy the path that is taking you to your dreams!



Barley (and anything with the word barley in it, such as barley malt) Beer (all types) Bleached flour Blue cheese (sometimes made with bread mold) Bran (also called wheat bran) Bread flour Bulgur Cake flour Communion wafers Cracker meal Croutons Couscous Durum Farina Farro Flour (this usually means wheat flour) Gluten, glutenin Graham flour Groats Kamut Malt (and anything with the word malt in it, such as rice malt, malt extract, or malt flavoring) Malt beverages Matzo Oats and oat bran Orzo Pasta (all varieties made with wheat, wheat starch, oats, barley, rye, or any ingredient on this list) Rye (and anything with the word rye in it) Seitan Semolina Soy sauce (check ingredients—it’s often made with wheat) Spelt Suet Tabbouleh Teriyaki sauce Triticale Triticum Unbleached flour Vital gluten


Wheat (and anything with the word wheat in it, such as wheat grass, wheat berries, wheat germ, wheat starch; buckwheat is okay and is the only exception) LESS COMMON FOODS AND FOOD ADDITIVES THAT CONTAIN GLUTEN Abyssinian hard (a wheat product) Amp-isostearoyl hydrolyzed wheat Brewer’s yeast Cereal binding Cereal extract Dextrimaltose Dinkel Disodium wheatgermamido Peg-2 sulfosuccinate Edible starch Einkorn Emmer Filler Fu Granary flour Mir Udon (wheat noodles) Whole-meal flour FOODS AND FOOD ADDITIVES THAT MAY CONTAIN GLUTEN If a favorite food contains one of the following ingredients, contact the company and ask questions. Depending on the manufacturing process, these suspect ingredients can sometimes be gluten-free. Artificial color Artificial flavoring Bouillon cubes Brown rice syrup Caramel color Coloring Dextrins Dried fruit (may be dusted with wheat) Flavored coffee Flavored vinegar Flavoring Food starch Glucose syrup Gravy cubes Ground spices (wheat is sometimes added to prevent clumping) Hydrolyzed plant protein (HPP) Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP)


Maltodextrin Maltose Miso Modified food starch Modified starch Monoglycerides and diglycerides Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Mustard powder (some brands contain gluten; check ingredients) Natural flavoring Processed cheese (check ingredients) Processed meats (cold cuts, hot dogs, sausages, and canned meats that contain wheat, barley, rye, oats, gluten fillers, or stabilizers) Rice malt Rice syrup Seasonings (including powdered flavorings and dustings on chips, nuts, popcorn, rice mixes, and rice cakes) Smoke flavoring Soba noodles Starch Stock/bouillon cubes Surimi (imitation seafood) Textured vegetable protein (TVP) Vegetable starch Vitamins


Butter [artificial butter, artificial butter flavor, butter, butter extract, butter fat, butter flavored oil, butter solids, dairy butter, natural butter, natural butter flavor, whipped butter] Casein & caseinates [ammonium caseinate, calcium caseinate, magnesium caseinate, potassium caseinate, sodium caseinate, hydrolyzed casein, iron caseinate, zinc caseinate] Cheese [cheese (all types), cheese flavor (artificial and natural), cheese food, cottage cheese, cream cheese, imitation cheese, vegetarian cheeses with casein] Milk Cream, whipped cream Curds Custard Dairy product solids Galactose Ghee Half & Half


Hydrolysates [casein hydrolysate, milk protein hydrolysate, protein hydrolysate, whey hydrolysate, whey protein hydrolysate] Ice cream, ice milk, sherbet Lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate Lactate solids Lactic yeast Lactitol monohydrate Lactoglobulin Lactose Lactulose Milk [acidophilus milk, buttermilk, buttermilk blend, buttermilk solids, cultured milk, condensed milk, dried milk, dry milk solids (DMS), evaporated milk, fat-free milk, full cream milk powder, goat’s milk, Lactaid® milk, lactose-free milk, low-fat milk, malted milk, milk derivative, milk powder, milk protein, milk solids, milk solid pastes, non-fat dry milk, non-fat milk, non-fat milk solids, pasteurized milk, powdered milk, sheep’s milk, skim milk, skim milk powder, sour milk, sour milk solids, sweet cream buttermilk powder, sweetened condensed milk, sweetened condensed skim milk, whole milk, 1% milk, 2% milk] Milk fat, anhydrous milk fat Nisin preparation Nougat Pudding Quark Recaldent Rennet, rennet casein Simplesse (fat replacer) Sour cream, sour cream solids, imitation sour cream Whey [acid whey, cured whey, delactosed whey, demineralized whey, hydrolyzed whey, powdered whey, reduced mineral whey, sweet dairy whey, whey, whey protein, whey protein concentrate, whey powder, whey solids] Yogurt (regular or frozen), yogurt powder MAY CONTAIN DAIRY Natural flavoring Flavoring Caramel flavoring High protein flour Lactic acid (usually not a problem) Lactic acid starter culture “Non-dairy” products may contain casein Rice cheese Soy cheese


References: 1. Gut microbiota in health and disease. Sekirov I, Russell SL, Antunes LC, Finlay BB. Physiol Rev. 2010 Jul;90(3):859-904. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00045.2009. Review. PMID: 20664075 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 2. Harry J. Flint, Sylvia H. Duncan, Karen P. Scott and Petra Louis (2015). Links between diet, gut microbiota composition and gut metabolism. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 74, pp 13-22. doi:10.1017/S0029665114001463. 3. Pubmed Health article “How does the liver work” 4.

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