Transfer Student Guidelines For New - Oral Roberts … · Web viewGENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFERABLE...


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Revised 2009

ORU will accept courses in transfer from regionally accredited institutions providing a grade of “C” or higher is earned. Courses listed below are transferable without petition. All other courses must be petitioned and approved by the degree-granting dean before acceptance is granted. No credit will be awarded for any non-academic course work such as vocational, orientation, or study skill courses.

The information listed below is subject to change.


TRANSFERABLE COURSE ORU COURSEBIBLE Intro to Old Testament LiteratureOld Testament Survey

BLIT 110(Theology Majors: BIB 222)

Intro to New Testament LiteratureNew Testament Survey

BLIT 120(Theology Majors: BIB 261)

COMMUNICATION ARTS Oral CommunicationPublic Speaking

COM 101

ENGLISH English Composition IFreshman English IComposition IComposition and Rhetoric I

COMP 101

English Composition IIFreshman English IIComposition IIComposition and Rhetoric II

COMP 102

MATHEMATICSMath AnalysisCollege AlgebraPre-calculus(Course must consist of at least 3 credit hours. Remedial Algebra courses will not be accepted for MAT 113.)

MAT 113

HISTORY/GOVERNMENT/HUMANITIES American History to 1865American History 1865 to Present

HIS 101

American GovernmentAmerican Politics (Not Intro to Political Science)

GOV 101

Humanities IHumanities: Arts, Society and CulturePhilosophy

HUM 101

Greek History and MythologyHistory of CivilizationHumanities IRoman History and MythologyWestern Civilization IChurch or Art HistoryHistory of Western PhilosophyPhilosophy of LiteratureWorld ArchitectureEnglish Literature SurveyWorld Literature

HUM 222


Architecture AppreciationIntroduction to LiteratureHistory of CivilizationRoman History and MythologyWestern Civilization IChurch or Art HistoryHumanities IIWestern Civilization IIHistory of Western PhilosophyPhilosophy of LiteratureWestern Civilization IIAWorld ArchitectureEnglish Literature SurveyWorld LiteratureArchitecture AppreciationIntroduction to LiteratureWorld History

HUM 233

History of CivilizationHumanities IIWestern Civilization IIHistory of Western PhilosophyPhilosophy of LiteratureWestern Civilization IIAWorld ArchitectureEnglish Literature SurveyWorld LiteratureWorld History

HUM 244

Art AppreciationIntroduction to Philosophy of ArtPhilosophy of ArtArt Appreciation (1850 to Present)

HUM 250 or HUM 255

Music AppreciationMusic Appreciation (1850 to Present)

HUM 260

Theatre AppreciationTheatre Survey

HUM 270

MODERN LANGUAGE (Note: At least 6-9 semester hours required; through the 203 level. See ORU Catalog for more information)(If a 2 yr. institution transfers 4 credits, then course may be transferred as ORU course. If course is 3 credits, it will be transferred as ELEC 999.)FRENCHElementary French I (4 hours)Beginning French I (4 hours)

FRE 101

Elementary French II (4 hours)Beginning French II (4 hours)

FRE 102

Intermediate French (3 hours) FRE 203GERMANElementary German I (4 hours)Beginning German II (4 hours)

GER 101

Elementary German II (4 hours)Beginning German II (4 hours)

GER 102

Intermediate German (3 hours) GER 203SPANISHElementary Spanish I (4 hours)Beginning Spanish I (4 hours)

SPA 101

Elementary Spanish II (4 hours)Beginning Spanish II (4 hours)

SPA 102

Intermediate Spanish (3 hours) SPA 203HEBREWElementary Hebrew I (4 hours)Beginning Hebrew I (4 hours)

HEB 101


Elementary Hebrew II (4 hours)Beginning Hebrew II (4 hours)

HEB 102

Intermediate Hebrew (3 hours) HEB 203SCIENCE (Note: Must include at least 4 semester hours and a lab)Physical ScienceAstronomy

PSC 101

Earth ScienceGeology

PSC 201

Physics (non physics majors only) PHY 101BiologyBotanyZoology

BIO 101

Chemistry CHE 101



TRANSFERABLE COURSE ORU COURSEART Fundamentals of Art I ART 101Fundamentals of Art II ART 102Art History Survey I ART 103Art History Survey II ART 104Art History Survey III ART 307Color ART 105Ceramics I ART 201Ceramics II ART 301Sculpture I ART 202Sculpture II ART 302Painting I ART 203Painting II ART 303Printmaking I ART 204Printmaking II ART 304Drawing ART 213Figure Drawing ART 214Graphic Design ART 218Graphic Design II ART 318Crafts ART 223Illustration ART 331Water media ART 333Black and White Photography ART 363COMMUNICATION ARTS GENERAL COMMUNICATIONPublic CommunicationSpeech Communication

COM 101

Communication ReadingOral InterpretationOral Reading of LiteratureOral Reading

COM 202

Business and Professional Speech COM 446DRAMAFilm Acting TechniqueHistorical ActingPeriod Acting Techniques

DRAM 107

Acting IBeginning ActingIntro to Acting

DRAM 205

Theater AppreciationTheater Survey

DRAM 215

Basic StagecraftScenery ConstructionStagecraft IStagecraft and Construction

DRAM 216

Styles of Acting DRAM 232Acting IIActing ConceptsMethods of Acting

DRAM 306

Directing IFundamentals of Directing

DRAM 336

Basic CostumingFundamentals of Costuming

DRAM 403

Basic Scenic DesignFundamentals of Scenic DesignScene Design

DRAM 404


Basic MakeupConcepts of MakeupMakeup IMakeup DesignStage Makeup

DRAM 405

ORGANIZATIONAL/INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONInterpersonal CommunicationInterpersonal DynamicsInterpersonal Relationships

COM 203

Interpersonal ForensicsForensics

COM 250

Advanced Public Speaking COM 302Argumentation and Persuasion(Persuasion classes acceptable if student did not debate)

COM 309

Communication Theory COM 342Discussion and Conference LeadershipSmall Group Communication

COM 410

MEDIAFundamentals of Mass MediaHistory of Mass MediaIntro to Mass MediaMass Media and SocietyMass Media in AmericaMedia History

MMC 104

Basic Writing for News MediaBeginning News WritingIntro to News Writing

JRN 107

Intro to Audio ProductionIntro to RadioRadio Production Techniques

TVF 127

Yearbook/Advertising PRP 213News writing WorkshopNewsgathering

JRN 214

ENGLISH Major World Literary FiguresWorld Literature

ENG 310

English Literature IStudies in Old English or Middle English; Chaucer or 18th Century Studies or Renaissance Studies

ENG 311

English Literature IIMajor Romantic AuthorsMajor Victorian Authors

ENG 312

American Literature IMajor Early American Authors

ENG 323

American Literature IIMajor American Literary Figures of the Late 19th/20th Centuries

ENG 324

Elizabethan DramaShakespeare

ENG 351

Major Renaissance WritersMilton

ENG 352

Chaucer StudiesMedieval Period

ENG 359

Early 19 th Century American Literature

Studies in American Transcendentalists: Emerson Thoreau Whitman

ENG 370


American Romantics Poe Hawthorne Cooper Melville

ENG 370

Late 19 th Century American Literature

Studies in Realism and Naturalism: Twain James Howells

ENG 371

Augustan Period

18th and 19th Century Literature: John Dryden and His Literary World or, Jonathan Swift and the Age of Reason or, Pope Studies

ENG 420

Romantic Period

Studies in the Five Major Romantic Poets: Wordsworth Coleridge Byron Shelly Keats

ENG 420

Victorian Period

Studies in: Browning Tennyson

ENG 421

Contemporary LiteratureContemporary NovelistsLate 20th Century Writers

ENG 436

Literary Modernism

Studies in: Eliot Joyce Woolfe Huxley Hemingway Faulkner Fitzgerald

Early 20th Century English or American Writers

ENG 440

Advanced GrammarStudies in History and Various Grammatical Types

WRT 304

Creative Writing WRT 331Drama Writing WorkshopFiction WritingNovel WritingPoetry Writing

WRT 405

Development of the English LanguageHistory of the English LanguageMiddle English StudiesOld English Studies

WRT 355

MUSICAll courses in this department need to be evaluated by the department chair since ORU is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music. Every effort will be made to ensure rapid turnaround for evaluation of transfer course work.



THEOLOGYBIBLICAL LANGUAGESBiblical Hebrew, Greek, Exegesis (Hebrew & Greek)(Must transfer in at least two semesters before credit is accepted. Only one semester of Biblical Language is not transferable.)

BIB 251 BIB 252 BIB 311BIB 312 BIB 319BIB 351 BIB 352

Hermeneutics: Principles of Biblical Interpretation BIB 306History of Israel BIB 332Life of Christ; Synoptic GospelsCombination of single courses in: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

BIB 362

Eschatology & the Book of RevelationBiblical Eschatology

BIB 363

Hebrews, James, I & II Peter, Jude(Combination of Books)

BIB 364

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy(Individual Books Combined)

BIB 421

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Minor Prophets(Combination of Books)

BIB 424

Combination of individual courses from the poetic area: Psalms, Proverbs, etc. Wisdom Literature

BIB 437

The Apocrypha BIB 438PRACTICAL MINISTRIESHistory of Christian EducationPhilosophy of Christian Education

CHRM 300

Church LeadershipChristian Leadership

CHRM 302

Teaching in the Church CHRM 305Church CounselingCounseling in the Church

CHRM 324

Campus MinistryPersonal EvangelismStreet Ministry

CHRM 335

HomileticsPrinciples of Preaching

CHRM 340

Preaching LabHomiletics II

CHRM 440

Church Management/AdministrationChurch PolityPastoral Theology

CHRM 460

MISSIONSHistory of the Missionary MovementMissionary History

MISS 300

MissionsWorld Missions

MISS 325

Biblical Background of MissionsDoctrine of Missions

MISS 333

THEOLOGYChristian PhilosophyChristian Thought

THE 302

Comparative ReligionsWorld Religions

THE 303

CultsSurvey of American Religions

THE 304

ChristologyIdea of TheologyDoctrine of ScriptureExistence and Character of God

THE 313


Doctrine of SalvationStudy of the Holy SpiritTheological Anthropology

THE 314

Current Ethical IssuesIntro to EthicsSurvey of Ethics

THE 401

Angels and Demons and ApologeticsStudy of the Doctrine of Church (Ecclesiology)

THE 415

Church History I (Early to Reformation) THE 461History of Church to Reformation THE 462Church History IIHistory of Church From Reformation to Present

THE 463



BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGYIntro to PsychologyGeneral PsychologyPrinciples of Psychology

PSY 201

Social Psychology PSY 212Developmental Psychology(With Psychology prefix, cover full life span)

PSY 301

Biological PsychologyPsychophysiologyPhysiological Psychology

PSY 305

Personality TheoryPsychology of Personality(Not Psychology of Adjustment)

PSY 321

Psychology of Learning(Anything of this title, if surveys learning theories, includes Psychology prefix)

PSY 322

Psychological TestingTests and Measurement

PSY 323

Cognitive Psychology PSY 324Abnormal Psychology PSY 338History & SystemsSchools of Psychology

PSY 354

Experimental PsychologyResearch Methods(Must be taught in Behavioral Science/Psychology Department)

PSY 401

SOCIOLOGYGeneral SociologyIntro to SociologyPrinciples of Sociology

SOC 101

Sociology of the FamilyMarriage and Family

SOC 201

Social Psychology SOC 212Group DynamicsGroup and Community Skills

SOC 300SOC 300

Urban Sociology SOC 301Research MethodsSociological Research

SOC 302

Cultural AnthropologyGeneral AnthropologyIntro to Anthropology

SOC 308

Social Problems SOC 314Crime and DelinquencyJuvenile Delinquency Social Deviancy

SOC 329

Contemporary IssuesSociological TheoryTheories in Sociology

SOC 330

Minority GroupSociology of Racial Differences

SOC 420

SOCIAL WORKAll Social Work classes need to be evaluated by the department chair since ORU is accredited by the Council On Social Work Education and fully accountable to them. One exception might be Introduction to Social Work, so long as we can be satisfied that it was taught by a social worker and not another behavioral scientist of some sort. Also, Introduction to Social Services, as taught by some community colleges or four-year colleges, is usually not sufficient to satisfy the Council. Therefore, evaluation of courses by the Social Work Program Director is necessary.BIOLOGY Biology I* BIO 111


Intro Biology I*General Biology*Biology II*Intro to Biology II*Botany*Zoology*

BIO 112


BIO 310

Animal Ecology*General Ecology*

BIO 312

Cell Biology*Molecular Biology

BIO 411

Animal Physiology*Vertebrate Physiology*

BIO 421

Animal Development*Embryology*

BIO 431

Special Topics* BIO 454*All courses must have labs with a minimum of 3-4 hours of lab work per week and lecture of at least 3 hours per week. The combined lecture and lab must be worth at least 4 total semester hours.CHEMISTRY Basic Chemistry*Fundamentals of Chemistry*Intro to Chemistry*Principles of Chemistry*

CHE 101

General Chemistry I* CHE 111General Chemistry II* CHE 112Organic Chemistry I* CHE 211Organic Chemistry II* CHE 212Analytical Chemistry**Chemical Analysis**Quantitative Chemistry**Quantitative Analysis**

CHE 300

*All courses must have labs with a minimum of 3-4 hours of lab work per week and a lecture of at least 3 hours per week. The combined lecture and lab must be worth at least 4 total semester hours.

**All classes must have a minimum of 2 hours per week lecture and at least 3-6 hours of lab work. The combined lecture and lab must be worth at least 4 total semester hours.COMPUTER SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS Discrete Mathematics MAT 207Differential Equations MAT 211Linear and Matrix Algebra* MAT 312Number Theory*Elementary Number Theory*

MAT 318

Calculus III*Calculus with Several Variables*

MAT 321

Computer Concepts CSC 101Microcomputer Applications in Business CSC 112COBOL Programming CSC 213Data StructuresPre-requisite of Introduction to Computing

CSC 255

Systems Analysis* CSC 381Systems Design* CSC 382Data Communications* CSC 441*May not transfer from community college. Transferred courses must be of comparable level (classification) or higher.ENGINEERING/PHYSICS/PHYSICAL SCIENCE - EGRPAll courses (except EVR 250, below) in this department need to be evaluated by the department chair since ORU is accredited by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology. Every effort will be made to ensure rapid turnaround for evaluation of transfer course work.Environmental Science EVR 250


H.P.E.R.Foundation of Physical EducationHistory and Principles of Physical EducationIntro to HPER

HPE 200

Personal HealthPersonal Health Science

HPE 231

Safety and First Aid HPE 233KinesiologyKinesiology and Biomechanics

HPE 316

Care and PreventionPrevention and Care of Sports Injuries

HPE 320

Exercise Physiology HPE 324Outdoor EducationOutdoor RecreationOutdoor Recreation and Camping

HPE 331HPE 331

Recreational LeadershipRecreation Leadership and Activities

HPE 343

Evaluation in HPERTests and Measurements in Physical Education

HPE 452



TRANSFERABLE COURSE ORU COURSEPrin. Financial Accounting IAccounting IFinancial Accounting

ACT 215

Prin. Financial Accounting IIAccounting IIManagerial Accounting

ACT 216

Advanced StatisticsBusiness CalculusQuantitative Analysis

ACT 320

Intermediate Accounting I ACT 327Intermediate Accounting II ACT 328Managerial Cost Accounting ACT 432Accounting Info Systems ACT 435Auditing ACT 439Federal Income Tax Accounting ACT 442Advanced Tax AccountingAdvanced Income Tax

ACT 443

Accounting Internship ACT 451Advanced Accounting I Consolidations

ACT 462

Advanced Accounting IIGovernmental Accounting

ACT 463

Estate and Gift Taxation ACT 471Intro to MacroeconomicsPrinciples of Economics I

BUS 201

Intro to MicroeconomicsPrinciples of Economics II

BUS 202

Business Law I BUS 325Business Law II BUS 326Intl. Business Study TripIntl. Business

BUS 361

Ethics BUS 450Business Internship BUS 451Micro Applications in Business CSC 112Personal Financial Planning FIN 244Monetary TheoryMoney and Banking

FIN 303

Financial ManagementPrinciples of Finance

FIN 338

Investments FIN 418Bank Management FIN 428Advanced Financial Management FIN 438Finance Internship FIN 451Corp. Financial Decision Making FIN 452International Financial Management FIN 460Principles of Estate Planning FIN 472Statistics MAT 232Fundamentals of ManagementPrinciples of Management

MGT 130

Supply Chain Management MGT 333Business Communications MGT 341Risk Management MGT 351Organizational Behavior MGT 352Human Resources Management MGT 353


Creative Thinking MGT 372Real Estate Management MGT 384Entrepreneurship MGT 421Small Business Basics MGT 422Executive Development MGT 443Management Internship MGT 451Intl. Management Study Trip MGT 451-11Conflict Resolution MGT 461Adm. Of Non-Profit Org. MGT 465Adv. Bus. Microcomputers Appl. MIS 212Network Management MIS 347MIS Internship MIS 451Principles of MarketingFundamentals of Marketing

MKT 130

Consumer Behavior MKT 333Promotional Management MKT 334Sales Management MKT 346International Marketing MKT 361Marketing Research MKT 445Retail Management MKT 447Marketing Internship MKT 451Intl. Marketing Study Trip MKT 451-11Marketing Management MKT 455Desktop Publishing ElectiveSchool of BusinessNote: If the transfer course has a lower division course number (100-200 level) and has the same title as an ORU lower division course, the course will be transferred as the ORU lower division course. If the transfer course has a 300 level or higher course number but has the same course title as an ORU lower division course, it will be transferred as the ORU lower division course. If a transfer course is from a two-year institution and has the same title as an ORU upper division course, it will be sent to the Business Department Chair and Dean for review. Any upper division (300 level or higher) course from a four-year institution that has the same course title as an ORU course will be transferred based on the equivalent ORU course title. However, Strategic Management and Seminar and Senior Paper must be taken exclusively at ORU.



TRANSFERABLE COURSE ORU COURSEPracticum or Field Based, Pre-Internship Program(30 hours minimum)

PED 111 or PED 121

School Health and Safety PED 222Human Growth and Development(Not CLEP or AP)

PED 313

Educational TechnologyMicrocomputers in Education

PED 363

Classroom ManagementDiscipline in the School

PED 372

EvaluationTest and Measurements

PED 382

Exceptional Child, Student, IndividualIntro to Special Education

SED 353

ELEMENTARY EDUCATIONReading and Language ArtsLanguage Arts EC-8

ELE 314

Children’s Literature ELE 323Elementary Reading Methods ELE 344Diagnosis and Correction of Reading DeficienciesLiteracy Assessment

ELE 403


TRANSFERABLE COURSE ORU COURSENATURAL SCIENCEMicrobiology(Any 4 hour course including lab, not specifically limited by student designation or scope of coverage in title. Must be a least 200 level course)

BIO 310

General ChemistryIntro to ChemistryPrinciples of Chemistry(With Chemistry prefix and 4 hours with lab)

CHE 101

Nutrition(Any 3 hour course that is not specifically limited by title)

NUT 201

Human Anatomy(Any 4 hour course with lab focusing on Human Anatomy)

PHS 223

Human Physiology(Any 4 hour course with lab focusing on Human Physiology)

PHS 224

Human Anatomy/ Physiology I AndHuman Anatomy II/Physiology II(Must have both semester, 4 hours each [with lab] totaling 8 hours)

PHS 223 and PHS 224



SUBJECT MINIMUM SCORE CREDIT AWARDEDArt and Design 6 or 7 SL or HL Art 101 Fundamentals of Art I  Or    Art 213 Drawing IArt History 6 or 7 SL or HL Portfolio required for departmental reviewBiology 5 SL BIO 101 Introductory Biology (4 hours)-Non-Science Majors    BIO 111 Introductory Biology (4 hours)-Science MajorsChemistry 4 SL CHE 101 Principles of ChemistryChemistry 5 SL CHE 111 General ChemistryChemistry 4 HL CHE 111-112 General ChemistryComputer Science 5 SL CSC 101 Evaluated individually (3-8 hours based on the syllabus and score)English 5 SL or HL COMP 102 Reading and Writing in The Liberal ArtsGerman 5 HL GER 204 Intermediate German IIHebrew 5 HL HEB 204 Intermediate Hebrew IISpanish 5 HL SPA 204 Intermediate Spanish IIFrench 5 HL FRE 204 Intermediate French IIHumanities 4 HL or SL HUM 244 Romantic and Modern HumanitiesHumanities 5 or above HL or SL HIS 335 Europe, 1914-PresentMathematics 5 HL Evaluated individuallyMusic 6 or 7 SL MUS 100 Fundamentals of MusicMusic 6 or 7 HL MUS 101 Harmony IPhilosophy 5 HL THE 302 Introduction to PhilosophyPhysics 5 HL PHS 101 General Physics (lecture only)Psychology 5 SL PSY 201 Principles of PsychologyEconomics 4 SL BUS 101 Principles of Macroeconomics IEconomics 5 SL BUS 101 Principles of Macroeconomics I    AND    BUS 102 Principles of Macroeconomics IIEconomics 4 HL BUS 101 Principles of Macroeconomics I    AND    BUS 102 Principles of Macroeconomics IIHistory 4 HL HIS 101 American History Survey 1760 to PresentKey: SL=Standard Level

HL=Higher Level Score Range: 1-7



ORU accepts the following AP exams for credit toward an undergraduate degree. Students must have an official copy of scores sent directly to the ORU Office of Undergraduate Admissions from the AP program.

AP TEST ACCEPTABLE SCORE ORU EQUIVALENTArt: History of 3 HUM 250 or 255Art: Studio Drawing 3 ElectiveArt: Studio General 3 ElectiveBiology 3 BIO 101 (4 hrs. Lecture & Lab)

If Science Major—BIO 111Chemistry 3 CHE 101 (3 hrs. Lecture)

4 CHE 101 or CHE 111 (3 hrs. Lecture)5 CHE 111 (3 hrs. Lecture)

Computer Science A 3 ElectiveComputer Science AB 3 CSC 111Economics—Macro 3 BUS 201Economics-Micro 3 BUS 202English Lang. & Comp.* 3 COMP 101

4 or 5 COMP 101 and COMP 102English Lit. & Comp.* 3 COMP 101

4 or 5 COMP 101 and COMP 102European History 3 HUM 222 or HUM 233 or HUM 244French Lang. /Lit. 3 FRE 101 + 102

4 FRE 101 + 102 + 203 5 FRE 101 + 102 + 203 + 204

German Lang. /Lit. 3 GER 101 + 1024 GER 101 + 102 + 2035 GER 101 + 102 + 203 + 204

Government & Politics-US 3 GOV 101Government & Politics—Comparative 3 ElectiveLatin: Vergil 3 ElectiveLatin: Literature 3 ElectiveMath: Calculus AB 3 MAT 201Math: Calculus BC 3 MAT 201

4 MAT 201 + MAT 202Music Theory 3 ElectivePhysics B 3 PSC 101 (3 Hrs.)Physics C: Mechanics 3 Elective (3 Hrs.)Physics C: Elec. & Mag. 3 Elective (3 Hrs.)Psychology 3 PSY 201Spanish Lang. /Lit. 3 SPA 101 + 102

4 SPA 101 + 102 + 2035 SPA 101 + 102 + 203 + 204

Statistics 3 MAT 232US History 3 HIS 101World History 3 HUM 222 or HUM 233 or HUM 244

*Note: If both exams (Eng. Lit./Comp. and Eng. Lang./Comp.) are taken, student only receives credit for COMP 101. The second exam will be considered for general elective credit only.



ORU accepts the following CLEP exams for credit toward an undergraduate degree. Students must have an official copy of scores sent directly to the ORU Office of Undergraduate Admissions from the CLEP program.

CLEP TEST ACCEPTABLE SCORE ORU EQUIVALENTAmerican Government 50 GOV 101American History I: Early 50 HIS 101American History II: Present 50 HIS 101American Literature 50 ENG 323 + ENG 324Analysis/Interp. Of Lit. 50 ENG 201Business Law 50 BUS 325Calculus w/Elementary Functions 50 MAT 201College Algebra 50 MAT 113College Algebra-Trigonometry 50 MAT 114College French 50 FRE 101College French 55 FRE 101 + 102 College French 60 FRE 101 + 102 + 203 + 204College German 50 GER 101College German 55 GER 101 + 102College German 60 GER 101 + 102 + 203 + 204College Spanish 50 SPA 101College Spanish 55 SPA 101 + SPA 102College Spanish 60 SPA 101 + 102 + 203 + 204English Literature 50 HUM 222 or HUM 233 or HUM 244 or ENG 311 +

ENG 312Freshman College Composition 50 COMP 101 and COMP 102General Biology 50 BIO 101General Chemistry 50 CHE 101Info. Sys./Comp. App. 50 ElectiveIntro. Accounting 50 ElectiveIntroduction to Educational Psychology 50 ElectiveIntroductory Psychology 50 PSY 201Introductory Sociology 50 SOC 101Principles of Macroeconomics 50 BUS 201Principles of Management 50 MGT 130Principles of Marketing 50 MKT 130Trigonometry 50 ElectivePrinciples of Microeconomics 50 BUS 202Western Civilization I 50 HUM 222 or HUM 233Western Civilization II 50 HUM 233 or HUM 244

17 Revised 5/7/2023
