
Citation preview



Revised June 2012





I. PURPOSE 3 II. SITUATION AND ASSUMPTIONS 4 III. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS 5 IV. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) 5 A. Emergency Operations Center Location 5 B. Mission 5 C. Emergency Operations Center Activation 6 D. Emergency Operations Center Staffing 6 E. Responsibilities 7 V. COMMUNICATIONS 11 VI. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS 11

ANNEX A – HURRICANE PROCEDURES FOR TOWN OF ST. JAMES, ST. JAMES FIRE DEPARTMENT, ST. JAMES PLANTATION DEVELOPER, ST. JAMES MARINA, THE CLUBS AT ST. JAMES, and the ST. JAMES PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION (POA) 13 IA. Initial Alert Phase 13 IB. 72 Hour Alert 14 IC. 48 Hour Alert 16 ID. 24 Hour Alert 17 IE. 12 Hour Alert 19 IF. 4-6 Hour Alert 20 II. Post Disaster Operations 21 IIA. General 21 IIB. Damage Assessment 21 IIC. Recovery Operations 22

IID. Responsibilities 22

ANNEX B – EMERGENCY EVACUATION AND RE-ENTRY PROCEDURES FOR RESIDENTS OF ST. JAMES 26 A. Resident Emergency Guide 26 B. Evacuation 26 C. Closure of the Town of St. James 27 D. Re-Entry 28 APPENDICES APPENDIX A – Map 1 Town of St. James Evacuation Routes 30 APPENDIX B – Map 2 Possible Evacuation Routes for the Town of St.

James 31



ADJUSTING POND LEVELS 1. Purpose 2. Definitions 3. Responsibilities 4. Equipment Requirements 5. Plan Implementation 6. Annex Revisions APPENDICES APPENDIX A – Map 1, Pinecrest Drive Tributary Management Structures Map 2, Members Club Management Structures Map 3, Town of St. James Ponds and Stormwater Conveyance System APPENDIX B – Figure 1, Structure PC1 Figure 2, Structure PC2 Figure 3, Structure PC3 Figure 4, Structure PC4 Figure 5, Structure PG1 Figure 6, Structure PG2 Figure 7, Structure PG3 Figure 8, Structure PG4 Figure 9, Structure PG5

* Distribution restricted to Town Council, Town Clerk, Emergency Management Staff and Communications Manager




I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this plan is to set forth a definite policy as to what actions need to be taken before, during, and after a major incident. An incident is defined by the National Response Plan as “an occurrence or event, natural or human caused that requires an emergency response to protect life or property”. This plan will attempt to provide a comprehensive all-hazards approach to handling an emergency situation. This plan has been developed to assist Town of St. James (TOSJ) officials in the coordination between all St. James major entities (Town of St. James, St. James Plantation Developer, St. James Property Owners Association (POA), the Clubs at St. James, the St. James Marina, and the St. James Fire Department), and with other municipalities, Brunswick County, and state agencies. It provides procedures to provide for preparedness, response, relief, and recovery of the community to its normal state of affairs. This plan identifies actions to be taken, associated timetables, and assigns responsibilities.

Given the unique relationship the Town has with the above entities and they with each other, as well as with Brunswick County, this plan is designed to ensure that all agencies and resources are employed in an efficient manner in support of emergency actions and to identify the roles and responsibilities of each entity. The structure for managing incidents involving hazards is through the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Incident management should occur at the lowest jurisdiction level possible. This is accomplished through the Incident Command System. It is a means to direct on-scene emergency management while maintaining single command and control of the situation. This is accomplished through the designation of an Incident Commander (IC) and an Incident Command Post (ICP). The IC is the single person in charge of the incident and will normally be the TOSJ Emergency Management Director except when the incident is directly related to fire or Emergency Medical Services (EMS) activities that would normally be directed by the TOSJ Fire Chief. TOSJ will establish an Emergency Management Center (EOC) to act as the ICP and the coordinating activity for the gathering, retrieval, analysis, and dissemination of all information and resources to support incident management activities.


II. SITUATION AND ASSUMPTIONS: As a result of its geographic location, topography, and rapid growth, the Town of St. James will continue to be vulnerable to the below-listed hazards, all of which have the potential to inflict property damage and casualties: A. SITUATION: 1. FIRE: Structural, forest/woodlands/urban interface, hazardous materials, vehicle. 2. CHEMICAL SPILL: Trucks, Nuclear Plant, boats/barges, fuel tanks, golf course chemicals, Water Treatment Plant (Chlorine). 3. SEVERE WEATHER: Hurricane, flood, hail and damaging winds, tornado, snow and ice storms, erosion/mud slides. 4. EARTHQUAKE. 5. UTILITY PROBLEMS: Water contamination, power loss, sewer malfunction. 6. AIRCRAFT CRASH. 7. BOMB THREAT. 8. TERRORISM. B. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. The Town of St. James will continue to be exposed to the hazards noted above as well as others that may develop in the future. 2. Outside assistance will be available in most emergency situations. Although this plan defines procedures for obtaining and coordinating such assistance, it is essential for parties to this agreement to be prepared to carry out emergency responses and short term actions on an independent basis with resources immediately available. 3. It is possible for a hazardous event to occur at anytime. In most cases, dissemination of warning and increased readiness measures may be possible. However, some disasters and/or events may occur with little or no warning. 4. Local government, association, organization, and development officials recognize their responsibility for the safety and well being of the public, and will assume their responsibilities in the implementation of this emergency management plan. 5. Proper implementation and execution of this plan will prevent or reduce disaster-related losses.


6. Effective execution of this plan will require volunteer participation and the cooperation of St. James residents. III. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS A. In accordance with North Carolina General Statute 166A-8, the Town of St. James has the primary responsibility for directing emergency management activities. B. This plan is based on the concept that the emergency function for various organizations/agencies will parallel normal day-to-day functions to the extent possible, i.e. the same personnel and material resources will be employed in most cases. Day-to-day functions, which do not contribute directly to emergency management activities, will be suspended for the duration of any emergency. All efforts and resources will be redirected to accomplishing emergency management tasks. C. When an event occurs, a local state of emergency may be declared by the Mayor. The effect of the declaration is to activate the response, recovery, and rehabilitation aspects of this plan. D. The signatories to this plan will follow the guidance of the TOSJ EOC and the Brunswick County Emergency Operations Coordinator who, in most instances, will have the timeliest access to emergency-related data and information. IV. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) The EOC houses Town officials and volunteers necessary to provide overall direction and control of Emergency Management activities during declared emergencies or at the direction of the Mayor. A. EOC Location. The Arts and Crafts room in the Town of St. James Community Center building is designated as the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during declared emergencies. Once activated, it shall be manned by an adequate number of town officials and volunteers to permit a 24-hour communications operation. It is equipped with adequate telephone and radio systems and computer links to ensure connectivity with all responding agencies and support networks. In the event that conditions require relocation of the EOC, the Emergency Management Director will notify relevant officials, volunteers, and Town residents through available communication systems.

B. Mission. The mission of the EOC is to: 1. Coordinate and synchronize the entire emergency response effort. 2. Ensure that all agencies are advised of their respective roles. 3. Serve as a communications center for all responding agencies.


4. Disseminate accurate and timely reports to all agencies, to residents, and to the Brunswick County Emergency Operations Center (BC-EOC). 5. Request multi-agency resources, in most cases, through the BC-EOC. C. Emergency Operations Center Activation. The EOC is activated upon declaration of a local state of emergency or as directed by the Mayor or Emergency Management Director. Upon activation the following will occur as quickly as possible: 1. Personnel assigned to the EOC will be advised to report by the Town Clerk, Deputy Clerk, or the Emergency Management Team. 2. Necessary phones including a conference call phone, television sets, the NOAA Emergency radio, the Hurrevac/WEBEOC computers, a projector if available, flashlights, Viper Radio base station and 3 viper hand held radios, personal cell phones, and other essential equipment will be assembled in the EOC and checked for operability by the Emergency Management Team. 3. Preventive maintenance on EOC equipment will be performed to include verification of wire and wireless connectivity. D. Staffing. The EOC will be staffed by the following or their designated representatives, augmented as required by volunteers: 1. Emergency Management Director and the Emergency Management Team. This team will maintain coordination with the below listed personnel. The below listed personnel or their designated representatives are not required to be present in the EOC but are required to notify and keep the EOC current as to who is designated on call, their whereabouts, a current telephone number, e-mail address, and any other methods of contacting them. This requirement will start once the EOC is activated and continue at all times throughout the incident. The Mayor and the Emergency Management Director may call an in-person meeting of all selected individuals at any time during the incident. a. Mayor b. Members of the Town Council c. President of the POA d. Developer representative e. Fire Chief f. The Clubs Site Manager g. Marina Dock Master


h. Town Clerk 2. Damage Assessment Team when activated will be made up with the following personnel or their representative. The Deputy Director of Emergency Management will supervise the Damage Assessment Team. a. Mayor Pro-Tem b. POA elected representative c. Developer representative d. Assistant Fire Chief e. Deputy Director Emergency Management f. Marina Dock Master g. The Clubs Course Superintendent E. Responsibilities: 1. Mayor: a. Declares state of emergency. b. Orders evacuation. c. Sets curfew, as required. d. Approves damage assessment reports. e. Approves media releases. f. Authorizes reentry of contractors, employees, and residents following an emergency in consultation with the POA President, Emergency Management Director, and the Fire Chief. g. Authorizes and directs debris removal, weather permitting, during and after a storm on all St James property that is not the responsibility of the POA the Developer, the Clubs at St James Plantation and the Marina. h. Coordinates, in conjunction with the POA and Developer, long-term recovery operations. 2. Mayor Pro-Tem:


a. Acts in absence of Mayor. b. Participates in the Damage Assessment Team. 3. President of the POA: a. Coordinates routine physical security matters including evacuation if ordered, with the EOC and the Developer. b. Ensures timely information flow between the EOC and the Developer’s representative. c. Coordinates the dissemination of warnings and evacuation orders with St. James security personnel. d. Monitors the status of utilities and common use areas. e. Provides ongoing information to the EOC and Damage Assessment Team including the status of roads and utilities. f. Keeps EOC updated on status of current and pending activities. g. Coordinates, in conjunction with the Town, long-term recovery operations. h. Coordinates, as appropriate, with all sub-POA’s on matters relating to the ongoing major incident. i. Authorizes and directs debris removal, weather permitting during and after a storm event on all roadways and common areas inside the gate of St James. 4. Developer’s Representative: a. Serves as focal point for all Developer interests and actions. b. Supervises actions in support of this plan involving Developer personnel and resources. c. Provides information to the EOC and the Damage Assessment Team regarding Developer’s property. d. Keeps EOC updated on status of current and pending activities. 5. Marina Dock Master.

a. Keeps EOC updated on status of current and pending activities.

b. Serves as the focal point for all Developer interests within the marina.


c. Authorizes and directs debris removal, weather permitting during and after a storm event throughout the marina.

d. Coordinates, in conjunction with the Town, the POA and the Developer, long-

term recovery operations.

6. Manager, The Clubs at St James Plantation

a. Keeps EOC updated on status of current and pending activities.

a. Serves as the focal point for all Developer interests within the club system.

b. Authorizes and directs debris removal, weather permitting during and after a storm event throughout the properties.

c. Coordinates, in conjunction with the Town, the POA and the Developer, long-

term recovery operations. 7. Emergency Management Director: a. Is designated as the Incident Commander (IC) for all natural disasters, such as severe weather and earthquakes, major utility problems, incidents at the Nuclear Power Station, bomb threats, and terrorism. In case of fires, chemical spills, aircraft crashes, and other incidents directly related to fire or EMS activities, the TOSJ Fire Chief will act as IC and the Emergency Management Director and the Emergency Management Team will provide support. b. Synchronizes support plans among the Town, the POA, the Marina, the Developer, the Clubs at St James Plantation, the St. James Fire Department, the County, and other relevant parties. c. Oversees the various emergency communication systems. d. Disseminates to all residents via Blackboard Connect (Instant/Simultaneous Emergency Telephone Notification and Blast E-mail System) early warning information emergency messages, proclamations’ and terminations of State of Emergency, evacuation orders, curfew instructions, restrictions on alcohol and dangerous weapons and substances and other critical information before, during, and for a period of time after an incident. e. Disseminates to all residents via Blackboard Connect status updates as provided by the County and State Emergency Operations Centers. f. Keeps the County informed via WEBEOC (crisis information management link with Brunswick County Emergency Services and State of North Carolina) on the status


and condition of St. James including evacuation information, critical damage, flooding, road closings, town closing, and any isolation of portions of the Town. g. Requests County, State, and Federal assistance as required through the County Emergency Operations Center. h. Coordinates emergency response efforts, other than fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS), within and for St. James. i. Oversees application of resources. j. Sets priorities for response and recovery in coordination with the Developer’s representative and POA. k. Coordinates St. James media releases. l. Reviews all reports for accuracy and content before they are dispatched. m. Dispatches response teams, as required. n. Coordinates preparation of the Damage Assessment Report. o. Conducts annual review and update of the Emergency Management Plan. p. Requests support/assistance from outside agencies. q. Requests security assistance, through the County EOC, from the County and/or State Police if the Town is declared closed. r. Requests security assistance through the County EOC, from the US Coast Guard if the Town is declared closed. 7. Deputy Director Emergency Management: a. Acts on behalf of the Emergency Management Director as directed by him or the Mayor. b. Upon declaration of a State of Emergency, coordinates physical security among local organizations and any security resources provided from outside St. James.

d. Supervises the Damage Assessment Team.

e. Serves as TOSJ Public Information representative. 8. Fire Chief:


a. Is designated as the Incident Commander (IC) in cases of fires, chemical spills, aircraft crashes, and other incidents directly related to fire or EMS activities. During all natural disasters, such as severe weather and earthquakes, major utility problems, incidents at the Nuclear Power Station, bomb threats, and terrorism, the Fire Chief will provide support to the Emergency Management Director. b. Provides coordinated fire protection, rescue operations, and EMS support. c. Assists in disseminating warnings and notices. d. Implements evacuation operations to include traffic right-of-ways and placement of barricades in accordance with established evacuation plans. e. Coordinates with Deputy Director Emergency Management and POA President on post-incident security and resident re-entry. f. Provides, within organizational capabilities, for clearance of roadways for emergency vehicle access. g. Provides reconnaissance to determine blocked roads. h. Keeps EOC updated on status of current and pending activities. 9. Operations Section Chief: a. Maintains an ongoing electronic log on WEBEOC of all activities within the EOC to facilitate operational control, continuity, and ultimately providing a historical record. b. Maintains an updated log on the EOC Staff and/or their designated representatives to include current locations, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. c. Assists in the preparation of reports required by the County, State, FEMA or other agencies.

e. Initiates EOC Management Information Systems (landline telephones, cell phones, government emergency telephone service [priority routing], internet connections [Blackboard Connect, HURREVAC, and WEBEOC]).

f. Drafts Blackboard Connect messages and updates.

g. Records, monitors and updates the Emergency Management voice mail account.

h. Transmits directed messages and TOSJ status updates to the county via



i. Records and updates recorded messages on the ATMC TOSJ Info line at 910 253-0949.

j. Monitors TOSJ Fire Department and EMS radio traffic.

e. Performs other administrative activities in support of the EOC. V. COMMUNICATIONS:

A. The primary means of communication during an emergency situation will be the local call-in telephone system, the emergency telephone notification system (ETNS) augmented by personal cell phones, and the St. James web site.

B. Emergency communication, when the routine telephone system is not operational will be through the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS).

C. Through an arrangement with the Atlantic Telephone Membership Corporation (ATMC), recorded messages prepared by the Mayor or other EOC officials can be accessed by residents by dialing the following number: 253-0949. This system is capable of handling up to 15 calls simultaneously. D. Radio communication throughout TOSJ and other sites as appropriate will be with the Viper radio system. . VI. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: A. Individual property owners are responsible for securing their homes and personal property. B. The Mayor or the Emergency Management Director, if a “state of emergency” has been declared, may direct the relocation of the EOC to a location to be determined if the emergency so warrants. C. Once activated, the EOC will operate on a 24-hour basis or as directed by the Emergency Management Director until the emergency has passed or at such time as it is ordered deactivated by the Mayor or the Emergency Management Director. D. The St. James Fire Department building, the Town Hall, or the TOSJ Community Center will not be designated as an emergency evacuation shelter. (See Annex B for a listing of authorized emergency shelters). E. The St. James Marina Dock Master is responsible for developing a plan for securing property and taking other safety and security measures for his properties. This plan should be coordinated with the St. James Emergency Management Director.


F. The Manager of The Clubs at St James Plantation is responsible for developing a plan for securing property and taking other safety and security measures for his properties. These plans should be coordinated with the St. James Emergency Management Director. Adopted this the _3rd day of _December_2002. Revised August 2004 Revised and Reissued March 2006 Revised and Reissued August 2007 Revised and Reissued January 21, 2011 Revised and Reissued May 1, 2011 Revised and Reissued June,2012 TOWN of ST. JAMES By:, Mayor of St. James

ANNEXES: A. Hurricane Procedures for the Town of St. James, St. James Fire Department, St. James Plantation Developer, St. James Marina, The Clubs at St. James, and the St. James Property Owners Association B. Emergency Evacuation and Re-entry Procedures for Residents of St. James Appendix A: Map 1, Town of St. James Evacuation Routes Appendix B: Map 2, Possible Evacuation Routes for Town of St. James Appendix C: Map 3, Alternate Emergency Detour Routes for Town of St. James C. Definition of Terms, Warnings, and Acronyms D. Key Personnel and Organization Listings * E. Sample State of Emergency Proclamation * F. Physical Arrangement of the EOC * G. Instruction for Emergency Message Line * H. Stormwater Drainage System Procedures for Adjusting Pond Levels* *Distribution restricted to Town Council, Town Clerk, Emergency Management Staff and Communications Manager.


ANNEX A: HURRICANE PROCEDURES FOR TOWN OF ST. JAMES, ST. JAMES FIRE DEPARTMENT. ST. JAMES PLANTATION DEVELOPER, ST. JAMES MARINA, THE CLUBS AT ST. JAMES Plantation, and the ST. JAMES PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION (POA) I. Time frames listed in this Annex are guidelines only and are considered the MINIMUM time frames to complete an action. Any/all actions may be required sooner than the time frame listed. Some actions may not need to be done. All are dependent on the actual situation. A. INITIAL ALERT PHASE: This phase will be initiated based on a subjective call by the Emergency Management Director after consultation with the TOSJ Emergency Management Team. It may be as early as a week before a storm is forecast to affect this general area. The following actions should be taken as necessary to ensure preparedness: 1. Assess the threat based on best information available. 2. Assess major requirements that may be needed by the EOC and others as the threat becomes more credible. This includes preventive maintenance and testing of all EOC equipment. 3. TOSJ Storm Water Committee gather, for the Emergency Management Director, information on the ponds outlined in Annex H, this plan, to determine their individual status so that an objective decision can be made on lowering their levels if necessary. Procedures for gathering and processing the data are included in Annex H, this plan. 4. Ensure all players understand their responsibilities and are prepared to carry out tasks assigned in this plan. 5. Plan for debris removal and contractor support as provided through the County or the pending TOSJ contract. Make contact with appropriate contractors to ensure they are prepared and able to perform in the event the contracts are activated. 6. TOSJ Storm Water Committee, in coordination with the POA and The Clubs at St James Plantation, conduct inspections, for the Emergency Management Director of culverts and drains, especially in the flood prone areas. 7. TOSJ Storm Water Committee, the POA and The Clubs at St James Plantation, in coordination with the Emergency Management Director, correct, as possible, problems and/or blockages to the culverts and drains identified during the storm event preparation.


7. Check on Marina workload in order to accommodate “X” amount of water flow from potential pond lowering. 8. Check on availability of key personnel and/or their representatives listed in this plan. 9. Send out a blast e-mail stating current observations and conditions and that the TOSJ Emergency Management Team is monitoring the storm’s progress and will keep the residents informed of actions that need to be taken. B. 72 HOUR ALERT: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) identifies a hurricane or tropical storm which is moving in a direction and speed as to pose a potential threat within 72 hours. 1. Emergency Management Director: a. Alerts Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, Fire Chief, POA president, St. James Marina Dock Master, The Clubs, and St. James Plantation project manager. b. Opens communications with Brunswick County Emergency Management Director for storm-tracking and related information. c. Initiates EOC Management Information Systems. d. Reviews the staffing requirements for the EOC and determines need for supplies, food, and equipment to permit 24-hour operation. e. Identifies residents with special needs. f. Notifies the Town, the POA, and the Developer to have their contractors begin the clean up of construction sites to minimize hazards associated with flying materials/debris. g. Begins planning for the evacuation of residents south of Polly Gully. h. Begins planning for the evacuation of all of TOSJ. i. Directs planning and begins coordination with POA and County for post incident debris removal. j. Directs preparation for recovery operations. k. Initiates tracking of the Mayor, Town Council, and designated EOC members to include their locations, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and any other methods of contact. 2. Deputy Director Emergency Management: a. Prepares State of Emergency proclamation.


b. Activates emergency call-in telephone system giving initial alert warning to residents. c. Prepares and sends “blast” e-mail notice to residents. d. Prepares and sends messages through the Emergency Telephone Notification System (ETNS).

e. Initiates contact with members of the Damage Assessment Team. f. Notifies residents with special needs of a possible evacuation. 3. Fire Chief: a. Reviews resources and determine readiness to meet the potential emergency requirements. b. Alerts Fire Department personnel. c. Reports readiness status to the Emergency Management Director. d. Checks generator operation and LP fuel levels. 4. St. James Plantation Developer: a. Identifies senior on-site person for all Developer contractors. b. Identifies available equipment, materials, and manpower. c. Determines staging areas for equipment and materials.

d. Participates in identifying holding areas for storm debris. e. Notifies contractors to clean up construction sites to minimize hazards

associated with flying materials/debris.

f. Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities. 5. St. James Marina Dock Master: a. Ensures all watercraft are secured and notifies owners. b. Receives information and direction from the EOC on when the ponds will be lowered. c. Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities.


6. The Clubs: a. Turns off all well pumps to golf course ponds. b. Inspects and cleans as necessary main golf course drainage culverts and bridges.

c. Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities. 7. President, Property Owners Association: a. Notifies contractors to clean up construction sites to minimize hazards associated with flying materials/debris. b. Prepares list of contracts and emergency service numbers. c. Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities. d. Coordinates security personnel requirements. e. Assures on-site positioning of emergency response equipment. f. Secures Beach Club and equipment. g. Inspects all bridges, main culverts, construction sites, and reports status to the EOC. Ensures main drainage culverts are clear of debris. h. Participates in identifying areas for debris in consultation with the TOSJ. i. Turns off all well pumps to POA ponds. j. Lowers pond levels in accordance with Annex H of this plan as directed by the Emergency Management Director. C. 48 HOUR ALERT: NOAA identifies a hurricane or tropical storm which is moving in a direction and speed so as to pose a potential threat within 48 hours. 1. Emergency Management Director: a. Directs full activation of the EOC in coordination with the Mayor and the Brunswick County EOC. b. Sets up EOC in accordance with Annex G. c. Activates Management Information Systems within the EOC.


d. Reviews previously prepared blast e-mail formats that will be needed during the emergency. 2. Deputy Director Emergency Management: a. Updates recorded message on the Town’s emergency call-in telephone system (253-0949) to provide necessary information to residents. b. Prepares and sends emergency telephone messages and “blast” e-mail notices to residents. 3. St. James Plantation Developer: a. Places and secures additional materials, as needed. b. Advises St. James contractors to stand by to secure all company-owned structures. c. Continues to monitor contractor preparations and ensures construction sites are secure. d. Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities. 4. The Clubs Site Manager: a. Removes signs, flags, etc. from golf courses. b. Secures all furniture and other items at the clubhouses. c. Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities. 5. President, Property Owners Association: a. Continues to monitor contractor preparations and ensures construction sites are secure. b. Updates and arranges for security needs. c. Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities. d. In coordination with the Fire Department, assures the ready availability of barricades, road signs, lights, etc. 6. St. James Marina Dock Master: Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities. 7. St. James Fire Chief: Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities.


D. 24 HOUR ALERT: NOAA identifies a hurricane or tropical storm, which is moving in a direction and speed so as to pose a potential threat within 24 hours. (This level will generally coincide with a “Storm Watch” issued by the NOAA.) EOC commences 24-hour operation. All activities, other than those directed to preparing for the storm, will cease. 1. Town Officials: a. Mayor issues emergency proclamation. b. Mayor considers issuing a “Recommended Evacuation” or “Mandatory Evacuation“ order. c. Town Clerk secures important records/documents. 2. Emergency Management Director: a. Dispatches TOSJ Liaison Officer (LNO) to the Brunswick County EOC. b. Identifies response and recovery teams in coordination with Fire Chief and POA. 3. Deputy Director Emergency Management: a. Updates recorded message on Town’s call-in telephone system. b. Notifies all residents through Emergency Telephone Notification System (ETNS). c. Briefs the Damage Assessment Team d. Coordinates with the County on evacuation of those residents with special needs. 4. President, Property Owners Association: a. Removes and secures hanging signs. b. Places all personnel on standby with telephone numbers where they can be contacted, if not on duty. c. Identifies and secures important documents/records. d. Distributes essential emergency equipment to security personnel and POA staff as appropriate. e. Dismisses all personnel with family responsibilities and those not needed for hurricane preparedness activities. f. Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities.


5. St. James Plantation Developer, St. James Fire Chief, The Clubs Site Manager, St. James Marina Dock Master: Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities. E. 12 HOUR ALERT: NOAA issues a hurricane warning. Landfall is expected within 12 hours. (Landfall is defined as that point and time when the leading edge of the storm reaches the coast.) 1. Town Officials: a. Mayor issues “Mandatory Evacuation” order, as necessary. b. Town employees evacuate. 2. Emergency Management Director: a. Meets with St. James Developer, President of the POA, POA Security Chief, Fire Chief, the Marina Dock Master, and the Clubs Site Manager to ensure that all preparation activities have been accomplished. b. Submits applicable reports to the Brunswick County EOC. 3. Deputy Director Emergency Management: a. Notifies residents through ETNS. b. Updates recorded message on town’s call-in telephone system and sends “blast” e-mail notices as necessary. 4. President, Property Owners Association: a. In coordination with St. James Developer ensures that all company buildings are secured. b. Schedules security personnel, two to a shift. c. Ensures that necessary supplies/equipment for security personnel are on-hand (flashlights, batteries, candles, food and water, portable weather radios, rain gear). d. Has one security person patrol routinely in housing areas to identify problems and update residents, as required. e. Has security personnel restrict incoming traffic as directed by the Mayor.


f. If evacuation is ordered, coordinates traffic control with Town Emergency Management Director and County officials. 5. St. James Plantation Developer, The Clubs Site Manager, St. James Marina Dock Master: Update EOC on status of current and pending activities. 6. Fire Chief:

a. Assists Town and POA in notification of residents. b. Updates EOC on status of current and pending activities.

F. 4-6 HOUR ALERT: Storm is imminent within 4-6 hours. 1. Emergency Management Director: a. Directs re-location of EOC if required by assessed intensity of the storm. b. Continues preparation for recovery operations. c. Continues to assess the situation and keep key personnel and BC-EOC informed. 2. Deputy Director Emergency Management: a. Notifies residents through the ETNS. b. Updates the recorded message on the town’s call-in telephone system. c. Prepares Damage Assessment Team in conjunction with the Mayor Pro-Tem. 3. President, Property Owners Association: a. Directs security to conduct final patrol to ensure that all residents have an opportunity to evacuate or to otherwise provide assistance, as required. b. Management evacuates the property. Destinations and telephone numbers left with Security and the EOC. c. Ensures that security personnel remain until they determine that there is imminent danger. If security personnel depart, they should notify the EOC of their planned actions, secure the gatehouse, disable all remote entry gates in the closed position, and make arrangements for a shift to return as soon as possible after the threat has passed. Once all actions have been taken, notify the EOC. d. Coordinates evacuation with Fire Department.


4. Once a specific St. James entity makes the decision for all of its personnel to evacuate, it will notify the EOC with a name, telephone number, and e-mail address of who will be their point of contact for any action that may be necessary including reentry.

II. POST DISASTER OPERATIONS: A. GENERAL Once the determination has been made that conditions are safe for the first responders to enter St. James, post disaster operations will begin. There are three separate phases. 1. Emergency Period: Reconstruction phase immediately after an incident. Emphasis is on restoring public health and safety, assessing the nature and extent of damage, qualifying for, and obtaining whatever Federal and State assistance that may be available. 2. Restoration Period: Weeks and months following an incident or disaster. Emphasis during this period is on permanently restoring community facilities, utilities, etc., so that the community can once again function in a normal manner. 3. Replacement Period: Period during which the community is rebuilt. This period could last from months to years depending on the nature and extent of damages incurred. This plan will focus primarily on the Emergency Period and its continuation into the Restoration Period. B. DAMAGE ASSESSMENT 1. Requirements for authorizing financial and direct assistance to both the Town of St. James government and individual residents and businesses are generally stated in the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-288). It is imperative that the joint Federal-State-Local procedures are carried out efficiently and properly in order to be eligible for the various types of financial assistance that are available. 2. The Damage Assessment Team will be formed as described in paragraph IV D 2 of the basic plan. 3. With the commencement of post disaster operations, the TOSJ Damage Assessment Team will make a rough visual initial assessment. The rough assessment should include an approximation of: a. Number of fatalities and number of severely injured. b. Number of damaged properties.


c. Cost of damage to public properties and private properties. 4. The rough assessment report should be completed and given to the Emergency Management Director within a 2-hour period from commencement of the post disaster operations. A more detailed second assessment can be made after the initial reports are filed. 5. Damage assessment reporting should follow the format and terms established by Brunswick County Emergency Services. C. RECOVERY OPERATIONS After the emergency operations to restore public health and safety and initial damage assessments are completed, recovery work can begin. The following tasks should be accomplished: 1. Establish an overall recovery/restoration schedule. 2. Set priorities. 3. Determine requirements for outside assistance and request such assistance when beyond local capabilities. 4. Keep appropriate Town, County, and State officials informed. 5. Keep the residents informed via blast e-mails and ETNS. 6. Maintain accurate records of actions taken and expenditures and obligations incurred. 7. Proclaim a local “State of Emergency” if warranted. 8. Commence clean up, debris removal, and utility restoration activities. 9. Undertake repair and restoration of essential public facilities and service in accordance with the priorities developed through situation evaluations. 10. Assist private businesses and individual property owners in obtaining information of the various types of assistance that may be available to them from Federal and State agencies. 11. In the event the Town’s water supply is contaminated and potable water for residents is required, all water tankers coming into the Town will be stationed at The Clubs’ parking lots for distribution to residents. 12. Coordinate with Brunswick County Utilities Department, Brunswick County Solid Waste and Recycling Management Agency, Brunswick Electric (BEMC), Time Warner Cable, and Atlantic Telephone (ATMC) as the primary utility providers to St. James.


D. RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Town Officials: a. Deputy Director, Emergency Management assembles Damage Assessment Team and conducts initial assessment. b. Mayor determines, based on recommendation of the Emergency Management Director, when it is safe for residents who evacuated to return. c. Mayor coordinates with President, POA and St. James Developer to determine need for alternative routes for re-entry traffic. d. Upon completion of damage assessment, Deputy Director Emergency Management provides report to Mayor, Emergency Management Director, St. James Developer, President of the POA, the Clubs Site Manager, and St. James Marina Dock Master. e. TOSJ coordinates, as required, contractor executed major cleanup of roads and town, POA common areas, Developer, The Clubs, Marina, and Town resident properties. 2. Emergency Management Director: a. Decides time and date when EOC will cease or go to limited operations. b. Prepares and submits to Mayor any reports required by FEMA and other agencies. c. Notifies St. James entity points of contact on situation and when it is permissible for certain personnel to return. d. Notifies BEMC as soon as possible of known status of extent of damage and power failures and when it will be safe for crews to come into St. James. e. Notifies Brunswick County Utilities Department of known status, any problems, and when it will be safe for crews to come into St. James. f. Notifies Brunswick County Solid Waste and Recycling Management Agency of known status, any problems, and when it will be safe for crews to come into St. James. g. Notifies ATMC as soon as possible of known status, any problems, and when it will be safe for crews to come into St. James. h. Notifies Time Warner Cable of known status, any problems, and when it will be safe for crews to come into St. James. 3. Deputy Director Emergency Management:


a. Updates recorded message on town’s call-in telephone system to provide current situation and information regarding reentry to St. James. b. Sends update to residents through ETNS. 4. Fire Chief: a. Consults with Town, POA, and Developer to determine resident re-entry and post-storm security. b. Provides for clearance of roadways within organizational capability for emergency vehicle access. 5. St. James Plantation Developer: a. Coordinates with EOC to determine when it is safe for employees, ground crews, and construction personnel to reenter and notifies Security through the POA. b. Conducts detailed damage assessment of property and equipment. Provides reports to St. James Developer Project Manager or representative. c. Project Manager initiates clean up and recovery operations as needed on Developer-owned properties. d. Provides a copy of all damage assessment reports to the Emergency Management Director. 6. St. James Marina Dock Master: a. Coordinates with EOC to determine when it is safe for employees to reenter and notifies Security through the POA. b. St. James Marina Dock Master conducts damage assessment. c. Provides a copy of all damage assessment reports to the Town Emergency Management Director. 7. The Clubs Site Manager: a. Coordinates with EOC to determine when it is safe for employees and ground crews to reenter and notifies Security through the POA. b. Provides golf course /club facilities damage assessment. c. Provides a copy of all damage assessment reports to the Town Emergency Management Director.


8. President, Property Owners Association: a. Coordinates with EOC to determine when it is safe for employees, ground crews, and construction personnel to reenter and notifies Security. b. In coordination with TOSJ, coordinates minor cleanup of roads and common property and/or supports TOSJ contractors performing major cleanup. c. Inspects and closes pond gates upon direction from the Emergency Management Director. d. Coordinates with EOC on when individual contractors will be allowed back into St. James and notifies Security. e. Provides a copy of all damage assessment reports to the Town Emergency Management Director. f. Re-enables remote gates upon direction from the Emergency Management Director.


ANNEX B: EMERGENCY EVACUATION AND RE-ENTRY PROCEDURES FOR RESIDENTS OF ST. JAMES This Annex outlines procedures and information concerning emergency evacuation and subsequent re-entry into St. James. Included are three Appendices showing the evacuation routes out of St. James and the County. Additionally, this Annex lays out procedures and situations for the closing of the Town of St. James. A. RESIDENT EMERGENCY GUIDE The Town of St. James Emergency Management Director will ensure that a Resident Emergency Guide is maintained on the Town’s website. This guide will outline procedures and recommended actions for residents to take before, during, and after an emergency. It will also contain information on St. James communications procedures, weather information sources, hurricane preparedness and survival information, hurricane descriptions, personal storm preparations, County evacuation shelters (North, West, and South Brunswick High Schools), and useful telephone numbers and web sites. B. EVACUATION A “Recommended Evacuation” order is defined as exactly what it says: recommended evacuation and Town inhabitants should give serious consideration to relocating. A “Mandatory Evacuation” order is defined as a serious warning that Town residents should leave as quickly as possible. If residents choose to stay, it is highly unlikely that fire/rescue/law enforcement personnel will be able to respond to requests for assistance. 1. Should a 48 Hour Alert be issued, Emergency Management should send out a blast e-mail or ETNS informing residents that they should begin implementing storm preparation procedures outlined in the Resident Emergency Guide.

2. Should a 24 Hour Alert or Hurricane Watch be issued, Emergency Management should include the following information in the ETNS message:

a. Refer to the evacuation maps in the Resident Emergency Guide and know the route desired to be taken. b. Fuel the vehicle intended for use during evacuation. c. Secure all other vehicles and outside furniture, to include portable propane tanks. Store and secure propane outside of structure.

d. Put hurricane shutters or other protective measures in place.

e. Ensure that there is an adequate supply of flashlights, batteries, candles, food, and water.

f. List where the County evacuation shelters are and when they will be open.


3. Should a 12 Hour Alert or a Hurricane Warning be issued, Emergency Management should include the following information in the ETNS message and/or “blast” e-mail:

a. Town residents should give serious consideration to evacuating, even though there may not be a requirement to leave. Residents of St James, particularly those living south of Polly Gully Creek and those living within ½ mile of the Intracoastal Waterway are particularly vulnerable.

b. In case of a power failure, the holding capacity of residential sewage tanks is 300 gallons.

c. Once on NC 211, use the departure routes shown in the Resident Emergency Guide. Current road conditions and closure information may be accessed at the NC DOT web site –

d. Stay tuned to radio and/or television. Call 253-0949 to hear a recorded message, which will give information concerning the current situation. If there is a need for assistance, or if there is a specific question, call the St James Emergency Management Director in the EOC, phone # 253-4806.

4. County evacuation shelters are located at: a. North Brunswick High School 1395 Scorpion Drive Leland, NC 28451 b. South Brunswick High School 280 Cougar Drive, BSL Southport, NC 28461 c. West Brunswick High School – Pet friendly shelter 550 Whitesville, Road, NW Shallotte, NC 28470 C. CLOSURE OF THE TOWN OF ST. JAMES In the event it becomes necessary to close the Town, which may include the departure of the Security force normally employed, the EOC will request Sheriff, State Police and/or National Guard support at the gate(s) or on NC 211 through BC-EOC. Additionally, in coordination with the Fire Chief, the EOC will request on an as needed basis, County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) support through the BC-EOC. Assuming communications are still operating, the Deputy Director Emergency Management will send out a blast e-mail and a message on ETNS informing remaining residents of the closure situation and any restrictions that may be imposed as a result thereof.


D. RE-ENTRY 1. As a general rule, re-entry to evacuated areas will be based on damage assessments and any on-going relief/recovery operations. 2. Re-entry will be authorized by the Mayor in consultation with the Emergency Management Director, the POA President, and the Fire Chief. 3. Control and direction of re-entry operations will be coordinated through the EOC in coordination with the Developer, the POA, the St James Fire Department, and Deputy Director Emergency Management.

4. The following general priorities are established for re-entry:

a. Safety (this is a function of a detailed damage assessment of all services and the internal road and bridge network)

b. Security (this may require the employment of motorized roving patrols and/or waterborne operations).

c. Restoration of Services (power, water, phone, cable, TV)

5. Access Control:

a. Given the nature of the situation and the scope of the evacuation, re-entry to affected areas must be controlled.

b. The main entrance to St James will serve as the re-entry control point. Remote

access to other entry points will be disabled by the POA at the direction of the Emergency Management Director or upon the departure of the Security force prior to the incident.

c. The Mayor, in coordination with the Emergency Management Director, the

Developer, the Fire Chief, and the POA President will determine when reentry is authorized and by whom.

d. As a general rule and depending on the seriousness of the situation, authorized persons could include but are not limited to: residents, Town and County officials, contractors and service organizations involved in the restoration of services, and those general contractors currently working on projects in the Town. Individuals and/or groups not included above must obtain permission from the Mayor prior to being admitted.

e. The pass system currently in effect for access will be used. Proper photo identification may also be required for entry.


6. In order to provide initial access for emergency evacuations (dependent on the Fire Department’s reconnaissance reports of blocked roadways), the following major roadways will be the first streets to be cleared of debris and done so in the order listed. Remaining roads will be cleared based on need and extent of road blockage. a. St. James Drive b. Regency Crossing c. Members Club Drive d. Players Club Drive e. Ridge Crest Drive f. Beavercreek Drive g. Trailwood Drive Note: St James Security will provide security patrols and may be augmented by the County Sheriff, the State Highway Patrol, or the National Guard, depending on the situation. Checkpoints, barricades, and detours may be set up throughout the Town, as required. APPENDICES APPENDIX A Map 1, Town of St. James Evacuation Routes APPENDIX B Map 2, Possible Evacuation Routes for Town of St. James APPENDIX C Map 3, Alternate Emergency Detour Routes for Town of St. James





ANNEX C: DEFINITION OF TERMS, WARNINGS, AND ACRONYMS General: Storms and related emergencies are a continuous and potential threat to St. James Plantation given its geographic location. Understanding of terms and definitions are essential in minimizing effects to our community. I. STORM SYSTEMS: A. MAJOR STORM SYSTEMS: These storms usually affect a wide area and have a history of days rather than hours of effectiveness. 1. Tropical Depression: Weather associated with a tropical cyclonic system with wind speeds up to 33 knots (38 mph). 2. Tropical Storm: Weather associated with a tropical cyclonic system wind speeds between 34 and 63 knots (39-73 mph). B. LOCAL STORM SYSTEMS: Storms of this category are usually localized and of short duration, but also have the potential to cause severe damage. 1. Local Wind Warnings: Local wind warnings are given only when they are believed to be of sufficient force to warrant special precautions. 2. Small Craft Cautionary Statements: When a tropical disturbance threatens a coastal area, small craft operators are advised to remain in port or not to venture into open seas. 3. Thunderstorms: Thunderstorms are small-scale storms and are always accompanied by lightning and thunder. Often hail is associated with thunderstorms and may inflict major damage. Lightning strikes are common, in addition to torrential rain and low visibility. 4. Gale Warnings: Winds are steady and of sufficient force to cause heavy turbulence and high seas. Erosion of beachfront areas is cause for major concern. Gale warnings are issued when winds of 35-47 knots (39-54 mph) are expected. 5. Flood: Generally associated with major storms, floods often occur without a major storm system and preparations and precautions should be taken in the event of any forecasts of possible impending flood conditions. Residents in low lying areas prone to severe storm water or flood should be notified as early as possible to reduce the possibility of property damage and to allow ample time for orderly evacuation.


II. HURRICANE: A. HURRICANE SEASON: The six-month period from June 1 to November 30. 1. Hurricane: A pronounced rotary circulation with a constant wind speed of 64 knots (74 mph) or more, that is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, lightning. Hurricanes often spawn tornadoes. 2. Hurricane Watch: A hurricane watch indicates hurricane conditions are a real possibility within 24-36 hours. The watch covers a definite area and a time period. When a watch is issued, everyone in the affected area should listen for advisories and be prepared to take appropriate action if advised to do so. 3. Hurricane Warning: A warning is issued 24 hours before hurricane conditions are expected. Warnings identify area where winds of at least 74 mph are expected. A warning will also be issued when high or exceptionally high waves are expected, even though winds may be less than hurricane force. If the storm changes direction rapidly, the warning may be issued 10-18 hours before the storm makes landfall. 4. Hurricane Landfall: Landfall is a point and time during which the leading edge of the storm passes over the shoreline. After the passage of the calm eye, hurricane winds begin again and with the same intensity as before, but from the opposite direction. 5. Storm Surge: Storm surge is water that is pushed toward the shore by the force of the winds swirling around the storm. This advancing surge combines with the normal tides to create the hurricane storm tide, which can increase the mean water levels to heights impacting roads, homes, and other infrastructure. Additionally, wind driven waves are superimposed on the storm tide. This rise in water level can cause severe flooding in coastal areas, particularly when the storm tide coincides with the normal high tides. B. HURRICANE CATEGORIES: Hurricanes are categorized by the National Weather Service on a scale of I to V based on intensity: Category I Alert – Emergency situation is possible within 72 hours; Winds 74-95 mph Category II Alert – Emergency situation is possible within 48 hours; Winds 95-110 mph Category III Alert – Emergency situation is anticipated within 24 hours; Winds 111-130 mph Category IV Alert – Emergency situation imminent within 12 hours; Winds 131-155 mph Category V Alert – Winds 156+


III. ACRONYMS: ATMC Atlantic Telephone Membership Corporation BC-EOC Brunswick County Emergency Operations Center BEMC Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation EMS Emergency Medical Services EOC Emergency Operations Center ETNS Emergency Telephone Notification System ETA Estimated Time of Arrival EPA Environmental Protection Agency FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency IC Incident Commander ICP Incident Command Post LNO Liaison Officer MPH Miles Per Hour NIMS National Incident Management System NWS National Weather Service NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration P.L. Public Law POA Property Owners Association POC Point of Contact TOSJ Town of St. James


ANNEX H: STORMWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM PROCEDURES FOR ADJUSTING POND LEVELS 1. PURPOSE. This Annex outlines procedures to be taken by the Town of St. James, the POA, the Clubs, the St. James Developer, and the St. James Marina Dock Master in the event that the ponds described herein require lowering as a result of a severe precipitation event. 2. DEFINITIONS: a. A severe precipitation event is defined as an event that could produce long-standing flooding on the streets, golf courses, community property, and private property in St. James. Such events may be a hurricane, tropical depression, frontal weather condition, or severe thunderstorm. b. Adjustable drainage structures are referred to throughout this Annex as gates. These structures are located in many of the ponds and are used to manage the level of water in the ponds. There are three basic structures (gates) in use in St. James Plantation: flashboard riser gates (individual wood panels that can be removed one at a time to control water levels), single concrete gate risers, and double concrete gate risers. Descriptions and physical/geographical locations of these gates are in Appendix B. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES: a. In the event of an impending severe precipitation event, the TOSJ Emergency Management Director is responsible for initiating the pond lowering procedures and determining the extent to which the ponds will be lowered. He/She will notify the Mayor of the risk of potential flooding and will instruct the POA point of contact (POC) to lower the water levels in the ponds. He/She will also notify the Clubs POC, the Developer POC, and the Marina Dock Master of actions being taken. b. The POA will be responsible for the actual lowering of the water levels and follow-up efforts to close the gates as necessary after the threat of flooding has passed.

(1) The POA President will appoint a POC for the pond drainage. The name of the POC will be given to the TOSJ Mayor and Emergency Management Director.

(2) The POA will appoint a field implementation crew consisting of a minimum

of two persons who will be instructed by the POC as to what actions need to be taken. c. The TOSJ Emergency Management Director will confirm that all POCs have been notified. The St. James Marina Dock Master will be notified by the POA to move any watercraft in the path of water being drained from the ponds that in his opinion may be damaged by the flow of water into the Marina from the ponds. d. The Clubs of St. James will allow the TOSJ and the POA authority to access the golf courses wherever necessary and to lower whatever golf course ponds identified in


Appendix B, this Annex, which may flood due to a forecasted incident to ensure the level of stormwater is maintained at a manageable level. 4. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS: a. The field implementation team will require detailed maps showing all gate locations. Maps that can be used are in Appendix A. Additionally, the team may require a 4 wheel drive or off road vehicle capable of accessing the gates. Following is a list of recommended equipment requirements for the field implementation team. (1) Shovels (2) Claw hammer (3) Small sledgehammer (4) Field boots (5) Waders (6) Rainwear

(7) Chainsaw with extra chain, fuel and lubricant, field service tools, safety

glasses, gloves, and chaps (8) Crowbar (9) Rope and chains to lift flashboards in the flashboard gate system b. Other equipment and supplies may be required by the POA or TOSJ Emergency Management Director. 5. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION: a. To determine the initial status of all the gates, an inspection of all the gates will be conducted annually prior to June 30 of each year. The POA Engineer will provide applicable maps showing locations of all gates. Gate testing will include lowering the gate and observing water flow through the pipes. Flashboard structures should have clear access to the flashboards and a means to remove them. All gates/drains-requiring repair will be reported to the TOSJ Emergency Management Director; the President, POA; and the Mayor. Action will be taken to coordinate with The Clubs/St. James Developer/POA to effect repairs prior to the end of July of each year or prior to the arrival of a named storm. The TOSJ Emergency Management Director will be notified in writing upon completion of the annual inspection and any interim inspections conducted by the POA with inclusion of any repairs made or required. b. In addition to the annual inspection of the gates, the POA will inspect the major drainage basins, including streambeds, etc. on an annual basis to determine the need for


removal of debris or vegetative materials in order for the flow to work effectively. The TOSJ Emergency Management Director will be informed when the inspection and necessary maintenance has been completed. c. The field implementation crew should be trained on the different types of gates and be aware of the conditions which may be encountered during an actual lowering operation. An alternate crew should be identified. The physical requirements in adjusting the drainage structures, lifting the flashboards, removing debris, and gaining access to some of the gate sites require that crew members be in good health and capable of performing heavy lifting and carrying tasks possibly in inclement weather. d. Although St. James receives heavy rain from thunderstorms and other frontal systems, the major system of concern is a hurricane (tropical system) or other similar precipitation event. The potential for flooding is high for a tropical system with predicted rainfall of 12 plus inches within a 48-hour period. Advanced warning of the probable landfall of such a system can be ascertained normally in one to three days. This leaves sufficient time to lower pond levels based on forecasted amount of rainfall and flooding predictions. It is considered preferable to err on the side of lowering the ponds than to have floodwaters in the streets and on personal property. Therefore, the TOSJ Emergency Management Director will decide, after collecting information from County, State, and Federal agencies as applicable, when and how much the ponds will be lowered. e. Drainage will begin at the lowest levels and farthest downstream gates and work upstream until the most remote gate has been lowered. The main concern in the past has been in the Pinecrest Drive basin and the Members Club Golf Course basin. These have been the most prone to serious flooding. However, all areas must be analyzed in each event to ensure minimum water damage anywhere in St. James. f. After an event and on order from the TOSJ Emergency Management Director, all drainage sites will be reinspected for damage and the gates will be closed. A completion report as well as an operational assessment by the field implementation team will be forwarded to the TOSJ Emergency Management Director. 6. ANNEX REVISIONS. Revisions to this annex will be based on lessons learned by the POA, Emergency Management, and TOSJ Stormwater Committee as well as through introduction of new technology. Revisions to this annex will be fully coordinated with affected agencies prior to publication.


APPENDICES: Appendix A. Map 1 – Pinecrest Drive Tributary Management Structures Map 2 – Members Club Management Structures Map 3 – Town of St. James Ponds and Stormwater Conveyance System Appendix B. Description and Physical/Geographical Location of Gates


ANNEX B, APPENDIX H – DESCRIPTION AND PHYSICAL/GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION OF GATES Gate 1 (PC1) – Description: 4 HDPE flashboard risers with 36” outlet barrels. Flashboards are 2” X 8”. Location: North of Pinecrest Drive at St. James and across from the Marina parking lot. Gate 2 (PC2) – Description: Single concrete riser with adjustable gate and 36” outlet to Pinecrest Drive Tributary Location: Due North of Harbormaster Drive/South of Lawton Court; left of the Cate #5 men’s tee box (pond #205). Gate 3 (PC3) Description: Single concrete riser with adjustable gate. Location: East of Harbormaster Drive/West of St. James Drive; left of the Cate #4 ladies’ tee box (pond #206). Gate 4 (PC4) Description: Two concrete risers with flashboards. Location: Harbormaster Drive between St. James Drive and Chadsworth Lane; North side (ponds #113 and #114) Gate 5 (PG1) Description: Double concrete risers with single adjustable gate; other riser is a drop inlet. Location: North side of Legends Drive at cart path between #2 and #3 of the Cate (pond #86). Gate 6 (PG2) Description: Double concrete risers with double adjustable gates. Location: At men’s tees on #7 of the Cate (pond #86). Gate 7 (PG3) Description: Single concrete riser with adjustable gate. Location: South of #1 hole on the Cate (pond #82) Gate 8 (PG4) Description: Single concrete riser with adjustable gate. Location: West of #1 hole on the Cate (pond #81) Gate 9 (PG5) Description: Single concrete riser with adjustable gate. Location: North of West Medinah Ave; South of pond on Cate #9 ladies’ tee box (pond #79)
