Towards outstanding learning



Towards outstanding learning. Rachael Edgar Wednesday 22 nd January 2014. Part 1: What separates the best from the rest ? Part 2: What are the important things that make learning great?. What separates ‘Great Teachers’ from the rest ?. TIMER. 1.Passion/ Mindset. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Towards outstanding learning

Part 1: What separates the best from the rest?

Part 2: What are the important things that make learning great?

Rachael Edgar

Wednesday 22nd January


What separates

‘Great Teachers’ from

the rest?TIMER

2. Self Reflection

Task: 10 minsWhat does ‘GREAT’ learning look like in a lesson?

What are the things that ‘make a difference’ to our students?


Judging Highly Effective Learning

How far ? ‘Distance’

How well ? ‘Depth’

‘Secure’ ‘Sustained’

How many ? ‘Numbers’

‘Groups’ ‘Proportions’


Objectivist(lesson ceiling: ’good’)

Constructivist(lesson ceiling: ‘outstanding’)

Teacher as all-knowing oracle. Teacher as organiser, and but one source of information.

Learning is teacher-centred, didactic, with carefully-guided activities to support learning.

Learning processes are student-centred and involve group and individual activities.

Teacher generated questions are used to elicit understanding.

Students construct their own learning questions.

Lesson-design rests with the teacher and correct conclusions mark success.

Students are co-designers of the learning episode and the attendant success criteria.


Objectivist(lesson ceiling: ’good’)

Constructivist(lesson ceiling: ‘outstanding’)

Learning consists of stimulus –response relationship, and is passive in nature.

Learning is an active process.

Learning involves ‘filling empty vessels’ and ensuring retention.

Learning is a process of ‘fire-lighting’ and connection- and sense-making.

Effective learning stems from efficient transfers of information.

Effective learning arises from open-ended, challenging problem-solving exercises.

Intelligence is fixed. Intelligence is created.

DependencyIndependency Interdependency

ChangeWhat proportion of learners

find out moreknow more

understand / absorb moreare challenged to advance thinking

than at the ‘start’ of an experience


Supporting the Learning

- criteria for successful learning

‘what a good one looks like’

- modelling

- scaffolding

- self-supporting materials



Good or Outstanding ? Quality of ‘change’ - informing

knowing understanding

Proportion of learners - all / almost all most / vast majority large majority some few

Importance of Talk

- learning is a social activity : talk is essential

- language, thinking & learning are interrelated

- understanding is at its deepest when co-developed





Questions to consider

Which of the ‘big 5’ do you need to focus on?Which class will you practice on?How many times do you need to practice?(the research says 30 times for something to become a habit!)What strategies will you use?less is more

Via @leadinglearner

Lesson Study

Next week Wednesday 29th JanuaryAdopting a lesson study approachHow will you research?Critical friend?What method are you going to use to record/ reflect on your progress?
