Towards an experimental government...Towards an experimental government December 2016, Copenhagen...


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Towards an experimental government

December 2016, Copenhagen Taina Kulmala Ministerial Adviser, Head of Policy Analysis Unit, Prime Minister’s Office (Finland)

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•  Design for Government: Human-centric governance through experiments •  published in June 2015 proposed a new, quick-to implement model for including

experiments and behavioural approaches into Finnish policy design.

•  Design for Government-course (Aalto University) •  Three perspectives:

•  Evidence-based policy

•  Behavioural approaches

•  Utilisation of experimentation

à An experimental programme proposed, with research and evidence gathered and evidence validated by experts


Government term 2011-2015

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1.  Innovative solutions and improvements in services

2.  The promotion of individual initiative and entrepreneurship

3.  Strengthening of regional and local decision-making and cooperation & making use of citizen-driven operating practices

4.  Improving foresight capacity and solving social problems’


Government Programme: Goals

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•  The promotion of experimentation •  on all levels of administration

•  with different actors

•  Throughout Finland

- Building culture, platforms and tools


The Finnish Model : ”A culture of experimentation will be introduced”

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•  What can be expected from experimenting?

•  What kind of experimental setting/method is suitable for a given case?

•  Politics of experimentation


Experimentation as a political goal: key questions

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Grassroots level experiments

accelerated to develop better


Complicated issues divided into

manageable and monitorable experiments. Well tested,

half done!

Experimental Culture: Top-Down & Bottom-Up

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The Triangle Model of Experimental Governance (Laakso, Berg & Annala, 2016)

Our experiences so far - Making It Happen

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NATIONAL OBJECTIVES •  Finland a forerunner for experimental

culture •  New solutions and business ideas to

develop society discovered through experiments

•  Deregulation and removing of obstacles of successful experiments

Experimental Culture Into Use: Objectives for Concrete Actions and Measures

Strategic actions and measures

open opportunities for smaller scale

local and regional


Best results from local and regional

experiments utilised to test on a larger scale

LOCAL AND REGIONAL OBJECTIVES •  New local and regional solutions

with potential for scaling up •  Citizens and communities get

involved in experiments

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1) Gathering, producing and spreading knowledge A web-based toolbox, seminars and workshops, research projects

2) Networking Cross-ministerial working group, ”Kokeilukummit”; co-operation projects with e.g. the polytechnics


The practical work(1/2)

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3) Creating support structures A digital development platform for crowdsourcing, accelerating and communicating

Code of conduct Parliamentary advisory group

4) Supporting the implementation of strategic experiments


The practical work (2/2)

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The Experimental Finland Team

Skills in the team: -  Scientific study -  ICT -  Innovation -  Open

Government -  Cultural Change

and Leadership

Room to Experiment - The Digital Platform

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Digital Platform for Experiments •  We need a tool for

•  Funding small experiments

•  Enabling crowdsourcing of resources

•  Enable sharing of LESSONS learned

•  Enable accelerating good solutions, copying and SCALING UP of what works



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The User Can •  Create own profile

•  Funder, experimenter, facilitator, decision-maker, interested public

•  Give input: like, discuss, throw ideas or challenges, share information, etc

•  Create an accelerator: channel for sponsorship -> embed to own website

•  Search and follow content, also from other websites


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Why Get Involved?


•  Use and development of new platform •  Potentially leads to finding new

networks, crowdsource to make your experiment better, makes applying for funding easier

•  Profile yourself as an Innovator: make your work and results easily available to others

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•  Discover new funding models •  Co-operate closely with others à new

tool for democracy? •  Utilise lessons learnt from other

experiments easily

•  Look for innovative solutions à can something be borrowed from another context?

•  Break down complex issues and fit the potential results of numerous experiments together already at planning stage


What Does This Enable?

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•  Best result by crowdsourcing and developing through testing what works •  Betaversion 12/2016

•  Launch 03/2017

•  New components in a quick cycle

•  Open source code à Github

•  Utilise existing websites, platforms, etc •  Eg. Innokylä,, etc


Timetable of Development

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•  Newsletter and website •  Blog

•  Experts can send material to the toolbox and it is published for wider usage

•  Join ”Kokeilukummit” (”Godparents of Experiments”)

•  Morning coffee -events and clinics •  Events, for example:

•  Behavioral Science in Policy Design 26th October 2016

•  Speaker at official courses eg. for future leaders in Government


How Do People Join the Movement?

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#DayforFailure 13.10.2016 #herozerohero

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Driver For Cultural Change •  Not just a matter of having tools, but of changing mindsets •  PMO works to enable experimental culture

•  Raise awareness on all levels •  Create platforms digital and social •  Fix structures and processess which evolve experiments

•  Links to numerous other themes like •  Innovative procurements, leadership methods,

different types of design, sustainable development, etc

Thank you! @Kokeilevasuomi #kokeilut #kokeilevasuomi
