Touch not the earth - touch God ! Emma Curtis Hopkins


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Touch not the earth - touch God ! Emma Curtis Hopkins some power whereby the trees leave forth. Emma Curtis Hopkins

As the lily works out its life problem, it is telling as plainly as it can speak that its Good is its free life.

Emma Curtis Hopkins

Work upon the plane of the absolute… Troward

Man is God and God is man, just as a drop of water is in the ocean, while the ocean is a drop of water…

Ernest Holmes

In the independence of your own mentality, believe and feel that you are really wonderful…

Ernest Holmes

Does the thing I want to do express more life, more happiness, more peace to myself?

Ernest Holmes

When…the interior voice is heard strongly and persistently; and when this is the case we do well to pay heed to it.


Truth alone makes rich and great. Emerson

We should aim not so much at having or making some particular thing as at expressing all that we are.

Thomas Troward

We shall cease from the effort of trying to force things…and shall be content to trust the inherent

harmoniousness or beauty of the Spirit… Thomas Troward

The only thing worth working for is a right state of mind.' ' say positively, "I do not believe it takes hard

work to succeed in Gods universe. Emma Curtis Hopkins

Be a friend of the whole world… Ernest Holmes

Man cannot be happy and strong until he too lives with nature in the present, above time…


He has not one chance – but a hundred chances. Emerson

Your genuine action will explain itself and will explain our other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing.


Give thanks, and praise the Spirit of God for the law of the self-increasing potency of every substance.

Emma Curtis Hopkins

Be a gift and a benediction… Emerson

Shine with real light… Emerson

And so it is…