Total Resistance



Total Resistance (Der totale Widerstand: Eine Kleinkriegsanleitung für Jedermann) is an inofficial Swiss manual for resistance to enemy occupation of Switzerland. It was written by Hans von Dach, a Swiss army colonel, and can be considered as an army field manual for irregular warfare by ordinary civilians, rather than a plan for resistance by defeated soldiers operating as guerrillas within their homeland. It extends the concept of the Swiss militia army, as a nation at arms, to integrate all of the civilian ppopulation, as well as the concept of total warfare to total resistance : it is no longer the army which resists an agressor (and may be easily beaten), but an entire people. It notably presumes a form of irregular resistance involving no arms heavier than light infantry arms: rifles, hand grenades, and mines. In that it resembles the Iraqi insurgency 50 years after the book was written.

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