Total Fitness Bodybuilding Supplement Review GuideSupplement


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Lee Hayward’sLee Hayward’sLee Hayward’sLee Hayward’s

Total Fitness Bodybuilding Total Fitness Bodybuilding Total Fitness Bodybuilding Total Fitness Bodybuilding

Supplement Review GuideSupplement Review GuideSupplement Review GuideSupplement Review Guide

“The Honest Truth About Supplements…”

By Lee Hayward

Copyright © 2009 Lee Hayward

All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2009 Lee Hayward

All Rights Reserved

Lee Hayward’s Total Fitness Bodybuilding

No part of this e-Report maybe reproduced in any form, except for the inclusion of brief

quotations in a review, without permission in writing from the author.

Published by Lee Hayward in Newfoundland, Canada.


This book is for reference and informational purposes only and is no way intended as medical counselling or medical advice. The information contained herein should not be used to treat, diagnose, or prevent a disease of medical condition without the advice of a competent medical professional. This book deals with in-depth information on health, fitness, and nutrition. Most of the information applies to everyone in general; however, not everyone has the same body type. We each have different responses to exercise depending on our choice of intensity and diet. Before making any changes in your lifestyle, you should consult with a physician to discover the best solution for your individual body type. The author, writer, editors, and graphic designer shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any damage or injury alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this report.

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr

Lee Hayward

(Your Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward is a competitive bodybuilder, muscle building coach, and one of the most sought out fitness professionals online.

For over 10 years he has committed his life to helping aspiring bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts build lean muscle, burn off stubborn body fat, and develop a lean, athletic muscular physique that they can be proud of.

Lee’s Total Fitness Bodybuilding website has been online since January 1999 and has become one of the Internet’s most popular bodybuilding and fitness websites with over 100,000 visitors each month.

Whether your goal is to make a complete physique transformation, or just lose a few pounds of stubborn belly fat; Lee Hayward can help get the results you want!

For a limited time Lee is giving away a complete 10-Part Muscle Building Tips eCourse where he shares some killer training and nutrition tricks that will help you pack on solid muscle mass, strip away excess bodyfat, and transform your soft mushy body into a ripped powerful physique in record time!

This 10-Part Muscle Building e-Course has a real world $47 value, but right now you can sign up and download it for FREE at:

TTaabbllee OOff CCoonntteennttss

About the Author ................................................................................................................ 3

Table Of Contents ............................................................................................................... 4

What Supplements Should I Take?..................................................................................... 5

A Peak Behind The Curtain Of The Supplement Industry… ............................................. 6

Do We Even Need Supplements At All? ............................................................................ 9

How Much Of A Difference Do Supplements Real Make? ............................................. 10

The 3 Year Supplement Rule............................................................................................ 11

What Supplements Actually Do Work?............................................................................ 13

Must Have Supplements ................................................................................................... 14

Protein Powder.............................................................................................................. 14

Amino Acids ................................................................................................................. 17

Creatine ......................................................................................................................... 18

Greens ........................................................................................................................... 20

Essential Fatty Acids..................................................................................................... 21

Multi-Vitamins.............................................................................................................. 22

Optional Supplements To Help Your Gains ..................................................................... 24

Glutamine...................................................................................................................... 24

Glucosamine ................................................................................................................. 25

GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)........................................................................... 26

Extra Vitamins & Minerals........................................................................................... 27

Vitamin C.................................................................................................................. 27

Vitamin B Complex .................................................................................................. 28

Calcium..................................................................................................................... 29

Extra Bonus: Effective Fat Burners… .............................................................................. 30

Homemade Supplements Secrets...................................................................................... 33

WWhhaatt SSuupppplleemmeennttss SShhoouulldd II TTaakkee??

Are you confused and unsure what to take when it comes to muscle building and fat loss supplements? If so, then welcome to the club because I’m confused about supplements as well. In fact I think if anyone tells you that they AREN’T confused about supplements, either they couldn’t care less about them, or they are lying and won’t let their egos admit that they are confused.

I mean every month there are new products hitting the market, some new weird and wonderful anabolic concoction that’s promised to be the long lost secret to achieving the ripped muscular body of your dreams. Or some new loss super duper fat loss diet loss pill that will melt the fat off you quicker then a stick of butter in a red hot frying pan.

And these supplements can be tempting…

Especially when you read the glossy full page magazine ads with all the scientific jargon, and the picture of some jacked up muscle dude claiming that he built his body as a direct result of taking “Supplement X”. Then to top it off they’ll stick a picture in the background of a guy dressed as a doctor with a stethoscope around his neck and a clipboard in his hand to make the whole thing seem “official”…

I mean with all that stuff being heavily promoted in an internationally published bodybuilding magazine, how can one not help but to be a little intrigued about this magic muscle building breakthrough miracle that they are selling.

Now before you think that I’m just going to go on a big “Anti-Supplement” rant, I’m NOT. I actually do use and whole-heartedly believe there are huge benefits to taking certain supplements. But what I don’t like is the deceptive tactics and BS that most supplement companies use when promoting their products.

My goal with this report is to help you become a more educated consumer so that you don’t fall prey to the lies and misconceptions that greedy supplement marketers use to trick you out of your hard earned money. I also want to help you make intelligent supplement choices that will move you closer to achieving the lean muscular physique you desire. Rather then just getting a “lean-wallet”, which is all most people end up with when buying supplements.

AA PPeeaakk BBeehhiinndd TThhee CCuurrttaaiinn OOff TThhee

SSuupppplleemmeenntt IInndduussttrryy……

The first thing you need to know that will really open your eyes as to what goes on behind the scenes in the supplement industry is that;

“Every single muscle magazine out there is owned by, or affiliated with, a supplement company.”

Just to give you an example of this, here is a list of some of the popular Bodybuilding & Fitness magazines that are on the newsstands…

Muscle And Fitness, Flex, Men’s Fitness, Natural Health, Shape, and many more magazines are all owned by Weider Publications which is affiliated with the Weider brand of supplements.

MuscleMag, Oxygen, American Curves, Reps, Maximum Fitness, are all affiliated with Muscle Tech supplements.

IronMan magazine is affiliated with Muscle Link supplements.

Muscular Development magazine was affiliated with TwinLab Supplements.

Status magazine is affiliated with Magnum Nutraceuticals.

Science and Muscle magazine is affiliated with Gaspari Nutrition.

And many more…

The exact details of the company names and supplement brands are constantly changing. That’s a sneaky trick that a lot of supplement companies will play. They will come out with a “new” supplement brand, which is basically just the same old products, re-named and re-launched under a new name. This way the marketers can play off the novelty of promoting a “new supplement” and experience a jump in sales as eager bodybuilding enthusiasts run out to try the “brand new supplement” that just hit the market.

Supplements are a big money business and the magazines have a hidden agenda to make money and sell supplements. Whether or not these supplements actually do anything to help build muscle or lose fat is NOT their top priority. That’s why your 200+ page bodybuilding magazine has 150+ pages of supplements ads.

While that’s bad enough and most people can see an ad for what it is. The magazines get even sneakier with articles they publish because most of them are nothing more than cleverly disguised supplement ads. The workout you were reading that promised 6 packs abs in just 3 workouts a week quickly goes to say that it will only be truly effective if you take their Magic Muscle Building / Fat Blasting Stack along with following the workout.

To give you a prime example of this; I can remember a few years back when I was at the grocery store and walked past the magazine rack and seen the cover of a very popular bodybuilding magazine and one of the headlines of the magazine read: “How I Broke The 600 Pound Bench Press Barrier…”

Well, at the time I was training for powerlifting bench press meet, and as you can imagine such a title caught my eye. So I grabbed the magazine, quickly thumbed through, and seen that this was an article by a pro-bodybuilder who also competed in powerlifting. Seemed legit enough and it was a topic I was very interested in. So I bought the magazine.

As silly as it sounds, I was really excited about this new bench press training article, and I couldn’t wait to get home and devour all the juicy training tidbits. I even started adding up the numbers in my head and visualized how much more I would be able to bench if I applied all this training advice. “If it helped Mr. Pro-bodybuilder bench 600… Maybe it could help me bench 500…”

When I got home and actually sat down to read it, my excitement quickly turned to disgust. Just like a kid who wakes up early on Christmas morning, only to find a lump of coal in his stocking.

This supposedly awesome bench press article was nothing more then a 6-Page supplement ad promoting a certain company’s brand of protein powder and creatine. They claimed that Mr. Pro-bodybuilder’s secret to making such awesome strength gains was this 3 step process:

• He trained hard…

• He ate right…

• And get this… “He Stacked Their Super Duper Protein & Creatine TOGETHER…”

WOW now isn’t that some earth shattering news for you…

I shit you not my friend, this headline article that I was so excited to read, was nothing more then a BS supplement ad promoting an over hyped and over priced brand of supplements.

I won’t say this particular company name, but if you’ve read any muscle magazines over the last 10 years you can figure out who they are pretty quickly because they pull the same stunt all the time, featuring some of the biggest names in bodybuilding. It is just down right misleading.

The Reality About Most Supplement Ads…

DDoo WWee EEvveenn NNeeeedd SSuupppplleemmeennttss AAtt AAllll??

Since the whole supplement industry is clouded by smoke and mirrors, just like the shady snake oil salesmen back in the Wild West… This brings up the question; are all supplements just hype and BS? Do we even need to take any supplements at all?

The simple answer is NO…

We DON’T Need Supplements to build a lean muscular body. Exercise and proper nutrition are the only things you really “need” to accomplish your fitness goals.

But let me ask you this...

Do you need a telephone? Do you need a computer? Do you need an indoor toilet and running water?

We humans have survived for thousands of years without any of these things so we obviously don’t “need” them. But would you like to live without them?

Supplements fall into this category, we don’t “need” them, but they do make things a hell of a lot easier and more convenient.

Now with that being said how do you know what supplements to take? What ones actually work, and what ones are BS and a total waste of money?

Well you have to look at supplements for exactly what they are; a “supplement” to your diet and training. They are not magic and they won’t do the work for you, but they can help make the process a little easier.

If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, (i.e. that their lean muscular physique and 600 pound bench press came about because they took a certain supplement), they are full of you know what and most likely trying to sell you something. My advice is to turn around and RUN (don’t walk) as fast as you can in the other direction.

Your common sense and gut instinct tells you that it takes good old fashion hard work to build muscle and lose fat, if it were as simple as taking a supplement than everyone would be huge and ripped, and we both know that’s not the case.

HHooww MMuucchh OOff AA DDiiffffeerreennccee DDoo SSuupppplleemmeennttss

RReeaall MMaakkee??

Supplements are only responsible for a small fraction of the results you achieve. In fact at least 95% of your results will come from proper training and sound nutrition. If the majority of your results come from diet and training, don’t you think that should be your priority, and not wracking your brain over what supplements to take?

For the most part, only advanced bodybuilders and lifters will really reap the benefits of supplementation. By the time you reach the advanced levels you are more likely to have maximized your diet and training programs, and at this stage of the game the small edge that supplements can provide will make a difference.

But the average beginner or intermediate that hasn’t maximized his eating and training yet; (i.e. still eating junk food, skipping meals, not consistent with workouts, etc.). These are the guys who are most likely to go searching for a “shortcut” and these are the guys the greedy supplement marketers are really trying to hook with their over hyped advertisements.

The bottom line is that taking supplements will NOT make up for a less then optimal training and nutrition program. NO BODY has ever gotten big and muscular as a direct result of taking a bodybuilding supplement… NO Body!

“If I take all this I’ll be HUGE!!!”

TThhee 33 YYeeaarr SSuupppplleemmeenntt RRuullee

I’m going to share a secret with you that will save you literally thousands of dollars over the course of your muscle-building journey if you follow it…

Don’t Take Any Supplement Until It Has Been On The Market For At Least 3 Years!

Why 3 years you ask? Well, that gives any new product enough time out in the real world to determine if it actually works or not. Most supplements that you see advertised today will not even be around in 3 months from now, let alone 3 years from now, because they are junk to begin with.

You see when a new product hits the market, gullible bodybuilder wannabe’s will rush out by the thousands and buy it up in hopes that it will work at least half as good as what the magazine ad said. They will be so full of piss and vinegar to try the latest muscle-building breakthrough that they initially won’t know if the supplement is doing anything or not because of the placebo effect.

They may stick with the product for a while, and buy up a few containers of whatever “Magic Muscle Dust” is making its rounds. They will keep this up until the novelty of the new supplement has worn off and they finally realize that they look exactly the same now as they did when they started taking it. The only difference is their wallet is a little thinner.

Supplement companies know this in advance because they’ve been playing the game for years. So once sales of the product drop off because people are no longer buying it and realize it’s a bunch of crap. The supplement companies will drop that product and come out with another “Super Duper Muscle Builder” and the whole process starts all over again.

It’s a vicious cycle and it costs innocent muscle building enthusiasts like you thousands and thousands of dollars. While the fat cat supplement companies are laughing all the way to the bank… With YOUR MONEY!

So the simple way to beat the supplement marketers at their own game is to simply NOT buy any supplement until it has proven itself in the real world by standing the test of time. If a supplement lasts 3 years then it most likely works and it worth looking into because otherwise people wouldn’t keep buying it year after year.

Trust me, this one little tip alone can be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars to you if you only follow it. So the next time you see a fancy supplement ad promising to be the answer to all your muscle building woes…

Just ask yourself how long has this product be on the market? Chances are it will be a brand new product. And if it is a brand new product, then you know it has no real world feedback or track record. Regardless of what BS they say in the ad or how many fancy graphs and charts they show. Just say NO. Trust me you won’t be missing out on anything, because chances are that product won’t even be around 6 months or a year from now.

Don’t put false hopes into any supplement…

Because chances are it will be here today and gone tomorrow…

These products pictured above are just a handful of literally hundreds of supplements that were plastered all over the bodybuilding magazines during the 1990’s and touted as the “latest and greatest muscle builders”. But now you hardly ever hear of these products. And guess what… 99% of the “Big Name” products that you see in the magazines today will become obsolete in just a few years from now as well.

WWhhaatt SSuupppplleemmeennttss AAccttuuaallllyy DDoo WWoorrkk??

Ok, so now that I’ve told you what to watch out for and stay away from. What supplements are out there that can actually help you build a leaner, stronger, more muscular physique?

Below is a list of my favourite supplements. These are the ones that I use personally and honestly feel that they are a worth while investment of your hard earned money.

This is a sneak peak inside of my very own personal supplement stash. These are the actual supplements that I use, all laid out on my kitchen table.

““MMuusstt HHaavvee SSuupppplleemmeennttss……””

As I mentioned earlier, there are technically no “must have” supplements, but these supplements listed below are one that I honestly believe that every hard training muscle building enthusiast should be taking to help aid their progress in the gym and also make the whole process of consuming a healthy nutritious diet easier and more convenient.

Protein Powder

Protein is the key component for providing your body with adequate amino acids to aid in building and repairing muscle tissue. Protein is the most important nutrient for bodybuilders. You should be consuming between 1 and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day evenly spaced out over 5-6 meals.

So for example, a 200 lb. man should eat between 200-300 grams of protein per day. Eating approx. 40-50 grams of protein per meal. Now while you can get this much protein through food alone, it’s a lot easier (and cheaper) to make up a portion of your protein intake with protein supplements.

To show you the cost savings of protein powder just look at this example:

A Typical 5 lb. container of whey protein is between $35 - $45 dollars, depending on the brand and where you buy it.

There are about 80 scoops of protein per container, each scoop contains about 20 grams of protein. So there is approximately 1600 grams of protein per 5 lb. container. To get the same amount of protein from beef or fish you would have to buy 20 lbs. At approximately $5 per pound this works out to be $100 to get the same amount of protein as you could get from supplements for less then half that price.

Contrary to all the advertising and marketing hype, one brand of protein powder is really no better then another brand. Arguing over which brand of protein is better is like arguing that Farmer John’s chicken eggs are better then Farmer Bill’s chicken eggs… Eggs are eggs. And the same applies with protein powders.

In fact there are only a few major manufacturers of supplements and all the individual companies buy up their raw materials from these manufacturers and get them privately labeled. While they may add in some colors or flavors to help differentiate them from the others, the basic protein is the same. So very often, despite what the advertisements say, Brand X contains the exact same protein as Brand Y.

As far as the type of protein you use; i.e. whey, milk, egg, soy, caseinate, isolate, concentrate, and the list goes on… I personally use and recommend a good whey protein blend of whey isolate and concentrate. This is the best high quality bio-available protein powder and value for your money. Another huge plus with most whey protein blends is that they tend to mix well and taste good so they make consuming your protein drinks enjoyable as well.

You can supplement with protein powder anytime you can’t get eat a solid food high protein meal. 2 very critical times are first thing in the morning with your breakfast and again right after your weight training workouts. These are times when your body really needs high quality protein to help build and repair muscle tissue.

For example, I’ll often have a protein drink in the morning with a bowl of oatmeal for my breakfast. Most people eat very little protein at breakfast because most protein foods require cooking time, and as you know most people are in a rush to get out the door and head to work or school in the morning. But right after going all night with no food your body needs protein in order to prevent muscle loss. So protein supplements are an awesome quick and convenient addition to have with your breakfast.

I also like to have a protein drink right after my weight training workouts to help provide my muscles with some fast digesting protein to aid with muscle growth and recovery. Right after weight training your muscles broken down and depleted, this is a critical window of opportunity where protein supplements can really help maximize your gains in the gym.

You can take protein supplements at other times of the day as well. But first thing in the morning and right after a workout are 2 critical times when I highly recommend that you consume a high protein drink.

What About Your Kidneys…

No section on protein would be complete without dispelling the myth that protein is bad for your kidneys… There has NEVER been a single study that has shown consuming a high protein diet has caused any form of kidney damage. None what so ever!

This myth got started because people with pre-existing kidney problems usually have to be put on a low protein diet to help deal with the problem. So then people wrongfully assumed that protein caused kidney problems to begin with, but that’s not the case. High protein diets are safe for people who are in good health, plus they provide numerous health benefits from muscle building, enhancing the immune system, controlling blood sugar levels, etc.

It’s similar to how eating carbohydrates doesn’t directly cause diabetes, but diabetics usually have to be put on a low carb diet.

Protein is safe. There has NEVER been a single study that has shown consuming a high protein diet has caused any form of kidney damage.

Amino Acids

No doubt if you have checked out the magazines and supplement ads you’ve seen Amino Acids in the form of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s), Essential Amino Acids, Non-Essential Amino Acids, Glutamine, etc.

While all these amino acids are important and critical for muscle growth. The good news for you is that whey protein powder contains ALL of these amino acids. So if you supplement protein powder in generous amounts, you’ll also meet your amino acid supplement requirements as well.

In fact, whey protein actually works out cheaper gram for gram then most specialized amino acid supplements. So rather then spending extra cash to buy amino acids, just double up on your protein supplements and you’ll have your basis covered.


Creatine is one of the most talked about supplements. Part of the reason is because it is a product that actually works. But again, it’s not a magic bullet like the supplement ads and magazines will try and hype it up to be.

Creatine is a compound that's involved in the production of energy in the body, in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Made in the liver, approximately 95% of the body's creatine ends up being stored in skeletal muscles and the remaining 5% is found in the brain, heart and testes. Once it's used, creatine is converted to a waste product called creatinine and excreted in urine.

Creatine is found in small amounts in red meat and fish. However, much of it is destroyed by cooking. It's also made naturally in the body from L-arginine, L-glycine and L-methionine amino acids that are principally found in animal protein.

So to really reap the results that creatine has to offer we need to supplement our diets with creatine. One of the most popular forms of creatine, and most effective, is creatine monohydrate powder.

Creatine increases production of ATP, an energy source for muscles during brief, explosive periods of activity (i.e. weight training). But it hasn't been found to help with aerobic or endurance sports such as long distance running, cycling, etc.

Creatine also seems to help decrease muscle fatigue by reducing that lactic acid burn you get when doing weight training. So in this way it will help you perform more reps before you fatigue, and thus help stimulate more muscle growth during your workouts.

For your money the best creatine supplement is pure creatine monohydrate powder. Despite what the latest supplement ad says plain old creatine powder works just as well as all the more expensive and fancy kinds of creatine that are on the market.

Just think about it, when creatine first came out all that was available was creatine monohydrate powder and people got good gains from taking it, that’s why it became so popular. We didn’t need any of this effervescent, ethyl ester, CEE, kre-alkalyn, or any other wired and wacky creatine concoctions.

In fact studies have shown that these faster absorbing creatine products are not as effective as plain old creatine monohydrate. The reason is because the faster absorbing creatine breaks down very quickly in the bloodstream and this limits the amount of available creatine that actually makes its way to your muscles.

So just stick to good old fashion creatine monohydrate powder. You can get these big 1000 gram containers for about $30. And if you take the recommended 5-10 grams of creatine per day, this will cost you less then 30 cents per day to take creatine monohydrate. You won’t find a better muscle building deal anywhere else for that kind of money.

I personally prefer to take my creatine after my weight training workouts because when your muscles are depleted they will be better able to absorb and utilize the creatine.

I’ll often mix up whey protein powder, creatine, in a sports drink such as Gatorade and have this after each one of my workouts. On the days that I don’t workout I’ll simply mix a teaspoonful of creatine in a protein drink and have this during the day.

When buying creatine just look for a brand that has "Crea Pure TM" on the label. This means that the product is made with high quality German pharmaceutical grade creatine.


There are many green drinks on the market each offering the nutritional benefits of the green plants and vegetables that are often lacking in our diets. Green drinks contain many different alkalising ingredients, and the regular consumption of green drinks plays a massive part in creating and maintaining an alkaline environment in our bodies.

Green drinks contain grasses, sprouted grains, and green vegetables, which infuse your body with easily absorbed vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. They are rich in phytonutrients which help support the body's self defense mechanism, detoxify and nourish the body. A serving of Greens is approx. the equivalent to 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Studies show that phytonutrients such as chlorophyll, polyphenols, carotenoids and other antioxidants help protect the body from free radical damage. Consuming green drinks will help to instantly alkalise your body by neutralizing the excess acids that a modern Western diet commonly includes. You may feel a massive increase in energy, and may no longer feel the urge to snack or reach for sugary/ caffeine based pick-me-ups!

Green drinks can help ward off illness, reduce the amount of infections and dramatically reduce the amount of yeasts, and toxins in the body. There are many more benefits to taking green drinks ranging from those mentioned above, to its use in the treatment of cancers, cardiovascular diseases and mental illnesses.

In my opinion Green drinks are one of the best antioxidant supplements available. I consider them a must have supplement for your overall health and well being.

I would recommend that you drink at least 1 serving of a greens drink daily.

Essential Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty Acids are the “good fats” you hear about all over the news these days, and a very hot research topic. They are important for immune system development, digestive support, healthy brain function, soft and smooth skin, circulatory health, and anti-aging benefits.

“Good fats” compete with “bad fats”, in that they help raise your good cholesterol while lowering your bad cholesterol and sending it to the liver where it is broken down and excreted. In other words, these good fats attack some of the damage already done by the bad fats.

Essential fatty acids are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids derived from linolenic, linoleic, and oleic acids. There are two families of EFA’s omega-3 and omega-6. Fats from each of these families are essential fats, meaning that humans cannot synthesize these and they must be obtained through diet.

EFA deficiency is common in North America, particularly Omega-3 deficiency. An ideal intake ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids is between 1:1 and 4:1, with most Americans only obtaining a ratio between 10:1 and 25:1. The minimum healthy intake for both linolenic (Omega-3) and linoleic (Omega-6) acid via diet, per adult per day, is 1.5 grams of each. One tablespoon of flaxseed oil can provide this amount.

However, one of the best EFA supplements is fish oil capsules. Simply take a couple capsules with each meal. Fish oil is high in omega 3 fatty acids and it is also high in EPA and DHA fatty acids. These fatty acids are antioxidants and help with muscle growth and fat loss. They also have health benefits with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. Recent studies have suggested that fish oil may reduce the risk of depression and may help protect the brain from cognitive problems associated with Alzheimer's disease.

I personally recommend taking a couple fish oil capsules with your breakfast and a couple capsules with your evening meal to help meet your daily essential fatty acid requirements.


It only makes sense to get the Daily Recommended Values for vitamins and minerals just in case you don't get them from the food you eat. Many people run short on some key nutrients, possibly raising their risk of heart disease, weakened bones, nerve damage, etc.

When supplementing with vitamins, don’t go by the RDA’s (recommended daily allowance) set forth by the government. They are antiquated and too low. In fact the RDA's are being revised based on recent research showing that daily dietary needs for vitamins are higher than originally anticipated. Keep in mind that the reason RDA’s were established in the first place was to provide guidelines that would prevent symptoms of vitamin-deficiency disorders. Not for optimal levels of health and athletic performance.

In fact if you have a micronutrient deficiency you could short change the entire muscle building process and bring your gains in the gym to a screeching halt... Even if you are eating a high calorie diet!

Thanks to the modern invention of processed food, we now live in a society where it is possible to overeat to the extent that one becomes obese, yet can still be malnourished from a nutrient perspective.

Most processed foods today are stripped of their healthy vitamins and minerals and then loaded with preservatives, so they are nothing more then empty calories.

Not only that, but if you are in the gym working out on a regular basis (which you most likely are if you are here reading this) then you are placing even more demand and stress on your body and you need more micronutrients then the average Joe.

So that’s why I recommend that you take a multi-vitamin / multi-mineral supplement with both your breakfast and evening meal to help ensure you are meeting your vitamin and mineral needs.

These are the basic supplements that I use personally and recommend that you incorporate in your nutritional program. Of course, you can't expect supplements to make up for a lousy diet. Supplements or no supplements, you still have to eat a healthy well balanced diet. But eating a healthy diet and taking proper nutritional supplementation can provide you with the best of both worlds.

Focus On Your Diet First… supplements are just an addition to a good diet.

OOppttiioonnaall SSuupppplleemmeennttss TToo HHeellpp YYoouurr GGaaiinnss

The supplements discussed up to this point; protein, creatine, greens, vitamins, etc. are what I consider to be the most important supplements to take for your overall health and nutritional benefits. This will indirectly have a huge impact on your muscle building progress.

The supplements I’m going to cover here are what I consider “optional supplements”. They won’t make or break your success, but again, they can still help your progress and are worth the investment.


Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid (building block of protein) in the bloodstream. It is considered a “conditionally essential amino acid” because it can be manufactured in the body, but under extreme physical stress the demand for glutamine exceeds the body's ability to make it.

Glutamine is very alkaline and is important for removing excess ammonia (a common waste product in the body). Several types of important immune cells rely on glutamine for energy. Without glutamine, the immune system would not function appropriately. Glutamine also appears to be necessary for normal brain function and digestion.

Adequate amounts of glutamine are generally obtained through diet alone because the body is also able to make glutamine on its own. However, when the body is under high levels of stress; be that injuries, surgery, infections, work stress, or stress from hardcore bodybuilding workouts, the body needs greater then normal amounts of glutamine. In these cases, glutamine supplementation may be helpful.

Granted you’ll get glutamine as well as other amino acids from your protein powders. But I still personally supplement extra glutamine. It’s a relatively cost effective supplement and in my opinion taking an extra 10 grams of glutamine per day is just extra assurance that you are meeting your glutamine needs and helping to keep your body in an anabolic state.

The best bang for your buck with glutamine supplements is buying the large 1000 gram containers of pure glutamine powder, rather then buying your glutamine in capsule form.


Glucosamine is a natural substance found in high concentrations in our joint structures. Numerous double blind studies have shown that Glucosamine produces better results in the treatment of joint pain than traditional drug therapy. The main function of glucosamine is to stimulate the manufacture of substances necessary for joint repair. Glucosamine is a well tolerated, natural treatment. There have been no reported adverse reactions. In rare instances, some gastric discomfort was reported but was easily relieved by taking the supplement with food. For the past few years I have been supplementing with a Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM supplement and I find that it works great! I used to frequently have pain in my elbows, knees, and shoulders. But after a couple weeks of taking the supplement I haven't had any problems with joint pain. And I have been able to train harder and lift heavier weights. I highly recommend it for anyone who suffers from joint pain. You can get Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM supplement at most any drug store or supplement store.

GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)

GABA is an amino acid that is considered a potent neurotransmitter. It activates both the brain and the nervous system, triggering some serious elevations in growth hormones. In fact, many experts consider this product as strong as many pharmaceutical products out there that are designed to boost such hormone levels. GABA is a highly-tested product, one that comes in a powder form and should be consumed in quantities of somewhere between 5 and 10 grams per day before you go to bed. GABA is designed to work primarily in the hypothalamus, the outer area of the brain, which is where many instinctive functions occur, functions such as sleep patterns and temperature regulation in your body. Another function in this area is the activity of the pituitary gland, the endocrine gland that rules over all your hormones. What GABA ultimately does is produce Human Growth Hormones (HGH), an invaluable facilitator in speeding up metabolism (fat loss), boosting energy levels, and increasing muscle mass. Also, HGH is a hormone that naturally decreases with age, so the replenishing of this product will help you perform functions that become increasingly difficult with age. There have also been extensive reports that this product improves sleep cycles, providing for that ever-important good night of sleep, while working as a pain-reducer for those with arthritis and other nagging discomforts. I personally find that if I’m having trouble sleeping because I have a lot of things on my mind. Taking GABA helps to relax the body and put your mind at ease making it easier to get a good night’s sleep.

Extra Vitamins & Minerals

While taking a multi-vitamin supplement is good. There are certain vitamins and minerals that I recommend taking extra of to just ensure that you are meeting your body’s requirements of these critical nutrients.

Some that I personally use and recommend are:

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin, which is necessary in the body to form collagen in bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels and aids in the absorption of iron.

The use of vitamin C in the prevention/treatment of the common cold and respiratory infections remains controversial, with ongoing research. But a subset of studies in people living in extreme circumstances, including soldiers in sub-arctic exercises, skiers, and marathon runners, have found a significant reduction in the risk of developing a cold by approximately 50%.

This is a huge benefit to athletes and fitness entusiasts because obviously getting a cold or flu can really hinder your training progress. There is also some research showing that supplementing with vitamin C can help speed up your recovery and help minimize muscle soreness as well.

Again, this is a very cost effective supplement that can be bought at pretty much any grocery store, drug store, or supplement store and in my opinion is well worth the investment.

Vitamin B Complex

The B vitamins are critical to your overall health and well being, then include: Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12 plus the vitamins Biotin, Choline and Inositol. They are needed for the proper functioning of almost every process in the body. A good Vitamin B complex supplement contains all these critical B vitamins.

Below is some of the many benefits of B vitamins.

Energy Production: Vitamin B1 is needed to help convert the carbohydrates we eat into glucose. The following B Vitamins are needed at a cellular level to convert glucose into energy - Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6 and Biotin. A Vitamin B deficiency in any of these vitamins can lead to decreased energy production, lethargy and fatigue.

Healthy Nervous system: Vitamin B5 is needed for the correct functioning of the adrenal glands and the production of some hormones and nerve regulating substances. Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 are essential for the regulation and correct functioning of the entire nervous system including brain function. Vitamin B9 is essential to prevent neural tube defects to the fetus during pregnancy. A deficiency in any of the B vitamins can lead to feeling stressed, anxious and depressed.

Good Digestion: B vitamins are essential for the production of HCl (Hydrochloric acid) and to assist in the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Especially vital for good digestion are Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6. A deficiency in any of these B Vitamins can lead to impaired digestion and deficiency of essential nutrients.

Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails: B vitamins are essential for correct RNA and DNA synthesis and cell reproduction. As our Skin, Hair and Nails are constantly growing and renewing themselves we need the following B vitamins to ensure the good health of these structures - Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, Biotin and Choline. Deficiencies of any of these B Vitamins can lead to dry, gray skin, dermatitis, wrinkles, acne, rashes, falling hair and weak, splitting nails.

Synergy: The B Vitamins work so closely with one other that a deficiency in any one B Vitamin can lead to poor functioning of any or all of the others even if they are in good supply. It is best to take your B Vitamins in a complex form rather then taking individual B vitamins (unless of course they are specifically prescribed by your physician.)


Next to water and air, the next most common substance in your body is calcium. The benefits of calcium include; keeping your muscles, nerves, and blood working properly. Developing strong bones, strong teeth, healthy hair, and healthy nails. Calcium alkalizes the body, which can aid in the fat loss and muscle building process. In fact there have been approximately 200 diseases linked to calcium deficiencies. So taking adequate calcium is that it can help you prevent disease and stay healthy. It is best to take your calcium supplements separately from your other vitamin / mineral supplements (at least a couple hours apart). Calcium is #1 on the list of priorities so your body tends to absorb calcium at the expense of other minerals. So taking your calcium supplements separately will help ensure that you are absorbing all your essential vitamins and mineral supplements effectively. Most calcium supplements have vitamin D added to them as well because it helps with the absorption of the calcium. So just double check to make sure that when buying calcium supplements that the one you get has vitamin D added.

EExxttrraa BBoonnuuss:: EEffffeeccttiivvee FFaatt BBuurrnneerrss……

Most fat burners promise a miracle, but they all too often lead to disappointment. In fact about 95% of all the fat burner supplements on the market don’t even work! They are just a BS scam like I outlined in the beginning of this supplement report.

However, for all the worthless fat burners that are out there, one in particular that has stood the test of time and has been proven to work over and over again is the ephedrine and caffeine stack (also known as the ECA stack).

Ephedrine is a powerful stimulator that increases metabolism. It is a stimulating herb that grows in arid regions of the world, goes by such names as: Mormon Tea, Ma Huang, Squaw Tea, and Herbal Ecstasy. The Chinese have used this herb for over 5,000 years, particularly to treat asthma and reduce upper respiratory infections.

Ephedrine has been used widely to treat many conditions such as the common cold, asthma, and congestion of the bronchial tubes. Research conducted on this herb has shown that it has awesome implications for bodybuilders, weight-trainers, and athletes. Some of the incredible effects are weight loss, metabolizing (burning) fat, and muscle maintenance.

Athletes have taken ephedrine for a number of years to enhance performance. Bodybuilders can benefit from supplementation of ephedrine in many ways. The herb not only promotes the breakdown of fat cells, but also stimulates the biochemistry of muscles, while enhancing performance.

Ephedrine has the ability to open up the adrenergic receptor sites (switches) found primarily in the heart and lungs, thereby increasing the metabolic rate and calorie consumption. The net results is release of fatty acids from stored fat cells and a quicker consumption of the fat into energy. When ephedrine is combined with a modest amount of caffeine as found in green tea extract or Guarana, the thermogenic effects can be improved as much as 20% The optimum ratio of ephedrine to caffeine is 20mg to 200mg taken 3 times a day. Ephedrine also tends to increase the contractile strength of muscle fibers, which allows bodybuilders to work harder and lift heavier.

I have personally used ephedrine and caffeine on and off since I started competing in bodybuilding competitions in 1995 and it has worked great in helping me control my appetite, speed up fat loss, increase my energy levels, and maintain my strength while following a low calorie fat loss diet plan.

I have recommended ephedrine and caffeine to some of my personal coaching students simply because it works. If you would like more information or to order pure ephedrine HCL and caffeine you can visit my website at:

The Ephedrine & Caffeine Stack. Most brands of ephedrine that are available today only come in 8 mg tablets, 50 tablets per bottle. Most brands of caffeine are available in 200 mg tablets, 100 tablets per bottle. So to get enough of the proper ratios for a 6 week fat loss cycle of the Ephedrine & Caffeine Stack you’ll need 6 bottles of ephedrine and 1 bottle of caffeine.

Green Tea:

To help make the ephedrine and caffeine stack even more effective for burning bodyfat and make the effects last longer in your system you can take 200 mg of green tea extract along with your 200 mg of caffeine and 20 mg of ephedrine. Or you could just drink a cup of green tea, this would provide approximately 200 mg of green tea as well.

Green tea is also known to have numerous health benefits, such as inhibiting growth of cancer cells, lowering cholesterol levels, boosting your immune system, as well as aiding with improving your metabolism and speeding up fat loss.

The key thing in green tea is EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). The addition of EGCG really aids in the thermogenic fat-metabolizing results.

HHoommeemmaaddee SSuupppplleemmeennttss SSeeccrreettss

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