TO SEFl PmiDENCY OF SniDENT BODY --,BIIIor• SEFl PmiDENCY OF SniDENT BODY ... were a\ 1eul foar...


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The Gle lle Mercury ---,.. ........... _., ___ ... .- .,_ ...... _

T011'-'1 et l:ll.



j-.;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j:Reed ud Holt Will Eater • Secood Prima.,. to Bnak

Tlo Vo\D Sidelia'bta oD Safety EclucatioD CoDfereoce Here

St.te ond Out-of...S..tD ~ - p...,._ of~

'erEducatl.a........._ MERCURY


' .. --'1'0 Molf ,BIIIor• Wo- ...... .. ............... --u..,,.. ..... ...-.. _., __ wm. _ ... _.- ... ... _.....,.. .......... ..... ----.... ·-__ .._. .. -·-- .. --..,.._"' __ _ ...-... ---·-.................. Wo ... ,lo, .......... _ ...... .,.. -·--- ... _ ......... -...... ....... ,-,..._ ....... ~·-frola tM W .U. .......... for ..a..w.. J'lul7, a ltnllpr, at ... ... upeue, laM tiM COD­....-build. Jhlt .... th• llil WJ' wu aot to U. ta PM"- Dv.r­taortlloB ..... otroboDioa~ hUI ,.. uhumed pel ICAu..r.d Penal the ehureh.


r.O artidea ia the April U.Ue of "Ruder'a Di&'est'" 1bouJd

.. of apeC".Ial lntenat to thoae who wm be pduated thia ~pring. -<)bey That Impulae," by William Moulton Marwton. U baaed on the Wea that. one abould obey all a.en­efble and aboul4 follow 1hem to tho eed. The o(ber, "Youth. Get Your Toe in lhe Ooor,'' by J. P. JleEvoy, explains lite value of k:nowiDI sbortbadll ad t;nrlac In eeeuritlr UJ.plor· •ent.

COOD OLD DAYS nm you ever wonder why people U speak of ~ put "' the 1ood old cla"! The Gilmer County GaRter of the Wett Virlfinia' Project may h.ave the auwer. &ec:caUy Uley found an article ill an old issue of the Glen· Yi1Ja Democrat whic:h Jtated that at oa• lim• in thia county there were a\ 1eul foar Uc:ttnMd dis­UUariaa. The artlde waa bue4 otl u IDterrinr with Mr. Joba 1L ~. nttnd baaineaa man of Hortll>Mw, who .aid that U.. ati.Ut were cen•rall1 b.ouaed in tbe aauae hUd.iDC wtth ~'rift m!U.. J'anaen would take their com to the 'lr!i.11 .ad receiY• elthu meal or wbi• by. both of whkb .. ,., coaaid· ............

&obert. f'Wlno, of Tiop, and &ob­M't Btaa-Jrer, of ,..,. ... _,.. no._ baated for pnsW.nt of the atuchat bod7 kl tM primary electicm lM ,.. Taree~~ar. "f'wo...ladn4 fttrt7 stucleata, 01' 81 per eeat ef tM .U.. aible 'I'Oten, eut. ballot& lB 1M •he­lion Ia wlaicb Delia Blake aDd lue Wllwa won for rie~l ....

........... ......, ........... -tr -,....u.~cact_.._, .......-.. ,....

W. C. r....&.J: 'Tbe:N &. aow too elpala. '-c~ ud "- ....._ •aelt -•q U. WI' MaN 10'&!' .,..on ...._ -­.a.ooJ .,. CI'OQ. Too IDAIIIJ' .,.,. M•cadoa d111"1:q a ........_. ,.... •• liN of tM WP kbool ... lftal Mn W.da ... , , t. ...... .,.. belq kUMd hL all\oiMbfle ae-- .... uader ....... el &IIIII .._ eiclntl .......,. FridaJ aM Koft. Eheatio. aad hblk ..,_.. ~ .. ,. betwMD 11 p. Ill. aM • .. ,.,.... .. _ tlM ., ...... -.a:

:j¥.f.Ff~~~;., ner-f~rw. WWiam - Kat_. a'll4 Nkbolaa Jlorln wen aomiDat.d for .. ,..... .... .....,..: WAI"Ntt LdP ud Jack 9lalaak•r for Uta I.,.._. C.ut. Vat. for f....Je eaBdw.a. for the a.,..... Oft1"l wen -.& cou.Wd baeaue tiM two eaHW&-. JIUdred WamaleJ .U Barbua II• ..,...r, .. n aoppoeH.

a. Wlaen I wu a bor fatMn aad (l) ,..,. 11 a vttal .... r .. ..... mothan ¥•- whtft UMlr c~ lll Ml.tJ .t ... Uoe, (I) Ia..& .. nn..,.. at t p. -...TMQ, Ia .W. ~---::.::. ~ .. .= wheel .... c•uaa eoae ID at 11 •""-._ ••• 1 .... _. ....,_ ...-. ttr ,.. il u.. &e.cW..., ......_ U.etr ,.,_.. ue. Dth1lq u ••'-"" ,..u U.. , ....... ..._ of ...._. mo•u. .. ~; a1aM wtdl ,.....u.a. ::u ............... .._ ..::!.!..~=

KUt.oa D. K.n~Mr: We\7..., "''atftJ il oae of tile .... ....... oldll; oldll-~.., . ....................... _..., ...... ....,.. amoq Ulo t1 to N ... .,..... W.Wod U.. k II oM el tM _. '-'" -~ 111 ,.. nat. Ill _. ~· to -. _,.., _, U..l&ol4 ....... ,..., ................ ~., .... ... &.laad Bok .. 4 a.4deU ..... 4«,......_ nne .. , ot a.. Wit~ ''"DC!e.'' .elaoo1 boJII MI. l'lril will be...... • . T ......... tar autoraobU.. • t .. ~ aftH Stat. S.,.n.teDMot W'. W. ~

:;, -::.:':~ .. .::::;;:.;· .. ~ Candidates For Council Presidency =: ... 1:,:': ~~~. ~U.:,.:;: Favor Prograaive Student Government rndutloa. Saf'etJ' oclacation ... t.oW U.. aadinee U...l Nwe AN ....

.-,. a •ue of ~Dft)o. tnc aa .. ucalJouJ. procna lMl .. oaa. A aeeoe• ceul ae.n Bolt ~ edp by oae YOto and the nwlta wen poated on tM baUethl board. A thlr• eoun'tiDI Wednetda)' reeult.-

CConunue4 oa hp I)


Fidlor ...t Stalaakw ...... Elf- .. Behalf of

Voten' Welfanj

elect.H t ..01 do 1111 wtthb) 1117 ,...,. malteo bettar cttbeu. lin !DOn atwn\loa &o 1M ._.....

er to accomplWs tlle.e thlDp.'' trl~nan~:u.m::· w:-:=. ~ u;oh:m~···t.;ea.:::: ::.c.~.!~ Fidler I• a rraftate of Cowen one daucta\.er and only on• au• to ha.hh education, ..,.

Robert Stalnaker and Robert J'ld· ~i!!'e!!:0!'t :: GofCI~~'.a~Mt! mobile. An upert ia a .,....-a a ~::-:': 1[:: ,:.:;: .. !DOd .. of ......

:d:::d= 1.::J:,..S:! ofu:: Hol:r RoUer Court. B e ia treasurer tb01la&nd milee from home. Said he, "We wo.W llko ...

plana for, and phiJoiiOplliea of, du· of the j\lllior dau and h .. bH1l • STIJDENTS MAY time !or laftt;J education, IMh ..,_ k. Bo b mnnbtr of Collece football cty education damonstnt.iona ...

~::~ -;::e.mre:;:t :c.:;~:,•:;.,, fa~· squad the put thf'H yean. • lc11ona. pa·rtic:ularly tn U.. 1111' ored prol'ftUive lltudent rove.r8111•nt Stalnaker, «f'&CCuat.e of Panona EARN }2 HOURS" aD<i improvement of .tudent welfare. High School, of 1938, is a Cha1rm&.ft W. C. Eaaley, eli......,

In his room in Louis Ball 'llember of' the Ohnimgobow Playera. IN SUMMER TERM of the aa!Hy bureau of lkttll Birmin,ham l..ect1arer, Author Friday aftern~n Robert St.lnake.r, the. Collq't: orchestra and the Cam· DeparttnH\ of Public. Safety, d ...

And Editor Will Addresa 100 or Mn.. Ahce Stalnaker, of Par· pus Cab, swi ng band. He was onee Lhat the. pall year 391 p41non~ _....

Seaiora of 1941 son1, told the Mercury that: ~i:el:~;o;f b~e "'~e:h:~~u:f ': Schedule Arranged to Meet killed on slate hl.rbwayJ, U.6 wne

John Temple Cravea, U, ledu~r. aiv·~~~~!::~!o:'!c::~=~= atudent committee on assembly pro· N~a 0~~=4!G'T'o Plan I ~~~:: ~:ci~:~~~ ~i:~a:3:W:, author and editor. o! Binni.esham. :;iov:-r~~ :oe:~~iv:;~::;.~~ grama "for the .eaior duL "'· as a result. of a«idenw_ ....

~:ke~1!re ~un~h:. i~Ts~~::~==~ eontin.uation of the fight for yeu se:!:.:~,.:-;~y a ~:ide~~:t~=~ wiJ~pe:-~=~= JS:~~:rw~~7,re;!!~~ lefl htb==~ c-1 JH by Pru. E. G. R.ohrbnugh. Mr. booU: and aid to new •• weU •• old commit tee but was nominated for e.ral advant.lges !or atuden~ plan- Be aaid that the "Khoola d lM

i;;~=~~o; ~~e~;:~!~1 :~: ~: ~: ~.:~:~· .::::ti~z;:·,!;~ wi~:vo~ :~:~en~2:ro~te~ein tt~:: !:n:;; I ~!;~ r:;us~!de!~ ~c:haet:!~ ~o;"~ ~:,te .~;~ d:::c::tfo':~ ~b ;~ ~ author of' a daily column which ia maximum of stuiden.t participation election the put, more term and take work in amount \o were !orty·aeven th: now we ra~ syndicated to aouthem nc.wspape rs. and the c:ontinu1tion of lreahman than twke aa many aa eithe-r of the meet their need1 or convenience u near the top."

Be w .. gnduaLe:d from th~ Hor· orientation.'' other candidates. Stalnaker was c:11o· rollows: (1) s.ix ~eb f'or ai.- aem· Third ape.aker, Mr. MUton D. J[n,. • ac:e Mann School, Mew York City, in A few hourl latt:r Robert Fidler, aeu by the election committee for etter houn, and..or (2) a s6t.ond Wt m•, Cuter for Safety EducaU...

l910, and received tbe LitL B de- son or Mr. and Mn. Frank H. Fi.d*• president, aa was Nel10n Craddock, week.a for six hours additional, or New York UbiYenlty, aald 6000 ~ lr"" at Piinc:.ton in 1916 and the or Tlop, 1n ha room UDder the Reb-- who withdrew. When Jamea Heater. (3) nine weelu for n.ine houn.. Work aehoob an teaehinr aafet)' edlace-. L. L. B. de"'" from George Wuh- ert F. I tdd hbrary, uplained h• prt"vioully a ea.Jididate f'or vic:e- for the .ec:ond weeks beJina J1&11 Ia tome form, 100 &eacben' toJieeM inctor. University ia 1920. Be wu platform briefly and c:onc:iaeb": ~resident., was nominated for p~UI· 21. and anlveniti• will otrer coanee .. on the editorial .rt&lf of the New I "I want .1n eJident Studeat. Coon· dent from the floor, there wen The urm ma1 be dhided u toJ... aafecy t:n.illib.C tiUt Rlzund', tw.atp. York Joaf'¥1, 1112-lS nd .... edi· eiJ, rerocn ition of extrJ..nnielU&r tbne c:andidatea lor the olke. In the Iowa: June 9 to July 18, 6t'lt alz eirht ftata have counu of atu4r 111 tor of tlte Palm Beac.b. Fla., Time•, ac:ti't'itie:a and improYemet itl tbe primary Ruter recei* tlfty-two wuka; .Nne 9 to Aagu.~~t 21, or thta fteld.. 1926-28 and the Js.c:bot~TiUe Jour- welfare of the et.udent body. U 1 am vote. and Stalbaker ftfty-eigbt. both; July 21 to August 29, MCond "Tben ul•ta a deftnlte dlae ..... na1, 1127..28. B• waa admitted to ---r--_:':,_ ____ ;----------- six weelu; and June 9 to Auru.t 8, between unneceau17 rUiu &IN! U.O.. the bar ia the DiJtt'ict of Columbia • nine wulu onl)'. that muat. be taken," be aaid . .. ..,. In,... WILL SPEAK AT Dean White Attends Am••• ... . , ....... of ....... '"' "lhe , . .............. etlc ...

e!rbo~~v. e:,.~nrth~:i:~;.~t • .;;; TEACHERS MEET Conference at Salem nmmer tenn will be tbe followina: or tlle ricbt way w do thlacs. r:...., An addrua by Mr. C. WUiiam tfnu: an ac:t:W:Iut. happens, .. m ....

3hdt !:'1 '.he Sk)'," "The Book ot Oun~an of the Philadelphia Publk h .. rude a mistake." A!abar.ut. ard the Solllth," and ''To- Colleae Jaatrudor aad Alumni Dean and Mn. H. Laban White Ltdct:r, JuM: 19. Fw C..... DriYia• niabt in t~ South.' ' Be has n!~o To Appear on Prop-am at attended a prof•sionaliz::ation cOD· A wtneral conference of the im· Mr. Xmr.Hh M. Bll&dle, of 1M

aADIO CHANCE ba •ritten • namber uf rc.etna, Ul.'\JI, Cauawa7 Coeferet~ee fe.renc:e held at Salem Wedne.sda)' provement of professional nlat:iona National ConM.I'fttlon Bu.•, Nw DADIO untens dilco.ere4 t t. •hurt .. ton.a an4 ms.,.·zjne artl r l·!•. under the auapit:n of the. F. T. A. ed . J I e y k ha 'ud th ed f ..,. ll 1IDAIIY of tllelr :avoritc ~ • 8~:. waa kn ln Jlt'.me, Geo~, :n Fou Col~ wiU lead At a dinner in the ..,en in« Mr • .a.c~St::::~;• :!un::-:n·A~:n!~ ae:" I~ :::etyaa Mucatl:an: 1'1~0.,. c~C. &lou had bND moTe oYer • ew di.euuiona and aummal'iael in aet· White •poke on "llakinl' Profeu~on·, Latin· Amuit:an Hittory, pted or aeparate. Re polftt4d o• ao\clbea lo the ri«flt oo. tbe dial Uonsl meetlnp of adminlatraton of al Principles Eft'ec:tive.'' M . P. Sum- Munlelp.JI Covemroent, Problem• of that accident. aN raponaibla f• 8atvdaJ. This c:r..-ted quite • Christian Movement Nieholu, w~bster, Clay, Bnstort men. s. N. '16 , ... tOMtmaatcr. the Family, and Sc:.hool and Com· more deatlu w penon1 bate .. I PNblem for OWDen of pu.h-buUon S C and Gilme.r countiel at the CenU.J V&Ms made in the SaleWl Clue Fae- munity Reereatlonal AetivitieL and 21 yean of ap than dlaeul, ::::c =ie':!. W:.oa f::-:. f:: ecretary tO ome W est Vif1rinia Round Table meeti"C tory were «iven as favon at the. din· Arrancemmt with the Glenville and Ji.c.ed folll' fadon MC-.z7

Roable ht con.ctine the diflcul- Here for Conference th~;ee~~h~:: ~,.::-~!· Traininl be~prnentatives from lh·e ~I· Golf Club for atudenta to u.e their for I'Ood automobile driviec; n .. atr:

!':.,~.:re ~ ~== ,:! St:hool and one CoUelfe atudent abo te1a, Dav~ElkiM, Fa irmont., AI · ~:;set~~ '::!nrfo~ ::r:::!a~r :: eat~!~;Ph(;;c:~ad~~~::~~=:: •n. Loulae G. Pfuebe, f'eCional will ~rticfpate. denon,Broaddue, We1leyan, and ei\.he r cue, c-rl'dit in the amount of blllt,o for paueqen, pe4c.tri&N ...

:._ ~:~e:~::-f~ :o~ wc-reta17 of the Stlldent Chriltian Dr. Cbarlu P. Harper will lead • GlenYille attended. Therne of the one ~Kter hogr wiU be aiYUI to I other driYen; (8) • mature taowl,. Movarant, Middle Atlantic: JLecion, diac:uuion on "What the Soc-ial Stu· meetiDC waa "How t.o Attain Pro- 1 tudenb who devote the ncc:UI&l'J' edp and undentandinl' of the traf· ~

.,_ .U..tio1la. Time 1Mpdfte will be at the CoUece Tu~ay an4 dies c:an contribute iJ1 education for feaaional Standaf"dB." amount of time t.o Ule pma. (0oat.t.IM4 •,... C)

:;ed ~~;thi: -=~llo~':fea:: :~n.~&~u:x:..:::.~o=n•f:~" belon a rrou~~f rn,!~ P . T. A. c:Jubs have uow been or· I --------'--------------.uo.• ou ,.. -•- achool toachen. R. T. C~w~ord canizP.d in sneral hilh sc:boob and 1 ~


"t! !~"hU:t!;.=,7~S:~;:~~a:;c:U:. r-.,_,_ ... _,_':'':.:'";::':o::n,...=:;:n:th:..•_s_ ... _ .. .,.


Graduate of 1902 Sees the World and THOUCHT THIS WJ:EI< ;ofono thom of e>tP<riem• that have ... ;, ..... .-m O<hool ., ... ; •• B. Concludes That u.s. Is Best of All tp)DAY W April P'ool '1 Da)', but proYe4 nluable to orpJioiz&tlona in d. "H \h one.. I " I I 7011 wiD aot be fooled it J"'II 0~ collect's. ~o;la.:~:;:nean~::idc ~rettain · BeDefit Variety to Be _ attead the Woman'• Club IIC!'ftetU There will b e • jolat mMtifiC of ill&' for c: itiloenship." Dun B. t.. New Venture After .M .... y Herlaelrt A. Woofter eo-- to mphy, •lwm be bad Dot. eeen aia.. Yartety Show iD the Col- the c:abineta of Uifl YMCA an4 White. wil1 .b.~. neharre of \be admin· Ortllodos PreMIIltaltOIU CleaF...:~l•~- t~-~~...... Old ~~.::~. Mdenta at~ Uni.,«aitf, .... aodlton-. Y'WCA. ~at '7:46, In U.• ......... .--.

I Louis !Bennett Ball lo'llftl'e. to fonn· b&ntrre dirillO · When the Woma.n'a Club of GIVI· Teen .......

TEACHERS WOUlD STRESS p1 f b 'ri it b T ta~ Luoy Wolfe an4 &al&a ' Sa.mmera. ville 'Pf'uentll i1.s Benefit Variet.J B:r AU...rt W-'ter A.ltl!r takin.• & eoume in mec:ha~ JANCUACE KNOWLEDC£ ~=~laa~O:,,.:"t,;: p:;;ew C.Uep alumnae and ~ben ~n the Show tonight in the Collqe aud!Wr- Sprl!\1' carne to GlenYi.lle, ed with teal and e~al enciaeuinc a.&. W. POll HICH SCHOOL PUPILS the t.eulty advisen aad YllCA and Tninlnr School, DW'Ill ~. :: ium it will be e.utuinc a new field it- ume one. of \.be town's fa it.hf\11 Uninrsity, Xr. WO'lfte.r , a couah of

YWCA 'Pl'lesidcts indiriclplly, and " LanCQ&&'e fn a crnKI'K)' a . in amateur show businesa. Here-to- 'isit.on. Herbert A. Woofter, of Vr. Carey ,?toofter , Collere regbt.. CoD~ ill.ltrueton, in a faeotty wilt meet with the t!ebineta o'f ueb "Social \oStudiu and IkTaoeneJ In ion, this organization has limited Detroit and Miama.. Sprlnc in G1u· nr, and J amea and Albton. Woofter,

-.etm~ tht Tuesda)', 4lkuued orc-anisation. A special joint meetinc the Grade&." Itt undertakin~ to a presentation of v1Ue ha• .some\hinc of a faac1"lta tion Col~e .senion, wae aaaoelated wf •~ 6e --rhictts rnost lacldac in the of the enUre membenhip of the James L. Creasy, A. B. '3S, su· S\nl.•i'ht (:Ome-dy or drarm . In jta list for him. because it. waa in June, the G~ent Elcc.t:ic: Comgaay s t tnlelnr of high sc:bool atudenta" YMCA and YiWCA aa1 <be be.Jd while peri.ntendent. of ~ic.bolaa County of produetlons pruented in former 190::!, that h~ was from Lrnn . Maa TbC'r'e, arnonc, h• ad eonduded : sho ia bere. - sehool•, wll~ be c:hal.rtnall. Other Col· yun are !Uc:h plays as "!lr. P im the Normal School and started I met Charlea Stdnroet&, world·fL'I.ft'loua

(1) A ~!It'!"~·~ knowledge lep alumni wbo W111 ban pula on Pa&!IH 8)·.'' "The Donr Road," out in • life that wu to him «l~c:al -.iu.rd. Ho made a tolll' of ...t ~- "C.LIPPINC JtOOII" IM USE AT :he Round Table procnm are Tho?'· "Sun Up," "So Thi~ b London;• and aU oYe.r U.. United Stat.ea and. E'Q.rope in 1907, mumed h bla

(Z) PMr ( ~ r nr) study habi\a. JtOBEitT F. ICIDD UBRAAY u Dotaon, Jesse B•U. O.k:for4 Deitz a numhc.r of one·att. phiJI in .,·hic:ll Europe. work, and beeamt- a maJor of enaiM--(3) Too rro..An )' •xtra-c.urric:~aler ac· an4 llithad Poae,. are fou.nd ''F'ixins." "The Bond.'' -B'Ia risit thia Umc. w upecially ut In the U. S. Army during t6t

11'ritlu ln p· oportion to other work. lliaa Alma Arbuckle. Colle~"~: 11· "<nerton-.•• "Ever Yeun1," and erl,j"oyabl•, he uid, b~t:t&!L!e he met 9.'or ld War. ,.... dia:UUl O:I ume about •• • ,... brariaa, hal HlabUilled -a "c:llp_pins ADDBD TO EXCIIAM& LIST otheJ"S. MD. Charles Bar':'ler., thf: fo nner That wu hia aeeoDd .esaloa !11 Utoe

of ~&.tC' :\h.d b7 lutnact. room" lo the baaemant of tba li· VaudeoriU., me.lodnftW. and Nerro )tiu Grace Hau n, o:te of tbe five armJ. 1'or he was a terae:et. of Gin· at tb~ , 'Jlld!. nf 1.1• • ., R. L. bn.ry for the a. of mdenta wbo Added to tbe Mere.ul'7'• en.hiJII"'• .,.. .-omeebinc nt'W for Uli• memb.a of lib sr--daa!:hl-8 ~Jan b«ft YDlt\"e CompaJ ,_. darin., tM

'Ito .., r i"CI'illl:F dbcnaed tlle an ~ noleiMob fD urioua list \Ida ...n. ,... U.e HI-Towet', dieDi8cl' bocl)·, and that W Yo'bat's ar.d the n.etkr of •~!.no l CoUewt Spaniah A1Mrie&n Wsr. Re aho ...,. b@.(orc the Wirt. Coa-'7 ••nee and a ... dlpptaca .troa fo•paee studnt. "~ of eoU.. \.a make t.hia parfonullce all aJomn.i • .U.O be met llr. ClaNDeO W. ,. .. u • Uatt.d Slat. d~ty X.. aa ~ .......,.,.. ... .......... ........,. llfP .... , tt.o ~aor• 1..-. c.~ ~utneter ia ...,.. ~ • ,.. ••


'1'be {ilmville fM ercury . . . . ----~ ITA'n~~


r ~~~·~¢~:: !::~w::~e:o=··~ Baeftt V&rietJ lhow ia tbe CoUqe aaditorfa:Ja. wbea ~wupeopko, Colltop students and facu!bo

will joia force• and pe lo

'1 $erllitors mdoclrama ill :1• juiciul form, oldeat and lateR

t.:::~:' .;;..~;~bill:: . . . Buic priaciplea that .. thought were !tamed in Speeclt. 101 will Like a new form ... bring art of t.he bi&:bett tJpe when "Be A.i.a ' t Dor:ae B.iPt

By Ne.ll' ' will break out wlt.b all A.- Wrialtt latet;t. faculty too: hu t.o add

that ce.rtain .ometbiae ... Curtain wiU CO up at DERE are a fe.w reasons why we ahould at- 8-:16 o'~k. D tend the- Benefit Variety Show which is ---aw --to be presented by the Woman'• Club in the TBL~CS 1 could write about but won't: Ru ulla of Collece audj~or:ium at 8:15 o'clock tonig~L 1 the primary election .•• Public safety, bettw

By attending we show our apprec.Ja· l expressed by a Falrmont columoirt tbQSly: "On• tloD f~r ~e unaelfi~h efforts of th e club, an .-ay to get rid of that rua..down feeling is to at&J' oraaruzation -.rhieh 1.1 always ready to extend out or heavy otraft'ie" ..... . Lenito CIStO lind ow,, a id to the needy. For several weeks now Wbt'elu·-"Reaaon and love keep little companJ ~tnben of the club, ~ well as. townspeople, now·a-daya" .... Eu~r va,:ation . . . Mid...semeater laave reheaned for the1r parts 10 the s how. gTSdes to be, or why mothers pt gray . . . Sprinc

Others have made p1.ans, procured mater· ruhto"a - lone enough to eover tlte nlject but. lals and offered suggesbons. Why have they 11bor:l enough to be interesting ... Teacher hiring-clone thi!l ? Certainly t here are no thoughts Cavin for the re.w . . • Sprinc dltlce.s-why cirll fit economic train, for the money is to be wed .::omt> to 1:01lege but seldom leave. to spontor worthwhile enterprises. And !ew, --aw-tf any, of the actors actu~lly plan to follow D OWN M · Strut. signs of spring are evel'f ntertainlnl' as a career. Their motive ties .,.bl!f':~n t::u making . .. Women with new fril:



ea .. ,.. en daya baw bearD ... ---'":' iniU 1UII7 ooeda ...

mal•'""""*_.tllo_ lly ,.. ..... witll llcnDe foils ... nn&w old "aeqv.a~Dta." H u ... mllliJWr 1QS, "\he fattbM fw alill decerat. the pew."

Flub IIi.'• ... latMt;,.... .... JeJ~"!'.Jior daf:r ... eern to Won • • • ADd the s,...~Alti:Hr two­some la on th• tocb . . . E. Z.. riek r~~maiDs f&Wd'al to hu ....._ enba.ra frim d • • • B. Bolda k

· 10 mlnutea la.te: so wbait • • Loroe L. pta appointlnat prlnceaa at the S&n.wburJ' tmtlea in Buekbannoa tlals mer. Coft&T8.tulatiollal •• Wriabt atiU ):inea for her

deeper than any of these. It has its basis in ly hats ... Men in their shirt sleeves ... St.or11 I I'G~ f.-Rdl concepts u: ''Thou shalt love thy neigh· window displays of Spring outfits ... Easter bun· ~ ltor u thJ self," and .. Now there a'bideth niea ... Garden at1d rarm impleme!'ts. :. La~t. CfShe <Dober/ ~ [/(i JJ "PI•h••nry f•Jth , hope, and eharity .. . and the great- In sr.ring foods . . . Roller skaten . . , Spr1nr p11nt-- ' tJ\ UU ~ 1


at of thHe is charity." ing and house-cleaning . . . Music ... AU add up, I L.------------- -----..:.-l

raider'' . . . "Butcll" ~o,. ~ Iicht strolll with B. '&Obr • •• &. Brooks takes time olf from llal­ie1 to "atep ,out" with Yobo • • • "Hob" KcMiUJ&n atiU ~ Verona Mapel, but aot t.o ... W. sister •.• ..,. "Red" Cf'DIII ~· & Tracy make aequalnta wltb two bich .cbool x-. ... G. ThoJQ­'1P ahowa lntenR lD former eoel. A. Baab • . . B. Golden u d L. Steea . coptiDDe the "'Jd:na ... qu.een of awina."

.well, readen, art 11 Inc ..11. time ia too, hut aot 10 with .,..... li'a ao 1oa~ "t.U Taeldt.J.-D. B. <L al.

' Whenever a group of people make aacri· we hope, to the fact t.bat the gloomy days or winter " That ,\priUe with his sbourn Ices with n o hope o.f material gain there is are .rone .. . Let's also hope snow donn't. wme 11oote" is here. Now is the time tomething back of it all that is on the higher before this issue is oft' tbe press. whew a young man'a fln.::y lightly plaae, and by attending the ahow tonight we -aw -- tu(l'ls to thougbts of atudyinc for

=~fD•:•~bt:~tha~~:~a:f:C~ua~~nJ:~fa:o:f~ ~~~ ;~c:::: ~:r;:rdc:~;e~~i:~~tfo~:~"A;~ mid-semester exams. Eviden.::M of forta.-Aibert. Woofter. 11 ••. Spring music recital in May ... General su~~;;tti;e:eble~;e:~e n~i:~:::d

eleetion . .. Press banquet in May .. . Canterbury book in existence-- 1'How to Win Pilgrimage, 22 •.. Speeeh recital ... Fancy A's and Influence Profeuon," by head dreu b3ll April 19 ..• Holy RoUer Court A. S. Tudent.- APRIL FOQ.L! Da ece, April 25 •.• G Club Da.nce, May 17, and Commencement. exeTeises. "N:Ow to get at the point of the

--aw- m~tter, u the man uid who ut


~a.~~~ ai~t,·u.d~:~:!~~~~:~~!o~~ r ~::l:u~:c :e0~~~~~:r:~~o~d.:u;:;:m~:!n:m:o; ;:e==~~:~f~;e!~ek:?i·~:'e~~ ~~~ couldn't understand. He explained with: ment weekly, of New York, to find c:ollegiate prefe~ ueat ion" there are a number of "This wa.nn spring weather just gets into en.::ea in •style.s and 1ypea o! dant e music. ... Quea- in teresting pamphlets in the. li·

De blood ltream." A stuffy room is stuffier :i::• ... f.#:::i,•.,ing(,;:, .• '.'.•',~ o,w' •m•' tu)sieantdha'~vmo~.~to,•.,"'a;.l•e brary beneath the ltba,.,b,.lf•" 11{11 when one can hear the twittering rob- _,, ..... ..~ • ... • JX!Ster on one of e u letiD tn, the buzzing bee and the patter of his and re~le band voc:alists are. a few of the many boa:rcb. "Drive and .Live" bJ aclloolmatea' to.ngues who "have no classes u ked ... The College is one or the interviewoe•, and J1mes A. Fitzgerald, Carl A. Hoff· tJtJs period.'' :~ will t.e pu lolished when the survey is .:om· =•~d~Jof~: ~eB::"~o~bro~~ .9:&!;:~::.m .:::r!n~d:n~:tint:~t~~~ , .. _______________ u1 safety teaC:.bin!. •

est book, "The Wave of the Fu­ture," a c:onfMBion of faith, ia 11A positive faith for the future, tor those be.wildered by the bit­ter world eventa of our time .:an be supplied only by on& who knows that courage is vital ill our dailJ livet, against fear. Thia 11 a aiD· c:ere and heartfelt .::on!euion." So a&lll a c:rltic of the book. . . , .

" Ambassador Dodd'a Diary" ia another book written by a ma.a ''who wat.::hed Europe so t.o war.' ' The- Ambsssador t.o German,., 19· 33-1938, wrote of Goerinl' that he was "fat and cruel" and that. "he didn't like him." Jt is a at.orJ of a fighter for a democrac:y wbo was "a supremely good reporter."

Two other books worth re~ln1 are; " An1eriean Faith" by Eillut. Sutherland Batea, and "The At­lanti.:: Mi~tion" by Mareu. Lee H10.seo.

.. ____ .. O'Wisdom

.. .. * .. --.. ...... -., ... -~ Bat whether on the -.:doW ..._..

Or ia the ~attle'a ..a~~, Tbe ltt.ut place when maa .a

die Ia wltere he din for awa.

~eiJ . .... ... • • • • Ill a aocillly wbere lepl ,

pzoteetloa II aat ainra to JNiftO•

al ......... -- .. ~ .ale aDd has a att:radlve aide • lt. dl:fB.cult tor Westei'DU'I to • P­preclate.- LID Yutuc. . . .

4o oomething; but what ? 1 ME R R y M A 1 D E N • 5 [-Anne Mo..,..w Lindbo,.b'• lat. He tW'De d to a pal for consolation. That :: .. m:..~ t:~~ ~:!d~ .to'if:.~~e ::,'j~.h;.~:! O V I E O M EN T S r=0ti• .. ·======= County Schools Will

tlmea one he started to prepare for the test, ,---.!.' ------------:. Ed 0 t

· In ell the weddi.DI' cake. ...._ ts the sweeteR ot t.IM phuu.­Doqlu JtJTOld. ...

ltul ao far be's convinced Napoleon has not G REAT"ST or all movi ... "Gone With tho Wind," I 0 r s Graduate 115 Seniors =:~~~~\h!t ~:~~'t~o:~ 8~~aa: tb~t':!,1,~~~ is taming ta Glenville ags in, Sunday and Hon· ~~=~~~=~~="'I

God &eft!' DMaat that ... ehould aee1e the HUftlla hJ'

Gilmer County will gra.duatA! 116 etridu of biUD.ID. wiadom.-Cow­high tc:bool ~M~ion in May, announ· per. h left him w~en Bill called, "Wanna t&ke :::· p1r~c!ie vi:;~~ I~~=~er~ ~!::rl~~th~~a(',:t ::!

a walk?'• Clark G1.ble as Rhett BuUer will thrill movie-goers "Tis spriol', and at least one person is g lad, once again, in lhis story of the Old South.

aecor dinl' t o some instructors. ·Teutonic •ordea will goose s t e p in the Balkans , but ll&udenta will "sleep on''-if the prof essors W"ill permit.-Cleo Berry.


SAFETY education with regard to autom~ bile driving bas many diffe r ent aspects. ne comfort one f ee ls in_ being able to do

the right at the right ti me is gratify. ta•. T oo, .one Uecomes more acquainted with Ills automobile, treating it. better and iro re· turn s-eceiving better service.

There is sume merit in being able to d is­caas the mechun ism of an automobile. One prefers not to be like the man who saw an· other to start his car and asked, "What'$ wrong?" "A dead battery," came the answer. ·•well, I thought I heard an o.ld car over here running like the battery was d ead on it, .. was t h e comment.

Many 1 person has driven for six, eight, er even ten years without knowing how an a utomobile will act onder given cond itions. He muat turn. Hr cannot affo-rd to bath e llit ftuortU'IC'e u·ith the blood o f a guiltless eoul. Awav with vanity! T hat aU a re not perfect, one m11.t ntfmit and begin to do totnetb in.~t sbout iL--Cieo Berry.

: .__,TW~---------------Collegiate World

W WILlfiSGTON. DEL.- (ACP) ­Ctastroonu at Westmiru:ter College will be d one over in colors like salmon, apricot and "cool p-et.n" in an ex-periment to relieve the • onotouy of drab waJla for students and thu.s ••tv sleepy one• awake.

Jlovin• Gsure in the plan ia Prof. Harold 1. Bnnnan. head of the art department. who

lieves colle.-e daurooma are the 11lasl cltade.l of dnbneu ... and ahould be "individ· allud."

""Thue would be fewer clozirzl" and aleePJ pdentl ll cl&Drooms were. lnac!e 'a ttractiYe.,. tutud of belq monlt 60 chain irunoundecl b 80 feet of bladlboartla aDd ban! walla, • :Jraua a&ld-

I've never seen Robert Mont. gomery in a picture that wasn't good, and I don't be­lieve that " HaUnted Honey­moon" will make me hke that back, U will be at the Lyrie tonight and tomorrow night.

Walter Pidgeon ia again in the role of the famou!' amateur detedive, in "Sky Murder." A murder in the sky of a apy is how the pidure eot its name. It's lhe Fifth Col· umnist.s against Pid,reon all

the w&y, with Pid~on, of .::ourlt', cleaning them out, but good, before t h& 6nal fade-out. Other memben or the ust aTe Do·n31d Meek, Karen Va:me, Edward Askley, and Joyce Compt.on, amon~ others. Sell! it at the Lyri.::, ThundaJ and Friday.

rnzb:~$:re~~!':~o!~nyB~o:~~;k::~:7 c::;:; aucu::as, and dire.:~ by Abbott. will be at. the P icturelra.nd Theater, Wednesday and Thursday. The ;,tory ~ enten around Ludlle BaiJ who bas foar

f big time football stars as ~yguarda. Tbey're Rtc:hard CulaJn, Desi Arnaz, Eddie Bneken, and Hal Le Ro)•. The pictur& also bouts of e i~bt 10111 bib, An1:1 H iller's dancing, and a dialocue far-above lhe average. of the auper-weste1'1UI t.o .::ome out. of RoUrvo·aod 11 "Arizona," at the Pidur&land, Son­day, Mo~:~ u.ay and Tuesday. Adapt.ed from Clarenc.e Buddington Kellnd's ''Saturday Evening Post" stoty, it is the gnphi.:: 5 t.ory of the birth of Arizona. AU the charaetera 'ill Lbe fUrn are taken from h .. tory books. Jun Arthur il <~t as Phoeba Titua, th& 1\nt •bite ...oman in Tu»eoo, Ari&ena. Her bey i'ricnd, Mun, is pla)ed by William Bolden. A b~ company of ot:b.r playe-rs. inc:ludins Warren William and Porter Hall, maltt. up the uri.

'I' hoae a! you • ·ho have read '"Tbe Yearltnr" ...W be interrsteci in k:nowing that the best.-.elle-r and at.ory of Jody, la bally heine Kreeneci. Thirty deer, twtDty doC'I, 'Len raccoona, ail'hi bear aad two 1perially tnined han *a lhipped \o t!le loeatioL

A atodeet ma*Hmatidu &IIDORHI \htn an 106,H9 ~ bnu_ oa the Qll\licle of t.h. _....,.,.. kUdiq at llooat AqoeJ c.J1eae.

A ata:l' ~ ~ ta tM W*wortla CeUce- Whiatle that. '~ aft ODIJ tJa.- cJeu lad4lc orlOI'da oa tM eqa,.. ... two ......... .. -. ..

A ~:evrer o~~e ::;e~0!::Ct~l~:: about the

1 present generation o(

the young as soft. and lazy, me· dioere and fat. Maybe the young are soft. It is also true that .all generations or the young have- in their t imes been deac:ribed as de· pnente by the elden abo ut tlaem.

In the history or the world haa not been a generation jn whic:h the old were prep31'ed to admit that the young were as atroDg as they w&Te when they were young. It is eternal exeuae for stiR' joints in the presenee of the supple. It is the a nxiont van­it. of memory over manpower. 'filE JOaDg cert&inf7 have their I faults. Tb'7 may not. be as smart, brave, energetic, strong as their elden who want to be de­fended by them would have them be. But the old fo lks were youn~ once also and, being young, aot free from faults. The young have atwa)'l, as th& old folks 1'eported lt. bMn soft. and the old follca, aa the' old fo lD hoped the young woulJ believe, have alwa" been ......

Th&i's the rule, but Ameriea need not' be frightened now il our older people will be as wise u our J01lft&' will be strong. We have bet­ter t.o count on young strength tllau old wisdom. The Raleigh, N. C •• News and Obae.rver thU1J1Pe eM critka of JOut.h. -Quid<-----Q UIPS Woman's Club G lenville

Dear ~enefactors :

W"'e Uke your poster In the hall about Kate and Dupl.i­tate. We would-n' t mind if 'TCRI would make aeveral -.tupUkatioua.'


c:ea Mr. Marvin Cooper, auperinten. dent. Thia is Lhe largest list- in several yean in comparison with the number of .graduates or previoua yean. ·Glen'V'ille Hlsh School will graduate 35, Normantown 24, l"anner 2S, Sand Fork 2(1, and Troy 13, aceo!'d· ing to the tent&t.ive echedu.lea.

Bus transportation in tho 1:0unty

:::oh~~a::: !~3!ir~~i:hi~~ i~:~:: I des both elementary and high &c.hool 1

pupils. The Count)! Board moved ita of·

f~.::es the past week to the Tierney

If there is oM beat lB. .U. De loatldorne fauna of cmtiulloa I hate and deapiae, tt Ia a ma of the World.-~en:' ~ur .Jn-.

~~veai, 'ridl; Yici" : So cuaan muaaae raD : ' 'I eam&, 1 saw. I eonquered : denr it be wbo CBD." The triumpha of the Fuhrer AN

not. ao aafe a bet Veal, ridi, Vlch7, • . . Be huo!t eonqu.el'ed ,et.­"Oogbe.rry'' Ia the Newa CII.JroD.. i~le, London.

~~~~n!r :;om~o= 11!:;~~ 0~~~ ~Mike' College and tlu ee are u.aed f_or librariea aDd Picks . .... a to rage.

Will Attend Academy O,f Science Meeting KiM Goldie Clare Jamea, instrue·

tor in tliology, plans to attend a meetin« of the Wut Virginia Aead· emy of Seience to •be held at Alder·

FM . W..n.l"• P......._ Ti•­Jioad.aJ throqh FridaJ'~ leadbW NIBC ataUona, 7:00 P . K .

cs.- llw.'a 11-'1••• h"!"' . -•-TaeL, Wed., Tbuta., leAdiC OBS et&Uona, 10:00 P . II.

rn.r .... r Qai-'Tueaclay, leaclQ OB8 atationa, IJ :to P. II.

;:~-::o:!~~.eo~:!'·d~~~~;.A:l Oldest Member of !:~!~:6 :;~ ::w P~::n!: o~ :; Class of '75 Dies ~=-7~~~~/::s .• a :ee:!:r:: !:: Of Bums, Sund:~y American Aaaodation for the Advan· .::emeai of Scienee.

Students to Selec t Candidate to Enter

Toma to Fes tival Race

Funeral aenicu were held at Spe:Dcer todaJ' for Jlrs. E. B. OM­MID, tb& former Lucy Belle- FI'HJ'. 8. N. '76. who died 9uad.a:t alcht of lnLrna a«erM after her clOU,Ifta caught u she puaed an open .­ftrll In ber home.

Glnrille State Teacbera Collece Krw. DHeo~. 85 )'Mn olcl, wA will ..-fn have a candidate fot bom neal' <lamclen, ~ County, iD '' Weft Viry'inia's Lovelleel Colii!C1! 185$, and was married Ia 1818 to Girl'" to nip q Queen ner the u· Dr. E. B. Dodaon, fom~er AIIIJtal nual TomatO FHtival ai Berkeley aaperintadat ~f the SptDeer 8ta Spriaca, September fi n d a. BOIPIDal. wlto died aneml ,...,. • .tO.

Name. of fGar ....... will btl P.t.eed 11M Ia -"'"d bJ' two IOU. Rat' o• tbe pnera1 eleet!oa ballot Apr() nouo., Chu'leat.on, P4 Dr. R.-8. ,. foa.r cudtdatee wiD be Mleci-~ Ba~; ad u.r­ed 'r ... Student C:oDDIIIL fte pUt claqlllam, Zd.M Dodllnl. ~ ,_.. IOal Anne Anilck, of, toa ..... CJ,... Perte. llllatla--... ~··• e.a~ fft ........... KeD Bamdtoa. tiU.. wtddl ... won br a Coacorl' ~ llallll!toa. Co1llle eo-ell t. a ~~etfoB-'de poD~~~ ....... _. VIdor ....... ~ ~·-- .... ---.-..-



P-;:,!:"!? ~·ct::=-~ -=!..:'.. U:,~ ~= or kDowiq where mt-.tioo concenalq ouch .,....

be -and are nqu- to alve or MDd the -P. Buper, Gin-rille, W. Va., 11 -D M .....

to -k• lbe new Alllllllll Dineto17 11 c_,w. Blopaphlcal olteleb• of moot of the ,....._ -- ud tbla ad-11\ Ia • tiDal .. "" ..

..,, _,q llae • .._,., _,.. . u 111&117 of lbe otben u ..-n>le. Gradualeo ID .... - oantod • ......, ,..,. ...,... •• •'- lilted ...., 11111ed to belp -are the iDtormatlon &boat* e1ac tiW .uea llad -.nd • wkr- a;.=. :! d~:_ ~ are 8iftll belcnr. au' boiPftal ill New YOI'k. Dlra._,. (lin. G. N. We.t)

B e had beea aheU .tu~cked iD the CLUS OF 1•1 LiDa, X.n- . . • • . • . • • . • • ca....m. Wol'ld War aad thu wu ftlcible O.ther. Nonil. Aua Willoo . , . •• tt--m. for

1•dmi!'"cebeln tllale .... "c.ra, f~ .. ~ H~~ ~ -~~) . . ... W.?ille ~~:. ~~) • •. • • Qlenllll.

tat on ••ere eo ,. P uvu ..... (lin. BQhlll) (!ll.n. CharlH JbiHr)

=~· ba~~':! -=~ed !: Lo;:- ::=.~ ¥,.;~·) · Gleurille ~~··~~·nd ..•..• cn.nm. able to old Ales. a l:lqtlt Ue1J. aboek M~Coy, Mary HOIJ)Eif CLASS OP 1117 or a .-Dd aad Ptriou CUMJ" ta Yo~~~ ~r:_lrSter) c;£i ~~ ii.. ~Qid) . V ....... aWetica1 Alltop, J . L. . , , . , . • , , . G1arrWe Roaiu , lin. 197 &. • • . • • • ~

Ferrell. l.Gke I Bm Dett. L. &. • • • • • . • • • • JN111a11 TO CIVE DEIIOIUft.ATIOfl AT ~tr. A. J . · · · · · · · · · · · · G1eaYille ~nt. ,... B. · · • • . .. •. . ~

RALPH KaulnllaD. ......, PHYsiCAL EDUCATION MEET llid~:.1.:S CiAi5 ~~-- Kitii:D.,;,:!h, ·a ·a ·:: ·:. ~.-,.nra::d't! ;-~" c!:.a: l'ifteea CoDcp .aJ. will poe •

8(if..:.U ·u~ Smitb) t:::,•'r!d ': ·:::::::: · ~ job tf Gene ReHer det'WIII to .-a demonltratloa at the llid-west ~nn. ·:c''Ww. V

8058~ CLASS OF •-doWD to ParkenbtU'I' WI faD • • • PhJalral Education Aalodation Con· X::!~ti, Ella •(Ji:!· 1. L ecMt) '''' '' ' 'llriDU

llendeonhall hu aaiahd B-. at nntion lu Chal'IMton, FriclaJ. The)' Ulrs . Wilaoa) CLASS OP 1 .. the Tl.-r aebool for the put tllfl' will be a«ompanied bJ lin. Earl ::~J~. A£=~~· ii. · . ~ = en;irk;..~o~~) • • • · Alnl arwe rears and helped coach the NliiiD. Boaa, buatruetor. Tbey are : Catb· Brannon. c. D • • • • •• .•. , •. , Alice Nasum, lira. )(ntJe . . , • Glenllle ~quad for tbe aDJtaaJ ltlo~ eriae Withers. ~ Piber, llaxine Conrad, B. )1. • • • • • • • • Saad Porlr Ult in 19M •• . The 1~ Pltser, JIUdnd. · Yoho, Anna Lee Crook, Gn . · · • .. • . Alum Bridce HALLS VI!JIT HEU

=~:~~·::~·~·~ci::~~ :~·~~~"::~~~:~;;: fgf~wt~;~~: :~~:i3 of!hm':!:!:,.A·:· ·~;.:.-:: play In a hubtball tounwndt ~UI• To,i.ld a1 Rema Strickland , Bo~ Strader. H. K. School, Butloar CoaatJ • .,.. 111a

·,.---------------~------: but wound up ln the Capital a. ble Daftleld. .-d Loretta Taylor. HELIIICIC CLASS OP liM oftr the we&-ud. Re traa aceo.-

I . .... OII«JlRJ~ I with a bad caae of lnheua ... TheJ will ,0 iD the CoUece bnL ~:::::0.~~';~ X:' ·.·.·.·.:· .. ~~ peie4 br Kn. HaD, a.. 1__. TAlE am TOURNAMENT,· had to remain theN. •eek befON Coeeb A. p, RobrbouP, .m abo Brannon. Bernard . • • . • • Gt.e'rille Wolfe. 9. N. 'S4, ••• 6alr

eominc back to the earDPU. 80- aHead the mHtU.., the first of ttl Pettit, C. S. · • • • • • · · · • • • • Sattna two children, DII.W .. d .Job lltd. Dll'l'f'tii:D'S Dlftll'D~ 1DIU IVI'Dl .. IDII~ dl7 •• . Ja~k &,.ua. GSTC l ... kind t.o be held iD We.t V'uPUa. 8(Ji:'·c~·~. Pe'Wif '" Glelrrilll DUiwr.ft Dftlla.m.l ftU1 U1JftftiiiUI\llLIJ lor, • bo bad quite a h.,.Mr al WooddeU, Mattie . Wabater 9prtaa1 DOY FITZPATWICIC. IIAY

--- _L_ Uaidia RiP &.hool before _. H. Y. CLA.Ait SPEAKS AT {lira. W. S. W:nntl!') COllE HOllE THI!I w.aE .. ._ .. .. bubU1aU .. ...,.) Robert But.cMr'e aauz.n ~ inc hen, waa In llorpatoWD ,_. ADRIAN SCHOOL IIEEnNC IRVING ClASS OF 1-

........ ftanda7 neaiq •• tund die Colle,. lrlti'Uiaral..... terdaJ takiac 0 . s. Air eo..,... coc;;:,i ~=·,· .. .bhn Dor Pftzpatriek. CoJiep ·~

.. ........... tlowaad llle JIUliDn. pioulaip title 'heeda7 ntpt. b7 de- tranee eum.illatiollL U he puallll. U the .ehool II to ed11c:at.e for Kee. Alice II. • • • . • . . • • • GlarriDe riaa, aude:nrat aa .,.. • .....,., ~ ....,... aad llv.ria led the f•tiq aa,_o11d Trsc7"• QQ.Iatat. be will ro to Cola.mhu. later W demouaq it malt. thaup to meet (lin. E. Palmer) llarda 12, at the lion...._ .._

dau to 'l'ittor"J, eoDect.- "-"'1. Ra,7 Buter JIUMI', aJI.toar- Texas oT Celiforala, lie MJ'L the demand• of a demouatfc 10dety, Norris, Rabv E. · · · · · · · • Glc:a.m.l Bo1pital ia Claarlllltoa. Be Je a-ota eatb. Wedaeedq- d· aament clrloiu , Jed tU: 8eOiilla' wiU. B. Y. Clark, iutruetor in edaeatioa :::~~~Po=-.. · : ·.::·.·.:~: .G~~= pected llome Uds weak.

U.. ju.Dion troueed tJac 21 poiata. BakUr'1 1ft abo ROBERT (.,Red") David, wilDa ln the Collep, told •• aadienee at t'ampbell. F. N ... .. St.. JOWPh Ko 10-41, with Armltroa& troaneed PrM Shnn'• llhar'pUoot- pauil'll' tbroul'h the Pioaeer the Adria~ Graded Sehool ill Upshar "'=iv"', J . R. • · • · · • • · • • • • · • • 'LmJi Jamea Beater CoDqe Julf• 1a

-dDc for 28 potati Tlte MPirt- ers. 47..31. bt the -1-aula, and ttnnl'hold Suda7, told a1 he Ia CoaatJ, Prfda7. Ills ~~~!.ect ... "Ed· ~~::,c:;e~ ~0~~ •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • dr.!.~: W of meal-. ' •

:::, d;r:-~tllt_eatl•~ e.n, !:n!t ~=~:a:-~~~ .te- ~:~w;_::e:e;;;.,w:n;:-:: uea~::_~;~~::~~PCtark said, tt· TieE:tErf:O:; lui& ·a?~~-rille IAulapl: Each member of Buteller't ~bam- yn r of Rni~e • . • O.viu .aid, "' n it larpl7 from •bat the paftnu Bnrrt~on, Letitll ••..• . •• Gln.We Vote For

- -~~~- PtL18

•,.'·.~~'!..~~ will -receiYt aD bi.U.. deelded ~ 1et it onr, and volGDoo demand in the tralni11c of JOat.b. Ba~r';th'!i W. Millar) • 6; b a... Dru £"a. ... u.... teered. t wu dne ta lla7, ur- Pre .. nt demanda a~ moR aotie• · · · • • • • ·' • • • • • 11


Jl ~~ft

1: Linea~, 811.&1 .. me: how." tble In the pro~m• of teachiba' uf.

ROBERTSTALNAIER For 1 a..-. Pt.. T~ ..._ et,., consenaUon, fire ph'ftlltion, Sllorl • linn 18 I to Bub ta1· AIITONlt wllo Oftr >od oar - lemperoaet , m .. t. aad art. PURE OIL fte&MD. 11 Mu.r 11 CalD -: est. In baseball Nmlmben tile TroJ Bnd7, S. N. •12, waa ia "- -· ~ . ~~~or 'l f!:::- ol ..... "'"bl• foot "' '" 111 .. _..._ ___ .,_,.. ____ • ___ _, SERVICE

PRESIDENT . of Student Council


,.._. Tolal 11 Bowl• 1 Tb0J1111110a 1 Gro•er Alaander u he ..a-d to 1-the moaad to faH ToQJ r..-.rl in

~ 14 Tn.l 47 a world .mea ram• wldl two oata AUTO ACCESSORIES ' UamRd:nrne~lliU Crille ... WD- aad tbe bue1 loaded. Aad Ala nRES, niB£5. RADIOS

: AD al:toUJ"'laaDn& -.. ... pick- ;~:~ Y• ,.kee star nd cliDcbed I 1: ed et the concluloa ... .. compoll!d Thm after til• eheedDc Ia Ala'• 11 of Uae foU.wlq: Fonrarda. Fnd car1 had died awa7, the old St. Lnll - Sbrne and RIJ Iuter MUM:I'; een· •tar hurler aat broke aDd tried 1111 to I ter, Jam.. Cala : ~ &obut • taclr: at banaatonniq pltclltal' the

.... Bakbu aad wnu.. Kaler. 1\nt three lnninp of ... f'h .... for I 14 the BoliN of D, Diae, ...t lie at-18 GIRLS' SPORTS """to<~ ......... ..,.. ..... for,..., 18 1till remembered him in hit beJd•r·


Electrical Appl~

Wester1 Auto AuociJe Store

~ B elen MtEiwu'a team undefeal-- It wu then that roar lel'lbi. •• Robert Campbell. MIT'.

I ed woo the ,;ria' bukltb.U Round him when the H. of D.'s came to~~~=========~~~ - R~io t.hi• IUIOil. M.eiDb•re ot the town with tbeir huae portebl1 Iicht.- ---_ B. •lt~ ell~!~ decided not to pi&J a fin&) tac IJ'ltem. .Baaeball undlll' upg

::~:ln::d J~i~.~~~~;.~"·a~~·r:= SpeiUI the E•elliaa-Diae 'Nottingham Pool teama tied for Ncond plaee. &Dd Dance at and

A roal-lhootinc ~ontelt ... ltarlo- • GLENVIU£ Billiard Room ed TaeHay alsht and aD •ere •lira· RESTAURANT AND

~ C. Bur~hinal, an-lUted in tnaUd bat Ellubeth ,..,.,.tt, Belen HOTEL of plea• fo r tlM propoeecl lle&'lwee aad Yotlo. Tbe Lewia Street

C..d~ aad Soft Driab Ciaarettes aad

Cia an ada~e haU, .,.. hue the put eoateat wiU btl f ial1bed d:d• weel. I::========== I PnL £. C. Rohtbo ... aaid. I; ._ _________ .J Budl~l bu completed tlle .._ ........ le the llena17.

ch&11ps ta the dnwiapJ .. lnllld.Jnc ud il aow at work • ,.,_. .. t draft.

PicHer, Stalnaker to Seek Presidency






GOOD FOOD Served the Ri~rht w • ., ...

It'" Coarad'a

Reate.urant io

G,J-Yille, W.Va.

Lyric Theater Tuea.. Wed., April 1-Z

R.._rt M_t......, I• 'HAUNTED HONEYMOON'

With Constance Cummi21'p

T hun., Fri., April 8-4 "SKY MURDER·•

Starring Walter Pidgeon, Donald Meek, Kare~ Verne, Edward Ashley.

Sat., April 6--0ne Day Only "BARNYARD FOWES"

Starrinr Mary Lee AJ .. Tbinl Ept-r. of

'Kial' of the Royal MoualM' Sd. Eple ... of

"The ere- Homet."'

San., Mon., April f-7 CLA.RK GABLE, V1V1EN LEIGH


In ''GONE WITH THE WIND" Adm.W:ion Sunday H 1:t ine. and

Nirht. All Seata 66~ lncludiq .... Admt.alon Monday Matinee­

Children Under 18-Mc i11· d•din~r tax; achaJU 40c inelud· lllctu.

llondar Evenlnc-AU Suta He.

Af....._ , ..... Stut P~ at 1:30 P.ll.

£--. ..... ..._ .. ,, ... ...

AD-AmPriraa f.em.for t!


T .... p ..... SI.u&slir 1111JfiiNCWUil arad. bow ....... ~off­.... comfort and woJIWos - TbeU "w-" pr­.. to~ IDUD freedom

- prtu """'"'· ThoU •lon aad palterm ue .... to 8 ID&D.

01 lule. All - ...... ub.,.l

' Pair 25c a nd 3Sc

BUB CLO lNG CO. Qr..Ut,. ..... w ....






A-8-.. Demoen<, Com:laaatioa of Vair'ed 8ociiJ

Aett.td10 I BA VE TillE FOR A JI'ULL.

TOlE 3081



Look Your Bea~

· in

A New Easter Outfit




The Beat IIUiurllllce Pol­

icy Is a Saving• Account

In Our Bank •

A Growin1r Institution In

a Growin1r Community .• F r iendly, Courteous Ser­vice, Now lllld Alw,a.ys,







n.. tol~lll' urn \A pN\ed by ..._ roa«Wd• Dear a *ll'l&ll Wm.m U.WD :

Edward N. OtT. CoU•ce and .dviMr of lh• Calli Dfn'itr, lltU• dent ne.w.p•Pf'f at Cary B~h St'bool, Mt~Oo.-"-U Cows\)' , hu ~lped to become ctLr editor or the. l>olnlDlotl Nnra. Mo~ntown.

4074 P"Pl• diN 1u1. ,..,. or cu. -==========:, :!:1 inlultd It ... 41 JQt :a 1'-bt ~ It an4 4(>00 .:~p,ed on Ill (P'nu• U.. Rotary ll\ch Cur,



I •v l.o l•ttle. but "oh boy",when il.- lo

Jltlooioot I - rMIIy do • lobi At ,_- Jo. e1om1<- I'U lithe o 100-- bo.ll> Ill­

LE.S. '- "" 1 .loolo ....-.,. Wloot'o - f -·· .... _ .. -" .. -.... -...,.,. .... c~o- .... 111.oJo. E~ia-'--







PICTURELAND Tl• .. T-i .htl

"TI N PAN ALLEr ' A U..• Fa,.• a•ol Bic C .. t


J oin the p d dreased in a atyl iah

Hat--Coat-Ore and o ther aec:euor­

iea that caD be b , at OlU' atore.




E aete r shoppers and all amokcn, I who are o.fter smoking pleaoure at ito beet, are asking for Chester field . .. because the finest tobaceo1 from our own Southlaod blended with coatly aromatic tobacco• &om rar-otr Turkey and Greece &ive Chesterfield a tl•fi• i l•l1 MI/Jw, Cool#, dldd•dl, Bmw Tat..
