To Block Processing if FTO



FTO processing

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I. To block processing if FTO’s are received in Duplicate

Condition 1.

If ‘filesreceivedback’ table is not available.

select count(FTONumber) from nregaemo.dbo.FilesReceived where flag is null and left(ftonumber,35) in (select ftonumber from (select left(ftonumber,35) as ftonumber from nregaemo.dbo.FilesReceived) a group by ftonumber having COUNT(ftonumber) >1)

if result is greater than zero block the FTO’s for processing and popup the message “Duplicate FTO’s are received for processing hence not allowed. Remove the duplicate FTO’s using emfsallinone tool and try again”

Condition 2.

If ‘filesreceivedback’ table exists.

select count(FTONumber) from nregaemo.dbo.FilesReceived where flag is null and left(ftonumber,35) in (select ftonumber from (select left(ftonumber,35) as ftonumber from nregaemo.dbo.FilesReceived union all select left(ftonumber,35) as ftonumber from nregaemo.dbo.FilesReceivedback ) a group by ftonumber having COUNT(ftonumber) >1)

if result is greater than zero block the FTO’s for processing and popup the message “Duplicate FTO’s are received for processing hence not allowed. Remove the duplicate FTO’s using emfsallinone tool and try again”

II. To block the processing of FTO’s if data not updated in ‘finacle transactions’ table.

select COUNT(*) from nregaemo.dbo.FinacleTransactions where Status <> 'E' or ProcessedDate is null

if result is greater than zero block the FTO’s for processing and popup the message “Still the process is not completed in Finacle bridge tool. Hence complete the full process and try again”