To be a compassionate, inclusive and joyful faith …...Trinity Kids needs your Help! We need new...


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To be a compassionate, inclusive and joyful faith community TRINITY HAPPENINGS FOR May 15th – May 22nd, 2020

Check out our you tube page for our live streams!


Sunday, May 17th, 2020

READING: 1 Peter 3:8-12 READER: Courtney Losey SERMON: Spiritual Samurai

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Don’t leave home without…

• Name Tag

• Item for the food basket

• Or… your glasses! Especially if you want to read along!

Wait… Where’s Waldo?.................I can’t find Him! Bring him too (if you find him!!)


Fellowship time:

This Photo by Unknown Author is

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Trinity Kids this week:


Update and Church

Procedures at this time, we are taking

precautions and adjusting our procedures with

regard to coronavirus. The church office is

CLOSED, but Courtney has access to both e-mail

and voicemail and will check both systems

regularly. Allan is also available by phone at (905)

715-6203 or by e-mail at for

any pastoral care issues or other concerns. We will

be having an online worship Sunday at 10:30 a.m.;

please stay home and watch our live stream. The

live stream is available at

Search for Trinity United Church Gravenhurst to

find us. The offering will NOT be collected during

this time, but we encourage you to sign up for

P.A.R., or continue to give your regular offering to support our much-needed ministries

especially at this time. Bring your envelope to the office on Tuesdays or Thursdays, or mail it

to us-whatever feels safe for you. Many of our weekly events including Choir, Study Group

and other small groups/ministries are CANCELLED until further notice. Please check with

your group leader if you have any meetings to see if they are still running. We hope and pray

that everyone will keep safe in this time and, we thank you for your patience with our adjusted


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Comic Corner

Anyone need help running errands or afraid

to go out? Sharon Kittson has volunteered to

assist anyone in the congregation who needs

help with running errands or anything else at

this time. If you can’t get out or are afraid to

get out, please call Sharon at (705)242-3725

or email her at Thanks,

Sharon, for volunteering to do this!

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If not, then please do!!!



it’s simple, it’s easy, it’s accurate, PLUS: John (and

Courtney) like this! Come and see Courtney in the

office during the week! All we require is a signature

and a voided cheque!




Study Group WILL NOT be meeting

on Thursdays until further notice.

Please continue to read, study and

pray on your own and stay tuned for

when we will return. We look

forward to hearing your thoughts

when we can meet again!

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We are continuing on with what seems like crazy spring weather. Snow one minute

and warm sunshine the next. I think the memes I see on Facebook are right and

Mother Nature is doing her best to encourage us to stay in! At my house we continue

to do some clean up work and improvements in the yard. Unfortunately, there are too

many bugs out at our house for me to be outside. I know lots of people who are

feeling the strain of being cooped up or feeling lonely because of this virus.

That’s what our pastoral care team is for! They can help you through the tough times

in your life and whatever is getting you down. If you would like a visit from the

pastoral care team, please give the office a call and let me know. We can’t help if we

don’t know you need it! Thanks, and have a wonderful and safe weekend!!!

Join us in the Pews! Lots of you have sent

in a picture of yourselves so we can put

them in the pews and make it seem like you

are here with us on Sundays. We thank

those who have already done so, and we

encourage others to send us a picture via e-

mail to

We look forward to having as many of you

join us as possible!

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Masks are available Just so everyone knows,

it has been brought to our attention that

Diane Harrop, Penny Varney and Joanne

Irvine are all busy sewing cloth masks for the

community and have offered some to the

congregation if you want one. Please let

them know if you do and I’m sure they can

get you one. Thanks for doing this, ladies!

Stay safe everyone!


THE BULLETIN? We are now offering LARGE

PRINT bulletins for Sunday service! Please

ask your usher for one if you need it! Thank


Coffee Hour Schedule for the rest of the Year

NOTE: The signup chart is now in the auditorium for you to sign up for

coffee hour from September 2019-August 2020. Please consider this,

as we love our fellowship here at Trinity and we need volunteers!

There are several weeks moving into the spring where we need

assistance. If you can do one of these weeks, please let Courtney

know in the office or sign up on the chart in the Auditorium. If you are

a new member here at Trinity and want to help but aren’t sure what to

do, please let us know and we can pair you with someone who does.

Special thanks to Steve Ormsby for making and posting the chart for us! And a huge thank you to all the

volunteers that make this part of our ministry and Sunday service possible! NOTE: We are currently

NOT having coffee hour as the service is online only, but please consider signing up for a week

when we are back to meeting in person. Thank you!!

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REMINDER: Congregational Letter Just

a reminder that I have mailed out a

congregational letter from Allan to everyone

I have on our mailing list. Most of you

should have it by now. If not, please call

me at the church office so I can update

your contact information and get you a

copy. My profound apologies to anyone we

missed. There is also a copy on the home page of our website, under the picture of the church.

Can’t be at Church on Sunday? Great

news! Now you can join our live stream

or catch the sermon at your convenience

from wherever you are! All you need is

an internet connection on your device.

Go to and search

Trinity United Gravenhurst Live church

service. There is also a direct link in the

upper left corner (the red play symbol

button) on our website!

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Trinity Kids needs your Help! We need new volunteers to look after our youngest

members during service in the fireside room! If you love

kids or are just a big kid yourself, please speak to Brad

Fletcher regarding this opportunity to help out and be a

Trinity Kids leader!

Thank you for your help and consideration!

Great news everyone! We now have

an active Facebook page! Find us at

Trinity United Church Gravenhurst and

like the page! Then don’t forget to

“check in” when you come to service

and send “like” requests to your

friends! We are doing well with 77

likes on our page now! Way to Go!!


I am in the process of updating my list

of keys and keyholders for the church.

If you (or someone you know) has a

key to the main entrance to the church,

please come and let Courtney know

what number it is! I need to update the

list, so we know what keys are out

there! Thanks for your consideration.

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Stewardship Message The use of

Preauthorized Remittance (PAR) is a

very convenient way to give to the

church. All you have to do is set up

your desired monthly donation

amount and the rest happens

automatically for the rest of the year.

If the amount is not changed

annually, the same amount

continues into next year.

As we head into a new year, we ask that you examine your PAR

givings to see if they can be increased for 2020. It is much needed

to help offset the increased costs in operating the church. Just see

Courtney in the office and she will adjust your amount as required.

Thank you!

Feldenkrais Class Reija Boken will be

continuing her weekly class through

March and April, teaching the

Feldenkrais method of gentle stretching

here in our Fireside Room on Thursday

afternoons at 4:00 p.m. All are

welcome to join this FREE class and

see what this form of exercise and

stretching is all about! NOTE: Due to

the Coronavirus pandemic,

Feldenkrais classes are cancelled until further notice.

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Birthday Wishes It has come to

my attention that I may not have

everyone’s birthday to put in the

bulletin and here in Trinity

Happenings. My apologies to

anyone whose birthday we

missed, and many happy returns

to you. If your birthday is not in

my list, or if you know of

someone’s birthday that I have

missed, please let me know!! If I

don’t know about it, I can’t put it

in the bulletin! Thanks for your assistance.

Our Ministries Have Vacancies The various ministry groups in our church

are all looking for volunteers to join these

committees and help with church

projects. These ministries are a vital part

of keeping the church running smoothly.

There are several Ministries to choose



Worship & Music



Christian Development

Mission & Outreach

Fellowship & Membership

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Pastoral Care


If you are a new (or old!) member of the church, and would like to be more

active in church life, please speak to Sandi Buckley or Robert Anderson

about one of our many Ministries and see which one would be a good fit for

you. Thanks for your consideration!

Alzheimer’s Drop In Our church

hosts an Alzheimer’s drop in! The

group meets on the last Tuesday of

the month in the Fireside room at

1:00 p.m. for conversation and

goodies. For more information

about the group, please speak to

Sylvia Purdon, Pat Bruin or Robbie

Quinn. Please note that meetings

have been CANCELLED until further notice.

Thank You all! We have received so

many kind words and thanks for

doing the online services. My e-mail

inbox is overflowing! We feel

blessed to be able to do this for our

community, and we thank you all for

tuning in each week. Special thanks

to Andrea Hartford, Dan McCoy,

Mike Church, Dave Robbins and

Allan for coming in and making this possible.

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you have been asking when the

new church Photo Directory that

we had pictures taken for in

October will be ready. I wanted

to share an important update I

got from Sharon. The company

putting the directory together is

still working on it, but they

currently have reduced staff and

reduced hours. I promise, as soon as we have the directories,

we will let you know and get them out to you! Thank you for

your patience!

Exciting News For those of you who

have been enjoying the sunrise videos

and reflective music that Mike and Dan

have been playing during our services,

Mike now has a video on you tube!

Check it out at

or check our website under the NEWS

tab for the video. Congratulations Mike!

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G.A.P. Needs your Help!

Gravenhurst Against Poverty needs

supplies for their food giveaway on

Thursday evening. If you have any

CLEAN plastic or reusable grocery

bags, please bring them in for G.A.P.

to use for their free food giveaways!

They are also looking for bundle

buggies for people to take their food

home in. Thanks in advance and

thanks for your help with the bread

bags and newspaper bags!

Lead Me Lord For those of you

who enjoyed the wonderful

anthem that Dan and his “virtual

choir” put together for Sunday,

please see our website (on the

NEWS tab) or Facebook page for

a link to the video. You can also

copy and paste the link below into

a browser window to see the video

again. We are looking forward to

more videos like this in the future.

Enjoy everyone!



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We Need Help! We need more

people to help with running the Easy

Worship screens during our services.

This is a vital part of our Sunday

service as it allows everyone to follow

along, both at the service and on our

live stream. Ideally, we would like 4-5

people who can run the screens on a

rotating basis, so everyone only does

one Sunday per month. I promise, it is super easy (if you can point

your finger at something, you can do this!) and I will sit with you and

help you if you need it. If you are interested in helping out with this,

please let me know in the office and we can arrange a shadowing.

Thanks for considering this opportunity!


Once a month, on the second Saturday of each

month, 70-90 interesting and engaging men enjoy a

hearty breakfast and fellowship at the Catholic

Church on John Street. It is the Christian Men’s

Breakfast event that has been going on for the last

25 years. It is a non-denominational group of Men

who support each other and learn about life from


The breakfast of eggs and sausages starts at 8AM

and it gives everybody time to talk to each other

before singing a few old-time Christian songs. Then there is a speaker for 30 minutes who

explains how Christian beliefs and faith have influenced his life’s journey.

On any given Saturday, there are 5-10 men from Trinity attending this breakfast. We

wish to invite all men who have not yet been there to come out and meet all these good

people. If you want to know more about this do not hesitate to contact Juris Svistunenko 705-

684-8882, Dave Trethewey 705-238-2363, or Robert Anderson 705-687-6688. NOTE:

Meetings have been cancelled until further notice.

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Thank you to everyone who has been bringing in food for the food bank. At this time, we are NOT

accepting donations here at the church for the food bank. If you would still like to donate to them,

please call the Salvation Army directly at (705) 687-2131 and they will instruct you on current

procedures. Thank you again for thinking of the food bank in these strange and difficult times!

A Message From G.A.P.

With the advent of COVID, Gravenhurst Against Poverty

(G.A.P.) was forced to change to a delivery format of purchased

meals from both the Red Cross and our local restaurants - Well-

Fed, the Oar, Relish and the Butcher’s Daughter. We are now

delivering 245 meals every Thursday. Our other partner is

Gravenhurst Rotary who is providing a $25 grocery card for the

80-90 households these meals go to. A$50 gift card has gone to

families with children.

The need has more than doubled and through our contact with

meal recipients we become even more cognizant of their need

and their isolation.

We are very grateful to our partners and the volunteers who

have come out to support the need for food in our community.

If you would like to donate to us, please send your cheque

payable to "the Rotary Club of Gravenhurst " memo G.A.P. to P.O. Box 1133 Gravenhurst On P1P 1V4 Please

also add your email address if you have one, for your tax receipt.

If you would like to e-transfer, you can do that as well through the Rotary Club at the password is rotary.

When using e-transfer, please indicate if you would like to donate to G.A.P, or to the Rotary's current program

of buying gift cards for families in need, which are distributed by G.A.P. If you want a tax receipt, you need

to please leave your email address, and full address as well when you e-transfer.

Stay safe, and thanks for thinking of us.

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May 18 – John Hillier

May 19 – Olive Cooper

May 19 – Taryn vanKooten

And Finally…

Have a wonderful, safe Victoria Day Long weekend everyone!