Tn ' ::: :It;''~:= :::[.q~ - Herald...


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-~., nf "1 "I " ~:"'." '~·~1:rr\f1r:r~.~-iil:~)'i:"! il",4"

,~~~~~7~::~~;;~I Tn ' ,~l'1rt;:: :::I :It;''~:= ti:.::'1 :::[.q~ "1- '-:-:+ I,"l. ".t",m·woy~ecou~tY~'~.!!~~isinkg,P[ie1' Gifs, ~ a~saJd Help

or Slarlml 4'r~ 8, Neb, !8508 , , F T' d' , B.r ~ ICI" ·"'~~~~ ,;~~:;"~~~"P:~"YIO~P;~~~,~ • lore ' t usa I~ I InlClnshaw Co, I (level and 01110 ,u WlnnerJ,. N"med In I IIJVedIIlWa~netht:-;wceklc)~~t'lrt it "" I (1\llhlJ! Ijlll\P ,1111\'\1.

~~;~~r;'''tin~ll:ei;).~1~~'t,:7 ,~:%::e Two S~'S Contests irst Mi etinr for ISu iness Notes ::':'::"1':" '.'1:"":':",' :'"" "''',,,f.l. o_~ I "" '"''''I''''' ,," "",,,Wide 1;i~~nJ~~'~J:lo~ ~~ ~:u ,~~~:I _Winners G the. l",vne ,e",,,,,y ew Di tric Set '(), nl J;lI~(, \\\ 1 III hi I \, d 11011 '" II 111,111 .. 11,,1 1\, II

Icosiai rl), ro'ppralslng is. to Sol! and Wac!' C01:ervat~(m :JIs 11\1'~'/~\ l'tb It, l[lIlll Ii 1111 un ,Ill) ~llt I II,~ II I Ibo cardl1'd out over the entire [net s PJsl('~ <liTH.! li~say ~onll ~[;s If,,! IOl' t II; f" 111 I n( \\ til II P!l1 tn th. 1\1'\\ HI I \' ~ 01 '111"111; 11110 ,Ill I I 1110 I Istato. Purpose 1$ to cquall:to hav4 heen n"!'f('al(>!l I [luI I'.>l fm, llt dlstnc( 'hu:J! III 00 IH':lU l-~' ~ $1 t l\" ~flI t n\l 4tl9 • m ill Ill., IluJI

t.pprCljUfS throughout the .ta't. j,an~ S\\foq cf'llarf1rnhn announced qUlrt~r{'d III \<l)nl ""Ill bt held l'~rr 11 l'h~ tUlotl':l~~I'\!1 1((~\~II~II~~J.( torlu • t e chnit >N' I "0 eM

V an l~p.rtl.1 agency flo eUm· the h~l"s ~f I I 'S lay ["l'b 15 ;J 7 pm lnll ~pal' frmCTIY u,<tl,'d tl tht, {aT ried, III n. Mo'!t Ih.. l: ~. nete th~ varla~ces In ~pp~al~all I t~. 6r eon ,the w n- tht '" ilgon heel huusl' ron 'bl'l hhritr} '" l'r)()t II~ perta j tho CII A llo.Qn tnt ..1 WdlIn va rio". pad.. of the , ..tat., n.~s are oan G rvln, O.vld .. La rl'1 A dJ pr "" d be {<)!J(~\H'J 11Il~11.( to 1"ll1111' jlll "ffl'I' Milt bfl s~r\lfl ;jnd tho 1",,<: Will

j Da I and F ve E Ib.r". In the \ I b~ a buslOes~ Sl'SSJO , ...,"'. 'I .•n.... " I., " M."l, ,., conh UII n'~1 D mMen wj,l be c~lling 'at 'h-om.:-oS in t t th wi n are 'J< IU -, .. ' "T' IOlU ,town.'il nnd I!'arms tnrcmgh,lut ::,IJ ~o~

0, E~I'I nBerl' d couter, II d wlv s fror" Ce- rl/lp'lJ ts tlll'rl' \1 llll'" II~ I III ~tlIOl 1001 1>11' , ,~r, I" > I '11,101

the -coun'..1.·. They lUI C'nrtlJf of· lie u s, 41 e u an \ .. da, Wayne, Thur ton Dixon pnn'~ I (ILIt t I) r "I 111(' 1\' I, I II I II9' Sandrll Kru cr ~ an Cum n9 countle and J •, J II '\\111 I, , 11t!lllrj'd ,I ) I It) ,11111Heiil~ ldcnlific<ltirm al'us [rom the Posters Wl e Ju.d~IU by " dd::'~ J I 7" PI er In St. ton co ntv will lit I p f1l 1'\~IJllldlj[11 lit (I 1'''1 ,

Stat~ o~ !'\I(!bNlska. In art lat ayne !State COlll'~I' I"'''' J tend The-V 'II sele t the name Ca 011 Ru~al M 0,1 IIh

tIll '11111' \\ 11 rI",Jith j'<l~kson, N,iel Peckenrpiaugh 'nhC!TIII$ WCIr JUd gC1 hy a fon' cr SINCERE SP~AKER, Mrs Ruth heldon Knowlcs, randc~burg, Charlcs iVieD ott, for the new IIt"ct f<l\V"j",lld I-:I~l,

andiLat'fjl Frl.,~\are here how, sehoo\ ltcla~ r I talked wltho t Mtc~ W~dne~doy' os ~hc told of un o~d Supt, H~liIn l:1h

SI()llt Itll\ tl ~ llltil hold D 0' E I ("nlltl \1\111 ~tllOlllll 111111 III :-They wi116bl! joln~d by morel ap· 4wa"ds\~ the pupl.. Will ~ I VHHnom, Cu 0 and 011 Seated IHt to right are ' ' IlIg~ a lImll'l tu ""I'll ;) .n.amt' eery r er ~llltr l'lIIllll)'lol~ 1).11\ ,11'lll

~~~~r~s h~~~cJO~; {i:~: 1:'~~~ ~~h~dltatT~ ;sd~~~ F~~nq~:t ;;; I ~ IV- P I f A 1 ~ Thl Hlp naffil' \\1/1 b~' bruught Up rrrt (' I~I 1'('11 1'1 ,1111\1 'ihl~llIll> ~1~1,\,1\:11,111 ~1;J,~Il\I,;tl;!:II'\1 iJ

one year, I th t tl t' 'II I b IISand Condert Chdnged letnam or 0 mtr can luc ~n~l~h_'I.atl.n U) PH S\(JutCI, \HIJ (' III (,Ul'lt (01 \11,11 111111 II ) ~ IWurkmg with County A~-S(\s5(}r to:en, me pr

cure5 WI <l 50 e I A on Jeffr V of Flnt NatlO~1 IUUIIV on LIlt <\lr oil rqUh, 1I;~'Il\ ~O'I;l:llgl~,lh' 1'~:Ill/1 1,1< II'

Henry: A'I~) and 'his 'staff, ltih:el a'p~ j I Don SchumudwJ InHl UIllI nl;jl I I I ban, Wayn II c .lrm4n!.of Post a h'r JU.1Ul Iltt'tl \l,,~('h I It' KI ff .l.l k L t Ik "


T~ckcts iQr tIc bnnqul'1. ill p on I mll:-;ll m~trulltJI at \\ In II' hl..:h II _ k I the ommatln com Ittee Other port~ Iw i'\jlllt'fl ut' I'i "<lllnl~~ til b c 0 ,r.n~ oyno fI 1.:1 WI~~~tors'in ~~i~~cus1~re h~:~s~ }SCk s"J'1 at Ilhe S 's Qif[lce or from SCS S<!'hool rpporh that HlP Il<1nll Revolution Spe, er ys 'me bers ar Jim Buch"n"n, I).!I till 10 ,Ill p( rs illS It fnll' 11' 'II C:rn Jl biprO~11 Pro ;;lm 101

' II supt;:rvisors ImCl mformoltlon on COrlCI I' OJ I"HI I h s III lid, II lor Har ington, lart:fI enke "ndl I " I"" ,.1,' j oorgo l<¥rb{'<:!,questions I-about t Ie age of ble tit b t hit th h , ~ I VI< ropro ontl 9 C~K"lb h y b r t !1 ho. k t t e anqul' w Ie 1 IS, up('n () ~ I~l:tIldav hdl iJ ha~ bl'pn m \\'(1 I I - Hllr Id Ober eyer, ender; Ray B John,on m II arrlflr on d l

/~:::::~.~"~e t~~~~rr~t.J~~rs~,~~. J.lUbllC, may Iso be ootampd from back Iwo W'I S It 1S r\l)w s("h('(j I - '11h ,11:11011 HI \lltJ).llll b pall II Stl!'f~n,melerand BII Galbraith, tho te WilI18fve SattJrd.ys ~rnth~e 1119""''' a r ndown of

cord ,.IJ».e? numbeJ: of ba'llu'OiOms uhe* two so rees ult'd for 2 r Sltnd,l\ I 1) ::!7 Goin to Atlantic City 01 tlll.! AllIl'JI(I~iI1 InululHlt1 Bee er, PhIl Kiner! "nd C M lat 8 'The oHjfl'r fl tl daV' he ~:ofit ~t: f~:du:~~o~m orlllnt IIIand ~Oite Ithe g('-n£'ral cond~tio-u of • , In tllP \\a~ {' cltv ,WdjlolJ\lI11 I ~lll't91 rtHJtI~ flaWl ""III ~ca~cl Jlulhl Sht'ldun Kn(l\\ll'Sllold ,I (Iln I King bury, P n<:., In Dr W, A will I "Vl!' on th,lrou e at 830 I I ; I I (Jlh AliI (hrlm Ithe 'homd, Sliver Do lar Night - $400 1)f t,llis \~ I~l b¢ ~Hen 1,111 r lUllS \~l't'kl nd for AtI,lnt~1 CH) N Oer group ,It \\ SL \'~\ edOl ~.tI.J) I Brantenburu, W_vn ",tn, Itrefofo... ~. ha left 4~ 9 11111 I I k "I II III 101 I I I I ~ !JIll

TheV will not check on per, -- - ---"- -- ~ -- - J L flIol lunate!; II 1'1 not for the nJChtl ~hl' lidded. Ve lire the h Hl'P< r\~ ~/'tlll (\;m ~illI'I 11~l'rnl II • m'l' daVI. w.tlk "COllell Ii{ ~ 111~~ \\111 I Il "l.onall,prbperty 5l:'c;h as fu.mi, H IL ~ . ~ I\11~~ \m('r1r,1 hl"<Illt) ptl~t'ant lie rt'\olutlOflIidl'S - thl' tjummullbt~ lrs \\-1 HI ma( (' or (IS r c Rl,ln IsC'h S-illd L111' 11 It! "hlHlIlII rllw 1'\1 (q\lI.

ll1dllII I

'tt,lre, .le.,relry and other iteJn'S, en y ey entlAne as 1'11 11 Ill' aUend1ll.1.! Il1l' !\intJonal As lund MI{'ldlll'>U, ,.rt' rt,ll'tilllldlU's l)frllll'r~ ,Incl m{IllIl(~~ ,II I,.rgt Ibl' II III ]1dtrJll~ tJl,rljhHXI'~ h~ ,lgI' ,jill oth I ~llhJlltTheir job is to check realles- '" ~')tl.:Jtj[H\ of sdhool A(tmllllstl'Oltor:; Spoakln$'.' II WO~II' flr.t, a 11hruuJ.t~out th dl~lJl I IIl'l'hOIJ nnon al days wh$ thc n'<II!'SI,Irl' Illrr jJOll1~OII j I

state, w~ich Include'S bulldiligs, g 0" t f GAl e flO r (11l\tl\ll0tl I' cll 121G war corr.spondent Ic\ond and 1


of oH!l:Pfs ,In llllltl I r~ ,It Ll1g! 1m .1:0(11 Ihapl' lhen llJd II{' tlltH'S III Is III 11\0' 1,,1

All Will appreciate cooperation an 1'-IIa e r ""1v r ... l II mother with a ~oy III tha I...• .....11 bt, hill! l howl' e, ""hen ro'l~:<; 1 t' hadl ()f VllUI Bnilr ta-Ik \11111,of propett

yowners In complet· 1

1Henr.... y of"'Wayne' 9lal£' ,"' ITo Visit Omaha Museum V'lce .n Vietnam t ttd, tA..• ~. lhr ..e 15 an cxlra h,e\aVY mild ~hll) ,!lI'\1 I (I)n roiling <lltd q

(ng the ob the flr~t viSit w~, N I i' , t' I ~ , Knowlei talked fori DYer lin ~ Silver ollar Night I ment :I 1~l1S l"outd Ilk,] y UIl' (',II' I~(l b (HIO llllf .., "\\ 141 11'1' a ona an gO'Jrlg 0 Irun O'f I IC IFOIO t 1 \rl ~'udent~ at W:lynt State are hour H r IIste-ners lut hl.llhed T $4 Iover poSSible i d gov rnor 0 t e dcn~ocrntic 1)ckct'! na rop ling ay l.(UIII~ to Uma,hn s JosI}'1n museum for the ~~tire time I captivated I~ __~ _--'_~ - 00 .~ ,.1 _. . "lO~' r, ( In llh 111lkSht~i1ar lW1.rk IS to be Ic'artlc INI '0 ,tel vi ion u~d newspapers ,It I d ASC ITul'...1'1\ lo s>'ud} an exlUbiti-on en- he:lie. hi h 'J t", r 1 Inn Shu t ,'II

oW,rt In ~hd resA 9f th'l!!l3 eounties nave 'been s eculu,~ing 'Iboul t'h-' 'jl,eVea e y en :ltllk(!':'\rl'L,&.\" The ([spiny by ,r!\ ~ e In~'vev rn a F', O. F' 14< ',('ht'rnn I, .<tlfp,(kJrli:'of Ne~r:a..lka" It ,is ~xPcct~~ t1t


he p05silJility. i ' < ~ (~ulllg to fi;( for grail! "or:..11ulll: dlt'1\ldl'~' 1'12 ·~\;)rks· by currcn: I ~5e~ik~~5'9 t tnto \ at .t!tnam; aur' e 19n1n9 I 5 I U 'rY l~h['(,~1 OJIlI~"fl" 1:11' ~\,I!<I:v:r

ork{vlll lmn~ all countics~o Ley stat ban~ing director, Olr: wheat loan 'I Better ~urn 'IIH' IAmerican paUlIkI',,; - Just returned Mrs Knowles s'li~ !the fi{{htin"I, ~-:. '-gh1t} {~nltrlli. ~(;11 In..,( (l~

ltme so, til It :caXlh,g ~fScde o~Jr'b- W~'S ~ot lin h'is 1fflee Tuesd,ay 'Y'~yne County ,ASCS o[fih' fl'veals 1~1~(rln ,!II inll'rn.atlonill tn'ur A-bOll~ in V-i~tnam L, <11:(1;' fight fo~ IMem e 5 at "yne I ! II ~'~;:;Jl~~1! .::1:(! ;\t ~I'(' 111°11

1l1',,1~~~ ~~I~ tn 1 e .. ~t~~1 ' ':t I a ~ w en an ',~ tempt was made to th'l'~ thl', dl'a9'~lnc for flllll!'; appll 'I':) ,tlJd,'nb HI dass('s tilught b) Cuba Ha~ 11 st~uJ bE'en taken In' " __ I~, _ ,: 'I tHlrvl\stll1"~ ~1l".';1 " a 1I I~ ra .. /a:e-nHyCV,~:O~~t ~~l~~"in\~f1el ~t c ~ac;t hli for~a ..t,dement. cp'~lOns ls"MOI:a

y, Feh 2B, Illtll'h'lrd [A'Yh plan to make the Cuba Yl'1lrS ago, fj h gin Vlllt, Four [tca~h til tl' 'I' rc/>,gned -, , WIll hI 11(' ~tl;JI(~t I~" vI' ~1'or'I(:

guc to di grele,ment~~>ver,PI'Ope'II,Y Fiends .n bU, Inel5 aequaln- f price· upported I,lflfJ ,nam would not be n ds'lty h [rom thc\ \\ n Ill' 011-1,' s.t:'h,OOI ffiOC'1 Ass s tng war, eav)( ;\lil,I--(" laJII\(,I'~. III I '11'Jllll~values fro <iouniy t~ county, ta eel 5l!~d how ver" that he I::~~modltles hould tak~ note of •• day. !;hc Said. W o,ng In Vlet'l ull}, ont' l'Ht' live til s v,eek ~11 Cou t i\.~sc~lIr I em y AIV 1'\,.' Sl'(' FEE' C INI _ ~ i

' . ' 'hald not 9,V. an~ IndicatIon to t~IS date, croverage 1 offered I Week s Temperatures lIllln 15 impofl;:ltJ I:<WltU~C 1"0111' ollll'l' J1Jl.'u,ty Iwmhl'ls.JJJ thl' hyu lwr!S' nss,.~snH'lJ W'rrk 1'; q~t1ng -1--:1-";"+'':''"1'--1-1.1--J a, them as t II plallS, tt!..r~ugh loan or, purc asC's ~n D.1ta High tow II\tUIISL;. all' l'caq tU I ...totn utJlCJ 1l'l1'II\l'M'lll) !' 11l~b, l,ll II~ll (:l~. alon n l! wilh mOl''!t' 1'011110.( \llIS'll·1 =S· ,N ' ,An,ot er Wake,f,lei ~e matt r may tome, to a head ~hglble, com I odltl8S r gTlun I'~l'h 12 -1:! "rwtllJn.~" (lJI 1IrOl nil jhl' lu;:rld, Jl rnl'll~~lry, Ull(~ ~\ lib ll.,\t) bt,cn urda~ now LImn I)rc wusly lie I US. eSI 0 es, '

tht :week~ when Gov, Frank 15~rghum and, wheat, \, 1'1'11 22 I l.tht'tl' t'ffo'rls In Oll/-d t~I~_-' Vll't l"ffl'fed cont",1 ts. ,I, said anl1 Sl.aU*C!1)'l "rs R'fre'l' , ,W M>< i$4 0 Mo f'lson) -t (!XP(!~d to make l!d.ilturlt", dl~e is l\1nr, :)1 r"r 1"1,11 16 -2 ICong arc stice 's[ul. foor thaI Stan ~an" ha.. ,...ked to be tratet way poopl a cbmiriL in J.ohn 1)C(~q,l IJ IY W1l!ilJl.. hl'l,jom n Is~e knqwn hi!i os, e is exp'ccted 10th grain s: rghum a~d Wheat, !'"('h :; 32 7 rt-aspn, th,!:' spe;) ,I'r re,porl\t'd, \VI', roloned 'at t • end '~' thl~ w"k becalJ' it indl<r.i ~h m.a ~e-"',Frl(tla,Y IVt'h\' III. Ulld"', ~!' ,nSll,"

I, ..1' r I'~ Ito lrun fOr fflee again, 'seek a iter \thut d Ie, prod~I('I'r" an' to-d) 41 z:z ma,Y tlave, to ,W ,:m~uoo, to 5OO'IIItnd the IbO.,d h":",ranted his no * ~mlnute 1rU'~. atutrday 1~," 'I SlU,'P" (f Hr' lIdsl 'il. r : IIlPl,t'lllt'tI!~,!A l~t ~f mon~~ lCoU:~d t ave e senate seal\; get fed~ judge ~iven two 11101Jth.s 10 1'("1';<1 r," F\'b 18 18 000, troopS to V etni1J~ to Insur.: request, ICo ch Jer, a.1I has still best daYfr:to ome j tJ IW,a,vne The 'C w lJ 01' a fHjP nrmlfW~k, ~e walY l~~S Y r al) Se HENRY LEY t p~ge 8 deem or dC'livqr • ' I r~eb 43 38 \! et6ry, " . .' I rellgned .and ...,n. nne Larson a-void 8~ting but re <l!rC r*re!1' IU!Jch, ~O'lje ~t Iq n.r1, ilnl J.: ~~se\eJ:nl akefleltl Ja ea r n e ~ '--~---r---'---'-----+----- I· "'We W111 tnce ,acnfikc:>, Ip 11"'(,5 and Oon~a ,h.n han "skeel any 1 fwaits,~nY' ft e'OSSC$f1n lat th ,ay hl~a'! 'a1J/~{;'lhl,r "IIhavc had tbe1r 1lI es C'a a I'd and In (II r ceon my 'I the' nilt~d not to be Icon ldered or contract tf!.ays 1_ tract!o '.'i ~e d{'t:lIl' WJ'l 1mthe S11vc- Dnllalr giht fl'.T'3

11 g '1tJ' ~" 'I F- St it - P .~ joun,alist anrl 0; nu'rh(lrit;~ stl1d ' renewal. • , .~ 'I givcn" 'xl e('k, Thl dl~V h I ~S~1\lC ~lil\ \'on bllt 'DhUTIi ill" eIre 01 Ion ropose At; f'!lr 11(' flg'l lnf~ !mt'n 'tlJ,,!'\.1 lI<1nsl'll ~as accept' u pqsition I I-Hr'Jl!lIIal bCI' SI'I1l'dllIl~ll ft,l' h'll

lWkel,e11 """n ."H~,ed out u he , ",.Ip,." Ih"y kn'" Ih"l \\lHle ",.,' w,ll> Scien e'carc A.>s>ielate, I ISlIv" '/011 ,'N hI I i ,J! hul ,"' I",d I" ""'d ,"u, ,$



nze • I h .. II at t 10 RI ' V h- I ""':I,~ In V~("tn:)m ,f;hl' l Jd not l~lj(! and sl;Jrts lr nUlg .. onday' at a, Thurldav 00 L' I f.1{'{ W t~ tht' '(lnl 1)1',10" HJ~ 1IJlJI" ,

~h~':::O:~~~Vteh:Jior:\:~~ It iBuys Two New e Ie es ~~'eu~,~;~~~~:a:,:~~~,ed ;UI'~"~I;~t~~,a;~~~'~I:~~ef~:;:~~liz -;ri---',oIP--OS-__I'j"- -"\W-j/~""--~tlclpahhg Wayne mer hant t \ I ! . ,OUl \~'hCll hlf t <llnlllg r$ l:ompklel! I " '~ ~' ,thelti;n oshl!'rec;eive $10cJ.1- 1 A [u'ede rtmoolpropOisal [or-r- - +- 1-- t - ~ ----~- I: : h,eWlllhl',a¢i'kd~Olo~-tiIle,ln_so~e A ' _Ii t .ft 'h' I - :

! solation' stead T a InlOW fire s atio~ l!1 Wayne ond E.iI 0 S 0 Teachers Meet Tuesday I U of Pr,mp l'"l:>tl'l'll south _j),lkotll 1°1 SothO , ,ea~ "fItrc e~ II n \ThIS bJ sts tlhc ["('?~rv~ fuhd~10 pulrchllse of

lwo n-cw vehlcle"S for ~ucatl~ e~vlce II Supt GLad):. ~>ortcr reporls th3l1 sel, :j ~'l's,tt-'r,!l ~lu~~e o~It~T'~ tu eUVl'r I -i- -1--, __ ., .., I~ubl)' 'h~adn (,'1 thl! l'pro-PlrScd

~350 ~i, ere IS nOI wlhner tJ IS th~ city werel n thf agenda fur 'tlhe I 'he lnl'ctmg of the nlral lcach<!r.s A ibJ ° _1...1 COt Iu "Idt: area I r~, • • • /or1J!1~ td~nc [or \\~l YIlt', r~I'week ~I pm Th""ld'aY.1Jhe e'Tqesday nlk' '1'eet",g of the B"'ards elect~d ' I \\ ""' ""lilt' ,,,It h, held M uSeu o I y II,. h" IH'~l mII,,· ~IIS [a",II, Llqu Comm!ssl n In """, .. ,,.","1 ,,,' II "'''''j'I'','. hel,SC\l ve -fun Win go u:r to $400 If W~Ylle City" ouncll Bwldlflg per V II Ul'o; Jay, I {.IJ 1~ at 2 45 pm In ~'Ii fur twu )Ie-air' fhe alrd <l('l'cpt ,I /23 h->JIII bee (': 11'1'llcd ,1'lanlJlIJ~:-there IS a 'flDncr npt week ~he mp:...<;, aU1port <CXJpanSlon, an IaUey ITwo \\ :l.,nl' fCSHlcnts rp;jm In!.; [ttl£' courl room 01 the courtnoulit' S kO elp eu til'; n-'slglla JOn WI relUl"aoee With! C 'I,: 1/,~l/lH1J-: Il'fJllIllll.<tSI('jTli I'II;dnhilll A1<111pcr'li,c WIll bq $350 I I I eJrsmg and 'a

luse of Iihe clly dunlll hl pi opl( 1\ 1m d to tJH 'dUll.1 1011 IH(lJ 11 ~(~)O ll~ ~\JII b,IV,' onl It Iii ee 1 9 hill Ihought It could ll,t hold 111m ACd ,_ ': 0 nCI , I: .U.allll'l'\ ltauJI Tu '(,JiI

Ylhjlt sdll'd· I

• I W'I"e also dIS uss~ rServiCe' Un t bodrd 1!1 Unit 1 hour lunch JmJ1lDd's dlat day sO Ibal k [n)01 su un dWlneemcnt '1 . ',lllmg: <.1JnJlic1lll w' , th(' rl~ill,ofl for ,,'\ Thel fire. eplrfment, proposes ly em FI'an :'t[( ITIS(} Allpoint t l,.s~es e,m be d~smJ:;:scd carl) nil' l'h~ rl'$lttlcnb of ta) ne olr1: Work st.lrted\ t once to lxate a Th~ ehra:-;!l;,l ",Ijut r cont,tl', thc' e41 ejt'tlafon, I, )'

111 Spook p.oks ~ 1$38,000 f re station be con- en's are £'II cUvc F'l-'~ Iff \\llh 'll('etlll".s are ~ll'ld CVl'ty t"O ablt~lJlU tlhl' uW1Jtabd t) 01 l\'o r('pl:Wt'fllpn't t agd:l('~ Jlh he W~~', "W,~ orig, nJJ1JY\ ~e1l1'd Itt,d Ow

I trudlJd st rfthe present oards reqmrl'lf to mel ~ \"'11~1Il to mont! s-, dum1j.s uy Impro~r I' an~ the I ((liith Rail, also J h~,; second The ipa,~t wCl'k t H' flUtJl/(~ heari g f( VI'II. 11 '111\" l

~Ity fire ,t flon C1nd c;ity hall, la)s from !Jhls da1(· • l'lty Iii scelbn,,: CUOI r~l1Ur III ycar 3$ root U co C'h, has no coml on turncd, do 'n ~;",' p~ lwe tdl), 'OVl'r II tn It l)tq' ~:Jl<ltlfJ('r,~t wl!iuld h Ute Iall fire equip. K th Old~ d M ~ Rlcha d ca,.ln~ ,I halt to ~lItl abu.s!!' 111 pldlls (OJ the f uturl' ul hopes to plica I \ for. a ne IHI .ur l..etl, fJl('~ hzn'" k II I n'IIIlI nt, IF.drent and i dud. a hOle-drymg kUh~n~~e the W:~ne ;I':cmbcrs rof Omaha Men Get tilt:. Ir,hte rCljul·:-\l dUCt'nut Jp thl I~I,n In <.:o~e~ l: H' ~<Ii, ~lso 10 \ 'a ',an act o~ "ken p~c fH'PVlfJUS l'0fnnllh I'f:~! '~ lh~l

~I; ~ room. I Ith~ board, O~her menltbcrs art! III Joh ttrt)n~(!r UClOIl \\ til PO~~lble I tatl:£ll mcclw 1(.111 ,~w~n~ <lnd \'l;[)U, y! y the cou til. h"d a. Il,al(' We 1hl'n ., ',,('hH J eli forI Truck doOT aylS would open onto f Th t ~ Knox Dixon Oa _ ~ k hilt,:. 0111) ~t' n(' CSS.ll mdu"trJ{ll art duru t> PIC two LInn rda. ~ 'I'Ul'St!'<1 VI I I'; bllt dl'> ,OVI:ll,d,I icarl ~tree-t and rtJher!:' would bl' k~~': andu~'h~r~ton co~nfles ' Hearing ~et Bac Cltv CI.rk D n Sh rry ptll'th \(',ll" h~ has )ccn Ij thl.! \lU) nc pile r II pllck ge liquor I.,' fhili fh:' ("llr .. h~J:~1 :J III h J dmH:

thcr five 01' 51X ors All ontrl(!s l I' I 1. d I ' out (hat the $IfO~for 9 lind Is('honl :sy:stl'm can t 1061;1 Pe~ I 5trpof[ had Ill' Aud lorilHr I If' 1 J't time, • It the: nordl, 0-1.11 be shut off -and TI~l' Illlt'1l1 )tl~S HI) .t17 t-~ 1 ~l'."l' I Till· prl'lInlllll!n helJrtn:.: for trul) dumping i one 110 I ufh Donnil Stu an h s l)een a W. council on, Sl ered thy I and' t 'w,as (oubtf~J ,if IU~el blJill


t e ;present I g would not be to I~I ~ldlCt ~ ~'lll\ 71 ~t \ (I ~lll I.lIl~ PhIllips ,In( ['r,mkllll P.ltlll'\, of ~venf~ on 9hW~y 15 Iud chemIStry tel her • Wt15 two pro Ind than tu .. e~ d~rlJll jnl.( do Jd bl' Ic;ean~d UI~ ~~/(1' prl


'l'llc re tlnt cold peU play d sed for VF p rposes tl.'l DJt-'1 qHI'~ zl 1 UUIli!,l I[)llth of Olllll\:l lJ'b blCh Sit hIck thenI thr,efou1t S 0 a mde: y~"n, Anne .,Ion hUlt~u,IiJht the liclltion fo an t er Jq'l "iffI'd ,[,f .anll1V(~'1in~ 1Ilr!~tmg IIISOllie tnc s With th~ Itemqe-ratu tFiremen pr p 1Jhat the mone)' f\-~~tl p 'l~t~~:olq n('rn~a)lltJ(~~\ ~~:~1 II Tt],ursrf,l\ ~~cb 21 u('cornmt: e.n'/l Th' dump II pen «lverYI : mnll; g~.d. E Iish f r on& ya.r. uor et.. Ii, . ,. . r r ~'I'I t'he ~h{ rt lIln¢ allm1 cd . , 'Sl~ at S alte Na~lon~l bank, t II the VFD t as Iry be used ~lS u t'akleflC~d Dr' Vcr)1 Wals~rom 1 0 /ounh \ltQrnt·) C h .:J r I {{ SCI' ,'TY ~UMP -- P.jg~ 8 \ I ('r11l1'IP31 F Ric 'rs ~l WlIS Th~ akes It nCi,'rJ~s ~ bC ~ q '''qn v,' of"ln ~~te lie,i ~~at~ne l1hle l~ was ze\o belo\v. bIt t.aMer o~ fl an m

gj tJhe proJc"ct I er(' 19re 'bllll.1l1 ~lo~]ll'r ~1.outk I('D{'nnotl ,.1 llId PrlllClpal fen ark "II,~C the mat r V ,be, COril/"~ r r/ ~Ies ~ both . oznllt-k a~dl the. udl:tor-

It warme IrPP to pl~m old zer ~ ~,ppro... 't e : ~t wOr~dn "'f~ lou1\. Clt~ 31 d lhlal ~ J((l('\sm~ II Delav was ncqeuitatilld by the ..d B 11'Il'ment:u') scb Is ha e bo~ been state, 15Sl00 t :r1, 'on oq1.t" l' 'I ium tro IIv,ildU,1 wa; .d~es.. I

Changmg vet to give- t'he time, t elr s4PI><]l' an e~ \\OU ( 10 ( Hartin ton delaV In Omatl, on " similar W e oy 'l)rr~rl'd contrac for nother )ear~ so ,or no" c "lh' day he 23rd, We 'S/:l eduled :1reglsteled~ h.

mus6,30 I anotls ,fund ral mg functlolls to I' T" f I heartn An at rne for PAul. I Ins I , ISu t 1'rancls 'un IS SerVl g the as taken.>ln'l LI coIn I I this', ate ~ut Wi re 'r. inded 'II

Hoskin g;.~de school ~oesn' ~e1p ~'alse til r'SJt of the mouc) 100~ls, "'le~I", Sdl\I.lqz .uldlJlr Ie w~o wa ~t o~ bond 0'; II II I

k. flr~ )ear of thr .}ca con.lthe It t!epreSCD!e4,' q~ an a~lo.r-,." ~dNI~G ~ P~'e,g ,1

have a i~ ~P <club but it ha peeded l1J anl arc atllar'l' a.PPOllltmefit{!> for II V, • 1 t hil H'as Yfot In I I DCY --1.. ?e~~---+-__~__I' ,_ "~ _

one of t e 19gest llh"~I~'dln ~Whilenoac O~:couidbetakenat fbur-;.e.lf tQrlll '1111.' {lUlCrs onl' ~not~er hC;ae~~e, ::k~dov~~abACk I t~¢~----T-T--- • # ~~_._L_ --~-' 'j~r ~ I" ,sections in t e area At ~ r his hlne on th fIr!!, station Ihc f[)l c.H'h ((Amt <In t'\O)I,lC all ma a 9 I. I 1 Sh I' I 'c~nf g. f thor. t·,·~,,,· ",t~ .1>0 add 1'~I veh'eb I,,, ttl>' '1""'~"1"'" ,-_ _ S,.'_O~AHA MEN ~,. '-. !>tate si OW .• ) j!

:El~h~~~r~·o~\~~·~h~, n:: I I~~~{~e~~::~~fft~i~~;:~~s ~;6~etm~~ 1M''er~u' ry 1R-Ises' 72 D"grees. II~tOflll,t13~~;re Ipl~pJ~ll~~U~\~17~111(~~ Itli(I~)ne\\ c,onc"ete Ipavmg around f,r A FoFd D

fwas pu ..chased.. -.:;; I IS one uf t\\O d()l~ll \lnr:Jsk,1 ~ f'r r

\!; 1:1~y usmeSB distrICt :taku g I from Wort an s for use as the II I ,ulOol dllldJt:n hf'\ In... \1(Jrk clIO ~I < h {.. ~\ ~hC lace of Its gr</-vel' ~trcct main !pat..ol c r fa .. the pohce ~'- E ,- R ff ~en (1)1 tl1~ ,sbtrwHlc tC;J\ t Illig art f ,~ I;

SO hat haPP€ins '> It gets 0 (fepartm,nt. AI Chevrol~t t ..uck aln auses 19 un 0 (:>;hlhll I " ~'I 1'1sno\\ nn cold the \llllls are \1' Was purfha e, from Corvel\'s - Ttlf art show wou pres-anted ~ " I "!t l1' I po d)lel tot go up 0 to be und y Ithe street depart I thl~ week in Wmstde Work of , .!l~~Y've pr~d Igra\·tll .and tl e ment, ropl ('J,:,g a 1952 truck 'llt I \Ias 72 t1tc-,lll ~ buth I I' puplh fr4n¥ all Ctr"ek~ WII' du, .. :'-1str ts a Igra.vel ag..un untJil e I that has "a I j)ut fallen apart" , Va\ ne Feh 7 thao tI,(' \1\\ J l1\ I 01.1- ploytd, t"'e older pupIls hiIYlng .!. }; Ji>sn~ goc papelrs ~lre rcady for the ulrporl 9 hhe al (' I Ll\\ a \1.'1 III llpl lIlt Ico~ty DiCeS I,evet'" dIfferent c1.udlcatlon, .. :r;

J~, W I eoU\1:9Q st~dent tol I ~x:pans on \\ C"h Willi pro\ldc a I~mUnht mIld 1'~mpcl'IIUlL'~ 1(1.1\1\\ I fro," which to choou, account·friends e had "found'l a tow longcr ntn\\a 'and c~ncrele ~ur[nt' ~d b~ 1-JIll, tlHllll!t I lllri lI ..,htlllll_ I(I T D Ing 'or thoe tW6 doten works

I thai wa n't even on Nebnll$k Jn~ S~te-an !edera agenC1f:!"'S "1(' l.all UIltblill fill;' Ihb ,II, I 111 I ~b 0 e WO oys 1 pickedma s e Uii It was IfG"""ie8! f~pec d to )!~ '\~o k startetl on I ~tWni ..., II I r Ir;.;1 pl,ICC \\ lnrx-r~ \1 l rc eh l-

I Riv r: ebr." Curious.1friend r'IS_ at once Ii ~ Jan 29 th-l!- tampelature hit \\a, nl' C(JllIJt~ off:ce~ \~\ll be !1",L'l\ hom entrlb ",11. o\('r thel\ we t w' h him. H~ droJe 0 A bu ldlng ermlt npphcalwll of 124 ~alow :rerol Feb. 7 It wa,m'l tl~hld t\1 J d3)') fn Fcbru~ '" Be I~tatc Scolt~ son of \.r ~r.u ~lr~ I,

I Hi~ way 15 to 91 tUfned we , ID1ck arma § 1\'llllbc subject oJ ad up to 4S degrees, accotd ng r IU~I. t l)<, st:J e (10(,,, not ObSff\e Cr._arIes JaclI~on \,;:1." \1J.!l!l.'r fore t Db u. thrJe. ~lI~s west an a speCial me ng Monday Feh 14 Ito peoples No1tural ViiS gauges. he;:. 1:11(" hCllJd:J) ~ tl-x.' ('ount, doe", Ithe founn l gJad( III e:l rH'" In:Jd:

\~r ed orth. ISure: en~ugh •• ~ 1

3t 1: 3~ In ~lcrrk's o~hce rho In both c~se1 the weather was Ie dn\l'l <; licen... c :;xammers ha\ I' last year lhs teae.h,I' ;:It Lutth.) edg Q' town was the 519' ILonmg! corn lSSlOn has J re{!OIll-, not I"normal" for the season. ad to make ch,1~{,,, (00 omc \\:1.:. John Pll.'arnI "G ea." Rl~er".' Under i~ wa ~ende'd tbat the ~ppllcaLlon bet Ram £aIling TU1..~d3\ bloll"n I Th~ courtho.use and other eOtn I Scq~s p;du..e ~ oft horse~mole. i f~rmatiQn: "Qrdl~anc I urned l own I I. . 13.'1 l!ne]ws Il[ l ..llll L"ull'tullaLh Ii ty offices wllt-<Iose FrldlY, feb, but 'I 's qfW~: a.~: ~;e~~;::'e

~en' rce,


The stu'ddntll no C8rh~rt Lu er <:0. IS seeking tilLS 11 aln dOl'" nco much a ... I [11 for LJncoln's birthd.v "hlch I ~°fok, tha~ h .art on-kn ws ~e town is notl re'i to havj the )1 ey closed between the p"Totud h Ihazen II ,) ~O I cdmes on Soturd.. y thiS vear, I re ,. I;lS ~;;'ho c eRiv r - ,t's Clarkson. f'[I I Logan and N~br~s~a ~treets l.s C!'llIPd (ldl ,mil ~'l~ Ill· ... Jh~ However. the state observe I the I tests pre~IOUsnY ~\her'Ot!rs:; ~I~

, In W side th,e km rgn..1; south of Sel:: rid_.1f IS net 1M use beca Ise \hdl' J:> n(.'.\I1.:' <.: (~,,~ fIJIIIMend.. y follt>w1ni' • we-elo:end I mg Ihe oml;ln'teac er HIS te-ling til' Ichil § all iln atltty uf 15 town on CJty !tl.Je ,~ater to g\ I 'hcllday so the driver's Iicenle I 1I,"n.$, ij ._

\verslon 0 ((p-ocal1antOls" 0\ the ~ - plats as an lIeYr State :\~Ul)l:ll b:mk fl'e!lIIL,J I ex",m;nclrs are- takJntl Feb. 1-4 \\ m~ld; ~ f\:d;f' ~. \\ ?m:m ~tie 9RCS, tho:) were a I~tle bo'l In othrr ac l~n tJCIClt\ t!JSCUSSl'l :lnlthcl' 21 lllhlS (f lllil qllJ( lelf olnd 'woll noJ be around until (:lub I~ ~p'Jnionng anllLh r nIt C'?ncd. To llClea."c I\lt<n'e~t, she nd httcr on two f.:cnts The abuse lJfllJutmg the' \~t'l'k blm).,lll~ lh"1 Feb 21 from 8.0 12. Ite~t thlS }trl\\lth tht' d(>'1d~~n~ o~ed, "TI is \ IS a true st I"Y" II . CIty dUIDrP ~ iltties l.J.s covered Ul 1tOI:fll, for the jl('k to lliJl Jl ,,11 , ! I ('lIlrw~ \\ lnnt"r/i \U, l:l~tmedia antltherl 'aTti e The counCil ,:jlSOI>Th~III[ortJca::'l \\-us Cot COil lOCUli AI~",!JC.r hO'~"l)l al.::;,o j::umc.:> up tbrcl{ \\-',.rlo;," J"'., ',till': CJ.:ttr, "Jana lJ'i'tbr conta1ncr rfl{'] ~ urI' Jat(· Wcdn~sd.l} ;.Intl l his !IlOnHI W:H!llngloo 5 bJrlhd:H [conlest kan ct "n~C'~s: .,.~~~~: o~r!t la~tl;re-~~nt~ ~~?;l ~~~1Sda), pr llabl) tUl"oonf t[)I~t.ll~1) T~~~~~~l~~~ ~~;~ ~jl:;~t~ can ft;:...::~~C~Ur~ rr~UERCUR RI~~ - P3d11' Ta>yb1

"1 ~." r: I. tn>· I1rr1-1

, I






'l'b:J~e are ixi or

e~ incar. h.y

nee1i to be !keptc1ea., and. ,*,ngedperiodically. ,I

Let us / give Iyo~rcar a comp~.te

check now ..1. get• I

ready fer 'C1feI

willter drivi g.Every day IS

"ladies' Day' !

Serving ~orthcQst

The Wl ! I I', I111 ~ !: II \ I 1=1

I Grlt( Luthediwl Ihurth II 111!i ll.!W 1'ifl;·ltl> Tl~ll '111 )" Jill'; t\" r;1 SC F II


II ourl Srn~d tlH'S~~ )J 'II nn'i III ;til I'f 0 a u t~Jne I ' (" 'I Hnl"" "iOS'DrI I £1" I fnV"'I"'''' '>' '\"">" Ul a 'Th-lllI'~d:ay Fth HI G.lmmn Delta I If t c pc It t' I~ SUt'("',>S Re )'(, 5 P18' ed

I I'XI cullve loa d il ::111 '},'" I{~I l(' \I At Nt'h1t '>k:l. \1111 IC es . I {,,',11uro3Y I'ef, 121 JlRlOTChoir. till t:, fhOir 'ath·rmclm~.1 \lllllylGI1Il~k~ SS::J~!llh'lllOJ('"

~O~:f~:IUJ~;~ ~lr ~~tr~~~~ g~h~r and ~~x n~~ '~tl~;~C ISIt'S

1,;~ \l{t (:f01:~t :l"~\ o~ ;:~i~l~'~' ;I(:J~ ~\~I ~I) \;~" ~~l~:

Chure of C rl!it I SundClY h'l 13 Su ulltY SC"hOOI! tile IlhN;!a:ur iJ,ln! gH, rl,; \\Illi fldv ltl Sll l'lUI's l illhtjl'lIn C'lmre!lI'o lrth *11'ctJ In I B bil' clo!>ses," Ill, diVine hie r01c....:1 tOjl('~m(, t 1 I p" \\Hh ThjUn~a night F ~ 17, he

S",,,,,,,,,,, I""" I BIb C Sdl ,01, I worsntp, ,at Nc\~ 'hIS~FUIIllICd' It·I~(' P hh'm (If Ir u~~' , <; ltl n'\ (l will I lOll'! his rn :'1(, ltollenguc5\\OI'HI I 11 1111 Walt\ll' 1 '<.!guc rn. box s:)clai In IC I a m(rt:~('QUlllhl' n :ll'1:H.'I In ~n!B' S fac ltv ~e-cltal in

I31d ..1l0:lt n n , 69:J r m 10 r prc.lll}'nt gIHl'~nQr hJS fallel'l Ramjleyl h••hir, this 1 one allo

p~ I'~ Lut eran ~urc~ '1'u('sd'ay, Fd) IS ; mma Delta ~I p~et«lIY b n'Jcc~ lUI(' 1 !>1.1~~ ,m 1 openl tol th Rubl!. I!'" Nt-!111'( k pat> op IchOir prac lee 6 15 P ,Sunday U!) ~tll t lIS' vCflr I ~"C J, glshltun: I

I (h IfJ L( \.\! sew ng I ~ohn(Jl staI, 30 'l:ldfn'IP() eva ('I ill \\ l' I 'Pl' tll,lt .-m I I Wednesc, y Fcb IG Ga;mma tje wDJlle Of~'(;bir<l 11:1 will he,cnm'(' ". '..

12 Jur1Jl 1})clta, 6 30p'l Sl'~lC~Chmr 7 30 ~:('1I1n(Ortnedlc'~ Il(l ta:':flSSUl 1.;\1p Sllnbt 1~11 th lr 1___ pv mber ar: th~[~ !~n(' Hw g-m I

lflO T 2 S Ilwr t, It I First M thodl'~ hurch el'.'fl,~ ,mJ IC,ll.:lltllh· 1 Hoi .1llswl'11(Ce II Iiss I·pastor) j to the proble I~ j I I

('hujdl SChJO' II (;;: r wei j1hmk lIlt IIh,,~ \\hl) W<1utl'll,,,,,,,,,,,,,".1""'" ILlIIl' la~~ 9 ....~ ~.ltllrc:..l) F h 121 <onflrrnation 11j('llll'Ollle lJII\o'crOII tl~ JnC:HIlt'1

~hl) l~J 3U ~.(I"\ dass 19m con In atwn class illx '\111 a~s) \\,q)~1 t { III to I IV~', ill I 12 11, JUIUO C O1r 1 IS. P m ~ ch~nc:e U ~ct(' i,l1l CI pr;HJcrty

lllwJI pm It H St HlT I SunfnY Fei 13 ]I,~rnm~ v.or i~K F(Jj' Pl.-tlte i!~'fn ~ I I'll

ll.lt__ I IS.hlp, {} :lIld 11 :I m , ('<h lroh sMooI, ~I u .... 111 ~ce It LJ balC'k LllS drive

:- M rY'$ Ci) hQII ,~hurc~ I~J ~', ~c~~ ran l~~~~ 6 ~~u~A; d:lo I Oll~r tlJulY I I In KldtnJ.ll pnlst~~ supper orn andy, OllX City II IRcbl t I~,H k('-nh,l1lt'r I

f-{ Ii I) .\1 ss, c poJ 630 r,I m J1l1~S {ull!' 'c ICCwpel' 1 Wed.nesd y 'eb Hi Jundor higJ:i II. I ~

,15 :10 chmT 7 p rn I JllnlOl tagh :-'IYl? L GiS ~ I J!i I1 Ichapel 7 30 ("hall'd hOlr 7 $0 I t. OV r n en!:. '\ ~

I I Thursdlil r~ib 17 Plrayer clbam, I -~1\ b 2 \la s Ichurch 9 am \ IAGII S k SC The IIG k 0 gan concert I

d~ll [('lIL!>~I(lhs 1 O~30 I~ndl-- h ,.1 P P a rlU;des~1nH I by <Jcb: Swt-elmcIf) fJ jJ 111 I(llglOt S lnstfUc F~rI B ptilt Church • • L Drupre an Reg r '~It tnlSSt(\'

1 jl 3 pm (Fra P ersen Tpa-Stor ) Nebraskal $ beu nlll· t gove:mor, l:rcm e gra arelt~n) uf (HI

Is.IOllary Cit' y women oi Rer IYoung Demod~ats< rnd Ih~re,s good more lubl e.d - f ijjjil.Ii II••III•••~

[4 b j I :\LIFs ch Pl'! d~~lr ft ~e a~ I ('hujr('~\vill~ IIPOS'Slb~bty helo/iJl ,~nQOllm c his po- G3J'1 (jk' pued mg' <'fL'th1<.; no '

1~1~~~~~~ frC)Clflnd~am -< 1'h: Tent~ htlca] ! e I' , Itt al n\or' t:h,lll 10 Ill{' law t I

5 \l.]S eh!! r-h Bles~1nJ.! a d ~e Poltl:'r s- Wheel The IS the Y 5lead lire· '1 ell ,\<,]m! fOT Org~LU' lind Ie s lj 7 P rn f 17 30 ershlp lonl dml1e , a m.· I' I hre agme (()If OflJ,;jaTl I:. I

Il bl 6 Ma<;.s I ~~::; Feb }O3 Sunday!K"hoot, lor 11 8 U\eir e.ek.long I both ~bl - ed 1 f1he WtJlld 1I Il Nt' mlm cub 1945 a m IWi slup servlce !>lleak 'rjoung at week on com- hraq.'1 dI acred .'lUSH· an I J i'· It did

,..... g,' " 0 f'" '" He. AI"n H Knjght II " "'. pu. IL,m' .,~,e ""." , 'l1I",e 11''''''>'' ,n 0 r New • Rem e e' OUiteI gospel senrl<:e I Christ _ Th~ Bet Sorensen fll sp~ak at a ptd-l!Jc t'd by tll ~awne' Pn'S's I

lmma~uel Lu h(jrI~n Churcb Itf"r Pnes.l ~ 7 30 P m ~trlquct, scihcdulrd for 6130 t.n the I Thilt II I)lty cital progra?llssoull ~)nod \h.dnes{~p rFeb 16 Volunt~r I tludent c('IlMr A yonI,' lIUtSi!.U!t 1L$1s 1<1 eo p'honiu 5010 bV Dr .Cole, rotin9 ~ur 'firs :Anniversary

(A \\ r; de pas.t~) cholT 7 11,m prayer feUowSlhlp,"1 nttendlUg is 1m rled I Raywo d Keltbn. a vOl,:al duet b I ,."S,'lLlI (/dr 1 (b USa t U I cl a y 7 45 1 Thel lietULf·lnt gOVl'r or It IS Rus~el erson nd William Mc liES AY FE I' h 8 AM lilt' M

I~(h i J 'J 10 d ill I I I und('''lstooJ 1 dy 1l vl'dl II~ forth I M.udry arlton vocal 5010 b WED'lli .'. 6t .. ~ to ~r'. I •II SUJldd' !, b If, ISun(lay 5('~0t)1 I h C'Om\!'1g elect jon pl,ms 11\ the MlcMu r., vi.olln 50lQ by Or Ben'I JU I In \10rJhIP. >Cl\l.t~ \UUl Lettelic to t eEditor wakel of an. cxpldt'd ~ ,mnoun«() 'I,,!mi.h 0 ntdoln. and lin un'J$ua


10IY (OmmUnlelll W 30 If' m,ent Friday by (jov F ank MOl Ql1artc ree Cofree and Cooklc~)r-=- - . ' rlSOnjllS lel IS mfentlOn Thel I,It ('T me u:.lot'S MC"Murtr 1 .

I" Reedemer L ..J'ran Chur~h Dear Ed-it*: IA eceptl :It:4 p.m Ul Corm barl~Ti' L<>on uookl' c1~lnn(', Regis~e~ for Door PflICII IS II de F:~~se pa$tor) It was e1iliiy'Q)g to read t1he let wtu g,J.V students Mrs lc ar t1f.J K Hon, cello ~ld I ~ . "

i ! I Sa[urd \i I-Cb112 JunliUr C'hcm te from rrlors Ohambtlrs especIal ,jhance to med GnT~ll 6 mI'pslc mJ III an nrali • ~"I' III ,I' m '0"'''''''',",0 '1m" 2 'y he. eoommenl "W.ho '"lV, we ,Ii, ~ ,'"'''' "B h e""l.l, _ Fu.r erS, ,ns r'lolice ArnB.iUllH

'I Sunda), Hb 3 l'~ar!) SUVlCes d n t I9uve the fmest YOUQlK p.wple cta~, ~ ck C\cntl " , ~ JJI9 d In ,ldult Bille class I<lnd Sun 11 rng 1il1 OUJ' Wayne comrmu1Jty?I" Wil..,.; ore SOcial I he I tIlda} schoul 10 ft{' sct\1,ees J1 I I aoree one hundD'ed !?er (,C'll~\ 'IlIld t a~ poll C , \\h n IJ D s sponsor I I US NGS can Mt9 il'e,l Manager


:\!orJda\ 1f t b .j ChlUl1c'h coun I ; llelannrg £rom 1fupse wiiW it s ethtrt dane III t e S udent I I AItil 8 P Q1 a tend-ed and adults who looked In fl1 hell dnI1ax 1V1 I bc th~ I Carr Il,: No Jloska

Wedne rlay eb IS Chancel t see tJujrlh.appy cro!Wd1 pro ng of 'Ilhe Qlle~' f tleal1ts'-1'+..j..ij_.ji--~iiiiiiiiii~iii~iiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiioij~~~I'~h~"~" ~-ll'~15:ri':"'~Y~Oiuth~e~.'\~m~r 7 30 ;\1 y onl)! jgnpe IS tll1is - lt was to Qel th9lsenli-i;, an all schoo~ elel----- ~ --- iJ- ~ ~t'~:r~~~ :;<;C~~ ~e~C:e t;~~s t~_~, -j ~ -- I """'l..,.....,I=="t""=....==i-

S::1_. I': ' ~ ;~, i~u~k~:h;~T~:~ltUP:; ~;:;~: II

parK u ..1 ~I\;m,.p.p.en. !tOb.elon.gtothet..TOUP I ".....4i--++~I ' Q In 0 t h'e I' S Vi'hD are r.ated I' ,

I 'I. quarcs" if Ihey don't. £.\,j.} in line:

~-""-"_Mil"''''~.''''' IIIlli__ ',I r~' It:t'm~ t,hCll: 'YO\.mI,:~sle:rs con- .T I· nn ill t'vcrythin~,. "But :\lom,• ' a I the ~dds 1l,re d-atjtlrg, I'll be

. I I' !~ ~ O:'-J'LY oTle there' ALONE ~"Most parents agree tihere'is too

, ~,~~~hou~n~,~p~~,~~ ,'~Ia~~~l;gifmt:; .,,1 HaODc [ at fourteen. why ''beUy-a'c-hc''

..,d:;;;:j;;;;t;::j"..... v. hen we lo-se cqntrol ()"Vcr our II {~ ildrens' conduct in a coupl.e of ,

~J;i:~::;;t::::t;':3! 'I y ;~:? boy .and l:iIrl relationship

'"",,:I:;:::"1=:::;:=::!~.J :1 ~1'~C~t?<I;~if~ ~~~~,l~;rti:, ~~~1 a • a v1l1u'~ble a:ss~~ in ~€'aooing the1 Y ling so<'lal g-,rUNts: rInctin,g com·


on interests an:! Iaddlng spice to :

": ~.~~ j~':~ s~.h~~~~~:'e ~J~~ I

o "b::lok larnin" -

, n IJ'Sr.~~~ ~~~:t i~~~sdOaghlii~~ I

. st listening to Ule so<bs and' the Iod'reirain, over <lnd over agtajn:"'ll be t;he only lone withOut. ad,tc.'· :

TJ1c- \'oung ;eall~'suf~er . ina 'fe\\' !hours' W'ht;n 'ad mak¢s t~ats :,ond triP tol ring d-llJU~teT,

me, '811 slarry-eyed, radiant antirIving '2,bcut the wo.ndelfful timt.'

~ ~~~~ ~~~p :~~~rhe~:~:~~~,t a~~ !n xt time, We going will be oJsjcr, I

h I'~~~~~\~~r;tr~i~~,~~~a~l :':~~~::;~~: ,I,

'rom personal. ob~erv:lrticn, J t\Ot(' i',1) ere are qll~:e, a r,"..Irn'b['f o! I+'~quares" in..our t~.wn•. mtTe pow Iie to t1U'm~

Mrs. IAnn Kane, R.N.

P. S. If my 'wiS'~CPUld b~ gran~ I' I'd like to see eyery WSC stu,

d l"! read and. dio ~ yOUT ro;!or- ii I in week' .issue. It cer· II, inl,y conta'in€iL f1Joh for· tJl.Ough~,. !a our college f1-.oo,-u1'.:a!.eYC!r. I~. etili~l!~l~~~ ~~Iter ~fe~~ ~~n \~~;j ~~~nihJa'~a~~c;f:~uf~;S~~~h :re, illt1s keEp our; g()~:!: reput-a·ton fhat we may' f-v.:'JYS say

iti Pfidfe" "I gradu'al'l t':'cri"·



. '



ISilver Dollar Night DraWing in

\ 1',

I' ~.


I i. III I

n.w ,. I "-llI,,~ f <, Id, T ,day, Feb, J.,t 10,,1 GG 13

'('h\'riel!Lutlwl'an (')11 rrh, 111111£' s-p'~nt

~'I~;:':lr 1~:;;~i;d l~i~~ '~~~})h~;'h~~(~~,}~~:I\h'" HalJ'rf' I (I'th~Il1S) HaltmC!'ilnd Hal'il, and [har.:I, JIolt]·

n'~(;wl' -than Jon V:w'.,'t .. ;J~tt''(l(I['[1fr!,lm (;riln(] ISla~~', SiOll'C 1':1.)".Lyf,ns, ('art'() I, ]1oldn'J!:f', Ho'."

killi. Dixon:1Lim,'"lln. Wins;;d£',\\"all'~l\. WI'; N, l'::nrlf'r. R~ln'

rI Iph nnd Wi ynf'

~olden Ro Club Meeting~eld In Sc .oede. Home

HOdi'dUh Ill"! Fl,h. -1!" S{'hrOt'dl'f hll'JTIl'

I;:,;,\'11,1 :~;~~~n'('~,:J,~l'SI';;,~e,'lr:~:pild w,;s pbyrd Id'a

rl't'l']\ d l:'l!,h scun':TJl.l.r",'h,Y l',;llf,"hf'r~. I low, ,n, d,Lo\Use Osbur , fJ'izp

.", m'-:'t"n<.; ..... /'1OC\Jut:1!'

Mrs. Hanseln -'Entertains\1 -'" ./ a In ('~ ! Ilansl'n l'n1l'rt':\'lll

(',I d'l'l:'~"'I,I, 1"d":,l1 CirrlE' ']F:IS'!1'1' \'.1I'ntlnl' Cl'f" is an'l

\I,n!, {'xc ,;JTl,cu"I-'Vir!'l, Jark\'111 Ix: rr<~'sc. :\1ar, 1

{o,r 5400.I

TheMUSTANGS. are coming I


I ,bur Store jfhur>Sday at '11:0.0, '




':bate"~ Jewet~'Dole Gutshall, '



/" I I , ~'i I (o~(aa?f' /4al;ti "

';).,). 1, t!!/k/lk;,eA' ('f1)~p !l!1 I' I '77'



I\....:!C v i );:;'~~t::r,,-,1; ""',' , ' I., J, I '

I \. " I

T~le~'f.:,tl.n'l t1 beltf'r wily; to ~,lY ': \aDPY V~'lentine's Day!': When you I

g,l.v~ Ihirn ;J Va~ H:'eLl~en V<'Jlcnll e Gdt~J'0Ll know he's Isure to be Ipldse'. ForVal1lHeusen make tile f11~n's wear that ~en them-

"~~~"'~MEM'" rrs ~SSIB: JO !AVE ...

"1(4 - r~ - f2, on SWAN-Ml!~EANS ...





I")I,i ~I



STO." UP! 5'.00,,,.'$100.Kleenex ..,'" .


Kraut 2:::; 41 t


KARO JI 1.9.c I

Syrup B1" L,h" ItI Quart Bat.

9 '\l> STqP AT THE;"

DOOR ~nd

PARK.I 'ISjlv~r DQli'l.r Nlqhl Dr'lwi"'l

In a~~~l:~t;:r~;~9~':v~y




'90~STtER9i -I CANDLES .

T4B1.EC.PVERP.' l DO,a.~S]PlhcE N'\APt ( .


I [ " I

--,-~_)'" )[

, II .

.. "

, I



. "

swor AT THE,I D00R and'j PARK.

:s;lv.I,'I~' Do,I",c N'''"' D",w,,,.,I,i1 ourl Stor~l Thurtd'lY II,ll fl:oo for 5'100. I


are comin~ .FEBRUARY 11th.



,J'10 c





Syrup ',''" ",h,1Quart Bot.

c~s=s ,,3 '~ $1ORE ~TTE 2 I 25c

',M CARONI :,?'!'. .,TOL Y TIME. '{ l' 9cpo IN ;::,' ,~:' 2il

-'~~, • Lb. B,.8ge

Q,:;,'.'h'~" I'P~6RK LlVE~ -I Lb.2~e;, ,,' • ' I H MEMADE LeAN MILb 4

ft, " ",',',,',. ",1,1 i, / RK,.SAUSA«i,:f,_',,-,I, -- -- Lb, 17ei'· " "". ~I Lb: 6Se ' DRIED,wOEiiECURED, ",' 4'0," Pk•. 4ge

un, FOOD ,\\\c~SllqPOjoUAL)n iOOJ!~,) :' 1 "


Cake ~ixes Angel: Food·

3'~ 79c 39c


(Bettn~~i~l!J~ Pool atWS\:: ~l~ed~ Changes





rI ,'11: III II I I ' ,I J j' I 'II 1 I " ( ',1

n, 1, '''1>,1, '9>8111'" , ''''-\1''1111"' ""J. I,nn lr"""~"-Irn,',,\voJ• .Neb,! ~1:--""-I--":""""'-I-+-nM-I-""'--+-""'1--\Joe 5h.~;oC'k1 ~ Stotu' fll'lH 1\\ I~ l]H'!I' (11'l;1"('('rrr wflh 11!~. .., • Icor. at 3S .11.. r two quit. !' I I fo11o \ ',I tl~ G( :~Ion i~)rl!l>nl F~ld~v u~t Cou~ Lied e:1'Y It OW., i L

J Ie • of plav. Th. 8 u anJ Whitle \\ .1111 11 II, or~f lwnon 9 , V(' flll)'!UJJ ')I, chile- 5 l ~ 25~ ara..;t" 'Ii \l~ : l} 5.ICed 26 points I the th~r~ 11..1)\ 11 H 'l~'JIlr\ J !CS 7" S\(IH' Icch] 13) ~ 20 rr'><!lm \'sGrol'('r} I I rlrr and were ut Irt frdnr 'd III .,1' r I r,Y 'iI,~. qon ,Sko Wo J. r: ml 5~ 34 11',lrnc.r ~ tv .Ifld AI~I'h I' B1&1, 3 at the final q rter b&1J.:lnl i<~l 1 - II 1 lV( 11 ~{' WI I I ItJcb r <lLl.'! 4 ~_ ,35~'!! I ellf!'!> T' vern 1 11 K!

( 'ltJlLt: .. I1n~owl' '. ''''~~llnIFsjr, Ill""l It1w had og'TbDUJldcr 'ft'y,;r Sel~n 4\11 1~.:!l.I~J;:on~hl'('1 II 11 [Itn" , 7.1 "'J I 1 ....1 rf:~nlml'" In·l, , \~lt,] 1 ''.1''lllal1 Za 'h ~40 U Nu ra·~l'J.n 111 1\ i~.Illl hUI t",o :1(( tJ'!,\\, \l) "rre Will e _rill.!" WISnl'r :l~' l~l~l}rj 40 44 I ;.tkt"sCJo:1)lrM.Lrktt' 10 11 1

nt"~ h ,I w r1;1U t iI1''!lrl \I. lt1{' S I tlnglon S t rd.y nlShl'1 I liS· 'II n, ,\\ 'Ulne\ 361. 41'.. ~lllr III rd }'I \

Ir 1 J W.IS I,' Ilil h,d Vl:hjn \ l "l In W... yr.~ (95 I 9 ft tp ~ i.... .7:, II.) l.orl xi 5.1 I !hp!l,' , ,.'I'I'lh 1', II (k,lll\lt( :1 1l11'lhJlLl \\'liS.I' (J~IYM~tlilst 0525 rtIDrm.~~IPrn~JkQII :W~.:.t :W~I~1~t:.rCJrn1rS!e'J'VK' 11co, J r malnJd In 'h gnm[' an I nl HI F;1l ' .. m 8 5 21 G,lthje, un i 3* 54 unk" G" Hibrii 18 Il':le C ' f <;f \\.IS rrJ.'f 1 jnt~ cyd' I P I:\! I I 9 1 fU ~ >.. ' G B, ", ~.I,' I 7:' II ·1) r I 4 Hl~'1 ~c(~r c; Bon It> hllnt>-y E: sarleS NI cr 231

Ir;ll l~' ~lllr~~n"~I~la~e ~l rl~l:! '"a\~1 ~'l \mI~,1D g{.1llSl I 1 ~ ::ll6 anj 520, Norris IIWNble-,/213: a ;1663 I.111( :l fn'~' t 'ow 1(' OV( rtlrrj,> 1'1~'~ Kcl

lu'~~lm . .2 7 lJfe T~icmps1n, ~23 1 I : Plonur ILugue L l'

I" IWJYnJe, I'hut ollumbus :11*0 (,)! h.n ~ ,i p :1 6 J' II IGl'm c~(' ) 29 ~""l'~,"d <c' 'I"" ,wll'" WI< Irqe Iil'" 'ro*, 2. ".Ity L.~"e.. '.1 WI' L Wolter S Sr.. r.,,","•. ' "'" 31\'.11 'f'l ~, 1,I'Jrf' Xc th

lJ·'[,llIllNrti'r I I Il\\dl I :'t t 0 2 Wayne',S BOO, SlI::p i 19 "6' Bill's 0 fe I:, • " 35 ,

In' ( I ,111 (j W.tyro fS h{:ale's f'r a I ~Iark J \ rls 1 --0-- 2 !l'rd<lrlc , ' i. 16 8 K::rn F'· ,,}::qulp, ~ 39\1(' r,j' bv m:lkm~ u [Irld ~ 3JI III Dtne HI J/Vrf 11 0 ~!n~r:~ ;.~" ~""'" ! 15 (I }i~arml'-r'l; Stnte Ban .uJ ,

1'(·1 r1s~ O'bor'1

1l(H t'lll(~ I 10l"Al I I 3819 .ri"l'i.",rl

y. f",E.'"1h


':l.gc '.1 151

9 1\.\,·JYn~qrJ-l'.I;llldl,,'tCd 481.1lIrk Roblrso" ~ Wayne 1M I : ':lo'rC:lsen S I ! I, 15 9 Ft'!bl'r's: Drug 3 56,

"'tl". wlfh II, 1.1, .d py D••" 5.~lh 5,ou lClfY ISOl! I. II Bre",l·o<" I , :'1 " 10, Ncreo I'Fcdl ' '" 651"E db"n with 24 an afy Mord· I 1)1 n A vll , 'J r5 I ~CN8tt IU'W,~:" " 111 13 , mgh ~.CJr,... s. 00111. SuRd,. 233 aIi."hcrillt With 13. Th eVils com, I l~rrY ~J lf~r 1 3 4 ;,we~ Lassyt'" I j 11 la, 1631. I' Im ItlKl 25 fculs and c tus had ~1. :\o~lck ETH~ 3 2 Fa'!*,. er,'s" EI \ra~~r, j 10 114' , ., " I

~yncs s(cond calm wQn t~el T1'nlllui R ;( es 3 l yrolltke AU,to,~ '9 ,15 I I, ~JS"" Fe.d.S ".. , 7' 17 ,Wayn'e Freshmen Beatl

Wertman Aut i . 3j' 21' I ' I ,

,,':Jj~~8s.or", Lee !1""'".'" 1 232 [PierCll Mondcjy Nght I, '

Hit ..... MI"~ L Coaeh 1 ItO" carn~' {"'lh~'". ~'.' [IL'arsarl;! . Kt'l ~ 24 Waynl' lug-h .~{'hl?()1 'ill,t'lu:d upM' and S; Oi:, Co. ~ I".! 3311.! ~"Otht'.'r ",W,111 .1\10Ildn~' nigij.t. in t*SuPt"I' V~hl' ~ H 35h City ~i{htbr', They ,I down~d

Mi"lC.S ,Alley•.•. ats ~~l,:~,.:, 361,~ the' VISL lllg Prerce {rosh ~'H. i.

Bill'· Cafe' ' :Jl 37l,.l.! Only two ~ont varnes. remainCoc~~ Cola . 46 46 on the team!s Ichedul. fo;r Ih+ IM'~rl.ene'~ C~,fe 4:~ 49 year. Thurs.~.y,. Feb. 0, th.yE, R'a-nooo '1 49 pra.y IIj Wlnsu/e and Tjursday,Wayne CT,:tJ Thiri 49 Feb. 11' they play Laur I at theCa-I1hra.rts 'I' 3·, 58 Wayne City auditorium. IPionc.Clr Z~l· 66''.! l)av? ITiotg'('n led seo 'ng .",.ithSquirt, 1 '2~,J~~ 6n':! 17 pomt· for Waynl'( Joe ly II-Ioog_

. ' I , orT. Ch ck Fi!>hl'l' and ,m RQb.1I-b~h S<CCIfC'S' Vona:! Sh-arrr, 1915; lnson l,('I millf.:.' up with 1.,~ 13 and

Tootle Lowe, 516. J" 12, p(ili l<; ,respeetively; Harryl~dner made 4, lIarrvc~' Hansen

L a,nd Melle Rasmussen 3 nd Tom Itcl5' 22 f,ene:;iR. 2. (iermllO will· 12 and

50 .28 ave \o'(lth 10 led the, I 'il''l"ce uf·

~~~ ;g~~, em;1v,'~ I .: I .,

49 35 !, : I'1 36 WSC GrapDlers Dfeat '1'State Na,uo~al,'Bank 'I 4' J12 42l".!, I I' I) ,Sav-Mof' Inru~ ,3 45 I 'M'dl Id T' E'I 'Seh",o". "W.ibl. " 3


' 49 / I em ~am, 51 y ,/Ku~.r EI1~IMC .' ,.. 2 57 " i . . I('ra 'rt.'s, W{l. vne Ba'k;t,r,Y 2. 59 Wayoe S,tu e,,-<d~<l1rt '1\hHa~d I.t:;.

Dal 's Ret.I' Center ,. 2 l~ 63 2 Sf.'dOR''.1 lOSS,i' ell{h,t m crt:s h('relI'., .!,. ,', ()I, Tuesdiay wi,till' 27-6 wre, tlin,g' vic-,'

, .11. l,g.',h SQ..O".".I: Ama .. ah~. 246 ,a d. tory. I'll fou " rc,r Wa .. e III.. nv.•'587. !,,';, 'II' *i cuti~g's, I" , :Saturday II Nite Coupl.s ' Bob ~use nd R~n To e Chalk

j" I

I f" U1"1 1 ., )1 ed up pms, nd Rich ray, w~n ". am '"', 1,1 ~e~s '" 'by default fir Wayne hen 'hlbc,~ ,s~n·~tln'~e I" 1~ foe, Ca.,noll. uff, defau ted wit~ I.

~ , u '···'1··· ." .... ,~1f' 0, a shoulder I ury. ; : iI WIll SlDPP

, t' 1~ 0 Resuj.~s: 1 - ;rCITl AI"' m~nVOgel" .Imla, ',I f roUt

.. Ian If .'~ (W.S) ~,tdS.' eJ ick Wittm 'n'lDe~k, , abell ..... 'I'·'" lr: L 1\·2; 13p--Jl!1" Mci eke (WS) e·

i Ba~er, ll,etq.e,n~dorf ","" IS ~3 cisioncril Bol) McE\ cn,' .}; 13 ~Ba~~r, l-~art'sc~ .... 15 [1:1 Ron TOliJ' (WS) pin ed ave B


., G.'••"....i, 'I.n.llsen~'."""'113 15., in. 2.51'1~45--•.~'"h . ~aY. 'WS)Vah~kamp, Ito,hl ",I·.. ~lh III ~2 ,by dc,!la'uU 'lIra Oar o-ll l- uHf; ,1 ---'-Stra)ghtj W31,'on, M Y'er ~ 16, Rod s~'da ( ) d dsio ed St eDunkl.a~, J'~ e ''' lIn 16112 1HanfKl.Q, 5.~'r r • ,

rI:fiU, F !lVan, .' """.,,1 11 .13 160--1 !Ilt~ oen ( S) ec~9i ed,~~'tt" H IP~.... " .. ,." ····1 ".... 19 John Rie der, 4; ,I -L my: . 1.Pmkel a,iIl, Gow I.. 20, elso'Il ( !!)" d isio cd ale H fl,Ec1hten amp, IFll"ev-e f )22 ,15.8; 17 .......R~y R 5 ( J. is.

High ~.corresl\: Joan.' en" 19.5; II.ioned R ger ~elt, 74; 'a ,hCla y-Ama ~alhe, p39; lfre M lIer, we~ght.l.,+ B<q Krus (, >. ,pi

3 221 ~ndl'605. 1 " IRon Adiqms, i, 4:05. "jj I --~

:~ I24;lsi62


EX,C.lj'. IN.~ 0.NeE.-AYE R'S VIN: S ON.' Revolutibnar~Astra-S/mic 'I

Televisi "n :i NO TUBES , " , " from $22'.50• Revoluti"clnary Astro-~onic '

Stereo' RqdioJPhonogrophs I, ,! '1' ' from $279.50

,. Solid.Sto~e P~rtDbie ~rereol!: ,I, , •:j: ,: ,' '( from $ 69.9~

:1';;~~I~~;~~;~::~~~~;1~IS' ill': :::: ::::::;'.• Quali,ty PhrtableTV " , " ' ,II" , ,', ' , "I, from $ 89.9

b• Solid-S~ot~ T:pe Recorder I, ,,II, , , , " , ,'-l, fro"" $ 49.9.

•.Sol,d-Stot6 .:SdiO,S . ' •... ! , .. "1' , , , ' from' $ 9.4~, ,I., "" '1; .L ob

• Afo-sonlle ,rgons '" '," '\" ,. , ' , •from '-$'475. ,

' . Ma.,~.\e... y~u.r jS..1~le.i~ti~n. ~a I" i ~~~ntlltlet !or,. hm ted!



I '~klmpy Inoulollon eA~~osl you comfort and

~oneY. But there's no

eea to IOS9 either this, .. ,I USG Pou,lngJ oollnsulatlon Is easy..,.t~ use; one bag coversao sq, It. Slop In thisIj'eako~d, and lot. ~s~stlmat~ your needs'l



, I


.' G~la~ie• 1QI Pas~ nger agon

i.. • Mtsto~ 'cony rtible

11=t"""..="":',....-="'""""""'""'I=IWort~qn 1Auto CO. I=~~="'"~=II, . i. Fori. theaest in. FOROjf.\ERCI1RV 0l"A ERR~dio 0 d \V Rep ir 119 E~,t ~'d' I I\!>.,. 75·3780

_.__ ~I-"-'" -_ ..' P~"e 37p,3690 t'We Sica All Make I Income._ r.Q)< IP,repor tion

, ,SW . SON TV DorothlyJflrgens n

ra""e' 100:::j' 'IN Sto ~o.' up lnlm,n'


1\' I 1 II :1II ""1 i I


I I 0\ Q"andry ,q 'o~t Grain I i

(0 dilio~ing and \ '1

I . <. , I

II St~ra!IC' :, '

l~~lrn-the-Latest' 1 I

Sy~,ms 'and II 1 / ..

lIn~J Figures. Ir~.. i\t-,I Fa~~ry S~,ahs~. ,1,1 '

I i I I ,II I, I II I, "

+ Ii:,ttEn + N~g~lli: i I

wt.lY.nb itlty .~ •. . I, ... 1

f~~. J~ . 9 a.m. -~.' .~.Ii, Iii :111

FREE ~U":lCH ,. 1 1 '

;Valuable Door ~rizef 0 be A~qtd at 9A.M. &13 P.M~ I







"i ',I


I jl< ° . 1

, :ISod 1'f1sect .'; I ' ..', •. '.. 'II

I prOblem.s ,'.'! " 11

, nto'I' II

I ' ,I",L'IITh', 'avo. (Nebr.I.H.~al ,Thursday, F ~ruary 1~,1961·.'

, 'l"'ei, lIy ~h,' lU ng cOIl',mitto. I, ih Ml !Jy a\\J.rc of ....· • nl.-ed lOr adai· a a en - -. i Ii mal lous:lng, In WaYDI;!. . I I '

"lYet th, cong .tlon which c~n ,If;onlihued ,1 rn Paill'111• n .. s.d b~. itlon.1 multl,r. ,t, "Ye. him a .c anc. to COli,'"OUli19 In J~n. .,..•• mUI' be ,w h him, I ­

ori'if .red 111 I king to the fU. . l'1X'~\Olt salt. buIll 11I~'n 'IIttl'Ilur•. tis Wl".h I, in mind that, to I eo trIed -~ tI ~I sanlt.' ,llllW ::1'1

onln pl.ns,ar mad.;" lnJ ,'Pauley ('oul not be htT(' h~I'I ' .' " . '.' s~ d. thut the {Jte for tilt· pnl

'.h.". ' . I.. un~inj.( .1:Hllll.nJ.HSlon- ,.I~ Ii nary .or both IJt' m.v


'. ~ Iy :' II ad~ 'I'so. y ,}~rou.p to.., tkl. ~b--"Ck. Si..nC'l' '11111 disH,;t'! jUdg~r II~ lUl.ll" If [he ~j::'(}POl>oo. ord!l~ wi I be hen' Feb 24 ilnyway, tl~t~Ii. t:l's tan' a{'~..e ted. the c.0'¥K'JI ~:Jt wa. Ii set the' . 1\\111 t I,'n t',lab sh . n board of , I hti two nwn .r. being held


a Jpl'ul' whprc.' ectal com~('r<\' ~.. burglary charge; Theylt~ ,II, ,<.~ be ~l l'n til InWVldlLltl r._ 'found in • fi.ld ne.'r lin~1e1.~LS. ;1' , Id~ • :~:o~~ y, mJa;;u;~ - ~~ '1':':

I_- :no ,They .r. IIeged to avel (,, ree., ( ,nit - I:Ir ken Into Cu ninghan1~i· h~rd,' ~"


wre, Carroll, ' I ', ; . (~:ol1Jlinued rom page lj I'B nd of $5.000 each W;l<; IHjskd !'_, "'~.~"";'~' '

• ,I g, crpp haryes Ilosses ~)' '. a~ omah.a bOl1dsm<J'.,I, 'I~"tw ii' .¥' N.,.' .. !I G L Jo.e h, repreMnting ,ill e bPfl' a(lpf I'au;<.'y ~1!l{'(~ hi':, ,

f8ehlJn, wilt II of "Conditio"· a' out on bJO< and W,IS to '1l1- I \ " .:Ing bnd Storl SI Your Harve.t !tar, Thursda) I e to lk hotl! IJllt' 11 'IDollaln." Lee Englebart from bac~ to Om,lha lh hun Ttl(';Jd.l\

.. ~ Ralstbn Purina will d i I C u ·1' I tI I 'I 'whatfs new In ~og nilln; In a I l;.- \ UE K

I ' " ' ~, I ~~~~~n"'led " :h,e. Tim.10 1' W~Yearb ok, Stllter II C ' • ('. ,. ~ i(I Lcce l dc',I" P",lI"l1",mg III I"

,CARPI At.. KEY INITIAtES ~ new or QRlZO lin Weber, MilS Whhtom, ~1.sS Linda M lick, r.on~ h '~~t~StO~~"'hll~:;~lIllt'~cl=rr;~torG~m Ed t rs Ar~ Revealed il BIl.U~KEY l'ITIA,ttS The n tonal honorary Teach, l$tan~ln~1 tarlton Benz, ' spQ,mor, Pou;!,at Wo~ne State, Cardinal Key, IRducte 10 c or sor ot the ayne chapter, C1nd MISS IS, ( ck II the rca Ker ~arm Eq\llpm ht F. t h I frbt ~"'ty, 81 e Key, presented first chartr Ceria, lylo Kpenlg Dr Robert G ~Ohn'ion, DCQnfer merrben Saturday night Here to p escnt t~el row I con~1 Merchen, Sue Welch'1orol P In} I HIS ~halmers e esentative C 'leg; news;ptJ ~iyne S~atehco to t e new ayne Statc cha,1te aturday OIg t Donalp MerrlmQrt President W A Branden.c~Qrter of the national honorary for w men eire Elaine S nlChsen, Barbara Hohman, Ian :mngr am Feed, tarrOll' Ha~'s pee ~ppam~ ; tle

earb~ati~~: and Inducte 13 Tcmbcrs, n1n ot them st burg, Dnd Ron P~a s~n The ;horterlng team fr0t"

< -9ue Ddvis of Northeast Missouri Sta c col ~C, Hespe, II 0 Jocrn and Mrs VIrgin I Ande so, IEl('v tors Co e rd and DlXOO, F m~tee dent, four acuIty The Inlhat , selected ~or Kansas State Tc:a ~'crs colldge E pona, ,nclu~.,:the natlonol prcsldetU, and Miss lC9tla fll t assoCIate Id Ian of women Cardinal cy. Ilk Its If"a ers Vnwn, WakefIeld, Lang I elding the ne ~.~he bQth scbolar hIp and lea-4cr(ll, arc (~catcd) cd Rlchald RClCh r~er notIOnal ~ecrctary, omttom, natIonal adVIser from NortheaSti

jMIS oUfJ malc co~n f.!rport, recognizes scholllrship Qn~ I ma~k Prod~('(', mers-'}n, R & S IW me St.ter, ~ d rd, I -.!~ Kru~~_R 9:r ~obbs, Jlm~ T lor and Frank four ~tud¢pts ~ a;

_~ict~red Ifront!o~_a~~~ryA~n ~to!e, ~ _~ a leader~~'~1 I _ ~ I~t~t(' e:~('.l\\~~ c 33~~~I~~~n15l1p.:. ~::r:r he ~;et66r~iz ~~ • ~ , ,

• I • Alf ed S~dOv, [Waynl" ware \ Bruce Bow-en, unlor from P ge. ITim Run ng Out for oy praye~ Plan ed·rubs Scouts and EXPlorer~I" wayn~/~ I Zoning - I I ll,mf,lec OJ, .•,urol, Mrs AI In .0 0/ M', .ndIM", Rog., w.j J ' ' " , III,. I , ,'Ii J (}hlq~I't of 1\ kqfJeld, E G 'L n .n eterans n Insurance Of I S I C;h h 'U' Ob • W k! q W Ifon'nnll" unll' p,gc I 'Id"hl' All,'n fArt A~lor, T m Fulcher nil Maok MOl '0" I Y Y eve (l urc eS

Jnits serving ee n r,ous 5 later that It was ish W dl'lEls·1 (II IPender, a) Hank o[ bot Of Wiavn-e, rtt aSSlstant ItOI'I T,m~ IS ru In1 out fOl + . r I i~ d~y Naturi!llly, we hold tOI can· Wdkffleld, Ma Ion Glassl nd fln :business m..n<liger of The.....J g Wotlfll Ihl)' tIl I'lll)ll \\111 I)l III I I

WaJuc's two Cub Scout packB,-- ~ J i c:~I'r I I Wtl am S\\.uh Gt, of CjlIffOU, lWa ~ State'!' el$• .,ns to tiL <" ach <UlLage of I,suvlk:l Irllllll) h'b ~'1 \\ ") Ill! ~ {h~IHI U~l III I l'llll' IflHlIH'1 V III ~two ~oy Scout tfoopS and two Ex Scuu s \~hf ~Vttlt, .lht:utl 0!1 Ihcm t\pV! lLlt~ flf he<lllflg lsi \\c~ VLn Callson )f WmsJde, A In wo college rgaruzahohs cw jnsuraru:(' luw .... hl(h b~en,ltld; \\1l11 b, II (1 III dl•. n . 11~rrUT1.t \\1111<.1,..,. lid I" \11l1ilLlI.'plorl'lf Scout posts m'e observIng and h(' ~l ul1qailt.:ls 01 Lh1 1(':; ne~l!,l\ i\l.jr 2:1 t.,:ramcl SbHI Ihe Wagjne'l' of 110 ki s, Lloyd Klug of ~ ted new of cers Inteflla I 'd Ilhi sale of CI mSUI"!J({ '1 Ilw 1'1'( shYI('II,11I l hUll' h . '1.~lltLll~ und II< Ipl 11'. I {'lllllllllU\I,."Nation~t Scout week In VlI!'JOllS cnl I I I hOjJes t,l nil\l ~oml)lt'tcd IZ()fl~n~IN(}rfulk Am,1 Stark of Laurel, ea"lo-nsdub hQse LaIT~ W • Burg 01:1:, \\a ne ~l't(JiIHlS s Ob,er...:ed rJV ry year ct?- the 1.1.".h '1)~~(r.l1 1'IlJhl,'"' ..'waysl\' Mostly tit'll"}' alt' ac-Llw J ~ I_ I m.hps <Illd ,Jtdlll<lllee (hangels flO!m Hllc-hg St>-rVI!r' lor Belden, J4lhn ~.e port, pres enl Elame OffliCC , Sal:::! t le de.ldllhe b first Friday of Lent World Diy' Mn. ,t-4oward Iill it· prelid~ntwhlCl t1Iey\ aIm to be the yca • I I I: the planner In plL'lll.Ji nf tllm~ ° Peht,son of rh () I loyd Rohdel of lC sen, Denis n, l'3, \lICe - 12 ~ of Proyer I. .p~n.or.c1 blY; bf tho Unltvd CI urch Women 'eltaroW1d > City Dut r I that thn LoIll bL' ~/Jhl1shfd 11 d IPie-Ife and A Ie ph Broderson of m t, lliana Hespe ~ Umted Chu~c Women of Ihu Wayno and will hho charll.'~f

S,pIONIt' are helping With the I '~ I the pllblll (;an faJJlllll.lpnl th4- IRand,olph D K lb dealers, and e ret~;r:y, <and Cordon l>ete SOil I 1"1 urance s apen to veterans National CQ~n il of Churche" tho prog.r"m.. '''no will b.!.heaft fund drive. ~hey are (('oub u:~a [] om p.ll-,e J ~t\hlS \\ lLIl lhem IPr'Hlf to. the Harold LObe~g (arfoll, Behle 1 0 ultlbus, t,r()a urer I w.,,~o haYe servlce.connfldf it na, " recold 'of 80 year!; '~f" ptayer for WO'·.r\ o...or't'wno~.,i1110' making plans for a daRn day exc~p ednesdays and Ihp,lt mg f agent IJhC natlEmaI hOMI'Iary ~rate mtr'l dIs bllltv or a non·59rvlce·co· me"mngful hi tory I iRev, 'John Voth' of the Pro,~'f:.nd for more talks by people SundayI I ro to 4 pm I In ;l' spe<.'Hlt planjllng eom~ls Ifl f1\'litllie:mati , KlaPP3 Mu ps~ ne-c ed dlSllIJ Iity 10 severe th y I I ~ II t 'j jI itorilln church wifl l-puk .~ldI~, Y&rIO~~4pr~f.~~lonIB S t SUme re!\H "n '" ha\e g nc to I sll1n mee-llItlg Mondil~, the grtu .:l. 19 ' eiected R l-plh Vel"rone el"O ~:~ ~t purtc :~e c:,m:;ercilil t l tOg~~~~T Wll:(,~l Sl d;~r~::;~~rnb"I\'~ I;' tnere wdl be i.p1l'c1al mUlk I

$tuit~:pHelul ~nd eenve~~es ~~ll~ lhi dump. IUI'l a III ilgh~ h t then !'evlewed: bUl~ll1; p('rm1lt ap~rahl mercury I e - ~~r; I ~~~~ :~~ ~~~r:;~~t aJm. Thi ~~Iu~a ce e 1$ l:v:~t.b~: e I> I'a( lal natlOnl,11 alit! (ll I I u r II t \\ I) nl" I hurl ht, ~ (('Opl I IIIIIJ.:j '"do lor dlStrlbutlo The boys- of IUflltoss l \('1 tl.,;h OW'l th fence lC'lIIbon su mlitte- y Way,ne con ~ 1rih~ Setts Ii k G I' 0 vet rani or Inllily eligible fqr hOllnd:ill!es tnl 11.1) f(JI til(> nt'ld~ th ... ;;1'1'~lll' Il1l' IjlJ'l-t HoIJlI "II h

TL '7" 'I~ .rjHlt ~t ,I]l()Il!\dC the landflltr.'Htor DIck Carm,ln 1/1- CUll! (onlbiinU~d~ompage1) ft "'II I ,~r~~e, a sec- G' In••,, b .... Ot 8 of lht \\olll ()ff'rln"~ "0 Ildllfl'llllrlulh'loLIl St l'iHlI~llh,v.,-p a s-pent Ie S'amc evemng 'j I I d' I h d I I ' Th • d t. a:ry, "~IS OX'1 ~I,-Vgcrs t C'as e •.,. en c , .... "', "d ale IISI Us 1 f ., the \ <I.) t II Imil ~ Oll II prl.:'VIOllS y r('com [ e a~v r In CllUiloa .• p.! d El in M ' J94 d J 1 19S7 ColI n (Jljt <'It H II nll~Ht(Jfl .... 111 It til an f lJ"t I\Il tI JlI1'l ,Ind I'!l' , !atc~~ ~~~~ ~7~e~a~O~Y"1'ndow dIs Ian [Ill \\asI pi nm'd and ~e[cats mended reflis,tl 0.£ the. ,pcr:ml!1 bu p~ge o.! 50 e raffle on Hlgn- ~ ~tl:~-bi\lOr ane 1\ Cler, W ync ,an n", <lroull~l -the will 11')(11-1 hill W,OJllt II (;i~ all I,lllh~ ,

_/ ~ the m~l1rance -office wtn. thelollgm,ll d<.' dltliC'h I 1111' C'lt\ council h,H',I(iUIinedl th w.y h ~o th of W.•y~e IU5t 4 I \ T ose v.ho f.l\tpd 10 !<lke 11 or The ifH.'r~l~l toddY Is h.ISlhlll I,)lk' lJlvt[~ddow o[ Chris Bargholz Cubs m \~crs(' y( omt· ha\i ~(t~n ,q'J'PlllatlOn for futtl11r s-tutl)- outsIde e Cl limIts. St." I I thes who Ie H \<lps.e liMy aPIf,I} till' "jllIite In 15 (Olmtlils of II I "IPa.;"k 174 hllw wmdO\\i dtspll!\Ys flul Plllj; gar 'II; an,j ,tl nil I ~C1rmari proposes to bUI'~ a h.ghway IId..qe were on ~ty ! I I r IIOW ~nl'gh:l Z saId Furth(,l n \-Iolld I'roJ( \ ~ ~UPP\J11(d r ADVERTISE IT IN TH& ~<1."- (¥ropl{'s N.Jtllral Gns W(8yne dunp slLe ustl south 01 1v1~y(;rl basement~nderhlsduPlelti!p~rt- all mght to *t p small.r cal. I se men tenllearn/r-om heir for atl?n ea b(> obt .. ln('d b~ \IS dud!' FI\Jlstlfl tnlll'l-:e ... lnt \\iOII I 'J

B~ I I C' I d OMIIOo I he (;!} has thr ,ltc lca I ment at 925927 Wairut litr~e nd 8"9 cars a t ujkS were a Ie e ~mies ltin~ his offl ( or (alllnl,( lUll] ~Il In'f>rn<ltlOll I stud~ nt S4 I Vl¢l WANT AO SECTION I~ore sn< ,~wans ~a leSl1 d ,'~ lif::::::::::~±::::..t~;:';-::-i----"';:jt::=J.:...~~i::::=.:~I~='..::::,:=4~=:..::.:::~---=~..::.:...:;.~:.:...r.4"'1slolc to <j!ose thls.cI<\1' >l unlt'ss r "Id/'nls ad two more aparlments, I tne to proceed a~r. a Wid, x· r------- - J

~II Scoub have plarl' to wear llln~t ~ts uscil to tllat mtentWdj I area I PClnse of w ter j j I . ,unlJcrm to churen serVIces ,1 pe dump so th o[ :'wit ~~ 01 In 1 the ('~un(,11 llhe' tb l

l:1r A-C'eor<!mg to local stale ~ gh. ::'SU~dlyj At Ie-ast one -day thiS Is fllr btlll~Jn' III llC-l'l<l 0 d nH j1'(j

in({{l Ihat~~ lb wa~ emplo) lb~[he water IWH5 I'

w.k the St:outs Will also wear SlOj1d ICgl (1ItOl:s ,Iml ~n~J1i11 ~ III I II~l'lPrnp~:sl'd /,onstrlllhtitt deepeS'lt lro I until;J~2 I I I .,1un! orms to school It(>1 s It It; 01 [01 g<lrl l:" <lnd l'i WIll! In 1(1 p anne If l a IT,l llhoug aftic was ~."..ft1 IT P 174 IS pla~rhng Ito cart;l~ tla h ot lh

1tYlPe that gel Sil nk I ~,tnr~ It'll! f II(H ltJ~llt tertlt / nat~e~ lo~r ffh urs

d" before_rd , 1,,' I,

0\'0 agllt <It the <III pOll Fnda\' mg and -dll I t~gl ,I l'S as ]1 glCt', 1 (lI( lOn ~:nu b a~:f "'l~ mgjt In d m rOPdcan~ ~ I

and would latlter hav~ snow:md old I I I If~~r~;I\ ~~~I~rnl1g m fe n 1'0 ty ~ RfteraJ1 th It I,~/e~e ~~r"t~

cold ,thall thL' ddmp 1".l1n,\ IHa III tnyone ~u9ht dum"l 9 gar 1 1'\ II 11 1111 dll<l zdncl~ n IllaPI~ \~as gOll;Lg thlOUgh nQlf.of 11{',d\\ lhL\ WII, !ldVl' d ba e at th~ site .:ldIOlmn9~'jwn Illlultlpl{ 1,111111\) ttll IO(l111bl maU I I<:om [1111 hnn( I'1 10 till' month Col be flnel~ IAIso, thoSt bus. II llid 1111 (( "Ill\ tllJ It ((>lJ Th~s "IIIP p~ }ughway sCluth of

HIs IS the 57th anniversary of !Of t~e us.e of the a b 9" I df !lqlHl~( the! LOg'an (rje~k hndge has can.the~ S<;out movement ,Ill Amenca du p sout'rtast of fown ,n be 01 ,II \ en te aprons lalnd IS bUIlt for JUS!an ,mJil1ons of Scouts tn al~ cal ed Into jPurt iJnd frr'e~ I t I( I IJJnll)1~sj(}f1 SU(~ runoll,; betause It hapPclIsdlvSlons along WIth worker~ III ,hlmlP Idt 1\ 1llllllh' on It, 11l]J!J( 111,on III 'j f: IOltqn seldoilll Hils time of yerarwllf ~e takll'19 part lI'1 vanous I( 10,( d ~lllilt It III I 'Ifl I, (hI r t 110111 llLlll dJ i 1(; i I ]l\nll ~ I rh~e was po damage to. tileob~er'l':ances The,me IS" "The (,lIel IS Illl II<ll\ll ill th(l~l P !ll" Il1Il1IS,I<Jn s () n I n g co lm111 ellOd lhi:' hbhway mamterJanc.:Breakthr.ough for YO\Jth It [\ \101 I 10 till \IIS L lsi ~l ll( ,II z nmg In I flOI 1h(,~JUIIPo}e 1 mer "aul'Once <I Scout i\tl\<l~ ~ d Slout lllll ~tI II f:911 glllll\ '\11) I ( I \\~llih\\ hit ])1 I H ltinglon ~e~ar CathCllic fans

1101 ~ slognn SOllIe hdH' .ldop.ted I as1:;'(ll to Plink bt fUli( (Ill \\ hIt ill y 1m :r and team mre bers carne from I

~~:~:~~~~) _ ,UQl _t~ harmr_ llw \ It ~d 10 1)."l1n _ ('rjll1ml~slon df1d Haltmgton It inSIde by ""lay oJ I- - -1- ILa rei and ~ ay e They dld not

I II tl \ to tr<lvel he gl avel stre eq of, J I Hlg v,<lY 57 et een Belde and

J { (atoll I I :

Wh 1d ~ 'f J.. b d onds. sto~ in low plac~s allat wou ap en 1 eVt: ~ 0 y , OV', bono ,~~~ we.. "/11'0'b ~I II w ter Wed... s:.mornlngf ~usca~gh't0148 Sp Sn'1ing Fev~llr? I :; :e;,' ,:~~e ron H:e~,kl:.~;t\~"



~i~.. e;:~ :'.~~ ~I ~.f~e~.:~.,~h::nm.. '.uu::.~.I~ SI! uatlon wa ost unusual for

, F bruary. I

, "I' . ,. ,I '.".:' .' . , I' he warm w~t period (OUrOd,~ '.. ;~. naY~e~r:n ;~.::~i1Pe~:t~r:s :~

/-,;y-~" / I i..i'.• !' II*''' I Ift ad32b~~b_. ~ I~~ ::nla:ee ', t/~ ~.' _.../ I ..~:/: __/ " I': ! wal; Jan. 13' 'hX it was 37

.~~'!~I: i Ii : IiH~nry Le 'f·' '.! :~ I (Con-tin e~ rom page 1) (

: II a\?pointment. I, 's ,plans wjll1,be', made 'kno Fnday.

i Ley is q o-t~ by <the OmahaI \\1.Drld-J:leraJ rt,gardting', 'his .gU~-'1Iettruatorlal lansl "as saymg: "Als

: ~~~\',:~ioIn knt : i ~~s i~et~t :~:e~''tLlnd. I, 3V n't given ~ 1JIat

I" any sel'i us· ought." , ',j

iT4e Worl ~~ d said his namei being with·· ,f ll'ency' emocr-a:tic circles.T i.s comes as a switch beCaus~'I previously IL.l. . D\'. Philip Soren·1sfu was t e l'an named mos~

I often as Col did 'te for> gm"ernpr ifo n as' c ndi ale for. goy .i lIilornison 'IDa plans to

her poSts,Ley, pre 'pen of State Nrti mil,

~ ~~ S:'~d :~~ U:~~r Of ~,t e and \ ~a}\~}"·s o.c atic org i1Jat on. ,He!· has lalsq

I ',r"ed in oth r loca': and "at![O"ts I

o~n, ~:;~r e~ ~:: a':'~~1 ;h:; ':~rl::~mWi~le~:r-::r~j~'enat. 8 th Y think,,!L:ey ~e just t e an to lead tfle

I arty t~ oil th r win i~ the 8OV-mor's co u I I

III t~~re h~$ ~ OU~I~~S~;i~t~~~\tlt~norh:fl~orthe3!'lt e-b af:k'a ba er I wUIt hIS oppo en Norbertl e.n.

Ir':e~:c~~ n£l~~n4:00;~I1 o~ination, in ludUJIf a roJ~ !'.";;":;':'J..k-';"',,"",.j.,.~+~.,1,;--+.,..i.J-":':;;""...,.-H-::"'~~~f:.:--tiH-T-~-:"J-----t-:--T~F~,::1

• I 'o"Crno.l l \.a, I l~C>l'$Jon. I i f,~_, , I]' I, 'I I . :',




, 'I

'.Clip This 'irQirdiliiCoupon ~

r CH'ILDREN'S i20% I off [, CAR iCOATSAs an extra saVii'lgS to ~ou" ' Le5~ gnQ~~er-these .children's c,ar" coati 5!0" 'Cnow' on s,1le at 20~<> off can .~e bought for SOc I less by - :;bringing the ,co~pori to our ~," ',\

,"- store. With Cou on

I Valid thru Saturday, Februar~ 12 'Main Floor


i ~"

I l\



I ~




-! 4,S c Pair


I'. '

~",ditorium,I II


~og-, .

---t- - ...... -- -




I •

, "$20 mOre per a~ljeq 11'11 sur: be there!"TI.1iS could easily be the'tableday. IOU' fora.... longtime--when you'll learn ab u~m thods tha can double or tripleyour net return 'per acre! N t ust theory, b -prov«J performanceyou can put light into pra ti, e ~his yeflr, i you wish. Here's 'aquick.rundown of some of Ito~\CS to be c vered: \ .

• t-'hllUOW' Row pn~ntin.iw I • Cutting Harvest Losses

til Mihimum Tille. I • 'Plantln and Weed!• Boosting Net Irlcome I Insect o,ntrol

~ How Champion~ Harvest I ;.~8n ~ Future Holds


iiFARM EQUIP~E~T! S~OIl';111 ~uth Main ,I ~hO/l. 375.1~16• I ..". ,I"

i I

V,S, like o..r ..Qd.r, lulcyprim. J4b of b'" or ham,our t~lty, crilPY fried chi.cken, or tllnay, dellcloU!l

\barbKu.d rib., or Qurpapul,r fish dl.h... JUlt

~~:~:~o~rn::-r:~o~: '~I~~tho especially prepared

~~~~iV1: ::r~~ k~t~r::~,100)•

. P,aople like our prlc••, too.FoUl your pl.te II m.ny,Im'" a. you like for only$t95 - ehlldr.n under 10,

:~~~ ~:OaPM·~~d tlo'~or on Suncby from Nelontill 8:00 PM (clol.d Mon.)

Like the Normandy',

Scratch f.ea~u~Fair . ':... ,W:8<k~ d j'tt8ItI. Ba1I1kHeneJt, :v1lrldW.nk~ Liq~d F'errt.Busby, et OU d'C .. 'Fredri.cbOilli O' Co.

High, SCOfelS, Robert214 nnriL600.

TueSdar, Nite tliandicap WBud's C1lllampM.h Sl'rvice



38fh R, ~vmmit cIlT·"'.aM<pIaC"-rua...!d·,·.,:S··.·<!···slouy. City, 14., r~~.cb..o.~1""_""'__"'0I<l•._~C_a_""_'s_,I_m~~~t

Mark, 99th 111'~hd.y IToM n.".fl<l9 Gb~ri.J bl. orlil>

hll tlll!ny Monllay 'P'rtMdii "rd,'d.lI'O'I' IvIJlt.~ bfm In' tb. F'1""~funcr hJme I

fJr. o.,.rt",tnt C.U.d

JlI~~~~t~~I,t'lr~Od~~:~~t ~~\111 \JIIII~~ lhe UJ(l "t the rectory ~Suclcl\! 111'<11 t CalhJLk ChUH;-h,








,~Yf)U lose about 1 bushels,an<J{:r~ for every ,incb,.· y(jU, h~veto raise the cutler bar ab ve

:J;~:~~ntt/b\:;; t~~g~t~~~ (:~'t:: ..l~~tli :ough wl'Cdy [Oi""'5," sa.ys("harles \'" Simpson, ~il1hp~on

'\ is U dire.. do; uf lhe. Ameri~anI Suybean \\1l8oci<Jltion and gr ws

, buybe<;llls on hLs own Tela kaFarml:l at Waterville, MI OM

I~~iag t~;tllfbx~u,ibe~ gt~_ ~~~smarlweed, velvft1eaflndTother ,nuxious 'i\'eeds.

"Am ben ~erbicjide is dtUb1e }n-!

!~~;:i ~~;, a~;ht~~~ 1, w~~",ew~y~u d rain, it wurks, f.there·s

"no rain~ you (:ultil'ate yp~r sOy­bean~, Differenees will ,how !-'Plater~at h~rvesL'" I


I! .


~ I;~

II •







Adm. 51.00

Eats & Drinks


Sunday, Feb. 13

DUFfY BELORADand his Orchestra

~ Adm, SUO

Satu,day, Feb. 12

JIM FOXXand his Orchestra


Robert pitm",no~.theWiltiam~,".. o.vell A ency i Wayne, Nebr.,ho's e rned the second hIghest conoPQ Y j, nbr awa ded th se In their firstyear n ,the life insurance profession, BO.bPlaced. s .cond, inl,Ohio National's ,Y.I.P of the yeo~ oward !or 19~5. Allithos who w n,the r.l.p. honors form.~nt Iy pro~uc~',~n.. du"pg thIS ,pas. t y~.a. were, Iigi~le fWi,th the a'(.ardgaoIn to the ,ndlYld,!al WIth the t ,tal pre ium uring his' fint-y~ar.. . '1 ·

. Bob 'finished second even thQugl\ e, has "en with the companyfull trlme for onJ~ seven months, " , ,,'

I Bob and his f"milymoved t<1 Wa ne ~n' J~ne lof 1965. He .is theOhiO~Notio"al Life ',nsuronce Compoa,'1.YY ,i' presentative. in this area, an.dwill e more than gldd to visit with ~y~~ c ncerning yq,ur I i f e insuranceneed. \ ; , 'II




, '[! I' Ii' \' 'II I: I II "I ' \ :1 I 'II, II' I 1\ '

, Wi l".v TheL..L,linne, wn' h',..I, , "'f"" II, k'''''" I", ""Lli Mr< RI, I' LilliLIB ,~Ihi H ~" T~ I , '

CARROLL NE l'ftl'lIcsdiCl)' n~if\l[lDaproJito!IIL(jhlan~\lllkllh'IUl:r""j;l~l()..~tt.SS' ~ra ...aslDr l VIS I "ue ngl r. gain I c rald,ThrsoY,Fubruaryl0,1966 3~~l J"6 Ted WinterttLclnl'O 11\1' III ~Uc!;b i)resell PTiI'('1i I 1- he luc '1rU1£li .Ie (ornllij,1: 10

1,\"""", "" Cb" ,."',,'" """) '"'' , Il, \'"",' 1111 'd" 'W,~~~~da'~ f"r South Iw"",, ••.• 'n ~~' :,:on, ~~nl~jW i' Club Hold I [ "0'" 5 10' pm TuoO<tIJ, FobMrs. Edward Oswald - Pho... 115 I 1 \ ,1:}; ~~tth~~hm ;tt~i~1l~6 ~d;~~~I! an~~ I ~\ I :;J~I ,t~~~l'r 'I r.. nHrnh I ~"( 1 1 ~) ~~l :~CIC~~./~}l~~ll ;~~r~l\l~~~ I 22. In the W.yne C~ ."C.h',f-

I III U~ fo'e , HI wltb Mrs MiUTYl 1Cl l~ \\a lL "l'ekl"lld 1 est I.f1 T J' , cull C31ll1 tllIr l' une uf t Lt' 117~ wtll !>ptmsor the ppearatl\:l' of nn I Ponca Feed I lum PI."tv 10 ut ~Ol:' voungll ..le. Show W.II Attended Imet:ting wU Ill' f'cbi I III ttwlUra all twa lTl'Jt11 Mn; 1...,vII he~ Ilw,'nIOwt'n~ h m~,I'"tlrJuteicor~e>t. peUS onr, "e-v C Illhe CO bo Saturc,h)l Fc-b 19, Ini S and old I~ tt' dub pr~~I~"

AIJtJloln~~Uoly :150 i!ue:$b! atJt~nd l,t!vt Robl!'J1.s h'()lI\~ ~ I b 'rls wit CQuntry Stol'cllO!?llr aJLt attt'n llll~ ~ roo:~vo!n I Itlll::lhey *C'~pt d ut I IS Ol. ...liUr th~ W~ ue City aud torlum The I hro\ ('!>day Is. e Ins.l dll\ I Tkkt,t~ un bclnll ~d, by InII'd ttlrlc! l)unm' l.J:ikJn ;'il00w Wednc~ - I{hi:l.

1rman tlO:' II On ('ar~(J (JUt Sh

l!Sl,urdUY he 1$ n...~ lat De RkI'J u , w~ ExjplOl1t' ,ort! also p13~)nj( a I ~fort' en nraln Ih }car sl dlvltJul'll Klw:Munli th~~1 ~t. ,'x

tI.I~' ('\'lj'11lhlf :at t1w Carroll l'lu.dhor H.ppy Wor~e,. M~t I I t't{nll ~ tn th ()n I 1 0 ..... n noml" I tn, ~11~ lil~ Ilf'aris 1ft t t" Lutihft n skiing TP to lIoUd hJ.ll Yank Illl'ftrys nd as \\11~ s (~(' 11l1-cUnw ~CVf·t'al hUnI.rt'ldj lumKI)M(lrn~r~ ort t!h{' Adull Fdlow II.aPI)Y ~rkerli Ir,'lel I'h Ln'la> III b V.ltnt". 1irtv In ll~ JtOTlfJ t rc BIJIlf~~ I ru Ow I~, MI ~ Lofl N date for th S outmg h:\s 1\\ f'?1' Kl UnlS d~tj tl l,lann, 1:1 Iullks 10 nth'lld Q!I tht' r'rnt lt~,,

shill ''(''(mil '-1101I")rl'd tl1(' eVl'l\t the F.,dwur iFork him~l N 1lt' Inu.'1Il I E rr mt."t rhu dAY in thl\ Wlln\lr II I'll I{ I <lfl I Il'l HI t ~11 ~In I Mrs 1 lUt1l":h r:OUrii s)'n I I,~n St' Its S;li H' Tu{'..~t:n II l','k('1 fl'~ I I bl'('OIIIW lIlnrc JlO~lI!1tr fA ''h y(,,111,Ill( s rlVl d it (,'OUoIll'I~'IHvV luudwOll her" all~""l! ~d roll i\!> l~h a valNl'lJlll II dh !HJme llh, rs Gene Sa~ullahl u .....1 lhH.", J wi; (J,n 1:.; '~lllral I Pi'it~f 1 ItehfY~' be." r • Th. loe , K I w • • n ~Iwill I '101 t' d\ taJls \\ ill bt, nht'l\ nt xl

• - h:mltlC'Xcl~ln~-t.' ~arIPI/l~\H'l\t ll]m"te".... St."ventC't."1l on~"crt."dll\t}1 :\11 11111 'oIl, )'1\1\ Ol\('ns for,lud lllllhty l.1 th.n fl'l IKlwaJ.·,ans S Floats ,ttl"'l. n.k•• _nd 'r1",m1nv" ~t .. ki-'lul~I,IV l(uf'~h hI Ihf' !-I}wlll to \lrs Ad~~IJlh H'~llff 1" IJ\nnlrl]j call a valent1ne ~ankll'lallrl:\r al t \lj" ILl\llllowens

lV"~I, H. h.. MJlv two"" I I ~ T I ~ " II J I I

!\1ml~ 11 h-ollJe 1II Jumofl vf M.atC:I ~ l!;GIll amI Mh Ito ert II'll Ib Nl'xL Ie Idlunge W t.'belt $~ palsi Mrs ~ an 1 I l1N.h I ehureftill.~ St'l Plul' 5Cluth I I.. I(1)\11111 IJlltlll!.ll)' \~i'rl Mrs Ilill1 Imel tl1lg 1\111 III M 1 l \ IIlI \lr~ [L!'j ('lal\~I{"n ""ll~ ('hosen qUl.'ltJ III (, ~ II I uj I' rlll HI Wakefl.ld and Tflmt .at AltorJ~. mondlny at 'Au itorium 0 ICE II IVl!nl1~ ow>!' MJ'~ Edp,a MUlig~f1, EunIce GLlub ft I ,day ames were pLalved v.Jth I h'I!11HIIII fur I I III " tHrlh' He 'nd 1ta111 wlf. he.... two ~~ r, I:\lr dnd rs JeS~(l ~nd 1- I II Il 'S gmHg to Mrs IIcrm,UJ 11IhUlJ 11111 \ It \ I" k I')1 and and 'wo aayehl."_ Wa}ue K.i\\arus c b llu,"mIbcJ... I.TrH\ Mr '\hr"':,lTI:t CUnmlllJ{hfIl Saddl. Club GOOllkafin; r~ Cyril Jr:rnSC8 ot}d Mrs Lloyd \1r )<,.11 '[ \ un ,n, Mrs I S' I~aujjs had If 11 I saw UlC:l966 tOUrll'a- rot of r'o5e.!l I,Jdnd Pam Ild C.l:1u.."rlnll Couk \ ('lrr0'U S'ld&ll',(>ub ~I)l sOll'J ,I I ('aI', N('~ ,metllin:g W1:l.1 be Mar \\a 1(' 11)1] 1'1rl",1 andlfo~ hlnl \ll.lwet'k aaglb ~~lay OR tiparade oats In a olor film at l L I. I

• I : ,kuun" !MJjty JoI'III<l~' c~ nmg al \ In It he Mell m Longe borne S\L'J~ 1


Hl~1 \1r Jill \Irll (,t-',r!!e I (o'm.t 'ftlnjty lltcrph wd a! ,1clr ~ dl3Y nooo In ~1Jlg III the To alii f ector. IWho are owner. of

SO"'I 'I BandolJJh 11)\1'rOXl HIl{ ly L5 htlTll -,-I H' bt \ [r rn ,n! 'lr anrll !'.Irs well far t',1i' fa lily at the 1 WIJInan

1dull ruom of i~l(: Ctl\ real or persoriCIII property ",;"ii'hin

" • • • JjI'S frdm C.lJ loll, tIt 11i1.. Oth('1"S l !~enn T~aeh.n M••t Ilrl~jJ 11', r t, (,Il n,l l J lltH' t LlIl'lequ~ ,~6h() I Alto 13 \\l'<.!1 t? Inudltorl m K N Pa kt." f'urnlS'lwd the be, ndariesT ttf Pender RuralS • 1Ft ath nrJt·d frpm Wi lSlde ,Illl Han ISt

tPaul 1l 1.u,tteran SU1/l:d<lY Ithl'lll lf1 t t ,Jfh ~n(J1n 11 day t<hre MllY 1 left f r the the film Fl're D," tr,'ct. .

OCla ore as • I d llp11 Oil/·roJI hIll ll~mbt'rs I !'I ho 1 tC'ach~,rs et Thursday Rt."v • "' I South j '!p 1 o..n Rold, Nor lie, wes •Thursday, F.b 10 I '-t'rH I lunuh r\tj I Jl1e~ Hl.~ v.l~11 I 1 Hilpert led devotions /lnd J P • ;ue~t tthe club He II from

WI 1I11Ul ~ d ) IhI Mdr 4 111 til" lILy itLlIJlor!UIII l'lh\'l,d ()sy.rald prcsuJcLl lI'llvln;::1 Ca"t,1I outh Gro ~ates wel~stor R tcon g. 0 hll fa .I- tho F. men Hom'e edmlnl..tre There ill be Q rogular ANNUALFriday, F 11 __ I*Pfl'r! tt1endnmce f()r JunlJlafl, \/1 1011" I! II (I I "01 IIf ser+v co

1sund y et th. I tion offl MEET. G in the Pender Fire Hall

'ro.... n;lII C'mm'rydtJb IPle.asantValleYM1'" l',rrt lo'llsom DotliglasOS"wald 'Ill ~IIUllt j]II .. I\, (l~rtJlI ha~ r:hu~c:~", • It.Ohdeomm"'j I Plans f"l't';(>v(>al fort .... o In P N b USu'nday, F b 1~ I'lcasan' \'all('~ 4 II IlIll IlH! J fl~~I'1 l't"terson JOn! 160m (,or 1'("('11 lrath!'1tl d t 0111 In I t'(alllln" I ~n afd c nfl matlo rlt•• fp nu~' C''V(>nls Tht' r ..1 was t'he at l~ e cr, ,raska, TH RS-

I Illh('r,lll La) 111~1l I,ou"ul' I \1I Sd41Y JIl tIll JI~ 11 >- Ilu<I"(' hmlll (( 11 Co Ik CarD) PeterSlOn q.ath I {(IU'f 1m ,\lJ 101" .111l11i1lr ,11,' \ onnl p,f1i~e atl T ."Ity Kl -am$ btcthday f"dn{'way of DAlY' EB. 24, ~1966, 8:00 p,m.,Mondav, F b 14 t\lh 11 1'r1'sd\ \( lit \Ul1H;llt l (1[1(1 Cook Lill Jfl lI:all, Kcnlncth mid' :It Sil pp Inl \1 Il I d I\,ll The /f)cltl C'hUT('lh~s hale sent a ,hi wee~ when KW'en."l (wives) for ele tion of fficers and other

Mll<;l{ B osl"I~ a\\.Jrd~ I\l'r{ pat; ld Oll M01lrl~ 'Ibll l Bryan 8001 enbCrg Steve Pc fQd~1 ILlI1, n h, , grltdrla", 01 (',11110 R.;>\ ~John All ~nfl NSrva Wf!' t' se; eduled to glle1.1s ..TuesdaV, .1:1 15 Smd.lll! ltd iJ dJ~CUS 101 OIl th( I' rs~n Hod1l!C'Y Cook and WJnda \\a~n 111 h ~tl\lld \], ISOla T('x roplac Pa~or Rlt I min up Tuesdla Feb 22 lSI regular busineu.

H11 (J I:1 Jont,;~ heef pro~C{t t<;cxt rnl{l'lmJ.: \IJll!J(: 111111 Next m('elmg will be !'t1;f 3 le-:l" In (J!111 hHT1( -O1l]1 r{ C'hc\ No nIl) hasl ern Tt'ct-'1Yl,"l1 "hE' ann 01 Shrov(" e~day vanWe, Fob~ 16 \1.11 1 1111 the :'tlorr s ~aIld hI home podl to 111( I l Ii, I \11 (')1 III ,1l1d Ifrom Ptlstor Alllm:a m who IS si..l1 lea t." Il.'l~ Details n tlhat even{ I JOH N OGT, Sfcretary-Treasurer

l.~IlItt-d Yout'h I ~ I ~'~th{r Circle 11111 meet FC'b 10 !~t[)l It "r\\JII \fB I'tr glc 'Atl be gnen nert crkIlt,.:~ytl'rl11Jl WOl1wn. tlnlted Presbyt.t',~n' Wo en II th{' Ve'1non llq>kJamp hQoln,e. :' - - L - ----- __., . ------..-__

Yo'SCSe Utlll('d J'resbytel/irun W nJ('n met· :Ill' <lnd Mil'S. Vernon. HOk~mIJIrhund.'I', F.b_ 1'1.1' J Wl'.dJln;:J~I)' with 14 mt"m (',I'S pr<.'S- I Iii cI famj!y ,and Mr. ,alIlI! Mrs. Seth'

1>1'11/1 Pl'k, tilv] , IIt,bt'rt.~ (d1f'.",'ls \\'('rp !\ill'S F, nc] ..., A~. I ~ ~ and Becky, Sioux City. w{'rp------- l'lI alld Hl'\'. (;1~'1 Ax,tl \1 r .. : 'i\~PSils Sunday ill H1e E'::lrl Anflt'I'SOIl" er

HaIlPy·Go-Luck)/ Club Mceh l;l'r',r~e OW('I1~ \\1<1S in ("h~II'L(l' III till" !.I!~J)H' f(.1t the bir1ihrlay of Mrs ,'. • .', iH,aPI)~-{~O.LUt1.kY cl),l-d elrl,lJ md II('S.~,on ,{\rom ttl.... ,()ok t~f '.Jon. '.d.'. ~Ok.jl,mp

l' riday III tJw Werlwl' J'an·lOO homc, President anno\lrn.dcd lIh Pl'p ... l)V h'r>rho,~ w{'rt' .wqn by Mr.•10'(1 Mrs., lprlal nl e()l\lmhu~ /'Dr 20, QlIIl1 ~ It I.'.\rlllllllJ H~lllff. ~lr. ,\lJH'dll!lg ('('llllnil.1N' is ':'lrs, 1:1I{)~ Wil· urc, es . . . T ESE'~'UC ESS11l\l1l.'.,1..... "Illil. Mrs, .' i II.U 11ls and ~1rs. ;".1.~ll"1011 (;1<1........\11',," S,!t, pa,UI'S .LU. her.,n. ChU. nh . Ii,'I ~ ..-. I George Owpns, sWing 'cn{:"[larv, 1 1tl. M. HH eIl1., pastor)O.lta D.k Mutl , reud t.he quota:to Illhc ('w Y<'<if. fiiailurd',a,y, Fe. 12' Saturday' I., DI'11n J)t>k HH'I 11Hlr,,,d:ly l!l tho !\e:-.t me{'tjng will })c F< b Hi ¢"!IUrch schoot. 9 *.m. ' ~ I10m RolwrLs htllln'l' ~Mr.~., Hn!x'I1 - " SlInd'ay feb 13' WOtr~'hi'P; 11

,!oh,nsol1, \\'a.~.'l , I'nH's wpre 165':". Club ~eets , ' '1'I.~i1.: Sw]d'a-y S(~'hooJ, L.L1., H NDI

'.'flll h) ;"lls, rllrkl·r. 1\1 r-. , I (,ST met sa.lurd

1Y 111 -til. It' 1\1.t'rllll .lIo p,m., Lynn bom,!tol/.·,·, J",,,,",,, P'~'1' JUhO'j Ke",n.vhom,'. (;u... s we'f '" .n<l'.., • .' ~so.n, land .~,rs.,"G~. J<: .... Jo.nt'"f;,. Nt'x.t .1\1rs. DIm Wll1kd. all{'I and ,Mr, i. preSbYteri.n.•.~.n.greg.t.ional , I I__=====_. ..;..__ fifld Mrs. \'CrJlOll IHokan p. Prill'S, (Gall Axoo, pas'to,r)

KING'S :w('re\~.Oll:l~;I.~ll;.sa,~~~)~::;.;~)I;~i~::;:)llllil Feb'>l:~~~8],w~~ship, to LEI. 'liN :. OW EASYi l{(Jb('l:I~~ 111\~~~~~~~:;', \I'lll bl' ill tlw l.\'l\ll ""'---- Our Lady of Sorrows Weeds' Cost More -', Chur<h I, Than 1ialle~I·1 , I': Country Card Clu~ Meets ,IFut'l1('r'Emllwt Meyt"r. A . '0 It

1'",,,.:,,,, 1',,,'>\ ,'\Ub "wi S",,, ,'<1 " , , S'ud"y. Feb, 13 Mos., W.,, .. EDP,' {"".. OF~. TAR'~,'~.Eill !!w .I1;hn ILlIlll1\ hOlll!' wit.h :Ill

: ~~~tM~~. ~frb J~~~S, I~~~:~t\{~~~~~~ j (JOh~8~~'1r~:n;;,u~~~)Bro,kllliln: :V!l.,~. ~e'l!rgt' ,Jo'hllS"lol1. J'eb. Wors~lip, H:-H!\11' an I :'I1rs Edwa] Rollt'rls ',mil ~Ull,· 11

Wi<LMelI", :\~'i~t llle'ling Willi~ I "

'_ th(' ,rvin \"i.t.tler om~. i j1'()~~~tYR;:~Ol~~ldh~:~~~g ~~.~~: I •

WSCS Meets ' I . I CA~ BEl\I.'Llm<l'" ,II ' . '

,,'ilh 13 pr,,,nl The ~ ~ t •""", in ch"g, 01 MJjSTANGS .

:~;;~;~s ~~,le;~~ore are c:orr,ing S~athoff, thers., 1 I,.:~:,':,i s~n, FEBRUARY' 17th. Featured' Clinic










~ ~'ustom De$ig~'s I;

~erald '

Carbon Snap Outs

Gin Books!


Ruled Forms


Gumme~ Labels

IF YOU ~~VE A: JOBThat Ih~olv s

'NK anr~ 'APER I

.,...,..~~e Ch.n'~.A:~J:i~·~ I .~'~~:,""I' ~';~. ~ _ Invoices

>~ ~;,: \',_I Booklets




lU W1st 2nd Phoue 3753145

I Wayne, N( h~

I SEWING MAdil~olES~r~'

ledtke PlumbingHea mg and Appliances


Jrhone 315 2822 WayM, Nebr ""1


THiCK CLINIC21~ w L2nd Str(!cl

Phone f~-2500

Wayne, ~ebr


\\ '


C~icI '



II· ;~II! ~7"


I1 Ii


I ;': i

, The bE!!lut~an~ v~r$ati!'tIY f this qpality American madeceramic tile ill bmaie y 11jl. se th t$ervices of our HomePlanning ICe ter to help y lJ c oose tthe designs and colorsto suit your taste. . ,

I I. : I

And ~ cer6n'1ic' tife ~athlcoss lessl ~ihan yOIJ think. As the,bath usualtJ requires Iextr'a ark toll keep it looking nice,you'll oppr~tiate the easflin airitai~ilng ceramic tile. Stopin SMIl qndllook ovet th!,' mny sh~pes and colors of ourfloor tin,d w~1I tile. You'll! eta ni!ze ~~e quality of the Romeany-Sp,artanl Forum qnd tyl, ter Inics.

I I I " , I




I ', 'I




1\, I' " \11' I I 'I I I' J IIIl,l ~'-;I\Il( IIII' • "III I,. ~t II. I II ql'flt,

III 1"1 plllglll!l1 I)oll

~l)l t~(l;ll~:j:ut i~~lH::;I(~I~I':r~l~Ir ill \\'1'110 I PHil!'"

~ III< I \ h~\10 f I ~dll't1l1j Jlll],( 1<111

1'1' Jg'I'III~I'I etJllllll-j:

)'l;ll' in 'IJI]'~~k,'


~DE1 '

;: ··..;-·~'jj-7,' "'··'l'''~'1ll1; ':' ... ; "I i

. ,I',

1- -1


LearnH!"jfou., C~nSave ~~~ ~er Ac"~!

TUESb~~:IEFTEP. ,1 ~II cJ:O~a·~r: ~o3:00p~~a. I

W~yn~ 'I~Y Auditoriu",I,~I'! 'iwae•N~br.' '" :THE, OUTS' ANplN' i,PROGRAM WILL lie

f;eor~e Th rheck"o~,ib ,;,. '1'" -"'''fl~ '''g"m f.~11

I E. Gram :,' - Alii, (b.II,! Mfg. C'1:":.,":,,,:"d .1"", I,' E no I'

arry Johnson 'm,~; ',od.~ ~,. - "M." ''',k f" ~..,I oaf"llk'", I , I' I 'II I I

inte Shutt - Shell chefI i~ I (d. J"Jorn Soliinseict (onltr'ol'. I I I

. f.. iMork! - Allisl Chalm ~s Mfa. (0. L"Reduce Tfose HarJ~t I" ss Is".I I I .., I 1 I

, I I ' , ' i

I. I' b,!1 ,,' I I I I I I '

,ee iE,n,ge,I", ',r,,' -.'til,I.,sto,t~' ~in~ I" ,'jw,


5"T,im,e ,tlQ,Ho.,'~J,?1 II 'I,, .L M.~st~r ,of :e~em 'I iesj 'fYi'l ~e ;,G. • JOSEfl ,. 'I Ii

. 'FR~E L N!WILL 'BE ERVED, ., - . I d ,I

: .~rawing5 pt 9:00 ~rid 3,:pO for qu~e~iril Portable: Space leat I

I': 1 ~'!\, ..~·",::-'-~t,:',~-;{~'t, II'· (,',






': ' .

j ,,~,,~'~:~,j'f:L~:'I~~;I,:';~:,'; ;1\;:/ r;{;;~, ,',I,::(::,',;:.'I'h;:II~;7,~If, I'-1t,1 l'II"il~~1 I,d,,, 1/\ If" ,",II ;'''1'' j'I'i/II,·'/. 0 ). '-IIIS (/l r c'(/(ll"I"l(/'1!" 1.'h'lli (1IIIf~d f/tol II/" to ,U/ III!~

11r 'l7I

ft n)"".,/!, mltl ,hI" fl'III,',' /I ~,rllld t/) ImT'/

Inl/"I .fJur.artj!1Illflll If} (11/ ifll!,'J/fll If $IIIIJo t '''tiIf'U 111 If hfJfil' ()fI/{!f}fJ!;I'fJ, ,


tr(~ l&~W ~lCJW .walll.~ 10 (,Lit! \\'i"rlf'r off:~lt el'viqe from We.'it }Joinl. The .'iam!' ii.\ol t u in (~t11ep,!-Iltuation,"l on hI> C&N\V. '

,hen qH! guvprnmpnt (lI,(\,t'I'{'d trllc1ks

~>t ~e ove.:t' lht> mail !-len-ice (10 the. Uniona i~~c br~n~'h line from No h Platt<' to I

rinr(ton, thf' Pt!Op!fI rebell( d. Tht,y a('-l n Iy b(ll~<el'ed l..Qey would g'et hetter I~e ice fr m trucl15!-\, hut th'Y like the' ~irf~~oad g ,t\ing the bUHincl1;; ~lecallf'le 1Jn- !

li(,n~PUeifi,(~ 'h:.W:l ,dm'prply tri,ed to )-\er\,('the peoph" ()t1 it'! lineH. Thp Ijailroad \1,':1...'\

aw rued contractJJ.ruin ll.l'I lH~­

tiU mH Pt)~~€4 in l'eqUeStillJ.("{t. 'Union P c!fk' i~ a~o;n'RRiv , I(hil~ pro­

moted inel .Aft;\-· and it ha.... I, pt it~ f'tockanc~ facilihe~ in go(Hid' Sha,!e. Can th('Ram,· be ~frid fol' C&N\V nn its line,,? 'LI,t the gT~l~p that has to dec d(' the i.'1RlIt'ri(lf~ over' UP Hnd C&NW, rpain andbra~lch linef' before dpt'iding,

Wayne ihap. littlf! tn Imw 01- gRin inthil'l matteL'! Th(' North Wl'~tlern w~l1 notimpro\,p ;;J,I;Vil',· h('I'P llP'llwllpr I)(,\~ th;·UP-HI mp)'gE'1' i'4 J-\l'ttl('d. I •

Tn thiR ;day and age whrn IrailroadRmlll'l~ ('()mn~tc with airlinE:s, batt!{'~;, hll,"(':O;

alldttrIlCk~' !I0! onl:" fo!· JlaS"p~)lg.('I':-I lll.'1for n'igh~'anYthing that cnll lw donI' tn

IRtre 19the l,hC' po:-;ition of a 1r::~i1r(Jad, ~Iotine least Irm- to HlP publir land ~ervf'

heRt! the r(lrpmvmiti~H involved i"h(lllld IH',a~p[ovect. i I_ , 1 I 'I II ion Paldfl(' i?:\nol 5!oing h ('hanj!f'overnight, from a I'Hill'(wd t at ('ar('~

I ('Un ike flO (' railr(~adR we ~'Ol Id tl-ame)Ito 0 ]e th~t1ba"dOllS all hopI' t~d allow.,'ldleCllY ttJ, ~et in. l'nion h~('jfi(' willHtreOl-.rthl'IU. itH h.Olding-:-1. rf'illrn mor(' to it"f;t()('~hOldE>r~ nnd !'.(,n'." .thf' rjatinT\ bettl'r.

C ":N\V1~oe~ !lilt thillk dnio!l Pltl'ifil'

!"ho Ict he ~lI()wed to buy f{o('k Island.

~Iwe dhH1.grelt. We not' o~lly would lik(~ toep tTp buy!RI - we think J-l Hhould huyhe 'C&NW' too, Now th0It"'" an i(len

(whe'e \\"a:v~e mig-ht bflnefi .right along,~wit all o,th~rltown,"I on C&'I'\"""' linp!'> at'Iprefl, nt! I .1 -CEG


What a Bargaill1!I The \vom~n smv a hig ad ror a big ~al(''lin a,Jbig city. Shl:' .llfl.ually bought. ('lat~ps

Iin ";a~:lle. jbllt these were REAL hnr-:g-ainR.. i

So, Rhe' and friendfl loaded HIP a carand qrove .to the city. They Rhopped thesale and :We,\, ;;\hopped o~her sourceR.

I Th~.' came,back ..with several purchasesapi c~, all ~argallls, of COUri'H.'.

,he dresk one woman bought was notfirmlY 'Rewed; the ReRlnR and had other"sho;tcut..,"· manufactune that Roon I

proved it wa. worth even 1e~" than thf'"Rale price.

Another had hought shoeK that \verrI not,onl", of cheap conRtruction but la::lted, Rtlc,h a Rhort time they had to be diHCar"d­

pd. 'Her husband doeHn't ,kIlO\V ~"et

A. third !':I;-eally got a buy.. She houghtan applif\<Tl.cLe. Of course, ~needed \\"orkright awa:f. She had to He it back. andit haHn't been available for ,e much hiltit '['I a bRrgain when sht, does get it bal' 1\,

TheRe t~ingR don't always happen. ofcourse, bj!j.t they can, It's just anothef Igood realson why ~'OU ~h:ould bu,Y'Vaiyne. 1ihose women spent mOIlley on :gas, thei~: lunch at noon ~nd othp.1" px­penseR. T,1e money thu" spent was: mOfP Itba

fthe~ ":mved" and :Ue,<;ide~' they I'

did 't re~lly get bargains.! :

• Bqy in Wayne" isthe lej~on, :vo'u gals ... 11If .onjlething i.-not sathlfac ory it l'rtn be

rna e 'ri9:l1:t. If something g eR Wfong', re~ Ipai s Icanllbe made right here, ,

o'v R?me Laurel, Co cord, Dixon,';W{tsi~e, ,Wakefield, CarXlI. 110"kio".'1Alnt, 01'1 Shole" resident{ml1Y rIse Ull I

Car Cu~


'1'/11' l(J,lm-illl ,t"",,rtmt'tll 'n Il'I',.l!y rtt'f·

tm!'l.,. h· /HI ;'I/I'M/mll d"f'ttrlmr t. Nflnrutll ~, i,'lIli !,"'lIolt I(Jfo;n;,Ul /,f IfJpit'( JWI HHlf/'rn ""H,I'if IIIf n'uj!rr',I. -' .

-,' .II' if I~il (if/wof tin fJj'O~J I U'ritrr fo f~'arfh


t!tlftl h"!lJrt lit' Ii I dotim to irill"

. /ro~;, lhJs h s;s lilt· uJritu. ,"~O" J ht ublt I gif't'Jr' t!/>nt',f!id".,. (>{ im'/JfJrttlnt,liJ itt. . I

, .' Mr • Knowles Is Unfoir '. I

" i·V,,. t '0' e of you ~hO i....d the Lark~,J' Hulh. Sheldon KnoweA in Wtyne'We,d,leod" night, ~Ye' h ye thl. w~~d:1\11'-'1. Ku.o \;lcM is unfuir to nmHon~ ofpi:!uple., -, .l

tSh!.i":i Ut ftlir tp other w.omen hec,uf'e

. h(~ ){lokH '0'0 young to have SI f'on inl theI tnrHtroop. in Vietnam n..,d Ahe haRI far

, nn nlllt'h \Iel've and v:itll.UlIy for a WOman!~\' ho il{ MO ~hURV,' ii,' I II H.lIth Htle1«on Kn()wle~ if<! unfni~ to~o!lli~I'~ 'ih Viptnn,m. Sht,b knowAI tlheir'sto~y hU,t ,HAC dOCFYo1t 8perd 24 hou,h1 u I'

<1[~ll~J~~I1iWfl~~~\O RtudpILts'ln high ~c"ho:)l Ia 1l.I"'('()I,r~~~ becnUf~e !-lhe QO~R not de~ote Inil hul' tinw Un tulkini{ fQ them, tell JnK it wm what they want and need to fRr" ouUhe "",rid Aitu"tion they're "0 f~n- ,f [<.led a:bo.~t. i "

. (n' n'dtli,Uol1, Rhe'R, unfnir.lo ('.ditoNl ~u,('h;''1 !11i~ (Hlf'. How enn ('OmmOll ne\1,'ApnpPI'­·)1'1('11 !lIlt illto hla('k and whitt' the !-Itol'y"Ill' .';0 !'fllorfully tellA? !t'R impoFl~lhle I

I. ' ltd jllt1licc to ,what f'lhe ~n:'i to !-lay. i


,'>11'," 1\ Il(J\vlc,.. iH unfair lo men, Sh('h;I'4 :4";'1) Vit'rn~m tl;1rough th.t' flyeR .Of II I\ 'oman and -n mothler 3R ",",'ell as a war I(,olT('HnoIHlc~t. She hUR 6een whut ot\er~fnil tn Rce. I

Thtl~f' he~tnikS who carry plaClanlH 1

, 'l'ne! ypl1 "(Jet out. of Vi.etnam" are. un-. 'hi"ly t""all'l too. Mr., RnbwleB br\llg"1 l\l'k ihful'l1 ntion on what bur men~ ar-e :.

. ,' (oing- whel they're not fightinK :war. Ifl'hey'.re curinR' Rick, feeding hungry,ledu­tiating illite 'ateR, .clothing poor Rnd do- I

, jilng wany ql her extra j~bR that ctpl\te I~!'oodwill ftnt A.meri,pa, She h!!)!'. why w.e I('10 need to 1;Je 1n V~etnam. I

Rhe'~ llnf~lir .to ¢om11",t}lnist~, Sht! can;;c.l' right through tllJem, ~nd SovIet 'com­

·1lt1il'l:\ won't let her come Ito MoscoJ be- ,t'lI11r' ~tH' wrote t~e truth a~out CUba,1

hnalty. ~e'R unfbir to iother spea1k.ers.1\\' hnt anyo,\. haying to follow her $peech Iblh ,ljllik hnd to say w<\uld b,e an!-eli- Il~u~tie, She ,ir. far more inspiring tha pro".1

'rt~A~ional !'lpeaker8 whb hick her nal uralenthusiasm. ' I

Tlw wOl'ld of freedom needf\ mote,,"yn­fail', wOlnen" lik~ her. I~S unfair jU~t tO',jh~I\'e onf' ~lI('h womlan t bring the ,m~&-I

sn~e. IStill, it',,, llnfa\ir of UR i Wayne to ask

hpl' ito gi've InOI'E', She ,wri es books, is pre~1parIng articles for'Rea er's D.jgest


fl'l\~.1'1 enmmiHmen~ an is booked ~olid'. {'OJ' I'"pf!eche~., The loil i~dUBtry Ibr ,ught,ht']'ltn \Vayne and 'we 'ere among the[1'or~llnat~ ones priv1lege to hear hElT SQ·sf, ~ho\lldn'~' reall~ ask imore. i

, If she ever comeB b'C~' the Btory of h~:\].)lW[.lral1cc will be the lbig" lead stoT)Illal week. Something earth - ~h~kinwn\ Id ljHwe to hadneSJo rate ahe~d 0'11lrl her appearance in Wayne fot thi,tal0.:1t-ed nnd devoted 'ter, woman anmO~let'. I - CE

i I I 1I I! They Must Be IKidding <

lkthf Chicago & N~h WesteIi ra.i~­}'nat1 .klddinR' Wh.en it, ends 0.ut. &11 e -,pel :-d"e lJooklet to pa ers such afl Th '\\" yqe Herald sugge" nil' that tile poi.1"'1 ~llpport the C&;N plan to acquiretht, Rock IRland in op ositiorl to UniorPa i 'i<"s proposal to cquirei the RocrhI!. nd?, ' '

,. e have lived O1IJtunion IracifiFhI'< lch line, Never ha w~ seen $rvic~

HIlt maintenance d, riorate t, th~

(kl ths we ha:ve observ d on some of thC "r·nr "main" lines t •

. I ake Lisco, NebrJlt. has a POP~'lati~.of 'little over 100, It.." depot I wel­kt~ t, freight and pass hger servi e a el1'Jn ntnllled and people in the LiS.C an'!aup rec.late what is do , '

'i")1er (Pop, 1,400) i. on d&N·H m in" l\ne~ ;with far ore traffi1 thaUP ha~ 0'11 the branch ine str_Yl_'n-,g+Li_'''''-t'_t-_t-'--+-


~' I


Ip pI'f'Senting. to Con~~ his.!ItiJt of the unIOn me-ss8.'ge-: IW

btl't e.t .m.....g.,. and hiS~"1ec() mie report, Pl'esidSit dhn-

" son under~ bls A'Cl' a~

tieD belief in fU!rthe- expa iOnof e country's economy thisyt>a arid a continuing' urlWardIren in the groSs' nationafprod.uet - the \-'alqe' of all goodsand Jit'n-iC't'S prodU~', . .

A n<!te of Optiml ,:albeit 0-;::J. (' utious sort, ran~ his

- pre ntatlions, .The preis ide Dtpja' intends'" to, follow thepoli " of p~nned deficit ;;Peoo­ing.. But this is tempered, witha \\, rnin$ ,4> ~~s aAd ,~b()r

;~ '~~~~\va~:r. ~ ~~~r;veil d ~e:at_ Q( • tlax, increasein ~ ~ if. neededto ard otf inftatkln. .

T points seem:- worthy 'ofm"~.on. One is the see-min.::abs nce of 'any reatizationl. thatFed nl spending isi· one of the

~~l~ ~~~~:: l:s~~~~

1<'II '« 'l,'the mo,t ,""j~ """ o\ap


r.:,1, 1'1:.'·;' i, •I':. 1'1 [



"Ifs incredibl~,"


. ' . I . II ' 1 . J' 1 t .1


1 ~ II ] I 'I'"['" is ,~~!,!!!!es ,.. Wi s~~ las,",! ~~ CI rkH c~ s143 , ,~:w;2;::'; .::~::::~ ,,;J '"",. I .." ,",,", ,•• -, "'~ I

GI~dy's Reichert Phone 286-459 I Im~l r ~I. t~~ I~::~~~"h ()TlJ~{~~: l 1tI IP~l nt i L se Third Pia eto Stu t n I t~ and ~o~, e '" bleo Win i e I ns 188Ch I" lin ·llrl lIllY I h flUll t))' thlltS . , ,~dll Joebo," "a, 'I' ch;,g '::[ j~1 "de "cnt dOwn )0 d.f" at' -, ,I 1,,[ '"u,i':' t;"I~~ "l~. :~n:~a~. ~. I -/- I[)'~~II~~nJ~b r~llll1 L IdllJ'(UC .

I WlJ: ':n~~~IVIn:(~Ch~ht, ~Jad)s /Jodle-em, u~ JHl~tl'S~ ur1h tit" Sf'1~\' 1~(lVo.I.i(JhS <lJ)d the les,dn l-Lon Ith~ dnd~ ~r L rkhso 9512 \\cd l!4rry It fi J 71 23 16i ll l,l h~ IIUll/: • I ~C1U~ K:)~l~'~ Con e f r L& Loop 1;'1'1 ()~I1I'I~ f: llr~\~.U'k~~nS Gl/ul.lit., • • un,-,'I f,,, ." Il' M" Will Ulil ""nk. M« l" 'h." b Mild." ",ct. " ,"' , n ," I c Stanton In· RIlb W,. , 3 "Ik' ,Ih", lIl' '" !1.u·h V " t",.kl ,·t ...· c,' • '.

t nJa 'Yfl R i h e hn ert;) nr,d In .he lUll Kram I 1 I- r~ Eva Lewis andl .1rs ed?; o. n. on ,I the:u H~ Iteed \V~ ~r 11 24 2-1 It'r d \\ alT!l.'tl ,a bp I( ~J. k I (' fr- nc 1I'1' h t'tIDI-tl l'I h hi -c c ert orne m, tumor (If _ I rlck!'.~n ~lrs J r~. $We-l ~rrl { lrtl lace ,iday Walter eld Dicit 0 9 • ill'· Vi Jot •

M" Mhd.IY F.'.rH~a} J'rJi':{'S WI r" TA Meet_ JlIn .. J~ hf)stl'~S WO' ,)\('f lark on for the ella p.' 11 12 3. 1 ' ,LI lol)IU II woq by Mr 'J~' ~ . J. 10 1 I-~~ r .~ rt J:lr ~ I, 11ft" iH' I T h -

SIII,*C !\Ir an:jn\11~r~f~rtFZf~ltllh\\lhn~;hd'CP:rA,'lfIu1J.rY12lal---~-M.thodil"Ch.lh nJ~r. Te~og.J.,''''1 IUIAL '3 kHBIJliilW sleSend gFollr I I' 111><':li'u,UI f1l1

cae inWlnsle$C1hoolnnd l M {I • ., ... 'C If "-!lor r'''I~lltl'(' \\fltk l ,U'IC \ '9' I I ·r f !J ~ I ••

M rs Jrj,! 'V('lllll' hi ('s \~t'l l' It Inl , j I III Ild II dJ f John F HI.{i'T1er Ii:l" 0") I~ n he reg I.r ,e.son .ch d· St.t1ton t) fg ft ph I ud P ,!'ill "t;t( .hJ{hl,rt~ lin' dol...I tdand_~ \"'1aynf' 'Tn'lllll

't'1\rJ1cdrnl,rt!!1 ~(hl.;:tnm~ I SJurda, r~h u Preparation u~ft Frl.y !nlgh!t;'tnt' F'lqlk I "Ill II Te m$ltoWa • Meetl

lol, Scmlr .c.~ ~d M"1Ilt1


'<lull'll' tlll('!lUII III \\1nMthlien e lh(\ .loth ",j'rlrlm~ on' 'I'V I rJ~ C <I~;' 1U a m p~", ••t Win Ide • d F.b. 11 DO'1 I'I a~ ') l J ' 1 WHS I' I· I~ U,gfl of I ~ll\,It.lh II'h i:!H III i\ r 13 SUpl

~~~c;t: of hl~ undo rllJd aunl, M~ llm!' :'tIl, \",l1!~'r Bh t" 1 \' > ..ppa,nt SUI~da) lo~b 13 Surnl:a31 stlronl th, Wild ah ~J'aYel 0 Emerson In.He Ste<.: c1l.terg

l~I 0 U ~ W nSld~ I hl~h ISl 'I II \\ n ~~r1r1 tnt 'r r~· :: h'h.1 : 0 Th·.... 1

1\\ It) lit' t. II~I III It r ."...... J«on

• SUj' l ~ 'IfI, at M('dford, In. Idd a, S IplJom Jr loom 1m 'hrr t ~(J jD m ..... or.trip scnliC'elr 11 fQ~ h. f n.I,..L IDon Woo R ~ 8 22 mne dcbdl r1: It:n lur If ,IlnS to I In, c : do. n e~trlel II HJlkO\~..,,'v II Mhl·"' .. 11 _1~1 .t~., n 3l' fhc} wrrt< rlJnnt'/. g1.Jf..'\I;t~ ifr~L ludy Sh.. ",all n 'w sup1!e --I- ~ neSlay TIl fit, Rlf.lald JU,ldl'a Oll)n Ket rr i t 3 1.1 !ht· ebute lournl'lm nt to bE.' ht"ld I ~ • p Y lIud,of! Llililill' phy,,! Ij ...(k~~t he W1JlJ.:J Kl'rh.~ home 1

1<11 r~WIlt.lry n.l;.Jn,Y (>.,dH:r '\,11' In Theophllus Church 62

1·.ark~on J tlJor'lhlt 20 held D.IV(' H£'I rn 1 )1 :! J 12 11] \ 'a Vll(' 1 l!'{{'r I;h mnT h ~hls ~f~~l(~ r laU II If !d I1U h.,ls .11,·lllll 11 Inn Illrrull Ilr..tlJlI''''''''

1 d In lIodlll'd flJns t' (; ill;HI~ fG'.1 (" 1J \\e-a!.l(' paster) go~s In sellin a 1ew tournl"Y ~__ Jud PIC',lr(. l~ m tlal~e 'I; I Uf ~btlN I~HI onl h,\ 1H""~ n1lit lndm.ldul arb, .....y.. • I I I')IIX "ncI,11 ,~nrl l<llent pn~',llJll \,:'ijlnfta} "'ph II 8undao,. 'chJlol rooQ 1 O~4J pOints ~H1S outpull ·~UT'\L I :lUI'lij711 I!Ib "engb.rg .nd connl.III;I\~~..\rC' full' Slt'l'n~ IOll(,u~t:ll~U'1 F.'~I\~hIIUlI":O~~,"oc,et,u J!'1'h 2t1 al ~VllS fommlliec Il1tr !i, I( n m \\Cnhlp ~ ..r\t((. 10 m \\as 'at'r thim an~ olher two • J I III ~n one te'm Mary I C, 1,Ir ~ Ilt: lJanM 11 fUl n Nt·"'t'flll 1 uftl ".l"lult IIW

,_ •• e III r ;.tn Itll:h Bl t 1 (, ,III} ~ fit 1 I I p.Jvc ,!I or the cuurt~Gary Trali 1S S til IJ. • . J. Hil SI" .nd udy St.ven, l JtH)~Ju al l'f Ultt 11 t· ~lttJI~1l I~IU'l ~II 1111)(111\ "'lll:1h It I(lt· 1

Plnfchl. Club M.... ',tn 'If' IV","" M"r,," M, rdn,tv L.t~".n Chu"h ""'t t I !Juane 1 ",.1 12 au" I e'iera m r mllslc ,on noth r .nd J" I J.ff", .nd J"~klC S ,~;; 01,' ,., t" ".'11 h" • • ~Mr~ FJfJtlEt!chfJllW.lSa 'UU~lll:ILJI f),m~:llr..: Mp, HIIlII ill I flltoMue-l{'r rm~or, (/eri,ArhlldlOfor w:mners t. Ju Wlkeron third. Th.IBOhljll;bl'rl:llr~~ I) ~eal~~lI":ll !


MIJ:l WIl:mam J~nke ~tcr I ( >Irdl IlS. '~s <- n ~!f r \laxulz . I J J 1)(1,1\ h II 11 fUflWf ('ho ~ J~: h e~O acker le~ e Wlldc&t:i Group Sing a W~nside II fou th tefm will O'Ie memben 111l~ III l I ff ~\ n ,11 rt

t'lH uk IWinside Girl in ont....

ba!~ed c. Tr Pinochle club J'rJ"ay I :'i

llls Alll'n "hrant ~nd first \fl,ll conftnnalJbn rllElss 1I1fnd L r~nhR.Je~r Hill tilt 1 ~ ~ Illite n.tl1l llnd wII be up IJ(JTU's dd eus lOll S~~t'lltll1n (:1'l11l~

Mrs EM('k.,}.1l I'cct lv('d Ihe Ill~h 1 nlt' ph) s ('nl erU"llJOn C 2" , I pm Y .1 4. Wansid. Mrs Ja e Llebl 'm!ltE.' Imll<;!{ of wo 0 these. ch tim.: Sue IpOL tl) re rlm" la~ I \Iat, ,Inn{' ""IHIC!O dnuat~ 0pflie und Mr~ 1:1J,1 Kahl lOll h:H! (hJ1 ~t' oj III (ntellJlmm l • SattLrd I} Fl'b 12 Sclon~l year CC~ Ita onl... 9 ~ul. whll. Iteoacher as sev ~al Mil 11 yocnl An Gla s, Jackie Steven, al'\d ( ~ :\1' ,IIHI Mrs (/Ilr f') if.. ,1~C'b 18 ml:'('1lng \',jll b \\' 1:\1 :'oit xt met' 111~ \1 I I bf' loeb ) ...Ia!;s 10 oJ m ' p ".,u ",lIty of 19 Infractions_ Igroups p iL{ lClng d In I 1 Con Ie ~tqu.rdt I rd~, dtmpor J \\ IJI-lll( \\ fll It pJI'~t'll V.ln~de('ora Carr L 1.1 IS W!lJ{h lS Olll' .... t'(' (uller due til Sunda) Feb 1.) SumLJ) schJol OloWlrJ' I., the boxl

lscore the big j oups [an ~h~,\r:ll~t U

U11'h tOll ~'HlH'n' IS Illr nouef'l ~1~:Igf. V Jane IlrW Il'j,(!flll Ill,lorle \o.,.U,..

-I _ 'Ill' ba.ik{'lhkJl loutnar]1 lit I LJ (II III ;.t In Ilorship ser\' e' 11 WIllS de (7) fg It ph 1merr'al g oups ~Ia)- br lhrm opha 'rs m~ld{' ~ It am haiti qepn ~ '~IU, IIc .ddr.... IlJlh('~d ,T \\ Ill, fl( III \\ l'd""o .

Btldge Club Mee15 vloJ~ spr\((! bv l1h <:.Roher' Kill ~I Lan He d 1 ti 24 14IIHaeucc um' ~hl IlV';t I ) IUllllb!' to ompete' n mlln) lrn'ts • q.n t.I.'11, lIb ••1 Ill" tnl r h. on"M1S ~. L JJltfll,m cntNlailmd {cm MIS Marvnj KI.ln\11 :\Irs JI fled St Paul's Ev Luthllran Church B~b lang erg I 1 00 2

lp<:l1cd Ie 1 I

r• URL'1 ~o 0 ('n ,I nO\I(t' J ·pt ,"II Ill' U .n:r ~kr ~V W.. lk.~. (Hn,.tltutlrll ~Ih, 11,1l1~t"tt WI

ml'Jnb{'rs of th(,.. T.h."' .• llo.ur~ B.f1d '!l4JlIer MiS \\i<llr,.n M.I.r~!.z, M s I (If M ItJlP(,.lt pa,torJ . "'I.,q I.\\ag.t,r a l.<! 71. There re twofgl s' ttjO~,._.on" '.IO\l.t'. I . t. .: Su • nd BOi) [ .... UIlHI If ~ Illlp~t!!I'It1 III t'lIl1n")ge club and d1t~ follo\Vwg gUt s ve~'Jfl MII~er ~lls lJ:m l:lng'll I;nday feb 11 <-nurth O~flCc H{),g! Hil ~ 6 6111l:1j being co pos"d f UdYIW~lker.. e\A G1.", lrl.,:hl til III ISCII ht· WlQtid

Mrr~ 'lhorv.cll .Ja.coh~cn rtrs "-! )llr~ 'Irs 11'1'\ [In.l~lJ ..; Jr llirs 79 pm IHp()rj'v';.Llkl'r 69 £01 Co"nle II d IRu~h Vahl, I Sk t" . w' , I 1 lift,j

\10 SchmollC', '1r.~ \V;I~'I"t: 1m: md Ylr~ .IM'k l.(Ihf{1 mt f'r <..: llufda), ftb 12 C'lUnc-h ~C"hool Don !Ltm " 0-0 21 kemp I d the th r up I ce, a 1"9 In I"!ilde ~--\lr~. J.('wls, ;\1 s ,J (; '~'\" ~. 11'" lOi] ])ll:kj'l[hlll In :J:\ !J i of Oarle eAve, Su' AtJn Gla.}s WI ,"~d(1 ~,pn'lj"r 'I· frlr L(,P ~k.'1-:.lI1d 'I:'". I I'.. (;.I(.I»r r e~(lrilfed Clue, M:eeIS I III " :)(,,\1. ~ lind Ba bara Gall f' :A gfr's ::l'~., jill', «( :nll :vlI,y \l1'ilt

Prizes wI'nt 10 Mr" (,deb\ r I"'rs I tdt lalc'r! \\OIll~lIl'S (ub fllll.'J 1 1 !.l-lll _ SunU<I) Sl~O Jl It-(lch- TUjA!. 1 . 2i 19-2972. quartet It .m'd." I.'UP of su..e An" .. I. ]!1\.•1.• 1

WI'I' '.".. IJI.I~ 1 J. ,..,1 tit'.',J'a{'Oh<"Cll ,JIlu Mr:; SWII~.ll d Mrs Pcb J at Ih" sclHH)i ~lxtC( n mJn \~;<; (".ass j:l() ~ I GI:UI, J dy W.I~e' RJth tahl- ,trnm' CGU Is anti 1'1 I.' w{',:ltheT ro· ;Frllnk Wt'lh.{' Mrs IA'flt'CT Ill'( k loors WCTc ~rC'sent 1Mrs P.Wl Z1fl ,')ulldilY f I h 11 Sunda} s( ha ,I 1(lilt" 50n195 ) , fg ft Ptl'l a d connlf' nek l.'jlC'I' It,d ~}{"a(;1Jrlll1 \\"ll'h SflTlH'and Mr~ G£>org{' Vos,~ Il'b IR I k<l rr('SIt!{'(r l\tem~{'f!l t11,1011 d to 1I11d BIble t'lolSS. 9 I(l .1 m wor r~rn tlIlJ(, t 2 0·0 ·4, Memb s of the gi 1·~x e1 art· Ibdc .. -fr('l'.~ing :;lhp'ratun's, How· I

ITl.L'0tu'I,q WIt! be Vrllih ~fr~ H \1 1J!F(' a baT (Inv lifd sh 1\\, J \II '.;flip S( n ICC' II) 20 (,at)' Tr:l J;JC\ k I::; 4·6 14 Sue Ann Class,' :'h'l".1 C'ver. Sll~l'ar f' ::w' Irmt':! up '3n:1Ihlpcut I~rs Ral1"1f John n (lull mC!1l ~- Doha S d Ilk 4 00 S ITwil'll II nk. COi oInh Rar I' :'olen[ '.ly 1 TW ·'i!.:H" was ~tlll tin~ Ilx'ni Vl~lh'fll~hs • hll-on, l '111 I~jlll 1hlt'Q 111\ Spt"m~ :lrrl\ !Juan IJ,~ll I ~ 2-3 I2:barn Ga p :lnd { Val1iknmpllwarn fur ,):00: leI' SIJ 1-'11' rmk ISAid an1J LWML Meet 'j11:~Jn( Iloll rrb l> l~" urd'\ II \I'd! nl:Jtl\(" J{1~1:l I /lair;) 20 35 43 lMaklr,; U a trip' u iln .!lckICI'r. I ~s ~~{)d as il (' IlIl hi 'rh{·rt~

Thtrt fon' ~ 11<11.:>; \\lll dl"j h1\ I I II 'Irl(. • •. ld'l\;( AI11 d c) 02 10 St('\ln.., Tud\ \r.dtlI

T [)~'Ien' liS <11101 r


\\In (1 I( , Illd \\] "lrl,

giJe'lS~\\II~ mlmlHls\\J~lnu Jt)It:r:tmrnUIbI1Y JmprU\f'J1lfnt I'I(lf~'>;IIS th D IJaVl(ls"l~ I lOI 4fIAVI', Ka GJllS?j,~~lnn (,I3.Ss. Skllr~~ ~ot II ,1,-1,(\

Plllll'!i. Lac/,il's L\nl;~ tI1"l~l.. \lat. \IW ~\b.~Hh' [1'O.'I\,nlln.:I~.'lh:L' wee earl ane. ' li. I. '1 ~~~ Conme j es, I It nk. Bar 011 (r Ihe\Yl'dnt,sllay j\'Il".~. 'pr~.' ~I~;I I:;;:' \~\~:::.('rat('d dul] w:l1 ~';-l,b· 1 e.! 'TO·N

AtI 43 '91795 bara Gall p and ut ahlkamp I I· 1

I/.<h'd :lnd \11"s, ':\rJ:'. !t:JrI' 'l~l(' . ll:.l eX..'ldl' ,,' Set f.or WinSide j I I[ WJn~.idE: ¥s. Stahton 1 le:eheA'I a;ngalA!nl lu es Dar I' . "If '''71ft~h~otlOn~. Wnrk{'r; al till' sll.I{'k l<'l'd"T'lINI "'.1' f "h _ ' ',' i\t;'JnSl ~.t,:nliln, !h~ Rt'd and n·' ,Ul!. n G §I, Can· I

bp.r <l,t ,thc J~ll'llLl.~lall. hO.Sl'll;.i1. ~n P..Ulb.JJC' '~"(,h.,.tl Fl'b:i; 1~t~\n8.'.· ~.h. ,.,' . A s,'~nl;f') .. .'T1:1 sw('"::'lhr·:lr~ (!tnt..,! '3. In~kl ~1[l .tt'd .Slb....,..•. all~win!{ S':'S I ·b~~ ~~n j' JiCk'.f l.~e~lens, Bar- '. !irQlk Feb.. 11 WIll Ill' \1rs ·ArinH {":lub will ~J1cmor )',cal ~~t c~n 1


°11 th~ \alcnttfiC day themc

t'",:11lI a 13- lDt~e'ad l~t 42-29lU1.liH· SIN."!_._._~~~~e e "MI·uelle~,_

M1Jo1C'r a.nd Mrs, rtLll\"l1l KT":lm~r: Ipsl f~ntri('" mU!':1 )(' n hv Mla'l'h tJe he,{\ Saturday, FC'b. 12, at In-, and' art bt'firc wbirbt11mg away: r---ri }1f'h. t~, Mr<: ( .J :\fIrm":'] :lnd 1 " . Isi~e hIgh sc.hool .unde'r SP'O~$O'r· at th Ie d an ty'ln,~ l'he gamp , ,:\1r.':. 1''1'(',1 ~IIH',hlllll,I' (·',lTll11li. \ ril .. 1'. 'J' !"'I I I ~hlplnj the ~~ud('nt council ,Up.1 50-5;0 Wltl two ,minutl, 1'" ' I , ••••••• - ••

1:i',I>~ IOI"' lE(; ('OIllt1l1l1l111 (::1111[': 1l';"11 Ill, (;;)";:1.1, ll" ': III (~r 'rl' Buying votes will be .Iegal. Imaini~g il~ the ~hird ~tan7'1. . . •••••• :' •••••~1,I'i ~I(.\'I'I:,. \Irs EI;\ld:·d /\lIrk: The queen and .klng WIll be i St~nton:camel back to cufSC:lr<J' • ,j.. ..,!•• ~••

[1(':1:: ,1:,ln"I' :lwl jll"l![' chosen on the bas's of the most ~ the 1fVlld~ats 21~.14 in ~h(l remain· •••1;ln1:l. (111ll~n,I{'F'~ ,\ 1)li,l11oll(l v~ and the yotes cost one! ing Itime , and Iwent ;t ,31> •

11:,' ~1·S 11"101 \111' ce.n; each. ' an ll-poift mj'rgln_ 69.58' b.l!fOrel11<'l11llr:I"" <Ill I III ,,'ll: w:ni'lng ~1.64. The ";lnnlH com·\-LIIII.\1l '11-'\1, wll l ' mitt d 11 fouls~ Winslde 14~lIoffrn:lll \I"[il 1)1' Ih ' \\"a kl'r.llgain 1.l'd .\~itl:it~, q':::.

tL<· >;\l~"lil VI~; 'el~;~lllIT ::J ~If~g il;~ / [;.Il~·, :~;' I n:I:~'·trn;;i.:~: ;'1~ :.~ ~;~~~;'.~~,('r\'e,,1 ill . DOll \·O,ll!: hdd 22. oHrn KM;,ler

Irll.11 ;llId \Jr 15, a\l..' 1 Frank D! and Dav('

nlll( 11 'J" ftm~~o'~n I, ing, was le1 by Wack.

~er,i,:r candidilte§ a~e Connie er 1W'ifh 11. Hil:1 had '.1, Redel B,Marquardt ilnd Roger Miller; Oit 0':11\ 51, Wagner !and Jacob-jun\on, Linda Gohril;\g and Reed ,en. Wagner and : Rf·del eachW<lcker; sophomoce~. 0 i il nne ~tcle the \:jilll 2 times ~nd Oitmanf.:1ill1l1 ,1nd Bob Jenkins; and 1. Oltman had 7 a'iOslsfs. Hill S,freshmen. Glenda Morris ,and .1nd Wil9n!er, Wacker and RedelKeith W./Icker. I 2 ea~h. :.1l1l;l·11o:; tile' Foll(,\\"ill,_l i~ 11'(' 11l~ S('(1rl··

___ 1'.' ~:l:\I;I~;I::;:· hl,~H~I:I.\'('(L ~lil~r~~~e J \~~;h~~l1 'f~ ;~1 Pt;

" Jean~Pierre Filirj>inetti,)driver ol~$14,OOO-'I Met'lcedes, testl.drdve a '66 Ford. ,I! .

I His opinion: FOirp ridys quieter.




Y,~ f~nmake .1

MAI ii,

\VfQUP ~q; I I '

I N. I ' I

IGe~ o~~FRI I:,

y e";(




~..J.,. E, Ro erlso~

~e~n,ard evinei,

r .. ·1 . r I I II., 'II, I [I I"" "I III " , lillI"ow. on wmnin. th~ .'ouman"'''''j I I 1~54 I ,I I I !~).C.Vt.b;, . h'.lt let's .". In the H~~C.' .'''. . WOlyn~ l~tg{n'lwa:rn., Chc~lOltl iW1yne ~af ve Has 1\wn I )1\ ,~('f' \ y,,JU'1\ hl' ,Ic ''Ill I ISUIlII.l'" \\M'I" ~h ,11111 'til f):t C'I \! IJPirtle flrst and then no m:aHer i. J "I ~ I I~,mll h. ttll, lo rl'lt, ()H~'IIW lonl'·l J1.111~Ptl hUIll!' ("kl,mcJ ~J~'ho I" n,elct, Tekamah or BI~f)m. I[ Harr j Ka. a Fl'nl ) IA • I P bl hed' ~ ro .... I Lis 11fI1U....';. tl'lld' , to Mr" Al M...I~kC!, Wa~nt· ~ I "rJelr1,_ II-t S (,07'1(.(,n,l[il1e on t'nrm 'I» L!O}dl s: a.~&, a:A, lnt lI:.ku I r Ie eI 5 fIlm n nt ~hll·f" Ilon'll 10 nl~II' 1111 1 UI'~ Mulll('1 vl"lt. II' ,You dl'!:;('TVC a trip to stq1(' :md r I) 52 P PI' I~llrk ~.lnl. I' I hi.., um btl :\trh C . !iIoI,rJ, ~

1<'1"t:lITl'lYll I~ Rt)t out or.1111',I FTan¢1~ rut Y'IW c Ford k I Arl

fartlcll;.' y [a\c I1Jlfl1l'r.1 Wed, to reco,lu IJlllI!'l'IlV 1I11~ht Silt! II('t)U1ll'01nil~II'

u~ion. We'd,.! to. go, with !,I: 1966 , ,", l-l\ P (j.m:l a. ;>01 0 JU~" tm~ I,~lr:;, the • t: ~lJrloU•• to k hUll III)Ull·I('I' U ~"'4lIk II 1"/.11 1-: ~I'ou to s('(" you wm ogam _ one I~. I oy, pa'hr,'Way C ~ I..l'SH" t W Ck{1~WlI 'JIC BlIl(,~ n.1 H;;all (1", Wll~ I', laall ~l.'t!u • Itt nlr to de the :\l{ Illul Mh, Art I urlt :$' I

i!!amc at a ti~e! ~IIfr S"brmer Hoskins Idt pkp I 1 -r IpuLlI' Arner .111 cUllma light to kno\lf: and ~n'IMI' .1111 \'11< r'th~ J·\.1lll.'k- I'llT 'I I cog Lagfe.,.~an wa~~rd wmarkt (OldrfIW,)"n Chvpk ItegIOih). j<l'-)(Ibi utlOO o.! Iht'l ow&tlsrlght,al VI. ~l'IX (II) fJl ,I I't'dt"ull4J! __ SASSI- I Hoy E. Nelsen Winside 14 rcury '1! e up I"\{lUll , piC U1'l' 1)11 ()'.:ral)h~ .1ll.1 alii mH'~ntt.d'd I lUli B.lIlk dUllltl :\-l011tlly j )11;'1


1 A young m.othcr~to-be \':1i.'itCd I">' .' Svo lao 'Pender•. For, RUd:)~h 4j 'ayl Wa 'fif!'ld, (Jh{'v ~~)o I tJon 1IIIhluj~'y It ~lal!' also 1 n 'cdt 1 tn III ~l" ill \i.:ucx! ir\H') \J11<' rl'IIr1~e~ il I~I nt'~U:l: 1'1'1c doctor. 'All .ray "'it~~ ,eg~ Joy e Plath, Wllyne, Pont rol ck I' j 1)(' ttll In m cTna-t ooal p"bh(,ii I ',Im'raman An ~~!llhtY I III I ~ II I rl' III I It II dIU Jorj.!II'1 I

.he was expecting twins at" i A. Felt, Wakelk!'ld Sulek ItlOIlSjl I t I .udluUy ,and un ~)ihtv),nl1 hilmI' '1f I hOlIM·-....llnrl~n.u Iud Iactor decided he had 'bNtM r I~ or KermltJohmon' ke- I I A ~re.~<lDtliartil.inA",erl' IUt1 or thnl~no..aIU)t'XP'dl·dll-\·111l1 Sl~.Hl 111Il-t) II

th.l.l the hU. ".band wlho ."'<lS W<lJ.'t. ',•. ' fld ..po we ' No t c' F,r Sale I can lnem.toor·p~v Inc Iud. I ft<sul rot l p s.~t'i'i.<;ln~ tht's,' 'holr I 'I r .Hl I \lr, Bit t I III \' ,on nltl

Itlngollltsideinhis&ar He sent Wa}'tt RC'dering,Waryne, evPli! r I .lliIh "lctvfes~S.vr.lafthem l~tlCI~C~ 111\[1 "'\('Il! SlllJdl~ \ltHll~' hi I(ne' nUn\C out to bring him in 'L(-'on;' hl("T, Randolph, ym S h d r d II sho OaYII< Hamer lit work for 11l( lilt I ;0,11 ~ \11111 :0. 111"t:1l'S'1 • I jI The husband arrivt.'d in a hur- I,Ho;;rr Luejers. Wayne, t~o leu e On ay II ~M ,the,lomah4 t,h.on where OU ('Ill r,,~, 1 I I 11'1 III II hwt1u'lr, J

I'y and said' "Wp!J what is it I' I 1965 I oil e I emp.yeicl. II f I I\\lllll'l .... 11 1I11, bl'lll III IIIu,: when We ~y them in ~oc? T~lI lIle (pjj~k oec~u.s~ .,rfh:nh s $ ,)borja. Wayne, \'ll-si\'gn An ~ r bl'l rm silt' is,s.c-hl"'-.l 11.11 1I j~I,1 ,..1<lth.lll of lIdtu .·eld., \11' '111 SHill'l] ,111':1 H).ltl l' '

_eLi:".~et_._. IinaJ_, . ,n .tfl.--e- rst.1 rmdOUble.parkCd".,loutside." . l.iPa~~ fa W ,WaYD't" FO.rd r '. u1t"J f~)r "-hi.sLEt.~ :\-10 ay t, l' lb 14 II ,H ...JI J' h(J{~. 1\\t.)UC III "'l'lll llll.o I . 'I 111\ I <\ llulJl ltlllVIA.'Stl', Iplace, no one - J~ WPCC is' I, ..y 'il beU.(' '~d 'n ;1 1964' I DelOOIrt 4tl Sf Nol1 Wlb sell oul till' IJh )lO)l.nalJ'l hu~ 1l S~ \\IUl tlltc Y rI, Rh~. I \!lnll \\) I! h Iii ~pl"t l1 c

, going t01.1be ,In thcj

finals. In C.' ~milt.~u the dO:ll'~ "~:r '":fe ,jwill~<l L. Hawkins WI~cr,j'~ev at theil I IP' c 2 flU cs florth 3 l<Jt{' obb' 10.,011 II tll allClldlllg: ak fl. d ATlatf7.2'tO I\\t'l k I

Wse~~ lace" no~,l)ne knows 'I lils in the .\Same con~ition ,inside." I,Dal~ on ggern, HoSkiM, lnt'lTk ~I.I~L"Se I SIt tnU


2' JI lie J1O,I Jlt of y.,ilYJl' Stab!,' II~tht'l:tJ I '1~ III II 'h~ ('Oll "t1l'o()1l c~tIt

"ynlle~alln,. b<>do'wn1 )OOtom!le1.d. "::dl.I·, "~,,.~~.~-~ ----,.-'"'---" "'~'.' . _._,- -. ,.'Clare ce elY,'63wisnCT, \n-l,.,duI,gn In .h s itillf 'he db 110'" the F ft IOOll M( dnd Mr~ I Ic'rIIWl" I I "rolll! of rt III \(.~ MOll:U ~ • '1"', j ... n .~x~, aken ld, and Or. dpm III for lU'I shlLp IS on the In liAl 'C aut· I"" \1~lt ..'1'I II Ill!.' d.l) ,~t !l1I1 r I l'a hl1'l hlrtlld y

pla,ce: ,ho saJ; Wayne 'an; i ave Any uelstions? IEVC(T.H -ok, Carroll, Forni ...fIle L ~•• Plf..r, III try the crca~e ,Si iHt1~t rs clotl'l mdudc [FrJ II nst homl'\ (iiik] it ]nf \1t'ltJ, Hartln.gton ,cdaT Cat'll lie: :, , '\ViUIl cf BI ke, Wayne. OOOvrolet sal·6,,1 rtl~. 11 3 • '!' Flnt l~lC a~llalll1g ]It t'l~ more Allh'n I M nd Mr '-hr 1'1 Ilh).\!l ~ 'r~ I 'Ir Iwi \1rli IItulH'll (dllltJH,'1jtari~ BloOmfi.e1d beat Tek m-I :Do you ave any .QuC'stions 'Jam~ W. M~rsih Wayne pldB Nat! Ii Ilb.Jtk~W.y , wdl cleric lan~t ,l\c.' tll'Vbl Il !'>L'ts t:haul tlid a III Irs (H'~ll'r I. ~ lin 1('I1I~rtlIIlHI'1 It ,"1111~t'r sll*"IlY Mam . ~ea.e· g~t. ate ,won byl I cerning social sec~rity or! '1'962.' 'I th~ Ca .~~nc will be ••rved. ba'hl s I" "nn \HIll SIIIIIJ'l l-' lAsts Ilul !\'r~1 \\1,11-\ Hlrt' Eugf'lp}a~ them~~eet 8 ttme. At nu>dieare? IT vou de; the" may b' :GcI"al Br Jl.dstetter, wa,yn,ej Pont No e t be sellm" 61 00,1(1 of ".< 0 dlr.~ !lIIt,lmp a dt'1\I("ated y nUt· ~lrs Ill'd.l I~ ~llll ILun,hn f IIlJlh .111 I \1r Ilnd MOrentll\on we 5& Crofton (a ..r' , ...' l' IG Of I T Wi ·de P t cattl't t aln c feriri~ They film n wsn~an Will t nntll't' dr berg j Dirk 1'1 kl! v ,In I ! llllliv stmtteam that ,~e1d had ustl a~swer Thurs~'ay, Feb. 17. when i: (' . ,. o~~ Inst , on alS~M. e Ilk.g eq tpm("nt <lnd l'um.':ll n~l's, U ,It 1 ast thi» WIlli 11 J, 111'1 lam l~ StllLn~ ('11\~ten bYI 40 .periD ) rise up .. d., .a', tie :C'prf>sen-tat!l-'€' of lhe :-Jar. !paj'd. or J hn Rees, 'canolll Ford 0 h I Ills ed\~d I a diatry °P not lit' 'r tutu It, S'~ S If a phI, lag \\ho r 1(' 10 t't PIl Ir ~tlil )3\l I \' ,II \ " IIIH HII1~ hn I'durn~ Bfobmfield ,in ~e K ~ r~lI;t ce of the social secuntYil'P eraUtD ~ raphqrtasonIUibll"'iullalHllw It 'VlsIl'll S:,h11"IVlllfkf HOII Ifl.r 111\\\\I,k..,llylnHcounty tOl1rna1T\ent, ?fell, Wa r:ae a±miniSlral .will be 11\ Urc court-I~;;l e N'ie ()lson, wakefield'i Ohcov In th m~;U)('ry It C tllcrrc are h:ls to gil lnl~ dp('1 InU I to gl'l i nO{ 11 I I • " rll" Hlf4: llill~HI 11l'llt

lill It'l r"l Id'I"''I''i I 11125 Sf,

haIJ beoaten Bloonu'h~~d so ttl 'I 1951 twp ratGrs mtscdl e:I1,]\t-qUlp hIs llLJEt·s be d s Sll If hlsl 11' ll',I'lld Rl:h(!l'" Ifmll)ll'l'lIrllll'lllllll (nilBees may havc 'ldeas forf.rc~ I, use from 1 to 3 Those who ,: hod eim~r, Wayne, Qh,t"VTolel m('n~, a It, ~ulldm :s tools -and o"'n ,I me burps Jll gl ts the ITIC II \H) ll.\) ra <':\1111' IY ~t~illn/.; I • ' and., no p~afe 1s as s :05, \\psh a.n, appom:tucnl I . 'j J,;ct one II i 1957" d~l't I (mS ~f"y. \ 111 <11'» SlU It'll ~ III '-I" , tTl • I I 1\111' \1'11\\1111\ 11 ll' wrrn rJ'JJJII~1

f I I ." by t t II " ('k (I' b ., feed,. ". ~.' ,.nd .I.j.;'ram 1.)lus house·. Hl"r U c.,,~cn""" ,.,r ." n.,'w.Sfll.m 1/"j!'" ,I," j',.,""",, (,""",1, ,,~(;, "I''''~'''t.Y ng or revenge,l as a uiis ict, I' WrJ lnJ:: l). le roO, 0, 0 Ice, I (,)11 Kutllk. Wa,yne, t'ortl ' h Id 'f"" '''''' .. ' ,too t Let I glhf ~ a b ~( orlt o.IL('n,sur-dsome 1S.~ellanl'oUS~F':IflU,;.::q,.:l'f IIr~' lI.t"d ;l~ the~l' :--JIb I Ill) I<i-'k \

-.....:":"~~c-~ ------1.."_ " ..... ____. '---ir'~ (:",~e'_~'~"'fl.e"l;~j . "I'" mn~_-'-_I~_~bht "~":;:":""" T"'~~'" Iw "'-'" , ," I " _ ,,,' , ,

I i I . ••••

i 'I :



s~oux OI~:lJ InakrlU CDU~tY Slarl' ~ It iwc.Jf, Ju,t 8ublltltule

.'.~ d·' f

1"SIM-" Bnd you 'Ii

h,v."our 'veW too.. You'l'I1I8y" I a~_ee ith ,us, but plea'!e

1tL( u'it'!'thcl, rJglh.t l~_ 'express-- an

o on,""'-alse a "CJu'esljon or pro.\' ~ ftllMU8'Sion> It'ti part ofWHat· rhade 'America grca~ andtlhank g<KldJ'1Css the right t5 'stillll.~wJab'~e, You don't have 1'0-

~U~ but ,you don't .have to

'., te, ".Ud either"';'" cvc4 if weh', .~ to ~SJj'l$~' ~ ~mcs.

Sl>n\oc: "/lcIio'·'''lU'/ 11loughlIJd arop in and get the um:brcl·lj ,y,w oorljOweQ from me Last

~~~~.;" I "I'm _aWf~lly f>tm'Y. I~_~ilncd' ~t to a f[1cnd. Do. youIf,e<l lt1"I.Sbmpe:- "\YeN, not fert my­

: &IOU, I.Hlt .the fellow I borrowed~~~::l SOi,yS the ,owner' wants it

- SASS -

~:ll~~dflr ~:~~bud~dw:r asA goud thing to rcmemb~r,

A oetter thing to 'do'Is to wvrk with the c~1ruc·

l/ion gang . 'I Ana JlO~ the Wr'tckma (jrew.

I Joe: "J ;cSAi~~ ;; ma~zineJhat in' !wme parts of (Ihe worldp,coplc ~ti1I.Ut;C fi'1h fi-.Il" moncy."

Shmoc: "That musl be mctSsygct1,ing a 'botUc of, pop out of apop .machine."

- SASS -Are you ,proj.(1 am <.·hairm.1n for

W1Ue org"'lli·z;,,!.ion'! You l.\)n't1-:0 wl''''!lg seeJIlg Dan 'l\jtw,Northwl.-:"'Cl"n H C I I Tdep'honetOlll!):JIlj/ llIilllager in I,V'ayne. lIe

~. ~ a bjg IX)Ok. 01 ()ut~~aulWlglor ,sound films of all types.

hoy are made to enrterta1n andihIorm and there is no cammer·l~iajlZllJg j 11 v (I 1ve d, Films arc

, aval.,au.c Oli' fairly Sh:Jftbut I~ alway:; helps if youa liltle lwfureh<ltH! to make :;meyou gd the films you wanl.

~~jj~~VeCse;l~\..Y{~1l t:JT(t go wrong

~ SASS -PaUl'nt: "How ('an I ('vcr Ct'"

!La!?" YO,U for ,yo-ur kindness to

'fDoetor: "By check, caiSh or,nlon'Py ord£'r."

_ SASS -If we had our W;ty, for

day !l'll Soul'hcrners who (J'is·nimina'lc anrl prcm:'h 'h,dc wouldhe I'\c-grocs, ,l\1 tho:,<- _who buyilquor lor 111I110r5 would be al­

i cO'hoHcs undrrgo,ing the tortUl'e

lof knowing they a-l'c hooked, ~111dQpe Ptlishers would spi.~d. a day

,on '''Wi'l'hdrawil!.,'' findmg out

I"'''ha1 it fec:.' Jil.,e 1u f!lake il':ll'

. ~a~\\ld1~v~~fv~~~Il~~{I~~u~1 ~:~~j

!'~~~I~~ ~:a~h~'~~rdSOat f~~1l,~ga7~~~~), ayailahle on n{'ws'SI;lt1d~ [01' l'IH"ir'Iyoungsters to peruse or by,iY.,IW"ll, \\lc seldom get OUT way,

Sll lltelC gil s tlh.!l Hle,\- SASS -

The shUor was descrlbmg some"I of his ~~al adventures to hiS

I :~;, e1~~~:~st~~~~tl~~c~~~~~g"One day," he went on, !'I

\\l:\S sanding at (he ra':l when 1

~~l~~dl~n~~/~~da ~~~~~~o rf~~i ;~us:"

';My, i goodness,", intenuptedI thl' ;:unL "I l'l'rlatl11y hO[J{" itI : was one; of our;;."

I _ SASS ,.....

!" \Vc'1'el wOl-king up <ill'Ion "n..' kids at .\VSC who don't

, do ,;'he Wrong things ailld deservei praise. ! We'd ilk€' ,to hav€' youi call uS

f'if you h.avc cxanuPle..s of

I ohese e t.ra·ll'pe~~al young .people

II ~~~e/ ~~ou~'~rdco,ll~g:.utco~~~:' ~,S~l lC~~~gh t;e~Wl1v~u-g~::;~i get lUt ,IJ:Ollbl£>. l'l"presenlt'a real

'1' f~=, n~he~ehO~~~r~~ l~~~;typical lh:m tlH}Se. dc-scribffi ]a5t

: week. YOUlr help in giving us,{aoCt{i, ( ,"wQ'dtin~. or in ~l'f>O'n)


'.Vii'll.m ke. th~ ed.tOria.I.... 1il be,tterODO. 't just Ie-I. the otlr~ fEil·low do it - you ,tell \Ui.;' Let'sgive ese', kids the-~·'~it we

• all knJ \' they. dl'SCn"c.~ SASS -

I foiFW: C:??tbal: "Mn I lare

I, stco d C~nnib41: "Yes., (,"\'<'ry-I body', I:cF .•...


· 1- SASS'-,

IThe iar ,Slopped D.ti the ~rde.r.

, The stoms offibla~ C'1}cdrcd

II' lhe, p-a s,pmlLs aJ.1d fpund !every­I tblng i order. Tllen,'he asked:

"Can .OU prove thfs Woman i<;

IYOUlr ·f~. sir?" j

I ,The traveler Il~a*d o~i 'ltte'


'.. car wi id.ow and. WhbP..I:H."-{.. I: "[ c ,~Pl"OVC she isnl. I'ngive y u $100."


Iv ' Ie, p'~lls into 'at'l.r inter;se tion While he h4s the

1(1~~. ,i;~t~tio~\~~~r~~"I traffic, is by, he makes, 'a 'left

Ii turn~.\\-~h,y dOI".1·t wotn d? Shis'?:1: .In~arllY~, ~·ve-' "n W1)mcn

.' jl I dr.. '.' .'Slgqa,\ .,or a..;..~* t~ but

II :~, :~ ~~~~tom::traffIC IS br, the li~ht h3~

ehan~t1<~ .a'nd she and the' .drh~­I: ers ~nrnd are len wa:t:ng., '.fgen ~ll-C light c-hanges, 6'rie has

I!O \'t~a1' again -,right 'wllcre she.l~, In lead of) m the intensec­tion and if traffic is he.a\,,-'.she waits' thr:ough ;marc liglit

ch'~.g.. '.' G.alS. YOU·.!'(> ~rel.t.,..1'1;&J?Od,' ,Jvers,, but ·tftis'fj one

;', "j'I:~ ."';; '~~i~ :.lJhat"rseems!'i to 'be

: I

; i


, :; I..:A a~i~e ,If.Iebraskan aF' has !Se.rve~ ndPie sed .•,Sa'feway Custo ers many t~. rs.

< I : - I I ~

~, ' ; : I , ,I........

Silver Dollar Night

Drawing In Our Store

Thursday for $400

FOIODS' ; DE . E > IS'· ... 'n'" !J i•.",,0'" B;:. i"n,""O'i1MIk LUcen'". .~'~~lU$' i I~ ..r7 ·, W,hy "oy M """ .. 1 'an' I I' I L'IO.. ISp 0 Od, ,',:,:~; 9ati1a Babv 4 ' -oz, $1 Bill Sc ' D d' . "',, I


; Fur~I,UJI1 .••.••••. J Me ..J _1 0 U In I'll .••JI :·I;::~ I•.., .... -+-.-: _ - --- ---..

\ ! I i I !! "

, II ~ II /";;"~i,(.,~·

, : I ~ .. , IUSDA , I I II I J I I

~~;~t~~::A4';u3key: :i~U~A~"···t, 5ST~,9AK:li: "".K, EJU1i

Manor HO"'L"Ibw"n 1 , s~ ~ saleW<ly.agLl"1bBeI£ I ~i: p~::~~ 6-:~. ::ns .

• a'b> I • I' 20< 'II 1;2-oz. CansB d dSh ' T",ph', '10", 69 ~ Swiss SI~aItSJj,mcut USDA fSA\t20 ) 69c SIP r", ·'i,· "")1" 2 "·IC. 890'rea e' rlmp L''''d '" '''1 13"" ~ I: t ~o"e Ag'dB"k b I wee. e 5.",.":",;,,, ";"Illy.... ,~"g,.Chicken NEARTS "n~ GjzaARroS !.SDA 21;,,1 Bone ess Sle 5 TUPRou~d, lSAVE 2 ) 9ge I Pcllaloes IA.lf mow", 2'" 290Beef Sa~;~~e's.L'~' '''I' ,"')2 l't~ 7S~ I Grou' C uCk :~~~:iranc~O>C(~AV~\ ~ 69c I Sitawber "~r:;, r:+,:,: ,,)":: 330

· - - ~ -- , "-l- i .... - -,I~ - - - I ~ T. i-t~..-r .., .•.... I: '-+,~ I - -

I I I· :',.1 ;,;,

I' I .'I I II":'~'''' .I SKYLARK I I In,I,,,,,,", ,

!I!~~p94RAiN$1 I 1d",,,,\', ",10 ,; (:'P2eti,e~14ice~r a~: VIT I!S StU·r ", I ,,] ,uu I m ~~~'~:~::;:i"il.~ ~I,' I , I I I "[I j~.;- ~~I~~ ~; ~~iP~ble1c:

Pl111.lppll'·(,[,IPllrtlll 3~lb•.• $1.29 16-01" i1. II ~mvl!: I." rM

, 't' ;-V,46 01 2 Ib $1 29 I' I I 'I ml s, U II' e

DR INK -. I 1 1-b" ·C' ,S~VE I Loaves SAVE,,, .ita ins, nd I i ~i:~n,,:::uSAVE UP YO 24c Cans •• an 10< ,', 9< I I Ita n C so. ~ Il""',,,

,I I I I I 41 II H,,",.,"I P r'mp"" '0'" 29 200' 4 Sf I I Ie ~fJ I 69 S d '~B d 2 20~49c I ...n e Pri'rlreserve~ '1"",10"" J,u C Ju C ,I a ewa~ ns an. 0, Il~ , oj", C I an,:rW1C re~ Skylark .,,, ';t1:. I '11""

Hershey' Cocoa I ;:\~, IS c1, Lucerne Non-Dairy Cr am~r ';'~ 19c While ~r ajlC> II'ngh', 2 Lj>av. 45F H L1STERI E ... A"li>erf.UC , .....t. ""ttl. 170--- ---.!.. - ~L.. __ J.. IWI!3II&:r.:t!I __ ..L_~ _ ... _....., __ .... _ ~,_~_ .. '", I I' I I L<U ER I E GRADE A I I I I •

, I ' I liotTAGE I I I LT"'"'~ar~1 I ~'\,. I I


, • I I RED 6!~\1iii' I A d I I IDelicious Ar'pi 5i I: .u~ I v~~~QJ::s I .,1 i 1:' II I. 6 $ L' Em~eror 2 . 1:1 ,. IPI;\;T IRED, Extra I I :·~rIety.. I I • . CIX


,lrOl.11.. ..•.."., dehc>~u~. full , . Cltn :. 1

29c I '.\Vashington S~atc I ,I 01 JUlCC I , ' ' : . ~.(i..1Lb..... ,,17c ,lbs.,I, I II " 'Lbs." 1.1

I I I ,....,...~....~~~~~_ ......Loui~ianaSweel Yams,. 3",,,' 3 C : I Grl"n Onions "~;)f"~'1 I ') c":J,,,; I~'." ' ,

Navel Oranges {;"m , 4t:g ~'I Turnips or Rulabaga$ .. i 2 Lb,29c I r'~~;:'~ ~:r~ c"

G f ." 1ndian Rm','. .' "I I c' F hEO-II" Pia"',' to limltqu"bti ,s.rape rUI, Jumbo 'ize, Red or:;'r't':-. ""1" " I res l>l>. l' DeI"i,,, !-'>T I No sal'" \0 ~ea1ei"

i'l <lIo ;


, !NEW MA~AGE. ';~tI~ne Safeway Stor~:

, ,


I'I I'

I' 'I



I '






LT .1,1: "," );. :j',,' .,1 :i, :"" )

ixon W kefield and'Orvill Lag, PO. 1" - . ~ '. I I I" - "I _I I· ,

THE E EI • 1.1 ''I II I

~n,d ,Hoist, I

I'll 1 I IJohn Deere Corn Planter - row I

!J~hn D~,ee,re HJ"rd-grOUn~ 1 0 Li~trr ",'li)istein cow, 3 trs. old ttl!lreshenlin April • 2row, po~er trol : 'i,'olstein cows, 3,yrs. old t 4' freshe~ ill J~ly i (a$ePI~w, 3bottom 14-in, pu"t.ip~,'

2- ~Istein cows,'31yrs. ok., .0 freshen lin Aug. , Pow~r frolll I ,i' 1:~ - Hoisleiel cow., 3 ~yrs. dd, ~resh this ~inter r

(OPEN) a~e ,p ~w - ~I'bottom 16 in pult pel' -liolstein cow I 3 Yrs. old, ~ue in September1- 2% Yf. old reg. Swiss cow,'milking1- 2V2 yr. old reg. Swiss cow, due in July

_ olstein heifer, due'in' u ust 100/bu. Ideal F~e e'l I "'Pade~,b 2~ 300 gal. gar ralS' ~ases and nazzles I t10 .-f~. rub fr hose, inew I

olstein hllifers,due in ()c 0 Ir, I 14-hole wa+4~n I en Inest ' r ,t lars ~d crackr l6 Mmh:n1old Holstein ~~I er, (open) , 3 Chicken fe~~er~ , I a~nfQ.~, . ~vear 'old Holstein heifer I - 5-301. d'ic~en ateler with elec. hea,ter 726-,n. bIcycle.

h Id h 'f Iv I ' Stelr chicken bCl,t!ehl'l I I I ~ I ~-waYI' {ahn De r.e Cyii"der ,ntOn~ 0 el er ca ,es I ' i 1 1 ~ H P kmonth old steer calves Sei'll.r oil bum~r I I' ' I ,+' J,' pum j,ac I I

-, re:;~if:~~;l~::;,,wl~"e:~ 60 doY'1 :;-t,og~::;;:b t',·,·;, '.d ~~~:;f~i~'iE;~~"" ,k,. I II

some elf th\lse eire B~g 01 teln, Steers. I 2, S'ft. hog p~~el$t i, ,'~e~c~Gri dfr I' ,I 'AIUemnles·calfhoo v ctlhated. I 7 _ 16-H. hO Y I1;lOn, or P,anels a,'f 2-in.xS-il 60jft) Stee Coble I 'I~' I

COWS T8and Bangs teste fbr this S~I.. lumber I,,' , . Oi b~rre' tlmp. I' ~ i

.--,..-..._-*..~_........... Baords for Windjjrell"l<t I • I f"l tan~s, reg;ulator.12-b rner I3- Fencers - :2 ~o~t ry hnd I electnc ot plate' ~ I2-16-ft. feedlliur\~ , '2~ 2-ftJI IlYdraU

Ji hases ,

1" - 1, 3-,ft., fee1,~u,~' " . f +- ~o-gat: liquid Frtili~er bar el. f " 4-ra4Calf feeders, nip"I~1 ott e. , l. ~Iant r " I I2_ IO.ft. woad Iholl tro ghs . 'OrCl~'e w ter pu p with. 1/, H. P. otar2_ T~n,k heat'.s I ' IE~rttic D~orner & ~alllenn~ I'n. :

'Ne';' Watkin. M,r. inet' I f eder ',EM'II~ulat r, ta, ttoo,l.g maChlne,"jsyn ges I

DeLaval Cream: Sept ato' :GNt0 lIu $ and c~~ridges 1 ' '!Tractor Chains; ,I Steel pa t driven 1'~ ouie pld ite s,<?the tools I







She'llI LikeriouI 'rore•.•.! .: IF:.voj Vulen/ine Gih I ~r ~av~n~s

on\e HI, Open a regulo~ ,...--,-~---_...J+-i-r-:-+r-""+:-'-"""'-"":--:--:-1[

s v+gt occollftt ... in ,any 41~ "'.'~fIIlllm~,u~t" r,ok, the, new savings, ~2ccclurlt Iboo~ ond insert i~~' i I' I

i tol,~hr et,vel.l>p~JtogethCr wit~ I' TER""E '! ou~ 'fil.n~e, Then, whe~ .'''' r I I .

h. "OI\en's y,ur Valentine o~ on One Year ' I ~

~~~~~Y .~ , '; well , , '. happt Sa~ings C~rtifi~ IPS..f I .·1 i I L..,;,."....;......::.........,-H-+--j-1--Yt-~~~+-'1

il$tClt~ 'N tio'I \:1.1 I if ..' Membi.r!F.OJ, l


for more live pigsat farrowing time!

More pig;.; ... lllrg'er pig,:; at farrowing time.That's whot you get with super fortifiedKent Golden K Pig & Sow, Contains highleveE of animal proteins, vitamins, anti­biotics ;and minerals. Alsp contains repro­duction stimulants such 8S fish products and;com distillers so1ubles, RemerP,ber, hog prof­fts start at ~reeding time so rtsk us for thestory on Kent Golden K Pig & Sow soon.


il--.' ** -~" K-;Ii: j I 1 I 'I ~ I l ' f I j I" - ' , I I


lIJ'Ifl'lS to church Surulla;> Ftb Jorh.'\uen :'Ilr and Mr"l {elvin Rang~ ~ 1 ~Il Rart 0'1 ~\,~S\\\, \l rJ p '''11 '\'~\"" I,. "I T W J

DIXON EWS 11 :<b,,! ~"nl,,\ ",-v<!d IIm!h Kd"",,,r nd ~1 h" Mr. M... """'10.; *l:~""...~ .,' ,~., IM~ "1 1",' n "1>:,,,, "~I ' ..I '''~h h. "'N b, Ii,mld, Thu ,do" Feb,ualy 10 196GI HIe a~d Abts ",,11 brmu: ~roats (or l0tlS' IruU, r and ~'rs 1..bu! Te:'l'\ Eas' 'fIf t $tti P.,' all I l!Hxt'n ~1' ~nd )fr1 Ed L'('11 t"kl and I 'I the ~('''' mectmg I·tnd r,ogor Will s 'C'()\mt~ (I 1 anll other (' l~,tlt'r<l n O<~Q .m 11 \lr 111 "l l~i1h hound I'! 0 In when lito lj IW t t Ie i j

1 \Mrs! Sterling Borg _ ::. one JU.4.2877 l---t' I • lions 1 .1 I H3n~1l'n and l'hn~tv 1 Drown, ,- n , p 1I.c1 ontP Loj ayne a e e Y 5

I 1 ws~s ChillS Me.ts D· d I BO· B k Survwof hij'l Warrant; 0(>('(1 Er .Inti \1r, \\11111 !,Ill! t 911n • ter st pp~ 9 .1 .. II ~top , M I C I'b t'>p 'L I . I '1.U¥la~ WSCS slud,Y <'Ias.s mI." I 1)( n S 'Ie, ro n Bonni~ I l'Ian. ~t ai, t 08rrt'11 lire IFrl('<8Y dumt r ~ t"~t" ul (J!l'n 'Ign I oy a9 I on rl to 5

SChoollla!lop.n,HOUI& IMrs HlltSl'1l Ankl'ny, and 10 f:u nue th(' study "~'i 1'1le1l ,hl' so ~ trier It I roken G Cu!rTy ~~-cUITY an un Ll' ~l{'S L hr Hi illll\PJllnJ:. Rimn \~ilS ot lhl,· l"1iM dl ,bIAn ..0118.11 ihOU~l' IS pbnnG'd SUIl 1:\1rfl !\fa lUll QUist an Mr and I ;:Ind I ow It'd by :\frs. WHliam ll'H'rv nov. and hen bver tbi area 11vl(!ft:I l~ in eteM ~ wlJl and 3 atH t iW Ihe 'Is dnd r 'Ill:t~(.~ !!n\'l' I lh\. '.I I l:l~ ~ nd HI"( kill 111 \\ ,I)"IW :-ill\tl' (,011('*,,(' V. lint' lOf(~y I'~c 1. trpm 21~ 01 p m ,It the 1Mrs Stl rllng B ..wg .tmd Ec 'r Mrs Cwrol IHn:hert scn(~d. b} Jct pIe. ('s At 3 am laJt Fri· Section a ~n9':llp 3\&. :"Jorlh. lh~rn ~ SlU1lf' "l' AOIlormj.: 1;\("11" I')lh [IlUIII n t 'I \11 III 11111t' ' l' Nt ,IH (olll ~r.. IIlld lIf\h 'r ,1!u'" ~~leW.n ltlon to lIhf", L:IllTcl schpol I ~I dO 1 Mrs Oliver Noe and 1 cof ~'('1 Olnc!wlmg lllsSl:)/fl In ~he day t~l' ~{ Ind )aITler ",as{OkeU Rang~ 5, nd,aU a~rt>tiori' thereto w IdlPi am ersar~ ~1!j Der IIlIm,: ( 1111 Ion ~htl Sf\.170 II rll'ad' ('1\ lIlg !)f.'''!IRlil ('untn M.IU'nll' l"'~'1T1tll' pit lie IR mv~ III vhut the Ivar ene w re Irl~hONl Su my the scr's \W11 be Ft'b 17 A general and the I)nm that rl'Sul I I~ P.r~ ~f I t ~ 3 nMIlp !I"@l Ttu...bau~ P"'1l(~ b k -.:1 P , fll lIlt' r (l~t of l~" Brt)(':km In ("11ll" II'lI"'t H'",r lrom Mnvl lIJ (111T\ P:UH'-tUO',OOO bmlrtmg ~hlch houses UIl' {(en clh tamm btlme'l F'rc Ollt, I WS ' ,Imeclmg ""lll be held at I 30, DIxon hr light val,ed rea llOMf 31. a~ • ~~ liSw 4, Sel' c~e Slm(ta 'Me and \I lHar:~ ~Ild $2R ~) III 1 K~ 0 Hit' It· ll'lJlr Il'J1llllo)I"f''I 1\ N,'wt11llf I. l"hl'"I lughSC'OOlscj(~nc~andhorr!e('co. anl!ll<'K'lthNI~'h(,mt·,f.IIl((ln pH ~(1) 10 On<l man ent 10 his fro \\,nr tion aJ To I 31,Range5 ge~Omaa,wurf' In rio!lt"!lit~ ?ft11o(,n '''I e II1,n, mllt~·h~s ('unltlh\lilllll'l lUlI\"

nomlcs 'Cpa1'1:mi!rn~H as well as the I I ............,. uOY.! (0 10 k d wn tbe st t t~ of 63 PJ Di on COli IV. (s\ ho ring.Ju. tK'C"aSlUfl lit Ilht, \\'11 f bn E"~t rd .b, 3, U.nfI1 1)\ I ml)!I'\l'-t!s.musIc room Ilud sc<vt'r.11 ~enerai ISpC: ty M Me,.ts when' he ..vork ~I as It ~ouJ'1 1..,1 at; Iand herl denlltion~I· I Ua.n u~>:t> nit' ~ lUpton, .Y ,lind E.rnet.t w.n I No .~u,\t wul lndl fltedcl,!l~ ... e . ,. . I :\ '~lnt" Wl'dnestla\ and b~en III ~ ~afe 19'1l have be('t1 bloWJiJ I Su tVO!l hi 1Warranty"l Ik>e<l I Itll.'a."anl alll'Y i11( mlt-t Wf"ll II."n, W yn .de d out t th", ,peelllc.Uyl comina to WSC but~ r . T I [ l ' Iii r('ctrlt!t'i[ St'rm.on by Don Iopen (Jtb 'rs rnf'mbered cak IGl".org;la dllolJ to Ce-ed Brt'ucb Ineitay "11th Ml"'!'J 1"((' I I'klki rht, um. tI ,. cr t., I atr..t fromr In _II th. foundation f.,lnt ined t

Mrs Jewel Cupp and COOI)Je, SglGI Forecost I Lori y from R<', Jes~c Withee s IInS of rl"t.' nt l'ar~ and oug'bt and Bla e G ~~h, \ l..ot 6 March ow.(,' 'll: ""'lil \ \11"0; \uch 0 her r b. k~ Intp on. by Ihe firm C1,ve out .11,01 InrOJ t Dpdl-l.e, la., were overmlUtt Thu .day, Feb. 10 coin ('~(JJ) Plan.<> \H'Te mscU5:'1£'d 1SOI11C plait na I ~('n hit a,om Block 11, Idj'·s Addition ~N~W"anl C ('Qulslft I anoth. C I. V rn F_ijchlld 1'65 Tht, brou~ht Ihlt lote ~RUl·~t.<; thursday m t1he ,JqJhn Young :\1 'lb'J(hM WS( S I 30 P In for a IskaUn,g party LynC'tte and Still othet tho ,,"ht It ,>()Un ed 'l$ easLte a~ aQ'Y ,nd all Int In 1 • I 11n...I" .~ "" makhl"o lund. ptotldMl eolho'JIH' Fri ay. Feb 11 Jot' yn ~ue ~l TVI'I nfrl"Sf1meflls If a furnar(' h d blown u and O\rtlot "0 Ho:f~ ArkhtlO':l ~ Nt>.... A Ii S "k ; I UJrI-"llld fIIlld Ual 'Y Inv(,s!lJ.: 111-.11 leg•• In loy"n yean 1'0 ~3 500,

Mr and Mrs Leslie N()('OInd C!)Sroluls ~I'tJ1lcetmgv.lllbel<~eh 16 the)'ehNikdarunilthehe1 -lca~J('.{S200vOO) ¥slra n pe. at ~H>"(b :,rllll1slnn(IlIW"" 1'IP~! Ilh"pr(II!11lI I' IInll('(11i t'n,l.mght'ers and Mr, and M'i,'t Dud- Su ay, Feb 13 - I llootl for mok It was Just .. 1 Warrant Jl)~ W'Iltl'r I Good I I • ~ hell 01 II nhlt rna wnV1l' LIlli I Ol,rll.ln,: dl"l.'~lt r IlHH~jcllllll [101Ji'y BI~ltlchf()irl1 and Davld WOlf' VIS Bry S<:IIU! Sunday Car ~larty Held ~onl(' boon ani !llxon .... <I~ S&J) afl,(1 Grace (.pod to James L Fur HAskins TA T e day l(Jrn~ lfIrk\.'iI!".tn Wfll'llll ('olllrl 11'lplI1nt1 III '''htl IlilIntll ~'I\II' 1\lion Ftl(lkly.m the LiJlrwt'cnCI' Frc j Mo ay, Feb 14 I' lrl ). ~Ir and Mrs I<'rank John baclt: to 11 I rna rdiev.ed t~at IS Iness the ~ P W~SWrtNWI,4 'f f'l (,I rl'lH,lpn .... :IS IIlI'llf\~ ou ,j[ III ,II Il1l1g ,dl ~ltl~ lip II $~I)II IIltl,rlens ~l(;mC B100mfwld "I n xon Hell{.. 4 If I'lluh L,rl I s:m .... IVC h(J~ts to 8 g!"U'4P of neigh '.las not al It d betn Ima I'd! St-ctJon 1 ru:t 6EJ;4SE1 4 of Sechon I A t d A LI ~ I II i111l \ mlll'j F r~1 nd Illr.J1~d \1'11 1,\ I t1lp~) ,f'~,~ ttl I t'tlr\'d I II P' IV

Vrsliors 13st Sttt1lrt&ly In tl1L' E('k rt h'1<ml' 1mI' It lJ [nli h party I~nl('s went, 2 all In l 11JNorth R8n~ lng s ~(>~nt ,~ U!lt48 I 'Il~('nd l-il<'kstn III '.I11~ \\I'S hll\ln·1 ..til .... ,11'; II'~ III "I h~)nl'l; tlt 111 'lr I'I1IIN'Clayton Stmglcy aJame werc 'Mr 1 W esday, Feb 16 I n; WlllJam j·l"ITlenqk, Don Ox I D' C ~ ,f:-.~ ()! h P M I Dixon county Ith M; tea ~~c i,at '.II I bl (maull' t I ~t P 11 f '! r III ,11\(1' 1 II \\:-'i tI" .. n It'IVl d hllM.. 111 1111.and MIS PC'll' Stln~It'Y end fMlllly I S\ ns.huw cluh :\o1rs {ltver Nop \11'; \rnold Spath ~nd N£'V.( 1l IXOp un I(f'( *ttl I rQn etationlt) 1 ettl {"Q U(C ~ kell 1Il ot lh(-, I h,lhslnn \1011'1 vl'ur .. nbn I~l{{'OlJk .llld Mr and Mr<: £loY"il 'IItholl'l )ollth ftl],,)'>s'IlP (OUR 0 SEROUNDUP Warrant D~ (;arlf an(ll~;\'lJ~~ °TlH'dl\II't Il~ )!I \ rJlttlt~ I" I '

Wend'£'J 'trn(] fiamllJ Th~ts~~y~ Feb. 1~ InJanehl' Lif,dio; to 'tarvm R~t'.l<ln p rrl !II th(' lJo,,>kln~~.',djlr"'1 ! I:' ~'roo'lr. an.d :'v!r:<;, V. A, Ha11. SViril \V:"( .'-i St!!'ly I'I,I~" 'l,d 'o!r .. ,!lon ,nd -- Iktl tt iiI 1,\,' S('{'llpn l::l" Tnv.n Stephen F~rrier, Au~tdli.l .... [I, ",' ',,:~

Lak{', .f;I., W('f(' Tll(..~d;IY in' St In )') Cllr Reqld llho s ~hrp 21! !'Ii lrth £LIO.!l 4 I ;J"t of talk on ecorl~mi /Iff i f'A' ~,;\ /".Jtill' Stl'l'lin,g Borg ('nrou1.l' \1) 'Attar SOciety Meets In th,~ F: lrl Il '1!966 mn 1'.;\1, ~. DIxon (!()\)nh CSI tutill H willc I 11 ;5, P \ u. 1'" 'l ~i~'~~~U$"Cnlif(Jrnia rm v'3{"ati(J:" (,\,1'1!hl;': St \kf.lyn KL~l:'blll "\)]('11. Ford~ ,~othl'r eon"i Jerii\ion.~'l. - the s-ituat7o i ath~o,,, ~ ~:J'o ; f': ..~"g~

Vi.~itors Tupsday ltl till' O(l;'Car'so{'IHr I1H'\ "It\(' f).nvld E. ( t'r_,WakMielt:l, Homta: F:xf>(.'utors Dl'pd: F B Hurl,'v thllt nlltion-Yo t~ 'te


0 .'";:~~~i)~~'~'I.i'''~iWlWli.1.ohn ...on home WI'J"{' Mr. amI I\1rs_ !'~lar Churches, .m(ltor<,y<, t·, :. I' :~Xt'cutflr, F::-,.... at~· 111 Hugo Wik '\1 ;.hort 1l1l~1ll7.:~· ~l' ... ,I"l) \' 1'1 '~-~h ~F,.V01\ Pt't(·r.~I!J1, Fb'lllln'l\u, S lJ. ... ••• ,( on)mumty L(':a$Jn~ COrpOI'la~IOn, 'strom. to Sam 1l~1~t'man. Int 5-.', pn'cl'r!p lhl~ h"~I!Hl I'll! Ih, II !"'.l:o"£F"'O~+'IIo.III.LI""'a.;;Mr. .alld Mrs. Arvid Pete,rwn and Cub/Scouts Meet Metflodit.t Chu~ch 1 ,WIa:k!cJfi~lt "~I t IB~ock 16, l1h' uI Pone-a. ($2 .001. b(' lover by 8. AlJ, ila~~nt1. ll'llcil -Mr~. Kent\(,~h Ol~n. ~ F~jdaY after ~l.lg'I~b()r I (J('>.;!>l' A. WI!.hf>e ~)astorl ,COrTlmUI~lll.v Lea. ~ COf'lI)Ol1a on, Dls~riet C~. _ ,l'r~' and otrntr jn,t,~n'" I-III Jer.~(lfl~,

(J.uests !:'\l'1lftUY, lit tille, Eldred: hom' Ilf~11 2~4, Cub an~ 'm:1 Thurk<la). f't b 10 IWSCS };< n' WakleIlel, Fo " DlvQ'N''f' ~ ~Je:d by ydine arel invited. I A Cllffrr hl)~lr will

'SmIth hO'lT\C to !help' '!he ihmtJS oh-, roll. call Wlt.l tlll' p'ro lSI f'ral rnl'l!"ting I 30 P nl 'Jt'~'le ,Jc'hn' In, onea, Dodlg Joihnstoo a, ,annm Wllbal"d J ihnston. C'.,)n~ludc the ,('v{"ning ,Q>.rvc t.htlr .. nnivlll's:\')I W('J"(' Mr. lilll' tn:;~; wpre Sun 'aV r, h 11 W¢r011p !J 30 \prnnn n'f1 ''Y, Martlns~, Ohe"f " I.

and,Mr'~',o~{""r Km·ster. Allt'1l. Mr 7 1:1 I~ ~1111(>nal B--,~ l n\ S\1n 1,fl.Y <;,...hoo), 'lfJ'W; Boy1F'ranrls Kn~ln !flC'V/'('BSt!P F9rd pU \ Le I Af • u·· Ii kand IMIl'8., Garold Jl'wdl, :vir :.tnd :'lld that JJwy .~fIOUJd Wl\'ll' StOut Sundav ~965 ~ 5 e I rlcan .,,15510n or==="-";;,;...;;.;;...;.;.=.;;.;;..;;.;;.--,,,,,--.;;.;;.-.;;.;;..;;.;;.-+1_'_.;-_, WNlnesd.1\' h b 16 MY1' (Jt'(~rJ.!c " IBoc ~~ Wakefield, Ick I 1 •

1'lHll ..d H I l I, 17 llJlllludUlj.., 'or Irh 1I It ~l~ .. ~.JJI (' Illconl M ITury I) I, GtorQII Buskirk Topic of Ho t_, 1 Ik\\ scs stu I) cia.... Don ~alflltjn WClkC'fwld Chev I Ph nf ATI•• 1-25231 I SK.I~S a---+ {J \1 rnilron,l.( Ponc.a 01d5 I

I SI Anne~5ellt Ie Church !'\ l~onl POJl('a, In't pkup Mr I3n M\l'S nalI"e BusltiJ1( Sildes anJ medun's Of It\l I uth(rho-mas I h pa~1.or) ~ 963 I Lincoln, ere guests 'I'bursda; Ierap c-hu H (\\ 1':("ol.\unl

SlItu!'<.lllY 12 GI"ad-<' sctIool Mal,U1Cc It Brrjrman Pone':! ~~ of Mrs eot:ge Buskirk I _ Iwonk In lhe I ml!'<&lOn (Ijl'C1hlsm,J) 30 ,1 m CliftoN! E ~m IWakM':ield, rymuae Susan ett and Dean }Kro""er chulrch or clcllt'ral M { III t!lt

Sunday '1\b 13 \1asl; 8 am, I 1962 F'Temant ere VISitors Sunday at Il'ounlrJls of Z,llnbll ;pv \1\lll'nuay feb 14 thJdJ scnool en Jt1 ~eweastle FDJ'd the E.mi.i j home v.:11l be fpatLrNI In tinj ,< ... ~ nn~

I m"!liuqtJOn 7 30 pm -\ n R~s-ow ponc.3,1 0hev I J'<1er1in rresslc:rs Spent ttk wf'{'k IFntL'l~ Feb 18 [II Ttln 1\ [u1h---+---- st:n Ion wag<m end m ~ O~alt" ottoson ~me 81 erah C'hurrh lIo~kJn, II ,rlrel! MInH SteIlacoom Wlash 1 1961 Wausa I Pastor J E llnrlquI~t sa d thodnd Mr~ trank Dun SIOUX City (f)pal A 1}e\ett Allen Ch{fvrolet Mx- and Mrs Jaek Van Cle-a\c I 2'~S ' will be lna"LY 'or\Vcte ~upp('f gUlstS Fnday m tbe JluIJ atu "'I Holm Wakefield Bmck IOmaha, ere weekend gUt'sts m cheldren Another mtt 9 il 7'S'lt-tlm'" Borg hom(' 1 1960 dte Joe WI ron hhrne p.m. will be for t e parent·

\tr~ ... Elfie \IackC'y and (,eup't' IH:u'olt! Ht ar Laurel Ford I DIst:r1<"t school had a r.are-W('U t••cher Or'llnl'llltions S ors,: Hau("r6f1.) \l,{'T(' dmner gU{";Jts Fn I ()r\lll~' -\ Nobtle Allfft, ~et for Ruth borattiy mm:! Jdhh Ritch I the congrf!1lilltlon and.a y re else


1dav m: the Fred Mlattes home 1959 ey and ('Mhl8~.d "alentlnes Fn I who care5 10 attend I\ Ouetts laf>t w(?ekend m 1lhe DOn IMarlin Sc uttll'lt Wayne, FW'd rtlaY~ ~ Fcatul (II sr('ak( r \1 /j, ~ I 01

OXlk'Y~Omf> Neil Ox.ley I ~9S8 I A group dil frmnds.and relatives 1\\ HoJer S1~)UX (1,1 _I, )lj~ IXOn~ In J'S MalTIan Oxley and I-\Ia\l Hmj::( t Errerson, Chevrolet met at th Etlul Greve horne Sun Ipt'Tlente of il I t\ IJh \ rr I( HI

D"tll e Oxley Siorux City Mr and Franc~l FI hcr CoIJct)fd,F'Qrd trt day eve It tl';l help them O'bserve mtSslOU fIeld and the ~l ~ I>.;

1\11' ,:lry Oxlc\ Crel~tO'll W'f"J"'(' 1957 !!hell' 30tlh annl.versarv to 11,11 al-on* .... lth 111 (I IIIdlntlf.r ,:u<,sl" Sllnda\ \llrll J, f;d1\\.arttn Wi:lk{'fielr1~ (,'t' d' V'l" . 'k' hi'> til hr v prtllr I I

, -., C11<'1Toldt ,ues S Tl n:. at l'., Knl!'("ln'ar S ,1t'rf'st Ir) ::11 ::1'1)11: I ~

.an:t~~~~dw~~~S di~~~r (~~~~g'~~\ I lla.roIL\ I'fl:lrso[ji9~~len, I'b~outh I' ~~~(' a~' a~d ~~'M;-a~dB=: ~ . : ? :l.lltJhc Doa.n Cunning~,am home. W ISc,hra<!,pr. Wakl:>:fieh:l, Fd Arnold B d.l~, ~Ir. apd 2"Ilrs, \three T~afflc Mb,h,.ps

\Ia:; \',"1'r(' , In:h 'I,. Winkinslll1, POtll'3. : ~~'s _!B~l of ~:I\orrl~ [In(\

in t":Jt' I!n\\ ' l-hr'TOli1l P1C~1~~S \l~).~nrt~ll'~ K{~l~;"\~~I'r~mkl 'Ildln ('. 1.1lkken. Pllnca. Che-v trmk, ~'1:, ,mil ~1rs,. CLJ:~ Kal <111\1

.\1arion Quist werf' Elmer, ~ iV,()Sc., Etnerson, Chev pl.1 i f?m:l y \~ttre SUD(;,~y VlslLors at the"1Ij',jwr .'-illnd~IY in the J. 1954 I 1'.r! Z:lrh ~lOnw. l'r(,lllll11t ('11<' Illill.l·l! I III 1111\

,~ h;,m~, Blair. 111 Db: IlUllJJ.a ,"f;Fryc, ".:.n,1er,~on','Ohev I \,'isitor:;1 Smllda)' at cali,l, BrU,d.l uf 1:1(' ..1.\ \, ('iJlck:- :1\\'"Oli\'('1 -

,I thl' R.aymonrt I;ars(}ns null) Tho 'Pson, Allen, Ow/... tru('kig'~ms, w rc I M,'ns_ Ann,. Stolle, Feb. 1 dt Eighth 1Iht;1 Logan,i'15tl1 a,nnJYcrs'<lry, 'Darlyue eldin, Wak'llllicld,. Ply-rn Gkldys S lleL?JtIr. and .Mrf . .t-,lbcrt or~icers E .. L, Hailey'ahd KeithI Mrs. Ja'ck Wt~stermran W<lS a vis· I 1953 Meyer d jI1!J"s. Emmal ~(>y{'r. Reed irves1igated a mir~ap- Dal~

!~~~K);;~~~rh~~)~. ~~n~~n~ Cl.arenc(' i I';~~11;:~ l.~~~:~,rkltJT'. E~:l)n, 11'::.U.:~::O:IP:h+=C:.:rl=",::~"':,,:e~Ur:d:~,~M:"::,,:':B:':O:'k:.m:~:"+-~,:YJ:..,:..Y..:n~:"-:':·4t~"t.:,:-~:..OU.:!..:h:"-'-}f'~~:~:'-c:f~-}:'~f:""!r:.:.'-c::""~;."'~~~:,'=!:,,"':-~:-:."':.:."":'-c:-"'-_-_-_-_-_"_-![_-_-_-}F"'':~:,I C:uf"l',1s Sunda/ in the Boo Cross Real I:st•• II I I

S~erry's Farm Service 1:~~):'TlI~~lt~~,~S':(~~:~, ~~~':-:\t~~n 1• ~ I';l\Jl ,Borg and t~. Mr. <lnu I ed 1(2 m.{{', in LOts 2 a

Phone ]-375-1262 115 West 1st ,~\~s \l:'lJ~(;';~~ ~~~~~ R':-;~~;n1on~: ;j~~ ~iJT~'C~i~3~=:~t==""''''''=''''''-=====_'''''L=====lsenai!xl J('fI . ...:'~~~(~~~._~e~_O_f~Lo_t~-.: se.ctibn_3_,_1'o-c-+.-,--

J~j , ' , 'CI",""'" I"jpOla Sport S.dllAII "1"- ,

TITC;')I7[fil CQI'ii\IiJf(Jif(JiViiilllil'iG:'JTI5) , We a~ed ne~ bushings and r-----+->-+---'------,<l!Jm:i.L!. o~i!.IJ'!l\W\QJ .L!..J.lliil::!l.lro. soften d hodY,1t -frame mounts

H' E CHE'VROLET I to 8m th Che olet's ride, We, ': put in soFt-Acting shock

l11AV I,' :1bsorbe'rs and ~'ft~working coilVVIII springs ht ev'" wheel. By sort, I:

.-----'--,- --, though, Twe doh Lmean mushy.

a~ Chevrol~t's War makes for a 1

" C·', smooth.!solid ri~c. Very steady

'I' , \ - '", .... on cur~~g. A bu,)np jumps (rom

.' the Wi~~.Stancf ,~'heels to the,'" supple springs apd shocks-and


1 I -... pffft! It all but ~isappears,

~' rr~f~te.o~~~i;e~on~~-S~r:~d~~Ckr~ I "

I Super Sp0r:ts for. relaxing comfort ',I -n I' ,

I on every tnp, I ' , 111+.j---+H-+-f:J--- FI}t-~!~,OL~"!Jr·~_oee!I~::·:~~·~·~Ilt'~~~T~I_!~~l·r~r.~I~!,:_~~-~~~~:flJ!~eV!_1J.1~ ,Ill:! '-~, ~~-'l" ',' ,

'1',1,1 .' CORYELL! A,~!O CO I~AN¥\I' •,I .2 EAST 2ND ST. I W:Y~E





, ~

I",I I


,, '

[~~rr~n~j ~UI' (8~ebratioll



STARTING Ail' 10:00 A.M.

Ct}PME ~N+See the Newj Long Green Line for '66.MPotf, our.,,'',~~mp,:loyees - a~d Join in with Us' for a

) fREE "ROqN tUNCH. .' -See t~le Movies at the Gay theatre SiartiM at~jl!O:OO At·M•

, 'and at 1:1$ .P;M. '

,,!~,gr!dste!,".~r lmp~"~7~1 I I: 1 i ane-" I


Arncricilr'l< t'i\inct! 4,D:~

Gnd,Jry t,';;chers for p[:opL.:havc no~ ,known wh<l\11n edU(iltlon me·en">; 3books werle given V;etnarn; 700f.lcforie5 wer(! s~t up 1 fo giv~

Vi.1tnam ~ e!lana h; p! odu(,17,500 h&aLh stat"ors !were ".1,1

up for " ~I'.'o?~(> who kn':wwheu: f!1f.1' to turn;

AllIlcst lCI'l't'.\ClII' w",,I'd itl!:;Jlnsl di~I'ilSt'. ('\L:ltI~

11I('jd~m't' [rom k [Inrnllf,k I~J Il'.,~

wall'l' wl'~ls \\frl'

" ag'<Jllhl I OIl:!; \\';J~

t!ll'\' l'hfl'all'Il~'tl 1)1,'a nal,Jon \~ 11l'rl' th'

'rICI' -- !lOntl:ws'I ":~ mi~I/Ol1 ri.l

,",,:; "'''i,I''''I', "

, , I

,1"h.W"yn. (,1 H.,old, ThJrs o~, F.b,~a'l! 10, 1966


Me t FRED FRY and HERBERT GREEN -4 F,cd ;5 t:,cNe ,P<;,rts Department ManO,ger replOfir' 9,Herbeltwh is ',efiri~g from the busi"ess. "

Meet ORVAL BRANDSTE'iTEn - GC",CI'yi ;,10'1 ''','C;

and I0p,eratar.

Don't just Worry-about-


'STA-THION!II And order NOW! Proved mo&l

.flechve against resis!.alll corn, roolworm, la~y to apply·- noI unpleasant fumesI Use less, 100. May be 'Ill shortI supply -order, NOW!



1"~" 'I····'·, '.. '1["11' I' 1'I '-',,,,, "'1": '-;'~;':', " ' I

drh,," t ov,h I~.t the IUf'iI.. 11 orfOk h ~h $l1hOOI grouP IN'I~O AreG nFl' Ito .1I:lrl' f'f' Holm, ~ rl ;11111 "rfl' "1II1d,1'. ~'ll'I' ~111,] ~h, rl~'.Il:lIIS SCI thle the ~.t1 and the .1.· J u~t l>ot(; I I~ tiltkl.lo lhclll I-llJj) L:.'> Y,', ,I Pl',",l /\ : '"'Ohilsrll,, ,llnj:dl.. :,nd 'iH .on lind. :'Iff ;1111 :'.1r"·[1'11 "i·ti lph"'ffsl c nnot ....n I:IY low· PIC, II sal~ 'Young ~PI\.' r >J!\ \ lid Mr<; :\ r\ ISunll'li \\lIs 'J;ril!nl\l .111,1- rarnd :";1' ", 1(',1flyu~ Pit h in low planes lib re gr (0 rknu\\ of th{' op uch War er Climates I Ill!" \Tn·O).:II'''II~ " \,IT" 1 '.'\11"1:1,'1 ).;"\\1,:,11 :IBd til' ~~, ntllCub1 I .~ n es an1 1'"espoOSlbi tit"l ; I nll \11.r1111;'~I)(anl (,I1l1!) olllli '11", CI:lrll'i '-;'I,\\'!(11, ()hI11':,~.t1d(2) TIJt· Joogl(-' Is so tmck that hea ," ~ ad ed. and dat ed 1m TToutma, Wlns.lrk, ~Ill G I l~ vl 1m ~!'I~ilv:ll :-.IIX(~f1 Illly,I,lm,l, > ~.hl'n nil) Ike pllar. ... s aash thl'~ e .. rU Qr not a bit ty leJ] E Barks, &-Id n, wen.- IHIliJllg ;.>~' I~ Itrnt Iii t Wt'l'k 'f. ~

D hpt h rllt' tijrollg'h the trees f )' tho I :--s~ra..<;ka ngrie ur::..1 Icadl'~Jl wtl1' 1 ,'11' lind Ir!'- l.,q S,'l11Jll 'ljlnd~nll'ltH' g ound Rhey are held uq 'j. In VI m for the~m. Ie 1 ThursQilY )' ,<lir on u .l!.l day l.ordl ,\J,,'nt I hit. i"·\{4~."ld m:~ ho'11 lh', llf'(-'{\ b) t~~_ thick fouage It ould b•• signal or;p p1e~to-~p'1 gOf.ldwill trill thaI (;l'!l':lld BI.H'llll..~lll\p 11,'1111'. '; )llH.!

\\ ,l'H ~ the 9Jt,;:le line In Vletll ~Im I.... 0 ,. ks .In dev.' ~,'I will take the" ''''1,0 Bruil" 1Argen. 'll~l!ln I -. ~l S m rr1Dt In back, a. c I. hro hou. the war d, Ii fl. 1..: nl,t!l ,," , Chill' trod P,"fUI IU d \ JU t ..n t tt lJ a \ lCUli.lllll I Mr 0fes uned. She id, ' "." . ' ; 'I ' :,,1 •

p- !rom.1 VII·t lpll~ \,hen )O\~ ho ev r, er e "fid.nee is btl0V' Purpose'S of ,he lourney :are '0\~ l\ <; f lr tl" r rn '('1 lllle on th¢ -;tred anymort; ed, p by :this jtour. Of, 'h. caun. ,bsery. agricu t~ral methOJi,' and .. H'

I' .. n ') l' ~ Th lll{\OU -'.In tl'liJ whl'thtr 11 ma.1 try sh. i m~k:ng fqr 'ha pe· 9rklng cond'lons end '0 con" l I i Will IYou Be i",ean adl',l!wP h r publJ un or a demOcrat Just Irol u+ i ustt y whare sM ~as I t Ibua'. to nd.rstandln~ and ~

!'dr~ KnO\\I{S to rl of '\\0 ~rti pass n,; hI I Oil ~hc strect 'fou ~ 'sue .ernesl and .in~e,.. I' .Ie'lons 'am PMP" of:,coun-iii"rmN<; f)! \ur In1 IHlr' 1 \ 1:1 lb !Je Ilhg bnl:f1~l wltn Lul;a lno ilU '~n~ellof 'III ag.l, f,lt" YIsllle.d, Th. mlulon IS de· ! 1lI1S '" PIC URE,\m 'n(an h,1 I It'H r I II 'I' ,pe.Jkel' ~ id, ~he 1v,lOWS Cuba bel, S, ,is Iil'r,epirlIig arti<.',ll'S I [0,", ,lgned.o, Imp emant .he ~Iml of "Vlelnam sflldl r~ Illl rl I 1 h, ~ t It'r tlh:m he knt)ws ~'rls of th~s Tbe '~et's I 'gl'b1, is writing a . e US cult rei YIsU.t.,~n e.· : F',Ion,.: PII~()illr ~l (,! l!.\t,( olll'ounrry ,he waf; 10 Cuba befol'(~ bOO~kar¥llllU'iOherl'Omnlltlmtnts hange progrm. , I (:1

,o"Th",n"vO'u' n'~","of·n I"h"" tw1t'!Co'''w',' ,I Castro I<){ k o\'Cr arId then re"i.slcd Aile her talk ~t·n· before a" dis- .. Dr PauJ (;f,er, l!nl\l{lr~ity IIf, I'I' thrt·(~' 'ears 'after he had W~" 'llp ndngly sJ\naU crOwd, she N 'bratikll exte SlOn ll\lesto~k SPl' jJ'

prlSOnltr ot i!I~ but he was p i!lC' ("')ntno:' "ln~_~~Uld a l"Ountry go 'Ne~ ~~, LJ:ncolni for more aptltear· C) ]j!il,.l~ ill l' arKe, of tht:: J,(rouptleally <1 ma c~t wtth iI wach, "hl~ f'ar (J\\nhIJllln Ihre,c y~rs"" ::10('('8

1, Isc,,~:,"al LeforI' young :Pl'v·ILh'llclt ftom mllh.a, Olll~'r nlf't1 I

good c1othe',1 ~rot'nlse of an iedf ~hl:' ,S-kl-xl pIe 1 I th In' ( II rill ' "ucation and 'b,JIl9!i far better t"a~ . S'Jil~ ~aid she doo i not e,.peet. A~O~g ,thaw: presenl for' Ill'r! ,:)t te.

eIp l'O !t'- rom a o,\'(' I'" Th·.I; W k yaU M~ :\1

under t"ll; corlnihunisfs, The t~e. a ntvolu ion from within bac.~,a, talk: \~,edll(,Sd:~l' werc :1r, and i I:):, ee u '~yi'lger ,1oi'<'Id t,Jrt nis hand ,>6 it the you 9 are impressed with ,),lr.s'l\ arle5 l ~ase - he s {'$:(>{-\l·1 +----+---..,---lil Hkloked as jf hi'. could' neve r 'Iust communi, ideolc>gy - forvetting Uv~ d !~el,(>r ~f ~ thl: Nebraska Pl" I N\ORTHW~ST T L k" W' fi', "" US n',d", hod pedd'me th,' "m om, in nigh'" 01 polk, "nk,," 00"00";, Don C"'S""',"Uh,W k f' Id $4~OUC0'lR.noer ~ed ':>I,JH]ery thi1l in&ured a:mo-sl achvlties\ LH' rdatlOjllS (~Ir('etol- fvr ~P(': I a Ie c'

full use. Both young ~ri~ n)(I~I' ~'llh:ln~ "om~n~ to Ihi~ ,t.1tf)rtnej' ('1h:lrl('~ \fef)prmO"t. IWS(' ,we,!;, <:'nti-Vt~t Ceng ifll J~.\~, 1l11111'L',( ~)!'\'~l(l('t1t Ill' ;\\'.llllalll By Mrs. WI' allaee RI~9

"~'iY #Jy r1?,.v t:,)\ they knew 1,1 IJ\l! ,Ire Ill.: Ilurg and wilt" Supt -11 ,.,------11t~" 111 I~ 71tt'.1 10 fl~l~~~~ \':~~[~~~;;:n ~ 1l1~~I~,.1 ~l r ,t n~~nd ~1 r, I ,r:nl,: lll;; ;;~r ('~~/lll t~1 II ,: ~d\II;;l'n \' ;'~;: ::::

JI, j ,,( nt! !II polcntwl .J'ftfJ' VoH~ a~1(1 rhant~r, ~<lIlagl'r ! \\:Ient to ()mRh~,to mClt.'t Dan IAmd, I 1(,old ,>I and glv(' him pdb"' (~a Owr-n.s. Tl (' dmnf'r mer m >: ~ ho ,arne firo Fl. HO')d, l:('x for If ~ I ." W

,I' ~,''',\' in thr :was',rspbnso,re'd ',',Y Ihl' C of (,~ in I tW''',.~epk \1 II 1,)d('TI,' rl'port!tll.: 1 you ar~, ,n a participating, . oynntrr:'~ iConJ~ncLJ()JJ1 I'.Jl~ .~hl' NI'<'. t(~ FIOrd, 'allf Mr and \fr~ ~

" ,,1fg ng fn, Cubi',' I ". ',1:",,",,, Ccdton '0>\ ",,)c',n "eI'"n, , at 8:00 '.rh. Thursday and your n\\ 11 \oj( tIlW s I sl"lled, Tf,cl¢ a~d pog do Towling Ij(l~ -\ngllc:-. vIsited the l.und"

IhJ!!\ Iu I rI I (hil il I'.l had [Oltg'hJI AI 1o", ~rf.lrk anl a ]00<;(' d()gl~tlJrda) I I.dto !>d\l' () ll; ftll'dom at the I"'lg~'t rfld 1st, me t~\ Ill! f.jf· pa:-.1 ",,,(-k 'I'lli I \1 r and ~f!> rom Shdltngton [" wn_


• .!,thl Ill,lutilful hland r11 011 h\.Ii1 lruick !IS ['<1111(>0 tWl'(> 1m" lain f chlldnn (Jrand Islahd \H'rt~

\\1\1[( "II! III' I ~ll J hl fnc "e'n' not 10 tllw a eI.r ~wa~ 1131 hal ~l'!n yflekend l!:UC~!j III tht ~~rn('st An Y f 'd'1'1 d Co I t" I I tt h lpp, 11 llgalll "he ll'ft In <I l';rnl~ .... a\ ilnd agaYl 10 I tJlrrson JwmlC i U Win ~ven I your name Isn, t rawrt{ I

~Iu \\ I' IlIld, .II or llld p In'lrr1 out how qUHkh l~,\ I 1:1 b car Iff' In chure-h I~np I ' '- ' "i'Hen III \H ~TH)\I' min <.: Into nOml.,~t) ler \' Tr:~ Ido <, c' un ("au"ht on 'II' alld ~1 's Ilprman ~cdl'n I' b cause W,lI'ylne stores are 'Ioade with

1111J \Ir., K ,mit, tod of SL(lIlg he 'l hbus n'~llll-.(h and he wa~ to~ ~an)J ilnd \tJ ~nd MI~ (,!I\ II lIlll old \\11 ~on II \ I('t~ 1m ~alurdl \ h. ~, II lar'l\tnrll hef -1'e !l~P Prjlll,C' elson spent Sunday Wjth th(' b

II<.Jtd ufcoml'n.,ljJnlJ' {'mil rr""d _ m~'her-s JU t ~tr~ ("ailed IJ pIck It lip anI IrI.1 1,11\ln KraHm n family I'llnHr'I\ rgains'lI~ 01 Ifq,:ht:ng bl.l,1 tj,l$ i ('"on:- 1:) a war zone to Sl' '", '\1n:l Hw. ,r~ l.d Ru'~'bi~h dl'PO,'ti!pd Ilia i ,

III IH1'·"n\('n~:ot1al war J ~f);l Btll, as a W<lr eorn's lj!l lh<' rrer' d::·( ~'mt' rt'~irl'l;lh.1 I ()~s'(J'vir~~ s~v{'ral birUIlI'!lYs. \11' $10.00 CONSOLATION GIFt IF':',051 i¥!0ple hilY.? seen !unf1e. pontlr'nl \\a~ in thc rlJUnlr~ an I.'walll \'f,"i ir ~ ',wn' W;,I~ lor 11t'd 1,111d -'"II'S. Joe i,.Ericks..on,l'ntL.rtlll,''','>\,

\\," 1'1" bu noi j,ke the Vletn-am lun Ie. ,Jlul :!-.' JllrJ,h~'r she wan:c-cl II 10 ~{'t tl rtJl'.;,h'~(', a lllOnn' Ilia:! ~t dmnrr andlsupper SUO(J(rlY Mr ARE Nlof PRESENT WHEN Y,O",I ,\illl M~5. Knowles said, She C! ed' 'l'" IWJ" r", ~'iI rr';JjOrq~"1 11,lis~,'lng fr,ln1 H ~"In ~n:l, Mrs, "",'{ C. BfJr/.l, WJlll,ltll,

,]'\ \, twc exampl,s; (1). A Viel,C nS'1 'In !j('"1uhn !rwj, a n's\lII'nl fl'k ,n'J F:I Vel"'H , ~r, and Mrs MarvlIl NAME IS DRAW~.;" trail througl1 the ,ungle can bei Iii,' ("I l'-!!('("t'l take- 11 '''{'~ of l(lr'..: linn srnH, Mr ami \-lrs ,

r!) 1 I c,1rved out ISO elept,ant~, can be '11'1111 fl~l'~~.~!~T~t!~)~_~lJm !,W:IInl' F;nl'" "pn. '1r ,Ill:! \lr, 1-+-+---------------+--."..:-0;-.-...--~---------~

II- ,.,! •



I •

City Audit<niumI WAYNE, I

NEBRASKA. ...II Tuesday, FelIruary'151 9 A.M..J P.M. Lunlh.t Noon

~II ,, ,





) .

I ~


, , : I , , I, I '

B~fore ypu plow, f .rtil~ze ~o @roY'.bi gerYI~lds of'l Qorn perllOeb of 5011 ~Olst re!

. ' I " ..~

Whether yourl growin~ason isk Ilr, wet, yo~r corn needs pI nt; " Go1den URA~ liquid Initrogen at!0 stays in the soil ~o mke com -<.~of nitrogen to p~oduce big ,yields. ~itrp¢',en is particularly impo ,t. grow S',trong, det"p roots that reach f ,r down for,ext a wa,ter, Depend-in a dry seasqn peeause it helps corn tq make far more efficient of ing o~ the type pf soil, w ll-fertilize com ,can send oots d01five'to

, available soil mpisture. ~' seven,feet. The vigorous growth of .s com also b ilds a leaf canopyThe ideal w",y to put quick"a ting and long-lasting n,itroge in fast ~reduceeraporati n of "atel,' y the sun and break t e force

, your soil is to St'ray old stalks bef re, ~~~~down Wl,'th Golden AN of driVing rains,so that ater soaks 'into the soil ra her than nningI or high-nitroge liquid fertilizeton~Golden URi\N. . 'off. i I,.,I Tests have s own that com, ~n a Ibalanced plant food pro ,Golden URA;N is yo best bet fok producing mo e com pe inch of

with plenty of Iilitrogen, takes onl¥ a t;Jllrd as much water per b hel soil moisture. ~ the CADI~@man today! et him spray01 yield as it ..... without 'OCh~:,~grnm.Plowing down G den yoW" ,",'talks with Golde URAN fpr plow down r spread GolqenURAN now sptteds decay of old s Iinto organic matter that olds URAN on plowed gro nd before I' diskifng· Gol n URA grows

I more water in 1lhe soil from snow eli and spring and summer gOldt yields o~ com. ' I . .

Ii I I I' 11


$eethe MAN "dayt, ,

H j;, ",eq-tToined ',0 se e you. e kn,ows the n,eeds of ,c*oPs an~lsoi{s in youro/~a a'fd ~e is equijJped to appl top-quFity 4RCADll~:Vliqu~ plant fooqsf 't at' zP cost. Where needed, e can add minor,elements,herbzcides'pnd/~rspi ins ct:icides to the liquid mix ute to do ~everal jobs. w#h o~e t ip ac;oss t~e, fie . fie ~ a gQOd man to go 0 for advzce q-nd asslSt~nce m p nnmg yodr

p n~ food program. L~t hi ~tp you far",: fO':lf1ofit! Se him tOdat!

! ,. I, I \ ' \


, !


WORTH DRI~ING 100 MIL~S.dec/arh Joe I!'laines, Lee C unty,lIIinoi~. "Aftell attended th ',.Clinic In Dixon last year. I f It my'two 1

sons. ,.,ho farm near me. cduldn'~ ,afford'to m,iS$ it. I encouraged th,em 'to cat~h the next clinic at dttawa.100 ""ilesaway. the fOlloting day.And they thanked me when, theygot b~ck." !

. l,~


O~RElsTIMATED?Top Farmers who ~ttend""<i last year'st"linleS,tell I1B w,e're being too conservative. Grab,~ pencil and we'll p ,ve it.

Say', you're growing 300 aCre8 of com. If you pick up ughtiJl' at the upcoming Clinic to raise your ,income $20 an acre,l (~ytold us that was conserv~tive, too) that's: an extra $6,000 frorr nt~xt

year's etop .. ,just for 6 tKwrs of your ~ime and attention ~t theClinic slleCified on the cover.

, '.j

And there's plenty to hold your attention. 'this isn't just one 01 th<l/l('fann meetings that have be<.-'Ome a fa·vori~(' winter sport This! clinic ,is all bujliness ... for farmers who mean bUBine8.'l,

• 'The lunch is free. So's the morning c'lffct·, But th,'r,,'s no ""ntN-taiiunent... I'

1I1lltead, dynamic speakers and top farmers with narrllW-r(,wknow-h~ will pack -21/2 hour sessions in..thl' 1lI0rhing and aftjl'rnoonwith stuty that big profits are made of, . ,heavy fertili7.ation " highpopulatipll8 narrow rows, ' . chemical teed and insect ,,'Ontlrol " .early ~rvest minimum harvest 1000000, .. petter storage and fCl."<i-ing methods. . I'; . "Complet~ly diHerent from last year. If Y04 attend,,"<i a C()rn-s<~yb("...nClinic Uutt year, you're primed to,gain ~ven more from this 1 yea:r's

event. ~Y comparison, last year's clinic only ~ked at the prtlef\lSWe could" only tell you then what neede1 to be done for top rofitsThis year we're bringing you the people, who did it ... top f/trmers

who tii~ narrow roWB and heavy poPula~ons... and earned'$20 to$50 mo~ per acre by using their braina it ng with their back.$.1 Faqners such as Clyde Ijight, who a eraged nearly 200 ~U8hels

on 557 acres last fall, wili relate their ex riences and al1llwh yourquestiollS ... equipment and supply comp ny executives will ~'II youwhat's available and what they. have in thf works ... plus, thi$ year'sClinic will feature storage and feed compapy representatives "fho willtell you how to store and market top crops for top profits.

The following pages only; hint at wrmt will be covered at thl'Clinic. Reading this without attending t~e Clinic is like beirjg satis­fied with a sandwich containingpnly two $Iices of bread! Corm, to theClinic ... and put some meat in your fa~ing.

LIKE NOTHING I EVER AITENDED.states Ernest Lykens, Flat Rock. Indiana."The Clinic was a real eye opener.Lots of good ideas. I never received somuch information in so little timebefore. We got so fired up at that meetingwe could hardly wait f<lr sprinl;' to come!"

-I'; I 'I ~ 1 I

LEARNED MORE IN 6 110URS THAN 2 YEARS. says ptto "SpIke" Genets. crnter. Petersburg. 1I11101S" f"Those cllmc people gav~ me lust the nuc1ge I needed ~o gIve some new practfes a try. I tned S1me 30 co nrows and topped my 38'1 rows 'by 22 bus~e/s per acre I tned narrow rows o~. half my soybeans, too, I

and got 45 bushels per ~cre compared to 37 bushels on the regular rows. I'lI ltry more of both th s year I 31but fl~t I'm going to th~ Cltmc again to see what ottlers are dolOg." 1\ I:

I' . I1 ,


,these farmers did!





Clinic will sh~w you how toI

EARN 1$3,000IN 6l10URS

';,1'0111 grea!: by dreams. AliInC,i are dreamers . . . with ihe

·,rnbition. to turn their dreams,·ec,lities.'· Vlfooorow Wilson


yea,.':; Corn·Soybean Clinics will !feature first-hand comments from top fannersHeir, Harold Gardner. Cameron. '/1. who averaged 170 bu. on 870 acres last year.





I" , it1J



Ijie given a bin-fut! of good tiP8jPl1 how togllnerally raisel com and bean yielils. theemphasis at ~ Clini~ will be <m farrowrpW8 and high populatlons. As 8elkie says,"It's the only 'fay to go:' ,I

• Farmers like Clyde Hight,who 4im forthe bleachers livery time they ste~p tollc plan r plate, have proved that really6ig Yi~ds are attainable ... but y ifyou seed a great number of p~ts andapreading ttlem out more evenly o~r thefield than is pQ88ible in the old CUB mary38" or 40" rowlI,' .

Even moderately higher yields wje moreI/lIsily reached with II$rrow rows .. 1. light­mg conditions are better, plants~e bet­t,er use of fertilizers. Ie88 moisturf drifts _oft through evaporation, and 80 fqrth_

Some farmers feel that 30" rows ~e justan intennediate 8tep ... that 20" roWs. withplants spaced almostlln equal ~tance .apart in each direction, is the id'tal wayto raise com_ Hight thought 90, ,"d didit. Results: He averaged a crib-~)u8ting

201 bushels of No. 2 com on 388 acresof 20" rows!

Admits Hight: "I co\lldn't have, done it'without Allis-Chalmers, DeKaib lUild other8uppliers. A-d supplied the s~l nar­row-row planti~g. cultivating and harvest­ing equipment, DeKalb supplied the righthybrids and a heap of advice. I <lid a lot,of listening and a lot of learning."

You can do the same at the Com-Soy­bean Clinic.

r .~_~t"\~~~' -" IrII


T~ punch up the practical awect. topfarmers just as those described /ibove willbe a part of each Clinic prognlin. tellIDgy~,'u just how they lilY their 8.Itrategy forWp com and bean yields, and rtankly ad­rnitting where they've been bqrnOO withunproven practices.

Top farmers' such as Cly~e Hight,J<len Helton. Harold Gardner $d ClaudelWnze will spell out their exper~ce8withnarrow roW8, high populatioruj, ditJerenthybrids and various fertilizer rates- They'llewlain how they win the wOOd and bugb/lttles. And they'll IIPpear 01'\ .panels toa/'tBwer audience questions.

, As yet, these top farmers lIdmittedlydon't have all the answers tihemselves.They fully intend to pop a fev(. questiionsdf their own at the seed. ch~mical'andequipment 'company experts S<jheduled tos)'>OOk at the Clinic program. 1 But theirstrong sUit is the practicals~ that fllnn­ers just edging into the thick planting fra­ternity want to hear.

In that regard, the Clinic program hasbeen carefully charted so that its appealisn't just to the home run hitters who areaiming for the 150 and 2()()"bushel yields.There'll be plenty of good listening forflanners who just want to raise their bat­ting average by 20 or 30 bushels each:fl'.ar, with an eye on big league yields infuture seasons.

In farming as in baseball, it takes a lotof foul balls, bunts, base hits and double- .~lays ... as well as home runs ... ~ winthe production pennant. By bankmg on~he experiences of others, you dan improve;:'n your own record with a minimum ofhpense.; Face the facts: Even an increase of only10 bushels or $10 an acre can! give you aheckuva lot higher return on your timefor Clinic attendance than if you stayt.ome and haul manure all day!j You can bet on it, {hough, while you'll!


•I...'Iel sON'T ..JUST H~~PEN

They're planned. say Top Farmers. ~now's the time to plan yours. , , using tipsyou'll pick up at the Clinic.

NO DOUBT about it ... top fanners areputtin!: the squeeze on com and beanacres. They're squeezing in five plantswhere the(e used to be four four rowswhere there used to be three three tonsof fertilizer where they used to use two.And: They're squeezing bumper yieldsfrom acn!lr'that used to be "average,"

In short, today's good fanners "thinkthick." They're crowding every acre with ,plants aplenty, resulting in a populationexplosion unsurpa88ed by any city suburb.

It's the only way to go," says Iowa comgrower Len Selke. "Big yields and smallyields require about the same amount ofwork. You have to prepare the ground,plant the crop, control the weeds, and thenharvest whether you get a bin-bustingcrop or an old-fashioned flop. So I go all­out every year."

Before Selke and other fanners like himg." "all-out" however, they first do a gooddean of p're-Sf?4S0Il1 planning. For them,corn and beans aren·t just crops that they:out down in the spring and haul in in thefall., they look at each year's cropas f 12-month project that begins justafter harvest and extends alliliihe waythrough til(' following harvest.

These top farmers spend winter monthsmulling over brm magazines like gardengreen thumbers absorb neW seed catalogs.They do sonl(' travelinf(. . talking to otherfarmers with similar goals ... visiting withgeed corn:con¥'any representatives. .checking whlrPs new in equipment, fertil­izE'/" and chemicals.

.\nd theV attend arE'.aCorn-Soybean'f :lini\,', lik(: Hw ODE' designated for yourilr(';:;.~:rn Hw ':::OVf~r of this brochure.

·n~i., :,ear',·; Clinics will be long on thepructica! sidf' ;.lnd [~hort on th(l' theon~ticaL


"OK,} AlliS"Chal.,hi'ers, show me how I can I .

~~ke more money in corn and soybeans!!"

In soil preparation!"!

Show me ho," : can speed up preparation a plow­down with a One-Ninety XT tractor and big chiSflI plo~.

Show me the once-over jo~ done by the one-~inetywithcoil shank cultivator. 4-row planter and attachments.

Show rlle'tiow the M~el A" Gleaner co bl e with 13 I


CULTIVATOR This cttivator easily adjusts to 'farious,ow widths. SOllle narrorow farmers use tierbicldes and get bywith SIngle cultivation or none at all.


PLAIIHEIRfhls 6 ow n~rrow planter of Allis Chalmers maklls

f;ither ?8 inc or :lO'HlCh rowS. Field coverage gain o"frc.;ta dard 4·row planter is ?O inches per (ri>unt!.



qJ,Jhat does ~he

(~hangeovelrcost ?

i\! AHROW ROWS arp cai ching on fastN than pop-op"n h,~pr

·;ms. No doubt about it, i rrow rows can widen profits,. . onvour farto as well as yourineigbbors'.

"Ol<tay, I'll agree'to t ' t," reply a lot of farmers with whomwe'vp diiscussed the narrJ -row subject. "But can I afford tomake the changeover no '? I'm geared to 38" rows with mYplanting, cultivating and eIltinK eqllipment ... some of myequipment's half-new." .

Then they play thei~ aces: "What does changing over tonarrow rows cost? And ht' ITIllny extra bushels will I have tora is<' on p~ch acre before uch a changeover pays off?"

Such questions aren't; asilyanswered- But Allis-Chalme!rs,DeKalb and other CliniQ.jsponllor experts will take a poke atthem dtjring your local C

M·... m-Soybean Clinic. Briefly, here are

some of the things they'l ad'<1ise you to consider, basing thefigures on the Ddane Agtf cultural Service chart below: f

1 - Hetbicide costs will ttk higher. Figure $1.45 an acre more.f'rlling from 40-inch to 30-linch ~ows means 25% more herbicide.

2- Seed cost will be hiher Ifor soybeans, but not for CQrn,

unless you increase plan~ poPulation. Soybeans for seed cpst


Chanli:e from new 4-row equipment to6·row retu1er 6-"", narrow

T~tal Per aCfe Total Per .C;re--~.

Soybeanjo, 200 acre!Herbi(lides (14 in band) $290.00 $1.45Seed l 120.00 .60labor" $ $7.00 .29 27.00 .14Tractor ~850 14 13.50 oV

Net changotS $ 8$ 50 43 $369.50 $1.85

Corn. 2(>0 aue'$1.45Herbi~ides $290.00

l.abor' $117.00 .89 57.00 :ISTract" ind combine" 6450 .32 24.70 .12

Net chanees $241.50 $1.21 $208.30 $1.04

Depreci.tion and interestcharp!" 1.395.00 $395.00

Tote I a4ded cost, S 6a,OO 1972,80

---:~~~; charied~;~--~~--:-~:;J. !Ind ~ract~r aod combine time .t 75¢ an hour f~roPilnrfln'l: costs only: 3-row hnd: on the combine

··Adde(1 deprllKiation and interest ~osb of a G-raw pl.nler, cultivator and J·row combirtehead over the costs of 4 row fJq Ipmenl .nd 2·row combine had. CU. of III.)

HARVESTING EQUIPMENT'!Our combine can be switched to narrow-row harvesting

simbly changing cornheads like this qne, a major portion ofnarrow· row chan~ovet costs are eliminated.


a,J:>out 60f more per aGrf', 'Every 2,000 plant-per-aerp inc~M;"in, seed com will add ab<i>ut 35¢ per acre. :

3 - - Labor, tractor and combine costs for soybeans totall:?l ¢less per acre for 6-row narrow equipment over the 4-row '~ujp­

ment, and 41¢ less for ,corn. One trip with 6 rows at 30 inrheacovers 180 inches, while 4 rows at 40 inche.s c'1Vers only: 100inches of machine width. .

4 - Comparing 6-row narrow versus 6-ro.w regular, the ~trowy6-row system costs $905 more than regular 6-row on,400 apes.

Most of this comes from extra herbicide costs for cor~ and/SIilY-beans and extraj80Ybean seed, not equipment. . :

5 -- Therefore; total added cost of the 6-row narrow ",Jtemover 4-row regular co~es to $972.80. This leads us toi iheseconclusions: it' ,

With soybeans at $2.50, it ta an aV.'erage of oniy' 2 .,xtrabushels an acre on 200 acres to tify the shift. And~'incewe're using 400 acres in this comparison, that's assUffi gnoyield increase for the 200.. acres of com, is highly un.' ely.

If alI 400 acres welre planted to com lit $1.00 per bus el, itWQuld take a yield increase of just 2 bushels to break ev n onthe changeover. It's obvious that it isn't difficult to rf1Xlverchangeover costs. . "I

Fertilizer costs ar~ npt included in this study. They :10uldbe higher, especially if higher plant popul8tions are used.,

On the other han", if a 'new combine i8 not needed~ donly a narrow-row comhead is purchased, this will lowe ~he

changeover costs substantially Crom' thosl! quoted here. ~ ifyou're ready for a new. co.robine, but not a8 yet ready forb. owrows, it will pay you to buy a unit such as an A-C ~ erwhich can be easily converted to narrow-row harvesting ith acornhead when you are ready for narrow rows. •:

The Clinic present$tions will dig much deeper in~ thistopic t1lf1t's only touch~ on here. TheY'I.1 give details <il~. tihesavings In labor and e<I~pment costs over regular 4-row ujp­ment, eXtra profits from' faster field operations, and so· mih.You'lI get the full story at the Clinic, and have a chance tp !lskthe experts any specific 9uestions you wish.


Hight used experimental eqUlpm,ent s~pplle(

by Allis-Chalmers to handle hIS 20-mchl rows,ncluding a planter. a culitiv.atpr and a 4-rov.cornhead. The cornhead w~s deslgned' to f('Hight's Model A Gleaner ¢On1bln'




! ", i

"any farmer can do what I've done"II ,,'!

EVERY npld of ('ndpavor has ,I" liron!runn(>f& But whpJl it ('on~('H to corn, ('ilvdt,Hight has to rau' as an AII,Aml'f1ClIn:

Hight, who farms Iwar' M,ow.~aqua, III,nois, loves to grow corn, lolli of iI, and Ill'sure dOPs. Last y('ar he Iwrotp oru;' of tJH'

gre.atest crop Rtorip8 in Y~'ar;~, :lV<'ragiillg ;1

whopping 20] bllHlw]s df No ~~ ('oro "n3&l acms'

Hight, who will appltlr on all "I' Clinic progntnls , in pOr~(JI'1

or on slides and tapp, av"ragpd a rmghl\230 bushels on " acrpH that hp w"iglwdout for a DeKalk yield contpst A J{){J

acre field went 211 bushpl" !wr a~'r<', andan SO-acre field 207 bushels of No, 2 ('orr,

Clyde produced slips froln his plp1.',<1",showing that he h.'ld sold 81.127, IllJHh"I'of corn off 3&l acres, which when converted to No, 2 corn figurpd out to 2~,J1 1,bushels per acre. T'he fPrtnaiining ] 69 Hcn'~

didn't Il'0 that high only about 1,,0bushels ppr aerp'

Big corn yields arp c~,mtnon 10 ("Iyd."but thl'Y wl'fpn'l alwHYli. Back in 1960,his 144 acrps of com wNp hardly abov.'average for his arpa, avrfag:ing 91 hUHh.·lsper acre

"That was when I dp.,id~'d to do SlOrn,'

thing about my corn yillld,~," Hays Hight"As long as I was going: through tbo IIlO

tions, I figured I might as wpll aim forhigher yields and better profits ,.

Clyde was further eocouraged h:v ~n

article h ... in Succe~sful Farmingchallenging its read...rR 110 set higbl'r corngoals, He dropped a nl1>t... to tbl' atjthorLloyd Zeman, asking fl~r further advic<'Zeman su!:gested that I be contact s,'pdcorn and equipmpnt c()mpanil"S, ttJ findwhat hybrids, popu)ati0!Js and row widtb,migbt be for his particular area,

Hight took the tip, and contacu>d ~e'

eral firms. One sucb m~tin!: put bim Inclose touch with represer/tatives of DeKalhand Allis-Chalmers. Now, ha';'ing workedclosely with them OVN thl' past 6 years,Hight and the companrr p,xecutives havpbecome good friendb

Through a lot of listening, I('arning and












! I! ! •

Hight J.tiIl. elalxtate on his reaSO~dur­ing his linic pllesenta~on, not- g ad­v$ltages uch as I~ win damage, betterlighting, ess evap<\ration. and SO fo .

:Althou h High~ is hi hly !!UCC silf,ulwith llllJTpW rows imd hilfh yields,:he in­sults: 'Trh no ext~ordinatyfarme~1 fin~corn gro~ing an t1xcitin~, chaU nginghQbby. live done ~ lot of experi ting,rJe ask~ a lot ofl questions, I've gottena lot of !lood advi<!E" An~ farmer <Ian dowt/at I:ve:djme." '1·' • i '

1 • '

I '!

hlkn ws Jru.t it far e"reeded that ofaJ

teVi us y¢ar. He'll have the figures readtt pr nt ~t the Clinit. 'I •

'le hls yields are sky high, Hight +s ill doWn-to-earth fellow who realizesI. t I st ~ear was an one for bik

rn iel&. in his area. "While I mig!£n t aVe 1iverag~d, 200 bushels if w~

du' got flO inches of rain, I'm still coa'v n thal'for every inch of rain

iv ,I n grow more com in my ,i ch r ws han I can in wider rows." i .


Clyde Hight averaged 20.1 bushels on 388acres last year, all of which was in 20-inchrows. Hc'lI appear nt the Clinic, in person Of

on slides and tape" to tell of his experiences

"XIJeriment!ng, Hight fili"ed his yieldevery year. In 1960, tw had grown 144acres of corn and averal(ed 91 bushels peracre. Hr· spent $10.70 per acre on fer·tiliz"r. which averaged out at a cost of76¢ per bushel and a profit pt'r acrp of$27.9(1

In 1961, backed with HlP technical ad·vicp of Zeman, DeKalh. that of various fertilizer and companies ("The same advice is avail­able to any {armpr just for the asking­commercial companies are glad to help" i

Hight grew 16:, acres thllt avemged 124bushels. Fertilizer cost was $25.81, lIver­aging out at a eost of 68¢ per hush..!.with a profit of $49.77 per acre.

III 1962. h,> raispd 2flO acres th:lt aver­aged 140.2 bushels \Jer acre. Fertilizercost was $24.90 pCI' ncri', 62¢ ppr busheiand a profit of $60.34 per acw

In 196.3, Clyde had 200 acres averag­ing 157.01 bUShels per acre. His fertilizercost was $24.36, cost per bushel was 59.6e,and his profit was $82.27 per acre.

Making use of some of his corn profits.Hight added to his corn acres by huyinf(197 acres of light soil. This land had beenyielding about flO bush"ls pN aen'. witha pH of 1).4. So Clyde" put on 4 tons oflime. Of t.hp 1m ;uTes, ilK an,'S w"rf' justc1e.ared and the rest of the land had beenfanned. He ,gave $150 per acre for thisland. '

11tis new Corn ground averaged 109bushels per *cre the first year. AveragE'yield on hi$ 'new total of 397 acres was133.1 bushe~ per acre in 1964. Cost perbushel was 68.4¢ and the fertilizer costwas $35.50 per acre. His profit cam" to$50.04 per acre.

SomE' of hib land did extremely well in1964. One 78lacre field yielded 163 bush­els per acre. Another 41 acr~s averaged157 bushels, and 93 acres averaged 143bushel!i'

And last yj>~r, of course. Clyde hit thejackpot with his ZOO-plus booming yield.He hadn't computed his costs and netprofit as yet When we went to press, but







-"1-1--I , ,

If you fcjllow jilood SOYian marlage·ment pri\ctice., Amiben eed control!can pay! for itself man times over.Here ~r~ the" easy step,s to higherbean Yleills anll profits. !

. • jl! I •1 ADAfI"ED ljEED VARIEfY •.' for your j:la~lengtlil or latitude,

wIth proPer seed onnocul,tion.

2 SOli.! TESl~NG i, pH ljIdjust!rient; addition of cotrect

amount j)f N, t( and P if cililed for aftertest. i ' ,I !

3 PRO~ER PlANTIHG DEPlH• for !your liOiI- and !correct· plant

populati?n to pbtain goo<1 stand.

4 PRq\oER, ~IPME"T ,:,well mai~ained an~' adjuste<l for

plantin., and" h,arvestitg. Clean, outsprayers carElfully- ch ck nozzles-calibratl1. ' . ,


, earlY planting-care' in harvestingbefore bea'ns shatter.

l i " '

6 GOOD SEED BED PREPARATION, Nq clods, crop trashlor fOreig~ma.

terials. i Preparing a smqoth seed, bedis espeicially nece.sary. !f seed bed isnot sm/xlth, skips can ocqur when usinga~y pesticide, liquid or granular.

7 ANIBEH, fill' control of tloth broadleaf weeds

and,~rasses. 'I

Based:upon an average price of ~.47per b(Jshel to the gtower, Amibenband~ at the 2 lb. rate tecommendedfor m9stllOils, returns to many farm·ers enough to pay for !the herbicideabout ~ to 6 times over. And that's realprofit for any grqwer \\1hose manage­ment !practices are gOQd enough sothat superb weed control can make thebig difference. ! .

See your dealer today for Amiben-No.1 in soybt\ans tJy a wide mar·gin-because it conttoJs most an­nual l>roadleaf weeds and.grasses .with one prl!·emerg~nceapfllica· /i)

'tion at pla~ting-Ieavesno soilresidue to .ttect rotjrtional crops.Available ~, liquid concentrate orin granular form. !


, '



Willard Hefldelson, Fowler. Indiana wante :to check tile etfectiveness of Amiben on is btan :field. tie 1I>~~~sely skipped the stnp at left; w.tlJhiS spraye~. I m conv.llce1,'· says Hend rson

,I "

problem. ,I<;ach yellr. more and more farfnerj!;'have tur:oed to ·chemicals for thp an$wl't

The vast majority are hil(hly satis ed !withthe. resUlts· Many ru:>n-believers haw befon¥'be!revers"after -;~n$ chem.icals perf )rmj in F'nerghbor B field. Srde-hy-srd.. c()m arililonfs';lch as ttt shoWJI I., nth.(' .photo at dt,., 1m):vrde plen y of convincing ('vidence "

Basica Iy, weeds caW'" IO!i8es four aYf~ ,

1.-- Growing in thll crop row, the. al>ootbhght, and they (.'ODllUme nitrogen, h08111wr-ous, potash, moisture andtraCl' irwralsnecessary for good crop growth. I

In soybeans. it has been shown hat Olliefoxtail. plant growing every four in e8 i~ t~!"row will consume enough of theae elemen~

to pr~uce an extra, 2.3" bushels per c~( OriPfoxtai\.spaced every Inch p.ats up eno h ln01S­ture and, nutrients .to produce an/xt~a 6.6bush~ls JilCr acre. . / i

U:smg' ~ pre--emer•.,ge..nce h~.r"cidetsu~h .il'~mlben, rt has been proven at, b <.jttnil.hng botb broadleaf •weeds nd gra "'I sqy-,beans develop more, heavier pods per. plantand yield 3 to 9 .,..xtra hushels per arr!'!

2 -~ Broodleaf weed,s and grasses off r Hl!lPlkrto mites, inseCts am;! disease organi .: Evkmgrowing a... 19l1g fence.' lines_and di h ban1ts,weeds ~ve been kJ10wn to cause t ir\fesj;a.tion of ~tire fields.' ' i i3 - Th(third way weeds reduce yeldt is!atharv6Jt. Since thC\'cutter bar cann t J~ d­justed tJh:Vest thf lowest pods on the, pl,%t.many brls are I¢ft in the field, i i

4 - . ge losses for soS'beans t t <:pni'inweed are . the fourth pell1llt g ow ,rs I

pay for raising weieds along with ther. y­~. e chargt;l at the elevator for!c1~­mg and reprocessmg such beans' deducfromth price paid to the farmer", ! ,~ four .Iosses f~om w~ rell't Im-

med,ill.~y ObVIOUS .•... So.rl.. n.. utnents, ~is.t',harvest losses ana dockage are, e hiEencosts raising 80jybeans - they on'~ wup unti the yield is .weighed, ur:! .Iyzed a examintid fQt weed . y n-trolling weeds and gta$3es, these I Pinbe redu~, yields <;an/be incre1lsed nd prqfitsC/lD be raised $7.50 to $22.50 per a e.1

For jnformatioIY on the best etl/odlI ofweed control, plus approximate cos Per $cre ,on yoUlj fllJ'ID,be prit at the CI ni1'




f·~-I-l--I- --.-"~-'

I i

,Ontreatefi, ..-d-jnf~001 of yield .and profrts 'Just a

fOU left oPen the elld·~~ hauledl the beans l1-Ome

. /

/or truck a

like this' rob

I,.J__.~_ __~,

REAL ESTNfE troles take a mi~hty big biteout of fannjiwome T but a few wee4s in yoWcrops can cost you ,a lot more th<ln the as-sessor charges. ,

Average fann ta~es are about $4.00 peracre in, Illinois, while Iowa tan!s aveJ"llge alittle over $3.00 pet acre. Taxes on the bestfann land, of course,: may be more than doublethe state average. Even so, your tax bill canbe small potatoes r>mpared to what weedstake out of your poCket every year.

(\. recent study Showed that· one pigwet!drereases 200;000 BeIids when it matures andalmost all of these iweed seeds are ready togrow and hlb you the next year if not con·trolled. In view of _his, it doesn't make muthsense to use the~ seed, best lertjlizer, bestequipment, and bes practices, then let weedsrob the crop's pote tiaL Such a procedure isabout as practical a taking long steps to saveyour shoes! • .

It doesn't take rr.any w~ to cut YIelds$10 per acre. WeejJs collect their taxes byrobbing crops of nu1fri.ents, moisture and light.

An acre of, land pm 'support just so muchplapt. growth at ompe, SIl¥B University of,Illi­nois agronomist E~ery Kuske. "A cornfieldfree of weeds may Jilroduce 8,000 lbS. of grainand stalks. The sarj:Ie field with 2,000 Ibs. ofweeds will produce only 6,000 100. of corn,"he explains. His studies show just one pig­weed over 10 inches of row can cut corn yields17 bushels per a~ and soybean yields 15bushels per acre~,losses costing you $20 to$35 per acre.

Cultivators are J1otQbsolete, but on manyCornbelt farms they're not getti~g the work­out they once did. 11Iat's because progressivefanners have fountl that herbi<lide. applica­tions are more effective and less costly thantwo or three trips over the field' with a largetractOr and cultivator. Many herb,icide Usersare now getting by, with only one cultivation,and others have stored away their cultivatorsri!;ht 'llong side the old hay loader.

Weetls weren't too great a proble!R whenthe cros&-<:heck. wire was still popUlar. Butwhen "Checked" com was cast aside in favOrof higher plant pOpulations about a de<;3.deago. d,fective w~' control became a i>igger




co rMO ~THN


Clinic experts' willspell out just 'hew

mUch mpre...and!g~vecosts of vamous

methods of controlI ,



1' ,

i I I : ,~IN-BUSTING comj ~.Ids are tjeoom-mg mQre common e year, ye(t lIOy-=18 lag behind. A or no aPParentr n" other than ha i ,to play R(~,ond­

Ii dli(~m most farms.Th9" truth of the Her is tho,t BOy- '

be8tul can be just as p ~table aB corn 'if ,given the same attenti n.Soybf'.aJl& yield- 'iing 35' bushels per act- , will return more •profit 'than 100 bush I ~'Orn wheJII <.'Om Ibrings $1.00 per busnell and soybeans , '$2.35 per bushel, stattjS Donald G. Smith,manager of the Univerllityl of IlIinoi$ TrustParma. The Allerton

j!IT~ust FlItrrns pro- l

duced' 46,386' bushe S . f soybeilns on I1,231.3 acres in 1962 1

( 7.1 bushels per Iacre) ,and Iw;s been inr r<jving Ix,,'!n yields "every yearsmce. , ' {"Fe~er man and t' ctbr hours are re-

quiredl to produce ahe of soybeansthan an acre of com," ta~ Smith. "SoY-,bean production cosl:$ PIIr acre are 20%to 25% less than comi ts in IlIinoiR.

"It takes a t least ushels of beansperac~e to break eve " e adds. "When 'you~ for high yie • 'I the cost will beslightly higher, but e oost per bushel

will be, COIiBiderab,IY~I. . Beans tum agood profit if you tr m right."A rEb\nt study of ybean situation

provec:l that !>O bush f 8OY~ peracre aren't as hard, ,obta~'l as most

farmers believe. Cropi ~ve shownthat a: 45 bushel yi I f soybeans pera~e iR equivalent to ! bushels of com{lCr aCre, using a 21 '0. Cqnsideringthe saine ratio, it's s . g to find that140 to'145 bushel co yelds are not un-usual, 'while 50 to, el bean yields

, are qt¥te uncommon. I IWhile com iR still . g to most mid­

west farmers, some growers such asSmith; are making b IProfits with 8Oy-'bffinsby giving the ~e attention due tthem. i Here's a bri f r:!rescri~tion for 'bumPfjr soybean yiel Used successfully Iby tor:! farmers: '~Grow the right V~riety I " ost varieties arp •sensitive to length of' ,Y and do theirbest only in a relati ely narrow zone"n6rthto south. So, f, "top yields, youneed to grow the v Ii1proved .best inyour deea. Expe' tation trials ar~constahtly reshuftlin v rietiell as nEjw

Ones P!-ove themselv . '~.Of <hurse, seed d be free! of pieces

of ~, pods, erne 3nd othe~debris; and needs to e a hi~ enougqge~tion to . sUmds~'at

least 85%. And, if is lil/;ely to be

a ~~:::iin7s:; it:j:esii plants .t'il , . , ~.



I W.! :1

This mik of I~ged com isn't worthpitkinl!' Aldr~x destroys rootwolmsIpng before sue/> damage occw:s.

bags o~ leaclinfformulators of agricul­tural chemicals. For more informationwrite Shell Chc!mical Company, Agri­ciIlhlr~1 ~emi~a1s Division, P. O. Box7744, frrgress ~tation, St. !.,puis, Moo'

~~~i '

Kills all rootworms

,, ,

, !

Healthy bean acres like thllse lin ~tchcorn profits. say Clinic experts a~d t • fa ers

with big bean yi,ld e per nee., I


·····controls all corn, soij. insects, including'cutworins,

wireworm1a4d resistant rootwo~I I. II I

Rejld, how soil insect control with ers. t cop troIs pests like seed corn II J ' \AI~rex@ Insecticide prevents root ma ots that attack seed, prevent gl!r' !I! ~ .damage, lodging, and the attack mirf.jtion, and cut down plant popula- I"

on Seed and seedlings. tion·ISeedlings are also protected. And IAldt.x stops the cutworms that caD 1

ALDllEX gives you much more than 1eav1 you with a sudden, disastrous loss. I

n rootworm control alone. It pro- I

vides ,full-scale control of more than f;xtra protection reported ( ,..",, ,

twenty soil insects, leaves no loopholes The Isuperiority of Aldrex was espe- 'k

in your program. cially clear to the men who actually set ! ...

up t~sts to evaluate the'new soil illSec­ticidf·

S1id Henry Broerman, Ta~, Mis­sou

t:''The corn rows treated with

.AId x produced a yield il¢'rease of 46:perc nt, proving to us tJ{at it pays to'use " soil insecticide ;hat does more,tha~ just control roo,worms."

I •, Where t/get Aldrex "

:Aldfx is avail~le where you normallybuy soil in~cide. Change to A1dreJc!this year d help your con> mal«;everh: bus el your land can grow. Lookfor (he djstmct~ve registration symbol

.•catj)&ht) that itIentifries Aldrex in the

// • I


Ii I

Aldrex is thoroughly effective againstresistJnt rootworms (western,. north­ern and southern). ResultS on nearly2-miHion acres in 1%5 show how wellit stOps the attack that destroys roots,limits corn's access to soil moisture andferti~zer. The threats of hidden dam­age, a drastic setback, or severe lodgingart all eliminated. Result: higheryields,a ~abcimum crop of pickable com.

" . .Controls other soil ;nllelet8

!\ldrcx guards roots against white

.g~ubs, wireworm* .tndother root feed-

•.. 1:




II,., .i I

;, i:' I1:1


, I




$ 7 .00F rows



$84.00T.o run



II I '.Harry, ~rbermann shows the difference in h Igh~ ofAlDREX treated com as opposed to untreated llr~ onhis Tar~iQ, toto. farm,' , J

"I'd' estimate t!:jat the Aldrin alone myyields 30 bushels 1m acre. Given a choice ~nAldrin and fertilt' r on B?me of my.!and'i inkI'd have' to pick Idrin." .' 1

Gardrier~s expe .ence confirms apme of e . tacompil,ed by Shell Che~.,,·cal Company, w Ichshows that soil in$ecticidea like Aldrin ret m to4 times their coSt in extra mCOIne from ihi eryields on 9 out o~ 10 f~. . . ~"

HarryBroe~,Tarkjo, MlBSOurl, ha a B ­Jar experience Ias~ year. The photo ahov s 8

the difference, in. height Of, his AL,DREX ~ tedcom as op~*his uhireated~m. I: I '

It'Sin~rest,Ing to, note the, w , growt in ,theurttrea'ted area' of Broermann s m, as co p edto the '.treated areb.' Of ~urse, LDRE ,is otused for weed mnhol, but the coin grew vi or.ously in the AIDREX treated area: t t. heshade. prevented ~eed Bellds from genmna g:

Dale Hood, Cr&ton, 14?wa, fpund wh t ' ashurting his stan~ in the, past when Iu; p _ ed,ALDREX to his dam this year. In a strip eft

i " tfor comparison. ~ s~nd, was ve:;r. spptt. uin his AWREX! treated ,rows, not a asmiMipg. II . i

Whim you think of the .high investment p -ing an acre of ~r.n, isp.'t it worth th~ .1 tprotection of AI~, or ALDREX? Chnlc t ­era will jlpell oU~L the obvious dollar an ce~tsanswer td that qU'ftion. I

IiI I'

Equlp~nt In~nt Per Aero I IPlanter-mounted appfie.tor with 7·j,,:,ch row ban~ r

~I III1/'! I I

y. U iJAN WIN THE ~UG BAI I I~. I" "I' I', ,I sects have bugged crop growers for y

'but Irrlod1' , insecticitf,'es are wattin~ out the p ,bl

1 I . ., I ' I ' I

• I I. ,

EACH' YEAR, com groWers I~to boost yields and cut p ~on ta.!lUCCetI8fu1 they've been af . g newing tools is shown by pro IIl8de .ten years. During this time, average7,oomed 57% and labor requir ments pi ged-- a 200% gain in bushels per man-ho~1per

This kind of progreSs ~o 't ha;Ve IjIeensible without modem soil . ·tidea. Inthey've wiped out the waste t early CQm

ers just accepted from inse t-damaged pl4nEven the American Indians· d a saybtg W':!:they grew com: "One fQr b~~, Qne for, 'I

crow, one to rot, andtw;> to row, telToday's crop growel'8 don't have to stand

and accept insect I~. They can mllke a bla etapplication with a/fiwdem nsecticide, an1.fully assured that they'll ge~ aU the y?eld mbyhave coming to them, no ma~r what ,kind o~ In-sects try to make pests of th mselyes. I II

It doesn't pay to try to ,gu whichl soil . ,U)ight invade your com. The odds arp up td ,bhshels to 1 that you canrt. iI inse!:ta - ~ rethan 20 different kindB - w~rkund~r grou dwhere they can't bE; seen. An" ~itl,', I all! the .dif, r­ent kinds threatenmg, so~ III 'be workm~ 0

matter what the conditions. 1; ,That's why today's ~P p t fanners app~ a

BOil insect "insurance plan." e cost? Less$3.00 per acre. ~e return? ~'avet:,a.8':P,f.,an,'10 bushels per acre, And, w en Soil $leet _age is severe, it can mean a , erence pf30 t4>bushels an acre, or saving aJil entire erop wlll hwould otherwise be lost. I , ' ,I

Here's how per-acre cost 0* insecticide protec-tion figures out: I ': ,I

General soil insecticide re¢ornmend/ltions '?l:1Ifor 1 to 2 Ibs. of Aldrin per acre. That's $1.40 to$2.80 per acre for insecticide to prote¢t a $60 to$70 per acre investment., ,

If com yields 100 bushfls acre wiiooutl in-secticide and 110 bushels wi insecti¢ide, that'sa 10% yield increase and a re of $E'per ~,ere,for each $1.40 to $2.80 inves in AI '. ~t'sa healthy return on investmen - and nside~gthe many kinds of insects t can' w pc out anentire crop - mighty cheap insect ,inllurance.

Assuming a 10 bushel incr , in yield by usingAldrin or ALDREX (a new imbinati9n, granuleof AI<b-in and an organic ph hate whi¢h dec-tively controls all soil insects,'' , including resistan,trootworms), the chart below ows you can payoff equipment cost - plus iJ¥lecticide, cost~ inone year and s,till have a p:r left O\rer. That'sthe reason profit-minded farm don't ganililll'

Some com growers just don t realize how much .insect control can do for yields Take, for example,the experiences of Harold ardner, ,Camemn,Illinois: I

"I was doing everything e . I knew how: toboost yields, but I never reall broke looae untilI used an insecticide last y ." GarW:!er u8edAldrin to control cutworms rootworms, andaveraged a record-breaking 17 bushels of NQ. 2com on 870, acres, all of which as in Dan'OW fOloVS.

I·This is the difference 'in stand on ale H~,s C,rest~>n,la. farm in AlDREX treated row as 0 d to ~n·

treated rows. Insecticille makes as much or ,ore sensethan hail. insurance t~ many farm r:s. I, I '.' :..;, ....."~.,;". ;"'fr"', ,:. :~: .". '> ":r<" ,It.. t' -,,1" ""~"l"{· ~.·/:,'t. t!.",or. , .,.., .. I'..

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Clini;f expertsunlock secretsto thbse ...



.are to fix a maximum amount of nitrogen,If the seed you buy has not been inocu­lated, you c~have it custom-treated orif you wish, Ii t the seed yourself usingeither a slur y or dry treatment.

Plant at the best time. Early planting paysoff with beans, Each three days' delay inplanting can set maturity back one day,In the midWest. a two week delay maycut yields 9%

Use narrow rows. Growing soybeans innarrow rows has as much positive effecton boosting yields as growing com innarrow rows, and perhaps more. Narrowrows cover the ground sooner 'and morethoroughly, reducing soil losses from rainand wind.

Yield average of studies made in fiventidwestern lltates shows that medium­width rows of 21 to 28 inches outyieldedwide rows by 15%.

Provide adequate fertility. Though ~y_. beans often dFm't respond to direct appli­

cations of feljtilizer, top yields generallygo with soils ,high in organic matter andof medium to high fertility.

Because soybeans can get most of the/-r- nitrogen from~ the air, 'l(ery little is needed

from fertilizer. However, applying somenitrogen at planting time speeds the up­take of phosphorous. Supplemental nitro­gen can, be u.sed, and a side-dressing ofup to 30 100.'per acre has proved effective.

Liming is likely to be profitable, too. ifsoil pH is not above 6.0. Or if your soil isvery alkaline, you may need to add man­ganese. If your soil has a pH above is unlikely that you can produce ~bushels qf beans per acre wIthout adding

-!lOme manganese.

KlleJ) fields clean. You can do this eitherwith chemical weed killers or intensivecultivation. Agood Bt:Jecqon of herbicides,is now aVailll.ble. B{Oadc8sting 8 100. ofAmibenperjflcre controls' boUi annualgrasses alid ~fOSd-leavedweeds,

If you ha~'e specific insect problems;the soil sho d be treated with insecti­

'rides. But, ,8, representatives of ShellChemical Company will point out at theCIWc, it· is ~ot nE)CeSSary to treat soy­'beans for insects unless the bug problemis great and you know exactly what yourproblem is ---'- otherwise insect treatmentis not economical on soybeans.

That's pretty' honest, frank advice froma company which sells insecticides. bllt isthe kind of s~raight.from-the-shoulderin­formation yql.\ can expect to hear fromShell and other Clinic sponsors.



t;Unic expertsdiscuss,

harvest-timebout ...

), '

.,1" "




; '1• I. "h ~cOHN I'ICKI':~ts H(>1mllTl1~y lw In t " ,

. , RanI<' 'rlm"r of the rllll~hlne ~ht,<l withttlt"

: g,rllin,~"iindl1r, th,e conlS,lu,l-ddl"r, tl1l' thn'llh·ling JTl/lchine lind ()th~'rlnrln l'<jlllprnentI that ~ been put ltfi'je It'<'!IUl«' morl' '

e/licie+t machinf!j have :bt~n (kV/'loped, .

Th~corn comllinea~ ~.~,ick.'r-shellerare ra, idly takin,l! ove t, e j h of harvest·ing m. In 1956. 0 ly 20 of our (.'Omcrop as being .shell " Iin ,the field, In1963,16% was hnrvtjBtA\-d ~y eom mm­bine C>r by picker-shtillqr. ~nd last fall.,over 25% of the corn J!rn~veR~-d "iUR shell-t-d in the fieli'l. I ,- I !

Thi reasons are .~b,i(1UR:," It '.~lSl~ les:,Sto'sto e shelled com . usfl it takt'B less,spaee'l'you don't hav, 0 ~ul the eobehome.I Harvesting I a~e lower. Youean *rv('~t earlier, a ry[the gruin. Oryou n use full seaso ybrids, and har-vest em later with "m13IOf11letl.

Sin ., for these r 118, shelled Cornharv ting is hecornin i cr 'ngly popu-lar, Clinic spoll8Orsdej;i ed ithat II presen­tlltion, on after-harves~ lIling of grainwas ai necessary part 0' tlje 1966 Com­

.SoYbt1an Clinic progrl1rn, T~erefore. Beh- ~I'len Mfg, Co, represelntjati~('s will point 1out t1~(' thme best mPthod~ of handling ~,grain, Iand give you 80mI' d<hlar and eents ~l

I I!



I' I ,j---L----' Iii

., at the'.'! ~ I': clinic'1 THESE canJi~ phbtos show farmers

dO~,ng'Wha~ comes n<it~ral'Y at Corn-Soybean. Clini~ "I: ~sking, listening,!Iearning, eating ap, e~OYing themselveSl, I ! ' And .t's all free'


fi~ureB tn help 4ecidl' which route IS I)('stf~r you.

The harvHstiqg stage of crop productioni~ of growing ~mp{)rtance. since the bigproblem of farfers today is what to dovl,ith thll crop a~ter they harvest it. Picker­~heller and co.mhead sales are WilY up,and the problerh will be getting worse in­ste-ad of better jf you don't plan ahead.

Last yeA'lr, many progres.qive farmerswho switched to shelled corn harvestinghad to wait in long lines at I.he elevator tumarket their crop. On-the-farm dryinglXI,uipment, or faGilities for wet storage,can avoid this dilemma.

At present, there are three popularmethods of handling shelled grain: 1. En­sile it. 2. Dry it and ston) it. 3. Dry itand market it.

Behlen represc;ntatives will examinel:'<'lch of tflese mdhods in detail, and in­troduce a new method of handling, "re­frigeration," which is something ne~ thatBehlen is eXpi,rimenting with, and thatvarious farmers throughout the midwesttried during thll past year.

Basically, refrigdation involves this:Purchasing insulation from Behlen forpresent grai~orage structures, or ob­tainin~ the entire Behlen insulated stmc-


Iture. A woling unit keeps (.'Orn at theI desired mperature- if it's fed, it never, has to be ried out. It will simply be kept~'OOI, pre enting spoilage untir'it'il ready

, to be fed:The ad antages of shelled corn harvest­

ing are great over ear corn harvClltingthat aim t allfarme~i11 eventually beforced to choose one of the above storage

, and IUin ling methods.No do bt about it, timely harvesting is

one of t most important steps in gettingtop cro~ yields. Both yield and qualitysuffer if Iyou don't have the equipment tofinish rvest while crops are in the beststage. C eck this e~idenc~:

Corn -_.. ou lose about a buShel per acrefor eve week harvest is delayed afterOctober 15th.Soybean - Losses increase as moisturecontent drops below 14%. Losses average3 bus s per acre higher at 10% mois­ture t n at 14%.Grain rghum ---c Yields can drop 8% foreach w k of delay. A spell of bad weathercan tak the 'J'hole crop.

You' I get some gooq guide lines to usein de 'ning your future harvesting,handli and storing program if you at-tend th Clinic, '

I I 'I I







',i lI~l




i 1


I I'


, i i

$3.72 grealer :re urn D,r ~g

iusl by FEEDIIO 11:811. :81 II ,. I I ' I I I I I

"" as proved by records of 12,7,02 hogs fed n 52 public feed no demon ~rttionS!

l I I "I" I

Purina dealem in nine Midwest stati.s recently mhount from the extr pork val I~Jes $5,030.15 ~O~aising. F cts ~rom hundreds f~' Re-pa:rticipated: in feeding demonstrations in each of or, $3.72 greater re,urn per og (+5.030.15-;, '!earch F4f1Il testjl and feeding euto allonswJlrlch two bunches of pigs, equal in weight and 1,853 hogs).: '\ &ave proved 0ll'l fed Purina' wi grainquality, werle fed out. One bunch was fed Purina B;"that's~otthe oIestory Fi~average pr~b.ce pork at r/lmar.kably low. " k yourimd grain in! the amounts recommended by Purina <Uiily gain, tpe hogs f, half, e hr;;' (which ~ma dealer for ,detailB of 8


H Feed-Research. The othen got the 8llIIIe tation-but averaged 391he. per g lighter w' 'Btill24 days inll Program. , L ~'only half enough Purina. Here are the ~gureeafter a,way from marl£et eigh,t. U8' , It indUBtrY'8 HJnl's wher f~ding demon 8~on werehogs were fed an average of 88 days: adcepted geheral ov rhead fi~e of 3t per h.ld! IOWA Lilp>mb, West U o~ ashing_

1,853 hogs fed Purina and grain right produced h6g per daY:,~. ,w,hich oesn't inel ',de,~,'bor o"r feed, to,n,',Tipton. Jlfhue, JesuP. m ~~cente,r,$8,184.00 more pork value (40.920 more lhe. x it's easy to 8ee that k ping ho t~ extra daY8 Cher~kee, An' • ~lle Plaine. Ro¢ V ,Spirit20¢ per lb.) than 1.349 hogs fed grain and only ~ea ,another alice t of retur op ~our invest- Lak41. MfCI !'a;,, R~wena, C rO', idney,1uilf enough Purina. Hogs fed Purina and grain me,'nt. And it, takfB, 2 lhe. Of, f, PI',r,hog per day CO,l"Yflon, Pac " LeIghton, L §bg, Shef-ritht used $3,153.85 more feed. Subtracting that juat to keep ho£/.l t t size b tl$., squealing, field, Coon p dB. MINN - aldorf,

;.Jd wiillring aroUnd without pu tinjl on any gain Stewart.' $t. '~el, Canby. S er ceton,y~u can sell! I , ' Morris, Ki r,' bany, CleveIan . SAS-Hogs fed~ n~t alao red 27% faster Bern, White Ci,y, Junction it" ope.ka:,dail · 01 '".....-I. ""_,_ 7101 J:lllEBRASKA 'S~lby. Fremont~pai"'" CIty,

" y gama, 21.5,0 tte~ 1~ e....,..,ncy•. 10 Lincoln, Lo p' City. WISGONS.IN::1RiPon,1.. cost per pound . gam. Bangor, Cob , I11atteville. SOU Hi D~KOTA'I)xlay's hogtnan n~ a pro ihat offen top -r-Wehet~r. o~lan4. INDIA A.LDe.motte,feeding efficiency an best uae of bUildings and Kpightstow, Bargersville. 0 H~-P.., facton hich in1l nee return from MISSOURI CoI\m'bia, I i

~ I~ Feedmg Purina attd grain Flfl \IS. halt·fJQ .. d,ffe1'f11tC8 ) I., )lOU can see ;mel "'l1h. It~ to feed Purl ~ I I

. I 1

I ........r......I I.... I.-rra


1·1 : 'I I : I

i ' I ',,' , 'I.


