-1 0C -t, IXll -';"1 Some Rains· in A .... While most of the ., •• is hoping for rain., mOlilt oC il i, nol gettlDl It. One HoskinB cou&>le re_ ported the flrNt of the week the)' had rece I ve d .60 inches of rainTuesday. The 'rains have been more ,en. era I to the' 50uth and in some parts of the .tate they ha ve added up to seY'.. eral inches. jfJcts arc paid for wlth-- OlJt llni local lru:. mon.y Involved will b. p"lntod out and how it dflttlJ'mln,il who is. eligible for oceu.-' pancy will be diPilcl;I"lIed. Later it,wUI be d,t.t- mined how many would be needed in Wayne to serve Wayne County. Voters would then be'lk,d to approve or disapprove ahead with a project for the elderly here. Many Help Out Former Allenite Jack Ellis, son. of Mr .. and.Mrs. \'ernori Ellis, len, finds he has many friends. lie lost h'. arm ina !>ideswipe aCicidint wef'k and is bi St. V in c (' Ill.' s lIoapital.. Sioux: ('ity, but .is. lhe intensive care ward. Ellis, who is' a packing plant, had just been promoted' to for!eman. lie ha .. ber-'n informed that- the loss of the arm will not affeel his '>lalus andhewUl still move lAp to the new post. Officia'b of lhe firm where he wo-rked checkedto see how he was coming on a new house he wa's build. ing at lI o mer. They found oul what lype of work w •• needed and experts h;lth.o.' field: ... wenl out toflnishthe work. ,...4.' will be ready before,he .. home. I"" - , Then there the friends in the community of Allen where' he grew up. They have gone to help. People from Wake(ield·, .Da.. kota City} Homer, Sici!U)1; ('ity a'nd ot.her Places. lurned u,P lo help hirn his family in every possible. lie has been told it may be possible for him tb.let an artificial arm. And:, in spite of what he ha$ g.one·: through ju.st· when thines were looking s-() a prom,otion and new home, Ile has remained f-n .the· best of spirits and commented more than onee on how helpl,,1 hi. attitild., has been in his His mother is str·n a 'patient in Methodist ...,".' pital bul is able to .lIet short ·r.elease period., to St. Vincent's to se,'e him. She is still b-ut ns suffered st!veral weeks ago. EACH BUNDLE wi_ these m•• h ..... h4s o to homes. They are part at a system 'If ba,ied Ii :estern .ell T elepholle Co. is pu'!ing in care cl its growing needs. Left to rog.hr an'. Titze, head men of the locol telephone facil.tles. Wakefield Man Has Name Drawn :So winner in the '-}ilVl'r Dolla r :\ ight drawing Thursday. Forre ... l Wakefield, had his na'rllt' drawn but he was not sent to claim a chel·k for $50 fro m 1 he ,Way n e Chamber of Commerce. Because there was no winne r, the prize sum jumps' another $sn. This check from the C. of ( .. just for being in the right busines!'i place at p.m. The "right" business plac e is any of those laking part in the Silver Dollar Night d raw in g. r'\ot all· Wayne business places par· ticipate but lhere are many in town and just oulside town lhal do contribute reg- ularly to .make the promo- tion possible. I! you are lR, yov, can re· gister at one of t1lC par .. ticipating firm..,. architect who will.hlve ... laos to oHer. An experienced man in the field, the'architect has designed over a dozen other housinl( projects for Ne. braska and 10Wil town$- He will explain basically what the housing authority is being created for. QUllstions will bean. swered, the operation of such housing units will be expla1ned, how ..,\Jch pro- ill Discuss Housing Plans Buried Cable Proiect Starts of the work is in 'the wesl lfea where much or the expanding is being done. North of town IOf) lines have been buried Wayne Country Club south :0 town. This lb buried to take care of an expanding courl and area. Splic.ing is tallfngpart this' week; In all 00rthwest.ern Bell is addi'ng a mile and a half or buried lines .and next year there will be more. :\ot only will the buried cable be storm proof but will help in the appear. ance of yards. Next year more buried cable will be added and this will con- tinue year to year on an ever-i mproving project by the firm. One "extra" is around-the new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edge to town, we st to Pearl and the-n into the rear of the power plant. This, will enable the tele- phone company to eliminate telephone poles now in front of the new power plant' and contribute tothe a-ttractive- ness of the" new facility. Northwestern Bell Tele- phone Co. has started a long.range program which win eventually result in buried cable for all the firtn's lines in Wayne.• Pur"l pose 01 the project is to takie care of the expanding gr6wth of the Wayne area. Need Your Help Lee Swinney has the con- tract for placing the cable the telephone company in harge of splicing. Most of the work will be 'hard to ; see because very lit- tle phy'sical change above ground is noted. 1 One projeetcurrenllyuJ,l- derway is burying 600 paIrs of lelephone lines from the alley east of Main on Third to Blaine Street. Fro m there west to grounds the cables will r?i_ only 300 lines. Mike Smith, service sup- ervisor ·of the Wayne Group a.nd Dan Titze, manager of :he v,," ayne explairied :he work. They said some poles now in use will .be ,urned over to the Clty {t.h e telephone company owns a bout half, the c it.y he olher half!. Cable- "ision will continue to make use of many of the poles. On ·\\·ilcliff Drive, ser- vices are now buried to each home. Oak Drive 'drops" are also buried. As the work progresses .he main lines are buried :dong the street with con.. nections at alleys. These ::¢mnections go down the llleys because it is from small that the drops qe burie that run to each hcl>me. Th main lines are 'feeder" line s and the lines going down alleys divide up into feeder lines going to each service. Sherman Street will get buried cables with lines buried Third to Seventh and :hen new school. Most Wayne HousingAuthorlty Wir.1 ,meet Tuesday, Aug. 1 t 7:30 p.m. in the Birch R om 01 the WSC Student Center. Around 25 or 30 Uves. , The housing authority is wQrking- on the problem of hjw.,rent housing for' Wjlyne. Civic groups and other organizations have asked ·to send repre. seJntatives to mi:lM with an fhe fa iT graund sneed cleaning up :agai.n. lIt gets thalt way every ye.ar and on¢e again volunteers· are being called On to help it in shape for the fair that is coming up this next month. Anyone who wil/l show up and help from 9 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 5. will find their efforts appreciated. Third Child Dies "iSara Lynn I-fill, daughter o{the Gordon Hills. Omaha, di,d the, past week. She was third daughler of tho Hills to -d ie fro m an. un.. knp'wn dis·ease. was inlPlea sant \lew (eme- Winside. Tests were cohducted to find out what thtli disease is and what the cause is. The Hills have lost three o( their fou.r children, having adaugh. tet Janet left., Grand. palr'ents of the dec ea sed in¢lude Mr. and Mrs. otto Grace of Winside, parents of Mrs. Hill. :sh1eral Wayne County home, extension club mem- bers' pla'n to attend the national extension council mleeting at Brookings, S.D., Jt y P-Aug. 4.Me mhers w 0 attend the full fa r are Myrtle An_ d rson, Concord; J mes Robinscn; ¥ Fr.eet Brumels. ErWIn L;II c h, r-.,'1 r s. Clarence Sqhr eder and Mrs. Adolph Bru geman, all of Hoskins. Those attending 2 for thie one..day s'ession will be Mrs. Rudy Longe, Mrs. GLs Long and Mrs. Walter otte, all of Wakefield. , with three prizes in leach. One division will be for c6stumes, one for pets and the third for bikes. main point, parade ch irmen point out, is that re istration be made in ad. va ceo Without t his they have such a conglomer- atidln ofk1ds, vehicles and pets at 9 a.m. Aug. 11 they will not be able to getl' the pa rade sta rted off in an orde rly manner at 9:3b. Plan Parade o rt sch duled for Thursday night at the WSC studen ceht'r, Shown left to right In this picture or EUermeier', Ehlers, Denny Robinson and Nick Smith. State to Bluild Ne,arl Wayne The highway department needed facilities. included. All of the of the.. St.ate of ebraska has I Plans call, fo .... constr.uc- s nt crew a d plans all· but ready for a: ti{)D th start soon on a bUild.. e . eermg s t aff waul new L-shaped building east ifll,g. l·.th.o ne 38!eet ve aEpple space. At.pre.. of Wa vne It would be more by 6 I feet parallelIng High.. s nt there are two than as big as the way,: 5. Bids sh0 u}d. zen men inVOlvedt: present hi gh way depart. tareIlf Aug. 4 •• A WIng I us phases of stl W gh t t t w uld\ be extended to w y work out of tbe, ayne men s rue ure. h J th d this wmg' The present faciliti.es t, or an . 0 Ice. are about 10 years old and !be even bigger. 422 ca nnot handle all 01 the 129 feet. Brick and bloek Dale Po.hlm.n 1S m d 't· ld b d c rg. olthe high.... ay eon- equipment. The new build. c IOn wou e use. s ruction .nciD•• U ber•• ing will ta'ke care of most '!Mali h ps 01 rold Seh..... rtz.DIach i. o.f the rest. of equip. charge af the mgn.y prOVide ofhce .and f .. her facilities would iutenanee staff. kitchen 5 pac e and g 1V e a ''t;' I I• . ning to enLer regist,er pri.or to Tuesday, Aug. R WIth Mrs. YDung or \.1rs. Dick Hammer. The parade ruut.e is com. parativel) short for the youngsters. It will start at the former .'-linclair tion and parents may pick lip their children· at hart'" Lumber. It is pre- fer red that parents not march in the parade wi·th the youngsters. There will· be Un'Ete prize .. rep art s urn mqr M rshaIl, Roger Anderson, courses at Y\ lnside ended,. a Janis Svenson. Friday. Inc luded wet r , .. Cross advanced be- I1).ath, reading, physical'ed- git lOer certificat.es we re ueation and swimming. "e 1 rned by JoaIUle Krueger, There were 12 in the 0 una Libengood, Larry reading and math program S hfoede·r, Nancy Gallop. with Mrs,. \taryann M ry Jane Svenson, Suz)' ( Langerneier leaching math Tompson, Terry Svenson, and Mrs. ,Judy Picard read. D bbie Thompson, Karla ing. R ber, Kent Wittler, John frey, .Mary .lane ">wenson, G:110 P ' Barbara 'Rehmus, PhylliS Hoeman, Terry I ... rry Wanger, Janelle Sve ns on, D.on Paulson, T autwein, Norman Liben- Hoger .\nderson, Barbara gqod and Pamela Hoeman. He hm us, l.inda \\agner, Those getting beginner Patti Quinn, l.arry\\agner, status awards were Mark Keith \\ills and Brad and Will Parker, Kevin Brockman. Johnson Danny Marshall, The physic.al education Valarie 'Waller, Lou Ann pr og ram '[ ucsday" and Bphm, Peggy Theis, Brad Thursdays conducted Btockmryfl, SallyTheis, by Pete f\r.opp drew from Barbara R}tze, Roger two to :211. I\roppexpr--essed SOO1 Keith Wills Debi Je _ regret ,that' more ,y?ung- fre;·, Tricia sters did not. par.tIclpate. Quinn, Phyllis Hoeman, In the sWlmmlOg Carla Carter and David gram, 7:-:1 took part.at 'Behmer. the Pilger pool. \1r5. Jolm l-iupils will receive Picard was in c.harge.Jor achievement certifi- beginner, ad\' a'ttc ed be.:. cates later. girmer, intermediate and s\vimmer cIa s 0; es .. \ids were Carol Bleich, Donna I\rueger and Diana \I eible. Gb to National f\\eet Of the swimming pupilo;, ·18 completed requirements for courses. F3ilure""s could be to senteeis m. There are three degrees of achieH'mE.jnt for each class (excellent, good and passing) so it is pos- sible for swimmers with varied abilities to receive the same certificates. Red ('ross swimmer cer- tificates ,vent to Jerry Wacker. Debbie Bargstadt, Gene \\. e i b Ie, Larr \\' eible, Bob Kropp, Lan genb erg, Bar bar a", Jackson and Tom, Kropp. Intermediate cert i f i- cates from the Red Cross went to LaRue Langenberg, Jaycees ood Wayne I Among Cities Bidding, for School , Wayne s among the five cities tha have submitted bids for having the new l'\ortheast Kebraska \"oca- tional-Te hnical School, it was reve led at a meeting in Norfol Thursday night. Many oth r towns are ex- pected to ubrnit bids. Wakefi ld, Emerson, Plainview, Wayne and :\or- folk are t e first five towns to submit for mal bids. Den_ nis Poes hel, Stanton, secretar of the board, has be,en iust uded to accept bids fro all other towns in the dis ricts where there is intere St eve Finn, Neligh, heads a ew comm ittee of the boar . The committee will set he policies of the board fo future action. Next meting will be Sat- urday; A g. 12, in Norfolk_ ltootwor s are showing up in corn a d unless there is rain they will be more of a threat t the corn. Alfalfa has been good. There has been only one cutting in tead of the usua I two by thi" tir1\l!! but June's moisture li minated one of these. lIn ess lhe area gets rain, gra nmen report the "third c\tting" \vill be short . As for rain sorghum, il needs m isture. Pastures too are etting dry. The fickle we t.her has played a dirty tri k. Some of that ant rainthearea had in J e would be m o"t welcome ow. 1\orfol , flooded earlier this yea r is now ask ing residents to cut down on the use f \vater because there is anger of a short- age. That' the type of odd- ball year it has been in :\ortheast Nebraska NOT AR M8RANDT ORIGINAL but Phyllis Ellermeler's pOinting seemed to capture the Interest of Scotr Ehlers Thursday night on Wayne's M in Street The art show was i held t publiCize Wayne State's student Mrs. \\ yne Jaycees are lo be in charge of the kiddies parade for this year's cou tYJaiJ. As wilh most ever t,hlngl'else, any- thing wit h a centennia 1 theme wil be looked lipan with fa vor1 1 This w,11 be the first year Lhe r-. Jaycees have sponsored t.he parade an they are anxious to make a success. To insure th t success, they are askin that all groups, clubs and individuals p\;'11'- Mr Seed, Seeding and sodding are planned fa thje campus of the new \V yne HighSchool. Supt., Fra is Haun reports !>iss will e taken Mdnday, 'I· Aug. 7, S me 01 the high slopes no th of the school and some reas east toward Sherman treet will get sad. The r st will be seeded to grass. 'Tn at Bloomfield years ago R. Ellis is: 97. Larson joined tlie Ma. sonic Lodge at April' 4, 1917. By, some coincidencie, L. Ellisi joined the same etay, but hel joined the Wayne Lodge. Larson transferred here iQ 1922. W.R. Ellis holds the local lodg4's Jordan designaling the oldest me mber df the lod!ge. At 97, he is also oDe: of the oldest Masons in Nel1raslea. Gene is rlnaster of tbe lodgle this, yea r. I no color in iL, by peering in one can see color:=. and shapes, Inslructor.., Hichard I,e..,h, (lary \Voodward and ('arIos Frey arc faculty rn e Tll her s helping. The summer art clas;-, mem- art' actuall,' putting up t he pain! ings a"nd sculp- t llff'S. Manv of the draw- ings, skeLchings and ot.her exhibits will he for <:;ale. \ bull calf lost., its life and a car was heavilydam- aged \Vednesday night on- llig-hway :111.2 miles south of Wept,own. Driver of the C:lr was .'-lam Olson, Car- roll. I rooper Terry Hogers of the Nebraska State Patrol, who invl:stigated the mishap', sa id the Black "ngus calf wandered on to the highway. It could not be seen until it was too late for Olson to stop. The res u It ing impact killed the calf, valued at. $20(), and owned by Darrel Planer, Pierce. Estimates placed damage to th.e Olson (" r ;'I!- :tROO. a IIy high .vie lds. The good ground is doing well in producing aa t s. Poor ground, where farm-· ers have neglected to use fertilizer needed. pro- duction of oats has not come up to standard. Dry weather IS a big factor for the other crops. Be lieve it or not, the wet June is nol hllilping now and the corn land bea.ns show signs of la,ck of moistu e. Bull Calf, Car Both Suffer in Accident p$2.6 Million J 2 THREE 50· pin winners in Masonic work ore Ileft to rlght l Les'he Ellis, W, R, Ellis and Rus$eH Lorson WJ R, Ellis olso wears the; Jordon medal as oldest member of the local AF&AM Lodge . '1\'-. R. Ellis his 50-year pin a Mason in' 1<:147. Thirty years later he witnessed the award of the 50-year Masonic pin to his".son, Ellis and to Russell Larson and i1es Ellis re. ceived their Pins ,at the Wayne AF & AM Lodge July 18. K. N. Rarke made the presentations in behalf of the Grand Llodge of braslea. " Two oldHrne'rs present vier e A, F. Giullivar and W. R. Ellis. Gullivsr was s1Jperintendent of schools 'Fifty Year Medals' Many Years Apart The first report for the \\':\,·ne l"ountv ar(>a is - good. 1"10 we \. e r', this covers the lht' main (' rap" of corn, sorghuIll, lH'ans and alfalfa art' s(i'll tl) be heard from, Farmt'r..., are getting their combining ofloats Jane. Flevatoro; report the quality of the good and the) ie Id is' good, although no one wl)uld admit to IH:,ar lng \ll any exception- Deposits NINETY. SECOND YEA Bank Deposits up farmers make purchases, again. Compared with a people go on vacations and yen rag 0 I the y are other factors enler hhe pic. $2,GS'U,oon hi g her.; lIow- ture. ever. they are down sllight- Following are the 196'6 ly from lhe' high and 19fj7 deposit figures three months aKa. for July: Comme'Tcial A resume of the reports State; Hoskins, $2,402',000 of the three banks in the and $2,5:3S,OOO; State Na ... tinDal' Wayne, county showed and $8,704,000; W ins ide in deposits in July of , .... aate $2,UtS,oOO and In July of 1 the depo- $2,250,nOO; F'hsl National. slts are $1 1 ),1;-1 1 ),000. Wayne, $4,039,000 and Loans are also up. In $S,2AO,nO(J; and Farimers 1:)(;7 the tolal was Sl:.ale,Carroll,$()4Fl,nOOto $12,Sf;II,OOfl. is- :\;RHO OUO sued for this year showed "In 'tbe' ·period from May them to be $IT,:l2,1 ,(HIO to only two banks in.. IJenosils last Mav:came crea'sed deposits. FirstNa .. !'o with :loans tional, Wayne, rOlle from to $5,280',000 This a arui Fa r mer s state,Car. slight drop in both.i over roll fro m $Fl25,OOn to the three-month rerlbr:l as $88000U. Painting Door! Prile at' Art Exhibit First Harvest Report \\ ,lyne ·:-;tarf' art Sltlrlen!" arl' exhilJit a ir!\I'd at. eveh·0I1e not ill"t tho",' inler!("sled iTl art for, 'Ir!..., or ev:tl, for orlglfl:l I work of a rl wdl !l£1 given a.., a door 'prize opelling tI i 1--', l'!lllr..,day, \ug. 'I. J"lH' pxhihil will IH\ 0fll'[1 'fr(Jlll p.rll.:lndpVP(fVOIH' i.., invited. Tht, rlltif1e e,l(- hibil will be It'ft IIp:in tlte uJlstairs ,-;('cti()n of tILt' slu- dl'nt center Oil Ihe c,pnplls through Sept. :1. 1··aculLy rncnd.H'rs :in the art, dl'partment and IHp stu- :1p.nl s t'hern·st'lves dick:ed out the' pictllre lo heigiven as :1 door prize. The. ha\'(' not "hown. it havl' ]Iac.ed a healthy figurt' Hl Its worth. TIn' exhibit IS held 10 give t.Iw puldil a t' to lOOK, cOlllment hu). 1·'r('(' pUllchand will hf' s('rvet! upening night jusl (0 help everyonf hav(' tl good lime loukingatound. I'v(o)ple of all areaiS are :.Jsked tn corne in LO! visit, Lhe exhibit ard en.. joy themselves. : Emphas is willibe on sculpture. There will also be a Pol ar 0 id bqx t.hat should attr<1ct a .loti of al- tention; Although Ihkre is I' ! I ,

I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl

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Page 1: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl

-1 0C -t, IXll-';"1


Some Rains· in A....While most of the .,••

is hoping for rain., mOliltoC il i, nol gettlDl It.One HoskinB cou&>le re_ported the flrNt of the weekthe)' had r e c e I v e d .60inches of rainTuesday. The'rains have been more ,en.era I to the' 50uth and insome parts of the .tatethey ha ve added up to seY'..eral inches.

jfJcts arc paid for wlth-­OlJt llni local lru:. mon.yInvolved will b. p"lntodout and how it i~ dflttlJ'mln,ilwho is. eligible for oceu.-'pancy will be diPilcl;I"lIed.

Later it,wUI be d,t.t­mined how many suchuni~.

would be needed in Wayneto serve Wayne County.Voters would then be'lk,dto approve or disapprovegoin~ ahead with a hou~ln&'

project for the elderlyhere.

Many Help OutFormer Allenite

Jack Ellis, son. of Mr ..and.Mrs. \'ernori Ellis, Al~

len, finds he has manyfriends. lie lost h'. ~~ft

arm ina !>ideswipe aCicidintla~t wef'k and is sti~1 biSt. V in c (' Ill.' s lIoapital..Sioux: ('ity, but .is. o~t'of'"

lhe intensive care ward.Ellis, who is' emplo~.dat

a packing plant, had justbeen promoted' to for!eman.lie ha .. ber-'n informed that­the loss of the arm will notaffeel his '>lalus andhewUlstill move lAp to the newpost.

Officia'b of lhe firmwhere he wo-rked checkedtosee how he was coming ona new house he wa's build.ing at lI o mer. They foundoul what lype of work w••needed and experts h;lth.o.'field:... wenl out toflnishthework. Asa_result,th~t}9.~';~~.',., ,...4.'will be ready before,he ..lJ~,~'··-:::~~home. I"" - ,

Then there ar~ thefriends in the community ofAllen where' he grew up.They have gone to help.People from Wake(ield·, .Da..kota City} Homer, Sici!U)1;('ity a'nd ot.her Places. ~V..,4.'.lurned u,P lo help hirn ~~his family in every ~ay:

possible.lie has been told it may

be possible for him tb.letan artificial arm. And:, inspite of what he ha$ g.one·:through ju.st· when thineswere looking s-() brightw[t~

a prom,otion and new home,Ile has remained f-n .the·best of spirits and d~ctor.

commented more than oneeon how helpl,,1 hi. attitild.,has been in his recov.ry~

His mother is str·n a •'patient in Methodist H~...,".'

pital bul is able to .lIetshort ·r.elease period., ti9a:~'to St. Vincent's to se,'e him.She is still recoveringf~Qm.,b-ut n s suffered st!veralweeks ago.

EACH BUNDLE ~ wi_ these m•• h..... h4s ~.Ii~i.,o to homes. They are part at a system 'If ba,ied Ii

:estern .ell Telepholle Co. is pu'!ing in "Ir~und '~ftcare cl its growing needs. Left to rog.hr an'. ~1~.Smltl(Titze, head men of the locol telephone facil.tles.

Wakefield ManHas Name Drawn

:So winner in the '-}ilVl'rDolla r :\ ight drawingThursday. Forre ... l Jo~e,).

Wakefield, had his na'rllt'drawn but he was not rr('~

sent to claim a chel·k for$50 fro m 1 h e ,Way n eChamber of Commerce.

Because there was nowinne r, the prize sumjumps' another $sn. This

~~~rc~~l~~'t:~:)~ol~~k;f~r~(~check from the C. of ( ..just for being in the rightbusines!'i place at ~ p.m.~ The "right" business

plac e is any of those lakingpart in the Silver DollarNight d raw i n g. r'\ot all·Wayne business places par·ticipate but lhere are manyin town and just oulsidetown lhal do contribute reg­ularly to .make the promo­tion possible.

I! you are lR, yov, can re·gister at one of t1lC par ..ticipating firm..,.

architect who will.hlve... laos to oHer.

An experienced man inthe field, the'architect hasdesigned over a dozen otherhousinl( projects for Ne.braska and 10Wil town$­He will explain basicallywhat the housing authorityis being created for.

QUllstions will bean.swered, the operation ofsuch housing units will beexpla1ned, how ..,\Jch pro-

ill Discuss Housing Plans

Buried Cable Proiect Startsof the work is in 'the wesllfea where much or theexpanding is being done.

North of town IOf) lineshave been buried frorr~

Wayne Country Club south:0 town. This lb buried totake care of an expanding~railer courl and ~ingarea. Splic.ing is tallfngpartthis' week;

In all 00rthwest.ern Bellis addi'ng a mile and ahalf or buried lines .andnext year there will bemore. :\ot only will theburied cable be storm proofbut will help in the appear.ance of yards. Next yearmore buried cable will beadded and this will con­tinue year to year on anever-i mproving project bythe firm.

One "extra" is around-thenew power plant. A buriedline is being put in fromInternalional Harvester tothe south edge to town, we stto Pearl and the-n into therear of the power plant.This, will enable the tele­phone company to eliminatetelephone poles now in frontof the new power plant' andcontribute tothe a-ttractive­ness of the" new facility.

Northwestern Bell Tele­phone Co. has started along.range program whichwin eventually result inburied cable for all thefirtn's lines in Wayne.• Pur"lpose 01 the project is totakie care of the expandinggr6wth of the Wayne area.

Need Your Help

Lee Swinney has the con­tract for placing the cablewit~ the telephone companyin harge of splicing. Mostof the work will be 'hardto ;see because very lit­tle phy'sical change aboveground is noted. 1

One projeetcurrenllyuJ,l­derway is burying 600 paIrsof lelephone lines from thealley east of Main on Thirdto Blaine Street. Fro mthere west to H~e fair~

grounds the cables will car~r?i_ only 300 lines.

Mike Smith, service sup­ervisor ·of the Wayne Groupa.nd Dan Titze, manager of:he v,," ayne ~roup, explairied:he work. They said somepoles now in use will .be,urned over to the Clty{t.h e telephone companyowns a bout half, the c it.yhe olher half!. Cable-

"ision will continue to makeuse of many of the poles.

On ·\\·ilcliff Drive, ser­vices are now buried toeach home. Oak Drive'drops" are also buried.

As the work progresses.he main lines are buried:dong the street with con..nections at alleys. These::¢mnections go down thellleys because it is fromsmall out~ets that the dropsqe burie that run to eachhcl>me. Th main lines are'feeder" line s and the linesgoing down alleys divide upinto feeder lines going toeach service.

Sherman Street will getburied cables with linesburied Third to Seventh and:hen toth~ new school. Most

Wayne HousingAuthorltyWir.1 ,meet Tuesday, Aug.1 t 7:30 p.m. in the BirchR om 01 the WSC StudentCenter. Around 25 or 30

~~:~i~~ti:~ ~:;rees::t:~Uves. ,

The housing authority iswQrking- on the problem ofhjw.,rent housing for'Wjlyne. Civic groups andother organizations haveb~en asked ·to send repre.seJntatives to mi:lM with an

fhe fa iT g r a u n d sneedcleaning up :agai.n. lIt getsthalt way every ye.ar andon¢e again volunteers· arebeing called On to helpge~ it in shape for thefair that is coming up thisnext month. Anyone whowil/l show up and help from9 a.m. on Saturday, Aug.5. will find their effortsappreciated.

Third Child Dies"iSara Lynn I-fill, daughter

o{the Gordon Hills. Omaha,di,d the, past week. She wasth~ third daughler of thoHills to -d i e fro m an. un..knp'wn dis·ease. ,~uria,l wasinlPlea sant \lew (eme­te~y, Winside. Tests werecohducted to find out whatthtli disease is and whatthe cause is. The Hills havelost three o( their fou.rchildren, having adaugh.tet Janet left., Grand.palr'ents of the dec e a sedin¢lude Mr. and Mrs. ottoGrace of Winside, parentsof Mrs. Hill.

:sh1eral Wayne Countyhome, extension club mem­bers' pla'n to attend thenational extension councilmleeting at Brookings, S.D.,Jty P-Aug. 4.Me mhersw 0 ~ilI attend the fullfa r ~~s are Myrtle An_d rson, Concord; ~rs.

J ~ m e s Robinscn; ¥ r~.Fr.eet Brumels. ~lrs. ErWInL;II r~· c h, r-.,'1 r s. ClarenceSqhr eder and Mrs. AdolphBru geman, all of Hoskins.Those attending :~ug. 2 forthie one..day s'ession willbe Mrs. Rudy Longe, Mrs.GLs Long and Mrs. Walterotte, all of Wakefield.


(fi~isions with three prizesin leach. One division willbe for c6stumes, one forpets and the third for bikes.

~'he main point, parade

ch irmen point out, is thatre istration be made in ad.va ceo Without t his theywil~ have such a conglomer­atidln ofk1ds, vehicles andpets at 9 a.m. Aug. 11they will not be able togetl' the pa rade sta rted offin an orde rly manner at9:3b.

Plan Parade

o rt ~xhibition sch duled for Thursday nightat the WSC studen ceht'r, Shown left to rightIn this picture or EUermeier', Ehlers, DennyRobinson and Nick Smith.

State to Bluild Ne,arl WayneThe highway department ot~er\ needed facilities. ~ included. All of the pr~

of the.. St.ate of ~ebraska has I Plans call, fo .... constr.uc- s nt mai~enanc~ crew a dplans all· but ready for a: ti{)D th start soon on a bUild.. e . eermg s t a f f waulnew L-shaped building east ifll,g. l·.th.one porti~n 38!eet ve aEpple space. At.pre..of Wa vne It would be more by 6 I feet parallelIng High.. s nt there are ov~r twothan tWi~e as big as the way,: 5. Bids s h 0 u}d. b~ ~ zen men inVOlvedt:~ar:present hi g h way depart. tareIlf Aug. 4••A WIng I us phases of stl W gh

t t t w uld\ be extended to w y work out of tbe, aynemen s rue ure. h J th d this wmg' f· r~The present faciliti.es t, or an . 0 Ice.are about 10 years old and w~ul !be even bigger. 422ca nnot handle all 01 the b~ 129 feet. Brick and bloek Dale Po.hlm.n 1S m

d 't· ld b d c rg. olthe high....ay eon-equipment. The new build. c Ins~uo IOn wou e use. s ruction .nciD•• U ber••ing will ta'ke care of most '!Mali h ps 01 rold Seh..... rtz.DIach i.o.f the rest. of th~ equip. fi~e~:)nt::rn:~r~or~om; charge af the mgn.y~ent, prOVide ofhce .and f .. ~. her facilities would iutenanee staff.kitchen 5 pac e and g 1 V e a ''t;' I

I • .

ning to enLer regist,er pri.orto Tuesday, Aug. R WIthMrs. ~1arvin YDung or \.1rs.Dick Hammer.

The parade ruut.e is com.parativel) short for theyoungsters. It will startat the former .'-linclair sta~

tion and parents may picklip their children· at Car~

hart'" Lumber. It is pre­fer red that parents notmarch in the parade wi·ththe youngsters.

There will· be Un'Ete prize

'!~~~~~~e~.. ~~~~~nSC. ~~~I C~~~~~~~' ~~::rep art s th.~ ~ urn m q r M rshaIl, Roger Anderson,courses at Y\ lnside ended,. a Janis Svenson.Friday. Inc luded wet r , .. ~ed" Cross advanced be-I1).ath, reading, physical'ed- gitlOer certificat.es we r eueation and swimming. "e

1rned by JoaIUle Krueger,

There were 12 in the 0 una Libengood, Larryreading and math program S hfoede·r, Nancy Gallop.with Mrs,. \taryann M ry Jane Svenson, Suz)'

( Langerneier leaching math Tompson, Terry Svenson,and Mrs. ,Judy Picard read. D bbie Thompson, Karlaing. !'upil~ were!l~braJef_ R ber, Kent Wittler, Johnfrey, .Mary .lane ">wenson, G:110P ' Barbara 'Rehmus,PhylliS Hoeman, Terry I... rry Wanger, JanelleSve ns on, D.on Paulson, T autwein, Norman Liben-Hoger .\nderson, Barbara gqod and Pamela Hoeman.He h m us, l.inda \\agner, Those getting beginnerPatti Quinn, l.arry\\agner, status awards were MarkKeith \\ills and Brad and Will Parker, KevinBrockman. Johnson Danny Marshall,

The physic.al education Valarie 'Waller, Lou Annp r og ram '[ ucsday" and Bphm, Peggy Theis, BradThursdays conducted Btockmryfl, SallyTheis,by Pete f\r.opp drew from Barbara R}tze, Roger Lar~two to :211. I\roppexpr--essed SOO1 Keith Wills Debi Je _regret ,that' more ,y?ung- fre;·, DeniseWal'l~r,Triciasters did not. par.tIclpate. Quinn, Phyllis Hoeman,

In the sWlmmlOg pro~ Carla Carter and Davidgram, 7:-:1 took part.at 'Behmer.the Pilger pool. \1r5. Jolm l-iupils will receivePicard was in c.harge.Jor achievement certifi-beginner, ad\' a'ttc e d be.:. cates later.girmer, intermediate ands\vimmer cIa s 0; e s .. \idswere Carol Bleich, DonnaI\rueger and Diana \I eible. Gb to National f\\eet

Of the swimming pupilo;,·18 completed requirementsfor courses. F3ilure""s couldbe attribu~ed to ab~

senteeis m. There are threedegrees of achieH'mE.jnt foreach class (excellent, goodand passing) so it is pos­sible for swimmers withvaried abilities to receivethe same certificates.

Red ('ross swimmer cer­tificates ,vent to JerryWacker. Debbie Bargstadt,G e n e \\. e i b Ie, L a r r ~

\\' eible, Bob Kropp, ~fona

Lan g e n b erg, Bar bar a",Jackson and Tom, Kropp.

Intermediate c e r t i f i-cates from the Red Crosswent to LaRue Langenberg,



Wayne IAmong CitiesBidding, for School

,Wayne s among the five

cities tha have submittedbids for having the newl'\ortheast Kebraska \"oca­tional-Te hnical School, itwas reve led at a meetingin Norfol Thursday night.Many oth r towns are ex­pected to ubrnit bids.

Wakefi ld, Emerson,Plainview, Wayne and :\or­folk are t e first five townsto submit for mal bids. Den_nis Poes hel, Stanton,secretar of the board, hasbe,en iust uded to acceptbids fro all other townsin the dis ricts where thereis intere

St eve Finn, Neligh,heads a ew comm ittee ofthe boar . The committeewill set he policies of theboard fo future action.

Next meting will be Sat­urday; A g. 12, in Norfolk_

ltootwor s are showing upin corn a d unless there israin they will be more ofa threat t the corn.

Alfalfa has been good.There has been only onecutting in tead of the usua Itwo by thi" tir1\l!! but June'smoisture li minated one ofthese. lIn ess lhe area getsrain, gra nmen report the"third c\tting" \vill beshort .

As for rain sorghum, ilneeds m isture. Pasturestoo are etting dry. Thefickle we t.her has played adirty tri k. Some of thatove~-abun ant raintheareahad in J e would be m o"twelcome ow.

1\orfol , flooded earlierthis yea r is now ask i n gresidents to cut down onthe use f \vater becausethere is anger of a short­

age. That' the type of odd­ball year it has beenweathe~w ~e in :\ortheastNebraska

NOT A R M8RANDT ORIGINAL but PhyllisEllermeler's pOinting seemed to capture theInterest of Scotr Ehlers Thursday night onWayne's M in Street The sl~ewalk art showwas i held t publiCize Wayne State's student

Mrs. \\ yne Jaycees arelo be in charge of thekiddies parade for thisyear's cou tYJaiJ. As wilhmost ever t,hlngl'else, any­thing wit h a centennia 1theme wil be looked lipan

with fa vor11

This w,11 be the firstyear Lhe r-. r~. Jaycees havesponsored t.he kiddie~

parade an they are anxiousto make ~. a success. Toinsure th t success, theyare askin that all groups,clubs and individuals p\;'11'-


Seed,Seeding and sodding are

planned fa thje campus ofthe new \V yne HighSchool.Supt., Fra is Haun reports!>iss will e taken Mdnday, 'I·

Aug. 7, S me 01 the highslopes no th of the schooland some reas east towardSherman treet will getsad. The r st will be seededto grass.


at Bloomfield years ago

~fl~~ ~~~~n~:~s~~hd:l~\~:R. Ellis is: 97.

Larson joined tlie Ma.sonic Lodge at R~ndolphApril' 4, 1917. By, somecoincidencie, L. Ellisi joinedthe same etay, but hel joinedthe Wayne Lodge. Larsontransferred here iQ 1922.

W.R. Ellis holds thelocal lodg4's Jordan ~edal,

designaling the oldestme mber df the lod!ge. At97, he is also oDe: of theoldest Masons in Nel1raslea.Gene Flet~her is rlnasterof tbe lodgle this, yea r.


no color in iL, by peeringin one can see color:=. andshapes,

Inslructor.., HichardI,e..,h, (lary \Voodward and('arIos Frey arc facultyrn e Tll her s helping. Thesummer art clas;-, mem­b(~rs art' actuall,' puttingup t he pain! ings a"nd sculp­t llff'S. Manv of the draw­ings, skeLchings and ot.herexhibits will he for <:;ale.

\ bull calf lost., its lifeand a car was heavilydam­aged \Vednesday night on­llig-hway :111.2 miles southof Wept,own. Driver of theC:lr was .'-lam Olson, Car­roll.

I rooper Terry Hogers ofthe Nebraska State Patrol,who invl:stigated themishap', sa i d the Black"ngus calf wandered on tothe highway. It could notbe seen until it was toolate for Olson to stop.

The res u It i n g impactkilled the calf, valued at.$20(), and owned by DarrelPlaner, Pierce. Estimatesplaced damage to th.e Olson(" ~l r ;'I!- :tROO.

a IIy high .vie lds.The good ground is doing

well in producing a a t s.Poor ground, where farm-·ers have neglected to usefertilizer needed. pro­duction of oats has not comeup to standard.

Dry weather IS a bigfactor for the other crops.Be lieve it or not, the wetJune is nol hllilping nowand the corn land bea.nsshow signs of la,ck ofmoistu e.

Bull Calf, Car Both

Suffer in Accident

p$2.6 Million

J2 pag~stwo~ec~ions

THREE 50· YE~R pin winners in Masonic work ore Ileft torlght l Les'he Ellis, W, R, Ellis and Rus$eH Lorson WJ R, Ellisolso wears the; Jordon medal as oldest member of the localAF&AM Lodge .

'1\'-. R. Ellis ~eceived his50-year pin ~s a Masonin' 1<:147. Thirty years laterhe witnessed the award ofthe 50-year Masonic pin tohis".son, Lesli~ Ellis andto Russell Lar.~on.

Larson and i1es Ellis re.ceived their Pins ,at theWayne AF & AM LodgeJuly 18. K. N. Rarke madethe presentations in behalfof the Grand Llodge of Ne~

braslea. "Two oldHrne'rs present

vier e A, F. Giullivar andW. R. Ellis. Gullivsr wass1Jperintendent of schools

'Fifty Year Medals' Many Years Apart

The first harvt~~d reportfor the \\':\,·ne l"ountv ar(>ais - good. 1"10 w e \. e r', thiscovers the ~rnallg-rainsand

lht' main (' rap" of corn,sorghuIll, lH'ans and alfalfaart' s(i'll tl) be heard from,

Farmt'r..., are gettingtheir combining ofloatsJane. Flevatoro; report thequality of the grain~iS goodand the) i e Id is' good,although no one wl)uld admitto IH:,ar lng \ll any exception-


Bank Deposits an~ up farmers make purchases,again. Compared with a people go on vacations andyen rag 0 I the y are other factors enler hhe pic.$2,GS'U,oon hi g her.; lIow- ture.ever. they are down sllight- Following are the 196'6ly from lhe' high re~ched and 19fj7 deposit figuresthree months aKa. for July: Comme'Tcial

A resume of the reports State; Hoskins, $2,402',000of the three banks in the and $2,5:3S,OOO; State Na ...

tinDal' Wayne, $7.8,~5,000county showed $Hj,tj3~~()O() and $8,704,000; W ins idein deposits in July of l~)(jfJ. ,....aate $2,UtS,oOO andIn July of 1~Hj7 the depo- $2,250,nOO; F'hsl National.slts are $1


1),000. Wayne, $4,039,000 and

Loans are also up. In $S,2AO,nO(J; and Farimers1:)(;7 the tolal was Sl:.ale,Carroll,$()4Fl,nOOto$12,Sf;II,OOfl. Hep()r~,s is- :\;RHO OUOsued for this year showed "In 'tbe' ·period from Maythem to be $IT,:l2,1 ,(HIO to J~1y only two banks in..

IJenosils last Mav:came crea'sed deposits. FirstNa..!'o $~I),()71,n(}O with :loans tional, Wayne, rOlle from

$5,1~J8,(j()[J to $5,280',000$D,5~1;),I]()(j. This m~ans a arui Fa r mer s state,Car.slight drop in both.i over roll fro m $Fl25,OOn tothe three-month rerlbr:l as $88000U.

Painting Door! Prile at' Art Exhibit

First Harvest Report

\\ ,lyne ·:-;tarf' Colle~e artSltlrlen!" arl' fllannillg~narlexhilJit a ir!\I'd at. eveh·0I1enot ill"t tho",' inler!("slediTl art for, 'Ir!..., ..,a)~e. orev:tl, for ~Jtlfdl3sj[\lt. i~[l

orlglfl:l I work of a rl wdl!l£1 given a.., a door 'prizeopelling tI i 1--', I;~I l'!lllr..,day,\ug. 'I.

J"lH' pxhihil will IH\ 0fll'[1

'fr(Jlll I-~I p.rll.:lndpVP(fVOIH'i.., invited. Tht, rlltif1e e,l(­

hibil will be It'ft IIp:in tlteuJlstairs ,-;('cti()n of tILt' slu­dl'nt center Oil Ihe c,pnpllsthrough Sept. :1.

1··aculLy rncnd.H'rs :in theart, dl'partment and IHp stu­:1p.nl s t'hern·st'lves dick:edout the' pictllre lo heigivenas :1 door prize. The. ha\'('not "hown. it bu~ havl' ]Iac.eda healthy figurt' Hl Itsworth.

TIn' exhibit IS held10 give t.Iw puldil a t'

to lOOK, cOlllment hu).1·'r('(' pUllchand willhf' s('rvet! upening nightjusl (0 help everyonf hav('tl good lime loukingatound.I'v(o)ple of all areaiS are:.Jsked tn corne in LO! visit,~xplore Lhe exhibit ard en..joy themselves. :

Emphas is willibe onsculpture. There will alsobe a Pol a r 0 i d bqx t.hatshould attr<1ct a .loti of al­tention; Although Ihkre is



Page 2: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl




BOB, LUNDRegi~tered Pharmlciat

SA'Vi-MOR DRUGPaone 315-1444


2LS w. 2nd 5.rNt '

Phone 375-2501). 'Wayne, Nebr.

'. ,'(:;!fO...Act~ It It"ile '~'j

fin, A~L~( t i"Tho- Tlror", • 0';_""

lraricomoCly•.. wul 1M ·.'..a.•.·.. ·.· ..·.....·...otod by w SIC .t.... I",.durlnr tho lin. att..... ':"

noxt "ook, It "l1li be "...••.1....·. ·1··Tuosday, Aur, 1, Ii" I '.. !RamlOY Thlat...nd th "~,'. ;. ipublic Is invitod. .. .!(' Ii; il

De.scribed as "._ fl.rce.q:.:';· :I!', '~.';.Isoelal comment.i.ry,U ~::..,. ;' '~,play has Iota of ~umo;r~: ';i·


Pat Kim and Lylo 00llr1.t'lake the two rQI .Oeorge Tubb dlroch. _ . :;:1.

A mode.t admlilio.chargo i. made at tho doo'"with no advance t,ieket ••l.'~High s c.h a a I pupil. at'otending Ihe camp 'wlll b.admitted Iree 01 ch,,'II!'


III West 2nd Phone 375·31•.Wayne, Nebr.


Tledtke Plumbing ,Heating & Appl!ances~_


Phone 375-2822 Wayne, Ne.~







.. _ 37S-3310




Mayor -Dr. Wm A. Koeber

City Treasurer ­Lelilie W. Ellis

City Clerk ~Dan Sherry

City AttorneY ~

John V. AddisonCouncilmen ­

Al WittigE G. SmithWilmer MarraJack KingstonR H. BanisterBob .McLean


Kim Allen, son' of Mr.and Mra. Randl'll AllanWayno, boullht a "llloto;;.;;lHereford .teer .t the Goochsal e last week. T err yKumm, 80n or Mr. andMr •• H.rland Kumm,W ayn•• boughl a Horolord.leeri'Kim paid 16.000 rodcircle stamps for his ani.mal and Terry paid 10,400for his. Schrader Hatchery,Gooch feed dealer in Wayne,was official sponsor for theboys.


IlIlness Opp.


Assessor: Henry Arp 375-1979Clerk: 'Norris Weible 375·2288Judge:

David J. HamerSheriff: Don WeibleDeputy:

S, C. Thompson :t75-1389Supt.; Gladys Porter_. 375-1777Treasurer:

Leona BaMe ._ 375-3885Clerk of District Court;

John T. Bressler 375·2260A,aicuItural Agent:

Harold. IngallsAssistanc:e Director:

Mrs, Ethel Martelle ...375-2715Attorney:

Don .Reed 37S·3585Veterat15 Servic:e Officer:

CbrilI Barghotz __.__375-2'7&1 George L. John, M;P; ..;·Commissioners: PHYSICIAN and SUllGZON~::H,

Dist. 1 ~__~,_. John Surber . . ,:.,.,Dist 2 .George Stotz 114 Eas' 3rd S~·· .1'Dist. 3 Roy Davis Office Phoo. 375-UT1..... d.llrD~~:E=DOffiC!e;:,:S.l250I--~'----- ......'""'t,"'..,,~.,-I~,,-;".;;



Farm· Home· eom.~rel~(·::ii.'

Phone 375-2823 - Wa1M':"",!'···:jtVETERINA!UAloI. ":Ii'i<"


Personal - Machineryorid Automobile LoonsPhone 375-1/32 105 w. 2nd



Northwestern MutualLife - 1857

represented byJERRY A. BOSE

and ASSOCIATES112 West 2nd

Professional BIde.37S-1811 or Res. 375-2117



KEITH JECH, CLU.375-1429 408 ·Logan. Wayne


Dependable InsuranceFOR ALL YOUR NEEDS

Phone 375-2696

Dean C. Pierson AgencyIII West 3rd Wayne


________ 1TRIANGLE

Farmers Ins. GroupAll Your Insurance Needsf"AST· FAIR - FRIENDLY


CHRIS E. BARGHOLZPhone 375-Z764 Wayne

To Fit All Your NeedsIn Reliable Companies

State National BankPOone 375-1130 122 Main

Willis Johnson, ogentSTATE FAJIM INS. CO.

AUTO· LIFE - FIREPrompt, PersODa) Service

1 mi. North of Wayne on Hy. 15Office: 375-3470 - Res.: 375-1965



___S_E_R_V_IC_ES 1Phone 37>-2525 Wayne·


ro<aIJY~It~~~u/iDg S. S. Hillier, D.C.Ward's Rivenide Batteries 8 I.m, • 5 p,m.

Fairground Avenue 110 W..l 3rd· Ph. 37>-3450

P'W.g'i,la37~:'or • Hon.. Tues.• Thun., FrtALVIN SClDlODE, Mgr. 11-12 Wed., Sat

R.ad and U•• Th. Wayne

H...Id W... Ad. - TI,.· L1ttlo

Ad. That po, the BIG Jo~

ov. 28, 1965. Altor In­uction at Omaha he wento Ft. Hood, Tex•• for b••lc,Ft. Lewis, Wash., for iad.anced lnfantrytralnlnl,omo lor 21 day. aDiitbon

•hlppod out July 21, 1966lor Vlatnam Irom Ft.Lewis. _ '.

Hi. trciQpshlp made ashott slop .1 .Okinawa andth~n continued to VietnamAug. 5, 19.66. He servedthere with the Second Bri­gade, Firat and Twonty·Second inlantry, Fourth in.fantry as a machine gun·ner and a rifle man.

The happy day he sta rledhome was July 12,'1967.The day he arrived homewas 'July 12, 1967. In fact,he was home "about fourhours" alter he left Viet­nam. This was possibleonly because of the inter·national date line situati.on.

What lies ahead for. thisyoung soldier who ~atured

so much i·n a Jew monthsin one ofthe world's·ryottestspots. More servic.e forone thing. He leaves Aug •

. 28 for Ft. Carson, Colo.,where he will work in an~dmiflistration com pa nyfor the rest of hi~ timein the army.

Then' he will get out.He will probably celebrate,take a trip somewhere, seethings. One thing, it pro­bably won't even be in lhedirection of Vietnam. liehas had all of that he everwants but he knows be'Hertha n the ave rage man whyhe Was there, why otherswent there and why othersmust go there until weachieve our goal of gi~ingthe...se poeple a chance atfreedom. The only otherchance they have is com­munism and to these poorunderprivileged peo­ple communism willamount to slavery.Tokeepthis from coming about isworth fighting for. Ask Den­nis otte, Vietnam veteran.

S.teAward Winner

9~67eneral Excellence Cont.st

Nebraska Press Association

;1 1l1t·fi.ln pa'.(p andI-I',,"',f\ t~ r~,,1 ;;tc"('cpl(-d




big auvanlage. Then we get i're a well-trained" group,reports that do nollelllhe etting as much trainingasfull slor.v here. \mericans do. Most of

110 w about ne\vs over" heir equipment is Hussianthere? DUe S:IY" vou don't ut some is Chinese. Fewread abouL prr;tes-«.;, those ~re capturedandfewer stillwho won't serve and those re convinced that the Am..who fleo lo Canada. After ricans are really all rightall, only, "a much news can nd to switch allegiance isbe printed and that type of orthwhile. .new~ is nol going to serve Otte knows the loss ofmuch pur p ° s e among /l uddies. j\n even· dozen ingroup of men who know why i6 outfit were killed. In~

lhey are there, who know luded were his two bestwhat has to be done."and r~ends, one from Croftonwho know "'~'e are right in hd Hie other from Newbeing there. o~k.

Otte, son of Mr. and,Mrs. ~f.;, As for Vietnam' itself.·Raymond OUe, \Vayne, was" f e finds it centurie~behindstationed near Pleiku, a in progress with the peoplereal "hot spar" as it is in villages mostly illit-near :the trails where t.he erat.e. Children there runNorth Vi etna me se rn a v e around without clothes un..down into South v'ielnam. til they are ten or older.lie a¢cented the fact that They are filthy for themost of t.he flighting is most part. Mud huts,a g a ips t the North V iet. thatched huts and other be-narne$e now, the Viet Cong hi-I)d-the.times facilitiesbeing a comparativeJ~inor are common.fightillJg force. He does not blame the

Who are the Viet'Cong? people. They have knownlIe described them as a war for years. They ha·ve"militia-like" group that never· had a chancetocatchdoes n,ot agree with the' up. The U.S. army is help-way thle majority of the ing them in every way itp~opl.e. iwant things. They can and in. contrast"to thework l~ .to,":ns, ~y d~y. ~nd com ~ u n 1St has peaceconduct, t.hen \- (actIvlbes corps type workers whoat nigh~. ,He ciled an ex- pick out the smarter ones,ample. :\ group of his bud.. teach them better farm-dies geM haircuts in town ing methods and hope theyone day. That night: they, will be ab1e to pass onwere subjected to a'mortar t'h e i r f?ew knowledge toattack from :'("- anq.killed others.many of tne attacke·rs. OUe had two R&RWhen the Americans we·nt leaves. He went to Japanout to pick up lhe dead in one e and t a Thailandthe dBlyIight h our s they another time. In each casefound s!e .... eral that could be he was in "another world"identifiled as th~ ba:bers far from the fighting ofwho hak cul their halT Lhe \'ietnam.day before..... PIe entered the service

The North Vietnamese thlioug~ selective service


Judy IWoodsi Roth and LaV-anne (Luff l Andershin. Standing In the third toW'

arc Neil Stuthmon, Darrell Gdll.lond' StQn!ey Boic , Ronald. Milliken, Noel Bennett, GlenVille Sampson, Jerry McGinn and lorry oosc. In the tourth row oreHarvey Mohlheld, Oliver Prarlr, :-Norren Thun, Bob Henegar, Vern Schulz,Howard Fleer, John Mohr, Merle Roeber, RGber~ Longe, Louis Lutt, DennisManske, Gerald Mann, Ferm Meyer and Ken Dahl






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, (6 Speakers))NE 0 LY - REG. '2]9.9

no~ $19995

becaus you know you arenot getting the full picture.The ne spaper, radio andtelevis·on reports are in­comrie .e. They report lightcasua Hies but. in yourheart ypu kno',\' theyar~nol"light" I to anyone takingpart.

For xample, he citedanattack f :\orth Vietnameseon an utfit. They hao the:\mer cans outnumber­ed sev ral lime s over.That's the onlY way the\'attack, when U;ey ha've th'p

The Wayne (Nebr.) Herold,

Phone 375-1616

Way~ne Soldier Batk fro~ VietnamFavors Getting War Over jRight Now

"I,el's cnLi itnow.'~

I'hat 's 1he way Dennis Ottedescribed the Viet.nam war.lIe lJa s (lefinit e opinionsabout it since he has justreturneLi from a 'year inLhaL counLry where he sawfriends and acquaintancesLiie and get criticallyinjured. '

flow does he mean "endit" '! Get out? 1\:0. He wantsthe United states to goall out, \vin that war andend the killing. Otherwisehe foresees at least anotherfive years of sending boys'ove'r there to die-too manyhave died already.

"Is Vietnam worth fight­ing for?" he wa·s asked."\\' e ' r e not fighting forVietoa m ," he replied."We're fighting for us."If we get out, the (' om­munists move in. If wedon't stop them there theyare ready to mOve in some­where e 1 s e. Somewherethey have to be 'stopped.

How doe s the war com­pare sitting in Wayne andcrawling through Vietnam?otte says it is worse here

I' ~~ol

~~~~,: n ~ I"..

)~~, \.. ('? iii'

."' \\,\ Ir~~';':::'

This accident~ouldhave been avoided •••

./With just a little bit of core, too. Protect

your life, your limbs, your profits ...

by practicing safety. first iules, always.

We are happy to serve you. We'~ like

to continue to serve you. For safety's

sake, be careful.

Woyne Farm EquipmentYour Allis-Cholmers Deoler

117 South Main

Wayne High ~chool clas~

of 19S7 held a reuniilD .Tub·1 al the V'/agon \\'heel, 1.<111­

reI. A familY g{ltheringwa'"­held July 2 al Wayne ('oun­try ("l~b. ('om;nitLeC' illc ha r g e includeu Slanle.\Baier, Kermeth Dahl, Mrs.Jack March, Mrs. LaVonneAnder.c;on, Mrs. Nila fhum­mundand Mp. Judy j':chten-kamp. '

Recognitions given at thebanquet includedMrs.Arthur Barker and Mrs.LeRoy Clarkson, most chil­dren; Mrs. Barker, mar­ried longest time; LouisLutt, mar r i e d shortesttime; Mrs. Joyce Pateouil.let, coming the longest dis­tance;

Allen Otte andNeil~tulh_

man, bachelors; Dr. ('01.

leen Dilley, most educa­tion; Mary Smith, purpleheart for bravery, and loBob Longe, youngest child.

Forty-three of the 57class members were pres­ent for the reunion.

Class MembersMeet for Reunion

A 287.pound field­dressed white-tailed deer·is the 1a r g est reportedtaken in Nebraska. Li"veweight of this deer wouldbe about 355 pounds.

THE WAYNE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1957 held ,ts closs "unoon atWogon Wheel Steak House July 1 Shillwn left to right In the fils! row

'Judy (Korth I Echtcnkamp, Gale I Bathke I Korth, Be~ty rSWinney I Kay,I Fo,;ter I Brummond, Eileen rDoud I Tromp and Ca~olyn I, Likes I Rcthm let

In the second rGW arc Vlrglnlo I Vogel I Ro,;cnqulst, Joyce (Cook I Patcou lIet,Harriet IMurphy' Comstock, Jone Ijeffreyl March, Mary IGranqulstl 5 Ott,

Colleen I Willett Dilley, Mary I Schroeder I Smith, JoAnn I Nichols I We


Page 3: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl

At State Ag Me,tiligHoger Sandman, VO~I.

tional agriculture iin.s t r u c t () r at Allen' BlighSc:hool i~ one of over 107ag leachers allending theannual state crmferencesfor instruclors in Lincolnthe fiast week. Discussionson topics such as what'snew in agr"icull.ural educa­lion and production, evalua­tion of staLe .snd local ~ro.

grams and challengesl inagriculture were on Itheagenda.

Murray Leicy, Duane andWilliam and Mr'. and Mri.For rest Nettlelon. Mr. andMrs. Ervin Wittler. joinedthem for the afternootL

Mrs. Minnie llinnrichsand Helen. Lincoln, calledin the' George Stolz home~10nday.

Mrs. Virg.ie C haun"y"Lyman, Colo., and Mr •.[)onald McAdams, Aurctra,Colo., spent the week~lfid>with Mrs. Agnes DUfU'f.r.They took Mrs, Lil itlMoore to ('oln.rarlo iththem.

AMONG) MAILlOX£S ,IMI.'are tnte;elt,ng'in th.• ar,o ..IJt'thl! one ohr, ~elth, Encluo" ~Ill:t".",:"'~\,',,cated 1 1 2 miles south of Co~~:~

cord That I,ttle deVice t. ':.the mail" bOl is made r~o a"'~ihommelmlll icreen, It IS saa~;Jas 0 parcel rack. It's nHr-'perfect for the' purpose. Car'.roll IS hoving a conte.,t onmailbox Mautificotion andwe'll print winners from t~.,.

'>later but if onyone, else in' theorea has a mailbox pKlturethot IS unusual or k~ows

where WI!' can get one, le~ us­know,



Mrl. ~I.r.nce May, HO'kin,.!N.b,.6174O.


It. friend of min. says ,h.he, • new method for putingfr.ding .tamps into t h •books witftout ,-'fing the glue.11 ova, averythin'g. S... I..y.out ttw corntet number of


CHICKEN fRIED STEAK. .Monday" Tuesday - Wednesday

5 to 8 o'clock


Th. W.,... IN.b,.) Herald. Moftda,. Jul, 31,1967

Mrs. Forfl'st NettletonPhone :JH:l·-1H33

Knitting C'lub MeetsKnitting club met July 22

with Mrs. Max Stahl with12 members and a guest.Mrs. W-illiam Brogren.Prizes went to Mrs. AnnaHansen and Henry lIar­meier. Aug. 4 meeting willbe with Mrs. Jessie Shu_felt.


Weible and .0.... Omalla.were overnl,ht 1V'lti Sat.urday of Mr. and M...C. F. W.lbl••' Mr.and Mra.Carl Wut.ter. Elizabeth.01.••pent Monday to F,I_day In tho Weible hom.,

Mr. and Mr •• Howa rdII••.-man, Cedar Rapid.,Ia,. .p.nt Friday In theFrad WIttl.r bome.

Mr. and Mr •• ClarenceApld., Denv.r, who vl.lt.d••y.ral day. In the Mr ••Carrl. Apklft home, leltSaturday,

Mr., and Mu. VernonBohl, KareR, Billy and Bob,Wuhllll!on, D. C" .p.ntTue.day to Thuraday withMrs. Bohl'. par.nt,. Mr.and Mrs. 'Herman Schuah.

Mr. and Mr •• Charle."Mueller' and family, Bon_dule, ~,111., were guests Inthe Mrs. Anna Rab., andArt Rabe homes Mondayevening.

Visitors Monday after~

noon in the Pat Finn homewere John Finn, Mesa,Ariz., Mrs. Cleo Walter­meyer, sr., Helen Marie­and Mrs. Margaret Do'ugh­erty, Omaha.

Guests Saturday in theMax Stahl horne were Me.and Mrs. 1101and Stahl andfamily, Galva, la. HoleneStahl spent several days inthe Keith Owens home.

Guests in the MurrayLeicy home in honor ofMrs. Leicy's birthday

'Tuesday were Mr.and Mrs.Ervin Wittler and Mr. andMrs. Melvin .'-;hufelt andTodd, i\orfolk.

Dinner gue<;ts ,'-;unday inthe Erni.e Sands home inhonor of the birthdays ofMrs. John IIamm and Mrs.Murray Leicy wtne Mr. andMrs. John Hamm andSusan, Mr. and Mrs. Gur­ney Lorenz, Sandra. Sal~y

and Leslie., Mr. and s.


LAOles; Send me your f.· 1vorlte recipes or helpfulhints In care of THE WAYNEHEJlALD. They'lt .11 be Iprintl'd in this column u I

space permits .nd .v.ry Imonth I'll ••nd • 5S choleicto the contributor of the LO·CAL item judged b••t forth.t month\ by my .taH.

Pecan Pi.111. cup sugar, 111 cuP light 'com syrup, 'I. cup butt.r, J.g.s slightly be.ten, 1 cuppecans (unsalted l. 1 '-Inchunb.ke-d pie •...,1. Combi~:

ThiS week try shopping illArni.'s where prices andquality go hand in handYou'll be plea~anUy surpris·ed

.ugar, corn .yrup .nd butterin 2 qu.rt '.uce p.n. Bringtg boil on high heet, stirringconst.ntty until butter i.m.lted. R.mave from fitaand gr.duelly .dd hot syrupto lM.ten "'., .tirring con·

For a > wonderful night· outcome to Comrie's for deliciou•.food and cool refreshments. ,Connie', Reel Satin Lounge - ,b~~ _nigbtly__except~n~~ ,

st.ntly. Add peuns to firltmixture and eMf·,.' luke·warm. AcId yanilla to fim....Pour filii.... into !fie cnnt. '.Bek. in oyen J50 ....,.... .... :.......i minut... Mrs. Kenneth 'r.,i7~rt, .t. 1, Wayne, Nebr. 1

Club Meeting HeldSocial Circle members

met withMrs.WarrenHolt­grew Wednesday. Thirteenwere present. Roll call'was"What I dp on a hot day."Prizes went.to Mrs. LarryLindsay and Mrs. CarlBronzynski. Aug, 2 meetingwill be with Mrs. MauriceLindsay.

Mr. and Mrs. WalterWayland and Scott, Shell,Wyo., spent last week withMr. and Mrs. G~orge Vossand other relatives. Mrs.Wayland is the, formerCa rolyn Sue Benshoof, Win-side. J

Nlr. and Mrs.'GeorgeSchlletz, Roland and Allen,St. Louis, Mo., spent lastweek with his parehts, Mr.and Mrs. Herman Schuetz.

Mrs. John Meyer 'andVincent, Ames, la., spentWednesday to Sunday withhe.r parents, Mr. and Mrs.Andy Mann.

\1r. and Mrs. Eug,ene

I \LADIES: F,~,'" Spamon' will _. In - ........

i••m "tvi... No!r AqVERTISEO ELSEWHERI. CItodt: ••

. • ds c eful1r'

July 27: Mr: and Mra.ftl.hard Urwll.~. Wa)'1l•• a.... III.harel Cnitl ~ Iba ••11:.31• •••• W&)'111 o.pllal.·Mr. a'" Mr•• WIlliam

WolI •• h ... ,t. M.ry ••vIII., OlII., ha.. aeleptada da..,btar. D.A_· tTllll.Orandpar'lIh .r. "'f a"M... Wl1lord WolI.llhauPt.Wayne.


Concordettes MeetConcordettes 4 -If club

went to Wayne July 26 andtoured Johnson's Bakery.A,t noon a picnic lunch washeld at Bressler's Park.Aft e r lunch a businessmeeting was held with areport on the judging July10 at the Northeast 9.a ti on.Twelve member-s partici.pated in the judging. Allof them placed. Joan Er.win and Sandra Andersonreceived pur pie' ribbons.Joan Erwin was second inthe coupty. Six of the girlsreceived blue ribbons andfour red ribbons. It wasdecided to have a swimmingparty in August. Janet andDeanna Erwin will be host­esses for the August 1meeting. Sewing girls willbe 'Practicing for dress re­vue and mothers are in­vi ted. Sandra McAuliffe,reporter.

ConcordMrs. Jerry Allvio

Phone 584-2440 '

Admitted: Mro, RichardUrwiler. Wayne; DlwnCar.man, Wayne.

Dismissed: Mrs. LarryMunn, Wayne;. Rodney Rei ..

,met, Wayne; Henry Mau,Wayne.

'Wayne Hospital ......


Mr • Warren-Hilson waselect d president or Wayne

Fire en's Auxiliary at a

meet ng July 24. Mrs. Har·vey rasch is vice presi­dent; Mrs. H~rry Lese­berg, searetar:Y, and Mrs.Pat ross. treasurer.

Six een members werepres t.. ,Mrs. Bilson andMrs. Busch served lunch.Next eeting is Aug. 28.

Fire en'$ Auxiliary

Elec sNew Officers

Mra. Mlldrad Wilt.....pre. nt. Book., rtve. IImem rlalo toOlady. Maek.lin I dud. a .mall .hlld'.Bibl • "God Spoako to M ••""Jo Welley." and "oa.til. to' sp.na;' Virll"'aP.re-8 on was In ·cha" •. ofthe rOlram. Mr.; Lor.nPark will ho.t tho Sept.m_Oer eelilll'r

y Cleaners's'Tavernusic Co" Inc.

Clevela d 'Trailer CourtDo e'~eWelry

Gries . 011 StoreMo ing hopper

H r'1 SchulzGer Id Pospishil

'If's Cafe

DONAnONIe Strunke'Monument

Merchant ... 111 ho.t the nextmeeting.

Faith Circle met in, themorning with Mrs. Hul'oZimmerman. Seven mam ..hers a.nd a guest, Mrs.Cal Ward, were present.Mrs. HUBsel! Preston gavethe progra rri. "M ethodist~is<,lone."

II 0 pee ire I e met forbreakfast at the park. Six­leen members were pres­ent. ~1rs. Clarence Pres ..ton and Mrs. Harry Kaywere hostesses. Mrs. JanKohl gave the lesson. "His­tory of Missions." Mrs.Leland Ellis and Mrs"Clar~

ence Sorensefl are incharge of selling greetingcards. The cards will beon display at the Ellishomp. :';epl, 27 meet.ingwillbe hosted by Mrs!. Fllis.

Friendship ('irde metin the evening with Mrs.Ivan Frese. Mrs, Jim At.kin ... was co-hostess. Thir­teen members and a guest,

MR AND MRS. CHARLES H: MIILL , Woyne, will mork 'h.irgolden wedding anniversary with on 'pen house Sunday, Aug.list 6 from 2 to 4.30 p.m. at St., Po lis Evangelical LutheronChurch. A program IS planned ot 2:30 p.m. All friends and reto­

. tlves of the couple are ·Invited to at nd, The couple requestsno gifts i In Thursday's' Wayne Her Id, a picture of Mr. andMrs. Lawrence Ring was'erroneously u~ d in place of the Miille's, 1

Hoffman Grain Co.

$10.00 DONAliON

,$1 5.00 DONATION

Cripple Creek RonchSPE Hompshire Farm,

Dick Sorenser!Cory. II Auto Ca.

Walnut GraveHerb Niemllnn

Woyne Ice & Cold StorogeWerner Janke

Einung ReodymixGille"e Doiry

listed below have by their d nations made

.I••v•• and lace trains h.ldat the .hOllId.... Ea.h hada matchl.., bow h••dpl •••aDd .ach. carried" bouquetof white aDd apricot cu'na­tlonl,IDd'whlh ro ••••

Denn" Matti., Omaha,w.. belt man. Groome ..m.n were H. r b. r t andstephen Dierk•• the bride'sbra the r • and Ron a I dPeterson, bixon. CharlesTho,mas, DixoD. and Allen'Sch.utte", Burlincton, Colo.,were usher •• HarryDierksand Stephan Logue weremasl serverl.

The b rid e I I mot herchose a bone.white suit ofIS ilk shantung with aquaaccessories. The bride­,rc;>om's mother chose ap a I e pink two .. pi ece, en­semble w'ith white acces­sories. Each wore a cor ..sage of cymbidium orchidsand tr,PpiCUul roses.

A I",eception was held atClub Belvedere, CanonCity, following -the cere_mony.

The bride was graduatedfrom St. Scholastica Aca­demy, Canon City, andMount Ma rty College,Yankton, S. D., with a de­Jree in medical technology.She is pr,esently employedas ~ medical technologist"~acred Heart Hospital,y~kton. ,

The bridegroom wasgraduated from La u reiHigh School and atLendedNorfolk Junior College. He

soded tw\ears in lheU. SI. A,rmy ., Ie is present­ly engaged i farming.

Followin a wedding tripthe couple ill re<;lde atDixon.

M~thodist Circles

Meet on WednesdayMethodist WSC~Circles

held meetings July 26. Nomeetings will be held inAugust. All circles willmeet again Sept. 27.

Honor Circle met forbreakfasl at the church withMrs. Ed Wolsl{e and Mrs.WaIte r' Si monin as host­e sse s. Eleven memberswere present. Mrs. Claude\Vright presented the les­son, "Women of the Bible."The birthday song honoredMrs. Wright, Mrs. Wolskeand Mrs. Laura McLaugh.lin, who ha ve bi rthdays inAugust. Mrs. B. J, Bran"­stet t e r will h 0 s t theSeptember meefthg,

C~arity Circle met fora 9 a.m. breakfa.st at thechurch with 13 memberspresent. Mrs. L. W. Me ..Natt and Mrs. Ross Porter.field were hostesses. Mr·s.Irve Reed gave devotions,'"Freedom, Peace andFriendship." Mrs. Ear 1

and individuals

" I

riage 'by her father. worea floor length gown ofc h ant i II y lace fashionedwith liang pointed lacesleeves, sea lloped necklineand 81 sheath type skirtwith slight back fullness.The' thantilly lace train,held at the shoulder' line,was accented with pearlsand d-tinestones. lIer fin­gertip veil of while illu­sion was held by a crownof rosebuds and peLalstrimmed with pearls. Shecarried a bouquet of whiLeroses with, an orchid cor­sage i.n the center.

Katherine lJierks, CanonCity, served her sister asmaid of honor. Jacquelineand Deborah Dierks, thebride'~ sisters, and JoanSchutte, the bridegroom'ssister, were bridesmaids.All wore gown:-; of apricotbo~qled crepe with lace




Woyne Gre.nh~use




Morvin DunklouASC OficeWill Peters

Swon,McLean Clothing0"0 Sahs

The following business firmsthe free barbecue possible.


:::rntJ IIII "I) \ \


Mary D;erks Weds SteRhen SchutteIn Ceremony at Canon! City, Colo.

THE RED $ATINWill Be Closed One Week


July 31 - August 6

M I. r y J 0 I. nne Die rks, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs.·E. H. Dierks, Canon City,L'·olo., and Stephen EmilSchutte, son of Mr. andMrs. Elmer Schutte, Dix­on, were mat-ried July 15at St. Michall':-; Catholicf'hur2'h, Canu"City. FatherJerome Healy officiated atthe double ring, nuptialmass.

The bride, given in mar-

Trautman, Lage and Nixon.Auctioneers

Martin WillersLeland' He,rman

Herb and Gen. PerryWartman Auto Ca.

Hill's Locker, WinsideOtte Construction Co.Woyne Motor Express

Wayne Groin and: FeedLarson-Kuhn Ca.

Winside Dehy, Inc.Wayne Farm Equipment

Farmeli State Bank, Carroll Shrader-Allen Ha~h.ryCommercial State Bank, . Coost-to-Coost S/'o.... Hoskins Wiltse Fun.ral ~ame

Win.ide State Bank, Winside V & L B C ~ IIFirst National Bank or, ar.o Koplin Auto SupplyState Notional Bank l Kugler Electric ICa. . Hiscox Funeral Home

Morris Machine :Shap Property ExchangeThe Triangle Finance Ca. Dr. Ray Mats", Delln Pierson

Wayne Fed.ral Savings W V . I~Il .and Loan Association ayne ete"nary ~nlc Ed Seymour

Winside veterilary Smitty'. Auto (:IinicRobert W. Shultheis Nu-Tav.rn Siauxlond Credit Corp.Beatrice FoacI Ca. Ed Wolske Auto enrice Melvin Froehlich

Sov-Mor Drug C h rt L b C) FredricksOft Oil ,Ca. or a um er a. Meyer Construction

IBenthack Clir!ic Gem Cafe

, NixOft Feeds and Olson Langemei.r, Inc. Farmer's Cosh MarketFeed Store ,." I E PI ..r. nrin • ehtrson. Don's B."er ShoesI Raymond Granquist Wokefi.ld . Carl:s Conoca: Service

I Th. Mint 8ar Wayne Herald Alfred K.'inI McNatt Hardware Wayne R.nd.ring Plant Woyn. loolt Star.Ii I----------l....l--M-O.:R-E-N-"-M-E-S....:.W-,-LL-.-.-E''''"..D-D-E-D...;.;.N';'E:';X';';T"·;;';W;;;E;';;E"';K;';';;';':";'-.L-.=:.;;.;.;,+~-----t


Page 4: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl









ab r h3 () 1

Clatonaff, 5.... H" and Mike 8il'all, Sian'"lng In the second row are (')och Hank Owerin~

Tcrry EIlI\, Jcedy. Hoogner, Wayne Mogdani,Da\'c TlcIgcn, Kenny Jorgcn\en, les 'EchtCtn·~

kamp, Vaughn Korth and Jerry Titile.

!P. Witt, .~b 4 0'H, JacobHn, P 3 0T. Behmer, s... 2 1M. Witt, rf 2 0K.Schl:'llenberg,d20Il. Will, c, ~h 3. 0F. \\ eihll", lb ::I 0T. Will, II 2 0Kofline, til 1 0

TUT'I 25 1WAYI'\',", ab rH. 1It'lgrf'n, p 3 0D. Bedel, l'C 3 1

. U. Tielgen, ~b 2 1S. Mrsny, If 2, 0'W. Magdanz, rf 4 0\1"niltofl,2b 2 0J. Titze, c .2 2D. ('Iatanoff, 1b 2 1J. lloogner, lh -1 '1

TOTAL 21 6


ATTENTIO'For anyone wanting to learn to fly or al arefresher course.


Wayne Air ServiceWayne, Nebr., 375·1550

plagued wit,h the wa lk-rulean9 10 Wayne men got, 1flfree passes to first.

Winside's hits were oneeach by Doug Deck, JacolJ­sen, Tom Dehmer, MarkWitt and f\irk,-';chcllenberg.Waync·s threp were byDwight ('lalanoH, ,}('rryTitze and Dave Tiptgen.

Following is the-boxscore:WII\SIIJ ED. Deck, lb

Check our Xtra Special on· ,Green and White WEBBED LAWN CHAIRS

ea. $398 (limited quantity)-_---::...---------,-.For a New Experience in Listening

HEAR THE CONWED" TRANSDUCERIt works on an entirely new principle tranl-.mitting the sound completely through the"walls of yollr home! Can be installed in .theceiling or sidewall without CU,tting an openIng.

it No cabinets or sound box' ta build

* Does nat take up floor space - no fumi.ture problem

it Can be completely hidden

it Equal yolume, tone and Itereaanywhere in the room

it Largerca..erage area

* Use outdoors - unaffect~d by weather

Can be connected to the 8 ohm output ofyour ,rerea unit, in pairs or 'singly.

All you buy is ttv? sound producing Uf'it.

$34~5MeasuresOnly 4" x2"

and Priced at only

! ,/'



,,'." ~J__j;..::I~, r~1he1l0e

It'<; a difff'rent group ofhays, but the WayneMidget:--..are districtchampions again. Followingin the footste~ of lastyear's state champions,tpey won the district tiUein a ll-I rlecision o;'.'er \\ in-­side \\' f'dnesrlay night onthe Coleridge diamond.

llank ()V('rin did not knowwho the local midgets wereto play at ,'-'cribner at 4:10p.m. "fonda)', July.'3l.lIow­ever, he did know the,\1idget tourney is "ingleeliminalion and one lossends the season for onet.ea m or the other.

Wayne started off earlfagainst W inside, scoringtwo runs in t he secondinning. The locals h,ed ar;-{) lead before the loserscould push across a run.

Randy IIelgren went theroute on the mound for\\ ayne, allowing fivesingles and c;triking outeight. Handy J a cob senstruck out 12 and gave uponly three hits but was

Local Midgets Win DistrictTournament OverWinside

WAYNE'S MIDGET TEAM posed fa, thIS poeture ofter its \'lCtory' o\'er WinSide at the diStriO tournament Shown lett to right In the

·'nst row arc Dick Tletgen, Ste-\'e Mrsny, D~nny

Redel, Randy Helgren, Tcd Armbruster, D..... lght




Turns walls, ceilings, furniture - Indoors oroutdoors _ into musical speakers for yourradio. h,i+fi, or stereo. 1;1"'5 FANTASTIC ~

Don't let your lawn

burn out in this hot

weather. Solve the

lawn watering prob­

lem with a walking


ODe- of Anderson's being adouble. Crais Jones had a'double and a single, Mur ...ray White a double, DaveDiediker two single. andNeil Blohm and - CraigBlohm a single ea~h.

In the Midget game,Cr.aig Se~ltz struck out 16hurling for .Martinsburg but

!lacked .hitting and fieldingsupport. Bob Anderson'ssingle was' the only Mar ..tinsburg hit. McClary, As ..mussem,' Voss and Knerleach had a single for Ponca.St~inbecker struckoulthree. fo.r the winners.

Goeden PitchesMasterful Tilt

'I Don Goeden stepped onthe mou.nd.aga. i-nst an Lmer.son team that had slaught­ered \\,l,tyne last week.When he wa s through pitch-·ing, he had lirpited thevisitors to a single hil­that by the fi r:st rna n whocame to hat, and he facedithree men per inning seveniof the nine frames ~s WayneIPosted a thrilling 2·0 ~orth­

least Nebraska League winIThursday night on thr;Way,e diamond.

I' Goeden was completelyin 'control. lie pitched 00­

hit-no-run ball for the last


eight stanzas, striking outten while doing it. His onlyhit went to Bill Guinan,Emerson shortstop, who

Idoubled the first time atI bat. Only two other meni for Emerson got on base,i one walking the other get­~ting on with an error.liOn the other hand, \\' ayneI managed a respectable five'hits, all singles, off thepitching ofJerry\\linnesky,who struck out nine. Hisonly hits'allowed were twosingles to Ray Vrtiska andone each to Dennis Bowers,Bob Ditman and Hank Over­in. W innesky pitched no­hit-no-run ball five of theeight frames.

It was a classic for thelocal field, one of thesegam e s everyone ~njoy§.

,F.or Wayne J. fans it wasI?ar.ticularly,satisfyingafte.r the way Emerson hadmanhandled the locals ina p'revious encounter thismonth.

The W?yn,' IN~b',1 '~~alJl, /IIonday, July 31,1967

Public Notices

Special Notice

For Sale

For Rent

Help Wanted



Cards of Thanks

Misc. 'Services




Martinsburg SphtsPlayoff With Ponca

Martin.sburg won thefi r st ga (ne of the ,LittleL~ague playoffs at PoncaTfuursday night, defeatingPonca in Peewee action14-0. However, the Pon&M~dget,s won the first roundor their playoffs by a 5·0score over Martinsburg.

The Mart.insburg Pee­wees were scheduled toplay at 1:30 t-lunday on theMartinsburg fi~ld a'gainstthe Jackson or :--.'ewcastle.Learn. depending on whichW¢)fi in another playoff.~1lerle White manages the!\lartinsburg team which ismade up of Allen, Martins­burg, Waterbury and Poncaarea boys. '

Dennis Hurley had four I

:;3trikeouts and Roger An- I

derson three in the game inwhich no boy can pitchmore thkn three frames.Btuce Blatchford and StanBevelhyner hurled for Pon­ca and failed to fan Ii man.

In the hitting departmentLarry Stallpaurn,,·DennisHurley and Roger Ander_son each 'had three hits,

N. CalcavL'cchl, Ib S 1 2T. Pearoo~, If ~ 0 1M. Roeber. 3b, p 4 0 1V. Serha, p 3 0 0B. Blatchfol'll, 3b 1 0 0M. McCoy. Cf 4 0 0

TOTAL 35 3 8

Winside MidgetsWin Two in Meet

Lost and Found

Winside Midgets won twogames before };leingdropped i,n the finals at.the district tournament atColeridge the past week.Coach Kenny Fleer's teamBefeated Hartington "·1 andColeridge l14.R.

In the J,a rtington gn me,Randy Jacpbsen pitched {orthe winners, '-triking out13 and allowing only sixhits. Oppqsing him on themound was Hossiter, whofanned 12, and yielded ninehits.

Jacobsen contribut~d tohis, own cause considerably,gedting a home run and asingle. Other \\'inside hitswelfe: Tom Behmersingle; Kirt Schellenberg:two sing'les; Dave Witt.siQgle; Mark Witt, single;To~ Witt, three singles;and! Lee Trautwein, single.Hartington hits included:Hoissiter, single; K. Spen­ner, sing~e; \.1, Goeden,silngle; D..-";penner, twosiry.gles; aild Hinsch, single.

Doug D~ck hurled the wio­for \\"inside against Cole­ridge, striking out seven

.and allowing eight hits. OnthE:!' mound for ('oleridgewere [UlOne, DrodersenandLeapley at various tim.es


fanning four and giving up1G hits.

Tom Behmer was fan.tastic at the plate, gettiIl&'a double 'and four singlesiru five trips to bat forWinside. Phi I \\ itt had twosingles, Mark \\:tt adoubleanot! t,wo singles, IJougDeckthI!ee singles, ,'-icott Duer­ing two s~ngles <.In,i HandyJarobsen a double.

ab r:1 n4 14 1j II

ab h, 13 IJ2 11 15 04 2 45 0 (1

1 42 0 02· n 01 I] IJ2 (J [l

15 ·1 12


on the In 0 \l n d for Waynewith Dean I':lofson takingover in the fift'h. Wackerfanned (;, I<lofson 5. Mikeltof'ber, \'rrnon"'arhar fan·ned 11 for I.aurel.

\Vayne got. 12 hits, threeof the m for extra base s.Bah t\lorris was phenomen­al, gelting a triple andthrel' ..,ingl('s in five [,ripsto the pialf'. l.arry lIix.was cqua Ily great., gettingfour :--.in-gl~:--. in four limesat but. '-lnd geUing on basein the ninth frame to bebrought in by hit.., by Less­mann and \lorris and SteveJohnson getLjng hit by apitch with t;h~bases loadedto ..,end lIi:\ in with t.he win­ning run.

Other \\ arne hits lookedlike lbi:--.. Doug Farrens and(;ordon .Torgen"f'n each hila rl.ouble. I.vnn I.es..,rn(:lnnhad a single.

Laurel'.., eight. hits weresingles. Jim Pederson andNick ('alcavecchia each hadtwo and [)ennis Eby, lIartVollars, Tom Pearson and\1ike Hoeber one apiece.

Follow in g is' the boxscore:11;\ YI\LM. Jo11Oson, s"S. Ke'rl, IfD. Farrens, IfG. Jorgensen, cD. £10£.'>on, Irf, !9L. llix, "bL. Lessmann, IbB. Morris, c(

B. Dangberg, :l,.S, Johnson, 2bD. Wacker, pG. l':ynon, rf


L,\UI1 LIi D. Eby, 2h

J. Pederson, s::,H. VoUars, cJ. ~chroeder, rf


.,. Flats Repaired Promptly

• Tra<tor Tires Retreaded• Tube Valves Replaced

• Tires Uquid Filled• Sales and Service on tires for

ire Trouble?

adion service thd's as close as your

phone. Make the call, ~nd our truckwill show lip at'the trouble spot in Q'

hurry and inexpensively. Next timeyou have tire trouble give us a call!

IHHvl Ell ab hW. Jensen, rf I IIT.l.anritzen,lf,1b ()A .. Harris, Ib 1 II

B. Longwell, c 1 1R,-,J,anritzen, ssi 4 3L Albrecht, p, ~[ 3 1 1W. Rewinkel, 3h, p 4. r\ 2D. Criss, 2b' 20' 1J. Eriksen. cf. I 4 0 IJTO~A L 33 7 8Thursday ni·gh the cham­

pionship almost luded thelocals as a plu'c y Laureltea m took a 3- ') lead inthe first frame, held on 3-1after four fram s but thensaw the score t:ed in thesixth with Mar Johnsonand Bob Morris ettinghits'and Doug Farr p s drivingthem in.

Delmar Wack r started

and Bob Morris ,and DougFa r rens ea,c h had one.

It i c k Lanritz,en lwd adouble and a ..:;inffle fur thebest "orner efrort. WayneBewinkle had tVllo singles<Ind Ben Longwell, JolmI\lhrechl and DetJ,n.y ( rissone apiece.

Ilere's the b(lX score:W,\ YN E ab 'r hM. Johpson, Iss :1 1 2S. Ked, If .-1 r~ (I

S. Johnson, rf I 1 I) I)

U. Jorgensen, c"1 1 1 {I

O. Elofson, rf, l~ 4 '~ '11,. llix, 3b .1 -1 II (I

L. Lessmann"" 11:1 tl 1 IIH. Morris, cf 2 1 1D. Farrens, cf :1 1 IG. Eynon, 2b 111. Dangberg, p ~ 'j 2

T()TAI :],1 ],I 111



t eS to \l.eep y~U1'\\' loan yOU ir t' es are beingrolling wh\\e:,':iour Ir _repaIred o(fetreaded .




! I


WAYNE'S rEGION TEAM took tipje out for an Steve Johnson, Standing In the bod rowthis picture before Its game wi" Laurel at ar.e Coach Hank Overtn, Lynn Lessmann, Larrythe district tournQment Shown left to right HI, Gordie Jorgensen, .Dean Elohon, Georgein the flfst row arc Doug Farrens, Bob Dang Ey~on and Delmar Wacker

W;;~;"'J~;~~'OU;etITwa.Teams to Take Distric1

\\~yne J lJ n,i or s. upsetfavored lIomer 14-7 4ndthen ('3 me from behind tobeat l.aureJ-,l-:1 inthe finalsj'o take the championshipIJf the rlistriet t.ournamental ('()Ieridg-e Tuesday and\\ 'ednesda v.

At. the time of this writinglilt' only thing lmown aboutt hI' next ad ion wa."" that. it i

\\<lS to be in a doubleeliminalion tournament at:--';crihner. Wayne was toplay another 'district win­twr at 'R:1l1 'Sunday. If the:)'Illst, they will play at 2p.m. Monday. If they won,they will play at R:::Hl p.m.Monday.

Homer banged out .eighthits, including two doublesagainst Wayne p'itching.IIoweve'r, the locab-;' re­sptlOded with '11'hit.~, in­c,luding four doubles and a.triple to morc than equal""the hard-.hitt in~ DixonCounty team.

Bob 1hngberg,hurled thev.,.'in for Wayne, striking'outsev.en. His opposittl'n\lrrtberfor Horner was Johh AI_ <;.

hretht, who was r-epla'cedhy. Way~e Hewinkel in ttt'efifth. Together.theystrqhkout nine.

There were s"everalWayne batters wHh p~werat, the plate .• For. ins~nce,Dean Elofson. had a triple,.a double and a single infour trips to the' plate.G ear g e !'~ynon had twodoubles and Mark Johnsonhad a double and a single.Bob Dangberg helped hisown cause with t,wn singles

I !i

Page 5: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl


Crop Spraying

H·etald, Monday, July 31, 1967

WAYNE 375-2632

Dra~ing Thursday, Aug. 3/ $200Cosh Drawing Every Thursday, at 8:00 p.m.

$10 Consolation Prize If Nat ~resent


Arnie's Merchant Oil ~ofLittle Bill's Bar Mines Jewelry I

Corye'li Auto Co, Nu - TonrnCorhort Lumber Co, Safeway Store

Coast-to,Coast Sov-Mor Oru!l,Borner's TV Dale's Jew.~ry

Don's Better Shoes' State National BankFredrickron Oil.~o, Sherry's Farm Seh'.

Ben Franklin' Mint BarSwanson TV 'T;;angle Finoncll

Felber Pharmacy Shrader-AllenMcNatt Hdwe. Super Valu

First National Bank Swan"~ LodiesGamble Store Swon-McLean ;

Griess Rexall Tiedtke AP~I'''ili:Bill's Market .Basket Wayn: Book Sto "~';!"

Larson - Kuhn Wortmon Aut I CO~i"i~1Mc[.lonald's Wayne HerC!~:,ci!i'

Lorson Dept, Store Lymon Photography· ,!

M & S Oil Co, Farmer's Mork"Doescher Hdw.t




,We <Ire. now applymg grilnule,· for rOCltworm W~ ,pr.y for

'·beeillts, and all other tvoes of aefl.l ~pr.Vlng,



, 1

fC'j,emb!c the sheriff's rcsldence and loll used untIl. "last: ,eor?;Mtlybc not J G Mines owncd th,s 'plcture No one i~ it is.',1Id(\ntlflcd I

ni~ Wayne I N-ebr

The Tribune "'port ",ditfJrwrote this:

"Kruse has the ruggedfootball look. He's i'~L andweighs 2~J. After gettinga good trial as a guard,the crewcut blond fromFranklin Park, Ill., wasmoved to center. as' a back­up for seven-time >\ll-.-\FIJim Otto.

·'The pattern \\',1'-; thesarrH' forJimll;lr\t::'yayearago, and he eventually wona ~pol in the starling Ijnf:'~

up. hruse Illa;; have the po­tential to follow those foot­-;teps."

I,\a,"ne .'--,late looth<-lllCoach- John Jerrnier is notsur p r i 5 eo. lieKruse to make jr \\it11land.

"I/e has kept his \\eight.up, and his speed. too,"Jermier has heard Via \ar­ious sources. "Dab gotplenty of attention frommany pro scouts during hisWayne career. They ~'ere

impressed with his abilIty,"

At .1\\ ayne 'hruse playedguard exclusively. But (~ak_

land officials, when slgn~

ing him, "aid there waspossbility he might get achance at center-lookingahead to the eventual re­tirement 9f Otto.

In the struggle for sur,vival'as a projootball T;ook­ie, Bob Kruse who'is asnioe a rug~d. _tough ahddetermined athlfte as,rllostlocal people know, "ee'rn~ t 0

be doing well with the ()ak~

land Itaiders.A stor)l in the Oijlkland

(l'aliL) Tribune lasY weekgi~es the \\ ayne State rl:.0­duct prominent mention>oonhis performance ""0 far inrookie c·amp. In r,lC!, theone picture wilhthe "lory i"of Kruse.

wondering: \\ (l1J1d lH' cl)n~

sider a-home~an(l-.h()rtle'series with "the \\' ildl ats of\\....;(' one of (llest;. )'pars"rhe linf'~, for ticket.., furlll~

on the [ighl no lllaUl'lwhere the gall1<' i·,.


/Good Guyl Kruse,Does Quite WeD



A. HANGI NC> No, thiS wos t-he scene ot the IOYlng of the n!?wWayne ccunty ccurthouse In 1898. It~ stili there 1rI case; you;",ant to go l~ok at ,It 'Docs that bud(hng In the background

I It·1'(

c,ount rie.s.Sound ~fa r fetched '.J \\' auld

you believe a Learn,JromPeTu in Soulh" ..\mp'rlcaplayed there" ·That'~ thel:ype or fascinating activitythat awaits ,-';venningsonandCo. at .:rraska U.

LIas!. year Al; look a 1:)­day\.trip to Europe. r\o oneis p'romising that will hap­pen again. ·However, thereis· a chance it could hap­pen again. It"s a'll intriguingt.Ji'oughl. ,

,Oetting do:wn to basicfacts, .ttte b!g job ~hat facesthe'popular WS('"coachwhois bound to.become a popu­

'lar Au coach, is gelting'theplaye'rs needed. He has t.o

~ 1~ne up a 'schedule that a.top-notch player ·would beinterest~d in taking"part in.He has to interest·the rlay­elrs in being part of a teamthat jo, going to have oneof the most fascinating as­signments on the, continenteh.ren though located sha II"re say "a little off theBeaten path"

It's a cballeflge, one he islboking forward to with an­t~cipatian. He promises tokeep hios many friends hereilnformed. Now friends are

en. ,lie tried p'bt to expre'l

emotlort as·~. told 01' hi,r"lret.. al le'~.ving But ht'

dl ~ay 'for p~blicati~n: 'I.doubt. i(-Y ever find a placew her e rapport between }cllHnmunity aOd college 'IIas .complete a,s it is here."lie cited the adults, who­ti:me after tim'e wer,e althec¢dlege eVents., the kidswho followed ,the \Vildcatsavidly and the othQ-T's who I.

showed in so many wayslhey a~precial-e the cQlleg~

,and city. ,J\S head.' C1f)ac:;h, he will

inJlerit lhree plavers i~

t.he L'L" bracket!" but heknows nothing of bheirla lent. One of hi'i jobs willbe to. visit \las,ka high:-,chools lo contact pro:'spects and inlere..,t them in(;omirigtoAC. '

!low will he ge>t around?By airplane. rflwt'<;the waythl~ 'college t(':J1ll travelsanr! that's the W;l'';, the highbcll()(J1 t('arns travel. Infaet, t he high ...,chools ll..,ual­ly line up ~cl1edules sOgames art' played <"';atur­day, '-'unda.v and ~1onday sat.he aerial jallnt..,nreworth­\\ hile.

\bOtlt -,(1 per cent of theplayers :--;vcnningson willhan~ will conH' from Alas­ka, ~l(Jst of t.he rest will ';\.be rroll1 \tontana, Washing- '1.on, ()regon~~nd even ('ali­frirnia. There are eventhrep player" tllf'rp fromthe Last (oast, :\ew Yorkand :\ew Jersey.

There, are man\, militaryba se sin r\!a ~ ka. ':--,venning­son hopes to i~~erpsl som~

·of those whowantlogobackto' culleg-e \Q stay in ,-\las­ka and fini-;h"their school­ing,

11(' has· a job' also ci'f'building up an interesting

,schedule for Alt. The coachfor the pa 51 two yelM'sstarted an acceleratedpro~

gram of g-ame\ blll it shouldbe irnpro\'Nl more. Theschedule in past ha,sincluued collegeS,

ba"'es,lownteamsand () I P r s, <";vermingson

-l~or')e,-; to ~'<,l.in the ·i-nter-e-st­of \laska ,people who lovet.heir university by,build..ing up ;l c;ched~le o'r com~petition that will help buildup r ene\·..-ed pride in theschool. to.

\lready on the schedule'is IIawa'ii, at Alaska thisyea r. at fI 0 n 0 1 u t u next.Ot her ichools are Port­land, Idaho, Sa.,n F'ranci!'::'cCj"S'taLe, San Diego S,tate anac: entra 1 \Vashington State.Canadian schools may alsobe played.

Even more intriguing isthe fact Lhat Alaska U. isas cloo;;;e Lo some icandina~

vian schools over .the polarroute as it i~ to schools'south of San Francisco.Becau:---e of that, there isa strong possibility that~venningston will be askedto investigate schedulinggames with teams'in these

! !

Ma¥ Gro'fes, Mary inne M{'ller, Opal Timmer, R~th Hansen, Helen Wiedmanand Betn-i'Ce H-uA.t_.I---In the ~'icture below, ·seatedl, '~orilyn Rethwlsch, FauneiJLynch, Ann Dus~tkO", Arlet L·ngentelter, Suson Cofk,. Georgia Wachholrz, KathyHansen, Marjoue Seim, Mur el Kock,. Shirley FtQlnclf'o, Jeanette Hughes and

Moxln.e LinOfelte.,;. ,stqndinl' .Dennls D.awo.s, Harle,. ,Gesltlech, .Gory Zedik.er,,Jomes Keller, Ed Buchhclz, ohn LO'fell, Robert Schmitz, Wayne Mchr, JanICeSchmItt, LoRene Ditter, Don el Johnson III, 'tuth Novak, Lmda -Raymond, JohnHarriS III, Elto Flsher,.Joe Ri ger, Pot Belohrad, Rbn WIthem, JanICe HO'fendiek,LaVerne McKown, Euloh Zah and VashtI WIlcox.


in equipment a,nd facilities.Fairbanko; itself io; secondlargest town in Alaska(Anchorage- is largest) andFairbank:--- h () as t:-; :lll,Oll(lresidenb. (

('oach ....;\·t~nning-"on saidhi~ decision In lake PH'\laska po~t Il1pt mixedemotions. It was difricult10 dl'cide tl) ll'il\t' \\nvTleas .he ha~ C(JIll(' t() lovethis place. \1 Ille same'lime, it was difficult toturn down lhe challengeoffered in the only realfrontier land left in .\mer1-


at Bdl Fredrickson'., The plctur£;\ were tokenotter dark -and trYing IrJ fo~ u.-, the camerorosed ,>omc prcbjcm~ hJr Ihc lJh()tcgr"Jr~hcr

Weed for'the big fire wa.-, turnl"hed thl', ycar,by Wilbur and Ed 'HC'llh()ld, C'cd Wrlcdt, DrGorden S.hIJpC ar:J,d Ivan Beck.,

coaching year~ in V'iayne ....The Universil.y of Alaska

is not even as bigas WayneSt a! e 'College, ·enrolling'around :2,onn st.udents.llowever, it is the biggestuniversity in that ... tate,thcnext largest being a ~1elh()­

di:it universit)' at Anchor­age.

l.(lcated in ('allege, 3.

tb\""n four miles from I'·air­banks, Al: !lao; a new cam­pus. ,Few buildings ,aremore t.hah four or fiveveilrs old and it is a beaufi­fuI ~et-up: with the latest

WAYNE 51 ATE'S HONORARY FRATERNITY on education, Kappa Delta Pi,gomed 65 new memb'ers at Its summer ini~iotj~ Membership requires' abo'fc­Q'ferage scholarship and a demonstrated professional attitude ,toward educationThe Initiates are I seoted, abo'f€' Elizabeth Wilcox, Shirley Stolle, RhondaCrocker, Ruth Wacha, Joanne Janecek, Pam Boker, Judy Seieroe, Judy Wei.gand, Y'fonne Freemon, Marjoue Vonasek, N-Drma Venosek, Marilyn Brown,Cathleen !;Jaker and Bernice Langenberg; I standing I . Warren French, BettyMoore, Lynn Gunther, Vi'fian Fechtner, Charlotte Waggoner, Frances Fmk,Janice E;ersole, Lorene Potent, lindo Patzel, Irene lee, Lesta Hubbard, 'Clata

1:'WOODCHOPPER'S BALL would ha,e tieeo 00

apt nqme fur the" g()lng~ on araun! 'WoYJ1~'Monday rllCJht wh~'n mere than 40 farrncr~

and bU'-'ln~~.,m(on got tugcthcr to (ut fill'wood for the big barbecue .,Ioicd lor AUgll~t

l' at thC' Wayn'e County fairground" Port ofthe men· are .,hown bere after a pICniC supper

\1 :'';\cllnil1gc,l'll, \\aYIlCSlall' haSKf'P)U11coach \\'!l() acceptf'dtbl' of head {'oach al

t inivl' rsit v, j:-; an·tiripating- many· TlE'\V f'''~

pf'rienl'e,-; in (hE' n()rthprn~

m()~t stale.lit- dOf'sn'! ('''pel'l to

drivl'11 dl)g team !()\,vork,he Wlln't live ill all iglull,he won't bp mi Ip..., fromci\ ilizat i(Jn and he won'tbe t'-',lching- c::;ki!llo~ ex~

cl\l~ivl'h'. Ill' ,\'ill beartivein W:\\':-' he wa:i nor actiy('in iJi~ f' i g h t- sucee~sflll


New Coach in, Alaska Anticipating Experience



Page 6: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl

" .

3. Advettising ..Space InThe Herald,

• ••

s. FREE Assistance ,In Preparing, toUFSaie Listing ,


. '

• I _I" I


" ,

a e,, I

I ' •


. ~ "

" ~l.~:",tW,~_,':1:

Pictured are two ~f tile many f";';:J' :':",:. i.

" "'I

,~ Farm Sale's so successfully advertised',!. "

, I I>"through The Wayne Herald One,- Stop

Farm Sale S~rvice


4. FREE Arrows To DirectBuyers To Your Sale

I' ~------",!."" 'I'

,.j ,I'



THE.WAYN,' HERALD,' ",i',;'.. ,I '. 'i'· .' I' , .,-:I'Ie' , '

I \. .•,I • I ,'" I , .,' ..' ,,'.


PLUS - Bright, 2-Color Ads of ', i ~ I

Your Farm !Sale in th~iNewspaper if You'Wis

i .,,1 . it"" ",', 'I

PLUS - Weather Insurance at No Extra ·Cost! (

• I


1. $ale Date .Lis~ed Weekly inThe Wayne Heraid FREE


Don't Gamble ... Ad~ertise Your.Sdle, I ,, ; i ~ .' • ~ ..

THIS IS HOW IT'S ,~ONE,2. FREE H/lnd~ls for

, Distribution

f'ft', .

Page 7: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl


co.t" on July 25 for IIplI,yl... IIctitiou. nupia \ •• , Stat. Pat.C. 1;:. "Ho.mann IIIcharc...

Tb. llnalea.. on J25 ... ona In which FrToach, Jr., palll $10

i $5 co.ts for .p.edl....P.nlarlck .Ip.d the copl.lnt.

$2990.91. 400.00



4-door sedan, Yellow••V-I eailtomatic. whitewall 'tires.tinted ~indshield; AIICI' ~ikte,Frost Turquoiu.



Sa urday,Aug. 5I, "

9:00 O'CI~k

costa of $ 5 for .p.ed.....Sheriff Don Weible fI1edthe charce.

The sa m day Roc.rKalsebauM. Wayne, wa.IInod $10 f r spudlnc.Courl COlts of Ss wereadded. as '. reeutt. of thecomplaint II ed by Pollc.­man Ron Pe lerlck.

Roy Monckton, SiouxCity, was II od $15 plu. $5

~Th. w.,~._,1 .br, I H....... M.....'. ~ul, 31. 1967

Comet CapriBelliJe automatiC, white sIdewall tires,curb moulding, radio, tmted wmshshleld,deluxe wheel covers, deluxe seat belts,remote mirror.

FordF·l00 PickupTurquoise., 6-cylmder engine, 4,speedtransmlslson, heavy duty springs Withauxiliary, 8,,15x15 tires (mud ond snow'on reor), long Wide box, ' $2588.89

SAVE. . 400.00

. 5218889

PICKUP F-250 3A-tonBlue, .. V-8 engine. heavy duty ,prings.4-speed, body mouldings, radio, mirrors.heavy duty tires.

Five Fined in WayneI

Court During WHitFive people received

fines in W.yneCounty courtduri... the pa,l half week.'01>ly one of ,the lino_ as·'isessedt:by.J.uage David'Haro~r Wa,s' paid bya Wayneresident'. ."July '24Clifford~r-lvens,

Dixon, w.as fined $10 and,$~costs for drinking beer ona public street. Cily Pollee­man Keit.h- fle..~d signed the

, complaint.July 25 Eugene steinman,

Em e r Ii 0 h, paid, $10 and

4-door sedan, Moss Green, V-8 en­gine. whitewall tires, radio, tintedwindshield. remote mirror, wheelcovers, Also in Burnt Amber lindBlack, Arcadian' Blue. Pebble Beige.





Winside.,Nm. '

2-door hardtop. Aqua. V-8.engine, automo:ltic, power steer­ing. all vinyl trim. white sidewall tires, body moulding. tint­ed windshield, radio. Alsa in other colors: Vintage ,Burgundy.two-tone Blue, Amber and ,Black, Red and White.







'otic, white Sidewall tires,lock, radiO, tinted glg.s,or bumper guards,

$3635,,06. 500.00


e-n1bet F.u.l.c. :..-. Oeposits Insured Up To SI.5,OOO,


Yellow 2-door hardtop, V-8 eng me,tinted dshield, automatiC, powersteering, II ,vinyl trim, white Sidewalls,

body mc;ul ing $3416.9'2SAVE. . . $500.00



I For~_Galaxie' SOO

XR7 CugarBlueconsoJe Withdoor guard5, r


PICKUp· F-l 00 %-tonLunar qre n L " . 6-cylinder. 4-speed;heary duty s~gs with auxiliary. 8.15tires. mud nd snows on rear.

I '

WO iTMAN AUTO cO.;119 East 3-d Your FORD-MERCURY Dealer

4-door sedan, Turquoise, ,-,. auto­matic, ,whitewall tires, po e,r steer­ing, air conditioning. radi ,~

, j~.



I II IS II TO TAI\L thisrnean~ of expressing my

sincerp thank" to all our

Cards o~ Thanks

------------ ,; frl. and relativ•• wholivestock, ..ot IIta, card. and let.ter{ me durl... my "tayIn th ho.pltal. Aloo toRev. ernthal and ntherswho i.lted me at lhe ho.­pital nd since my returnhomo Herbert neuter. jy31

OUR HEARTI'E'L,TTH NKS to ,11 who ex­

tende conforti.D.B sympathyand h Ip 'in our recent sot­row. or the ~eautifutserv-,ic~, f oral off,ering8~ cardsand I thier kindne'sses weare ee'ply -gr'ateful. proand rs. Tlieodare Morrisand' eanne and Mr. aooMni. Arthur· Chichester.

Ph. 375-2922221 Moln

Contact Cllffortd r: ~elSlJl\

Au('tl~~~~~, ~~~k61tl~ct()~dJrOmaha. Phone :146 77S~J

orLewis Dlunn, Walthlll Nehr

P!hOllt, HMi :Jilil:l

SINGER DE,\LEH WANT_ED: Sales and Service­

Si ng e r sewing machinesand other Singer products.Add a profitable line t.oyour pre sent business .Write to: Dealer Super­visor, The Singer C9ffi_pany, P.O. Box648.KarisasCity, Mo. 64141. jy24t4

OFFIC E WORK WANTED,Experienced. Good ref~

erences. Available Sept. 1.Mrs. Don Hale, Box 85,Lake City" Iowa. jy24tJ

Griess Rexall Store

WANT ED: f.·urnishedapartment n ear Elc­

mentar)' School for entireschool year. To be occupiedby six-year old daughterand mother attending col­lege. Call Mrs. Eulah Zahl,375-9955. jy27t3


If not pl"...""d. your 48<: back' at .. nydrug counl.-r.· Apply 'quick·dry,n(ITCH_ME.·NOT day or n,ght lor h:-

z"rna. ;nsecl b,to: toe·itcb. other "ur_f ..." r."h"s. An th"tic ..ction qu,d ..it .. h;n!f .;n minutes. Ant;s"pti .. actionkill. !f.-rm .. to .. p""d h"ahn!f

KILL ATHLETE'S FOOT GERMOne applicalion or T-4.L :-topsitch and burnin~ in )tI~LTES

or your 48" back. In 3 to ;) da)·s.inrl"Ch'ii "kin s.lou~hs ort to ex·po.ote mort: J;:"t"rms for th{' kill.Tht"n w"l("h IIE.\LTIIY !<l.inapp,-ar-! TODAY at


Business Opp.

!'IUl.U ~1:\HT1:\

80\ ·It;;:'

(;rand hland :-\chrJyL7t2

Up to $100 or more for mediurn SlZe. plain case uprighl<;We buy splneb, grands, pla~

{1r and the cheaper (}nl'~ Alsomiscellanec~l~ an\l1!ue ..... dish

i'es, round t:tlill'O>, ['hllla cah·ilH't~ \";)\1' p;lt'\l('Llldr~ wnl\'

FOR SALE: New two-bed­room and three-b'edroom

homes. Immediate PQsses­sian. Call 37S-12Iln. jy:llU

We havj' tnany qualJfjpd buvers.]ookln,l.( foir ·(arm, In th!., M('"


FOR SALEFour bedroom home WIth cen·tral air conditioning, carpet·ed living room, dming room.modem kitchen, two baths.closed in back porch, fullbasement, and attached garage, All this for $15 ,500.00

PROPERTY EXCHANGE112 Professional Building

Phone 375-2134

~---SA LE: T~ree bedrooml1'IIhe, 3 years olrl, buill­ins, carpet and Drapes,close to school, large lol,immediate posse~sion. AI~

vin Heeg ::\7S-1.rl,17. j27U

First Time Offered

HOME FOR SA U:' Pleas-ant, roomy, Lhree bed­

room home, close toschools and shopping. rail375-1787, jy2iJif

HiO-acre W('II Improved FarmLocated just one ml1p wpst ofHighway 1;) Thj~ )s onp of thefinest farms in the entire areaBecn in tht' samp family formany years ()wnt'r r"tinng

Conla("tClifford F: Nelsun, A\J{,tiuneer

Oakland, Nebr PhOlW 1185·611:Jor Om,lha !'hUllt' 3ill 77;)5

Or Lewis Dunn, Walt~ll, ;-.It'hrPhone IW; :l!,fl:1

~~_ I "~!~elte FOH SAl.E, SPFNationaUy• Credited mack Poland

'·Boars. Indivillual I40-day

FOR SALE: Immediatel~- ::~!:~lbte~~:~:n£a~e~~?::~the Mlrs. Gwen Hiller out. averaged 5 ~q. inchel

r.esidenc'le inCarroU.,Nebr. loin eye. Dean Sorensen,Anyone interested please \\ ayne, :\eur. 375-3522.write or i cal1 Mrs. Francis a13U;W. Pedin, 1044 Elm St.,Seward, INehr., Phone 4138. I

jy24t3 FOR SAl.E, Looking for 'ai----11------- clean, performance test-

t ed SPF Boar foY that nextI c Need farrowing? Visit Dick SOT-

Form Listings =~e~l;\ t~~~ 10fA~;~::i~~Bampshires and makeyouT-lif'lection.· All records areofficial and are processedby 'University of ~~bqlS·ka.

Phone 3'i':l.1·1'IR or visitfarm two miles north andone mile west of Wayne.



"PEOpJLE WIIO KNOW"buy Illelowl Quality

. Carpet a~ LarlW~'.~. 'ds

FOR HF:N'T: Basement501eeping room for work­

ing men. Air conditioned.Conveniently 10 cat e d todowntown Wayne. Reason·able. Phone 374-1103.


HENT A Water King Auto_matic Water Softener

from Tiedtke's for $5.()Oper month. m27tf

For Rent

Special Notice

Help Wanted

IIElI' WANTED, Womenfor permanent employ_

ment. Apply. in person Or

writ.e Ben Franklin Store,\Iayne, Neb.. 68787. jy20tf

H ()(JFS-C ommerc ial-Resi­dential. Contact Casey

Hoofing Co., Laurel, Nebr.256-3459. jy17tf

IIA \' I,: OPENING for twosales ladies. Full or part

time work available. Lar­~on~huhn, Wayne. jy27t3

#AITHESS W ANT ED atWagon Wheel Steak

House, Laurel. Phone 256­3812. jy24t3

f{ F.FINISH THO S E OLDfloors. Il's easy and in­

expensive when you rentour flO(jlf sander and edgerand refinish with our quali ...ty sealls, varnishes andwaxes. Brighten your rugsby renting our carpet sham..poaer, Coast-to-.Coast."torl's,V.,.'ayne. ffiyStf

~'lAN WAN T·ED. No ex..;.perierice-'Il~eS'5~ai"y. Alj-'

ply at King's Carpets orcontact Larry King. j27

WANTED: Office assistant.Must be able to type.

Start on part time basis.C.all Dr. S. S. Hillier foriflterview, 375-3450. jy3lt2

FUR BALl:, Nearly newc 0 rrj. mer cia I B'ehlen

building with office facili­ties, ,53xlOO ft., with oneacre I lot., south edge ofLaur~~.. Will be availableappr~~imat.ly A1gu_t 1.1967.'This is a top locationand, - a' :.rp-t-"go-od- "~urchaseprice. ,C'ontact F~ed Nie~mann, ,~610 Northwestern,Ames,1 Iowa, Phone 1-515­232-8923. jy3t6

PLEN Y OF OUTDOORfun-t me 'left. See us for '

a com lete! Ifne of flshlngand ca Pint equipment and

. barbec e s ppHes. Every­thing or he outdoors atCoast to :oast Stores,Wayoe' jy27tf

rOMP ETt LINE of mow-ers newl and used 'at

('oast ,oc01stStof.es. Pushlype at po er mowers, ~o

fiL, everyo CIS needs. \A etrade, jy27,tf



Finish in :.;~--- ..the1R8llet-withKENT 40 HOt


FOt{ SALE: 1954 FordF-:150 ton truck, 4 speed,

excellent shape. Grain andslock rack. call McCorkin­dale Imp\, Co. 256-3221.Dennis Urbanec, LAurel.


NEW AND USlm MOBILEHOMES. Used furniture

and appliances. Long termfinancing a nd insurance.\\! e de liver and set up.Lloyd's Trailer Court andSales, Bloomfield, Ne~r.,

Phone 373-44 3U, jy3t16

FOH SA LE, Used refrlg­erutors. Your choice

$10.()ll. ,....wanson TV & Ap- ~

pliancp, :'11 Main, \\'ayne.,jy3lt3'

For Sale

Fon SA I.E· 30 in. electric- stove, $15, Refrigerator,

$25. :)1)2 \,.;. :)lh, :17S-1379.jy24t3

FOH SAL!':: Complete set.of Wil~on Black Heather

Golf Clulbs with bag. Likene"Y. Head covers included.Priced to sell! Call 375·2~lH after :J p.m. jy20U

FUH ,'All., I%G 7.igZagSewing t\lachine, makes

butt.onhola.s, ~ews buttonson, darns, monograms andmakes fancy' ::;Litches allwithout attachments. As_sumC" ·1 fi.nal payments uf$'i'.:-J1. For more informa_tion writt' [) ,'(,f) Invest.ment Co., 'Box ·t.'H, Fre_mont, '\ehraska jy2'i't4

The scientifically balanced blend of animal andplant prowinsin Kent 40 Hog gives hogs from100 pounds to market a strong, fast, in-the­money fiplsh. In addition, vitamin and anti­biotic levels are guaranteed on the tag. ThisKent Quality Controlled supplement is bal­anced for free choice or hand feeding as well asfor mixing. Finish your hogs fasteT with Kent40 HOI;:'. Order it soon. ;,

Sherry's Farm Senice\~1l5 West 1st PhC>f'<i 375-1262





Keith GlattVolkswagen, Inc.

Norfolk, N.brut.:a


"[lUI\'T II ()KHY"'" a boutyour grain. O,-,:er 500

I::asler'n ~ebraska farrn'ersown Silver Shield Bins. En­joy our ·low ()rice and un­equa:leu service. Dwain H..\ndersort. Ph6ner ilH5-6116,Oakland. feb-jut

I.OOK NU FlIHTIlEH forllll .vour painting needs

Lhan at Coast to Coast,Stores, Wayne. Completeselection of indoor and out­door paint in a 11 the late stcolors. Brushes, thinners,rollers, etc., are all avail­able at ('oa~t to ('uastStore~, Wayne. i.v27tf

vnH SA I.E: (lCA Stereo,radio-television com­

bination. Phone :nS-2!j}<1 or·:J7S·2fi,1 ~l. jy1lt3

PICTu'H F FHAM ES maueLa order. See our corn"

I -plete seledions for Frametypes and hanging hard­warf'. ('arhar! Lumber Co.


Page 8: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl

Make up your mind right now- no ifs or butsabou! it ~

your farm will be a 'safe farm from here on in! Don't toke

chances with faulty machinery. Don't leave fire-hazardous

debris about. Be careful with livestock. Be sure wiring is

adequate, lighting in proper condition. Be safe when it comes'

to farm financing, too. Come to the bank that understands

farm problems, likes farm folks.

Safe farms produce more .Safe farmers live longer .

,, 301 Main St. Phone 375-2525~.I--"=':'=:=':':""-----:~~---4Phone 375-~325116 West First

,Masat Flying ServiceContact: WAYNE AIR SERVICE

Wayne 37S-1 SSO

The Wayne I Niebr.1 Herald, Monday, July 31,1967

DEPENDABLE MACHINERY, FASTSERVICE PREVENT ACCIDENTSF~m safety saves accidents. Have yourf~rm implements in good repair. Ourservice is as close as your telephone.


'Brandstetter Imp). Co.

Have you checked your fields for:ROOTWORM BEETLES - CORN BORERS



third row, LiZZie Jenkins Griffith, Hugh Edwards, Sarol1 MorrisJenkins, Cely" Morris, Liz:r:ie Ellis Morris, Bonner Morris,' MorrieA. Evans, Albert Jenkins; bock raw, Nute Morris, Jess Sylvanis,Ivor Morris, Dave Sylva ni'i, Will Morris, Dove Rees, Will Rees,Frank Rees.




c~:~' 88~



Prices effective Mond.y and TuesdjlY, July 31 and August 1



Wayne's Home...Owned

CARROLL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, 1906 Ileft to right).Front row, Marietta Hamer Woller, Annie Marner Owens, RuthHamer; second row,' Blodwyn Morris Jones, Lewellen Morris, RuthEdwards Morris, Mtlry Rees Roberts, Rev. Vincent Jones, TomHamer, Annie Ellis Edwards, John Sylvanis, Honnoh Ellis Hughes;

Page 9: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl

Dixon's UnusualEvents Revealed

Announce More DixonCounty Fair Events

\1embe-rs ,af the I)lfxqnCOllnty Fair AssocilaUon

. arc ~(jnt.inuing lo'1a,lk'eplnns for the Aug. 1..23

0air at Concord. A, freebarbf'cue, a centennialfa mil y nighl program, at rae t. (j r pult-, free, acts,style r e v-u e and ,*h•.~lev'ents are on lhe ageDd....: .~.,;

The centennial (am·il.y·nig-ht progra m will honorDi,xon County residentswhose familie's have Uved,in the state 100 year'I ..or;more, Ak_'iar_Ben aw;'rd.:will be give~tothosew Olltll..land has been in·the am.family 100 years ~t :~or_~.:Nancy Ehle, county ceDttQi-l.nial queen, will qt.~:_

awards. I ',_,A tractor pull with foul

weighl cla-sses is sche~iuled, the weigh-in let· fo~~

morning an<Hhe pull In tb~

afternoon. Generousprlt••are guaranteed. with ent~J,ifees rang ing of $5 allllt:":prize'S (rom $15 to $3.5~ &i:~.

A gofand patade, thel '·.~istyle rev.iew, free act. ~~"!jother events are still.~1 t'worked oui. Details will:b. ':announc ed late r. .

A powderl-pul! tr~.t.or.:

pun,. reCOlrlitio.n fori. '.••i~ 'I

dents 77 ytlars of .".adover and other un"UU'l"l

~;:ntt~e :::teb:~~:1 ~t:.~ ob!servance 01 Dixon'. Innui,.Aug. 15 celebralioh.•

HepresentatlvfJl met1laltweek .t Dixon Cde to c()rr~

tlout! plans. The ·powder.,p u (f t r 11 c tor' pull w••definitely set as ft apedal.event.

Nancy Griffin, At.iinlon..tate centennial q.}Ieen,wUlbe featured on thlprOlra~

in a brief speec~. Shewill also present a ..rdlto Dixon County rei d.nhwho are 77 or over. ~.

Norman Lubber"ste t.~Gordon HarHien ~nl b•. lp !r­cha rge of the paradli at 1:.

)0. The Pfogra m will, followand thlen a lractor put.twill be held, .

The eve n i il g proi,ramwi 11 (e a t u r e lhe MlalterMelodiers from Morn.inc:..side and the Klown·Band·hum Plainvie'w. A dancewill con'clude thedlY'sactivities.

\ carnival has beenlign..cd lo pro~ide rid.es a~cnn(",;,sr;ions throughout theday, Church groups and4-1J junior I e ad e r I wli,l.operatel f,alid booths.' "

. Befate the meet,incclosed, a booster trip WI'-.;o! for ·Aug. 5. Then Mr•• :...''It.erlillg florg served .'re- .freshrnenls. Mrlt. John.Young will serve at the\ug. 7 I(Lt~et-ing.

I..... ,1,.",·1 '\-·1,~, Ft.1'<>11-, I d. 1!1' was'JIll' rd 1', ,111'''1'11 t I' IJI:' in" ")11" loll r i III' Illlil ! () ap,jli'a r ill I pa raril' (Ill; pa ... tWf'I'kl'nrl, !]p I~ ,Jl"o doing

\"'f' I I al fi r iJn; ther,lllkirlj.-,; ~Ill"ng the

111<1 r~,,, lJ1l'1I Wl'C I~

f Ill' I>:; <;t rna king11,t' 110', f ,II r I' I r 11 't!\g ~~ 1111

\1 a, 1 Ilfld <;( rom, a <; _

[II ,j":lrl uf admini"tra­finn .11 \\ ,I', Ill" "(3t e (' ()lle~e,

.. , I IJni VPf<;jt v and~ 'II" III f' ... " I)ff ic E' r ~

HI' tl:p j,ilh anr;llal,II.-,}-'" 1Jl:Jllage-

',"'n' I 'J[ t ')II r'·,p :11 til('of ()mah;l .....tu­

j",:I." rl' ;,T ': ,enl fr(jlll ',1f;

"'dIP·" 1"1('f'n Hj,·(.j andr .' n" ,] ,I .\ it [lr. hirk\<J" Jr.r of the"l,Jdil~., \\J ich end \atur-

'J r,l i '. i~ ('(Jllege"",n"g"'nent a rea~ <.,uch as

b'Jdg~1 prepa­;-d\,,...,;l31 plant, per­

cullege law, in·... 'Jrarlc/:, and retirement.

\)j lhlnlla" I). Hc{'ken.h:l II (' r, 'l[~' >I \1 r. a lid \1 r s .I )qll HI', )\I'!d'I,IIJI'f, \\ a \'rH',

],.ft J Ii], .] from (lll\alw[rJr 'd' r', willi thp airforet'. IIi arlrlf(~",,,; !IOW is:\H lh'\~'l;l' fl. H('cken-

ftallf'r, \ I ] li Pi, FIt.~:J'I, ';(j(~II, 1"1'\", IP.. V-" Am_arillo \ 1'11. 1ex.. 1'1111.Il .. i.., L;I"ic r raining'ltl'rr ,III'] ... I'llli..,l (:Od forfour \,P:I r ... , IIp ,({radllat cdin 1'1(, I fr"lll \\ ayne High·""cho'JI. Ill' i:. not "urewnjch('­field (If trainin~ ill> wllJ be'ia""it(llcrl rn' 1111' air f()r~t. '


Takes Special Study

I'h" eff"" \ i!>ited FnR'llshshlp-; whilf' the I'~ovid~nc(l

WllS .fll(JUfIHi th~te."\ isilorsWefl' u\<,o all(JWI'd to visitthe I'rcn·idcncf', which isthe f1a~"ilipj for the com­mand,'r "f tht· ~eventh fleeland 11.:1'" ) I)k()~lIka, Japan.a ... " !l'JIll(, I~o~t~

-';ta (\' \winney, Soon 01"'r. ,loll \lr c 1 (Of' :">'winncy,\\i.l'itW, i<; tuking his bllsictra illin/-: .tl ]. t. I'olk, Ln.II" has lilt, ill!\owing ad,':trf'ss I'd. Stacy ...... winney,

Smart ideo ~ because it pays aff in lives and limbs

saved, profits preserved. Get into the habit of keeping

machinery in good repair. Be sure your wiring is

adequate, night lights in gOO? order, let electricity

work for you and help you make safety a daily habit.

l ~,

There Are 52 Farm S~fety Weeksa Year ••• Observe Them All

.\ e a man .\ J' JI r (' n I i l

Ter'ry Schrieber, "'HI (if

~1r. and ~lrs, IJer'r~larl

Schr iebe r, l,a~rel, i"serving aboard thl':' 'l",,~

Providence, a lighimissile cruic,·PL J

left ~inga porE' late t

month after cornple!three .day goodwill \

;~~in~it::;\~i~g aitn l~t'k~ittl

following training at J'L,Sill follow.ing tra ining atFt. Bliss, Tex. fie is notsure what his lrainingschedule will be at I, t.Carson. He went throllgltbasic traifling with JohnGustafson, Wakefield, hq!~he two went sp.parate W<J\

when Fuoss- went intn ml~,­sile and rocket trainingandGustafson took a diffr'f;:~lt

COllrse. The lwo h:id hl'l-:llLogethe r sinc;., leCl\ir:i-'

Omaha for ~h; ;p.T\il'"

dress at ,present '1.., Pfc.Ronald \. '!I·{)lllll', H\U;f)7l)'1 G, (~ ., .1)\1~qdn, 14th :\{, \, J "",\..

York,:\. Y.• IJ~I·'~'1i\.

1--:.:'; La r r-,· I,':unc,,,, <""n "fMr. and ~lr",-'II',1 IWayne, arrived hCnTlI'

14 from H. "ill, (Hd,1and left July ~'J for j't.

Carson. Colo, He ha..; \'\'1'11

I Wayn~County

;,Public Powe,r· ~"istri~. I



2nd Yeer - No. 30 Woyne, Nebro,ka 68787. Monday. J~ly 31, 1967 Sect.... 2 _ 'oQ" I 'iii'.

oftr. and Mrs. AlvinTe me, Wayne. He recent.'ly' s promoted to priva~e

first crass 'as a clerk in aniot~r pool at his base inGeIlmany. He has beenther'~ since April. lIe alsorec1ntly 'visited Schwein­furt, but serves at Coburgalon~ the East .Germany­West GerJll,B.ny border. Heis a 1966 graduate of WayneHig~ School and enteredthe 'service Dec. 8, 1966.The tank in'the picture isthe 'type hi.s motor poolis. equipped with. His ad-

Ftor' the first time we 1 reprihting two pictures ofone! fellow wilh a para­graph. The first is lo showho~ not to pose for a pic­tur~. Notice the tank; it'sfine, but'if Ron Temme hadbeetl standing in the fore­gro~nd we could still seethe 'lank and see him too.Tha.~'s a hint for you othe rguy$, who send picturesho~e or lo The Herald.We Icut off part of the pic­ture in the barracks be­low (one of Ron's friendswas,clad in tee shirt, shorlsand~ishower clogs and asmuch as we would hflvelike to ha ve pr inted it,we promised w.e wouldn't).But, thal's, Ron leaning onthe 'bunk. Ron is lhe son

.trike. agai/>.t North Viet­nam. Pilot. from th~ ¢ar·r I e r de s~r oY~oWerplants, ral~·lroa(f''', In­dustries. an~ other· f.ci1i~

lie. deep ln~ Ide North Viet­nam territdry. Of parti­cular note I is the hi,hlysuccessful ,strike agalnltKep Airfield, one of thelargest air bases in NorthVietnam.

I.eon Jorgens'en and Den­nis Morris enlered theI\; a v y together and havestayed together so far, al ..lhough in differenl bar ~

racks in the navy at pres~

ent. Dennis, son of Mr. andMrs. John Morris, Wayne,was pictured last week asa .<,:,WAY winner. Leon, soDof Mrs. Dorothy Jorgen,..sen, Wayne, is picturedhere. Both Dennis and LeoD

Ken Chambers, son o'fMr. and Mrs. Dave Cham­bers: Lincoln, wants thenews from home so he isamong the n"ewest ie­cipients of a gift subscrip- ..lion to The JI,~rald. W~.h~'v.

no informatilon about himtlxcepl his address: KenChambers W_~ Div., DEG­4, USS Talbot, F PO, NewYork, N.. Y,•••

pillS')] ss LJ $205 Fed Ex Ta:-.(depending on slze\ and old t,re

NO MONEY DOWNon our Easy Pay'Plan!

naoce Settion, A PO, NewYork, N. Y'. n~g~28.

A ,new second lieutenantis' Rqbert Oberg, son ofMr. "land Mrs. LesterOberg, Pende,r. 'lie wascommissioned in the airforce at Lackland. AFB,Tex., upon completion ofofficer training school. 'Hewas 5 e lee led for OTSthrough competitive exa m­"inatioDs and is now to be

assigned to Wright.Patter­son AFB, ()hio, fortrainingand dut.v in t,he air uni·ve r s ily, which conductsprofessional military edu-

"alion programs for offi­cers, and admini..;ters theair force reserve officerst r a i n i ng corps program.,Lt. Oberg is a 1(jC3 grad­'uate of l'ender IIighSchooLHe received a BS degree(rom Wa.vne >.;taLe Collegein 1%7,

our satisfaction, we'll keeprunning it until itdaes, Thi~i~ an excellenl color pic­lljre, the type we, need forhlack aod while repraduc­tioh. Jordan is in Germanywherf! hi~ wife is allowedto ~tay while he is basedthere: His address is Sp-5Ho"rt ,Jordan, lllh Fi-

One of the nicest colorpictures' we received foruse in lhe SWAY storieswas one of nob .Jordan,You'd never ha ve guessedit from lhe reproductionwe obtained lasl week. So,here and now we're re­printing the picl.u'fe and ifif does not come out lo

GOOojiEAR, n,,~., .. ~!~~".,~ ..:.:nJ


1: ; .



Page 10: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl

Rites Held in 0,.....:For Wolter H.J .H'iI.kll~~I'i

Fun era -I s~rvIC •• ·fOfWa It e r Herb~rt lDut~"1Henkel. 56, wer" held Ju!y.18 ,in Eugene, Ore,·, ~;r.Henkel, a former W.~:

, residenl, died July 15,.:He was born Nov•.. ',L;~.,

1910 in Wayne. He ",.:I:i"member of the Flr.t ~••sembly 01 God Church;·~u.gene Lodge No,.11 AF"I!MiAM. and was ~OWl'~~;,t.bdopera.tor of th B~_..j)J~,Service in Euge" I,: '"I':

S u r.¥ i v a r. s.' IncIud.... ". '..i.~.·...I'.·wid_w, L,orru Ij •..1'~"Jack R.;. E ug De; tllt••

brothe. r·s. F'ritzo.ree.. n...~... e••,..,,~ 1Washington, Bob, Om': .and Frank:, Wichlta, ~•• la si.Ier,M... W,P,(H'I~nrlThomas, Wa~e••nd c~.qi.!~~i~~lgrandsons, Rick and· S!iOlli't.Henkel. . i

e ra$" ... J,;"him. ~1.lOtadtd~'opp.;;li":!!!l~;,•.i:

,work, took to 10"1'.The bull struc th.t· ,polOry·table at ItfChB.. '...•........tadt had baeil aitt .'..hatterlng It and ·ab.,,~

Ihe ar'. iat'. ut~nall. ,.fa.,...and wide, but dl~ botCli!j"" .' ':'ii'hi••peedtowardth.n..!,.. :. "artist, who frllht.b."'" .'....~..•............ '.'.ly out of hlawit•.•~".'. 'ii:making the be.t tim•...·.'!." .•...' ' .•.,' ·."his lile. Seemlll« to· ';...1:

Ih. objecl he w~ pU,.•~."_".< 1·was the author f hi', .. '., "Ihe bison, bello IllIt., ',1-. :t

:~~~~\~:d :~tr.:tar~.o.~.V.•·'.M.i.'•..r..; I"snorted blood 'and f~m ",,:upon him be lore ·th. '''~I '.'.

.•hol was fired .wl> hbroughl the bull to···t.. '.i

,ground and .aved Blaro~dt 'IIrom a. terrible Id.a~". I

Biersladt· ,waa ib. 1m.iIli'''..i." 'I'ale danger, 10{' hail.tll...•.gun missed fi • or" ',~b'.o\ .aim been les8 .ce.ur.•.~1in a moment m~eh'Wril(l , tha ve been gore to, d••~..~,; j

"When Bier tadt~d' Igained sufficien breatl1iito :.peak, he said. "T.hat1• ..1'enough; no more biaf'.rofor me. 11l

: ~Biersladt'.. paintllll~'i 0'

.wounded and dyilll buff"IO) iare remarkoble f(jr~h.Jr ,j.reallam. The filOt....... .rknowledge which' Ii..e..quired in N.braska atoOd·. '1him i.n good st~a:d..'" i

Ouf of Old"---_..

BI, ..tadt in NebraskoOne of the moat famous

artists to portray theAmerican Welt was AlbertBieatadt. Hi. larle im­pressive paintings hang: inmany museume and privatecollections where they de­pict in colorful and roman­tic style the grlndllUr ofthe Western landscape. TheGerman born Bierstadttraveled through the Plainsand mountain~ severaltimes makin'g sketcheswhich he later used inpr oduc lng hi s huge ca n·vases.

In 1863 he was in Ne­bra.ko. He slopped at thehome of a Nebra ska pioneerand frontiersman named E.C. Comstock who operatedOak Grove ranch along theOregon Trall in NuckollsCounty. While there, Hie"r­~tadt went ana buffalo hunt.Mr. Comstock's recollec·tions of the hunt were pub­lished in 1882 in a bookby A. T. Andreas entitledHisto!l'Y of Nebraska, a copyof which is in the library01 the NebraSka Slate Hia­torical Society. Followingis Comstock's account ofthe artist's Nebraska ad.venture.

"In 1863 Bierstadt onhis return from his travelsin California, stopped atOak Grave for rest andrecreation ..' He desired tosee an enraged buffalo, sothai he could the betterpaint. the picture of onecharging in his giganticfury. Accompanied by awriter for th"e New YorkEvening Post and Georgeand E. S. Comstock, heproceeP.ed to a grove abouta mile ,,;Wes~ of Superior,where they found buffalo.They succeeded in getting

~ a la'rge bull separated from1;he heta, when they shothiro after the ~rtist hadseated himself for the pur­

'poae of sket~hi.ngthe 5celle..The bull, not being' veryferocious, .Bierstadt de ..

. sired ·to ltave'hi,m wounded• again'-' Orie nra,n~ood r,eady

to make a fat~shot should-,-,it bec'orne. nec.essary whileanother again wounded the.monster. Inf\uiated withpain and bleedilljl at the

'nostrils he r3ade for hisassailant, but, perceivingthe artis"t, he t\lr~ed to:-vard



Wayne, Nebraaka .' I 'j




.~Use Your


I See By the He~ldMrs. Don Veronda and

Debra, West Covina, Calif."spent July 13-25 .with herparents, Mr. and,Mrs. Fr&<!F rever t and with otherfriends and relatives.

we .. to b. conoht.lIt. ~hen Wilt Cham.barlaln alars on the ba~kelball court, ailNegroe. should be che.r!eda. creat people.

Are you gullty of c •• lltfy11ll all menof one color tOlether' beeause qf yourlimited knowledge of a lew of the lamecolOf? ·If you are. talke a step aboyeOod.....e don't Ihlnk He lIao lound it ne­celsary to .react in t....t manner and wedoul;Jt'if He finds It'. .Ign Of r..pon­lIibility and Chfilstiln" living when youdo.-'C EG

tites, as well as the mental caliber ofpeople. is easily determined by kind of

~ .entertainment they prefer. There areme:rry..go-rounds for the children, butfor our friend Nellor I a "huggin' bee"as he terms them, is the only realarticle. .

Peter Brumel's horse, ran away Tues·day morfling, caps izing~he buggy, breakingthe twill and considerably mutilattng twoof Peter's fingers. (Hosktns Headlight).

The- postal department rtrles that. anyrural 'ro'ute ,handling less than ~OOO pieceseach month will be discontinued. 'RouteNo. 1 has made good, but we. are in­formed that No.2 is falling short ·about450 pieces 'of mail. If this continues theroute will be discontiued so those whowant the service shQuld take,· anotherpaper and 'w'rite ,a few more letters.(Hoskins Headlight).

A new la'w which has been on the·'statue books for some time, a.Od whichhas not been enforc~d in this st.t" will,in the future, be enforced to the letter.We' refer to the law regulating the sal,eof poison fly paper. According to law"nobody but a registered pharmacist hasauthority to sell poison fly paper, butheretofore most all grocery and generalstores have sold it. AI member of thestate pharmacy board itHorm~d our mer­chants of the existence of such a law andwarned them against a further violationof the law. So in the future the drugstores are the only places you will be ableto procure poison fly paper, and if you

,- should send the children for it., it w.illbe necessary for you toalsosendawriUenrequest for the same, as the law forbidsselling anything of a poisonous natureto minors. f

·W·. E. Liddle has decided to resignhis position as traveling salesman for theNoJifolk Candy Co. While he has met withgood success so far. I yet he finds himselfunsuited to the life! of a traveling man.To be UP at all hour-s of the night to makeconnections on tr;-ains, and living awayfrom home. contin,ually.l is not hiS kindof life. (Carroll.News).

J. H. Prescott was inaugurated asm~nager of flte Benson Grair~ Cb-., ,bUSi­ness in Winside. this morning. He' sayshe is to receive $210 a month. At anyprice, Harry is a good man.' (WinsideNews).

A' Mr.~Schingel ,and f~mily .of Fosterhave moved into the hoter aoc\, will soonbe ready for boarders. Mr. Sc,hingel wiilrun a barber shop, in con"junction, 'Yiththe hotel. Everyone is glad ,to se·e thehotel running again. (Sholes News).

• drivinl kill, tho.i

PIIT rOfll l


Car.leune.. and inatten~onsand, every year.

"I Wal lust fhlnld"lt _ 1M.,.., ~r f..- ~/SmHh, ';'ny _.'r,

j ~ I .~ .WI wm IIIIrform~ ell'fIIlIkllS' pmcrtbed sen­

Ice thai keeps nlW *al wlrnntles nlld.: !

~ WI II" all cars ·F~EEFHE.CK-UPS of six '1lIIell 5ystemslll spot alld .troUbleblflrtnsllrts.

, '.1

We Carry All Bta~s of Motor oii. I '.

, OIIf;Pff I••lIrO ••--

CLAUDE'S ·S.T NbARD SERVICE• CLAU E '.Da. .... J15-tM2__",St.

all oth.rs~ If the. !talitno ar.~~'l.n charleof the Mafia no one cond.mn. a I Italian••They condemn the Malia. If a IrI'.hman.nipes d""'n 13 people vie do 't .ay IheIrish did it. 1.f a Japanelelgoes ber·serk, it'·s reported that a man wentberserk and not. the Japanflse d d.

Negroes are individuals. Why arethey. not given the riCht to stand· onindividual rights ao human b,lngs? Whymust Ihey alway. he lumpel:! togethorwhen something w'rong is d6ne? If we



Wayne Herald,~ugust 1, 1907The Bloomfield fl"Sli'lball team misfed

their train on ·last hursday eve·ning sowere forced to rtl ain over here tillFriday morning." I

The c,Ountry peop1e crowded the Chau..tauqua groundg the la,st few evenings.Last night every hitching ppsl in townwas in use and th"\ teaffi'~ and rigs thatlined the side streets afforded a sightseldom seen in Wayne. '

Two youngsters of the town evidentlyreceived an inspiration from the circusthat held the boards in Carroll Friday,for· they left before ~he following Monday,either to follow the show; to find greenerpastures or· a more congenial climein which their ambition might flourishand be recognized.:'One of the boys re­turned, satisfied before the second dayhad passed. However the secant! youthhas failed to turn up thus far and ver}!'likely he has joined the circus.

We ca II attent~on to the a id of the"Whipple" Humane Horse Collar whichappears in this issue. The farmers ofWayne county will no doubt be inter·ested in this new collar if it Will pr'eventsore necks and shoulders as the manu...facturer claims, as ever,Y farmer hastoo much priqe to use horses that aresore and galled if it can be prevented.

,The editor of the Hoskins Headlightwas· displeased with Wayne's Chautauqua.In his disappointment he refers to itas "the limit of tame affalrs"·· and that"aside from band and THlman, therewere no attractions, excel there wereplenty of drunks at the rog shops." :It is to be regretted tha Br.-Nellorwas not accorded a band land carriageon arriving in Wayn~. The $elf esteemeds c rib e from the west end has had hisfeelings hurt by being overlooked, andbecause' he was le.lt to ,use his own"wits to' locate the ,place of amusement,'"he whines. But we notice he finallydriftedinto his element and found r."attractions"he was looking for. tlGive aft ass the runof a, field of thistles, and, lit Will passthe juicy 'morsels 'Of c1ove'f by." Chau-"tauquas ,are not for everybody, but.itssure the best people 'everywhere .supportand attend them. 'The ~stes and appe...

livings; they tried to raise respectablefamilies~ Their homes burned becausethey lived in a Negro ghetto.

Where else can -they go? Only aprivileged few are allowed to move. else.where. Thousands cheer a Negro as hebangs ~other hit. Willie Mays. A Negrob.reaks loose for.a touchdown and thousand.srise t cheer him, Gale Sayers, many¢heeri who. wouldn't think of lettinghim live next door to them.

A white soldier is injured in Vietnam.He needs blood. A Negro soldier has thesame type. His blood is used. His bloodsaves a white man's life.

We're sick, sick, sick of hearingthe term "the, Negt\les" when referringto what is being done. Adam ClaytonPowell is "A" Negro but he is not "the,"Negroes. Cassius e)ay, is one Negro,not Negroes. -• C.p"~ we treat the Negroes as we do


be out of school. We must be beingslighted by not getting some gray-hairedman, whG has been there for years andis an ackno:wledged expert in his field.

But, it's Dr'- B~own we got so it'sDr. Brown we talk· to. Does he talkto us as if we we r e just one of thethousands of people he must see each year,all with troubles? No, he has that in.timate interest in a man who is sick,a man he might have known llll his lifeso far. He wins our confidence, he makesnote of what we describe and how wedesc ribe it and he plans appointments.

Then there's the neurologist, Dr.O. E. Ham, jr. He's even "worse." lieis so young looking you wonder at firstif he might be the youth who will directyou to y. experts. However, insidethat youthfU'T' head he has crammed know­ledge that has qualified him as a "Mayoman."

He took talks to us as a friend. Hesympathizes. He checks with others tomake "sure what he has determined iscorrect and t!:len he lets us know whathe has' found, sends us back to that otheryouth, Or. Brown. We leave with thefeeling that instead of being sent down asecondary route, we are one of the luckyOnes. First we were assigned Dr. Brownand then we Wlere assigned Or. Ham.

When we leave, we know what iswrong. We know what they have done.We know what' we must do. We leavewith admiration, respect, .,gratitude anda new feeling that we wer~the fortunateone-we could hardly have done betterthan be assigned to the two young doctorswe consulted.

There are others at Mayo's, techni­cians, nurses, aides, helpers, informationbooth operators, elevator supervisors,mechanics, office workers, girls who leadyou to your appoin~ments, many manymore, all a part of the Mayo miracle.

For us, the miracle starts with mensuch as Dr. Brown and Dr. Ham. Foryou it may start with s·omeone else.But Mayo's can only be called a miracle,one of the wonders of the world. Youcan see it free just by taking a tourof' the clinic on a weekday, but you'llnever know the wonders of it until youhave gone thJough as one of almosta million getting check-ups each year."

As ,its main building is built everhigher, the founding Mayo brothers couldknow wherever they are that fromf asmall beginning in a little Minnesotatown n;ls arisen a modern miracle ofmedicine, an ever'lasting tribute td thosewho started it and those who keep itgoing. It is indeed one of the medicalmarvels of the wor!ld.-C EG.

Try to imagine a score sheet comingin with6ut indicating teams playing. Wehappened to be lucky because we knewthe players on one team. Give yourselfa chance to work out a puzzle whereseveral players are used but no markingis indicated to show where the changeswere made. Did the first player stay inuntil he hit a home run? Did he leavebefore he got at bat? Was the secondbatter the one .who drove in three runs?Your guess is as good as ours.

To the credit of Wayne it should bepointed out that ~hen Steve Hix keepsscore, anyone could write up the gamewith reasonable accuracy and with mostof the details. It would even be possibleto carry a box score. Unfortunately,

.-,Steve Hix can only be at one game at atime and we can't ask him to come inand figure out the umpteen other scores'\i·eets wep ha ve.

So. we COVlH as many games aswe'"can: Hoskins·, Martinsburg, Allen, Win_side and all t~e wany.--teams of Wayne.If Concord, Dixon and Carroll had teams,we would'cover them too.

Under existing circumstances wecan't imagine carrying the box scores ofmost games. It would bike a lot of room.It would take a lot of staff to get itdone. It would take a lot of time tocheck it over. And it would take a lotof gall on your part to expect uS''toto dOfit. -CEO

Th. Warn. IN"r.! H.rald. Monda,. Jul, 31, 1967

You knew it was coming, an editorialon Mayo's Clinic. Xl could never beuntfmely; after all, as far as is ~nown,

two from Concord and five from Waynewere up there during one week, amongseveral thousand others from around theworld.

There's the miracle of the side­walks. "cuts" made in them so wheelchairs do not have to be raised ove,r curbs\There's the system of departments inseveral buildings, each one,/different,yet each one a like in some respects.

Atop' the main building eight morefloors are going up. Underground aretunnels leading to hoteols, drug stores,restaurants, diet kitchens and otherplaces, a II planned so in the wor st weathe ryou need never go outdoors.

There's the miracle of the system.On one Monday 1,800 patients showedup, 500 ,of them without appointm~nts.

Those., with appointments were taken careof first buL many of ,the unscheduled 500were worked into the routine and thosewho thought their cases might be emer­gency received check.ups at once.

Dut the real, miracle of Mayo's ishuman. Start with the doormen. All daythey stand outside by a pillar. A wheel·chair or a man on crutches comes along.Three doors must be opened to ge.t intothe main clinic building but with a pushof a button the doormen have all threedoors opening in succession and theYremain open until wheel chair or crippleare ins ide"

Take the women at the downstairsd'&Sks. They face a daily onslaught ofpeople wanting in, seeking information,explaining why their cases are special,willing to tell ills to office help whenonly the spec ia lists are qua lified to listen.

Spare a moment for a typical floor,West-9 for example. Mrs. Evelyn Wrightand Rita Doescher are out at that deskfive days a week, keeping records inorder, receiving the appointment cards,instructing the patients of the proceduresexpected of them in five or ,more daysof appointments, keeping people fromwandering back into the consultation·rooms, straightening out the errors thatsomeone else made beca.use the "someoneelse" happens to be human too and doinga hundred and one other jobs.

But the doctors, where do they; findfind the doctors? If we had contactedall, we could salute them all. We canorily tell of .two but we're sure they

-,are' typical of the specialists Mayo in­sists on having. They ar e the truemiracles.

Or, Philip Brown, jr., specializesin internal medicine. How dare thiey sendus to him? He's young. He must just

With ~he race rioting" that has goneon in New·ark, Detroit, and other cities,the Negro has been given the blame.Not jUst the Negroes sniping, throwing, ~

breaking, fighting, looting and bur.ning,'but "Negroes."

Peoplefo~get, but there nave beensome poigIjfnt reminders that there areother Negr6es too. Life Magazine showeda Negro boy lying in the streets, wounded.an innocent victim of a shot from a whiteor Negro gun. !

The Omaha World-Herald showed, s'WIe Negro wORlenc~mforVngtheirchild.

,~; reno Their crime? Tl\eY lived ilia Negronlighborhood and their home and allPolsessions had burned. '

ij 'CBS interviewed some Negro womenwIlD wept as they gazed at their, bur,ninghO,mes. Fir. engines were unable to ge~toth6m to save them. What had these peopledone wrong? Nothing. 'rhey worked for

They're Negroes, Too

One of the most sincere commentswe have received on our coverage ofbaseball this year came the other day.Ina word: "Lousy."

\Vhy? Because we are not using boxscores. We don't put in details of plays.

~ jWe're covering Hoskins, AllenandWinside~ames too.

~r If it were possible, we would liketo have some of the critics (and we

~ know there are many) attempt to writeup a bat>eball game without seeing thegame itself. It would be exceptionallyinteresting to see them try to figuref~.t ~, game fro~ the sc<!)'te sheets turned

Some sheets have no first names for_'players . .t\t least one had no names atall for Ure ¢lpposing players. Sotne putan "H" down'to indicate a "hit." Great,but who is the mind reader who is sup.posed to figure out whether it was as,ingle, double,. tr iple or horn er?

Most scor'e sheets that come in arenot added up in one direction. Us'uallythe inning totals are there but no onehas bothered to add up the times atbat, the number of hits and the runs.

N.ow we ask y0U, wouldn't it be funC just t6 write up ONE game using this

type of score sheet? Well, we coverfrom five to fifteen games a week. Try

"to imagine what we would go throughtrying to figure out all the box scoresso t~ey could be printed in the paper.

You may riG' dlra wit" an nJitorital- but if you ,.,aI the. (diloriol and give ur­;'JUS thought to lilt subject disCUlltd JlOU

ltatJt tjoiflf'd. You, at a r'Mtr, III1l!t pwmUlrt'ful thought to an im/Jo~a,.t prqbltmflnd the Writ,,. is proud 10 Ittlf)t calltdl ,o~ra/Unl;rm to an' important rubiat that )IOU

may !uwe Qf)trloo#'td.

Marvelous Medical Mayo Miracle

Our 'lousy' Coverage

Page 11: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl

I Set By The H.....Mr, and Mra. Thc.l«1l

Dillon, April and John_1II;I,Mr. and Mrs. o.~ Koll,and Michele. Oma • wer"dinner suesh Sund.a lnth.Gus Koll home. ~

Ollie Hansen fro C.a.Grande. Ariz., is lJ endlDlhis vacation with re atlve'«at Randolph, the Jo n H.D~

sens .nd at Wayn. withEllen Hansen. r;

It ""5 moved by (ouncllm.n Mlrr._.nd IIconded by ra...ndlm.n K'IOC.tOflth.t the .bove r ..olutlon be .dopt.d.....d

Th. M.yor .t.tad the motlon.1IdIn.tructed.·th. CI.rk to call the rollRoll c.11 ...ullad .. foil.,...

Y••• M.rra. BlnI.tar.McL•• n.KI,.,·ItOfl. Smith

N.YI Noo•.Th...Iult 01 the yoh belnc 5 Y•• I

IDd no N.yl th. M.yar d.c1ared. themotion c.rrled .nd the r ..olutlon.dopt.d

Th. follow Inc r.lolllt.lO!I WI. pr •••nt.dlrai ...d by the (I.tk

RESoLUTIONBE; IT Rf.$OI \ EO by the City C.ouncll

of the (Ity of Wayn•• W.yn. (ounty.N.bu.ka

I Trat the r Ity Council lIhdl thatth... I. on hand 1,1 of July 13. 1967.in the Bond SIDIdDll: Fund of the City.for th. W.ytJ.. V.rlo.... P"rpo" 1962Ia.u. BOndi, the lum of '10.000.00.

2 Th.t the mon.y in IIldBondSlnldneFund Dol lmmadl.l.ly raquirad for ~y.m.at 01 iot.rllt .nd ptlncipal 011 bond,be In~••tad in .uthorlzotd l.x.r ••t b•• rinel.c"rIU••• 1 fall.,... UDited Stata. Tra._lury BUla, AfirH 22. 1968. $10.000.00.

3 That the (lark be In.tructad tod.llver to the County Trlll"r.r I a-er­tlfJed copy 01 thla rlllOlutlou 1ln4 tb.tthe Tr.. lyr .. promptly .ct II In.IIlr"ctad

P....d this 19th day of J"ly, ~967

CITY OF WAYNE, NEBRASKAAtt.-It WIIII.m A. Kotber, MayorDan Sh.rry. City CI.rklSa.11 ~

It. .... moyad by Cow:w:llm.n Ki••too.nd ..condld by Cauncllm.1I W.rr. thatthe .bov. reaollrtlOll bel .doptlld II r ••d •

Th. W,yor .tat.d the motion .nd In­.tructad th. Clark to c.1I the roll Rollcall "1... ltad .. follow I

Y••• Marra. B.nl.hr. WcLt.II. KIIII'_

BE IT FURTIlt,:R RESOI \ fD, that,the bid •• above 1.1 lorth lor thefurDL5hll\l of m.hrl.l ••qulpm." andlabor r.q"l.r.d In conn.ctlon .. Ith thlcQfI.trucllon of I ..nltar)' ..... r. In Sani·tary S••ar DI.trld No 11. u"1\1 vlhllIad clay •••• r plp••nd uphalt Jol....m.d with the (Ity (lark In .ccordalM:.

:~~~Incth;ort·~I~.·, ~b~l:ch~.~nI~i~tth. eont".ct ba prapared by the City'.E....ln•• r. and not to b. blndlQl uponthe City 01 W.yn•• N.bn.ka WIlli 11m.hal ba.n duly .ppro~.d by the {ItyrouDdl Ind the ( lty Attorlll)'.


~~:I:'::::- ~I:: 1~~r'~~~I~~I::b)'~~tj~rC~~.nd the (I.rk I. Inalruct.dtor.turn.n certlfl.d ch.ckl .ccompanylnc .uchbldl

t lTY (If WAYN}, NF:RRAsKAAU..t Wllll.m II Ko.ber, r,!lyorO.nSharry,(lty(larkISe.11

It w.. mo~ed by {oundlm.n n.nl.terInd IIcond.d by (olUlcllmln Klne.tonth.t the .bo~e r.. olullon b••dopted'.r•• d

The M.yor l!.oIted the motion lrefInltructad the (I.rk to c.11 roll Th.roll c.1l r ..... Ued .. 10110.1

Y ••• M.rr •• B.nl.tar, Mcl •• n.Klne·.ton, Smith

N.y. Non•.Th. r ..ult of the vot. b.lo. 5 Y•• I

.nd no N.y •• the Mlyor rlnl.,.d themotion c.rrl.d

The follDWlnc re.ol ...tlOfl .... pr .....ed.nd",.dbyth.ll.rk


HE IT RF'>OI .... EO by the ( Ity (ouocl]0' the t lty of W.yn•• Wlyne lo...nly.Nebr.lk.

I Th.t the (Ity t ouncll find. th.tth.ra h on hand .. of July 13 1%7.in lh. W.yne Ho.plt.l· fund of th ..(ItY,th. I"m 0'$10,00000

2 Th.at IIld mon.y 15 h.r.by dlradad to be .. lthdr.wn from the ( ounty

~~:::~~:~"l' C:II:~:t.;~o pl~: lh~o~~of tlo,ooo 00 to the (Ity Tra.. ur,rof W.yn•• N.br•• 1o..a for d.po.Lt In theW.rn. Clly O.n.r.1 FMd

3. That th. rl.rk bel In.truct.d tod.lI"ll to the Co...nty T ....urar. cartm.d copy of thl. r ..olulion tnd Ihatth.. Tr...urar promptly es.\ II In·

Itr;.C;::.t thl. 19th d.y~lIIY, 1'l67I":lTY OF WAYNE. NE8RASKA

AU..t WilUam A Ko.ber. M.yorDan Sh.rry. (lty rl.rklS•• ll

The Wayne INebr I Herald, Monday, July 31: 1967

Phon. 375-2615North on Highwoy 15

Lnator at tli. W.yM M"nlclp_1 PO<lIUpon roll call the 'ollowl .... ~otad

7:n~' S~I~~~IT~:~I~rl~M~I ~:~~r~:~~n!.~or the M.yor d.cl.. r.d the mollonpellad

Councll I ppr ov.d p.1 nt In. 0'p.d.ltrl.n Lane f~om the Ild.Wllk .nd.t S.v Mor Dru. "~orth to the lo"th .d••of1HhStrut

S.v... 1 prop.rty ow....... ff.cted bystorm S.war Ohtrlet No ~7.2 ..pra..nt.nd prot ••tad the propol.d ."lIm.N.. on the proj.ct The probl.mof .xtra quantity of w.tar dl.p.ll.dfromIchool proparty c."IIne- llooc!lne- "aldhcuilld It I.nrth. Th. probl.m wlllbe .t...dl.d loci recomm.ocI.tlonl m.de

l..tT~/~°It~·cfl.:;~n'".·:: ·,t.~~;;eedn~hat JI..arnl'4 Ilrenl .pprov.d by (Ivll D.f.nll "era p... rch...dbyth.(ltyttuotttl.r. ".1 • po.. lbJllty of lo~.rnm.nt

.Id lor the proJ.ctThe ('ity Clerk "'.1 .uthorlud to

cont.ct Ihe dl.trlb...tor of bu.lne •• m__chin•• 'or InForm.tlon to ul'l~bte th.,('lty r.cord ke.plnc .y.t .. m

COURT OF HONOR for Troop 175 Mondaynlgfit sow awards gOIng to almost every memberot the troop Second closs awards were presenter to Rick Barner, Greg .Swinney, Brad Harder,Russell Goshorn and Jimmy Broasch Star award

-was earned by Mark Wiltse while com pingawards were presented to each of the 15 boys

The S.w.r (ommiUe. W.5 luthorll.dto proc ••d .. Ith th .. ir propoul f'or .Ir~.nl.. for the S.nltary ~"er IHI ';taoliOn.

rouncll propo..d to In.tall • Itlll"20 mil. p.r hO\lr .p.ed limit ,len

*.at 01 the n.w Hllh S<:hO<lI on 7th'itrut to 110" t,.lftc for the schoolcroulne- .t 7th .nd Shermln Sheetl

Th. re.~onl. requ"ll on prop.rtyloc.t.d on the carner of 7th .nd LincolnSlreela •• 1 con.ldered by (ounel! .nd.1 no comp..h.nllve plan h.d ~en

lubmltted. mollon m.de by Councllm.nM.r r••nd IIcond-.l by ( ouncllman Smiththat th.. request be d.nl.d .

Th. M.yor .t.ted the motion .ndlnatructad the Cbrk to c.ll the rollRoll c.1i re."lt.d .. follow I

V••• M.rra. B.nilt.r,Mclean.Kint:_.ton, Smith.

N.y. Non•.Th. re.ult of the vote b.lne- ~ Y•••

Ind no N.YI th. M.,0r dec .. r ad th.motlOfl c.rrl.d and r.qu.d d.nl.d.

It w., the decilion of th. Coundlthat .Id••llk. In th. School .... th.t••r. not at pr...nt at I•••t • I•• t In.ldth .hould b. wld.n.d to ~ flit.

Th. p.rkl. probl.m .11 d1acu•• edat I.nct.h Sayaral propollil .1.Uerllllt.perkl•• u.. of uhUne- ar... behindbulln... bulldl.. or If' off.d,..tperkl.lolllllllICad by th.".. olparkJ.meta,..

Th. Flunc. COmmlttll .11 .uthor­Iud to InvIIU••t. the pOlllblllty ofobtalrdlll' I.nd n•• r the bu.ln.....ctlonofth. City for off .•trllt park\•.

Th.,. bellll no oth.r bu.ln... tocom.balou th. Council .t thh tim. Councilad)ourn.d

ClTYOF WAYNE. NEBRASKAWilliam l' .Ko.hlr. M.yor

Dan Sh.rry. City Cl.rkJ"lyI9,10967

Th. M.yor .Dd City Counell mat in.p.cl.1 .u.ion at the offtce of th.City CI.rk 011 J ... ly 19. 1967 at 100o'clock p.m

Th. M.yor c.Ued. the m••tlne- toord.r With the lollowlnc p,. •• n:t M.yor

:~I~~~~ R~' H~o:~.J~t;ro~~i:r~nM~~::~J.ck Klne-.ton. E. O. Smith,. Aliorn.yJohn Adell.on.nd City CI.rkO.nSher.,..,

Ab..nt AIl.n Wlttl.The Mlyor .t.t.d the prallnt ord.r

01 bu.hre...... to .w.rd the contractfO'l" con.trudlon QI unllery ••w.r. InSenft.ry S... ar Olltrle! So. 31.

lt wal the recommendation af theSaw.r .nd ..... ter Committee .nd theElllineer that the bid of Ro.. H. H.rd·• .,e be acc.pted

theAlt-:I~:I~,,\leu~~t';~':'·I~:~ao:;,:~:.b::.ldlad read by the CI.rk


BE IT RESOL .... ED, that the M.yor.ocI City Co...ncll of the City of ..... yo••~ebrll'" d.clare .ad llnd thlt th. bidfor the Fur'nllhlne- of m.tar,.I, eq"lp_ment .ad l.bor reqUIred In connection"Ith the canst ruction of I.nlt.ry I.w.r.In S.nltAry Se .. er' Dlstnct .~o 31. I •.ubmlUed b) the followlliC contractorII the lowelt .nd beal bid r.celved.II followl Ro•• lte Hardw.rl'. Ro•• h.,l'iebrllka.$2688 75

A eatD. Sherry, City C1.rkIS II

ouncllm.n Mc Le.n ncond.d them Ion for the Idopl.lon ofth. reaolulion.I:re.d

he M.yor ltated the mot 1011 aocl In·Itnuct.d the Cl.rk to call the roll. Roll

"~"""~"""~.••• rra. B. ni.ter. McL.an,KI .ton. mlth.

.y. None. "he rnult of thl vote balne 5 Yell

a31 00 N'yl. lhe M.yor declared the

m1~:n ~:~I:I;~.;, rasol ...tlon .... p.. _..qted<by Coundlm.n KI.lton Ind r ..dby fhe City Clerk

I RESOLUTION'E IT R £SOL V EO by thl M.yor .ocI

C II 01 the tlty of W.yn., N.brllkah.t CODloUdlt.d Encln..,., bel .nd

I. h.reby .ppolntad Specl.l Enclnll,.for th. City of W.yn•• lo d.. lcn .ndpr .ra pl.na .nd .p.ciflcatlon. Ind the.. m.t. 01 COlt on the propo••d ~raet

1m rlWement Ol,trlct No. 5~ ••ndothatthl .ppointm.rrt I. h.raby confirmed

t the •• Id SpeCial Encln..... , Con10 <hted Encineer ..... h...byordaredto rapar. the pl.n••Dd Ip.clflc.Uonl.• .Itlm.te ttt8eoltofc ... rbllll••radll\l.

.rIN. paylne- .nd lncld.atal workco .cted therawlth In street Improve_m. DI.trlo;t No. $~

....d thil lIth day of July. 1967, pTY OF WAYNE. NEBRASKA

Wllll.m A. KOIb.r. Mayor

: =~:J':'''''''''''' .&tor.., r.r".. "'tor N~ u. .... 0'''' ........ ... t. e..W.r u.. bN. I.,

...~c=:-~~:-::':.~::.~~:;• .... It, C.-ell Warn tMt u..•I., tlMi "',.••h .,th. C'ma,,""c,.U !I, n ..t lal r

........ UM""'O ... ..,. ; .._--... M.I_ CIrri....n.: ~l~-:~~~,: .~. =:,:r~'I Co••..&e..... "'...,IC. On".. N• ..,., fl.TlS.dO: ...,.'" C. t..

ElM•• S10u Ck,r, ..... '1',111.04.Aft.r dIM ~_.".reU_ C.-ell •••

e .t:o ra'.r __ !tWa t. u..-fo......• rill.. 011 thl No.1 tar UN£, t:__

• roU_ ... nc m U_ to 1Mp ,t the lIIr CGYMII• 1 t ..,hlch '1m. the c_..let .111

••• rded. .nat I .....'"•••• ot.hlctll No...

th u SJ ••,. dl.e"..ed but dM til a•••

r I.0I~ ~lb~~·-:'::'~~ ~et:=·~~.::d. r~eular m••U.. III ordar to allow

th !/It...... C.mmltta. to r.vl•• the •••

: .:::a~.r:t~::~h .nd pra.... their

TIt. M.yor .tatad that th. f ..pIM.pu poll 01 the m••tllll' ••• tod.tar .... l...th ."fflcl.ncy of the patilion hareto­fo. pr...ntlld to the {oundl by the.. Id.m own.rl pllotllnd I.nd•• butlll\l" n Shih 51r ••t .xt.ndl .... from the.. It bo...h\i.ry 01 (.ell \\ rl.dt S.condA dltlon to the (Ity 01 Wlyn•• "'.yn.I nt). l".br•• ka .nd .at.nlli~ [.,110!h+ .... ut .d•• of the lnhrllctlon of"l~h 'ihllt .nd Vlll.y Or I.... f llth

~t~·.tcI~·tr~~~S:~o~ AWd~~:IO~~~~:(lly of \\ IYD...... Iyna rounty. N.br..ka.nd .xtandlne- .. at to the Int.lI.ctlonof Firth Strllt I. Wly.ld. Lan...... y_.1". L.n•• xt.ndlnc from the north .dC.of FIfth stra.t norlh to the 'outh Hnaon Sixth Strllt V.lI,)' Drlv. utandlnc"jm lh••• It Un. of the lnt....ctlOl101 Fifth Strllt .nd W.y.ld. Lalli toth .ollth ed,. of th. jntaructlon ofV II.,.. Orh••nd. Sinh Str..t, Vall.yo I~••rt.ncUne- frolr\ th. Int.r..ctlon01 Sixth Str ••t .nd V.n.y Orlv. oorth toth louth line of S.v.nth Stre.t, III In·

je udlnl Int.rl.ctlon•• IIqulltine- th.Council to cre.ta • ,tr.at.' lmprov._m.nt dl.lrlct.nd tolmprov••• Id .trlltab~ ,radlne-. c"rbl•• ""'hrln•• p.Vllle.rJ!.lncldental .ork connachdth.r.wlth.

IA!tar CODlld.rallon 01 th. p.lltlon.

; ~:I~I'::r~~m~~y:~f~:.·:d~~I~~IOwlne-RESOLUTION

WHEREAS. the p.lItion.icn.dbyC.cllW ledt .nd lwo oth.... hal beI.n filed• th the City C I.rk .nd p.....nt.d to theM yor .Dd City Coundl p.tltlonln. forth c ... tlne- 01 a Itreet lmprov.m.ntdl hlct.nd the improv.m.mby.radlne-•c rblne- ••lItt.rlne, p.vlna:.nd lndd.nt.1

:~l': ':::::':~::~:lh;,~:'l:h' ...,lI(ldlry of C.cllWrledtSacoociAddltlon

to th... City of "".yn., W.yn. County.,N bral'" .nd .xt.ndlnc •• ,t to the ....t

• of the lnterlectlon of Sirth Sh••tI Valley Orlv•• Flrth streat b.,lnnlne­at the .. e.t bound.ry of C.cll Wrl.dt

ond Addition to the City of W.yn••W yn. Coumy. N.bralka. aocl extendl",••t to lh. Inh ....ctlon 01 FIfth Straat.• W.y.lde L.llI, W.y.ld. L.na .x-

II. Irom the north .d,,, 01 Filth

3; ••t north toth••outh line ofSlrthSf; .et, V.lI.y Orlv••n.ndlne- from the• .t lin. of th. Inh...cllon 01 Fifth3; .at Ind W.y.ld. L.n. to the .outh

• of th. i.xerllctlon of VIIl.y Orlv.• Sldh str••t, Van.y Orlv. axt.IlIi!ne­Ir m th.--r'"m.r"ctlon of Sixth St...t• V.Il.y Orl~e north to the .oulh lin.of S.venth street. III Includl .... Intar·IliCtionl

~HEREAS. the M.yor .nd Co...ncII

~1~tptrh::.·rt;·d~~~;:I~e:~:~:::~~lh••h ••t. propo..d to he Improved

..~.qUllt"d In th. p.Utlon••nd that 01th. number three have licn.d th.alore·.. d petition.

p \\1~~:dE~. t~oN~~:e...ofor~~rell.7~:H r.ld i"1 provided by I.w.

\ HEREAS. the Mlyor .nd Councilhi clund the rl'cord. of the ofliceof the COURY Clerk !find fl ••hter ofDedi of '" .yne County. Nebralka tobe ex. mined to d.termlne own...hlpof th. property .butHne- on the ,traet.

pr ~\~:d~of~~~ml~o~RdE:~E IT RE.L\ ED by the M.yor loci Co...ncll of

th City of .....yn•• N.brllka that theM yor and Council find Ind d.elarath t the .forea.ld p.tltlon hal b•• n.1 ned by 60'" or more of the r .. ld.nt

n.. n ownl. prop.rtydlractly .buttlncup nth. Itreeta to be Improved ...h n and d.termln.d by the r.cordlof the ofllc. of the Co~nlY CI.rk .ocIth R.,lat., of O••dl 01 W.Ynl County,

.N rllk•• Ind that the p.Utlon bel de_c! rad .uffld.nt.

AS8EO thl. lIth dly of July. 1967.CITY OF WAYNE. NEBRASKAWllli.m A. Ko.ber. Mlyor

"'ttntp.n Sherry, I":Uy ClerkjSeal1

II "as moved b} COlUlcilman Smithand seconded by (oundlm.n M.tra lhattbe above r,,"olutlon be .dopt.d .. re.d...

The ~hyor stated the motion and In­structed the I":lerk to c.lI the roll. Rollcall resulted as follows

~ e. I M I r r I. Banister. McL•• n.kIngston. "mlth

:-';a)s r"ooneThe result 01 the vote beln, 5 Ve••

.nd no N.ys, the M.yor decl.red themotion c.rfled .nd the f e. olltt Ion

.rlf~:cllmln McLean th~n p....ntadthe folloWl",- re.olutlon which ""I r.,db)the(\tyClerk

RESOLUTIONAI;: IT RF_<;Ol\ ED by lhe M.yor aocl

(Ily (ouncl! of the (lty 01 Wayn•• Ne­bra.k•. th.t pUrlu.nt to .....olutlon 01

~~C~~:it~ lt~·~1rd o~YJu\~~ ~9Ig. ~:;mt~'lconstruction of storm lewerl .nd .p_purtenance, .nd the cre.tlon of stormSe ..... Dutnct No 67,2 th.t aaid 1m­provementl be .nd the s.me ar. h.r.byord~red conltructed

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thatIII d ImprovemltmS be ml d e In .c_cOrdance "Ith pl.ns .nd Ip.clflcatlOnanow on £lIe .. tth lhe (Ity loci Ipprovadby the City (ouncll.

"'ND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat the CIty Clerk II her.by Lnltrud.dto .d~ertlle For bid I for the con.truc,tlOn 01 •• Id ImproV.ment, .1 providedby I....

PASSED thu 11th day of July. 1967.rlTY Of .... AYNE. NEBRASKA

By Wlilt.m A Koeber, Mayor

:1.0 • II" U. _ ,Ut< IIlr..tc _lIU,..etLM, of Ith !l,. SIt.' 1

str..t ... r .._~ JOO 1• .,( ••••

SKU. C. ,"-.Id..a01 ._.n ,ro-IPINed to be e••tr~ ... 11 ...........,..

5aIctl_ 7. !fo pIIy the e." 01 ....atorm I ••• ' Iylte u.. Clb I"U..il.y the I pr".. 1M,. c ..t=.e: .~~c~~~.: :~::-:.::~~'0' iIl",r. Sa••r DI"ri" No. ".2.-:::C::,. ::;.~r ••t~ttt:,::t~yt~~,u.. .bl;Ul.. p,operty•• r. '.e"r" tOMI

::.~~m~~:.m-:·th:-l1:ci.ot.::::,.::1ac:er"l.. to the .bUttt.. property Iromthe comltr ...ctlOfl of •• Id •••• ra .... 11 be••••••ad 011 .uch .buttl.., property II

provWed by I••. All luch .,.ca.. alOI•••• m.......hall, whan coll.ct.... be ......r.csl .Dd COllIUtllt. I alllJd:2 1..1Id lor

~.~~m~~:~t~=.tI::~:I:~1I t~Ii::::lI..ually upon .11 tilubl. propartyl III.

~":h r~tinkt... la.,~.h~:~lv~~~~·~ ;~~~.pad.l u,"lm.nh ••hall be IlIflicl••lo milt peym.nt. 01 Int.r••t IDd pl'ln·clpal of the bond••• the um. bacorn.du.... ad lex .hall hi known •• th."s.-.

~~ :::~'y ·'tac·~I1.~h~~~~~1J::r:~1.Id..d .11 01 laid Impro'lm.ntl.r.,d.<l.r~d to b., len.. ,.1 public lmprov•.menl~ .nd .r' noC loe.l lmpro~.m.ntl

Ind for the b.nell' 0' .11 prop.rty Inthe (II, All of .ud Imp,ov.m.nt.I.I' ..found Ind dedared 10 b. neC.~I.r)

.ocI prr.>p.r t01urnllh .torm .e"'.r .e,.Ice for laldl It)

'>ectlon ~ The f nlln.e". e.Um.t.of co~t of the prop"led conltr"ctlon'00 III olher .. ~per..e. Indd.nt.1 th., ..101,$211,OOOI)(j

"ec'lon I A11 r~.olut Ion. Or p.rt. 01r ••olutions .. h,ch <onfllcl her .. wlth .reher.byr.p.. led

1' .....d .nd .ppr,,~ed thl. 2f.th de)of\hv 1'1!;7

(tTy ()~ .... >\'1\1, !"~BRA"kA

'" IlIlIm 1\ Ko.ber, M.yor


"Untn.n Sherry t Ilv ( lerl-.(....... llD.te of I'rlt pubhc.tlon June 2'l 1967D.te 0' aecond pubHc.tionJ u ly6. 1967

It .... mo~ed by (o....dlm.n ~mlth

.nd .ecoooed by ( oun(llm.n M.rra thatthe .bo~ .. ,,,,olutlon be .dopted ,. re.d

The M,yor ~t.led the motion .nd In·.truchd the Iity tlerktoc.lltherollRoll c.11 rnulted •• '0110"'"

Ye.. M.rr., H. nl.t e r, McL•• n.Klne.ton, "mlth

<"Iy. ~one

The re.ult of th~ .ote b.lne- 5 Yeal.nd no N.y., the Mlyor d.d.rad themotloo c.rrled .nd the relolutlon• dopted

The lollowlnc reaolllllon .... th.npresented 100 re.d by the CI.rk

RL<;OI LTIONSj. I'f In:SOl \ ED th.t the M.yor 1M

(o ....cll of th" (Itt -of ..... yne. Nebralka.find .oddetermin. 1

1 Th.t at the rneetlng of the M.yorend (lty (ouncll held on the 26th d.yof M.y, \967, there WII,I propos.d •ResolutIon of Neceulty for cr ••hne"torm Sew ... Dl.trlct ~o 67·2.nd cOn.tructlnll Itorm • ewe r I .nd Ippur·tel'll.ncel for the (lty of W.yne. N,,~

br..k., Ind the M.yor.nd City I":ouncdfl~ed the 11th d.y 01 July. 1967 ••t 7 30o'clock PM. (f 0 T) ,. the time forhe.rlni thereon

2 That the NotIce of the hearlne­on the propolld Rllolulion of Nee... lty"u"venu requlredbyl... bypubllc._(Ion In rhe W.yne Herald" 1.'11 ne••p.per 01 gener.1 clrcul_tlon In IIld CityOn the follo.. ln, d.te. June 29. 1967.J ulyG.I'J(,7

~ Th.t no .. rlUen objections w.. rafiled by 0"ner5 reprelentlne- front foot·.ge un .ny prupooed later. I lewerllnthe Dlltrlct

NO.... , T H F H j. j. (J R ~. BE IT It E_"Ol \ I\D by the M.yor .nd City ¢oundlthat the Resol ...tlOn of Nec... lty a. pro­pond on the 26th d.y of May. 1967. b.• nd the lime II plHed Ind .dopted aspropoud.

PAs.sE~ It~~s ci~t~~~YN~~ ~~I'R~~~Ely ""imam A. Koeber. Mlyor

Att.ltDin Sherry. (Ity (IerkISe.11

it WII moved by Councilman M.rr...nd seconded by Councllm.n KIOCltonth.t the above relolul,On be Idopt.d• sre.d.

The M.yor ••tad the motion and I.....structed the CI.rk to c.1I the roll. Rollcall relu!ted.1 folleno. ,

)e.s Marra, Blnllttr. Mcl•• n,KlTl&~ton. Smith '"~.ys None.The r ... ult of the "ot. bel. 5 Ye.1

and nO' N.y•• the M.yor d.c1ar.d th.motIon c. r ri.d aocl the r ... olutlOflIdopt.d

The M.yor .lated that the furth.rp"rpo.e of the meetl. w•• to conald.rbidl Ob the furDhhl. of m.lIrl.I••.qulpm.nt .nd Labor requlrad In coa­!Wellon .Ith tha cODatrueUOSI of ..D1tar)'..w.... In Sanitary s.•• r DI.trlct NQ•31 for Lhe City of W"YfII. N.br••ka.~

It WII mond by CO\mClIl'ft.ln Kl....t.nd secOnd'd by CounelhnaD Smith tthe .nv.lop.a coatall1hIlC.rtlfiadch.ekaIccomp.nylne th. b1d.'for the furnl.hifllor m.t.rlal ••qulpm• .x .ad labor ra­qUIl.d In conn.clloD .Ith th. CODlltruc­tlon of unitarY s.w.ra In Sa...tIlrySew.r Oiltrlct No. JI ba opollld • .ndthe c.rtlfl.d ch.ckl hi ...mlaad .adla.~Wed ~

The M.yor .lated the motion .ndIll.Itr ...cted the Clark to call the roll.Roll call r ..ultad II follcrwl

l\l:';j{JOO,~~::~:l B•• 1I10ter. McL•• n.

~'YI "'OM. "Th~ r ... ult <¥ the vol. b'!IOC 5 Y•••

.nd no :";.)S, the M.yor d.cl.red It..m~lon c.rned:.

On operllft1 the envelopa:. coata,turtCc.rtlh"d checks accompeny1ne- th.l"d.lor the f... rnllh,nc of mat.rlli. ,q"'lp­ment .1Id I.bor reqillrad ,n cOftDlclionWith the conltruchon of ••niur)" .c.....In Sanit.ry Sew.r Ohtflcl No. 31 thefollowlnc cerhilad cb.ck. w.r. foundto be In the proper amount .nd to beproperly c.rhfi.d ROlin. Hard••r ••Rosall ... N.tn..k.a. '150.00.

lt ".1 moved by CQUlKllm.1I MeL_n.nd IIcond.d b.y COUIICihnaa M.,r, lhatbId. lor Jh••fllrnlahi. 01' DlAtarial•.quipm.nt .tId lIbor rtquirad ill COD­nechon .ith th. cOClltruc:tlOll 01' ..Ditory....... In Sa.rdtlry Sa.er Dlabid No.31. which weI'••ccompalU04 by the.bov. c.rtlfl.d c:hoclul. be opa..-l aDdtabulated.

Th. M.yor .tIlted the motlOll aDdlD.ll'uclad lb. Cl.rk to .... 11 tb, roiL Rotle-all r.1l1l1t.1d a. foUcrw •

V... Warn. Blnl.t.r, Mcl_..KlaptOb, Smith.

N.YI' NODI.Th. fll"R til tba vote _btl 5 Y••

.1:11 QIl N.n, the "',.or ••Ill.r_ tillmatl_c:.ani....

OIl opoDi.. b6Ib it ... r... tMt u.fol~_"" w.. Jl'U"a aull'm"*", a-U.HaPdwar•• R_U., N naL'5.

Tho bid, ...... r •••rr tlIo _






1~4 110IH.l!l

'"7762111181~ 1 II~~ 1;22000


12~ Ii')


~echon 3 Th.t u,d se.~rs ,hall beImenon 'nd herlln.fter de5lcn.teo .,Storm Se.er Dlltrlct 1\0 67·2 SaId

••",en .hall be COllltr ...Cted jn Icct>rd.nc. with tK.lIl.ns and Jpeclflc.tlonspr.ptcred by Consolld.ted Enlllhl'erS,SpeCIII E.lhter. for the CIty of 'I' I,n••Nebrllk.

S..ctlon ~ Thlt ".Id sewe ... In StormSawer Diltr~ct No. 67 2 ,h.n he EOn_Itr...cted 01 v,tflh:ad cl.y .e•• r p'peor cem.nt concrlt. le•• r plpe.nd .nyother m.te".1 d•• med ,ultable The••wer p'pe Jo,nt••hall be corl.tructedof .Ither bi.\lImlllo.... m.t.f1al 0-," ceom.nt mor\.&; •

Sectloll 5. That $.tO •••ers. con_• btllll· 01 storm· sa.en and .ppur.t••ftCu ... hereinaft.r provldad shill1* cODltruded Id Iud City and lhallboa.' fan ...... to-.,t

A Z4.·' .torm ••w.r hOI COca."IIIC~

316 f••t •• st at: u.. iIIt.....cU_ 0(

Sh.r man str••t and Ub. str.et .t 'n.d.U.. atorm ' ••". ,uanillC 1I0rth..-rth ...t 3.,20 f.et. tho....::. north 130I.at alora or I••• to the IlOrth aid. of5th stnet cOCiUrnd.1II' .ith • 21" liIMrUDlliIll DOrlb aortbaaat 2~ , .......oraor I,.. to • poiDt «II Sherm.. !In.'PPJ'ozlmat.ly no I.et .IN&b oUbl,laortlr,11M of 6th Stre.... til...:. DOrth aD. 6UISIl.... with ISO f .............. or I•••• lho_.e..u-hia aortll. .fU, a 15" 11... 321')f.et. to lb. aorth aid. of lth Straot.'3.1e








15.50 00


IORDlJ'\ANCE ~O. 6$2




(Ity (ounell Proc••di",1..... yne. N.brl ......

Jul) 11.1'167The "'.ynel,ly I ouncil met tnrellul.r

leuion.1 the (ouncl1 (h.mberl IntheCity AudltOllUm.t 700 o'.clock p m

A• .th. M.yor "'•• unable to be pr.8..nt .t th~ .bov .. time the Prelldentof the (ounell c.lledth. m".Un.toorder.. Ith the 'ollow[n. present (ouncllmen.... jlm... M.ru, R II n.mlhr. RobertMe Lun. J.ck Kinlston, E G Smllh.Attorney John Addllon, Ind (lty I":I'rkn.n Sherry

Abunt M.yor 1111.m A Koeb.. r,( ounc!lm.n AllIn IUI'

MotIon by (ouncllm..ln Mcl .... Ind.econdltd by {ouncllm.n Smith th.t"'her .... the ( lerk had pr.p.r.d COpl"of the mln"t•• of the I.st ..cul.r meetI.... lor each Councilmln .nd th.t eachCour;Jcllm.n hu had .n opportunity to...d .nd .tudy '.m. thd the ...d'llll01 the mlnut", b. dl.p.nlld .. Ith.nd the...n. b. decl.red approv.d. MotlOfl <I.rf1ad.

The.. followlna: claIms ..ere r.ad .ndu:amln.d

~O~·~I.~'I.CO't ~r,.~e. ~V',II Schul. Tr....1 up, •••

=::~~rl.Eyl·R:~::~::~~~...':::::·~i~o.. I.:'Tharp -[Iachlc, A' .... t .. ,..w.,.. F,rm Equip. Co • Part.

'1.-&»0,. . ...eu, CI.,III Ace.."", WH, Hoi"

lB•. , ItC. A..ditorlum'r.:..d'

~::::'.;I~I·nl~~::1 unic',: I~:,ZJPlopl•• N'hlr.1 0 •• , 0 •• au'"lu. . . 30%

S., .... II Tawil I. linen, '-_nlc, H 10T1.dtk.· •• Air Cond . .. Info!) 00

~::~ ~I:::y::~.:::~ J:~;.lc.: II l~: ~P.,kF'''I'ad

Rich 8rown, .,.Ier"Ron Brown, SimaC.roIChrhtlnun."-"hs.n,tr. [ynon, Sima(Irol fIll.auld.StImaP• .,I,ttl Muchallt, "-1m.el.HcI N.llon 'iameV.rn Schull. S.maLaofllrd Sch•• nk" ~Im.

Plmlla SlIymour "',mlO,bbl, WI.h1ml" ..... m.Abl., T r.n.l.. 11K ~ nl ..hlC.,harl I umb., Co Suppllur ofy.1I Aulo'o 0.. .

BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR L.kl.JI COl\crah l.-.:lultrl ..AND COUNCIL OF THE ,ITt Of PO<lI ..p.lrWAYNE. NEBRASp M~~i.Holulmp .Co. Shln.~... 12 64

1 S.dlon U..fo05 W.YM ( Ity loch of Monla Mao:hln. Shop. Weldin. 3501')621 ••nti the •• m. h.r.byl. rep.. l.d M.rch.nt Oil I 0,0.. 6:.il

2 In II." th.r.ol, the 101l0_1ne- .hall NW B.n T.I (0. Toll & IIrv

.P~~ntrach for ... t.r •• r~ic.... not S.~~~or·Oru•• , S...ppll ••

~~:'.'r~~~·m ~~ l~:~~~:n 7~·~I':h~: Th~:~I~~~I;YWlrdI hem (0, U200

:~~~.0:r:c~.7, ~~~"~:~J.o~m~~.~~ W·;I~::;Opo::~·:r(hemlc.1 Co, Vi 88

••11. d II po •• or r.mo~. from the (Ity Cl.rk Acco"nt ..... H, OASI,

=·:rlll~·.':I'~:.t~~I::r~c:.~~/:::C:I:; C I~:::~st.nd:,';~r~~e. nil 2S:::

~I: ••~rhd:t~~\:~t:ir:l::.,:~~~~~~~~ Cory.1I A...to, Slme 2 02the ••t.r j:ommlallonar .ho lhalle-u.. M & SOil (0, Slm.. ':I 18the ••tar .. rvlc. to bel dlaconn.d.d NW B.1l T.I 1":0. Fire c.lI-from nld pr.mla•• u:c.pt that In the Parlor IIr~lc. ..

:;·~h.Of.~~:~~~y~,,:df.~:lf:hl~.'" 0011 John.on, ~~'I~;~t Fund .the premla.1 the wat.r urvlu .hall Alloc In.,'' In~ut (0. H.llb. dl.cOMttt.d from lh. City m.ln It In. crop ,th. con.u",.r'l ••p.n•• , II ....ch can· BI~tk\OP Inc, I'ro.,," (lalm 22(1~7 '11

:~rr::I~. :;·h~\'~·tl~. t:.r~I:~d~~~~n:.~:~ Clty\ :ark Account. II""" In. ,!tom the city m.ln h•• hall ba charlad OASI ..for .11 .It.r ulld on uld pramh.. H St S·t U sM~nt Fund 173 U

:;ldth;at:"ln~~:ia~::~r· I~·~~~r~~~l~ M:~:~sd M.ocahl~:' S~op~YR"p'lr5~~:I:I:o~.:~I:~. chane· Ind IpprovlI CI:; ~f·~o:;n•• EI.c . "erv

3 Thh Ordlfllnce .hall be In full ('Ity Clerk Account, WHo HAA 11260

:~:C;'IIl=••ta:~ :'~:;~v~~~:n:n;:ub~:~e.~ (n5, OASlmluranc. Fund 1200

tlO~:~~~dl~~I~;PROVJ,:D th'5 25th ~:~~tDr:.~II:~~nB~~:.r~.curltl"l '1(;3713day 01 July 1967 OASI f llnd

Attlll • Wllllllm A KOlber. Mllyor (lty C ler;'A~~;~~tb~~~S~o 5~ 102':1 ',0

O.nSharry. I":lty (l.rk IPubl July)ll W.yn"I~::I~~~~;DlIl No ~oNeely 01 A.kwlth (on.tr 1":0.

Prolrasa (1.lm No.1 1112000Slln Se.. er Dl5t No 31

W. yn" Herald. AdvStormS...er ~t No 67 I

COfl.o\id.ted Enclneerl. Prof.urv . . 9~ 00

~orm Sew.r Di.l No 672ConsoiLd• ..,d E...-In"e " , Prof

IIr~ .. 519 00Wllyn. H~.ld. Adv IU 01

Motion by (ouncl1m.n Marra .nd IIConded by (ouncllm.n McLean thlt Ihe.bove claIms be .llow"d

The Mayor .t.t.d the motIOn .nd In·.hueted the (I.rk t" clII the roll Rollc"ln.ult.d u follow.

V.I. M.rr •• R. nl.1 e r, Melean,KIIl&".ton. SmIth

N.ys ~one

The result 01 the vote beIng " ~ ea'.nd no N.ys the Mayor declared the motlon c.rrled.nd ordered ... rr.ntsdr.wn.

Mr VIrgil (.mpbell, CIty AudItor.eXpllln.d to the Council the .dy.nb,••of clrd punch methodolkeepm&record,Thet more ,nform.lIon could hit mid.,Iv.d.bl" on short notice th.n 15 no..possible Rent.1 Ullit for the olflce"ouldco,t .bo...t $3000 per mo.nlh plu' lOtper c.rd proclI<ed plul postl'l' Therewould be .n Inltl.1 ut·up chlr,e 01$20000 No .etlon taken.t thIS tIme

EI.ctrlc Fund The Mlyor havlne Irnved at thlltlmeR.y Bar" SII.ry . 176.85 the President of the Councll rellnquhh.dN. H. Bru"llf, S.me 288.2~ the ChairCarol Brummond. Sdn~ 136.06 The M.yor ltated th.t the f"rtherD.lm.r C.rlson, Samlt. 181 35 purpole 01 the meehnc WIU to conlldera.rald Carmlchllel. S.m. 181.35 oblectlons to.nd p.ulnc the Reaolutlon

~~~I\aF';:°Mle'l1~ar~~me ~~;.~~ :~::~.es:~~y:~;~~:e~::t:::\~nt~~I:;:~

~:n~·~i,u!c;.S:an;;e . ~~:.~; ~~~c:fr;:~~u~i~~e::~ ~I:~~~~td ~t"a ~~~~:CI.ir stotlo;•• , Sam. 18321 111& 01 the llty [ounc,1 held on the 26thHerm.n W.Ck.r. St.me . 23030 d.y 01 M.y, 1%7, Ind to order ConAbl.r Tran.fer Inc, Fflll(ht 22 50 structlon 01 the Improv"ments II pro-I E. Bill Con.tr Co. Wlhr vlded In s.id reaolution as rin.lly pllsed

Ltne . .. ~86 70 by the City (oundl .nd to tranuct81.ck010.do".rMI, Co ,Switch 8 ~O .ny tither bU'lOel$ th.t m.ycomebeforeBl.cktop Inc. R e• W.n No the llty (oundl

125 . .• 220~7 9~ The Clerk reported that the lollo_lne-Carhart Lumb. r Co. Suppllea 6.~7 petitlons hall been filed in oppo,ltlonCon.olld.t.d Ene-Inlt.rs, Rei to the propo.ed re501ubol1 up to the

Warr No 138 • 51900 d.te 01 thlo meet"...Cooper B.I,em.r Co , Ho.... 133 55 NooeDutton,L.ln.on Co. Dem.nd After ha~ll1& consldered.ll the ob)ec.

Meltr. etc .. 68799 Ilon•• ('ounclim.n Marra Introduced theEconomy Plumbine. FlttlUCI 9 ~8 follenolng re,olullon uJd moved ltl .dop-H " S Ene-in.erine-. Inc , Pro,. lion

fill CI.lm No 2. 13~58 ~O RESOLUTION Of NECESSITYLeaota Tool Co.., Inc. Ollr. 3 00 BI:: IT RES01 .... F:D by the M.yor.ndMcN.tt H.rd..... Suppll.. n ~6 City CounCIl 0/ the (lty of Wlyne , Ne_M.rchlnt 011 Co.• Tlr.. .. 6900 b ....k•Monro. W.ldlrlf Supply Co.. SectIon I Th.t the M.yor and COWlell

Oxy•• n . . . 01 the City of 'A.yne. N.br .. ka ha~l",

Monh M.chln. Shop, Weldlne- hilly mve.bll.ted .ocI consld ... ed the& Mat... •. . 8 21 .torm uwer condItion. of uid City

N.ely & Alkwlth Con.tr Co. aoo heine- fully .dvhed In the pre mi'"R•• Warr No 135 . to 11120 00 theflof••nd ha~ln& duly conude..d the

Nordb.r, 1041,. Co, P.rla ~1 65 neceSllty of correcllrlf Ind ImprovmcNW B.lI T.l. Co, S.rvlce &. luch conditIOns wllhm the CltyofWlyn.,

Toll ,. . .if. 1512 do hereby Illld .nd decl... It advlllbl•Noy.lty M.chln. &. Supply Co.. and nec"lIry to p'lI thIs re.olutlon

Globe Iv.. I.. IS 6:' .nd to con,truct storm se_ra In StormE A. P.d on Co .• Pro..... SoIw .... DI.trlCt :"lo 67-2 con.lltu., of

P.~~~:~ ~:tU~.1 aa;. E'ne' ~1(l"00.00 ~~~~~l'II.f~:;~rrlovl~~ appurt.n.. nces ..

Fu.1 . . 2089.6'1 S.ctlon 2. Ther••h.ll be .nd thu •

Ro~:~~sfleclrLC ""pplIU (0 Ib (1\ ~.~::,eb~.~:••:::d IW~~~I;m·~I:w;~t~I:~Schn.,der EI.ctllC E.qulp .( 0 . trlct kno.n .s Storm S.w.r Outrlct

M'ercury L.mp~ No 67.2. the outer bound."e. 0/ .. hlch

~~lv~l~r~o.w~~r~~~lnen,~ervtce are II folio. I

..... yn. Herald. Reg \\arr :-'0 Commendn••t • polm 300 I.et ...t134 16 11b 0/ the north quart.r-corner Saellon 13,

"'.yne Herlld, ReI \\ur <"0 Town.hlp 26 North. R••• 1 E.st .hlch136 . 5~ ~6 I. th. pOint of ba&innl•• th.nc.....t

..... y8e Herald, R~1l \\lfr ~o 011 the north ••dlon hn. of SlId S.c.13'.1 lU 01 t,on 13. 380 f.et. th.nc. IIOrth on the

.....yne 66 Servlc'e, G.. ~ 75 ••• t 1m. 01 Gr••nwood C.rn.hry 680

.... or'thlR,ton ('orp • fralcht 19.6~ f.et. th.nce •••t 670 fe.t to the north-

Cl~j&~lal~~Account, 'A H. OASI. 1H I 65 ~·~r~:~~::'lo~d~I:';. ~::. $~o:~i~~..... ter Fund f••t to the .outh•••t corDir qf Lot 2.

O.n Sh.rry, S.I.ry . 22951 Block 11 III uld Bntt" " B....I.r·.

NVo..~{:~e~·.1 C~, :el.mete.r ~ 00 ~:~l~~~~'t ~~:~e: ~::~ot16( ':::\d~~l~:

CIty n.rk AC~~~~••~~~~ASI. 145 n tl;'t~~e~~~~~eo.u:~ ~~~~el;e~/ll~e6~rB:~::M.b.l Albin. Sal.ry ~5.02 12 of Cra .. lord Ind~Bro"'n'l AddItion.V.rn F.lrchlld, S.me 22023 thence .. e,t ~26 I.,et to Ihe north .... stE. L Hall.y. Sam. 169 H cOrner of Lot 3 In T.ylo.r loci VI .chob·sM.lvln L.mb, Sam. 1&3.506 "ddltloo. theme ,o...th 3&0 fe.,t. thenceRon P.nllnck. Same 156.00 west 316 feet. thence norlh 230 Int.John R.d.l. S.m. 19209 thence west 80 feet to the southust

~:~t~y~;;:tfk:~;ame 1~~.5~ ~~~~~I~n~F t~~~c5eLnn~:;;'IO;J~~f:e~c~0~;~~Idor,Sam. ... 16~.01 or Ius to the pOInt 01 be(ItVlJI1&Cory.n Auto Co .• Oil ch.lII. 6.10IBM. C.rboD Ribbons 12 30KIDd.r Service. G... ... 2.65

~~c~:a~i't:~~~~".. 10~:~M.rchaat 011 Co.• Sam. .. .. 1365M.rt·. EcoDoO-way. Fan S.It,

, •• r ...ie••....•....••.•"lIo W.y.r. Scrap.r .ork .NW B.lI TIl. Co.• S.rvlc."

toll •.•.•.......•..

:~~:~:'s::~:::f~~d~IIP' :Way ... Couaty Clark, R.cord

d.ad••...•••..•••.W~ H.nW. Print. & Pub•••Wort... Auto Co.• Puh •• , •Cit)' CI.rk Account, WHo OASI.'"c .~k Daal'I'GD:'J.·:r:~•.••AI...1a a.baar. Sam.Varia &clmb.. Sam••• ' .....CQr)"U Allto Co•• Oal ••••••o.abr F-.tr,. lDc: 01.

.c-.r•...... , .~~~'H,:-:r:=ip~~~~' •

..t.d.r .•••.••••..••"'1r.tt..1 Harv..br, PaiDt,1~,1ft'•............

=~·r:'t~g~J~::a.~::::Mlo_rl. Machi_ Shop. R• .,.lu.~tt•••....••••.••••••

No~~:.~~~ ~~': •••

\uK 71

(P ...bl July 311

O.... ld J. ""marCounty Jud••

Il"hl 1,,1.24.11




Wayne HeraldWont Ad.

.".,., _ •.-- _1.1.......... -..-.. ........."'_', -... ,....•• at.....Iar ........1. _ .C •1... ",· .. .-....-. ....._ each ..1••1......... w._1hI -._.1~ _ ....c_·em .







"011cl or F'lNALSITTUMINTCo_y Court of Wlyaa C.....y. N••

...u.Eattit. of Ed• .,d C. Ha.••llkamP. 0._

a...ad.The Seta or N.bruu. to .n ~OD­

elrDed Notlca II h.reby ,lv.II' lbatI petition ha. beI.n fIIad ror fl_l.attl ••ca.ent h.,.ln. dltarml.Uon of h.lnhlp.Inb.rltall£. talt... '....Ddeomml.. loll.l.dl.hlbutloa of ..tilt. ud Ipprov.1 offinal aacouat aDd dlleher....hlch.11I.. lor h.u I. In thl. C Ollrt 011 the 2ndday of A~.t. 1961 It 200 o'c1ockP.M.

1S•• llRichard D. How.lI. AttDrn.y..t-I••

(Publ, July 17, 2~. 31)

.... illac. of ('.rroll Proc.edl••,wly 11. 1<467 8 F.M.

The board of Tru.t of the VllI....of C.rroll m.t In Ion on th. abovetim•• ocI d.te to taka cart of ,U oldbu.t"••• for the pa.t moath. W.mbaupr...nt w... · P.rry John.va. Clarenc.Mor rh, M.urlc. Hanl.n. Lyl. Owmllll_urn. Aba.nt. Larry Oahlko.tter. Th.m••t~oc ... c.Ued to ord.r by tn.­Chalrmln .Ith the m(l!.ut.. of ~h. pre.vioul m.ethIC balfll n.d ,Ad .pprova4.Th. follcrwlfll billa w... th.n p ......ntad.fo .. Plym.nt.OENERAL FUNDMartin Paul.OIl ....•.... , '1.00F.rm.r. 5ta.t. bullr.nc. ACCY.. 58.00

~~:~~Y~~:;I:~::::::::: H:~MAINTAINING AUDITORIUM fUNDW.yn. Public Power Ob\. .. . 8.'17Harrl. Janlter &.pply •••• . '10.13

rj~~r:~~~.r~OCY. .329.00

~iiRA:yb~~:Ocrw.rDiat ••.•• ISMS

~:::.::.~••:: ::::::::.:: It~Motion .a. m.et. by Morrla and ••c._lid by CWtPlllI'ham to ~y the billl

::r :::..... the cl.rk dr•••,rr.nt.

netebeiDa DO oth.r bu.l.a.tocom.balo... the board. Lh. m.etl,., .al .d.

=N:t.·~~~~!U~TVlliap Clerk


.....,0.'1 Sh.rry, (Ity CI.rk

!,,()fll I O! ~l' \1 "t1 FI 1 MI 1\1In the t ount. I "urt 01 \\ • )n~ ( ounty

l'oeb".kaIn the M.tter of the fltate 01 t arrl~ T

\\el,h,lIece .... d"t.te "f r"oeb"sU. 10 .11 (oncern.. d1\"t,C ~ I~ he reby KI~en th.t • petltton

ha, bun flied lot fln.luttlemeot hereIn d .. termln.llonofhelf.hq,.lnherlt.ncet." fe~. Ind comm"Alon', d,~~tlbu,t '''n of .. ,tlt~ Ind Ippro~.1 of I f,n.1.ccount and dlsch.rKe .. hlch .. 111 belor h~1 rmg 'n ft". COllrt on "'U,Ult R.l'h ~ .1 'I ,,'clock '" M

Il.~"J J 1I. mer I ounty Juclilehull



OF AOMINtSTRATORIv Th. County Court QfW.yn.Couo_

Iy, N.bru~In the m.ttar of th••atal. of.fda

f S.hd•• O.c••••d.Th, st.ta of N.bnlk., to .11 con­

c.rnad. Notlc, h h.raby 11 ....11. thlt I p.tltlonha, b... fII.d lor the .ppolntm.at ofERN~T ROV 8A"OE.1 aet.mlal.tntor01 .,Id ••tIlt•••hlch will be for hurl.la thll Court on the 16th day of Aucuat.l!t61. at 100 o'clock P.M.

Eat.ra<l thit 21th day of Jul)'. 196i.O,vldJ Ham.r. County Judp

IS.. IIChari.. E. McOarmott

(P"bl July 31. Alii. 7. U)

NOT iCE'In The {ounly (ourt Of W.y-T1. roun.

t). Sebrllkl( .... No 2358In the MaUer 01 Ihe Gu.rdl.n,hlp

. of F..dlll Lee<Plerce. In("ompelentMary El1en 'l.ddhon, lu.rdian. hr.~ine­

IlI.d her Ilnal .ccount har.in on the,27th d.y of July, 1%7. to.ether withher p.titlon {or settlement Ih.raof. and..Um. forth th.at her w.rd dl.d onthe 2ht d.y of July. 1967, leavlncproperty tn the h.nd. of lh. 'Ulrdi.nnot .. xceedlnc alum lufflcl.nt for thep.yment of e.p.n.e. of Lalt tUM...cla-,,,, f.o.r bla-k<ll.p'emunOt Inexcell0/ $35000 and the ....paid COlti of lh........ rdl.n.lllp proceedloc••nd ..k'ne foran ord.r for the paym.nt 01 lueh COlta• Dd ••p.n'lI .nd to dl.p.n•• with th.r.l\Il.r admlnl.tratlon of the utataof uid deceased .. ard. notlc. I. h.rabypven that said m.tt., II 'It for h•• rll\l

~~utrh:f \510hO~~~I::k AAut'~t. 1967, at the

l'IO.~'dJ.Ham.r.County Jud.eAddllon 01 Addhon. Att'y••

IPubl J"ly 31. AUI 7. HI

Page 12: I' 'Tn - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888... · new power plant. A buried line is being put in from Internalional Harvester to the south edgetotown,west to Pearl


.' I,

dolph, la. She ,,~.I atrMay 8, 1904 to J=., ".Cor~lndal... _Sb••p....m",of her Ute-In tho ·W.~t~field community. ..'.

She wa. pr••adR,'death by her hu.baDil~~.later, Mrs. William IFa ,.nie) Hugelman, and,,";brother, J. O. Drl.ko'lI, "'...

Survivor, lnelud. a -.. I I," .Wilton McCorklndal., La.,'!reI; two daulhter •• ,~r~' }-;::',-;,Evangeline J3oonoha,~~,":ha, and Mrs. POfo:t\h" ",I

Orambs, San FraDClll.ol~;

brother, William R.l),'ll'ikeil, WakeUeld; fivolrand~,children· and 121..a.grandchildren. ,-


Funeral Sertlces '.For Mrs. Ri~se .JHeld Here Sunda,

Fun e r al serJ.lc•• fOlI!Mrs. Charles R ".. 83~were held July 3 at hratMethodist Church, W.yn.~Mra. Rie.e died July 27at Wayne Hospital.

Hev. John Craig offl.ciated at the rites. P·.,IJ.bearers were RichardOao­ister. Clarence Beck, WI,I.mer Marra, Ross Jani•••Albert Soules and' Alvi"l:lHeeg. Rurial was inGreen~wood Cemetery.

Mary l'elersen.dBul,hterof II. r. and K i e r lI.t·e nPelersen, 'was born Au,;1~1, lRR3 at Blair.Shecameto the Wayne area with herparenls when she was aboutfour year" old. She wa.f!1arried Dec. 24. 1902,toCharles rHese at Wayne.~

She was a 50·year membe_rof Roya 1 Neighbors.

lIe'r h usb and and twobrothers preceded he ... indeath. ,....,u~,vivors include adaughter. IMrs.· Walla c e(Pearl) Brubaker. Norfolk,and a sister, Mrs. AlvinaChr'islensen, Omaha.


TH~ WAYNE HIRALDPhone 375-2600

Jolly GalsJolly Gals,4_11 club met

July 24 in !lhe "home ofConnie Florine. Motherswere guesls. Members aD.swered roll call by tellingwhat, they liked bes·t about1-11. Members practice4modeling. Six girls tookpart in the district judgiJiCheld at Northeaat StationJuly In. Aug.7 meetingwl11be with Mrs. Osburn at7:3{j) p.m.. Jane Austin,.:re ...porter.

4-H Club News


AUGUST 3 4Tickets May Be Obtained

- free of chargefrom The Following Firms:



- ~,:, ,~, i111.-


SWANSON TV. :JOHNSON'S BAKE~JI' ;ii!!!'•• ,,!,


OLDS & REED . ..',illt









Final Rites for'Ada McCorkindaleHeld-at Wakefield

Fun era I services forMrs. Ada M. McCorkin­dale, R7, were held July 8at United PresbyterianChurch, 'Wakefield. Mrs.McCorkindale died July 5at Wakefield Hospital.

Rev. John ,Brunn offi­ciated at the rites. ThomasShe'rlock sang "The OldRugged ero'ss" and "Rockof Ages." The congrega­tion sang "0 G.od Our Ilelpin Ages Past." Mrs. R. E.Paulson was 'organist. Pa 11 ...be a r e"r s'w ere R-ichard.John,- Robert ~a JamesMcCorkindale, LloydHugelman and Elgin Dris­kell. Burial was in Wake­field Cemetery.

Ada Mae DriskelL. daugh­ter of Elgin ·E. and MaryHartman Driskell, W~s

born Sept. 17, 1880 atRan-

Fun era I servlcel forMrs. William Jacobseo.46.were held July 29 at Re ...deemer Lutheran Church,Wayne. Mrs. JacobsendiedJuly 27 at a Sioux CityHospital.

Rev. S. K. de Freeseofriciated at the rile •.Sheila Mil d rum san g"Abide Wit.h Me" and "Whata F r i end We H a veinJesus,." Mrs. William Kug_ler was organist. Pallbear ...ers were Harry Suehl, Ot.toKleensang, Emil Baker,John Post, Leland Thomp­son and Harvey Avermann.Burial was in GreenwoodCemetery.

Elizabeth Della phillip~,

daughter of Leslie andGladys Jones Phillips, wasborn Mar. 22, Ll2l al l.au_reI. She was married Nov.1, 1942 to William Jacob­sen at Wayne. She spentber lifetime in the WaYneand Laurelcommunities..

Her father preceded herin death. Survivors includeher husband and a daugh~

ter, Barbara, Wayne; a son,Donald, Elkh?rn; hermother, Gladys Phillips,Wayne; three sisters. Mrs.John (Ilenel Post. Colum~ •bus, Mrs. L~land (Wini.f red) Thompson, WaYne,and Mrs. Harvey (RonnielAvermann, Hoskins, andtwo grandchildren.

Final Rites forMrs. Jacobsen·Held Saturday

cam,e from Wayne, Stan­ton. Pill ,e r, Nor f 0 I k,Pierce and Ho,kina.


Shrine Circus













Nebra.ka" and gave a re­port on Arbor Lodge. Sept.20 mooting will be. In theMr •• Ed Maas home.

Junior HomemakersJunior Homemakers met

W ith Ch~ryl Schoonover.Mrs. Dennis Puis. a5 ...si.¥ leader, and mem'...bers m~de a quick one-eggca~e. Aug. 4 meeting willbe with Sharon Strate. Re­fre-shments were served byKarmon Schellenberg. Jo­ann Kleensang, reporter.

Near Neighbors ClubMrs. Duane Nathan en­

tertained Near Nei.e;hborsextens i"on club T u e s day.Eleven members werepresent. Mrs. Harry Han­sen, Norfolk, was a guest.Roll call was answered bywearing colors that clash.Plans were discussed forthe fair " booth. Specialprize was won by Mrs.Nor man Svenson. Nextmeeting will be Aug. 8 atthe Mrs. FredSchellpepperhome.

May Family ReunionMay family reuinon was

held Sunday at Ta.Ha-ZoukaPark, Norfolk. Thirty~four.

members representing 17families were present forthe noon dinner. Relatives

Mayflower Club Meets.Mayflowe r 4-H cluJ:>

met Wednesday afternoonat the Dale Carter home.Demonstration lesson wascinnamon toast and kool­aid. Guests were Ther~sa

Hartman and Barbara Ku­dera. August 21 meetingwill be at the Arvon Kru­ger home with Debra andDiane as ho&tesses. DebraKruger, reporter.

I Youth Fellows-hipHoskins Community

You.th Fellowship met July25 at the home. of JudyWalker. Officers electedwere Richard Dehmer.president; Reggie Ayers,vice president; Be v e r I yGri-es. secretary and Ma'rkWalker, treasureT. Qrri­cers will be installed Aug.13.

A swimming party isplanned July 30.

.Oarden ClubMrs. _ Lyle Marotz en~

tertained Town and Coun...try Garden club at a des­s e r t luncheon .Thursday.Guests were Jean Thomas,Wayne, and Mrs. ErnestE. Langenbel'1,g. Mrs. LyleMarotz gate the topic,"How the or,ange came toAmer ica." Mrs. ArthurBehmer gave the lesson."Keeping insects out withplants." Next meeting isAug. 22 at the Mrs. F:rnestFenske home.



cub met In the Mrs. Wil_l am BrolreD h'ome

edne.d.y. Roll c.ll. w.s" trip In Nebruk.lwould­r e to take." Plans were

ade (or 'the annual picnict be held It Ta-Ha.zolikl

rk Aug. 20. Each f.amilyIII invite. another family ..

a guestl. Mrs. Walterrate gave the CQrnpre.nsjv~ at\Ldy of aPh.lds.rs. Bendlil.conductod the580n "Wild life study in





taken to an ,Omaha h9SpiblMon.day where h. 10 toundergo major surgery.

Rev. and Mrs. Walter E.Ulrich and.grandsons,Jeff ..rey and Dirk Ulrich, OeD"vee. left Tuesday for Sar ..gent to- visit in the SilasHanke· home after ,visitingsince. Sunqay in the', ErwinUlrich home.

Garden Club MeetsNorthern Heights Garden

A Safe Far Isa Profitable Farm

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IWe're proud to offer modern banking to odern farmers.

This bank knows farmers' needs. We are gl to make farm

loans for machinery, stock, seeds and other eceuary items.Most farmers pay by check with a State N tional checking

account. d

Anderson, Cozad, and Mr.and Mrs. Harry Schwedewere visitors- Monday inthe 'Hans As m u s home.Tuels·day afternoon Mrs.Hans Asmus entertained ata luncheon, Mr. and Mrs ..Mar tin Anderson, Ran...dolph, Mr. and Mrs. DonaldValwiler, Todd, Kelly andTroy. Carroll, in honor ofMr. and Mrs. Kenneth An­derson.

V ern 0 n Behmer .wa s


ment in top condition, check buildings

ness, soundness. Keeping everything in

order eliminates many fire hazards. Practce.' good

safety habits and prosper!

Safety is the prime factor in the success of modern:..

farming, for accidents can prove more cos Iy than

maintenance. Your farm can be a show*lace of

progress and efficiency if you keep tOQls equip-









'. 1 ..The Wayne INeb,.1 Herld,~onday, J"'y 31,1.967

HOSKIN~' EWS! . . Mrs. J. E. Pingel -t .popne 65-4507

Mrs. J.E. Pingel, who Ie J.I-p-in-g-el-a-nd--Pa-a-t"'or,spent two weeks in a Nor.. John 'faxton were enter"folk hb:spital returned home tah;lecl in the C Iare n~, eWednesday. Schroe er home Wednes·

Mr. aDd Mrs. Erwin lJI- day.rich, Mrs. Liz.zie ~UlBf Lt. Mr, 1< and Mrs. Kenneth
