TJl)N · 2015. 7. 28. · B. Moses Hess fl812 - 1885) - The ideal of Social Justice References:...


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Chorn~r for ... hi?

1 ~ :'HJ ect by Gc:>rd. o h tcl·V c;cad ~ l.:h i ri ur.h

71 0 - ,.



1935 ??4 -J ( u • . .,.!'( Pt ,

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In arranging this curriculum our aims have been not _only to aid

the m'nahel in transmitting to his kvutza of mitor 1rim or magshimim a

knowledge of general Jewish and Zionist history, but to forge a strong

chain binding the chaver to the Zionist idea. The po:'!.::..t we wish to em ...

phasize is that not only the facts are to be stressed. Rather, discuss-..

ion le_adii'l:g to the clarification of the development of trends and ideas

is far more important than the knowledge of dates and chronolQgies. In

shichvat hazophim the emphasis is placed on personalities and deeds

(heroes ); in shichvat hamitmr 1rim we shift the emphasis to ideas and

ideals, for the chaver is more mature and thoughtful now and no longer

interested in romance and nur oism~ It is with that idea predominant

that this tochnit has bee~ compo~cd.

As far as m(~ thods o.:r:· c~Prying out the g0als concern0d !i we

sugges t that the m''nahel intr·oduce the opening si chot with carefully

planned prefaces, also referring t he c:::. c~vor· :i.m to theworks given here

as ret:erences. Thereafter tho chaver·im can take charg<J of the sichot 1

pre paring the material themse lves, with a chn.ver introducing each

sicha. In studying the pe ri od of territorin.lism , for example, dobat<J'

on such topi_cs as Uganda as the s elution of the Jewish problem ( 11 Jew~

ish State or Jewish Homeland?") can be arranged to instill interest 9

Articles on the various aspects of the s:i.tuation can be written by the

chaverim, which articles can lat0r be published in the local or nat-

ional itonim.

It should be ewsy enough for the m'nahel to enlarge and elab~r~te I

on this outline, for thu latt ~ r is like a skeleton into which the

m'nahel should inspire the breuth of life. For every sicha a complote

outline should be prepared by the individual m'no.hel to include aims

and methods, or goals. It will also be noted that som~ of the topl.cs· -

.. 2- not b0cn thoroughly fill-3d in- a. bird's 0ye view being given in-

st0ad . This is due to the fact tha.t these topics ho.v0 complotcd _<Jlsc ­

whe~e and o.rc a.lreo.dy to th0 m'naha.lim. Thus, ther0

spccia.Lroutlin..; s far tho Gordonia. Movom0nt,, Lo.bor Zionism,

e tc. Although not a.ll th0 ref..;rcnc..;s giv..;n will be t ound in the public

libraries , most of them ca.n be obtained a.t Zioni~t, Hebrew College,

J.nd private libra.ri..;s. WG suggest tha.t oui' own Gordonio. Sifriot should

try to o.cquire the moro importo.nt works. A~ suggestions _or cri tici_sms

tho.t the m'no.ho.lim to offor on this score will be greatly a.pprec-

in. t e d.

Va.a.d Ha.chinuch Gordonio. of North A~~rica.

' /,

j . ' /

UoPd~nia Vaad Hachinuch

Chomer for the Plugat Hagshama and Shichvat Hamitor 1rim

History of _Zionism

Sicha 1 - The political and economic condition of the Jew in the 19th century

A. In B . In

Re fel'ences:

Eastern Western Dubnow, Snchnr,


Europe S.M. - Ris tory ·of the Je 1JI.'S i ~ ... JJ . A. A His tory of the .J~ws

Sicha 2 - Jewish assimilation A. The reform movement in Western gurope B. The Haskala movement

1. Its devolopmont 2. Causes of its failur0

Russin & ~land

Refe<:>ences: rl'J.isin, J.S .... Tho Movement in rlussia Ach.J.d HaJ.m -Selected Essays (in. particular#

Imitation or Ass imilation) J t1 ") le( ' ~ 'P t ~ Jo~ ..1 I J ..J J1 ._ ) P 3; ) I 1 ? {

f"a1p ficj'.jll' - 1.:J-u ..}>JiJ. Sichn 3 - The rise of national1sm in the 19th century and its ~ffe cts

upon the Jews A. National un::.flc'ltion of and Germany B. Creation of nation~l stntos in the Balkans

References: 9,chapiro: Contemporary Europe debhat>dt , B.: Germo.ny ~.n tho 1Tinetoenth Century Litt'oni, T.: Modern a.lso Underwcod,F.I·a .United It.o.l·r

Sicha 4 - Tho attitude of the Christic.n iworld to the Je wish problem A. In Russ in, ~'nglnnd-:!-,<3 , and Germany B. America ns o..n outlot for th .. ! wandering Jew

References: Sokolow, Ko.:·l.Ur.l - History of ·zionism, Vol I * ~liot, G~ot>ge - Da.niel Doronda

Sicha 5 - Tho founders of th0 Zionist ideal A. Mordecai Ma1uol Noah (1785 - 1851) 5 B. Moses Hess fl812 - 1885) - The ideal of Socia l Justice

References: Makover, A.B. • M. M. Noah fuss, Moses - aome and Jerusalem, tr • by S . 1 • VV.axm an

Sicha 6 - The Chovevai Zion Mov0mcnt A. Aims · B. Founders

1. Hirsh K~listicr (1804 ·- 1874) 2. Loot:' . .l?~.r:,sko r - writer of Auto-Emnncip·J.t~. OlJ

(1823 - 1891) 3. Lilienblum (1843 - 1910) 4. Moics Montcfioro (1724 - 1885) 5. Baron Edmond do :Rothschild (1845 - 1934) 6. rlabbi Shmuel Mohilovol' (1824 - 1898)

c. AccomplishmJnts aef0ronces: aevusky, A.- Jews in ~a.lostine, Chap. 2

Sokolow, Vol I · Sa.mpte'r ~ J. - Modern Pa.l.~:tino


Goodman - Baron E. Rothschild Avukah - History of Zionism, An Outline and Biblio•

- gruphy Intercollegiate Zionist Association - Kndimnh

pp. 165-193

Sichn 7 - The founders of Chalutziuth A. Tre Bilu

References: Revusky, A, - Jews Hechalutz Vol. III


in Pa.les tine - t! ·~.. , ;. ') 2 no. 2 (March; l~~5j - Diary of a

'-"~·r-;-, ;.,r -"''J'i) - '/r?

S ichu 8 ~ Achnd Haum ... .Philosopher of J-vwish nationalism A. His belief ·in a Mercuz .auchnni (Palestine us n spiri-

tual center) . B. His opposition to pol~tical Zionism C.. The Bnui Moshe

References: Sokolow, Vol. I Achud I~um - Selected ~ssuys .

- T~n · Esst;:~.ys Oll Zionism and Judaism Samptor , J~ • Modern Pnl0stine pp. 334~336

r -~)' ,)"\/,1' - fl /_;">1 -r cz,..,u- r-~

Sicha. 9 - Politico.l Zionism A. FJ1 L"YJ.ocrs ·

1, ?:i::1sker• 2o Hel1:?l (1360 .... 1904 ) 3c. 1\•· :.-·aa ~

4 ~ Dr o 1.VJ ~ zm::m

5.;n S okvlow B. Aims C. Accor:lpli.J~:m• ..... ·J.ts

1. Zi o~ L. t Co:·J gr·e s 3

2. Jowian Colonial B~r-k 3. Jewish No..tiono..l F'-:.:md

Sicha. 10 - Territorialism A. Uganda. B. Tho attitude of the Russio..n Zionists, Herzl , ~crda.u,

Za.ngwill, Uss ishldn References: Solcolow ·' Vol I

No~.'u~·.u , r.1 ,S. - Zionis_m, its History and Aims Revt:..s.l;:y 5 A. - Chapters 13&16 J:.)e Haas:- J.- Theodore Herzl Buber, M. -Theodore Herzl and W~ Herzl - The Congress Addresses a Jewish St ... •. te

,..:.J1! _.1/'3 ~ J) I'_) , ~ .. ..v)) : _ I .-J '~ ~ .. v .. ./</ Sicha 11 - The World War and th~ Zionist Movement

A. Zionist activities during the War B~ Formation of Jewish Legi on · c. Palestine conquere d by the British

-5-Ret'e%'-ence:Revwslcy,A- Chap. 2

~okolow -- History of Zionism Vol. III Pa.~ri~·H·· '~'\. the J\ldeo.ns m ~nlestine

~mpa.ign Interco llegia.te Zionist Assoc; ofAm;.-Ka.dimah pp


Sicha 12 -- The Balfour Declaration A. Its effect$ on Zionism B~ Its practical value

Refernce: Rewuskj -- sh;. 3; ch 16 aalfour,J. --Speeches on Zionism Sumpter J • . -- _Modern_Palestine

Sicha 13 ~- The wandate over Eretz Is~ael A. Its chief characteris.ios B. The attitude of the Arabs towards the nandate

Re~nce: Re~usky- ch, 16 Stoyanovsky -- The Mandate for Palestine worsfola -- Palestine of the Mandate · Sidebotham --England and Palestine:British tolicy

and tho Palestine Mandate Sam~ter ,J • -- M;odorn Palestine

Sicha 14 -- The attitude of the British government towards t te rebuild ing of the Jewish Homeland · A. The Palestine administra~ion under

l.Herbert Samuel 2.Lord Plumer 3.Chancella>r

' 4.Wauehope ~. The poli tica1 ··resu1l ts of the riots of 1921 ·& 1929 c. The friendly relationship ·created by Dr. Arlo~oroft D. The establishment of a parliment

Reference: Revusky -- Ch 16;3 · Balfour ~.J. -- Great Britain and Palestine Bentwich,N. --Great Britain and Palestine Reports of Jewish Agency to the Mandates Commission of the ~eague of Nations · Wise ,S ."S. & Hans ,J .-- The Great Betrayal Sumpter ,J. -- Modern Palestine

Sicha ~5 -- The Jewish Agency A. Its aims and arganization B. Its accomplishments

rtefercnce: Revusky -- ch. 12 ~ewish ·Agency for Palestine Sampto_r, J. -- Modern Pales tine

Sicha 16 -- The Arab problem in E~·etz Israel A. Economi c 3.n.d soc ~ . cJ c0ndi tion of the arn.b B. The ro~.e 0f t}:l c 1:l!:f'f(ncl J l i ·

C. The qucs tion of .·i.l''"'-b ..~-t....bor ·in the Jewish colonies D. Tho att~llipts of the Histndrut to establish friendly

rela tiona pctwccn tho Jew and tho Arab E. The attitude of the British government F. The qucsti~n of' n. .. parli11montr in Erctz Israel

Ge The Arabian youth _movements Reference : Rcvuski - ch. 17

aamptcr ,J. •Modern Palestine ,pp 158-169 Samtrel ,M. - Who. t Happened in -Pales tine ;on the

- rtim of the Wild~rness Chris tic ,w .A. - AX' a.nd Jews iri Pa.les tine

Q,_,j( 1

~. Cl J~wisij Agenqy -- The ~a.les tine Arabs under tho J ~I' Ft-tl-.;"''~ · 1 )/""'? .~ ~.f/}c...r British IVIn.ndn.te

I J <>f.J.l.Y ? - J "~ ~;:> Sicha. 17 -- FUctions in the Zionist Movement

A. General Zionist ,Labor Zionist, Revisionist ,r.uzra.chi B. Their influence ,work and accomplishments

rtcferenco : Finemn.n,H. -- Pon.le Zionism Wo.xman;M .... The Mizrachi Histadrut -- Pub. by Mecha.lutz org. of America.

~- - r· ~poe+ Hatzai~ --Palestine W0ukly Jibl!la.hunis ,A. -- Whrit Revisionism Stands For Sa.mptor,J -- Modern P,alostine • f~ ~h. 12 . ,.E'ishmo.n ..... ~he Mizro.chi

Sicha. 18 -- Zionist Youth organizations A. He~utz;Ho.shomcx' 1Gordronia,Mizrachi

f'lj;-~ Trumpeldor ,Young JUdea. B. ThJir 1deo.logies 1work 1 a.nd influence on the j.:JtJth

Reference: Po.mphlcts,,a.nd newspaper is::!ucd by these youth or~nizations rtevusky -- ch. 12

1' ~e-rt-1 o t-l1lV\ lXSR~tt~ 1• p..,... N. ':i· Ot.t .. .l

