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Time ManagementPresented by James Daggon

Time Management – Really?

Task and Resource Management!

• The time triangle

Time – the only non-renewable resource

The time triangle

Many Tasks, but many Resources,

requires little Time

Many Tasks, but few Resources,

requires more Time

Few Tasks, but many Resources,

requires little Time

Time – the only non-renewable resource

Task Management

Photo credit: We Heart

Task Management

Ask yourself: “What is the best thing I could be doing right now?”

• Urgent or Important?

Task Management

Task Management

Important Urgent

Contributes to long term goals

Requires immediate attention

Planned response Reactive response

Usually expected Sometimes unexpected

Scheduled time to do it Do it now

Task Management

Important andUrgent

Not Important or Urgent

Attend to crying baby Playing Solitaire

Writing report for meeting with boss.


Pay the rent Hanging out with friends

Gas gauge on E and light is on.




Important to you

Important to Others

So… “When” do I do this?

(Illustration via “The Decision Book: 50 Models for Strategic Thinking“


100 th of a second timer here


Tasks – the four “D”s

• Do it

• Delegate it

• Defer it

• Delete it

Do It

• Setup to do the task

▫ Get materials, gather information

Do It

• Break task into smaller tasks if possible

▫ Easier to manage

▫ Eat that Frog! http://youtu.be/0W7GB5Fh2XM

Do It

• Eliminate distractions

▫ Let people know ahead of time you will be unavailable (except for Urgent requests)

▫ Close email, mute cell phone, turn off music, set phone to Do Not Disturb, set Out of Office Message

Do It

• Work in “sprint spurts”

▫ 20-40 minutes with 5-10 minute breaks

Do It

• Designate good “stopping points”

▫ Makes results easier to track, allows for urgent interruptions on YOUR schedule

Do It

• Build in rewards

▫ GET UP! – walk, get some water, look out the window – distract your mind

Delegate it

• Be SURE this is a delegate-able task!

▫ Assess confidentiality, and other aspects first.

Delegate it

• Check with the person(s) first

Delegate it

• Be sure they can, (or are willing to learn) the task

▫ Could be an opportunity for them to increase their skill set

Delegate it

• Be sure THEY have the time allocated

Delegate it

• Follow up

▫ You can delegate a task, but not the responsibility

▫ It is YOUR responsibility to see that they are making progress. If not, help, or reassign.

Defer it

• Works with all important but not urgent tasks

• Set a SPECIFIC time slot. Make it out ahead of time

▫ Yet you still need to be flexible – a “planned 2nd or even 3rd deferment can be a good thing as long as you are making the decision

Delete it

• You do NOT have to do everything you can think of!

• You cannot do all the things you can think of!

• Don’t let others add to your task list without your permission.

▫ Probably your boss has implied permission, but be sure to give them the information as to when you can do this and how it may affect other tasks.


• People

• Things


• People

▫ You are the first person to consider here.

▫ What are your strong points?

▫ What are your weak points?


• People

▫ You are the first person to consider here.

▫ You have a skill set and personality that no one else has – take advantage of that!

So does everyone else! –take advantage of that!


• Things

• Find the thing(s) that work for YOU!

▫ Systems (About 264,000,000 results on Google)

▫ Programs

▫ Lists

▫ Notebooks

▫ Philosophies

▫ OR…YOUR combination of any/all of the above!

• Steven Covey –Franklin Planner Binders

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)

• GTD – Getting Things Done – David Allen

• (1) Capture—collect what has your attention

• (2) Clarify—process what it means

• (3) Organize—put it where it belongs

• (4) Reflect—review frequently

• (5) Engage—simply do.

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)

• Pomodoro

▫ Break tasks into 25 minute segments using a timer, then take a 5 minute break. 6 objectives to mastering the technique

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)• Tony Robbins RPM (Rapid Planning Method)

The RPM Method is a results-focused, purpose-driven, massive action plan. Focusing by way of RPM means answering these 3 questions:

1) What do I really want? Have a result you’re totally focused on, becausewhatever you focus on, you will continuously get to.

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)• Tony Robbins RPM (Rapid Planning Method)

The RPM Method is a results-focused, purpose-driven, massive action plan. Focusing by way of RPM means answering these 3 questions:

2) What’s my purpose? Know your purpose that will move you emotionally.Whichever emotions we use are going to determine what we do. If apathy is your emotion, then you’re going to ignore things. Whatever emotion is inspiring you is going to determine where you go.

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)• Tony Robbins RPM (Rapid Planning Method)

The RPM Method is a results-focused, purpose-driven, massive action plan. Focusing by way of RPM means answering these 3 questions:

3) What do I need to do? The arrow that gets you to your target is your actions, your MAP, your Massive Action Plan. When you write all your actions, you may decide some are more important than others. You may decide some aren’t necessary. But at least you have a place to look at them when it’srelated to something that really matters to you.

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)

• Zen Habits – no goals

• Zen Habits is about finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness.

• ‘Smile, breathe and go slowly.’ ~Thich NhatHanh

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)

How To Do Your Own Time Makeover By Laura Vanderkam

While everyone’s life looks different, here’s an 8-step process that can help most people spend more time on the things that matter, and less on the things that don’t.

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)How To Do Your Own Time Makeover By Laura Vanderkam

1. Log your time. The first step to using your time better is knowing how you’re

spending it now. http://lauravanderkam.com/books/168-hours/manage-your-time/

2. Do the math. After you’ve got the raw data, tally up some of the categories.

How does this feel to you? What do you over- or under invest in?

3. Get real. Recognize that time is a blank slate. The next 168 hours will be filled

with something, but what they are filled with is largely up to you.

4. Dream big. Ask yourself what you’d like to do with your time.

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)How To Do Your Own Time Makeover By Laura Vanderkam

4. Dream big. Ask yourself what you’d like to do with your time.

5. Give goals a timeline. Write a prospective performance review --that is, the job review you’d like to give yourself at the end of next year.

6. Break it down. Once you’ve got your prospective job review, start breaking these goals down into doable steps.

7. Plan to plan. Create a weekly planning/reviewing time.

8. Hold yourself accountable.

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)

• Don’t break the chain – Jerry Seinfeld

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)

• Kanban – (Visual Signal or card) Taiichi Ohno - Toyota

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)

• Eat the frog• www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W7GB5Fh2XM

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)

• 4 Hour Work Week – Tim Ferriss

▫ Definition

▫ Elimination

▫ Automation

▫ Liberation

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)• Wunderlist

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)

• Google calendar• Reminders• Color coding• Share with other’s

calendars• Available in the cloud

access across all devices

Resources – SOME ideas (not all)


Resources – SOME ideas (not all)• MS Office


• IT’s not time management, it's resource and taskmanagement

• Tasks: Urgent or Important?

• Do it, Delegate it, Defer it Delete it

• People and Tools

• Start off small

• Track your successes.

• Make your own system work for you!

Implement the YOUR solution

• Start small

▫ Pick one aspect/task/difficulty first. Go for the “low hanging fruit”

• Track results

▫ One success a week is all you need to start

Any Questions?

My “Time


Challenge to you:Take some time to write down some of the tasks that you want to

get accomplished.

Spend some time to categorize them into Important, Urgent, Both

and Neither (have at least one in each category).

Invest some time to look at two tools (at least) to help you

accomplish these tasks and to organize yourself.

Use your time to do what is important and has value to you.
