Time Line Of Video Production



Time Line Of Video Production. By: Mar’Necia Johnson. http://www.google.com/search?q=VIDEO+TIMELINE+PRODUCTION&espv=210&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=j39uUoP_NJD7kQfwyYFI&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=923#facrc=_&imgdii=. The Video production process takes a lot of steps. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Time Line Of Video Production

The History of Video Production Equipment

In the 20th century video production equipment was made . Equipment was once only accessible by professionals working in the TV industry.


Fact 1:

It's very important to remember that the first movies was black & white. Black and white is never just black & white its is also all the gradations of gray in between , silver & beige.


First color television with good video was sold about 50 years ago.

Fact : 2


May 1500

Chinese and Greek photographers described the basic principles of the camera.


Douglas created the first graphical video computer game of a version of Tic-Tac-Toe.

Fact 3:


In 1664-1666

Isaac Newton , discovered that white lights can composed of different colors when videoing or taking pictures.

Timeline - History of Photography - History of the Camera

Johann Heinrich Schulze discovered silver nitrate darkened upon exposure to light when using a camera

In 1727

Timeline - History of Photography - History of the Camera

First Panorama opens the forerunner of the movie house witch was invented by Robert Barker.

In 1794

Timeline - History of Photography - History of the Camera

Joseph Niepce makes first photographic image with camera & the image required 8 hours.

In 1814

Timeline - History of Photography - History of the Camera

Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell dabbled in color, and he eventually produced the first color photograph in 1861


 Maxwell created the image of the tartan ribbon by using red, blue, and yellow filters, then put the images into one color composite.

Fact 3:

What was the first movie ever made? The Horse in Motion was made in 1878, it was often designated as the first. It was a series of images of a galloping horse.

Fact 4:


First Video Recorder

Ampex Corporation used tape technology by scientists around the time of World War II, to make the first video tape. Its was called the VRX-1000 . It was first showed in 1956.


Advent of Home Video

First available video recorder was the Sony Betamax it was introduced in 1975.


First cell phone with a built in camera was manufactured by Samsung it was released in South Korea in June of 2000.

Fact 2:


The purpose of a video recorder is to record and replay videos and audio signals. Built-in tuners and timers have become integral parts of the average video recorder.

First VCR Video :


In 1967, Ralph Baer wrote the FIRST video game played on a television set. The game was called Chase. Ralph Baer then became part of Sanders Associates , Military Of Electronics Firm.

Fact 5:

This is a modern day camera used to record 3d films and take 3d Images.
