THOUGHT FOR TODAY: PARISH BULLETIN · 8/10/2016  · PARISH BULLETIN St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic...


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St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic Parish

35 Marcie St., Winnipeg, MB. R2G 3S4 Ph.: 204-667-9588; Fax: 204-661-5454 Email:

St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Parish

100 Yale Ave. E. Winnipeg, MB. R2C 0H8 Ph. : 204-222-4283; Fax: 204-222-5332

E-mail: Website:


Parish Priest: Very Rev. Fr. Mark Gnutel ph. (204)667-9588 Email:

Assistant Priest: Fr. Alan Wizinsky ph. (204) 619-1165 Email: Deacon: Rev. Protodeacon Stefan Tyrawski ph. (204)229-7687 Email:

Sunday, August 13th, 2017 10th Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome—Bitaemo Our Mission is to know, love and serve our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ



henceforth all

generations shall

call me blessed


Parish Council Chairman - Ron Kawaler Ph. (204)222-7801 UCWLC President Betty Gnutel - Ph. (204) 668-8463 Brotherhood President Ron Kawaler - Ph. (204)222-7801 Catechism Marian & Nathan Polakoff - Ph. (204)504-1973 K of C. Grand Knight Jerry Maskiew - Ph. (204)256-8124 Pastoral Care Coordinator—Rose Jansen - Ph204-661-6315 Choir Cantor - Don Gnutel Ph. - (204)668-8463 Choir Director - Pat Hawthorn (Ph. 204)661-6744 Office Administrator - Valerie Balla - Ph. 204-222-4283

Office Hours: Wednesday 9:30 am to 1:00 pm Thursday 9:30 am. to 1:00 pm

ST. ANNE’S ROSTER Parish Council Chairman - Dave Mazur Ph. (204)669-3808 UCWLC President Tracy Balagus K of C. Grand Knight James Rogowsky Ph. (204)663-0365 Hall Rental Coordinator- Anne Penonzek Ph.(204)793-1581 Kildonan Seniors Horizons—Evelyn Ferens Ph. (204) 669-3900 Pastoral Care Coordinator—Josie Belinsky Ph. (204) 667-0086 Sound Technologies- Brian Paul Ph. (204)794-9714 Divine Liturgies Saturday 5:00 pm. Sundays 9:00 am. & 11:00 am.


As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his

car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice

urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the

news that there's a car going the wrong way on High-

way 401. Please be careful!"

“O darling," said Herman, "It's not just one car. It's

hundreds of them!"


Sunday, Aug. 13th - 9:30 am. 10th Sunday After Pentecost Matt 17:14-23 - + Iris Gnutel - offered by Dena Gnutel Tuesday, Aug. 15th - 7:00 pm. Feast of Dormition & Blessing of Flowers Luke 10:38-42;11:27-28 Wednesday, Aug. 16th - 9:00 am. Matt. 23:29-39

Thursday, Aug. 17th - 9:00 am. Matt 24:13-28

Friday, Aug. 18th - 9:00 am Matt. 24:27-33,42-51

Sunday, Aug. 20th - 9:30 am. 11th Sunday After Pentecost Matt 18:23-35 - + Julius Chabluk—offered by family (Fr. Mark)

VIGIL LAMPS Justin a Andrusiak

Jean Osadac Emily Leskiw

Paul & Florence Boyechko

COLLECTIONS & Donations for Sunday, Aug. 6th,2017

Sunday Offering - $1,265.00 Direct Deposit - $947.00

Vigil Lamps - $20.00 Upkeep of Parish - $115.00

Total - $2,347.00 THANK YOU!

SUNDAY, August 20th 2017


Liz Happychuk


Marian Polakoff


Wayne Tanchuk

Mark Brooker

Please remember in your prayers the following who are ill at home, in

hospitals or care homes: Sylvia Woroniak,, Audrey Stefanyshen,,

Ann Kulyk, Charles Belsham, Ann Tchir, Kay Skotnicki, Iris Chroniak, Pearl

Zahaiko, Mickey Paraschuk, Tinnie Trush, Katherina Dubesky, Nick Zazula, Olga

Stelmach, Mary Harrison, Justina Andrusiak, Mary Andrushko , Ron Shott, Mary Zaporzan, , John & Genevieve Evan

Liturgy Intention at St. Michael Parish For the Week of Aug. 13th to 20th, 2017

Liturgy Intention at St. Anne Parish

For the Week of Aug. 13th to 20th, 2017

PERPETUAL LIGHT August 12 - 18

In loving Memory of +Elaine and blessings received

by Elsie Gillies August 19 - 25

In loving Memory of +Elaine and blessings received

by Elsie Gillies

DAILY LITURGIES will once again be held at St. Anne on weekdays beginning at 9:00 am.

Sat. Aug. 12th - 10th Sunday after Pentecost Matt 17:14-23

5:00 pm. For Parishioners Sun. Aug. 13th -10th Sunday after Pentecost Matt 17:14-23

9:00 am. - - For Parishioners 11:00 am. - For Parishioners Tues. Aug. 15th - 10:00 am.— Feast of the Dormition & blessing of Flowers Luke 10:38-42;11:27-28 Sat. Aug.19th—11th Sunday After Pentecost - Matt 18: 23-35

5:00 pm. - For Parishioners Sun. Aug. 20th - 11th Sunday After Pentecost—Matt 18:24-35

9:00 am. - For Parishioners 11:00 am. - For Parishioners

Please remember in your prayers those who are in hospitals, care homes: Patricia Malchuk, Irene Stefanyshyn, Ed & Sandy Sawchuk, Colleen Prokopowich, Tina Marish, Rhoda Halabura, Jean Zaharychuk, Jessie Kucher, Olga Saluk, Barb Kolomi, Joe Radomski, Steve Kachur, Pauline Derkacz, Jessie Drohomeriski, Colleen Slobodian, Violet Semenchuk, Florence Belyk, Stella Prokopowich, Georgina Zuchowicz, Jean Tracy.


11:00 am. - Donna Seredycz

USHERS &GREETERS The month of August—



9:00 am. Anne Penonzek

11:00 am. - Dolores Tesiuk/Annette Manchulenko


Sat. Aug. 19 - Walter Nider Sun. Aug. 20 - Elsie Gillies


Sun. Aug. 20th Jeanette Golletz, Marilyn Bird,

Connie Cox


at 7:00 pm.

We are pleased to welcome Sarah Kushnir Gillies as the new office administrator for St. Anne parish. She will begin on September 1st in the parish

office. Welcome Sarah and God bless you on this important ministry for our parish.

DAILY LITURGIES: We ask parishioners to consider making an intention offering for daily Liturgies for your personal intention. We currently have no

offerings . Please use the Liturgy Offering envelopes available at the church entrance and place them in the collection basket or directly to the parish office. Suggested offering for a Divine Liturgy is currently $20.00. Thank you!

DIRECT DEPOSIT - Consider signing up for Direct Deposit Payments beginning in September . This is a convenient & easy way to make your donations to your church. You can sign up by simply picking up a form available at the church entrance.

CATECHISM REGISTRATION @ ST. ANNE PARISH Sunday, Sept. 10th following the Liturgy.

Please note: Only One Liturgy on this day at 10:00 am. To accommodate this gathering. Plan to attend

VIGIL LAMPS There is still a shortage of donations for Vigil lamps. Lamps are $5.00 each and are lit for your personal intentions for the entire week.



Friday, September 22, 2017

@ Rossmere Country Club . Contact Dave Mazur at or 204-793-4127 for more information and/or a

registration package.

ARE you interested in volunteering at St. Anne?

We are looking for 3 offertory counters who are willing to commit 2-3 hours every month to count Sat/Sun Liturgy dona-tions. No experience necessary - just a willingness to learn. Training will be pro-vided! Please call the parish office at 204-667-9588 or email

Farmer’s Harvest Market Hosted by Knights of Columbus Canon Luhovy Assembly #0374 “Locally Harvested Fresh Vegetables” Saturday September 09, 2017 10:00 Am. to 4:00 Pm. LUBOV SSMI Foundation – Parking Lot 1085 Main Street “By the Pound or by the Bag” Supplied by Neumann’s Market 2659 Henderson Hwy. Order sheets at back of church Market Special: on the day Hot Corn on the Cob & Hot Dog Platter for $5.00 Also available home made Jams Jellies Pickles Relishes BBQ Sauces Mustards Perogies Wild Rice Garlic Sausage Farm Fresh Honey Fresh Pickerel Fillets Fresh Farm Eggs Harvest Soup Mixes

St. Anne Parish Annual Fall Supper Sunday, September 24, 2017

Two sittings: 3:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $17.50 Adults $5.00 12 & under under 5 - free Tickets are available from

Linda Rigey 339-5454 Donna Seredycz 663-4164 or

Tracy Balagus 654-2678

St. Anne Parish News:

CONGRATULATIONS & GOD’S BLESSING: We would like to welcome our newest member of our church Sawyer Franklin Connell who was baptised and confirmed last Saturday, Aug. 5th. Congratulations to Sawyer’s parents Tim & Hilary Connell. May the Lord bless your family and may the Holy Spirit guide little Sawyer throughout his life, helping him grow strong in faith.

Thank you to Bros. Len, Marcel & Rick for volunteering to lead the K. of C. monthly Rosary Recitation for the 2017/18 Columbian


St. Michael Parish News:

ATTENTION PARENTS - Now is the time to start thinking about registering your child in the upcoming Catechism Program. We are now accepting names of new students for the new 2017/18 school year beginning with Pre-School and up. Please call the parish office @204-222-4283 if your child is not currently registered within the program. Regis-tration for classes will be Sunday, Sept 10th following the Liturgy. More information to follow. If your child has received their First Holy Communion, we would like to invite them to join our Children of Mary and Altar Boy programs. Parents, give your child this oppor-tunity by encouraging them to share their faith as well as make new friends within the parish community.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR another Catechism Teacher for September. If you are interested in teaching in the St. Michael Catechism Program for the year 2017/18, please contact Marian Polakoff @ (204)504-1973. No experience required just a willingness to work with our parish children.

St. Michael Parish Annual Fall Supper Sunday, Sept. 24th

Traditional Ukrainian Cuisine Adults - $15.00

Children 6 yrs. - 12 yrs. - $6.00 Children under 5 yrs. - Free

Advance Tickets: Ann - 204-222-9003 Jean - 204—222-1433

Attention St. Anne Parishioners If you have information that is to be included in the bulletin please call the office at 204-222-4283 or email: by Wednes-

day of the week of the bulletin.

PRESIDENTS AND LEADERS OF PARISH ORGANIZATIONS - Holidays will soon be over and the September Calendar will be printed in two weeks. Please have times and dates of your activities in the office by Wednesday, August 23rd.

PARISH BINGO will be starting back up in September and we are appealing to our parishioners to offer your help with the Bingo which is held every Wednesday evenings. This is an important fundraiser for our parish that we cannot afford to lose.

Word & Wisdom

"Lord Jesus, help my unbelief! Increase my faith and trust in Your saving power. Give me confidence and perseverance, especially in prayer. And help me to bring Your healing love and truth to those I meet".

GOSPEL REFLECTION Matthew 17: 14-23 "Nothing will be impossible to you"

What kind of faith does the Lord expect of us, especially when we meet set-backs and trials? Inevitably there are times when each of us disappoint oth-ers or disappoint ourselves when we suffer some kind of set- back or fail-ure. In this gospel incident the disciples of Jesus fail to heal an epileptic boy. Jesus' response seems stern; but it is really tempered with love and compassion. We see at once Jesus' dismay with the disciples' lack of faith and his concern to meet the need of this troubled boy and his father. With one word of command Jesus rebukes the evil spirit that has caused this boy's affliction and tells the spirit to "never enter him again". Jesus tells his disciples that they can "remove mountains" if they have faith in God. The expression to "remove mountains" was a common Jewish phrase for removing dif-ficulties. A wise teacher who could solve difficulties was called a "mountain remover". If we pray with expectant faith God will give us the means to overcome difficulties and obsta-cles. When you meet trials and disappointments how do you respond? With faith and trust in Jesus?

FEAST OF THE DORMITION OF THE MOTHER OF GOD. Feast Day Liturgy & Blessing of flowers will be as follows:

St. Anne Parish - Tuesday, August 15 at 10:00 am. St. Michael Parish - Tuesday, August 15th at 7:00 pm.

The Feast of the Dormition or Falling-asleep of the Theotokos is celebrated on the fifteenth of August, preceded by a two-week fast. This feast, which is also sometimes called the Assumption, commemorates the death, resurrection and

glorification of Christ’s mother. It proclaims that Mary has been “assumed” by God into the heavenly kingdom of Christ in the fullness of her spiritual and bodily existence. We do not know the time or place of Mary’s death. There are two traditions—one she died in Jerusalem; the second she died in Ephesus. Dormition means “passage through death” or “the falling asleep. The Feast of the Dormition is a second Pascha, a passage from death to life, because we believe that Mary , like her Son, has passed through death and like Him she has risen body and soul. According to an old custom, flowers and medicinal herbs are blessed after the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of Dormition. According to traditional belief, after Mary’s assumption, her tomb was filled with a “heavenly fragrance” and flowers. The herbs, used as natural medicine, are blessed in commemoration of the numerous healing and extraordinary graces bestowed on the pilgrims at Mary’s tomb.

BURSARIES AVAILABLE Canon Luhovy Assembly of the Knights of Columbus has created an

Education Foundation. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide financial assistance to Ukrainian Catholic

students who are enrolled in post-secondary institutions, seminaries or private catholic secondary school

program. Application Forms are available from either parish office. Deadline is September 30 th,

FOLKLORAMA - Our Ukrainian Kyiv Pavilion begins today until Sat. Aug. 19th at Maples Collegiate, 1330 Jefferson Ave. Join the celebration and commemorate Canada 150 and

celebrate the contributions of Ukrainians to the social, cultural and economic fabric of Canada! See you there!


FRIDAY, AUGUST 18TH 6:00 pm. - Rosary led by Winnipeg Archeparchy UCWLC 7:00 pm,.- Divine Liturgy (Ukrainian), Blessing of Flowers, Anointing for Healing SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 6:00 pm. - Divine Liturgy & Blessing of Flowers, Anointing for Healing (English)

SUNDAY, AUGUST 20 10:45 am.- Panakhyda Service & Blessing of the grave of the Very Rev. Phillip Ruh - Procession to the Grotto 11:30 am.- Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (Bilingual), - Blessing of Flowers, Anointing - Lunch available following Divine Liturgy, - Confession available during all services


CN supports volunteer efforts by providing grants to the organizations where their employees, retirees and their families volunteer (min. of 40 hrs. per year). The grants encourage a spirit of caring and support for their employees’ endeavours to make a difference in their communities. Any parishioners who are currently volunteering for St. Michael or St. Anne Parishes, or any other volunteer organization, are eligible for a volunteer grant if you are a: Permanent full-time employee of CN with at least 6 months of service Permanent, part-time employee with at least 12 months of service; Family member of an eligible CN employee (spouse, partner or child 25 yrs of age &

under and still living at home); Retired CN employee or Spouse/surviving spouse of a retired CN employee. Please see Daniel Kawaler after Liturgy (St. Michael’s) or you can call him at 204-960-3365 for more information on potential eligibility for a Railroaders in the Community grant for 2017. Please submit your application for CN’s “Railroaders in the Community” volunteer grant program, before November 30, 2017
