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Slide 2 THIS IS Slide 3 With Host... Your Slide 4 100 200 300 400 500 Section 1Section 2 Section 3 Misc. Section 4 Slide 5 Steve Jobs co-founded this company. A 100 Slide 6 What is Apple? A 100 Slide 7 This area of California is synonymous with the computer industry. A 200 Slide 8 What is Silicon Valley? A 200 Slide 9 This was the worlds first electronic digital computer. A 300 Slide 10 What is ENIAC? (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) A 300 Slide 11 The internet originated when ARPANET was linked with this system. A 400 Slide 12 What is NSFNet? A 400 Slide 13 The web was created in the early 1990s by researchers at this Swiss lab. A 500 Slide 14 What is CERN? A 500 Slide 15 Clinton was elected to his first term in this year. B 100 Slide 16 What is 1992? B 100 Slide 17 Clintons first focus was on this. B 200 Slide 18 What is the economy? B 200 Slide 19 Clinton wanted to reduce the deficit and lower interest rated so he decided to do this. B 300 Slide 20 What is raise taxes? B 300 Slide 21 During his first term Clinton put his wife in charge of trying to reform this. B 400 Slide 22 What is health care? B 400 Slide 23 Clinton allowed the federal government to shut down in 1995 largely due to this. B 500 Slide 24 What is his fight with the republicans over the budget? B 500 Slide 25 Clinton defeated this man in the election of 1996. C 100 Slide 26 What is Bob Dole? C 100 Slide 27 Clinton was impeached for this. C 200 Slide 28 What is perjury? C 200 Slide 29 This man led the Republicans as they created the Contract with America in the mid- 1990s. C 300 Slide 30 Who is Newt Gingrich? C 300 Slide 31 DAILY DOUBLE C 400 DAILY DOUBLE Place A Wager Slide 32 Clinton asked the UN to impose a trade embargo on this country in the early 1990s after its president, Aristide, was overthrown. C 400 Slide 33 What is Haiti? C 400 Slide 34 The Dayton Accords were an attempt to create peace here. C 500 Slide 35 What is Bosnia? C 500 Slide 36 This law abolished the national origins quota system. D 100 Slide 37 What is the Immigration Act of 1965? D 100 Slide 38 Recently, most immigrants are coming from these two regions of the world. D 200 Slide 39 What are Latin America and Asia? D 200 Slide 40 This law established penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegal Immigrants. It also a began a process to grant amnesty to those who illegally entered the country before 1982.. D 300 Slide 41 What is the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986? D 300 Slide 42 This law allowed anybody fleeing a Communist nation to be admitted to the U.S. as a refuge; it was expanded under the Refugee Act of 1980. D 400 Slide 43 What is the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952? D 400 Slide 44 The Patriot Act put immigration under the control of this federal agency. D 500 Slide 45 What is the Department of Homeland Security? D 500 Slide 46 This term refers to the process by which the world is increasingly interconnected. E 100 Slide 47 What is globalism? E 100 Slide 48 NAFTA stands for this and is an agreement between these three countries. E 200 Slide 49 What is North American Free Trade Agreement and Canada, the U.S. and Mexico? E 200 Slide 50 APEC stands for this. E 300 Slide 51 What is Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation? E 300 Slide 52 This was signed by 38 nations and the EU in order to reduce emissions. The U.S. did not sign it, citing flaws in the treaty. E 400 Slide 53 What is the Kyoto Protocol? E 400 Slide 54 The World Trade Organization was formed in this year in order to administer international trade agreements and help settle trade disputes. E 500 Slide 55 What is 1994? E 500 Slide 56 F 100 Slide 57 Slide 58 F 200 Slide 59 Slide 60 F 300 Slide 61 Slide 62 F 400 Slide 63 Slide 64 F 500 Slide 65 Slide 66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: From 30.4 Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin Slide 67 In the 1980s scientists discovered that these have the ability to break down the ozone layer. Click on screen to continue Slide 68 What are chlorofluorocarbons? (CFS) Click on screen to continue Slide 69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT
