This course is designed by Presenter : Harshal Jawale Class 2 – Values...


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Self DevelopmentIn the context of spirituality

and a practical approach

This course is designed by uconnect@srcm.orgPresenter : Harshal Jawale

Class 2 – ValuesUnderstanding Values, Behaviour and Attitudes

Aurangabad Youth Seminar, IndiaDate – July-


Identify the conflict in this video?

Who is this guy?

What values does Salman Khan advocate?

Mission Statement

To offer the youth of this country an aspirational set of values to live by; to help them achieve a balanced life focused on a spiritual goal and an ethical material life;

and to contribute to nation building.

What are values?

We will discover what values are collectively

Watch a Video – Developing Personal Values ( )

What values did Duryodhan represent?

Key questions?

Can values be taught and learnt?

Are we born with them?

Is there an age limit to such learning?

Values Determine Behaviour

Instead of the video I will show the diagram of the buoy and explain it“Your values are the anchor that determine how you think, make decisions, feel and ultimately behave. Changing behaviors must begin with examining your internal core values. If you value things, prestige or ideas more than people and self, your choices and behavior will be poor and bring sorrow, loss and failure to your life as well as hurt those around you”

A Sample Set of Personal Values, Attitudes, Behaviors


Prioritize, work hard

Humility, Fairness,


Kind, Generous,


Honest, Truthful

Simple living

Respect, Politeness,

Not hurting others

Treat others equally,

avoid jealousy

Forgive and forget

Introspect and

apologize even if not


Goal Oriented

A Sample Set of Spiritual Values, Attitudes, Behaviors

Discipline: Wake up at

dawn. Do meditation at

same time & place

Prayer: Begin with prayer

for spiritual elevation

Fix a goal – complete

oneness with God

Be truthful. Accept

miseries as Gifts from


Be plain and simple

Know all as children of


Be not revengeful for

wrongs done

Eat in divine thought

Mould life to rouse

feeling of love & piety

in others

Bed time, repent for

wrongs committed


What are my three core values?

Self = Value + Goal





Aligning Values, Goals with the nature of real Self


Self Development Self FulfillmentSelf


• Having a Goal that is consistent with the real Self

• Refining values, beliefs and attitudes

• Gaining knowledge based on experience

• Practicing to become perfect

Values Matter

Watch a video - Values Matter(

In a world where everybody is running and never walking, where we know the price of everything but have

forgotten the value of life, we have decided to walk in order to celebrate and remind ourselves what we are

made of: Love, Peace, Truth, Non-Violence, Right-Conduct. Let's turn anxiety into peace, fear into love, war into non-violence, exclusion into right-conduct. Let's walk

hand in hand so that this world turns into our home...Walk for Values is an annual event that takes place worldwide to promote the goodness of human

beings and the unlimited amount of values we posses.

“Ordinary people can do extraordinary things.”

Values Matter

10 minute quiet time…

In closing

Create a new habit based on one Value

Recognize and change a habit (Ex., Avoiding laziness)

Reminders Meditate twice a day for 10 minutes Diary Writing

Books recommended O Henry’s short stories Swami Vivekananda’s books
