Think! Think!! Think!!! What do you think happened to these trees?


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Think! Think!! Think!!!What do you think happened to these


Acid Rain

Acid Rain –

Rain that

has a pH


than 5.

Where does it come from?

• About half of our electricity is generated by burning coal in power plants. When coal is burned, it releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. They react with water in the air to produce nitrous acid and sulfuric acids. The acid falls as rain.

Where does it come from?

What effect does acid rain have on an ecosystem?

• No direct effect on people• Can kill aquatic animals like frogs,

fish, clams and snails and disrupt the food web

• Ruins the quality of the soil by washing away nutrients and releasing toxic metals like aluminum and mercury

What effect does acid rain have on an ecosystem?

• Leaves and needles of plants and trees die and fall off, stopping photosynthesis

What effect does acid rain have on an ecosystem?

• Acid rain creates an acidic haze (fog) over an ecosystem blocking out sunlight needed for photosynthesis

Where does acid rain occur?

What has been done to stop it?

• 1990 amendment to the Clean Air Act – required power plants to reduce the emissions of sulfur and nitrous oxides.


• Conserve energy by turning off lights, computers, televisions, video games, and others when you're not using them.

• Buy equipment and appliances that uses less electricity

• Walk, bike or carpool

The Effect of Acid Rain on Seed Germination

• Germination – the process by which plants emerge from seeds and begin to grow.

This is your ticket out of here!

•Name three ways that acid rain effects an aquatic ecosystem.
