Thermal Effects on Alignment Stability of Electro Optical Systems


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Thermal Effects on Alignment Stability of Electro Optical Systems


Dustin Hamill


Submitted to the College of Engineering at

Texas Tech University in

Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for the

Degree of



______________________________________ Dr. A. Ertas

______________________________________ Dr. E. Kiesling

______________________________________ Dr. T. Maxwell

______________________________________ Dr. M. Tanik

October 15, 2005


I would like to take this opportunity to recognize and to thank those people that have been

instrumental in my work on this report. It would not have been possible without their support. First of

all, I thank the entire Texas Tech staff and the guest speakers. My instructors have shared their time, their

knowledge, and their inspirations. They have exposed me to new ideas, information, and tools for solving

real world problems. I would especially like to thank our advisor, Dr Atila Ertas, who has helped make

the past year and a half fun while keeping us on course for completion.

I would also like to thank my classmates. I appreciated networking with a talented group of

individuals each with a different background. During the courses we have taken together, I have learned

a great deal through the team projects. I would especially like to thank Tandy Penn and Laura Aguilar for

their help in study groups. Their knowledge and experience was quite beneficial.

Next, I would like to thank several colleagues at work. I thank Randy Zywicki for sparking my

interest in systems engineering and recommending me to this program. I would like to thank Lyale Marr,

Robert Davenport, Gary Schwartz, David Norman, and Kent Henrichs for imparting their knowledge,

experiences, and research materials related to this report.

Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Diana and children, Jacob and Gabrielle. I appreciate them

putting up with my time away as I was not available for every activity and household duty. I am blessed

with a patient family and I love them greatly.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................ II

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................................III

DISCLAIMER.............................................................................................................................. V


LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. VII

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... X

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER II BACKGROUND OF ELECTRO OPTICAL SENSOR SYSTEMS ........................................ 3 2.1 Types of Systems 3 2.2 Internal System Components 8 CHAPTER III DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR THERMAL ALIGNMENT STABILITY .......................... 13 3.1 Overview 13 3.2 Optical Layout and Budget Analysis 14 3.3 Structural Design and Fabrication 18

3.3.1 Dimensional Stability................................................................................................. 18 3.3.2 Main structure ............................................................................................................ 21 3.3.3 Optical mounting........................................................................................................ 26 3.3.4 Mechanisms................................................................................................................ 33 3.3.5 Inertial Stabilization ................................................................................................... 35

3.4 Thermal Design 37 3.4.1 Hot Temperature Extremes ........................................................................................ 38 3.4.2 Cold Temperature Extremes....................................................................................... 40 3.4.3 Thermal Effects on Optical Elements ........................................................................ 42

CHAPTER IV ALIGNMENT STABILITY TEST METHODS AND EQUIPMENT................................... 46 4.1 Test Equipment 46 4.2 Variability 51 4.3 Example System Test Methods 52

4.3.1 Sensor-to-sensor alignment stability .......................................................................... 53 4.3.2 Laser-to-sensor alignment stability ............................................................................ 53

4.4 Example Component Test Methods 54 CHAPTER V LASER ALIGNMENT AND RETENTION METHODS....................................................... 59 5.1 Temperature calibration 59 5.2 Boresighting on the Vehicle 59

5.2.1 Boresight Modules ..................................................................................................... 59 5.2.2 Internal Methods ........................................................................................................ 62


5.3 Active Correction 63 CHAPTER V I CASE STUDY: USING PRINCIPLES OF AXIOMATIC DESIGN TO SOLVE AN ALIGNMENT STABILITY PROBLEM ................................................................................. 65 6.1 Axiomatic Design Background 65 6.2 Analysis of the Product Using Axiomatic Design 66 6.3 Problem Description 67 6.4 Function Tree (Design Object Analysis) 67

6.4.1 Description of the Major Components ....................................................................... 69 6.5 Noise Factor Analysis 70 6.6 Gathering and Analyzing Initial Data 71 6.7 Statistical Experimental Design 72

6.7.1 Initial Decisions.......................................................................................................... 72 6.7.2 Experimental Setup .................................................................................................... 74 6.7.3 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ................................................................................ 75

6.8 Optimization, Redesign, and Decoupling 77 6.9 Creation of an Implementation Plan 78 6.10 Verification: Is the Problem Solved? 78 6.11 Case Study Conclusion 78 CHAPTER VII SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................... 80

REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 82



The opinions expressed in this report are strictly those of the author and are not necessarily those

of Raytheon, Texas Tech University, nor any U.S. Government agency.



Electro optical systems are designed with different sensors and lasers for a variety of military and

scientific uses over a broad range of environmental temperatures. Many of these systems have strict

boresight retention requirements among their sensors and lasers. Thermal effects are the primary cause

for alignment drift during operation. This paper discusses temperature effects on optical components and

their surrounding structure. Thermal expansion and contraction of materials can result in several

undesirable effects such as a loss of image and beam quality, but the primary focus of this paper is

boresight drift. Several opto-mechanical guidelines combined with thermal management are described

for minimizing alignment drift. Test equipment and methods to validate alignment stability of systems

and individual components over temperature are also presented. Additional laser alignment retention

methods are discussed, including calibration, boresighting schemes, and active correction. Finally, a case

study presents the use of axiomatic design analysis and design of experiments to find the main

contributors of an alignment drift problem.



Figure 1: Electromagnetic Spectrum [Boreman, 1998] 3

Figure 2: Telescope optical ray trace [O’Brian, 2003] 4

Figure 3: Space EO Sensor System [Mainzer, 1998] 5

Figure 4: Infrared Image Sample [Jane’s, 2005] 6

Figure 5: Military EO Targeting System [Jane’s, 2005] 7

Figure 6: Nose mounted EO Sensor System [Jane’s, 2005] 7

Figure 7: Example of system components: CALIPSO LIDAR [Seckar, 2005] 8

Figure 8: Laser Resonator Cavity Architecture 10

Figure 9: Schematic of a LIDAR, with common T/R aperture [Feng, 1995)] 11

Figure 10: Optical Layout, from IRMOS, cryogenic IR imager [Hylan, 2003] 14

Figure 11: Penta prism (A), its mirror equivalent (B), a periscope prism (C) and its mirror equivalent (D) [Wilson, 1990] 15

Figure 12: Retroreflectors [PLX Inc., 2005] 16

Figure 13: Optical Error Budget from IRMOS [Hylan, 2003] 17

Figure 14: Coefficients of Thermal Expansion for Common EO Materials [Zona, 2001] 18

Figure 15: Optimum Aluminum Mirror Stress Relief Process [Adapted from Ohl, 2002] 21

Figure 16: Thermal gradient induced tilt of an optical structure 22

Figure 17: IRMOS aluminum optical bench [Hylan,2003] and example cast bench [Yoder,1990] 23

Figure 18: Common material (SiC) optical bench and primary mirrors with isolator struts [Veggel, 2005] 26

Figure 19: Proper constraints for a stationary thermal center [Giesen, 2003] 27

Figure 20: Two kinematic mounting types and their thermal centers [Giesen, 2003] 28

Figure 21: SiC mirror mounted with vee pairs and clamped with a spider [Veggel, 2005] 28

Figure 22: Low stress, stable aluminum mirror mounting technique used in IRMOS [Hylan,2003] 29


Figure 23: Temperature stable, low stress flexure mount for mirrors [Giesen, 2003] 30

Figure 24: Thermally stable mount for a prism beam splitter [Veggel, 2005] 31

Figure 25: Various lens mounting techniques [adapted from Yoder, 1999] 32

Figure 26: Lens Clamping Flexure Ring Design [Kvamme, 2005] 33

Figure 27: Cryogenic Mount- with flexure ring and axial flexures [Kvamme, 2005] 33

Figure 28: Cryogenic filter and grating wheels [Hofferbert, 2003] 34

Figure 29: Stable flexure design adjustment mount. [Lee, 2003] 35

Figure 30: Fast Steering Mirror [Mitchell, 2001] 36

Figure 31: System thermal behavior [Giesen, 2003] 37

Figure 32: Beam deviation due to a transverse temperature gradient in a window 43

Figure 33: Bimetallic Compensator Tube [Vukobratovich , 1993] 44

Figure 34: Collimator for testing optical alignments of an EO system. [Dickey,1980] 46

Figure 35: Collimator primary mirror aperture coverage [Dickey,1980] 47

Figure 36: Autocollimator Schematic [Leviton, 2003] 48

Figure 37: Visible Autocollimator [Leviton, 2003] 49

Figure 38: Quadrature detector [Hane , 2003] 50

Figure 39: Temperature Chamber Setup [Zona, 2001] 51

Figure 40: Alignment Drift and Shift [Wilson, 2005] 52

Figure 41: Sample autocollimator image with two mirror returns 54

Figure 42: Example of a component test fixture [Zona, 2001] 55

Figure 43: Alignment stability test fixture for single autocollimator measurement 56

Figure 44: Alignment stability testing of a beam expander using single autocollimator 56

Figure 45: Dual Autocollimator setup for two apertures spaced apart 57

Figure 46: Laser alignment stability test 58

Figure 47: Collimator boresight module for a single input/output axis [Godfrey, 1980] 60


Figure 48: Collimator boresight module for two optical axes [Godfrey, 1980] 61

Figure 49: Mini-collimator boresight module using a dichroic beamsplitter [Godfrey, 1980] 61

Figure 50: Internal Boresighting Techniques using a Corner Cube [Gibson, 2000] 62

Figure 51: Boresighting method using a lateral transfer prism [Godfrey, 1980] 63

Figure 52: Active Beam Alignment Compensation [Mitchell, 2001] 64

Figure 53 - Axiomatic Design Process [Englehardt, 2000] 66

Figure 54: Example of a targeting pod [Jane’s, 2005] 67

Figure 55: Partial Functional Analysis Tree 68

Figure 56: Optical Schematic 69

Figure 57: Noise Factors 70

Figure 58: Cause and Effect Possibilities 71

Figure 59: Initial Estimates of Probable Contributors to the Problem 74



Table 1: Properties of Common Mirror and Structural Materials at 300K [Paquin, 1999] 25

Table 2: L8 Array and descriptions 75

Table 3: ANOVA Results 77



Most electro-optical sensor systems are designed to meet specific customer needs including

scientific measurements, mapping, imaging, ranging and military targeting. These ground, airborne, or

space systems commonly contain combinations of sub-systems like telescopes, color television cameras,

infrared cameras, spectrometers, laser radars, laser illuminators, laser rangefinders, and laser designators.

The customer needs are mapped into a functional requirements document, and the design parameters are

formed from the functional requirements. The alignment retention of optical subsystems over a broad

operating temperature range can be a challenging functional requirement because of its dependency on a

multitude of design parameters.

Optical alignment or “boresight” retention can be defined differently depending upon the

configuration of the optical system. Most often it is how well an optical axis remains aligned with respect

to a mechanical reference axis. Sometimes alignment retention is broken up into several requirements.

For example, alignment retention could be how well one sensor’s optical axis maintains alignment with

another sensor’s or source’s optical axis. Simultaneously, each sensor may also be required to stay

aligned to an external mechanical datum. Most high-resolution space telescopes also have functional

requirements of optical alignment stability to maintain image quality and minimum wave front error.

Maintaining optical alignment throughout a changing temperature environment is difficult to

accurately model with typical non-isothermal designs. Some complex electro-optical systems contain so

many variables, that thermo-elastic models are fortunate to achieve order of magnitude predictions of

alignment stability. The recommended approach for successful alignment stability involves following

proven design guidelines, testing of system components, and then testing a complete system prototype.

Component fabrication and assembly techniques can also introduce variability of alignment stability.

Depending upon the design constraints, many different configurations of opto-mechanical designs

have been tested and deployed over the years. These designs serve as lessons learned in making systems


perform over temperature. The development of space telescopes and scientific imaging payloads has

brought out many guidelines for building stable optical bench designs.

In order to verify alignment retention over temperature, special test setups are necessary. It

requires careful attention to ensure that the errors in the test setup can be measured and are controlled.

The alignment of an optical system as a whole can be characterized over temperature to verify stability.

Individual sub-assemblies or optical elements can also be characterized outside the system using special

fixtures and reference mirrors.

When the required laser alignment stability is not achieved passively with structural and thermal

design, other methods can be employed to maintain optical alignment. These methods include

calibration, feedback control, and alignment modules. Each method has strengths and weaknesses, with

the best method most often selected based on customer needs and design constraints.

Most of today’s sensor systems have stringent angular alignment retention requirements that in

the sub-100 micro-radian range, over military standard temperature environments of +71 to –54C (Zona,

2001). Other EO systems must stay aligned from laboratory assembly temperatures to cryogenic

operating temperatures of space. Robust opto-mechanical structures combined with prudent thermal

management is paramount to stable system boresight and customer satisfaction.



2.1 Types of Systems

During the period of 1900 to 1980, the development of optics and electronics merged into a

specific field known as electro-optics. “EO” sensors were born when a light-sensitive electronic detector

was first placed at the focal plane of a converging optical lens. The detector produced a signal,

proportional to the amount of radiation collected by the lens, which could be relayed to another location

to be converted back into visible radiation for display to an operator. Today, the field of electro-optics

covers a broader portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum than just visible light. The “optical” bands of

interest, listed in increasing wavelength, include ultraviolet, visible, near infrared, mid-wave, and long-

wave infrared as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Electromagnetic Spectrum [Boreman, 1998]

These wavelengths range from 0.05 to 14 micrometers, and like visible light, can form images

through the use of appropriate lenses and mirrors. Generally speaking, EO systems are concerned with


the collection or emission of radiation in this “optical” spectrum. Some common EO sensor systems

contain telescopes, seekers, infrared detectors, visible cameras, image intensifier tubes, spectrometers,

and laser systems. For each of these components to function effectively, the optical elements must be

aligned accurately, as shown in a sample telescope ray trace in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Telescope optical ray trace [O’Brian, 2003]

EO sensor systems have a broad range of use in both military and scientific applications.

Examples include target acquisition, fire control, reconnaissance, navigation, missile seekers,

astronomical telescopes, and scientific satellite payloads. Satellite systems, for example, must survive

launch vibrations and the extreme temperatures of space. EO sensors have been deployed in space for

collection of weather data, mapping the earth, atmosphere composition studies, and of course studying

other celestial bodies. In the absence of solar radiation, the temperature in space approaches absolute zero

resulting in a 200 degree Celsius reduction in the optics’ temperatures, as compared to laboratory

alignment temperatures. In contrast, solar radiation can present another challenge to alignment stability

by generating large thermal gradients in an otherwise cold satellite structure. An example satellite EO


instrument is shown in Figure 3. The many lessons learned in the development of space sensors can

prove valuable to the opto-mechanical design of ground and airborne EO sensors for improved alignment

stability. These include choices of optical materials and structural design.

Figure 3: Space EO Sensor System [Mainzer, 1998]

Military EO sensor systems typically contain infrared (IR) or visible television (TV) cameras

along with other devices such as lasers and laser receivers. These systems are mounted to both ground

and airborne vehicles such as tanks, light armored vehicles, airplanes, and helicopters. Due a reduction in

the atmospheric absorption of infrared energy in the 3-5 micrometer and 8-12 micrometer wavelength

range, most infrared sensors operate in these middle and long wave IR bands. Infrared detectors coupled

with collection and focusing optics are known as Forward Looking Infrared devices or FLIR. IR sensors

detect an infrared signature or small differences in temperature and surface emissive features, making

them advantageous for viewing scenes at night as well as visibly camouflaged targets during the day. IR

video is typically displayed in 256-color gray scale format as shown in Figure 4. This image was taken


using a sensor onboard the Joint Strike Fighter prototype (Jane’s, 2005). Notice the aiming reference

used is a digital reticle. The sub-image shows zoom capabilities of the sensor.

Figure 4: Infrared Image Sample [Jane’s, 2005]

For pure reconnaissance systems, the EO sensors aboard a high altitude loitering aircraft and may

only be required to stay aligned to the aircraft’s navigation system. Targeting systems similar to the one

shown in Figure 5, typically align the EO sensor to a weapon or laser. For tank sights, the infrared reticle

or “line of sight” (LOS) must be aligned to the gun’s datum axis, so that a proper gun aiming ballistic

solution can be computed. Many ground and airborne EO systems employ a targeting laser, which must

be aligned to the FLIR or visible camera LOS. The alignment of the laser is critical for accurate range

calculations and for designation of targets for laser guided bombs and missiles. The guided “smart”

munitions incorporate their own EO sensor, called a seeker to guide the ordinance to the target, which is

being illuminated with a laser beam.


Figure 5: Military EO Targeting System [Jane’s, 2005]

Many airborne systems house the sensors in an inertially stabilized platform or pod, as shown in

Figure 6. This allows the image to remain on target in spite of aircraft motion. Some of the stabilization

systems employed include servo control gimbal sets and steering mirrors. For airborne systems to target

geo-coordinates with a global positioning system (GPS), the FLIR or TV line of sight must be accurately

aligned/measured to an aircraft reference datum that is common to the airframe’s inertial navigation

system (INS). The INS measures aircraft linear/angular velocities and accelerations while the GPS uses

satellite signals to calculate the aircraft’s position. For consistent and accurate pointing, the EO systems’

alignment accuracy must remain stable through a variety of flight temperature environments.

Figure 6: Nose mounted EO Sensor System [Jane’s, 2005]


2.2 Internal System Components

Electro-optical sensor systems can incorporate several sub-systems, which must perform in a

variety of internal pod or housing temperature environments. Internal subsystems can be categorized

functionally as either detecting or emitting electromagnetic radiation. Electronics in these systems

generate heat, which must be dissipated to maintain safe operating temperatures for their various

components. The method of thermal management can have a serious impact upon the alignment stability

of the surrounding optical elements. Example components are shown Figure 7.

Figure 7: Example of system components: CALIPSO LIDAR [Seckar, 2005]


In the early days of television cameras, a vidicon tube was placed at the image plane of a lens

system to convert visible light into an electronic signal. Charge coupled devices (CCD) are now the heart

of most visible wavelength cameras. CCD’s convert photons to electrons via tiny detectors on a

semiconductor chip that may be doped with exotic materials to improve performance. Most infrared

detector elements are also doped semiconductors. Due to manufacturing issues regarding the fabrication

of two-dimensional arrays, infrared detectors consisted of only a single line of detector elements placed

behind mechanical scanning systems. Thanks to advances in semiconductor producibility, today’s

infrared detectors are starring focal plane arrays composed of thousands of detector elements. Most

detectors require cooling to cryogenic temperatures to achieve a required sensitivity. Cryo-coolers, used

to reduce a detector’s temperature, can be a heat source to the surrounding components in an EO system,

and the heat must be removed from the system.

The emission of photons from EO systems is most often accomplished with a laser and various

conditioning optics. The term “LASER” is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission

of Radiation. Light is amplified by a gain medium, which is a material that emits photons when excited

by input photons. Laser light exiting the gain medium is coherent (light waves vibrating in phase).

Lasers typically emit a fine band or “line” of light, centered at a wavelength specific to the gain medium,

so lasers are typically classified by the chemical composition of the medium. For example, a HeNe laser

typically operates at 632 nm and contains helium-neon gas. Laser lines have been developed across the

whole “photonic” spectrum from ultraviolet to long-wave infrared. The gain medium must be pumped

with a light source in order to stimulate the emission of photons. This process is highly inefficient when

comparing input energy to exiting laser energy. This results in a large quantity of heat that must be

removed from the gain medium. The most common gain media are gas cavities and solid crystals that are

doped to enhance the properties. Besides the gain medium, the laser resonator cavity also contains

reflectors on each end. One reflector is a partial reflector for allowing output energy as shown in Figure

8. Lasers typically have several conditioning optics such as focusing optics for improving the collimation

or parallel qualities of the beam. Beam expanders are also used to improve the beam’s divergence, which


is the angular subtense of the exiting beam. The alignment stability of laser optics is key to accurate

pointing of the laser. Care must be taken to dissipate heat away from the gain medium without inducing

optical misalignments. Laser assemblies require robust opto-mechanical design for stable alignment

through various operating temperatures.


Gain Medium




Figure 8: Laser Resonator Cavity Architecture

In EO sensor systems, lasers are used for rangefinders, designators, illuminators, and radars. A

rangefinder measures the propagation time of a short laser pulse to and from a target, and it calculates the

distance to the target. A designator paints a target with coded pulses of infrared light in order to guide

missiles and bombs to the target. Illuminator lasers are used to light up a target area with infrared energy

for either an onboard or remote camera to view. A laser radar or LIDAR examines the range of the return

for each pixel in a field of view (FOV) to produce an image of the scene. For each of these applications,

the output laser must be aligned and maintained to one or more sensors or datum. Accurate pointing of

the laser requires an accurate beam steering system, which must also maintain alignment over


There are a variety of optics and optical materials used in EO systems. Each material has

different optical and thermal properties. Optical elements include mirrors, beam splitters, lenses,

windows, and prisms. These optical elements must be mounted without stress, which will induce wave

front error thereby degrading image/beam quality. Unfortunately, a low stress mount does not imply a

temperature stable mount. Mirrors can be flat for folding the path into a compact space, or for steering a

beam. Mirrors with curvature have “power” and are used in telescopes or afocals for the collection of


energy and providing a desired field of view. Imaging optics can utilize curved mirrors or lenses for

focusing the energy down to a small image plane. Mirror designs include different glasses and metals

that are typically coated with thin films for peak reflections at desired wavelengths. Only certain

materials transmit specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. Often the wavelength requirements

drive the material selection for windows, lenses, beam splitters, and prisms. Lenses can be positioned in

focus cells and switching mechanisms to provide optimum image quality for different field of views and

image magnification. Beam splitters (BS) are useful for separating a beam into two paths each of the

same wavelength, or for separating bands of energy into two different paths based on wavelength through

different coatings on the optical surfaces.

Figure 9: Schematic of a LIDAR, with common T/R aperture [Feng, 1995)]

As shown in Figure 9, a common LIDAR transmit/receive (T/R) path requires a main beam

splitter, along with four additional beam splitters. Notice the system shares a common telescope for beam


expansion during transmit and for collection during receive mode. There can be many optical elements in

an EO system, unique tilt and decenter sensitivity to misalignment. For a given component’s linear or

angular shift, the line of sight of the sensor or laser could be affected differently based on the optical scale

factors unique to the design of the EO system.



3 .1 Overview

When considering alignment stability, one should consider the effects of vibration, shock, and

temperature changes, however the primary focus of discussion will be the effects of environmental and

internal operating temperature changes that are induced in electro-optical systems. Temperature changes

create deformations, which typically cause the light path to deviate from its initial alignment axis. In

general, the movement of individual optics, bending of the structure, or optical property changes, causes

light path deviations. The many options for minimizing thermal disturbances on optical systems can be

broken into four categories:

A. Use of designs in which deformations of the EO system do not affect the optical path

B. Use of combinations of materials to counteract thermal expansion

C. Use of materials with low thermal expansion

D. Matched materials: optical path is insensitive to the scaling of optics (Giesen, 2003).

These guidelines can be applied during the design and development of an EO system.

After defining customer needs and functional requirements, the proper design process for an EO

system involves generation of an optical prescription and layout. The optical designer creates an optical

simulation model and determines tolerance and error budgets for component alignment. The opto-

mechanical design is integral to the optical layout. Factors to be considered include material selection for

dimensional stability, main structure rigidity, and the mounting of optics. An important but sometimes

overlooked element of alignment stability involves system-level thermal design and thermal management,

which considers optical alignment stability. Most often assembly, alignment, and test are performed at

room temperature, however fielded systems function at both hotter and colder temperatures. Thermal

design considerations include methods to dissipate excess heat of electronics, avoid condensation on

optics, and maintain minimum operating temperatures for electronics, without affecting the optical


alignment. Another thermal design detail involves the change in focus of refractive optics over

temperature. Finally, any mechanisms required in a system, must be carefully designed for repeatability

and optical alignment stability over temperature.

3.2 Opt ical Layout and Budget Analys is

Most often, the target size, range of detection, field of view, sensitivity, and desired sensing

wavelength drive the sensor optical prescription. Laser source optics are generally driven by the

wavelength, the desired beam size on the target, receiver sensitivity, and any feedback sampling optics.

Optical layout is driven by aperture, focal length, wavelength, weight, and volume constraints. The

optical designer is most often tasked to minimize and constrain the volume of the optical system to a

particular predefined outline. Synthesis of the optical layout is typically achieved with fold mirrors and

multiple powered mirrors or lenses as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Optical Layout, from IRMOS, cryogenic IR imager [Hylan, 2003]


Several optical layout methods have been used to improve alignment stability between sensors.

Shared aperture reflective telescope designs allow multiple sensors to use a common collection aperture.

Any drift of the telescope optics equally impacts each sensor, so the sensor-to-sensor alignment stays un-

altered. When designing for laser beam stability, most often a telescope, referred to as a beam expander,

is used to reduce the input alignment drift due to the laser itself and reduce the laser’s divergence angle.

For some applications, the sensor collection telescope can also serve as a beam expander for the output

laser, adding a common path for stability. The output laser angular drift is reduced by the telescope

magnification that is the beam expansion ratio due to the physics of the design. The penta prism can

replace a fold mirror to make a beam or light bundle turn exactly 90 degrees as shown in Figure 11. The

benefit of this prism is that the output optical axis is insensitive to angular alignment of the penta-prism.

(C) (D)

Figure 11: Penta prism (A), its mirror equivalent (B), a periscope prism (C) and its mirror equivalent (D) [Wilson, 1990]

Similarly, periscopes, lateral transfer prisms, corner cubes, and retroreflectors are also insensitive

to angular alignment changes. A periscope is used to displace the beam parallel to the input path without

affecting the output angle. A lateral transfer prism or retroreflector is a piece of a corner cube as shown

in Figure 12, and is used to displace a beam over some distance and return it parallel to the incoming

beam. A corner cube prism is made of solid glass and a retroreflector is made of bonded mirrors.


Figure 12: Retroreflectors [PLX Inc., 2005]

After the optical layout is complete, the optical designer performs a statistical tolerance analysis

of each optical element’s location and size in order to meet boresight needs, desired wave front error on

an interferometer and eventually to meet imaging requirements, most often specified as modulation

transfer function (MTF). The alignment tolerances refer to the assembly and test of the optical assembly

before fielded operation and the stability requirements refer to allowable operational variability in all

fielded environments. Using both the alignment retention requirements such as sensor-to-sensor or

sensor-to-laser, and the MTF requirements, an alignment stability error budget for each component should

be allocated as shown in Figure 13, which was developed for the IRMOS program, a cryogenic IR

spectrometer for an observatory telescope. The stability budget can be adjusted upon performance and

cost trade-off considerations by loosening up some areas and tightening up others. Care should be taken

to assign a budget to every component that could cause alignment drift. This should include the

structure’s contribution and if installed, the laser’s contribution. The goal would be to have all of the

component budget’s root-sum-square (RSS) stay below the system specification.


Figure 13: Optical Error Budget from IRMOS [Hylan, 2003]

Once the optical model is built, an alignment sensitivity analysis can be performed for the

movement of each optical element. For example, the primary mirror of a telescope can be translated in x,

y, and z directions as well as rotated in pitch, roll, and yaw. For each type of motion, the line of sight is

affected angularly. So, each optical element has six error sensitivity values or optical alignment

coefficients, such as 2 µrad (micro-radians) LOS motion per 1 µrad mirror motion. These values can be

used in the thermal model to simulate alignment drift due to temperature changes.

During the optical layout, flat-mirrored surfaces should be added to the design to different

components as alignment aides and for later measurements of stability. Backs of diamond turned mirrors

can have flat-mirrored portions. Mirrors with power can also be designed with ears for reference flats.

Structural members and bolt on components can also be diamond turned in small locations to allow the

use of alignment instruments such as interferometers and autocollimators.


3.3 Structural Des ign and Fabricat ion

When concerned with alignment, the most important mechanical parameters are those that

influence the deflection of the structure or optics of the optical system. There are several properties that

can cause deflections including self-weight, thermal distortion, vibration, dimensional stability, and

improper mounting (Vukobratovich, 1993). Thermal distortion is the main cause of alignment stability

issues in EO systems. The material property that describes the change in size of a component as its

temperature changes is called the coefficient of thermal expansion (α) or CTE. This property has been

studied for many optical and structural materials and is given in units of (in/in per deg. F) or (m/m per

deg. K) (Vukobratovich, 1993). When calculating how much a component will grow, the following

equation is used: ( α** Tlengthlength ∆=∆ ). This appears simple when only using the average CTE,

but each material’s CTE varies non-linearly over temperature. For small changes in temperature, the

change in CTE can be linearly approximated as shown in Figure 14, as “Delta CTE”. Most published

CTE’s for materials are only given near room temperature. In some materials the CTE is not homogenous

through the component and can cause internal stresses and surface deformations over temperature. The

coefficient of thermal expansion is a continuous parameter that must be addressed in many parts of the

design of EO systems.

Figure 14: Coefficients of Thermal Expansion for Common EO Materials [Zona, 2001]

3.3 .1 Dimensional Stabi l i ty

A component’s “dimensional stability” is a misnomer and is actually the degree of controlled

instability. Every material has some form of dimensional instability caused by either internal or external

influences. One goal in the design process is to select materials and manufacturing processes that will


ensure the overall error budget is met. The three main categories of dimensional instability are temporal,

thermal, and hysteresis related. Temporal instability is the change in dimension of a component over a

period of time in a constant environment. Some materials are worse than others and variability can

depend upon the amount of residual stress left in the component. Invar material, which is supposed to be

“invariant” to small temperature changes, is known for its poor long-term dimensional stability especially

if the recommended heat-treating process is not followed. Hysteresis in a component is the permanent

dimensional change experienced after a thermal cycle or mechanical loading cycle. The relaxation of

residual stresses is the usual suspect for causing both temporal and hysteresis dimensional instability.

Thermal instability, caused by the CTE, is the change in dimension of a component from one temperature

to another temperature. This change is usually reversible upon returning to the same temperature (Paquin,


For an optical assembly to remain aligned over temperature, each component and the structure

must maintain its allocated dimensional stability as defined by a comprehensive error budget. The first

step in achieving desired results with metals involves controlling the relaxation of residual stress.

Residual stresses in materials can result from fabrication processes including heat treatment, mechanical

working (forming, bending, surface hardening), machining, plating, and welding. New stresses can also

form during operation inside an EO system due to externally applied forces such as static mounting stress,

vibration, and temperature cycling.

Unfortunately, materials do not behave perfectly. Ideally most metals have an elastic region that

is approximated by Hooke’s law which says when a given load is applied, the material will deform, and

when the load is removed the material returns to its original shape. The amount of stress required to

cause permanent strain (plastic deformation) on the order of 10E-6 meter deformation/meter is called

microyield stress, or MYS. The MYS is lower for annealed parts and is higher for parts of the same

material with residual stress. This is a competing issue, of strength to stability. Material properties such

as grain size, dislocations, and lattice strains can be altered to improve MYS with special alloys. The rule

of thumb for stability is to keep stress levels at half the MYS limit (Vukobratovich, 1993). The MYS is


material and process dependent; the best selection will improve stability when going over temperature, as

a component’s mounting, vibration, and thermal stress level should be kept below the MYS to maintain

precision alignment.

Internal sources of residual stress are difficult to quantify, but processes have been developed to

minimize them (Paquin, 1999). Machining can cause surface residual stresses resulting in CTE

differences through the part. The state of the material before machining such as being annealed or heat-

treated, also affects the state of residual stresses in a component. Inhomogeneous CTE inside two-phase

materials like alloys can cause residual stresses. Frequently, a part is heated and quenched in water to

obtain a desired strength by adding residual stress through dislocations in the crystal lattice structure,

resulting in a loss of dimensional stability. Several stress-relieving operations exist and the appropriate

one for the desired error tolerance is dependent upon the material. Four main stress relief options are


1. Thermal treatments involving isothermal exposure of thermal cycling,

2. Mechanical treatments such as vibration or mechanical working,

3. Removal of stress layer by chemical etching, polishing, fine grinding, and

4. Time (Paquin, 1999).

Thermal treatments and surface removal typically result in a dimensional change with added

stability at the new dimension. Surprisingly, some stress relief can be achieved by just allowing a

component to sit on a shelf for a period of time. One proven technique for dimensional stability is to use

multiple step fabrication process. First a rough machine process is performed, followed by a high

temperature cycle, a fine machine process, and low temperature aging/temperature cycling

(Vukobratovich 1993).

A specific example of maintaining tight dimensional stability and alignment was demonstrated in

the development and testing of a cryogenic IR spectrometer called IRMOS for NASA. Some of the tight

stability requirements and the optical layout were previously featured in Figure 10 and Figure 13. This

design was aligned at room temperature (300K) and maintained alignment requirements when cooled to


an operating temperature of 77K. An all-aluminum, 6061-T651, design was chosen for both the optical

bench (main structure) and the mirrors. Literature was scarce defining the correlation of stress relief

method to the resulting dimensional stability; so testing was performed on six different stress relief

processes for aluminum mirrors (Ohl, 2002). The best results occurred using the steps described in

Figure 15. It involved heat-treating and quenching in liquid nitrogen and UCON, which is a glycol

solution at 90 deg. C temperature. After “finish” machining, it was thermal cycled (TC), before it was

single point diamond turned (SPDT) and polished. The test specimens were finally thermal cycled three

times for stress relief of the diamond turning. The IRMOS program also used this thermal stress relief

and fabrication process on the aluminum components of the optical structure (Hylan, 2003).

Figure 15: Optimum Aluminum Mirror Stress Relief Process [Adapted from Ohl, 2002]

3.3 .2 Main s tructure

The main structure or “optical bench” is the keystone to an EO system’s alignment stability as it

supports and positions all of the optical components together. The structure must be rigid or stiff and not


deflect under its own weight. It must also demonstrate acceptable vibration mode shapes and natural

frequencies for imaging alignment stability in dynamic environments.

As described above, proper material properties and conditioning processes are the keys to

controlling dimensional stability. In an EO system, another problem to be addressed is thermal gradients

in the structure, which can cause a bending mode resulting in misalignments as shown in Figure 16. One

side of the structure expands more than the other side causing a tilt in the optical element and an angular

change to the optical axis. The tilt in radians of an optical element on one end of the structure relative to

the other end of the structure is defined by the following equation: )**()(D




(Vukobratovich, 1993).


T +∆T (hot side)

LT (cool side)


L +∆L

Figure 16: Thermal gradient induced tilt of an optical structure

Thermal gradients can be minimized in mirrors and the optical bench by using high thermal

conductivity materials. For this reason, aluminum is a popular structural material despite its large

coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). It is also easy to cast, machine, and diamond point turn (DPT) to

a mirror finish. The IRMOS project described above, built an optical bench from stress-relieved pieces of

aluminum 6061-T651 as shown in Figure 17. By matching the optical bench material with the mating

mirrors, the whole assembly scales with temperature change with minimal alignment changes to the

optical path. Care was also taken to lap the mating surfaces of each component for minimizing bolt up


stresses. Match drilling and installation of pins were performed to keep surfaces from slipping during

transition to the cryogenic temperatures. The 230C (degrees Celsius) temperature-change test resulted in

the top and bottom plates holding parallelism of a few arc-seconds or near 10 µrad (Hylan, 2003). The

optical bench can be quite stable if the whole structure is one homogenous structure. Again, thermal

stress relief is necessary for optimum stability.

Figure 17: IRMOS aluminum optical bench [Hylan,2003] and example cast bench [Yoder,1990]

If all the components (structure and optics) are the same material and the optical system

experiences isothermal temperature changes, the result is only a scale change, provided the absence of

any residual stress (Vukobratovich, 1993). In the absence of residual stress relaxation, there is no

alignment change and no focus change for reflective optics attached to a matched material structure. This

is the basis for some retro-reflector designs, telescopes, and imagers. All-glass assemblies have been built

with special bonding techniques holding all the glass optics and glass structural pieces together. Glass

structures are fragile and expensive requiring special shock isolation mounting schemes. Glass tends to

have poor thermal conductivity and requires precautions to minimize gradients. All-glass assemblies,

with low CTE’s have proven to maintain stable alignment in the arc-second range over large temperature


swings, provided the gradients are allowed to stabilize. An all-metal optical assembly using matching

materials for structure and mirrors has been used successfully in space telescopes and cryogenic imagers

such as IRMOS.

It is difficult to design some electro-optical systems with entirely homogeneous component

materials. These reasons include needs for combinations of sensors and emitters with special components

like camera chips, cooled infrared focal plane arrays, laser media, laser components (polarizers, cavity

windows), beam splitters and filters. The use of matched materials for structure and mirrors can be used

for afocals, imagers, and beam expanders. When alignment stability is of most concern, the single

material optical assembly has shown to be the best performer over temperature.

The use of composites for optical benches is still being researched and perfected. For a

temperature-controlled environment, they offer superb stiffness to weight ratios and have been used in

space telescopes. Graphite composites are discouraged due to sensitivity to humidity. The structure can

absorb moisture and change dimensions (Yoder, 1993). A recent EO satellite sensor was built with a

telescope structure made of graphite cyanate ester composite material. It is has an extremely low CTE

and exhibits less moisture absorption than graphite epoxy. The whole structure was also temperature

controlled for “optimum” stability, however the verification of the stability requirements was not

presented (Henson, 1999).


Table 1: Properties of Common Mirror and Structural Materials at 300K [Paquin, 1999]

Selecting a structural material requires trade-offs like many other aspects of the design. Table 1,

shows some commonly used mirror and structural materials. Again, Invar is notorious for poor long-term

dimensional stability due to mechanical stress. It also has poor corrosion resistance and like many other

low CTE materials, exhibits larger thermal growths at temperatures away from room temperature. If a

high strength or stiffness to weight ratio is desired to reduce overall system weight, materials like

beryllium or silicon carbide (SiC) are often used. Beryllium is now expensive to fabricate, as one in ten

people are genetically susceptible to a terminal disorder if they breathe its dust. Fabrication shops have to

screen workers, and extra cost is incurred in the control and disposal of the material.

Silicon Carbide combines the two most important thermal features as it has a low CTE and high

thermal conductivity. Another feature of most importance is its dimensional stability. Based on its many

advantages, silicon carbide was selected as the material for the optical bench and mirrors in the


development of a satellite-based interferometer. The design requirements for each optical component

include an impressive, 1.2 µrad angular alignment stability over six years of design use from launch at

293 Kelvin through operation in space at 140 Kelvin. This design isolates the silicon carbide optical

bench and mirrors from the outer structure using six struts as shown Figure 18. The main mirrors will be

attached to the optical bench using brazing or Hydroxide Catalysis Bonding. Before launching, the

alignment stability will be tested in a cryogenic chamber (Veggel, 2005).

Figure 18: Common material (SiC) optical bench and primary mirrors with isolator struts [Veggel, 2005]

3 .3 .3 Opt ica l mount ing

A stable optical bench is the foundation for attaching and accurately holding optical elements.

For an EO system, the mounting of optical elements must only introduce minimal stress and provide a

stable, accurate mount when exposed to variations of vibration and temperature. Temperature cycling can

cause mount hardware to loosen or tighten on optical elements causing misalignments (Vukobratovich,

1993). This is typically a result of different CTE’s between the hardware and the substrate.

As discussed previously, designs should minimize bolt up stresses that can relax during thermal

changes. One way of improving the stability of joints involves quality-mating surfaces that are lapped,

polished, or diamond point turned. Adding pins to bolted joints or staking with epoxy can be used to


reduce slipping of two mating surfaces. Adequate pre-load on bolts or the use of spring, bellville, or

wave washers can maintain a clamping force and minimize shifts. It is speculated that the cause of some

hysteresis is due to redistribution of bolt-up stresses during temperature changes. A vibration cycle can

help re-distribute some residual stress.

As an optical component, such as a mirror, grows with temperature, there is a spot in the

component that can be designed to remain stationary called the “thermal center.” If the part is not over-

constrained, it will allow for uniform thermal expansion, as shown in Figure 19 (Giesen, 2003).

Figure 19: Proper constraints for a stationary thermal center [Giesen, 2003]

A part has six degrees of freedom, three positional and three angular. A mount that constrains

each degree of freedom in only one axis is called “kinematic.” The two types of kinematic mounts are the

“vee, cone and flat” mount and the “three-vee” mount shown in Figure 20. The “three-vee” design is a

2-2-2 constraint while the “vee, cone, flat” is a 2-3-1. The component will grow about its thermal center

when mounted kinematically (Giesen, 2003).

Another key advantage to kinematic mounts is that minimal bending moments are introduced into

the optic. It is challenging to bolt up optics without introducing some bending in the surface, which

results in significant surface figure degradation.


Figure 20: Two kinematic mounting types and their thermal centers [Giesen, 2003]

The use of kinematic mounts has been thoroughly researched and proven effective for laboratory

setups for long-term stability. Kinematic mounts are often used in EO systems, but due to requirements

of alignment stability during vibration and shock, large frictional forces often exist at the mounting

interfaces resulting in semi-kinematic joints. Another issue with larger optics under vibration involves

the high contact stresses at the ball-cone interface. Some semi-kinematic mounts were developed for

alignment stability down to cryogenic temperatures as shown in Figure 21 and Figure 24.

Figure 21: SiC mirror mounted with vee pairs and clamped with a spider [Veggel, 2005]

The six vees and three balls are installed to allow a low stress and high thermal stability mount. These

designs allow ease of azimuth adjustment by sliding the mirror or beam splitter on the loose V-blocks


before locking them down. When using kinematic mounts, there is a tendency for reduced heat transfer,

which is important for minimal thermal gradients. One method to improve heat transfer to the optic is to

use flexible copper braided straps from the base material to the optic. This is necessary when using high-

energy lasers where mirror surface heating occurs or when the optic is required to be kept cool for

improved thermal sensitivity.

Another proven method of mounting mirrors, for both stability over temperature and low stress in

the optical surfaces, involves making integral mounting features in the mirror substrate. A relief cut is

made in the mirror ears or exotic undercuts can be made using wire electrical discharge machining (EDM)

as shown in Figure 22. The tabs act as flexures to minimize the propagation of bolt up stress into the

mirror surface. Spacing the mounting flexure joint as far away from the optical surface as possible

further reduces stress-induced wavefront error.

Figure 22: Low stress, stable aluminum mirror mounting technique used in IRMOS [Hylan,2003]


Mirrors can be mounted on flexures or leaf springs that point to the designed thermal center as

shown in Figure 23. The flexures allow for growth of the mirror while keeping adequate stiffness normal

to the mirror surface to impede angular beam motion. As the temperature changes the only motion will

be roll about the normal axis as the flexures grow. For small mirrors, spring clips can be used to keep a

mirror against polished/lapped seats. Again, this method should be tested over temperature for stability.

Figure 23: Temperature stable, low stress flexure mount for mirrors [Giesen, 2003]

Prisms such as cube beam splitters, right angle prisms, porro prisms, and penta prisms have been

mounted in multiple ways including clamping and bonding (Yoder, 1993). The difference in CTE

between the glass and the mount is always a concern when bonding with rigid epoxies. Elastomer potting

has also been used, with good stress characteristics but unknown alignment stability over large

temperature swings. Clamping is more stable over temperature as the glass is forced into the clocking

surfaces, but stress can also form in the optic if the clamping force is too great or if it increases over

temperature. Yoder discusses many mounting techniques but does not compare alignment stability

performance. One example of a stable semi-kinematic beam splitter mount is shown in Figure 24, which

was designed for alignment from room temperature to cryogenic operation. Many prisms have very low

CTEs. One mounting technique bonds a more robust material with matching CTE to the prism. The


matching material can then be mounted using kinematic techniques. Care must be made to use very thin

bond lines as epoxy shrinks as it cures.

Figure 24: Thermally stable mount for a prism beam splitter [Veggel, 2005]

Lenses, like a majority of optics require special mounting in order to keep stress levels below

distortion thresholds and keep stable alignment over temperature. The common retaining ring method of

clamping a lens with a threaded retainer can cause problems over temperature as shown in lower left

corner of Figure 25. For hot temperature, the lens seat grows and could allow the clamping force to go to

zero, which would allow the lens to de-center, causing misalignments (Yoder, 1999). The initial pre-load

on the lens has to be high enough to stop the release of the lens at hot. One concern at cold temperatures

is that the lens mount shrinks to the point of high stress concentrations causing risk of lens fracture.

Yoder notes that a spring can be used to hold a lens into a seat, but as with any type of mount, should be

tested for alignment stability using temperature and vibration tests. Another method of mounting lenses

that eliminates stress over temperature is an elastomer mounting. The lens is centered using shims and is

set in a seat while potting is injected around the gap between the lens and the lens barrel. Lens mounting

alignment stability should be tested using surrogate mirrors or special fixtures and equipment.


Figure 25: Various lens mounting techniques [adapted from Yoder, 1999]

For many IR applications, the crystal material used for lenses can possess allowable stress levels

much lower than normal optical glass. A unique, alignment stable and low stress mount was developed

for a 4-inch diameter cryogenic lithium fluoride optic (Kvamme, 2005). It uses a flexure ring as shown in

Figure 26, which allows axial and radial compliance over temperature. The titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) ring

centers the lens with its radial diamond flexures. Attached to the ring were axial flexures to keep the lens

clamped in the normal direction as shown in Figure 27.


Figure 26: Lens Clamping Flexure Ring Design [Kvamme, 2005]

Figure 27: Cryogenic Mount- with flexure ring and axial flexures [Kvamme, 2005]

3.3 .4 Mechanisms

Mechanisms are notorious for introducing alignment instability and therefore should be avoided

in the optical path of the most accurate (narrowest) field of views. Depending upon requirements, some

systems are designed with switching filters, mirrors, and lens elements. Other devices that have been

used include zoom mechanisms and alignment adjusters. Focus mechanisms are discussed in detail in the

later sections of thermal and stabilization effects.


Filter wheels, lens switchers, and flipper mirror mechanisms are the most common electro optical

system mechanisms. The positional repeatability over temperature is critical for boresight alignment and

image quality. A cryogenic application drove the design of the grating and filter wheels shown in Figure

28. These devices have a 4 arc-second (20 µrad) repeatability. The wheel position is clocked by a spring-

loaded ratchet, which locates two roller bearings (Hofferbert, 2003). Lens switchers can be mounted on a

similar rotary design or on a flipper arm. With flipper arm designs, the stop or device for keeping the lens

when in place will expand with temperature. This growth must stay within alignment stability tolerance,

but is not an issue for uniform material construction. The central rotary joint is also susceptible to angular

drift, and when two bearings are used, the same support material must be used on both sides of the wheel.

Again, it is desired to keep all movable components out of the optical path of the most accurate sensor or

field of view and then switch in elements for a slightly less stable alignment.

Figure 28: Cryogenic filter and grating wheels [Hofferbert, 2003]

Zoom mechanisms are prone to alignment shifts when zooming as well as over temperature. The

typical zoom lens configuration uses a linear slide or barrel to translate lens elements. The chief optical

ray of the system must be parallel to the linear travel for accurate alignment. In order to minimize


friction, dissimilar metals are introduced into the design. This can lead to mismatches in the thermal

coefficients of expansion and alignment instability over temperature.

In optical layouts, some components can be roughly aligned using pins and machined registration

pads. Fine mechanical alignment of the optical axis is required in many systems as well as a method to

lock the adjustment for normal operation. Some locking mechanisms can compromise the fine alignment.

Also, the adjustment mechanism is typically a different material than the mount and will expand

differently over temperature causing stress and misalignments. The necessity for a fine adjustment device

that can be locked for thermal stability drove the development of the monolithic flexure design by TNO

TPD, a company in the Netherlands (Lee, 2003). Alignment adjusters must be stable over temperature

once alignment is obtained. The flexure design shown in Figure 29, is made from one block of material

and the flexures are thin walled sections that remain from the original block. The tiny cuts are made

possible using spark erosion or a wire EDM machine. This design supports a 1 micro-radian adjustment

resolution and 3 nano-radians per hour stability.

Figure 29: Stable flexure design adjustment mount. [Lee, 2003]

3 .3 .5 Inert ia l Stabi l izat ion

Most optical systems that mount on moving vehicles require some sort of stabilization to keep

images sharp during vibration or to keep a beam on a target. There are many stabilization schemes for

optical systems. The two most common are gimbaled systems and fast steering mirrors. With both types,

the optical axis must stay aligned to some vehicle reference axis within a derived error tolerance. The

vehicle reference axis is often a set of mounting pads and alignment pins. If steering mirrors are used,


each optical path containing a steering mirror is susceptible to alignment drift over temperature due to the

mirror’s commanded position error.

When designing the stabilization system for optimum optical alignment retention, one important

design parameter is the temperature drift of the feedback position sensors. Some gimbaled systems and

steering mirror designs have linear position sensors for measuring small angles, and resolvers for

measuring larger travel angles. It is important that the positional accuracy of the optical axis be measured

and commanded within specifications over the operating temperature range. If a steering mirror’s

position sensor drift is a problem there are several ways of taking out the mirror drift. These include a

beam alignment feedback control system, mirror reference calibration, and thermal drift calibration.

According to Mitchell, “a fast steering mirror consists of six elements: voice cool actuators, mirror

suspension, internal position feedback sensors, mirror, drive electronics, and a frame” as shown in Figure

30 (2001). The frame that holds the position sensors (differential impedance transducers, DIT) must be

stable over temperature, as the mirror will be positioned relative to the feedback sensor’s “sensed”


Figure 30: Fast Steering Mirror [Mitchell, 2001]


3.4 Thermal Des ign

The operational use of electro-optical systems dictates the need for thermal design and thermal

management. EO systems vary in application from tank sights and airborne cameras to space telescopes.

However, the focus of this discussion involves systems that operate inside the earth’s atmosphere over

temperatures of +71C to –54C.

According to Giessen, thermal behavior of an optical system can be divided into three categories:

“the source, heat transfer, and the disturbance” as shown in Figure 31 (2003).

Figure 31: System thermal behavior [Giesen, 2003]

The source or sink is anything hot or cold relative to the optical system such as a cold

environment or electronics heat. Heat is transferred through convection, conduction, and radiation from

the source to the optics causing disturbances such as optical alignment errors. Materials, which act as

insulators, can be used to impede the transfer of heat. Minimizing the number of mechanical connections

and using materials with low thermal conductivity between the optical structure and the source can

thermally isolate the critical optical bench. The optical elements and mounting structure need low

temperature gradients to minimize deflections, which requires the use of high thermal conductivity

materials (Giesen,2003). Thermal mass of the optical system is a disputed topic. Some designers believe

it is best to have a small thermal mass so that the system equalizes quickly at a given temperature while

others recommend using a large thermal capacity so that when the source temperature changes it is too

small to make much of an effect on the optical system. The weight required for the thermal mass

approach normally eliminates itself from most non-laboratory applications.

Some methods for stable laboratory instruments can be applied to EO system design. Four

common approaches to controlling thermal drift include the following:


1. Control environment surrounding optics and structure

2. Control the thermal state of the structure with insulation

3. Minimize gradients in the structure

4. Try to use materials with low or the same CTE (Ridgway)

Thermal modeling is useful for insuring heat loads are removed efficiently from the EO system.

Thermal gradient analysis is the most important modeling for alignment stability. If gradients are

reduced, alignments will improve. The thermo-elastic finite element analysis tools currently available

cannot accurately predict alignment drift of optical assemblies with micro-radian resolution due to many

uncertainties including residual stresses, bolted-joint slip, inhomogeneous CTE in the material, and

unknown angular mirror/potting interaction.

3.4 .1 Hot Temperature Extremes

Many optical systems are required to function at military standard temperatures of 55 degrees

Celsius. Without cooling, internal temperatures can quickly exceed acceptable operating range of most

electronic chips. The amount of cooling needed to dissipate a given heat load is relatively easy to model.

However, choosing the best method of removing the heat without impacting optical alignments is more


Heat sources in optical systems include circuit card assemblies such as a power supply, video

processing, system controllers, and laser controller. Other heat sources include lasing heat, infrared

coolers, motors, gyros, etc. Other sources include ambient heat loads such as solar radiation, vehicle heat,

and aerodynamic heating. All of these heat sources build up an internal system temperature gradient.

Ideally the system would be designed to minimize this gradient. Using structural materials such as

aluminum, which are good thermal conductors, minimizes gradient effects. By minimizing the operating

temperature gradient, the change in optical alignment is also minimized from initial turn-on to steady state

operation. As gradients form, the optical bench warps causing misalignments. Another way to minimize

the internal gradient across the structure is to provide plenty of air channels with fans to circulate air. Just


minimizing the gradient does not however dissipate the buildup of electronics heat to the outside world.

Isolating the heat sources from the optical elements is difficult in common structure EO systems, where

the optics share the same conduction path. If alignment stability is paramount to the design, the trade-off

of a thermally isolated optics bench with insulation and low conduction interface mounts should be


Typical methods of heat removal include liquid cooling, cold-wall heat exchangers, air-to-air heat

exchanger, and constant temperature conditioned air via ducts. The most efficient is liquid cooling but it

has many drawbacks including susceptibility to leaks and corrosion. Cold-walls are structural walls

constructed with fin-stock or hollow portions for circulating outside air with a fan. These are attractive

when a low profile heat exchanger is needed, as it can serve both purposes of structure and heat removal.

One downside to using cold-walls is the loss of heat at cold temperatures. Another drawback with cold

walls is the change in internal gradient of the optical structure when air is forced through the cold-walls.

This gradient change can cause skewing of optical alignments unless they are thermally or structurally

isolated from the cold-wall. The affects can be reduced with tight control of the fan based on temperature

of the cold-walls, but at high temperatures, the fan will likely need to run continuously to dissipate the


The two most “alignment friendly” methods of heat dissipation from an electro-optics assembly

are air-to-air heat exchangers and piped-in conditioned air. In order to succeed, both of these methods

need stirring fans and air volume around the optical components. With air-to-air heat exchangers, outside

air is brought through one side of the heat exchanger and optical system air is brought through the other

side. This method has efficiency issues but has an advantageous ability to slowly change the internal

environment. This minimizes external ambient changes from inducing rapid internal gradients in the

optical system. One downside to the air-to-air heat exchanger is the large volume that may be required to

dissipate the heat. If the luxury of conditioned air is available, the optical system can approach the most

stable “lab-like” performance with excellent alignment retention. Keeping all the optical system at one

temperature is a desired goal, but minimizing the temperature gradients of the components is most


important. Furthermore, if the system is made using reflective optics with matching structural materials,

gradients are the only thermal concern to the optical alignment.

After trying to minimize the temperature gradient across the optical system, the next goal for

stable alignment would be to maintain whatever gradient exists. This means that the steady state gradient

at one ambient temperature should remain unchanged at any ambient temperature. Thermal management

and “alignment friendly” heat dissipation methods are required to maintain a constant temperature

gradient. This same philosophy applies to cold temperature design as well.

Lasers are notorious for producing a great amount of heat. This is mostly attributed to the low

efficiency of photons out/unit input energy. Some high power laser systems use a flash lamp around the

lasing rod. The flash lamp heats up very rapidly and requires quick heat dissipation, most often by means

of a pumped liquid coolant. The coolant system is routed to a heat exchanger, which either brings in

outside air or optical system enclosure air. Laser assemblies are normally purchased items, which are

integrated with other optical systems. These lasers should have performance specifications including

alignment retention over temperature. Those with tight alignment specs have the coolant system

thermally isolated from the rest of the laser optics. This allows minimal laser beam wander as the coolant

heats up during firing.

3.4 .2 Cold Temperature Extremes

Many optical systems are required to power up after a -40 degrees Celsius soak as well as operate

in a -55 degrees Celsius ambient. Anytime an electro-optical system is “cold soaked” with power off, all

operating induced gradients dissipate. There is a warm-up time or settling time required for optical

alignment to stabilize. This stability settling time increases if heaters are needed to bring some

components to a safe operating temperature. Experience has shown that the use of heaters should be

accomplished prudently. The more heaters are used, the more the internal temperature gradient is

modified from normal operation, causing unwanted drifts in the optical alignment.


Often, commercial parts or design issues dictate the selection of components that cannot function

at -40C. These problems are overcome with heaters but caution should be made to keep optical alignment

stability in the forefront of the design process. Experience has shown that resistive coil heater fans can

cause extreme gradients, which cause alignment degradation especially if the volume of air is small. The

fan must have an adequate air volume and flow channels in order to uniformly heat the structure. If the

optical structure requires heating for the operation of certain components, the optical structure should be

thermally isolated from any cold external structure. In addition, small volumes of air can heat rapidly and

locally distort optics causing the wedge effect in lenses and windows. Another alternative, though not

ideal, involves optimizing the use of resistive heater elements that are mounted to problematic

components. If the components are thermally isolated from the optical bench or main structure, localized

heating can be performed efficiently with resistive strip heaters. Care should be taken to tightly control

the strip heater’s dissipation to maintain constant temperatures.

Many lasers will not function at temperatures as cold as –40C. Some reasons include internal

condensation or increased viscosity of the coolant. The internal condensation problem is a design

constraint because dry air can cause the build up of a static charge and open up the pockel cell too early

before energy is adequately built up in the laser cavity. A warm-up period can be allotted for the laser

system after soaking at cold temperatures. In order to keep a stable alignment, the laser’s heaters need to

be controlled. The initial warm-up will cause poor alignment as gradients form across the optical

structure but the alignment will settle out upon steady state cycling of the heaters about a control point.

This settling time for the optimum alignment of the optical axis to stabilize, can take thirty minutes to

several hours depending on the thermal conductivity of the laser structure.

Another thermal concern for lasers with coolant/air heat exchangers is the over-chilling of the

coolant at cold temperatures causing the temperature of the laser rod to plummet. If the laser rod’s

temperature drops below the dew point of the resonator cavity, the rod ends fog. If the coolant system is

thermally isolated from the rest of the optics, the coolant can be heated without affecting optical


alignment. The coolant should be kept warm enough to eliminate fogging events but cool enough for

energy efficiency, so the next lasing event occurs without having to immediately get rid of heat.

Thermal management is a key player in the stability of optical alignments in EO systems exposed

to environmental temperature changes. It is difficult to evenly warm an optical assembly when it is

thermally tied to an outer coldwall. The gradient can be made worse with the absence of air channels to

circulate heated air. Some systems have shown improved alignment stability when heaters were kept off

and the internal to external temperature gradient was allowed to remain nearly constant over temperature.

One of the most advantageous designs for keeping two sensors or a sensor and a laser aligned is the

common isolated optical bench method. With this design, all components mount to a rigid structure that

is thermally isolated from the outer cold enclosure. With plenty of air volume, vibration isolated stirring

fans, and small heater coils or conditioned air, the whole system, including cold sensitive parts, can be

kept warm without adding a harsh gradient to the optical system. Again, keeping everything at a constant

temperature or a constant/minimal gradient across the structure has proven to minimize alignment drift.

For some EO systems, the environmental temperature swing is too great to feasibly maintain a single

internal temperature so the best approach is to limit the internal temperature swing. If this can be

accomplished without changing the gradient across the structure, it is more likely to improve alignment


3.4 .3 Thermal Effects on Optical Elements

Changing temperature of optical elements can cause several problems unrelated to the structure or

mount. One problem is the change in optical properties of lenses and windows over temperature causing

defocus and potential alignment error. Another problem is the formation of condensation on optics,

rendering the sensor or laser ineffective to the operator. Several methods have been used to negate these

thermal effects.

The index of refraction (n) for optical materials varies with temperature. This change in index

per degree Kelvin is known as the therm-optic coefficient. The new index, n’ is given by the equation:


TdTdnnn ∆⎟


⎜⎝⎛+= *' . Some materials have relatively large therm-optic coefficients such as germanium,

silicon, and zinc sulfide when compared to a common visible optical glass such as BK7. The optical path

can be deviated with temperature gradients across a window or lens. Axial temperature gradients are not

as problematic as radial gradients (Vukobratovich, 1993). If a radial gradient on a window is symmetric

it can cause loss of system focus but not affect angular alignment. However, if a gradient exists across

the whole window as shown in Figure 32, the optical alignment can be negatively affected. This is also

compounded by the fact that the window grows into a wedge due to thermal expansion.


Figure 32: Beam deviation due to a transverse temperature gradient in a window

The temperature change of a lens also causes its focal length to change. This phenomenon is a

result of three material properties: the thermal expansion of the lens, the change in index of refraction

(therm-optic coefficient), and the refractive index of air (Yoder, 1993). When multiple lenses are

installed in an optical system, the thermal expansion of the structure is also a contributor. The correction

of the defocus over temperature for an optical system is known as athermalization. Over the years,

several methods have been developed to make systems athermal. Once again, care should be made to

ensure that optical alignments are not impacted when choosing an athermalization scheme.

Methods of athermalization are active, passive, or intrinsic. All-reflective systems are

intrinsically athermal if the mirrors and structure share the same CTE since the optics scale with

temperature and focus remains sharp for a certain set point such as infinity focus. Passive athermal

systems use two or more materials to counteract changes in focus. The proper selection of two different

lens materials mounted in a lens tube with a certain design CTE, yields a passively athermal focus. Other

passive methods use a bimetallic compensator tube as shown in Figure 33. Length L1 is a low thermal


expansion metal while length L2 is a high expansion metal. The focus compensation performed by the

bimetallic tube is calculated by the equation: . When other focus positions are

needed besides infinity focus, systems most often employ an active athermal focus by moving lens

elements, a mirror element, or the focal plane. The focus can be adjusted manually by an operator or the

software can be programmed with a focus compensation curve for a given temperature feedback.

fTLL ∆=∆− )( 2211 αα

Figure 33: Bimetallic Compensator Tube [Vukobratovich, 1993]

Active focus mechanisms require extra attention during design and fabrication for maintaining

alignment stability. A focus cell or focus mirror must run true over temperature in order to keep optical

alignment while compensating for athermal focus. Most focus cells employ a linear slide for alignment.

The travel of the slide must be aligned to the optical axis within the error budget. The slide must also run

true without side loads from the translating force, which should act as a pure linear actuator. Many times

ball screws are used to convert motor rotation into linear motion. The connection of the ball screw should

not be over constrained so that any “wobble” of the screw is not transferred to the focus cell which would

cause angular line of sight drift as the focus cell adjusts over temperature.


Any time that optics are required to operate over a range of temperatures, there exists a risk of

condensation as the optic’s temperature falls below the dew point. Most electro-optical systems are

sealed in an enclosure to keep out dust and water. For enclosures with no moving parts, it can be easier to

seal to keep out water vapor. The main areas for fogging concerns are optical windows that get colder

than the surrounding structure that is typically warmer due to electronic heat sources. Several methods

have been used to eliminate the formation of condensation or remove it once the formation begins. Each

method has its benefits, but most have a negative impact on optical alignments.

The dew point of the air inside the sensor pod or housing is the temperature required for

condensate form, for a given relative humidity. To eliminate fogging, the temperature of the optical

windows are either kept above the dew point by using heat or the dew point of the air is lowered by

keeping the air dry. Adding heat to windows causes temperature gradients, which causes optical path

deformation. If the window is circular, the window can have a radial resistive heater bonded to its edge

and only cause a focus change that is acceptable for systems with active focus. However, this could be

detrimental to an infrared system that senses temperature gradients in the optics. Another method of

heating the window surface is blowing warm air across the window, which causes transverse thermal

gradients as discussed earlier. If the optical axis deviation caused by a window heater is within the

alignment stability budget, this option is a low maintenance approach. Another method, utilizing a

desiccant material inside an EO pod will dry out the air to eliminate fogging events without impacting the

optical alignment. The downside is that the material eventually saturates and requires periodic changing.

If dry nitrogen is available on the vehicle, a slow purge can also work to keep a dry environment with no

impact to optical path provided a pressure relief is used; windows could deflect under pressure stresses.

Many EO systems have moving gimbals with seals that are difficult to seal. Those systems that are well-

sealed can still be evacuated and back filled with dry nitrogen. However, they may still be plagued by

vapor intrusion.



4.1 Test Equipment

During the design phase of components and upon system completion, the performance of

alignment drift requires testing and validation. For checking alignment stability of EO systems,

collimators and auto-collimators are two valuable pieces of test equipment. These instruments must be

used outside a special environmental temperature chamber with a window to transmit desired


For use with multiple wavelengths such as visible, mid-wave infrared, and near IR laser

wavelengths, a reflective collimator is required (Dickey, 1980). A simple collimator consists of two

components, an off-axis paraboloidal mirror and a target that is positioned at the focal point of the mirror

as shown in Figure 34. The projected light rays coming from the target are converted into collimated or

parallel rays of light, hence the name “collimator.”

Figure 34: Collimator for testing optical alignments of an EO system. [Dickey,1980]

If a laser is fired at the parabola and roughly parallel to the collimator axis, it will go through

focus near the focal plane of the collimator. High power lasers should be attenuated to impede damage to

the target. The parabola mirror should be large enough to cover all sensor apertures that need tested, as

shown in Figure 35. For space constraints, collimators can be a folded design with added flat mirrors or

the design can employ two mirrors with power.


Figure 35: Collimator primary mirror aperture coverage - for apertures of an EO system [Dickey,1980]

Most often the focal plane allows for the accurate placement of different targets. The target can

be a pinhole that is backlit with a light or thermal source. The pinhole target serves as a common

reference for checking the alignment of multiple sensors in an EO system. Laser to sensor alignment or

boresight can be checked by firing the raw or an attenuated amount of the laser energy at a target of

desired material in the collimator and can be viewed simultaneously by the sensor. Laser targets include

heat absorbing glass, ceramics, flashing phosphor, or Polaroid film depending upon the sensor and laser

combination. Placement accuracy of the target in the focal plane of the collimating mirror is critical to

alignment accuracy. According to Dickey’s optical ray trace analysis, for a 1.5 m focal length collimator

and a certain laser to sensor axis separation, a 0.50 mm target placement error (defocus) causes a

boresight error of 35 µrad or a sensitivity of 70 µrad/mm defocus. The error sensitivity to defocus

depends upon the focal length and separation distance of the two optical axes (laser and sensor). Accurate

determination of the collimator’s focal point can be determined with interferometry and is indeed critical

for testing alignment accuracy of multiple sensors and lasers with different apertures (Dickey, 1980).

Autocollimators are another tool required for measuring alignment accuracy and stability. An

autocollimator emits collimated light and requires a return of collimated light. It is used to measure small


angular deviations of a flat mirror as seen in Figure 36. Visible autocollimators project a target and the

return target is imaged in an eyepiece for viewing. When the autocollimator is aligned with the mirror,

the return target is aligned with the reference reticle, as shown in Figure 37. Commercial autocollimators

such as the Nikon 6D have measurement accuracy of 2 arc-seconds with vernier resolution of 0.5 arc-

seconds, however even when an operator has good eyesight and repeatable placement of the eye in the

aperture, 1 to 2 arc-seconds resolution/repeatability is hard to achieve. When combined with a video

camera and a 12.5 mm focal length, FL imaging lens, a commercial visible autocollimator can achieve a

measurement resolution near 1.5 arc-sec. Resolution can be improved with longer focal length camera

lenses, but it decreases the field of view resulting in a loss of total measurement range. The 50 mm

aperture of the Nikon 6D, allows viewing of two mirror surfaces simultaneously and seeing two sets of

returns, which is essential to testing optical alignment stability of one mirror with respect to another.

Software is available to analyze images from cameras looking at visible autocollimator return reticles

(Zona, 2001).

Figure 36: Autocollimator Schematic [Leviton, 2003]


Figure 37: Visible Autocollimator - a) return image aligned with autocollimator axis, b)

mirror is tipped 1 unit in elevation and 2 units in azimuth [Leviton, 2003]

Electronic autocollimators use a laser diode and a quadrature detector to sense the location of the

return beam as shown in Figure 38. The output of the unit is a nearly collimated laser beam and

sometimes polarized. Electronic autocollimators are good for measuring deflections of a mirror during

vibration where high bandwidth measurements are required, with commercially available sampling up to

1 kHz and resolution of 0.01 arc-sec. However, electronic autocollimators can be difficult to use for long

stability measurements as they can suffer from electronic drift and slight changes in room temperature.

Most electronic autocollimators suffer from poor signal to noise with lower reflectivity mirrors and any

change in polarization when reflecting off of fold mirrors with various coatings at a 45-degree angle of

incidence. The output beam of some laser autocollimators have a good beam quality and can be used as

laser sources for other tests.


Figure 38: Quadrature detector used inside electronic autocollimators and beam position measurement devices [Hane , 2003]

In order to check alignment stability over temperature, the unit under test (UUT) is placed in a

special temperature chamber. The UUT can be a system component or the whole system. The chamber

must have an optical window for passing wavelengths under test, to and from the measurement

equipment, which is held stable at room temperature. The window exposed to the lab environment will

fog as the window temperature falls below the dew point of lab air. This problem can be solved several

ways. One way is to use two windows and flow dry nitrogen between the two windows or purge the

volume between the two windows as shown in Figure 39. This can keep the outside window warm

enough to keep from fogging. Another method uses a dry nitrogen purged box surrounding the window

with a port that is removed for the short time during data collection. To keep the windows from affecting

the measurement, the radial gradient must be minimized. Air must not flow directly on the surface of the

window or problematic gradients form and steer the optical axis. For tests involving temperatures down

to –65C, chilled air chambers are used. For cryogenic vacuum temperature tests, the air is evacuated from

the chamber, and the UUT is cooled through radiation, using a chilled wall.


Figure 39: Temperature Chamber Setup [Zona, 2001]

4 .2 Variabi l i ty

In order to take meaningful data of the alignment stability, several variables must be controlled.

As previously discussed, the measurement is sensitive to air blowing across the chamber window.

Another variable that must be controlled is the laboratory temperature, as some equipment and

components can be sensitive to small air temperature fluctuations or air currents blowing across the setup.

The ramp rate of the temperature chamber must duplicate operational cases. If the ramp rate is very steep,

the thermal shock could induce some alignment changes uncharacteristic of real world conditions. Some

data can be taken during transitions, but repeatability is better if the UUT temperature is stabilized to a

small rate of change prior to measurement of alignment error. Air currents in the chamber can cause

wavefront error in the optical path due to refraction and can affect the ability to measure as the image

“fuzzes” out of focus. This can be improved by turning off the air circulator of the temperature chamber

(Zona, 2001). Air currents with temperature gradients in the optical path external to the chamber can also

cause image degradation and measurement noise. This can be improved by using two or three windows

with airspace purged with temperature-controlled dry air. The temperature of the airspace needs to be the

average temperature of the air on either side of the window. Finally, a cardboard tube around the optical

path can reduce air currents that negatively affect the measurement of an autocollimator.


Alignment stability is a measure of the angle between one optical path and a reference datum, or

it is an angle measurement of the alignment of two optical paths. Collected stability data typically shows

shift and drift. Drift is the change of alignment angle as a function of temperature, but shift is when an

alignment does not return to the same place after undergoing identical thermal cycles. The shift is known

as hysteresis as shown in Figure 40. It is difficult to tell whether hysteresis is induced by the test setup or

it is issue within the UUT. Tests should be repeated several times to gain confidence in the equipment

and measurement capability. Reference mirror tests can be designed to verify test setup variability and

set a bound for the measurement uncertainty.

Figure 40: Alignment Drift and Shift [Wilson, 2005]

4.3 Example System Test Methods

The collimator is a widely used piece of equipment for testing electro-optical systems. It presents

targets at an “infinity” system focus for simulating long-range targets. The collimator can be used outside

a temperature chamber for measuring system performance over temperature.


4.3 .1 Sensor-to-sensor a l ignment s tabi l i ty

Many electro-optical systems have two or more sensors such as color television and infrared

cameras that must stay aligned. A common target must be presented to both sensors in the collimator.

This is normally a pinhole target backlit with a light bulb, which emits both visible and infrared energy.

At each temperature step, the location of the pinhole target in the FOV of each target is recorded. There

are multiple ways to find the location of a bright spot through onboard video tracking or just collecting

image captures and post processing. The pixel location of the bright intensity spot centroid in each sensor

can be subtracted to give the alignment between sensors. The measure of how this alignment changes

over temperature is called sensor-to-sensor alignment stability. It can be converted from the pixel

measurement to its angular equivalent by knowing the angular pixel spacing of the sensor. If data is not

taken from each sensor simultaneously, care must be taken to not change the alignment of the whole

electro-optical system or the collimator during the measurement time of each sensor at a particular

temperature data point. Between data points, changes in the alignment of the system or collimator do not

impact the measurement of sensor-to-sensor or laser-to-sensor alignment.

4.3 .2 Laser- to-sensor a l ignment s tabi l i ty

As discussed before, the collimator located outside a temperature chamber can be used to

measure the alignment error between a pulsed laser and a sensor in an electro-optical system. Over

temperature, the laser can be fired at a target material, which allows the sensor to view the alignment

error. This method works well for checking laser alignment to an infrared sensor by using heat-absorbing

glass at the focal plane of the collimator. With each laser pulse, a hot spot forms on the target. This hot

spot can be tracked using a flashing spot video tracker or can be post processed through image captures.

The measured alignment error is the number of pixels between the laser hot spot and the aiming reference,

which is most often a reticle or “cross-hairs”. If a target material is not available for the sensor to view, a

hole can be punched in a thin film target that is backlit by a source the sensor can see (Dickey, 1980).


4.4 Example Component Test Methods

If the electro-optical system has alignment issues over temperature, tests can be ran on different

components to determine their sensitivity to temperature changes. Mirrors, beam splitters, beam

expanders, and afocals are some components that are easy to test since they all pass collimated light in

and out. This allows the use of autocollimators to measure angular deviations of the optical path with

respect to a reference. In order to make an accurate stability measurement with a single autocollimator

such as the Nikon 6D, a portion of the reference mirror and a portion of the unit under test must both fall

within the aperture of the autocollimator. This setup results in two target returns, that if properly adjusted

are spaced apart for measurement by a camera shown as shown in Figure 41. Over temperature the pixel

spacing between the two target returns is a measure of alignment stability of one mirror relative to

another. There is software available to analyze these images over temperature. By using the same

autocollimator to measure two paths simultaneously, the measurement is insensitive to autocollimator

pointing stability.

1 arc-min or 290 urad

Figure 41: Sample autocollimator image with two mirror returns


A stable reference mirror must be used for making accurate measurements. By choosing an

aluminum or silicon carbide fixture material, a reference mirror can be diamond point turned right on the

fixture, which guarantees a stable reference, as shown in Figure 42. The test fixture holds the unit under

test (UUT) over temperature, and should mimic the mounting method found inside the electro-optical


Figure 42: Example of a component test fixture [Zona, 2001]

Individual flat mirrors or steering mirrors can be tested in their mounts by attaching the mount

directly to the back of a DPT reference mirror, as shown in Figure 43. Two mirror returns allow relative

alignment to be checked with one autocollimator. Beam splitters act as mirrors for part of the split and

can be tested similar to a flat mirror. If lens mounting techniques need tested, a glass surrogate mirror can

be fabricated with the same external shape except with a flat surface in the center that is silver coated for

getting an autocollimator return.


Mirror (UUT) DPT Reference Mirror Fixture

Figure 43: Alignment stability test fixture for single autocollimator measurement

For testing beam expanders and afocals, a return mirror must be built into the fixture as well as a

reference mirror. A portion of the autocollimator views the reference, while another portion views the

optical path down and back through the beam expander as shown in Figure 44.



Fixture in chamber

UUT) Reference mirror and return mirror Beam expander or afocal (

Figure 44: Alignment stability testing of a beam expander using single autocollimator

If the two test apertures are spaced outside the aperture of a single visible autocollimator, two

autocollimators can be used, with a common reference mirror to take out any alignment changes between

autocollimators or of the rigid body motion of the two optical paths as a whole. Each autocollimator

aperture floods the common autocollimator reference and the measurement axes. The data collected

using the setup shown in Figure 45, would yield fixture reference to autocollimator reference drift, and it

would yield UUT optical axis to autocollimator reference drift. These two drifts would be subtracted to

get the desired UUT optical axis to fixture reference drift.



Autocollimator reference mirror

Fixture DPT reference mirror

WindowFixture in chamber

Figure 45: Dual Autocollimator setup for two apertures spaced apart

When the stability of a laser module is questioned, a combination of a collimator, autocollimator

and reference fixture can be used to measure the laser’s output drift over temperature, as shown in Figure

46. The laser is attached to a reference fixture that simulates the structure and mounting features of the

parent system. The fixture should have a DPT mirror surface for the mechanical reference datum. The

collimator is used to focus the laser’s energy on a beam diagnostic camera located at the focal plane.


Beam cameras are commercially available and come with software for finding the center of the beam’s

position by averaging multiple pulses or by averaging the position of a continuous beam. The beam

camera then outputs angular position of the laser beam. An autocollimator is firmly attached to the

collimator and measures the collimator to reference mirror drift. This drift is subtracted from the beam

camera drift measurement to achieve “laser to mounting datum” drift over temperature.

Folded Collimator

Beam Diagnostic

Laser under test on fixture



Ref mirror on fixture

Figure 46: Laser alignment stability test



Some configurations and use cases of electro-optical systems cannot passively meet alignment

stability needs without added enhancements. Laser systems are notorious for being sensitive to

temperature changes, and require additional correction techniques such as temperature calibration,

boresight modules, or active correction. Ideally, these methods would not be required if the root causes of

alignment instability were eliminated internal to the system. The system would only require initial

alignment using an accurately focused collimator target.

5.1 Temperature ca l ibrat ion

Temperature calibration can be performed on a whole electro optical system. This method uses

an equation to move an aiming reference or a steering mirror based upon inputs from temperature sensors

inside the system. The calibration process begins with measuring alignment drift of the system over

temperature and collecting temperature data using temperature sensors within the system. A correlation

of the temperature and alignment drift data is used to form a correction equation stored as a calibration

lookup table for use by software. The performance of this method is limited to the drift repeatability and

effort may be required to reduce sources of hysteresis. One drawback of this option is an added data

collection cycle for each unit that may only be valid for that set of matched components. If so, a new

calibration could be required with each component removal/repair.

5.2 Bores ight ing on the Vehic le

5 .2 .1 Bores ight Modules

Boresight modules are used to align a laser to sensor and are expected to keep excellent stability

over temperature. With robust structural and optical component design combined with the absence of

internal heat sources, boresight modules can achieve tight alignment stability performance. Typically

boresight modules are a separate “bolt-on” optical system with windows and can be designed with a


“monolithic” structure and optics for optimum stability. Some boresight modules are required to be

carried on the vehicle with the electro-optical system, so that when the temperature changes, a re-

alignment of the laser or aiming reference can be achieved. The boresight process involves the

positioning of the electro-optical system using its gimbals to look into the boresight module and fire the

laser or an internal source to check or re-align the optical axes. The end goal is ensure that the laser

points at the aiming device in the sensor’s field of view.

Figure 47: Collimator boresight module for a single input/output axis [Godfrey, 1980]

One type of boresight module uses a collimator design that functions, as described previously by

focusing a laser on a target made of a material that creates either an infrared or visible signature for

viewing by the sensor. Several different sizes and configurations can be tailored for the application. If

common optics are shared by the laser and visible sensor, a small collimator aperture is required as shown

in Figure 47. When two or more laser and sensor apertures exist, a collimator alone can be used for

alignment but the aperture must be big enough to encompass both laser and sensor apertures as shown in

Figure 48. By folding optical paths into a single axis with a beam splitter, a “mini-collimator” can be

used to reduce the volume of the module as shown in Figure 49 (Godfrey,1980). Boresight modules have

to be designed to combat condensate from forming on its optics. Another downside is the weight and

volume that the module adds to the vehicle. Alignment stability over temperature must be the key design


requirement in selecting components and structure for collimator modules, since the electro optical

system depends upon the module for alignment truth.

Figure 48: Collimator boresight module for two optical axes [Godfrey, 1980]

Figure 49: Mini-collimator boresight module using a dichroic beam splitter [Godfrey, 1980]


5.2 .2 Internal Methods

A more desirable method of boresighting involves designing components inside the electro-

optical system strictly for aligning the laser with the sensor. A corner cube is a well-known device that is

made with three 90-degree facets for returning a beam back along the same axis with no sensitivity to

small alignment changes of the corner cube. A couple of methods for using a corner cube or hollow retro-

reflector and a beam splitter are shown in Figure 50. The sensor is shown as an image plane with

focusing optics. The object space is the location of the scene, which is ultimately where the laser should

point. (Gibson, 2000 )

Figure 50: Internal Boresighting Techniques using a Corner Cube [Gibson, 2000]

If the sensor and laser do not share optics, a piece of a corner cube called a lateral transfer prism

can be used to accurately send the laser axis back into the sensor, provided the sensor has some sensitivity

at the wavelength of the laser. This can be hidden inside the base of a pod as shown in Figure 51, for use

over temperature as needed (Godfrey, 1980). Lateral transfer prisms are known for their stability over


temperature as they are made out of a single material. The corner cube is insensitive to small pointing

errors, making it “alignment insensitive” as the holding structure flexes or changes position over

temperature. (Yoder, 1993)

Figure 51: Boresighting method using a lateral transfer prism [Godfrey, 1980]

5.3 Act ive Correct ion

The most desired stability enhancement aside from “set it and forget it” is active correction,

where the laser is actively aligned either to the mechanical structure or ideally to the sensor. One method

used on the CALIPSO space LIDAR project involved steering the laser to peak the signal in the laser

receiver. For this application, the collection telescope was accurately positioned at an earth target using a

video camera. The laser receiver was accurately aligned and maintained through stable structural design

and the laser only needed active alignment (Seckar, 2005). This method has been applied in a similar

manner by having a laser imaging sensor or laser spot tracker that is dedicated to actively keep the laser

aligned, while another sensor views the scene or target. The laser-spot sensor can be used to steer the


laser or move the aiming reference. The dedicated laser-spot sensor must be kept aligned passively with

other “aiming” sensors, since only the laser’s stability is actively corrected.

Figure 52: Active Beam Alignment Compensation [Mitchell, 2001]

Another active laser alignment method combines fast steering mirrors and quadrature detectors to

simultaneously keep the laser beam centered and aligned while it is being fired at a target as shown in

Figure 52. The quadrature detectors are beam position feedback sensors used as truth references. If the

sensor’s optical axis or line of sight can be held stable over temperature, using methods previously

discussed, the thermal effects on the laser’s alignment can be compensated without any need for boresight

modules. The temperature sensitive mirror position feedback sensors can be used for inertial stabilization

around a center position command determined by the quadrature detectors.




6.1 Axiomatic Des ign Background

The Axiomatic Design Process breaks the problem down into four separate domains as shown in

Figure 53. Each domain has its own set of elements, the mapping between domains can be described by a

set of matrices where:

[R] is the requirement matrix,

[D] is the design matrix, and

[C] is the component matrix.


{CN} is the customer needs vector,

{FR} is the functional requirements vector,

{DP} is the design parameter vector, and

{C} is the component vector.

The cornerstones of Axiomatic Design are the Independence Axiom and the Information Axiom.

The Independence Axiom stresses the independence of functional requirements. Independent

requirements can stand by themselves, do not conflict with other requirements, and are mapped to a single

design entity. The Information Axiom stresses design optimization that becomes the Design Parameters

(DP’s), providing a solution that completely implements the functional requirements with the minimum

set of components and interfaces. These principles apply directly when developing a new design.

Applying axiomatic design to an existing problem is slightly different in that it deals mostly in the area of

Functional Requirements and Design Parameters.


Customer Domain

{CN} = [R]{FR} mapping

Functional Domain


Component Domain

Customer Needs {CN}

{FR} = [D]{DP}mapping

{DP} = [C]{C} mapping

Functional Requirements


Design Parameters



Figure 53 - Axiomatic Design Process [Englehardt, 2000]

6 .2 Analys is of the Product Using Axiomatic Des ign

The objective of this study was to combine the principles of axiomatic design with the tools of

design of experiments in order to solve an alignment problem in an electro-optical system. According to

Englehardt, the steps involved in applying axiomatic design theory to an existing design are

• “Problem definition

• Analysis of the product using Axiomatic Design (Design Object Analysis)

• Noise factor analysis

• Gathering and analyzing initial data (Seven Quality Control tools)

• Designed experiments/Computer simulations

• Optimization of current design

• Redesign and decoupling of the most important factors

• Creation of an implementation plan

• Verification: Is the problem solved? ( 2000)”


6.3 Problem Descr ipt ion

The product in question was a targeting pod with infrared camera and laser similar to Figure 54.

The main issue involved the discovery of an alignment problem during flight between the camera and

laser. At different altitudes, the alignment change measured was over three times the maximum desired

error. The obvious solution sought was to reduce the alignment drift to within the desired requirement.

Two approaches were discussed to meeting the solution. One was testing a barrage of changes at once in

hopes of finding a successful “fix”. The second and chosen approach was a root cause analysis and

reducing the main contributors to the problem.

Figure 54: Example of a targeting pod [Jane’s, 2005]

6.4 Funct ion Tree (Des ign Object Analys is )

The function tree for the system is shown in Figure 55. The alignment problem was related to the

constraint “1.2 Sensor and Laser Alignment”, which involved the laser hitting the target seen in the

camera sensor. The camera and laser are pointed at the target using the outer gimbaled system but the

alignment between the laser and the sensor is not tied to the outer gimbaled system. During a flight the

optical alignments would degrade and the net result was the laser not hitting where the camera was

looking. The system function tree was used to list factors in the design that could affect the problem.

During the functional requirements (FR’s) review, the same DP (Fan Heater #1) was found satisfying two

different FR’s, to keep the laser warm and to keep condensation off of the windows. It is best to solve

each FR independently per axiomatic theory. One alternative method would put a heater and temperature


sensor in the laser to solve the laser cold constraint. This decoupling was later considered as a test

configuration of the system for determining effects of not running the pod heater.

Figure 55: Partial Functional Analysis Tree


Collecting Telescope

Beam Expander Laser


Infrared Window


Infrared Detector

Laser Steering Mirror

Image Steering Mirror

Focus Cell

Fan Heater

Intake Air Cooling Fan

Figure 56: Optical Schematic

6.4 .1 Descr ipt ion of the Major Components

A simplified optical path schematic is shown in Figure 56. The pod was designed to protect the

optical components from environmental factors and mounted in the outer gimbaled system for pointing.

Internal to the pod was an energy-collecting telescope, stabilizing mirror, and imaging optics mounted in

front of an infrared camera. Also included were a laser, steering mirror, and expanding optics. The pod

was designed with a software-controlled heater and fan (Fan Heater #1) to warm the inside of the pod to

keep condensation off of the windows and warm the camera to 10C (degrees Celsius) thereby keeping the

laser above its –10C optics design constraint. At some warm temperatures, the laser required forced


cooling using an intake fan and heat exchanger to cool the coolant that pumps over a flash-lamp. All the

components were mounted to the pod’s structural cold walls.

6.5 Noise Factor Analys is

When looking at this problem it is necessary to ask: What are the external factors that are seen in

flight? A.) Vibration, B.) Altitude/Pressure Changes C.) Temperature Changes

Noise-induced factors that are outside the control of the design process involve the following:

manufacturing tolerances, assembly tolerances, and system wear and tear. The items considered as noise

factors are listed in Figure 57

Manufacture of Pod Flight Environment Component Wear

From AD Function Mean Tree

• Focus over temp • Image motion stab

mirror • Motor driven focus

cell • Stab mirror #2 • Optical mounting

structure • Proper torques • Lens potting process

Factors • Air density • Temperature Change • Vibration • Humidity change

Factors • Laser mirror

position flexure wear

• Image motion mirror flexure wear

• Focus slide wear • Unknown internal

component wear in laser assy.

Optical alignment problem

Figure 57: Noise Factors


6.6 Gathering and Analyzing Ini t ia l Data

What are the driving factors for the gathering and analysis of data: Temperature, Pressure, or

Vibration? Qualification tests were previously run for alignment performance before and after vibration.

Image and laser-stabilizing mirror performance was also previously verified during vibration. There are

no known pressure-sensitive elements in the pod, and the pod itself relieves pressure through its seals.

Temperature effects are known to cause problems on optical systems, most generally through thermal

expansion of materials and associated thermal gradients.

The first step was to gather alignment data on the optical system over the temperature ranges seen

in flight, thus bounding the magnitude of the problem. The goal was to establish a baseline of variations

for the temperature ranges. The necessary test equipment was set up to accurately measure the alignment

variation over the temperature ranges.

An anticipated cause-effect diagram was developed from the factors in the function tree as shown

in Figure 58. The alignment problem was measured to be 4 times the desired requirement on a sample of

two systems, which was close to the magnitude of that seen in flight tests.

Figure 58: Cause and Effect Possibilities


6.7 Stat i s t ica l Experimental Des ign

The goal for this step was twofold; to determine the root cause of the problem and to implement

design solutions that provide the lowest cost of retrofitting the existing systems. When implementing

statistical experimental design, both cost and schedule can be controlled. Two methods were initially

considered for experimental design: 1.) Up-and-down, 2.) Taguchi. The Up-and-down method obtains

data from sensitivity experiments. Only one observation per sample is made before the sample is

discarded. The Taguchi method allows for the measurement of a number of different parameters and their

interactions, rather than only varying one variable at a time and continually repeating the experiments for

all variables.

6.7 .1 Ini t ia l Decis ions

To minimize the number of experiments, it is best to limit the number of variables required to

test. The decision was made to consider the suspected players and then rank them in relation to overall

problem based on initial component data. Knowing their interactions in the system will require


A structural model with optical alignment sensitivity coefficients already existed for each optical

component or assembly. This model predicted drifts of 16% desired goal; given isothermal temperature

changes of 50C (no gradients). The structural model predicted motion of optical components based on

thermal expansion. It is known that the camera is heated to 10C using the heater fan and the pod skin

temperature can get to -20C in flight. A rough gradient was blended into the thermal model and it

predicted an alignment drift very near the goal, which did not explain the main contributor. This model

could not accurately depict all gradients that do form under normal operation.

What are the sources that would cause gradients to form? The candidates are heating fan, cooling

fan, electronic components, infrared cooler and ambient air temperature. A thermal survey was

recommended to determine if alignment drift could be correlated with gradient development or

temperature changes. Through the axiomatic design analysis, it was recommended to decouple the pod


air heater from trying to meet two requirements of combating window condensate and keeping the laser

warm. One experiment considered was a software change and an additional temperature feedback sensor

to make use of existing heaters in the laser. This would allow the laser to fire at cold ambient

temperatures without having to run the pod air heater.

The next question asked was what components move within the optical system, and do they move

as designed. Both the focus cell and steering mirrors were designed to move, and were the subject of the

next step in the investigation for drift contributors. The focus cell must move approximately .050 inches

to account for focal length changes due to expansion of the metal housing and change in index of

refraction of the glass optics. The focus cell optics must travel along the optical axis or an alignment shift

occurs. A tolerance analysis demonstrated that if assembled correctly by clocking to the machined

surfaces, the focus cell would not cause more than 16% of the total allowable alignment drift over the

temperature range in question. Vendor test data of a sample of steering mirror position sensors showed a

variability of drift over temperature changes in excess of 3 times the alignment stability goal. The effects

of the steering mirrors in the system were later tested as a part of a designed experiment where one

“level” or configuration is with the mirror installed. Another “level” later tested was with a surrogate

“rigid/fixed” mirror made of diamond-turned aluminum that mounted in the same location as the steering

mirror. The final known contributor investigated was drift internal to the laser assembly. It was already

known from the laser vendor’s qualification tests that the laser has an internal drift of 40% of the overall

allowable sensor to laser alignment.

By ranking each suspect drift contributor, as shown in Figure 59, it is easy to see what problems

needed to be studied first. Using the baseline drift measurement of 4 times the goal, there should be two

main determinates to characterize using the design of experiments: gradients and steering mirrors.


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450


Steering Mirrors


Laser Internal Drift(spec)

Focus cell (sample ofthree)

Thermal Model (nogradients)


al C



or E








Alignment Problem in Percent of Goal

Figure 59: Initial Estimates of Probable Contributors to the Problem

6.7 .2 Experimental Setup

In looking at Figure 59, the following three “factors” were chosen to vary through tests in the

system: two steering mirrors and the pod heater control. Each steering mirror was tested with or without

its “fixed” or rigid surrogate. The pod heater was allowed to operate during some tests and during others

it was turned off. In order to still have cold temperature laser firing, a new laser heater would run keeping

the laser above –5C in the absence of the pod heater. These three factors make up the basis for an “L8”

two-level Taguchi factorial set of tests. Two level means each variable is either high or low (on or off), as

shown in the setup of tests in Table 2. For example, Row #1 has a “1” for all three variables. This means

that all three variables are at the baseline configuration. For this run, both steering mirrors were installed

and the window heater was operating with a 10C camera temperature set point.


All eight runs (row #’s) were performed on one sample system. The alignment angle between the

laser and camera was measured over temperature. The goal is that the alignment drift stay within a

specified angle at all times. Each run was repeated over the exact same environmental and time

conditions and the system was allowed to run for two hours at each of seven temperature steps before

taking an alignment measurement. The result (Yi) of each run was the maximum difference between any

two of the seven data points divided by goal. These eight runs could have been repeated on one or two

more systems and a Y-bar or average observance for each row would be used for further analysis.

Table 2: L8 Array and descriptions

Factor A B C

Observed Maximum

Drift Delta /goal

Row #

Heater 10C Air

or -5C Laser

Image Mirror -

Steering or Fixed

Laser Mirror -

Steering or Fixed Yi Y bar

1 1 1 1 4.16 4.16

2 1 1 2 3.1 3.1

3 1 2 1 3.5 3.5

4 1 2 2 2.5 2.5

5 2 1 1 2.3 2.3

6 2 1 2 1.67 1.67

7 2 2 1 2.4 2.4

8 2 2 2 0.83 0.83

6 .7 .3 Analys is of Variance (ANOVA)

ANOVA is the standard way of statistically comparing the data collected using the Taguchi method. It

enables the observer to make decisions about a set of observed parameters. Since the above experiment

involved 3 factors, a 3-way ANOVA can be performed.

75 Calculations The ANOVA calculations were performed in a spreadsheet. The first step involves calculating the Main

Effect Factor for all eight columns of the L8 matrix.

4∑∑ −


MEF iif

The degree of freedom is the number of levels minus one for each column except error. The error degree

of freedom is “1” for this L8 matrix. Next is the sum of squares total calculation:

82 ∑∑ += i


YYSS where “8” is the number of runs.

Next is the calculation of sum of squares:

2)(2 fi MEFSS = and sum of squares error ∑−= iTE SSSSSS

Next is the calculation of mean squares: iii dfSSMS /= .

The F-test is performed by the following equation: Eii MSMSF /= .

Finally, the percent contribution for each factor or combination of factors is calculated:


Eii SS

MSMSPC )(100 −= and PCError is simply ∑−= iE PCPC 100 . ANOVA Results The ANOVA, in Table 3, shows the results of the statistical calculations. Surprisingly, the pod heater has

the largest percent contribution. This was flagged as a potential issue during the axiomatic design object

analysis. The steering mirrors also have a contribution and need to be improved. This experimental

design led to meaningful data and a guideline for improving the design. The next steps would involve

incorporating and validating design improvements.


Table 3: ANOVA Results Maximum Drift Delta / goal

Source SS df MS F



Heater 10C Air or -5C Laser 4.5905 1 4.5905 36.724 60.27%

Image Mirror -Steering or Fixed 0.5000 1 0.5000 4.000 6.56%

Laser Mirror -Steering or Fixed 2.2685 1 2.2685 18.148 29.78%

AB 0.0338 1 0.0338 0.270 0.44%

AC 0.0024 1 0.0024 0.020 0.03%

BC 0.0968 1 0.0968 0.774 1.27%

Error 0.125 1 0.125 1.64%

Total 7.617 7

6.8 Opt imizat ion, Redes ign, and Decoupl ing

The results of the design of experiments (DOE), component testing, and modeling, showed what

needed to be improved or optimized. Upon further investigation, the heater fan caused large gradients on

the telescope. The pod heater was originally designed to keep the laser warm and defog the windows.

The use of the laser heater alone proved to yield better alignment results. Early analysis of the FR/DP

matrix pointed out a concern where the fan heater design parameter was trying to satisfy two different

functional requirements. The optimized design keeps the laser above –10C with an existing built-in laser

heater and new temperature sensor. Since the pod heater cannot be used without alignment impacts, a

desiccant material was installed to satisfy the functional requirement of eliminating condensation on the

optics. The test results determined this system modification provided a solution to minimize the drift to

within the specification, when fixed surrogate mirrors were installed in place of the steering units. The

de-coupling of the same design parameter that affected two functional requirements was key and was a

predicted issue in the functional tree.


The steering mirrors were shown to be the second largest contributor to alignment stability during

the design of experiments. The mirrors were later studied more efficiently outside the system on a test

stand using a reference mirror for measuring relative drift of the mirror over temperature. Additional

development resulted in a self-calibrating algorithm to minimize the mirror drift.

6.9 Creat ion of an Implementat ion Plan

An integrated implementation plan should include a timeline and anticipated costs to make a

design change. First an engineering change proposal is issued. Once accepted, the drawings that need to

be changed are modified, the software lifecycle requirements are determined and modifications are

applied, tested, integrated, released, and qualified. Manufacturing and modification processes need to be

modified to allow for the new engineering changes. When determining and building the implementation

plan, areas to consider include how many units can be repaired, within a timeframe without impacting

normal production schedule.

6.10 Veri f icat ion: Is the Problem Solved?

After the changes described are implemented, a sample of systems should be measured over

temperature to verify that the design changes definitely fixed the problem. The systems should also be

flight tested to demonstrate success.

6.11 Case Study Conclus ion

Applying the axiomatic design process to an existing problem can provide for a solution that may

not be obvious when using a more traditional approach to solving a problem similar to this one in

complexity. This particular problem was composed of many design components that must work together

to provide the expected product results. Understanding and defining the relationship between the design

components was critical in the axiomatic design process and laying the groundwork for experimental

design. Narrowing down the number of variables to a meaningful set for testing saves time and money.

The Taguchi method allows for testing a combination of variables. Finally, using Analysis of Variance


yields knowledge of what factors contribute to the problem. Design of experiments is a valuable tool to

the engineer for solving problems and making design decisions. The principles and tools of axiomatic

design methodology are not only available for new design process but can also be used to solve an

existing problem through the mapping out functional requirements, design parameters, and design




Electro optical systems for military and scientific applications will be exposed to environmental

temperature changes. Various optical paths must stay aligned within customer requirements. Alignment

stability can be designed into a system through proven techniques but must ultimately be tested for

performance. Some laser systems with strict retention requirements require additional stability

improvements due to issues inherent to the particular design.

During the design phase, alignment stability must be in the forefront of each decision including

optical layout, material selections, structural design, optics mounting schemes, and thermal management.

Trade-offs made during each of these stages can impact the alignment stability of two or more sensors or

between a sensor and a laser. Several “tricks” in the optical layout can improve alignment performance.

These include common optics and alignment “insensitive” components. Robust structural design for

alignment retention includes material selection and fabrication processes that emphasize low residual

stress. Thermal management must include isolating the optical bench from heat sources and minimizing

any thermal gradients. Lens, beam splitter, and mirror mounts must also be tested to meet stability

requirements before being incorporated into the design. Low stress mounts at room temperature may not

necessarily be the best performers over operational temperatures.

In testing systems and components for alignment retention over temperature, several pieces of

equipment are essential to accurately learn stability performance. The collimator allows accurate testing

of the alignment of multiple sensors and lasers provided the targets are accurately placed at the focal

point. The autocollimator is a powerful device for measuring small angles. Stability measurements are

more accurate if two components are measured relative to each other by a single autocollimator. When

combined with a special temperature chamber with an optical window, these pieces of test equipment

give the final proof of the electro optical system design.


The alignment drift of laser systems is a well-known issue. If the drift performance is not

achieved with beam expansion and thermal management, other methods are required to ensure alignment.

These methods include temperature calibration, operational boresighting techniques, and active

correction. When periodic boresighting is required, components internal to the electro optical system are

more desired over an external boresight module. Finally, active correction is the most desired method for

maintaining laser drift whether it involves quadrature detectors for monitoring the output beam or a

dedicated sensor for seeing the laser spot on the target.

If the alignment stability of an existing design needs improved, an axiomatic design analysis

combined with designed experiments can lead to finding drift players and improving the system

performance. The existing design analysis, per axiomatic theory, requires mapping out the functional

requirements, design parameters, and constraints for finding potential origins of the problem.

Experimental design using the Taguchi method, combines tests to save time and money, and it yields the

results of component interactions.

Alignment stability is a core requirement of sensors and lasers in many different electro optical

systems. The impacts of misalignments on a space-based sensor can result in the inability to study a

distant star’s chemical composition and the waist of an expensive mission. For military targeting

systems, laser alignment to the aiming reference is critical for the placement of laser-guided weapons. As

the need for surgical strike continues to grow, optical alignment stability of electro optical systems over

their environmental temperatures will continue to be a challenging design requirement.



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