Thea reticulata Pierre var. albo-rosea MAKINO,


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Bot. Mag., Tokyo, Vol. XXIV. Pl. IV.

Thea reticulata Pierre var. albo-rosea MAKINO,

Observations on the Flora of Japan. (Continued from p. 50.)


T. Makino.

Glaucidium paradoxum Makino, sp. nov. Perennial, attaining about 35cm. in height. Stem erect,

simple (or ramose ?), very thinly puberulent with curved hairs. Leaf (cauline) solitary, petiolate, situated in the middle of stem, spreading, large, cordato-reniform in outline with a deep and open sinus, 5-fid, thinly membranaceous, shining, nearly glabrous but thinly pubescent on the nerves and somewhat bullate above, pubescent with curved hairs on the nerves beneath, about 15cm. long, 16cm. broad ; lobes deltoid, acuminate or acute with a mucronate tip, coarsely and subunequally dentato-serrate with mucronato-deltoid teeth; main nerves 5 and palmate; veins loose, erect-patent or patulous; veinlets loose, coarsely tetra-penta- or hexa-gonally reticulated ; petiole stout, pubescent with curved hairs, about 2½ cm. long. Bract large, solitary, sessile, cordato-orbicular, coarsely and unequally serrato-dentate with mucronato-deltoid teeth, texture venation and hairiness. as in the leaf, about 8cm. long, S½cm. broad. Peduncle nearly erect, about 5cm. long, thinly pubescent with curved hairs. Flower solitary (or geminate ?) terminal, showy, white, about 6cm. in diameter. Sepals 4, 2-serial, large, patent, obovoid-oval, about 3cm. long, 2½-3cm. broad. Stamens numerous, attaining about 5mm. long; some of them (in my specimen) passed into a stipitate carpel and a subpetaloid carpel with a sessile stigma ; filament filiform, but cuneato-spathulate above, glabrous ; anther ovato-oval, with arcuate and linear cells, nearly lateral but scarcely introrse ; connective con-spicuous, continued to the filament. Carpels 4 (2 of them abnormal and not ovuled) closely placed, nearly free, erect, sessile, oval or oblong-ovoid, slightly puberulent, thickish~walled, 3-4 mm. long; stigma sessile, capitate; ovules several, 2-serial,


obovoid, horizontal, inserted in the middle portion of the ventral suture.

Norn. Jap. Ezo-aoi (nov.). Hab. Prov. OsHIMA in Hokkaido: Toda in Mohedzi-mura,

Kamiiso-gori (Y. Kudo! June 1906). Probably a monstrous form of Glaucidium palmatum Sieb.

et Zucc., having the pistils more or less resembling those of Hydrastis canadensis Linn. of N. America.

Cotyledon aggregeata Makino, nom. nov. (Fig. II.) Cotyledon malacophylla Makino in Bot. Mag., Tokyo, XV.

(1901), p. 143, et XVI. (1902), p. 214, non Pall. excl. syn. et excl. pl. Okushiri. (Hok-kaido).

Norn. J ap. Ko-iwarenge (T. Ma-kino).

Hab. Japan, northern.

This species differs from Coty-ledon malacophyl~ la Pall. in small size of all parts and in having short stolons and the aggregated habit. There oc-cur following three forms: viri-dis (leaves green), glauca (leaves glaucous) and sub-glauca (leaves sub-glaucous). FIG. JI.


Cotyledon malacophylla Pall. is found in Hokkaido (K. Miyabe and Y. Tokubuchi) and the province of Tsushima (Z. Tashiro).

Asparagus pygmreus Makino, nom. nov. Asparagus lucidus var. pygmreus Makino in Bot. Mag.,

Tokyo, XI. (1897), p. 281, et XV. (1901) p. 106. Norn. J ap. Tachi-tenmondo. Icon. Iinuma, Somoku-Dzusetsu, VII. n. 7. Hab. Japan, cultivated.

Arisrema (Pedatisecta) Takedai Makino, sp. nov. Perennial, about 5-6½ .decim. high. Corm depressed-glo-

bose, densely rooting at the neck, turioniferous; turio ovoid or globose, about pea-sized. Cataphylla thinly membranaceous, delicately nerved, the superior one narrowed above, cylindrical-ly encircled the lower portion of petiole. Leaves 2, long-petiolate, pedati-sected with divaricated rachises, the superior one larger; segments 9-19 in the superior leaf, and 7-17 in the inferior leaf, narrowly oblong or oblong-elliptical, acuminate with a sharp point, cuneate or cuneato-acute at the base, entire, membranaceous; middle segment largest, petiolulate (the petio-lule 1-20 mm. long), that of the inferior leaf 10-14 cm, long, 3-i-5 cm. wide, that of the superior leaf smaller; lateral seg-ments sessile and gradually decreasing in size outwards (the ultimate one about 2i-6½cm. long, f-2cm. wide); midrib prom-inent beneath; veins delicate, numerous, erect-patent, subpar-allel, connecting with an intramarginal vein; petiole erect, terete, smooth ; vagina beyond the middle, greenish-pallid, with pallid striate-spots, 23-40 cm. long, the mouth oblique, thin, crispate, the free portion about 12-17 cm. long in the inferior leaf, but 7-10 cm. long in the superior leaf. Peduncle about equal to the inferior leaf in height, erect, terete, smooth, the free portion greenish-pallid but purpurascent above, 13-18 cm. long. Spathe: tube erect, convolute and tubuloso-infundibuliform, pallid, with purpurascent colour, 6-7 cm. long, the mouth ab-ruptly truncate and recurved on margin; limb large, fornicately


incurved, elliptical or ovato-elliptical, attenuately long-ac11mi-11ate, with a more or less crispate entire margin, purple, but paler below, rugulose with closed and vertical veins, membranaceous, 12-15 cm. long, 5½-7 cm. wide. Spadix unisexual, subconico-cylindrical, sessile, lf-2½ cm. long, many-flowered; appendage erect, longer than the spadix, slightly exceeding the mouth of the spathe-tube, shortly stipitate, cylindrical-clavate with a rounded apex, truncate at the base, pale above, often purpuras-cent below, 4½-5¼ cm. long. Male flowers rather laxly disposed, shortly stipitaj;e, 4-6-androus. Female flowers close-ly placed, sessile; ovary obovoid, with a minute and sessile stigma at the top, green.

Norn. Jap. 0-mamushigusa (nov.). Hab. Prov. SHIMOTSUKE: Nikko (H. Takeda! July, 3-4,


Acer circumlobatum Maxim. in Mel. Biol. VI. p. 368 (1867), et X. p. 608 (1880).

var. Heyhachii (Matsum.) Makino. Acer Heyhachii Matsum. in herb. Sc. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. Acer japonicum var. Heyhachii Makino in Bot. Mag., Tokyo,

XVIII. (1904), p. 115. Norn. Jap. Mai-kujaku. Hab. Japan, cultivated (T. Makino!).

Polygon um Th un bergii Sieb. et Zucc. m Abh. Akad. Muench. IV. 3 (1846), p. 208, n. 729.

Polygonum arifolium Thunb. FI. Jap. p. 168, non Linn. a. typicum Franch. et Sav. Enum. Pl. Jap. II. p. 475. forma radicans (Franch. et Sav.) Makino. Polygonum Thunbergii /3. radicans Franch. et Sav. I. c. II.

p. 475. A depauperated and accidental form. var. stoloniferum (Fr. Schm.) Makino. Polygonum stoloniferum Fr. Schm. Reis. im Amur. u. Isl.

Sachal. (1868), p. 168. Norn. Jap. 0-mizosoba (nov.).


Hab. Prov. SHIMOTSUKE: Nikko (R. Yatabe and J. Matsu-mura! herb. Sc. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo); Prov. MusAsm: Shi-mura (T. Makino!); Prov. AWA in Shikoku: Mt. Tsurugi (F. Kasai!; T. Makino!) ; KARAFUTO [SACHALIN] : Chipisani (G. Nakahara! herb. ibid.).

Probably Var. hastato-trilohum Maxim. ( =P. hastato-tri-lohum Meisn.) is identical with this.

Lactuca dentata (Thunb.) Makino, nom. nov a. fla viflora Makino. Lactuca Thunberii a. flaviflora Makino in Bot. Mag.,

Tokyo, XII. (1898), p. 48. subvar, Thunbergii Makino. Prenanthes dentata Thunb. FI. Jap. (1784), p. 301; Willd.

Sp. Pl. III. (1800), p. 1535, excl. syn. P. denticulata Routt. ; Pers. Syn. Pl. II. (1807), p. 365, excl. syn. ; Spreng. Syst. Veg. III. (1826), p. 655, excl. syn. P. denticulata Routt.

Chondrilla dentata Pori. Encycl. Suppl. II. {1811), p. 238. Youngia dentata DC. Prodr. VII. p. 193, excl. syn. Pre-

nanthes denticulata Routt. Ixeris Thunbergii A. Gray, Bot. Jap. in Mem. Amer. Acad.

n. s. VI. p. 397; Miq. Prol. Fl. Jap. p 123; Franch. et Sav. Enum. Pl. J ap. I. p. 270.

Lactuca Thunhergii Maxim. in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 361 ; For-bes et Remsl. in J ourn. Linn. Soc. XXIII. p. 484. { Thunber-giana).

Norn. J ap. Niga-na. Hab. Japan, common. subvar, angustifolia Makino. Lactuca Thunbergii var. angustifolia Makino, 1. c. XIX.

(1905), p. 154. Norn. Jap Hosoba-nigana. Hab. Japan, rare. subvar. alpicola Makino. Lactuca Thunhergii lusus alpicola Takeda in Bot. Mag.,

Tokyo, XXIV. (1910), p. 71. Lactuca Thunbergii forma alpicola Makino, MSS.


Dwarf, attaining about 14 cm. in height. Stem laxly ramose from near the base, with the angustate cauline leaves. Leaves tufted, fimbriato-dentate. Heads long-peduncled, about 1j-2cm. across; florets about 8-11, yellow. Involucre usually nigrescent, about 9mm. long; scales 7-8, linear, the inner ones scarious on margin.

Norn. Jap. Takane-nigana. Hab. Japan, alpine mountains. (3. al bi:flora Makino. Lactuca Thunbergii var. /3. albi.iora Makino, I. c. XII.

(1898), p. 48. Norn. Jap. Shirobana-nigana. Hab. Japan, not uncommon.

Saussurea sikokiana Makino, nom. nov. Saussurea Tanakre var. robusta Makino in Bot. Mag.,

Tokyo, XII. (1898), p. 74. Norn. J ap. 0-tohiren. Hab. SHIKOKU, high mountains (T. Makino!; R. Yatabe!;

S. Yano ! ; Z. Umemura \).

Kraunhia sinensis (Sims) Makino, nom. nov. Glycine sinensis Sims, Bot. Mag. tab. 2083 (1819) ; Lindl.

Bot. Reg. tab. 650. Wistaria chinensis DC. Prodr. II. (1825), p. 390. This species is hitherto found neither wild nor cultivated in

Ja pan; Siebold et Zuccarini's Wistaria sinensis ( chinensis) is not DeCandolle's W. chinensis, but W . .ioribunda (Willd.) DC., a native ! of Japan, bearing the vulgal name of Fudzi.

var. brachybotrys (Sieb. et Zucc.) Makino. Wistaria brachybotrys Sieb. et Zucc. FI. Jap. I. (1826), p.

92, tab. 45; Miq. Prol. FI. Jap. p. 232; Franch. et Sav. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 98; Planchon in Van Houtte, FI. des Serres, IX. (1853-54), p. 61, tab. 880; Dippel, Laubholzk. III. p. 696, fig. 270 ; Maxim. FI. As. Orient. Fragm. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mose. (1879), p. 9; Forbes et Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXIII. p. 161.


Kraunhia brachybotrys Green, 'Pittonia, II. (1891), p. 175.' Pl1aseolodes brachybotrys 0. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. I. (1891),

p. 201. Jamma Fudsi Krempf. Amren. Exot. p. 857. Flowers violaceous. Norn. Jap. Yama-fudzi. Bab. Japan, spontaneous and cultivate,L form a al biflora Makino. Milletia .ioribunda var. brachybotrys Matsum. Consp. Le-

gum. in Bot. Mag., Tokyo, XVI. (1902), p. 46. Flowers white. Norn. J ap. Shira-fudzi. Bab. Japan, cultivated (rarely wild?).

Rhododendron indicum (Linn.) Sweet, var. r• mac• ranth um (Don) Maxim. Rhod. As. Orient. p. 39.

subvar. genuinum Maxim. I. c. Norn. Jap. Maruba-satsuki (nov.). Hab. Prov. HIZEN: Isl. Fukuye-jima, spontaneous! (T. Ma-

kino ! Sept. 1908). This variety is found wildly in the island of Fukuye, while

it is in cultivation in other places of Japan. Some garden forms come under this, and the following form is one of them.

forma Tamurai Makino. Rhododendron indicum var. Tamurai Makino in Bot. Mag.,

Tokyo, XVIII. (1904), p. 102 cum fig. Norn. Jap. Fuyo-ho. Hab. Japan, cultivated. subvar. lateriticum (Planch.) Maxim. I. c. Norn. Jap. Satsuki. Hab. Prov. Ku, spontaneous ! (M. Ishikawa !) ; Prov.

OSUMI: Yaku-shima, spontaneous! (T. Makino! Sept. 1909); Prov. TosA: Sakawa, cultivated (T. Makino!) ; Prov. Mu-SASHI: Tokyo, cultivated (T. Makino!).

This is commonly cultivated in gardens, and grows spon-taneously in the provinces of Kii (coll. M. Ishikawa) and Yamato (after K. Naganuma), and the island of Yaku-shima.


Thea reticulata (Lind!.) Pierre, FI. Forest. Cochinch. II. sub tab. 119; 0. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. I. p. 65; Makino, Phan. et Pter. Jap. le. Ill. II. tab. 9:i. (1902).

Camellia reticulata Lindl. Bot. Regist. tab. 1078 (1827) ; Hook. in Bot. Mag. tab. 2784 (1827), et tab. 4976 (1857) ; Van Routte, FI. des Serres, XII. {1857), tab. 1282-3; Booth in Hort. Soc. Trans. VIL p. 528 (1830); Seem. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XXII. p. 343 (1859); Beuth. FI. Hongk. (1861) p. 30; Forbes et Hems!. in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXIII. p. 82 (1886); Kochs m Engler's Bot. Jahrb. XXVII. p. 595 (1900).

Camellia spectabilis Champ. var. fi. Bore pleno Seem. m Bonpl. VI. (1858), p. 276.

var. rosea Makino, var. nov. (Fig. III.) A small tree; branches narrow, terete, glabrous, hardly

flexuous, avellaneo-cinereous. Leaves alternate, distichous, petiolate, oblong, oblong-elliptical or oblong-lanceolate, sub-abruptly attenuato-acuminate at the apex, acute at the base, acute-serrulate, coriaceous, glabrous, shining, deep green above, light yellowish-green and obscurely sparingly and minutely fusco-punctulate beneath, about 7-12cm. long, 2½-5cm. broad; midrib prominent on both sides, light green ; veins and main veinlets more or less impressed above in recent; petiole sub-terete, glabrous, green, 10-15 cm. long. Flowers usually ter-minal, or sometimes axillary, solitary or geminate, sessile, 5½-7 -z cm. in diameter, simple, rose-coloured. Sepals viridescent, imbricated, collectively campanulated, adpressed-sericeo-pubes• cent externally, concave, deciduous ; lower ones smaller, semi-or bicular, subcoriaceous ; middle ones rounded ; upper ones larger and thinner, obovato-oval, thinly membranaceous and ciliated on margin, 2-2½ cm. or more long, the innermost one often subpetaloid. Corolla widely infundibuliform, connate into a short tube at the base, 5-petaled, deciduous; segments imbricated in restivation, rotund, emarginate, often very shortly and broadly subunguiculate at the base, entire, about 3-4 cm. broad, the outer two somewhat shorter, veins slightly deeper in colour. Monadelphous stamens erect, broadly cylindrical,


adherent to the corolla-tube at the base, gla-brous, light yellow, about 3-3½ cm. high ; the free portion of filaments un-equal in length, the inner ones lower and only con-nate at the base; anthers with deep-yellow pollen. Style erect, usually scarce-ly exceeding the stamens m height, angustately terete, glabrous, pale, trifid into the short erect and greenish branches at the top, nearly 3-3¼ cm. long ; ovary ovoid-glo-bose, densely adpressed-sericeo - tomentose, light gree11, 3-celled, thick-wall-ed; ovules not many, 2-serial. Flowers in March-April.

Norn. Jap. Sukiya.


Hab. Prov. MusASHI : Tokyo, cultivated (T. Makino I). var. albo-rosea Makino, var. nov. {Pl. IV.)


A small tree ; branches terete, stout, dark-umber or dark-cinereous, the outer bark thin and peeling; brancblets many cinereous or cinereo-isabel-coloured, terete, often more or less stout, subflexuous. Leaves alternate, usually distichous, petioled, obovato-oblong to oblong-oblanceolate, abruptly at. tenuato-acuminate at the apex, cuneato-acute at the base, acute-serru1ate, rigidly coriaceous, glabrous, subshining, about 6-12 cm. long, 1½-4! cm. broad, green above, light green and sparsely punctulate with minute fuscous dots beneath ; midrib prominent on both sides, light green; veins and veinlets impressed above in recent ; petiole subterete, slightly flat in front,


green, glabrous, 6-15 mm. long. Flowers axillary or terminal, solitary or geminate, sessile, 6-8 cm. in diameter, simple, white and shaded with rose-colour. Sepals imbricated, collectively wide-campanulate, greenish, adpressedly sericeo-pubescent ex-ternally, deciduous; lower ones smaller, coriaceous, semiorbic-ular, tinged with brown; middle ones orbiculate ; upper ones larger, obovato-oval, subemarginate, whitish, thin and ciliated on margin, often tinged with rose-colour and petaloid, the in-nermost one attaining about 3 cm. long. Corolla wide-infundibuliform, recurvo-patent above, connate into a short-campanulate tube at the base, 5-6-petaled, deciduous; segments obovato-orbiculate, emarginate or rounded at the apex, very shortly and broadly unguiculate at the base. Monadelphous stamens erect, shorter than the corolla, yellowish, adherent to the corolla-tube at the base; the free portion of filaments numerous and unequal in height, subulato-filiform, the inner ones only connate at the base; anther small, with yellow pol-len, ovate, bifid at the base; anther-cells then ferruginons; con-nective broad and pale. Style erect, equal to or somewhat ex-ceeding the stamens in height, 3-4 -£id at the top, narrow, glabrous, greenish; ovary ovoid-globose; densely and adpressed-ly sericeo-tomentose, 3-4-celled, thick-walled, ovules not many. Flowers in Nov.-April.

Norn. Jap. Hatsukari. Hab. Prov. MusAsHI: Tokyo, cultivated (T. Makino!). var. Wa biske Makino, var. nov. (Fig. IV.) A small tree; branchlets narrow, terete, cinereous or cinereo-

isabel-coloured, glabrous, hardly flexuous. Leaves alternate, distichous, petiolate, oblong or oblong-elliptical, subabruptly attenuato-acuminate, acute at the base, acute-serrulate, cori-aceous, glabrous, thining, deep-green above, light yellowish-green and sparsely punctulate with minute fuscous dots beneath, about 6-10½ cm. long, 2}-4½ cm. broad; midrib prominent on both sides, light green; veins and main veinlets impressed above in recent; petiole subterete, flatish in front, green, glabrous, 10-15 mm. long. Flowers small, terminal or axillary, solitary or geminate, sessile, white, simple, about 4-5½ cm. in


diameter. Sepals greenish, mbricated, collectively wide-campanulate, adpressedly sericeo-pubescent externally, concave, deciduous; lower ones smaller, semiorbicular, coriaceous ; middle ones or-bicular, upper ones larger, obovately oval or oval-or-bicular, subemarginate, thin-ly membranaceous and ciliated on margin, attaining about 15mm. long. Corolla cam panula to-infundibuliform, shortly connate at the base, 5-6-petaled, deciduous ; seg-ments obovately oval or or-biculate, emarginate, often very shortly subunguiculate at the base, the outer ones shorter. Monadelphous sta- Fm. IV mens short, erect, adnate to the corolla-tube at the base,


truncate at the top, sometimes corona-like, whitish; the free portion of filaments deficient ; anthers imperfect. Style erect, exceeding the stamens in height, slender, glabrous, green-ish, trifid at the top; ovary shortly ovoid, glabrous or nearly so from the degeneration of hairs, greenish, 3-celled, with im-perfect ovules. Flowers in Nov.-April.

Nom. J ap. Wabisuke. Hab. Prov. MusASHI: Tokyo, cultivated (T .. llfakino !). var. campanulata Makino, var. nov. (Fig. V.) A small tree ; branches numerous, glabrous, terete ; branch-

lets narrow, cinereo-isabel-coloured, terete, glabrous, subflex-uous. Leaves small, alternate, distichous, petiolate, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, attenuato-acuminate, cuneato-acute at the base, acute-serrulate, coriaceous, shining, deep-green above, light


green and inconspicuously punctulatc with sparse minute fuscous dots beneath, 5½-lOi cm. long, H-4¾ cm. broad ; midrib prom• inent on both sides, light green ; veins and main veinlets impress-ed above in recent ; petiole glabrous, sub-terete, somewhat flat in front, green, 6-14 mm. long. Flowers terminal, solitary or geminate, about 5cm. long, 4-5 cm. in di-ameter, rose-purple. Sepals imbricated, col-lectively campanulate, green but the inner ones coloured and petaloid, adpressedly sericeo-pubescent ex-ternally, concave, de-ciduous ; outer ones smaller, coriaceous, semiorbicula1·; middle ones orbicular ; inner ones larger, obovate, Fm. V. emarginate, thinly membranaceous and ciliated on margin, the innermost one attaining about 3 cm. long. Corolla tubuloso-campanulate or campanulato infundibuliform, 5-6- petaled, connate into a short tube at the base, deciduous; segments erect or erect-patent, obovately oval or orbiculated, emarginate, the outer ones slight-ly shorter. Monadelphous stamens short, erect, adherent to the corolla-tube at the base, white, the free portion of filaments decipient bearing imperfect anthers. Style erect, gracile, gla-brous, exceeding the stamens in height, light purple below but greenish towards the top, very shortly 3-fid with shortly bifid

APRIL 1910,] llfAKINO.-OBSERV. 01\' 'l'HE FLORA 01" JAPAN. 83

branches; ovary ovoid-,globose, densely adpressed-sericeo-to-mentose, 3-celled.

Norn. Jap. Beni-wabisuke. Hab. Prov. MusASHI: Tokyo, cultivated (T. Makino!). There two forms occur, namely : form a subvid ua Makino, var. nov. (Fig. VI.) Leaves oblong-elliptical to lanceolato-oblong, shortly acu-

minate, acute or subobtuse at the base, acute-serrulate, coriace-ous, shining, with im-pressed vems and main veinlets above in recent, sparcely punctulate with mi-nute fuscous dots beneath, 6-10½ cm. long, 2½-5 cm. wide ; petiole 10-16 mm. long. Flowers ter-minal and axillary, solitary or geminate, small, about 3-6 cm. in diameter, purplish-rosy. Corolla m-fundibuliform, re-curvo-patent above, 5-6-petaled, connate into a short tu be at the base. Stamens none, or very imper-fectly developed, short, whitish. Style short, about 1¼-2cm. Fm. VI. or more long, gla-brous but the base often sericeo-pubescent. Ovary ovoid, ad-pressed-sericeo-tomentose.

Norn. Jap. Momoiro-wabisuke (nov.). Hab. Prov. MusASHI: Oji, cultivated (T. Makino!).


forma bicolor Makino. (Fig. VII.) Flowers small, 3½-

4 cm. or more long. Corolla-segments un-equal in length, pur-plish-rose but white above, elliptical, the apex rounded but emarginate in the supe-nor ones. Monad-elphous stamens erect frequently normal and about 3¼ cm. or more long. Style exserted upon the stamens, an-gustate. Ovary o-void, greenish, very scantily pilose ( nearly glabrous from the de-generation of hairs).

Norn. J ap. Kocho-wahisuke.

Hah. Prov. MusA-SHI: Tokyo, cultivated (T. Makino!). Fm. VII.

[Vol. XXIV. No. ~\!,

(To he continued.)
