The Word Bill Gates Says Will Be Bigger Than The PC · The Word Bill Gates Says Will Be Bigger Than...


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The Word Bill Gates Says Will Be Bigger Than The PC

Special ReportHe works in the dark...

24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.

He never takes lunch breaks, sick leave, or vacations. In fact, he doesn't need health insurance.

He gets paid 30 cents per hour and can do the work of 10 men without breaking a sweat.

He's changing the world and could make you a millionaire in the process...

I'm talking about robots.

That's right, robots!Thanks to remarkable technological breakthroughs, the stuff of science fiction has become science fact.

Robots are going mainstream at an astounding clip...

They are in our homes. They are in our factories. They are in our hospitals. They are on our battlefields.

They are doing jobs once considered the private domain of humans.

And like computers before them, they're making early investors rich.

Consider Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ: ISRG), for example...

Based in Sunnyvale, California, Intuitive Surgical makes medical robots able to perform surgery at a level impossible for humans.

In fact, they are so sophisticated — and so precise — they can literally peel the skin off a grape!

Consequently, Intuitive Surgical's stock has surged from $10 to over $500 per share.

Think about that...

That's a 5,000% return. Folks who got in early, on the ground floor, made a stunning 50 times their money.

That's good enough to turn $25,000 into $1.25 million on a single stock. Amazing.

And here's the good news for you: Intuitive Surgical is only the tip of the iceberg, just a glimpse of the money you can make in the emerging robot revolution.

Even Bill Gates confirms the facts, saying that robots will be the next world-changing industry...

Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the World's Richest People, believes so strongly in robots that he's launched a new division called Microsoft Robotic Studio devoted exclusively to creating software for robots.

Gates explains, "As I look at the trends that are now starting to converge, I can envision a future in which robotic devices will become a nearly ubiquitous part of our day-to-day lives."

In fact, check out the headline of an article Gates wrote for Scientific American: "A Robot In Every Home"

Bottom line: Robots are the next big thing, they are happening right now — and if you move fast, you can make a pile of money.

Already, robots are infiltrating the home and workplace in mass...

In fact, at this moment, there are about 1.4 million industrial robots deployed around the world, as well as several million robotic devices designed for in-home consumer use.

That number is growing every day, as people realize that robots are stronger, faster, and cheaper than human labor.

For example, Foxconn Manufacturing, maker of Apple Computer's iPhones and iPads, has announced they will replace their 1.2 million factory workers with one million robots.

And Amazon just bought Kiva Systems, a manufacturer of bright orange robots that help fill warehouse orders, for $775 million — cash.

That's over three-quarters of a billion in cash!

"The robot revolution is here," says Charles Thorpe, science and technology policy advisor to the White House.

"The robots are here," states the MIT Technology Review. "Soon, they'll be as pervasive as the Web."

As you can imagine, politicians and mainstream media are jumping on the bandwagon...

The Obama administration recently formed the National Robotics Initiative (NRI), allocating $70 million in Federal resources to accelerate progress in the field of robotics.

And nearly every news source on the planet — including Time Magazine , 60 Minutes, the Wall Street Journal , and the New York Times and the Washington Post — are touting the emerging robotics revolution.

Make no mistake; we are witnessing the birth of a new industry...

An industry that will rival the PC revolution...

An industry that will usher in a wave of new millionaires...

An industry that could make you very wealthy very soon.

Listen, I don't have to tell you that people who got in on the computer industry early got rich.

Early investors in Microsoft made a stunning 82,000% — good enough to turn $5,000 into $4.1 million.Investors in Apple Computer made 32,000% — good enough to turn $5,000 into $1.6 million.Investors in Dell made 53,000% — good enough to turn $5,000 into $2.65 million.

In this report, I'll take you inside the fascinating world of robotics...

I'll explain why we have reached a tipping point in robotics.

In fact, owning robot stocks today would be like getting in on Microsoft, Apple, and Dell at the beginning of the computer era.

Imagine investing $10,000 today... only to wake up in a year's time with $50,000... $100,000... even $150,000 — or more.

That is the exact opportunity you have today.

Robots are going mainstream, changing the world, and minting a whole wave of new millionaires in the process.

Even Bill Gates has compared robotics to computers, saying robots are evolving the same way computers did in the 1980s.

In other words, robots are the next hot industry, and this sector is poised for exponential growth.

This presents you with a remarkable opportunity — a chance to literally get in on the ground floor and increase your wealth mega-fold in a very short period of time.

So let me show you how to do that now...  

The Robot RealityWhen most people think of robots, they conjure up images of R2-D2 and C3PO from Star Wars... or the Terminator... or Rosie, the maid from The Jetsons...

In other words, they picture walking, talking humanoids that move about society just like real humans.

But the truth is real-world robots are something much more than characters from science fiction movies.

The American Heritage Scientific Dictionary defines robot this way:

A robot is a machine that does the job of a human... either on demand or by being programmed in advance.

A robot is a machine that does the job of a human... either on demand or by being programmed in advance.

And while robots are very complex and fascinating, the real reason they exist — and the reason they are expanding exponentially — is quite simple: Robots do jobs better, faster, and cheaper than humans!

Consider Panasonic...

Because of robots, Panasonic is able to produce a staggering two million plasma screen televisions per month... all with just 15 people monitoring the factory floor.

The robots do all the work!


Marlin Steel is another example...

Marlin is an American company that manufactures wire baskets. Before robots, Marlin Steel's top human workers could produce one basket every 12 seconds. Today, robots make five baskets per second.


60x Faster than a Human Worker!The best part?

The robots do their work with precision that is "light years beyond what we were capable of before," says Drew Greenblatt, the company's president.

Robots are turning up everywhere...

And more and more, they are expanding into jobs that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. For example:

Silicon Valley start-up Momentum Machines created a robot hamburger cook that can flip 360 patties per hour and top them off with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and a bun before serving.The CIA has invested in "robot writers" that are able to create news stories by extracting and organizing information — without the need for human intervention.Already, news organization like Forbes are using these robots to write earnings reports and news stories...And get this: In 2012, the number of medical procedures in the United States performed by robots hit 450,000. That's over 1,000 operations per day performed by robots!

Make no mistake; robots are on the move and already changing the workforce.

The United Nations predicts a boom in robot labor.

An estimated 225,000 robots are already on the job in the United States, with 22,598 sold to North American companies in 2012 alone. That's a record. And the numbers will only go higher.

In fact, the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) estimates that global robot sales will increase by about 134,500 units which represents a value of $18.9 billion.

Because they are able to do jobs better, faster, and cheaper than humans, robots are positioned to transform the world.

Now, I realize it's hard to imagine robots becoming prevalent, but that's what people thought about computers...

Back in the 1970s, computers were big, bulky, and expensive. They were mostly used by tech experts and the military.

Today, computers are everywhere...

Why? Because they got smaller, more user-friendly, and inexpensive.

In other words, they became practical for the masses... and consequently spawned massive fortunes for early investors.

Remember, early investors in Microsoft had a chance to make a stunning 82,000%. Investors in Apple had a chance to make 32,000%. And investors in Dell had a chance to make 53,000%.

Early investors in robots will see the same opportunity.

NOW is the time to get on board. We've reached a tipping point, and there is no turning back.

And there are several reasons why...

"Good-bye, China!"

It used to be that companies looking for low-cost labor would outsource operations to China. In fact, according to U.S. News and World Report , America lost 2.7 million jobs to China between 2001 and 2011.

And it made sense for businesses to go to China...

After all, the average wage in 2000 was roughly $.72 per hour, a fraction of the labor cost in the United States.

But here's the thing: China's economy has been growing at the staggering rate of 10% annually. That's three times the global average.

The result?

China's wages have skyrocketed.

PBS reports that from 2000 to 2010, average wages in China's Yangtze Delta, a manufacturing hotbed, jumped from $0.72 an hour to $8.62.

That's a tenfold increase.

Consequently, companies are leaving China.

Already, big-name manufacturers are saying "good-bye" to China — including General Electric, Whirlpool, Caterpillar, plus scores of small to mid-sized companies.

Where are these companies going?

Some are going to lower-cost spots, like Mexico.

But in many cases, manufacturers are finding low-cost labor in the form of robots.

Robots Work for $0.30 an HourThe average cost to operate an industrial robot is 30 cents per hour, according to Ron Potter, director of robotic technologies at Factory Automation Systems.

According to Forbes Magazine , you could double that figure to 60 cents per hour, and it would still be 1/5 the cost of a Chinese worker — and it would be 1/15 the cost of an American worker.

Consequently, businesses of all shapes and sizes are scrambling to replace human workers with industrial robots.

As I mentioned, Foxconn, maker of Apple's iPhone and iPad, announced they'll replace human workers with one million robots... Amazon just spent $750 million on warehouse robots... Canon, the world's leading camera manufacturer, plans to have a fully robotic plant by 2015 — and estimates that robots will save them $4.8 billion over four years.

The list of companies turning to robots goes on and on: Staples, Gap, Crate & Barrel, Zappos, Office Depot, Saks Fifth Avenue, Toys "R" Us, and Walgreens, to name a few.

And this transition to robots makes total sense...

Why pay a Chinese worker $8.50 when a robot can do the job for 30 cents per hour?

And keep in mind that robots don't need health insurance or expensive benefits. And they don't require sick leave, lunch breaks, or vacation time.

Now, it used to be that robots weren't practical for most businesses...

Robots of the past were large, clunky, mechanical giants. They could be programmed to do a single task, and had to be kept in separate cages to protect human workers from serious injury.

In addition, when a company wanted to use a robot, they had to design their entire factory to accommodate the robot. This required both a tremendous amount of planning and an enormous investment of time and money.

Consequently, robots were reserved for very large corporations and the military.

But times have changed...

We've reached a tipping point, and robots are now ready for the mainstream.

There are three reasons for this tipping point...

The Tipping Point has Been Reached!Tipping Point #1: Amazing Artificial Intelligence

That's right, robots are getting smarter.

For example, IBM created a robot named "Watson." 

Watson can process up to 60 million pages of information per second. Pretty incredible...

In order to demonstrate his prowess, IBM put "Watson" on television's Jeopardy! against former champions Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings... Using a robotic finger to press his buzzer, Watson beat the champs for a $1 million prize.

Watson went on to compete on shows Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Wheel of Fortune , and Survivor. And now, taking it a step further, Watson is now reviewing case histories at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, learning to make diagnoses and treatment recommendations.

IBM business chief Manoj Saxena says 90% of nurses in the field who work with Watson now follow his guidance.

As robots get smarter, the types of jobs they can do is virtually unlimited...

Tipping Point #2: Stunning Technological Advances

Thanks to stunning technological advances, the things robots are now able to do are amazing.

For example, researchers at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed a new sensor that is sensitive to the level of one gram. This gives today's robots a very gentle "touch" and makes them versatile and incredibly nimble.

In addition, scientists at Stanford University have developed artificial skin that gives robots the ability to "feel" objects as light as a butterfly.

Armed with these technologies, robots are able to do a variety of tasks requiring dexterity.

They can now fold towels, change tires, and even mix drinks.

In many cases, robots are so sophisticated, they can perform tasks well beyond the capabilities of the most dexterous humans...

Take a Philips Electronics factory, for example, where a robot arm endlessly forms three perfect bends in two connector wires and slips them into holes too small for the eye to see.

"With these machines, we can make any consumer device in the world," says Binne Visser, an electrical engineer who manages the Philips assembly line.

And get this: Technology has become so sophisticated that robots are now able to drive cars... legally!

Google has developed robot cars that are now officially legal in California. Armed with video camera, radar sensors, a GPS, a laser range-finder, and a computer system... the fleet of 12 cars (mostly Toyota Priuses) have already logged over 300,000 miles of driverless travel on California's highways.

California Governor Jerry Brown calls the autonomous cars "science fiction becoming reality."

Here's the incredible thing: Robot drivers react faster than humans, have 360-degree perception, and do not get distracted, sleepy, or intoxicated.

And it's not just cars...

In February 2012, Congress passed a law that will open national airspace to unmanned aircraft by 2015.

More and more, technology is taking robots beyond the abilities of humans.

Of course, until recently, the cost of robots made them prohibitive for most people to use.

Not anymore...

Tipping Point #3: Dramatically Declining Costs

As technology improves, the cost of robots has declined.

According to Kiplinger, the cost of robots has experienced dramatic declines over the past few years.

Consider the new sensor developed by Harvard University... Not only is the sensor better than previous sensors, but it is also ten times cheaper than anything on the market.

Bottom line: Robots are getting smarter, more sophisticated, and cheaper.

Put that all together, and what have you got?

That's right: a wave of new robots that are not only affordable for the masses, but are able to accomplish advanced human tasks.

Let me introduce you to one now.

Meet Baxter, the New Face of America's WorkforceStanding six feet tall, Baxter represents a whole new generation of industrial robots.

At first glance, he seems like something out of The Jetsons. But he is absolutely real...

First, Baxter is small, agile, and nimble.

He has cutting-edge sensors and a 360-degree sonar camera. That means he can detect when humans are around him. In fact, when a human approaches, Baxter slows down his work pace and even "looks" at the human using his cartoon-like face.

Consequently, Baxter is safe to work right next to humans. No need for special integration or protective cages.

Baxter is also extremely flexible. He is pre-programmed to do a variety of tasks. That means he can go from job to job without costly reprogramming.

The incredible thing is Baxter is smart and can be trained to do different jobs.

That's right, he can be "trained."

It's almost as if he has a brain. All you need do is take his hand and show him what you want him to do: pick something up, put parts together, etc. And because of his intelligence, he can be easily moved from task to task, job to job, all with a simple training session!

Baxter is almost like bringing another human into the workforce. He is agile, gentle, flexible, and smart. He is easy to use and can adapt to changing job requirements.

In other words, he is ideal for the small manufacturer.

But the best part is his price tag...

Most industrial robots cost a minimum of $100,000 and run well over $500,000. Throw in another $200,000 to train, and you are looking at a potential $1 million to get a robot online.

Baxter costs a mere $22,000 — and because he comes pre-programmed, there are no additional costs.

In short, Baxter costs 1/10 as much as traditional robots, can be set up in an hour instead of months, and has the flexibility to perform any number of tasks.

This makes robots like Baxter ideal for small businesses looking to cut costs.

(Remember, the average cost to operate a robot is 30 cents per hour!)

According to Inc. Magazine , robots like Baxter could replace 30 million human workers in the next decade.

Already, robots are taking the workforce by storm.

And the impact they are having on companies that use them is profound.

For example, leading maker of plastic novelties Characteristix Limited has used robots to boost its manufacturing performance by over 100%.

Franklin Bronze, a producer of ceramic shells, used a robot to increase daily production from 140 to 200 parts... while cutting man-hours in half.

Australian company D&M, which specializes in spray painting, added robots to its production process and saw both productivity and profitability rise by 80%. In addition, robots are so efficient, the company reduced paint consumption by 35%.

Kverneland Group, a manufacturer of agricultural machines, has used robots to reduce production time from 180 minutes to a mere 45 minutes.

As I mentioned, robots are so efficient, Panasonic has been able to produce up to two million plasma screen televisions per month, all with just 15 people monitoring the factory floor.

Can you see the potential here?

There is almost nothing that robots can't do... and to stay competitive, companies will be forced to either go with robots — or get crushed.

As more and more companies move to using robots, the companies that provide the robots will soar.

The upside is virtually unlimited...


The Field is Wide Open!According to Jeff Burnstein, president of the Robotic Industry Association, only about 10% of the companies that could benefit from robots have installed any so far.

James Ross, senior portfolio manager at Alliance Bernstein, told CNBC that 2013 will see the robotics sector reaching critical mass...

"We forecast a steep change in the automation market over the next few years," says Ross. "Currently worth around $100 billion, we expect it to quadruple by 2020, putting it on a par with the market for e-commerce."

That means the field is wide open.

We are literally at the birth of a whole new industry — and people who get in now can expect to make a small fortune.

Already, Intuitive Surgical has delivered early investors a stunning 50-fold return... good enough to turn $25,000 into over $1.2 million.

This is only the beginning.

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