The Well Term 3 2009 - · it is put in facing the right way around. To check, look at...


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Tap into “the WELL”……..

Kids Crew 1

S4M 2&3

Get a Taste of This!



6& 7


Veg Out! 10&


Winners & Sponsors 12


Page 1


• Smiles4Miles

• Kids - Go for your life…..

• Get a Taste of This!

☺Kids pages

Volume 9

Term 3 2009

“The Well” Kids Crew…..

Hi everyone! Well, have we been busy in the area of Children’s Health Promotion at Portland District Health lately! At the moment, the Glenelg Healthy Schools network are in discussion with Deakin University to conduct focus groups about obesity issues in our area, which is exciting news for the Glenelg Shire! Here are some of the things we have been working on….. A part of the “Get A Taste of This!” project, our dietitian Vicky is pleased to be able to offer your school a series of sessions on healthy eating: • Canteen Expo (3 hours) - An overview of the “Kids- Go For your

Life” Canteen Strategy and how to apply it to your school. • Shop smart for Parents (2 hours) - A interactive workshop aimed at

parents with information on healthy eating for primary school aged kids including shopping on a budget, label reading, cooking demonstrations and more.

• Staff presentations- (30 minutes to 1 hour) - Information for teachers and schools on healthy eating in primary school aged children, “Kids - Go for your life” in the classroom and label reading for health snacks

What else…..?

“Get a Taste of This” Term 2 Sports Expo - we want to hear from children that have participated in the Expos….turn to page 6 and tell us what you think! Free Fruit trees! - Every Prep grade in schools across the Shire will receive four fruit trees early this term, so make sure you read page 5 for tips on how to plant a fruit tree. By the time the Prep students reach Grade 6, everyone should be enjoying their own fresh fruit from your trees at school. The Smiles4Miles project will branch out into child care centres and some playgroups in the next 12 months, and some very exciting developments are happening with Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation around new resources the children have helped plan and create, with the support of artist Daniel Joseph.

Lynda and Rachael…..

Page 2

Smiles4Miles Promoting Oral Health in Local Early Childhood Settings


If your child plays football, hockey or any other contact sport where their mouth may be knocked or injured, they need a mouthguard for training and playing. The use of mouthguards in the prevention of injury is well accepted and some sport and recreational activities even require a full-faced helmet or face guard.

Injuries & Accidents If your child’s tooth is damaged or knocked out, it is important to see your dental professional immediately. Injuries and accidents can result in both soft and hard tissue damage such as injury to the gum, lips or teeth, tooth fractures, loss of whole teeth and jaw fractures. Dental injuries are the most common type of facial injury that occurs during participation in sport. Significant trauma to permanent (adult) teeth is also common with falls from skateboards, roller-blades, trampolines and scooters. Accidents can happen anywhere and research shows that a similar number of accidents occur at home and at school.

Mouth guards The majority of mouth injuries and accidents are preventable if a professionally fitted mouth guard is worn. Professionally fitted mouth guards are those constructed by a dental professional. Mouth guards have been proven to reduce the number and severity of mouth injuries in sport and during training. Ensure your child wears a mouth guard when playing sport. Ready-made mouth guards are available at sporting goods stores and chemists, but the most effective mouth guards are custom made by your Dentist or Dental Technician.

What to do if a permanent tooth is knocked out Primary (baby) Tooth If a primary tooth has been knocked out, do not try to put it back. Visit your dental professional to make sure there are no other problems.

Permanent (adult) Tooth

1. Find the tooth.

2. Handle the tooth by the crown.

3. If the root has debris on it, gently rinse the tooth in milk or saline solution such as contact lens solution for a few seconds only.

4. Do not attempt to clean the tooth by scrubbing or using cleaning agents.

5. Do not let the tooth become dry.

6. Replace the tooth immediately if the person is conscious. Make sure it is put in facing the right way around. To check, look at the other teeth. Hold the tooth in place with aluminium foil and/or by gently biting on a handkerchief.

7. C o n t a c t y o u r d e n t a l professional immediately.

8. Consideration should be given to a tetanus injections - seek dental/medical advice.

If you cannot replace a permanent tooth in its socket, store the tooth in milk or normal saline solution or wrap the tooth in plastic cling wrap.




Smiles4Miles Promoting Oral Health in Local Early Childhood Settings

For more details call Lynda on 5522 1198 Monday - Friday 9 - 3.30pm

If you are interested in finding out more about the program we would

love to hear from you!

Page 3

For further information and to make an appointment please contact:

Portland District Health Dental Clinic (03) 5521 0390

• C h i l d r e n s h o u l d b e encouraged to play safely at all times. It a tooth is damaged or knocked out, see a dental professional immediately.

• The use of mouth guards

protects against damage to teeth, gums and the jaw.

• Mouth guards should be worn

when training for and playing contact sports such as football, basketball and hockey.

• Some sports and recreational

activities require a full-faced helmet or face guard.

Smiles4Miles Update

Lynda would like to welcome to Elsa MacLeod Kindergarten to the Smiles4Miles program.

Did you know our Smiles4Miles project also covers Southern Grampians? The kindergartens involved in the Southern Grampians Shire are:

• North Hamilton

• Dunkeld

• Cavendish

• Good Shepherd

• Church Hill

• Branxholme, and

• Mitchell Park.

Who to ask for more information • Dentist, Dental Therapist or

Dental Hygienist • Maternal and Child Health

Nurse • Family Doctor • School Nurse • Dietitian


The “Get A Taste of This!” first two Sporting Expos were held in Portland and Casterton during Terms 1 and 2. Over 280 Grade 5 children at each Expo got a taste of activities which included Hop Hip dancing, karate, highland dancing, hockey, junior life guard, netball, gymnastics, art class, laughter yoga, basketball, squash and racquetball. By all accounts the two Expos were a huge success with children “Getting a Taste” of many activities they had never tried before (and the teachers too!). The idea of the project is for children to try activities and sports that they can then join up to in their own community outside school hours. A huge thank you goes out to all the clubs for their involvement so far. Clubs receive $200 for their efforts to further their junior league development!

Clubs are now being asked to contact the project coordinator Lynda Smith to secure their place in the Term 4 December Expos.

Portland Thursday 3rd December

(5 spots left)

Casterton: Friday 4th December

(5 spots left) The children must have the opportunity to sign up to a junior competition with your club shortly after these dates for the club to be eligible to participate.


Thursday 17th September Thursday 3rd December CASTERTON EXPOS

Thursday 10th September Friday 4th December

Page 4

For more information contact:

Lynda Smith

(03) 5522 1198

Page 5

How to plant a fruit tree

CARE OF PLANTS BEFORE PLANTING Place trees in a position that has direct sunlight for at least half the day and protection from strong winds. Water thoroughly.

PREPARE THE SOIL • For poor soil, cultivate the soil to a

depth of at least 45cm to improve drainage (rip to a depth of at least 45cm).

• If soil is too shallow, mounding of tree rows will improve drainage as well as increase depth of topsoil.

• To improve the quality of the soil, add manure or fertiliser one month before planting your fruit frees.

PLANTING THE TREES Planting hole If the soil is not well drained, make a circular mound 1.5 metres across and 20-30cm high around the tree. Do not plant trees in heavy clay soil as the hole will hold excess water.

Watering Trees should be watered thoroughly several hours before planting to moisten the root ball. Planting trees out with the root ball dry or partially dry will result in roots being damaged. The site should also be thoroughly watered the day before planting.

Planting • Make a hole in the soil or mound twice

the width of the pot and the same depth as the pot.

• Remove the tree from the pot and lightly tease the roots down side of the root ball and loosen any matted roots at base of root balls.

• Fill in soil around roots, making sure not to plant root ball any more than 2cm lower than it was in the container. Trees will suffer if planted too deep.

• Soil should be firmed down well after planting. At least 20 litres of water should be applied to each tree to settle in soil around roots. A saucer shaped depression 50cm in diameter will help hold water when watering in.

Applying a Slow Release Fertilizer Applying at planting will help the young trees off to a good start. This can be applied by scratching into the soil around the young tree. Staking Trees are better off not staked, but if needed, two tomato stakes on each side of tree (30cm from tree) will support tree by using old pantyhose or similar material. Mulching Mulching the trees with old straw, hay etc, will stop the soil from drying out, heating up, stops weeds from germinating and also adds valuable organic matter. Do not apply mulch against trunk of tree as collar rot may occur. Trees that are susceptible to frost damage are better off without mulch during the winter months, the reason being that bare soil kept moist will absorb heat during the day and radiate this heat at night reducing severity of frost. Grow Bags Grow bags placed over young trees will give protection during the winter months and allow an early growth in spring. They also protect trees from wildlife.


Page 6

Competition! Why not get your whole class to

enter! Post your entries to: The Well, 33 Otway Street,

Portland 3305

Open to all students across the shire who participated in the “Get A Taste of This!” Expos!

Hi kids,

We would love to hear what you thought about our Sporting Expos held in Casterton and Portland. Draw us a picture, write a poem or a story and tell us what you thought. The ones we really like will be published in the Term 4 edition of The Well.

“Get a taste of this” Song

Here’s a tip on how to “Get a Taste of This!”

Don’t just say NO stop and think,

Try a little bit and you just might consider,

Didn’t like it at the start but tried a little and now…

I - like it!


What can you tell us about

“Get A Taste Of This”?

It might be karate, hockey or dance,

Maybe broccoli, olives, or dates by chance!

Here’s a fruit tree to plant,

It won’t be long until we can ….eat it

Fresh fruit you just can’t beat it!

Give us sport, vegies and fruit,

Water and “the Well”

“Get a Taste of This”

Glenelg you just can’t beat it!

Page 7


Papaw and Strawberry Slushies Ingredients Serves 4

1 papaw (or papaya if preferred), peeled, seeded & sliced

1 punnet strawberries, washed and hulled

1/2 cup ice

1 tablespoon caster sugar Method

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Pour into chilled glasses and serve with a straw and spoon.

Human snakes and ladders

• Play on your driveway or local basketball court.

• Number the squares from 1-20, with 5 numbers in each row.

• Between some numbers draw snakes, which cause the player to slide backwards.

• Between other numbers draw ladders, which help the player climb closer to the finish square.

• Use a dice to determine how many squares you move.

• The first player to reach number 20 wins the game.

Q: What two things do the words banana and potato have in common? A: They have both got at least two double letters, but did you also realise that if you take the first letter and place it at the end of the word and then spell the word backwards, it will be the same word!

Page 8

Did you know…..? • 72% of children in are driven to

school • One third of children in Melbourne

spend less than 5 minutes walking per day.

• Many car trips are less than 2km. Try walking or riding for these trips. It will help you achieve the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day, reduce pollution and save wear and tear on your car.


Tips to help your family use active transport everyday:

• Walk or ride with your family instead of taking the car when going short distances.

• Encourage children over two to be active and not rely on a stroller. • If you need to drive somewhere, park the car a short distance away and walk together the rest of the way. • Use public transport an as option of travel. • Look locally for places the family can walk to, such as the park.

• Teach your child traffic safety rules. • Hold your child’s hand when crossing

the road. • As a driver, a passenger and a

pedestrian, be a positive role model for your child.

Increase active transport everyday

Active transport is walking, riding or actively travelling to or from your destination. It is a great way to get active everyday. Kids - ‘Go for your life’ recommend that all children aged 0 to 12 years need to ‘Stride and Ride’. ‘Stride and Ride’ means using ‘active’ rather than ‘passive’ transport as a means of moving from one place to another, like walking or riding a bike. Active transport enhances a child’s independency to move around their neighbourhood and is beneficial for their health and the environment. What is Active Transport? Active transport is a physically active means of transport that includes walking, cycling and using other non-motorised vehicles to and from destinations. Active transport also includes public transport because it is environmentally friendly and often requires walking or cycling to and from pick-up and drop-off points. Active transport helps children be: • more motivated to get out and

about. • more experienced in personal road

safety. • more act i ve and rep lace

unnecessary sedentary time. • Engaged in more social time with

family and friends, and experience a sense of community in their neighbourhood.

• Establishing lifelong active transport habits. www.cancervic/

Page 9


Parents should be encouraged to limit children’s access of ‘sometimes’ food and drinks to small serves, no more than one or two times per week. Parents decide

which healthy foods to offer and chil-dren decide if and how much they will eat. Be patient when offering health meals and snack and keep trying! By introducing a variety of health foods from a young age, children will learn to eat familiar foods and healthy habits are likely to remain later in life. Finding new and inventive ways to reward children instead of using

‘sometimes’ food is important also. Did you know….. Schools are no longer allowed to sell confectionary. This includes canteens, lunch orders, vending machines, sports days and excursions.


Food ‘Sometimes’ choices

Everyday options

School lunches Pies, sausage rolls, hot dogs Sandwich, roll or wrap with fillings such as cheese, tuna, egg, vegemite, cold lean meats, grated carrot, avocado and lettuce

Vegetables Potato chips, corn chips Fresh or tinned vegetables such as carrot, cucumber, canned corn, beetroot, capsicum, mushrooms, baked beans and cherry tomatoes

Fruit Dried fruit bars, straps and dried fruit

Fresh or tinned fruit in natural juices

Dairy food Dairy desserts, ice cream Reduced fat cheese, yoghurt and milk

Biscuits and cakes

Sweet and ‘oven baked’ biscuits, sweet cereal bars, cakes and doughnuts

High fibre dry biscuits, fruit or vegetable muffins

Drinks Fruit juice, cordial, sports and energy drinks, flavoured milk, flavoured mineral water, soft drink

Water and reduced fat milk are the best drinks for children

Snack foods Lollies, chocolate Fresh fruit and cut up vegetables are the best snack foods for children

Primary schools and early childhood settings are important places to teach children about the best food and drink choices. Healthy eating is important for improved concentration, learning and overall healthier children, Children learn quickly and are influenced by friends and popular trends. Therefore, this is the perfect time for children to learn about the importance of healthy eating. WHAT IS A ’SOMETIMES’ FOOD? It can be confusing to know what foods are ‘sometimes’ choices and what foods are suitable to have everyday. ‘Sometimes’ foods and drinks are those which are energy dense and nutrient poor, and are not contained in the five food groups of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Children should be encouraged to replace ‘sometimes’ foods with healthier alternatives.

Tips to limit ‘sometimes’ foods and drinks…..

Vegetable Gardens…..

Page 10

Planting Calendar What to plant in July, August and September


Asparagus crowns, early potatoes, shallots, potato onions, garlic cloves, rhubarb, Jerusalem and globe artichokes.


Potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, shallots, potato onions, garlic cloves, divisions of chives, rhubarb and asparagus crowns, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, broccoli, lettuce, onions, leeks, peas (including delicious snow peas), broad beans, turnips, swedes, Asian brassicas, English spinach, silverbeet, cabbage.


Potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, globe artichokes, chives, rhubarb divisions, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, broccoli, lettuce, silverbeet, salad onion, leeks, carrot, beetroot, parsnip, silverbeet, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, onion, kohlrabi, summer spinach, swede, turnip, peas, Asian brassicas, Japanese turnip, peas, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini and sweet corn.

What’s in Season? The following fruits and vegetables are at their best and cheapest

in July, August and September…..

Vegetables Artichoke Leek Bean shoots Mushrooms Beetroot Peas Broccoli Potato Brussels sprout Rhubarb Carrots Silver beet Cauliflower Spinach Fennel Silverbeet

Fruit Avocado Kiwifruit Banana Lemon Blueberry Mandarin Cherry Orange Coconut Pear Feijoa Quince Grapefruit Tangelo Guava

Veg Out!

Page 11

QUIZ! How well do you know your

veggie patch?

1. What is a scarecrow used for? a. Keeping the flies away b. To make the garden look pretty c. To scare away birds from eating the seeds d. To use up old shirts 2. Where do plants get their energy

to grow from? a. Chips and cordial b. Sunlight and water c. Moonlight and frost d. Cake and coffee 3. What can you put on your plants

to make them grow faster and stronger?

a. Compost b. Worm wee c. Mulch d. All of the above 4. Bees are good to have in the

garden because they: a. Pollinate the flowers b. Look pretty c. Make a buzzing noise d. Confuse the birds 5. How do pumpkins grow? a. Underground b. On trees c. On a vine d. On a bush


ers: 1(c); 2(b); 3(d); 4(a); 5(c).

Make a Seed Doll

Germinating seeds in the classroom can be as easy as adding a bit of moist potting soil to a small paper cup, but you can make it fun by creating a seed doll.

Directions….. • Moisten a piece of paper towel using a water spray bottle.

• Sprinkle some easy-to-sprout seeds, such as grass seeds, along one edge and then carefully roll up the paper towel.

• Cut small holes from the side to represent arms.

• Add craft eyes and a smile to one end.

• Find a warm location out of direct sunlight to lay the dolls until the seeds sprout. (If your classroom is very dry, you may need to moisten the paper towel again.)

• In a few days, you can play with your seed dolls.

• F o r f u r t h e r exploration, you can unroll the paper towel to view the roots of your new little plants.

If you would like to have input into the newsletter

please contact either Rachael or Lynda Or (03) 5522 1180.

33 Otway Street Portland 3305 Victoria

Smiles 4 Miles Kids - Go for your life


Important Dates for 2009

Stride and Ride Campaign Terms 3 and 4 2009

Term 3 Get A Taste Of This!


PORTLAND - Thursday 17th Sept

CASTERTON - Thursday 10th Sept

Term 3 Get A Taste Of This!


PORTLAND - Thursday 3rd Dec

CASTERTON - Friday 4th Dec

Page 12

Competition Winners!

Elijah’s Sportspower Portland

Smiles 4 Miles is an initiative of Dental Health Services Victoria, working in partnership with local organisations to improve the oral health of the youngest children in our community.

Kids - ’Go for your life’ is a State Government-funded initiative managed by Diabetes Australia Victoria and The Cancer Council Victoria.



Elijah’s Sportspower Portland

Lillian Twardowski, 8 Casterton Primary School Zarly Smith, 9 Narrawong Primary School

Elijah Roberts, 5 Jaycee Kindergarten James Carter, 6 Bolwarra Primary School

Shanae Menzel, 9 St Johns Lutheran School Tayla Telfer, 6 St johns Lutheran School

Don’t forget to post your picture or

letter to: The Well, 33 Otway Street,

Portland 3305!
