The voice of Charleswood Council 7523 September … 2017 Knightly Knotes...The voice of Charleswood...


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The voice of Charleswood Council 7523 September2017




FromtheChaplainSoonthecallwillreachtheKnightstofollowthroughwithanotheryearofactivities.Mostofthem,ifnotall,aredirectedtohelpothersinneed,whateverthatneedmaybe.Wemustnever forget the life that supportsmeaningful activities and our personal conversationswithourGod,whoisLove.Withoutanintimaterelationshipwiththeflowof lovethat isbrought into the world by the Spirit, it becomes easy to be distracted by many things,including activities that remain at the surface of life and fail to be the sacramentalmanifestationofthepresenceofGod'slovewearecalledtobeasdisciplesandKnights.Msgr.MauriceComeaultGrandKnightsReportHello to all of my Brother Knights! Here’s hoping everyone had a great summer, and are well rested and refreshed! We will be swapping fishing and adventure stories over munchies after our first General Meeting of the year next Tuesday, September 5th. Come prepared with your tall tales! As Parish life kicks into high gear, so, too, does the work begin for our various Knights functions. As we all know, when Brother Knights work together at our various functions, we can achieve great things. There are many plans in the works for this coming year, and we are hoping that everyone works together to contribute towards a successful fraternal year On September 16th, the Knights are providing breakfast to the CCRS group, here at OLPH, for which we are still in need of volunteers. That same morning is also the Hike for Life, being hosted this year by St. Anthony of Padua, 250 Burrin Ave., North Kildonan. A reminder to all Knights to keep the date of September 28th open to either volunteer or attend (or both!) the Welcome Back Steak Night. This is a perfect opportunity to enjoy great food, good fellowship, and lots of laughs. See you there! Thank you to those Brother Knights who have stepped forward to serve on the Executive. Your commitment is greatly appreciated! Vivat Jesus Gerald Brunger, Grand Knight

` Charleswood Council 7523 - Knightly Knotes September 2017


FinancialSecretaryMessageIt’s good to get back in action after some welcome time of over the summer months. Our welcome back dinner is scheduled for Thursday September 28th. Tickets will be sold in the gather space starting Saturday September 11th. We hope to see many of you there. I invite all of you who are able to attend our next general meeting scheduled for Tuesday September 5th starting with mass at 7pm. At this meeting you will be asked to vote on 3 important documents. The 2017/18 budget, event calendar as well as updated council by-laws to be filed with Supreme council. If you receive this newsletter via email these 3 documents are attached so you can review them prior to being asked to vote. Printed copies will be available at the meeting for everyone in attendance. Printed copies of the minutes, Financial Secretary and Treasurer reports as well as program directors reports are made available for all in attendance at our council meetings. As your Council Activity Chair I continue to look for new volunteers from within the younger demographic of our membership to complement our regular volunteers. Knowing the demands on your time because of work as well as family, I am asking only for a little of your time. As an example if you can help at 2 or 3 events a year for 1 or 2 hours that would be a great start. It is a good opportunity to learn new skills while working for a worthy cause. During the month of September we have 2 fundraisers to start the Columbian year. On Saturday the 16th is the first of 2 CCRS breakfasts we provide for this year. That is followed by our welcome back dinner on Thursday September 28th. Both of these fund raisers benefit OLPH directly. Volunteer sheets will be emailed following our September meeting. If you have any questions regarding your membership, insurance, distress or volunteer opportunities please feel free to call me at 204-941-9320 or by emailing May God continue to bless you and your Family. HarryLaarveld,FinancialSecretary50SammonsRdWinnipeg,MBSeptember2017BirthdaysSept.1 RobertKanneSept.9 TonyMocciaSept.9 MikeZaleskiSept.13 DonaldDoupeSept.15 PeterPascal

Sept.15 RonWellsSept.17 RenaudCaronSept.17 Dr.RonPetersonSept.21 LloydMernettSept.24 LorneEvansSept.29 ChristianPeterson

` Charleswood Council 7523 - Knightly Knotes September 2017



August 21 ExecutiveMeeting 26 AnnounceWelcomebackdinner/startticketsaleSeptember 5 GeneralMeeting 16 CCRSBreakfast 18 ExecutiveMeeting 28 WelcomeBackSteakorChickenNightOctober 3 GeneralMeeting 9 ThanksgivingDay 16 ExecutiveMeeting 22 Bigbreakfast 21/22 AnnounceCharityDrive 23 StartCharitydrive 31 AllSaintsNovember 4 CCRSBreakfast 4 5pmMassCorporateCommunion 7 GeneralMeeting 8 Completefooddrive/pack&sort 9 Deliverfood&goodsfromdrive 19 Pancakebreakfast&CWLcraftssale 20 ExecutiveMeetingDecember 3 Children'sSt.NicholasParty 4 ChristmasChoirPractice 5 AllgroupsPotlucksupper(nogeneralmeeting) 18 ExecutiveMeeting 25 ChristmasDayMen’s'Choir11amJanuary 2 GeneralMeeting 14 Pancakebreakfast 15 ExecutiveMeeting 16 SemiAnnualAudit 27 CCRSBreakfast(Canceled)February 6 GeneralMeeting 13 ShroveTuesday 14 AshWednesday 19 ExecutiveMeeting 23 FirstLentenFishFryMarch 6 GeneralMeeting 19 ExecutiveMeeting 23 SecondLentenFishFry

` Charleswood Council 7523 - Knightly Knotes September 2017




2017-2018 Budget 2016-2017 Actual 2016-2017 Budget

INCOME: Dues 1,645 1,690 1,615

Four Breakfasts (4) 2,700 2,935 2,600 Two Fish Fries (2) 950 880 1,100 Two Food drives 1,000 880 1,000 Welcome Back Dinner 1,600 1,706 1,400 Two CCRS Breakfasts (2) 1,600 800 1,500 Keep Christ in Christmas buttons 0 0 50 Rose Sunday Campaign 0 421 150 Coins for Christ 50/50 120 110 150 Interest earned on deposits 140 136 140 Support Vocations - Supreme refund 0 0 0 Food Drive-Supreme Refund 100 200 100 Other receipts 60 71 200

Total Income 9,915 9,829 10,005

COUNCIL EXPENSES: Supreme Council: Per capita 203 214 203

Catholic Advertising 58 60 58 Less: inactive credits -9 -18 -18 Culture of Life Fund 104 103 102 New member incentives 0 0 0 Manitoba State Council:

Per Capita 1,028 994 1,012 Liability insurance 41 40 41 State Convention 250 245 250 Membership dues waived 0 0 30 Supplies 150 362 200 Printing 100 138 100 Postage 250 294 200 1st Degree Initiations 30 0 45 2nd & 3rd Degree Initiations 0 25 75 Hosting of first and major degrees 0 0 100 Food, refreshments, entertainment 400 341 400 Total general council expenses: 2,605 2,798 2,798

` Charleswood Council 7523 - Knightly Knotes September 2017



The official dress for the Fourth Degree shall be:

• Navy Blue Blazer festooned with Fourth Degree Emblem Blazer Crest, Knights of Columbus Emblem of the order buttons.

• Official Fourth Degree Grey Trousers. • Official Fourth Degree Necktie. Rank patches will be handled by the Supreme

Master Office. • Official Fourth Degree Black Beret with Fourth Degree metal badge worn over

the left eye. (Tailored Italian wool.)

New Old

` Charleswood Council 7523 - Knightly Knotes September 2017





"Lord,Iamasinner,comewithyourmercy." OpinionsexpressedinthisnewsletterdonotnecessarilyrepresenttheviewsoftheKnightsofColumbus.Editor&Publisher:WilliamGrassickgrassickw@gmail.com204-885-5209Readersareinvitedtosendcomments,suggestionsandarticlestotheeditorforpublicationas“LetterstotheEditor”.Wewouldliketopublishyourcommentsaspartofeachnewsletter.Publicationtakesplaceinthelastweekofthemonth,AugusttoJune.
