The Vine - St. John's Lutheran Staten Island March Vine.doc  · Web viewAdult Choir...


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A Member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod


The mission of St. John’s EvangelicalLutheran Church is to lovingly proclaimthe Gospel among all people in order toform and nurture loving communitieswhich confess by word and deed that

Jesus is Lord and Savior

The Newsletter of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School

(718) 761-1600

Volume 2015 Issue #2


Roster of OfficersSt. John’s Lutheran

Church & School

2015 Church Committees

Pastor Interim Pastor Michael BagnallPresident Gerard VallesVice President Michael ClandorfTreasurer Fred BockSecretary Janis SzokeBoard of Elders Thomas SaxBoard of Christian Education Robert HollsBoard of Evangelism-Social Ministry Elsa WebbBoard of Properties Les Szoke

Board of Elders Board of PropertiesThomas Sax Les SzokeDave Decker Daniel FerucciBruce Mohlenhoff Arne Abrahamsen

Board of Christian Education Board of Evangelism-Social MinistryRobert Holls Elsa WebbAudrey Mahoney Rhoda BrowneSusan Neitzel Christine FerucciBrigitte Hermann Joan MohlenhoffMildred Clandorf Nancy NyeRuth Roscheska Leonor AbugelKaren Gannon Jenifer Moat

Yvonne Clinton

A Message from the Elders2

Dearest Family in Christ,

Since Pastor Russell abruptly left us, we have been blessed with and thank Pastor’s Fosse, Pastor Lorentzen and Bruce Mohlenhoff all of whom have covered worship for us these past weeks. In an effort to cover the challenges of a church and school, council has decided to seek an Interim Pastor until which time we call our own shepherd.

I am very happy to report that our church council has secured an Interim Pastor. Pastor Michael Bagnall is 45 years old and single. He is coming to us from Nebraska and will be serving a dual interim position with ourselves and Trinity Lutheran Bay Ridge. Pastor Wade Miller's last service with Trinity was on March 1. Pastor Bagnall will be spending 3/4 of his time here at St. John's and will be living in our parsonage. He will be responsible for teaching 7th and 8th grade religion at our day school as well as leading chapel and being a presence at our school. He will be available to the faculty, parents and our students spiritually, and will handle religious counseling if needed. As far as the church is concerned, he will lead all Sunday and Mid-week services, as well as visiting our shut-ins. He also will conduct First Holy Communion classes for those receiving this Maundy Thursday, as well as our Confirmation Class which will be confirmed on May 4. Pastor Bagnall will also perform baptisms, weddings and funerals of our parishioners as needed. We will now temporally worship each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Pastor Bagnall will remain with us until such time that we have received a called pastor. There will be no bible study scheduled at this time due to the fact he will also be serving Trinity Bay Ridge. We continue to thank God for His many blessings He has bestowed upon our congregation. Please continue to pray for guidance, and that God may send us our next shepherd. As of now, we have not received any names from Dr. Benke and the Atlantic District. Therefore our Call Committee remains dormant due to the lack of names from our district.

In Christ,Tommy

The LORD is my strength and my song; and he has become my salvation. Psalm 118:14


Principal’s Corner

Happy March Everyone,

Spring is right around the corner! As usual, we have exciting things happening at school.

First, I would like to welcome Pastor Bagnall. We are so grateful for his service to our church

and school.

We have scheduled an Open House for Saturday, April 18th from 12-3pm. Please pass

this along to anyone who may be interested in attending St. John’s in September.

Our Spring Festival will be on Saturday, May 2nd from 12-4pm. If you would like to

donate or volunteer please notify the school office. Your help is appreciated.

Our school website is complete and will be up and running this month. Keep in mind, it is

a work in progress.

I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter!

St. John’s Lutheran is participating in the Stop & Shop A+ School Rewards program

from October 3rd, 2014 – Thursday, March 19th, 2015. To register your card online, please go

to If you registered last year, you don’t have to register again. But

you can sign-in and verify that your card is there with the correct school attached to it. St. John’s

Lutheran School’s ID # is 16706.

Collect Labels for Education and Campbell’s Labels. Don’t forget those box

tops!!!! All monies raised will be used for new gym equipment.

We are selling old St. John’s Lutheran Yearbooks from 2003 – until 2013 for $2

each. Last year’s 2014 book is $10 each. If you wish to make a purchase, please

send a note to the school office. Cash only please.


Kelly Speiser, Principal


More on Stewardship

Why does giving seem so difficult? In reality, it isn’t. But we make it difficult. We make it difficult because we’re afraid. We’re afraid that it isn’t worth the investment. We’re afraid that what we give to the church might be wasted, or that we could use it for something better, something more enjoyable, something more real, more tangible, more immediate, even more important, something more important than God and His gifts.

The point is this: We struggle with giving because we don’t believe as we should. We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things. And so we fail to give because we don’t love God with our whole heart, soul, and mind. We fail to give because we don’t fear Him more than we fear other things. We fail to give because we don’t trust Him more than we trust the things we can more immediately see, taste, and touch. We don’t trust that He will give us everything (EVERYTHING!) we need to support this body and life. For if we did fear, love, and trust in God above all things, we would see and know that all the other things that vie for our time, our talents, and our treasures pale in comparison to the joy of the real, tangible, immediate love God has showered upon us in the proclamation of the forgiveness of sins on account of His Son’s death, resurrection, and ascension.

The only proper response to this is repentance: to confess our sin, our stinginess, our lack of fear, love, and faith in God’s promises, and to trust in Him to help us bring our desire to do better to fruition. For God is not holding out on us. He never has. He never will. For if He has given you His only Son, how will He not also give you all things? He will. It is His promise. And these promises are sure and certain.

The reality is that God doesn’t need our giving. He doesn’t need our time, our talents, our treasures. He is God. We are not. He can do all things without our help. And even what we do give, even the good and righteous things we do accomplish, these are but filthy rags, as the prophet Isaiah tells us (Isaiah 64:6). Our gifts to God and to the Church are like a child’s gift of dandelions to his mother. They are weeds, which most of us spend an entire summer trying to rid our yards of them. And yet despite the fact that they are weeds, mothers always receive them with a smile and with joy. They will even put them in vases and display them on tables and countertops. They will recount to friends and other family members how their child gave them “flowers,” just to say I love you and I’m thankful for all you do.

Our Lord, too, receives with joy and a smile the gifts we give in thanksgiving and praise of what He has done. Even though these gifts are but weeds, filthy rags, and despite the fact that He doesn’t need them to accomplish what He wills, He receives them and puts it to use for our and our neighbors good. That is the real joy of giving. He doesn’t need us. Yet He makes use of us, He employs us in His service despite it. He makes all that we do—our giving, our work, our service to our family and friends and neighbors—holy. And He blesses it for their and our good


and to the glory of His name.

So is giving so hard? Nah, it’s like giving dandelions to our mothers. And when dinner is ready, when the food is on the table, she’ll gladly have a vase full of them right in the middle. The Lord has prepared a table for you. Dinner is ready. The table is set. His Body and Blood is given to strengthen and nourish you. And right there, where Christ is with us, are the dandelions we gave. He has put them to use for our good, for our forgiveness, for our life in Him.Taken from the LCMS website


MARCH ANNIVERSARIES2 Bill & Bev Heming9 Henry & Emmy Alvestad24 Win & Dorothy Winter28 Bill & Joan Mohlenhoff

MARCH BIRTHDAYS2 Anita Neitzel2 Dorothy Winter8 Elsa Webb9 Ryan Heming23 John Gencarello25 Bonnie Selletti28 Christina Emmanuele30 Vera Troncone



Please remember in your prayers the following who are ill:Marianne Fogarty ~ Heinz Zeller ~ Jaena Mann

Robert Browne ~ Sonia Ingerson ~ Elvira FrancisElaine Lewis ~ Mary Francis ~Henry Alvestad ~

Kathy Francis ~ Eric Hansen ~Dorothy MohlenhoffAudrey Hansen~ Joseph & Carol Draper~ Joe Selletti

Flo Karl


Thrivent Choice Dollars - Our church is now one of the choices that you can choose with your Thrivent Choice Dollars. You can either go to and register or call 1-800 THRIVENT (847-4836) and speak to a live person. When you call the toll free number, you will say “Choice Dollars,” at which time you will be transferred and asked for the last 4 digits of your social security number. You then will speak to a representative who will assist you. Please note that if you use the website, we are listed as St John without the ( 's) Lutheran. We thank all those who have inquired, and we thank everyone who has chosen to help further the ministry of our church. May God richly bless you. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who is a part of this program

Sunday morning Sunday school will now meet at 9:30 a.m.

Soup Supper, 6-7 pm followed by Worship at 7:30 p.m.Wednesday, February 25 ending Wednesday, March 25

Each week 4-5 soups, 4-6 quarts each are needed. Hot and cold beverages will be supplied as well as homemade bread from Eleanor Hansen. Please be advised that if you wish to make something for the soup supper, you must sign up in the church narthex.

For further information, please contactMargaret Persans (718) 442 6558

Adult Choir Rehearses, Tuesday Nights 7:30 p.m.

Children's Choir/Youth Hand-Bell choir rehearses, Sunday Morning 12:15 -12:45 p.m.

Brazil Mission Trip Report9

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at St. John’s Lutheran Church,

Several of you donated money toward my yearly mission trip to Holy Trinity Institute, a Children’s Home in Moreira, Brazil. My heart-felt thanks goes out to all of you! Your donations allowed me to go there in May of 2014 and minister to the children and workers in that place (as they ministered to me). My niece Ashley and a fellow Concordia University Professor, Dr. Patricia Burnham (Music) also joined me. We focused on music ministry for the 10 days that Ashley and Patricia were there with me. We managed to also raise an extra $1800.00 to help the Children’s Home and the Lutheran School on the grounds purchase 3 electric keyboards, a nice guitar, some percussion instruments, a couple of music stereos, and some other needed items.

Dr. Burnham taught crash course piano lessons all week to many children and I taught some crash course guitar lessons. We also taught several classes to the children in the school about reading music, rhythms, and other basic music concepts. In just one week of time several of the children performed a recital! We have also been working with the Institute, since we left, to find people in the area that will continue to give the children lessons and to do some fund raising to pay for that.

We also led all of the evening chapels the time that we were there. Patricia and I led the songs on piano and guitar, learning serval praise songs that the children like in Portuguese, and teaching them some in English. I gave a brief Gospel-centered message each evening, with the help of our Interpreter, Ana Paula.

There were many touching moments as we spent a lot of time loving these children. They all come from very difficult circumstances: extreme poverty, broken homes where the father usually abandons them, one or both parents with alcohol or drug addictions, and a lot of neglect and even abuse. They are always filled with joy when American volunteers spend time and money to come and do some projects with them, eat with them, worship with them, play with them, love them unconditionally and share Jesus with them. As I usually do, I spent more time with the children after the other two Americans left. Since I now have 3 Godsons there that I personally support, I was able to spend even more time encouraging them in their Christian walk and loving them. My oldest Godson, Guilerme, just finished two years of catechism and was just confirmed the 3rd. Sunday in November.

Thank you again for making this possible with your generous donations! I take a group with me every year, trying to take at least some college students, but the trip is not closed to just that age group. I have two groups going next May and have 3 spots available in each trip if anyone is interested. We will concentrate on music education (and some people will fix some things on the farm there or paint) in the first trip, May 5-17. Dr. Burnham, her husband and mother are all coming with me. The second trip will focus on running a basketball camp for the children, and it will be from May 22 to June 5. If anyone wants more information, please email me at and I will get it to you.

Love, Joy and Peace in Jesus!Pastor Bruce Peffer



Psalm 100:1-2Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with


Dearest Family in Christ,As of Sunday, February 22, we have had five weekends with snow. I know I can’t wait until spring arrives. Even though the weather has been lousy and has hindered many from worshipping, I have to complement and acknowledge our Youth Hand-Bell Choir and members of our Children’s Choir. On February 22, we only worshipped 48 people, but still all 9 of my ringers were there in addition to a few of my children’s choir participants. In fact, included in those 48 people who made it through the snow and ice, 15 of them were our youth. Thank you for your constant dedication and for adding the beautiful sounds of your hand-bells and chimes to our worship services. Also, thank you to the parents who continue to demonstrate the importance of worship to their children.

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14

In Christ,Tommy


Easter Boxes for the Needy

Part of the ongoing ministry of St. John’s Lutheran is gathering non-perishable food to fill Easter Boxes for the needy. (We also do this during Thanksgiving and Christmas) The 20 boxes we fill represent about 50 people being helped. Your donations can be brought to Sunday church services on March 1, 8, 15 and 22 and also to Wednesday evening Lenten services on March 4, 11, 18 and 25. A bag with a list of items is available for you to fill. Turkeys, hams and oven roaster chickens will also be needed. Whatever you can do will be appreciated. Cash or check donations can also be given. Checks should be made out to St. John’s Lutheran Church. Please write,“Hunger Fund” in the memo part of the check. Please call Joan at (718) 273 2644 if you have a question.

Food boxes will be packed on Friday, March 27 at 7:00 p.m. in the church basement. Distribution is on Saturday, March 28 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Help is always needed and very much appreciated! Your generosity is Jesus’ name, is a true blessing to many. Remembering Jesus’ words, “Whatever you fo for the least of these my children, you do for me.” Let us give from our hearts and be a blessing.

For His Glory,Elsa WebbEvangelism/Social Ministry Chair


Ladies Guild News

ATLANTIC DISTRICTLutheran Women’s Missionary League

Triune Zone Spring Event

Dear Sisters in Christ:

You are cordially invited to attend the Triune Zone Spring Event

On Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hosted by St. John’s Lutheran Church

216 Jewett AvenueStaten Island, NY 10302

718-761-1600 Office718-447-9082 Church

Registration – 9:30AMMeeting - 10:00 AM

Come Join Us in Prayer, Praise and FellowshipRefreshments and Lunch Will Be Served

R.S.V.P - April 10, 2015 RSVP - Please contact

Brigitte Hermann at 718-720-6184


In-Gathering and Meeting Information to follow.

We are asking that you bring non-perishable food items with you at the Spring Event as a mission outreach activity. New Directions Services, Inc. is a food pantry about 4 blocks away from St. John’s Lutheran Church, and currently services 180 people twice weekly. They will be expanding their food pantry services to 3x weekly due to the increase needs of people in the area. Your generosity will help them stock their shelves with enough food for when they open their door three days a week.New Direction Services is asking for food specific to the needs of diabetic elderly and disabled that are low salt, low fat and sugar free. In addition, items that are always needed include:Pasta whole grainCereals (no sugary cereal or frosted)Rice …brownCanned fruit and peasDry beans – in packs, like lentils, split peas, etc.

Thank you for your help.


The Church is located at 216 Jewett Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10302. The cross streets are Post Ave. and Catherine Court. The Triune Zone Event will be held in the Church Basement.

Via Public Transportation: - From Manhattan or Brooklyn - Take #1 train to South Ferry; “R” to Whitehall St.; the #4 or #5 trains to Bowling Green; or the M-5, 15 or 20 buses to South Ferry. Take the Staten Island Ferry across. Weekends the ferry runs every ½ hour; it’s a 30 minute ride; and yes – it’s still free.After getting off the ferry, walk up Ramp D and take the #44 Bus going to the Staten Island Mall. It is about a 25 minute bus ride. Get off at the corner of Post and Jewett Avenues. The Church is directly across the street, next to a deli. Enter the Church Basement via side door on Catherine Court.


- From Staten Island – Take the #44 Bus going to the Mall and get off at Post and Jewett Avenues. Or take the #46 Bus going to the South Ave/Teleport and getoff at Jewett and Castleton Avenues. Walk going west on Jewett Ave towards Post Ave, 1 block to the Church.

By Car:- Take the Verrazano Bridge (Toll) to Exit 13 – Clove Road. Merge onto Narrows Road North. Go about 0.5 mi; stay to you right and bear right just before light; turning onto Clove Road.Continue driving on Clove Road, about 2.8 mi. to Post Ave. (pass Clove Lakes Park + Forest Ave).Make left onto Post Ave., drive about .05 mi (2 lights) to Post and Jewett Avenues and Church. Church’s parking lot is on Jewett Ave., across the street from the Church.In Christ,

Brigitte HermannPresident

Ruth RoscheskaSecretary


Our mid-week Lenten Services continues through March 25 each week at 7:30 p.m. Please join us in this penitential season as we meditate on our Lord’s Passion.

Soup Supper, 6-7 pm followed by Worship at 7:30 p.m.Wednesday, February 25 ending Wednesday, March 25

Each week 4-5 soups, 4-6 quarts each are needed. Hot and cold beverages will be supplied as well as homemade bread from Eleanor Hansen. Please be advised that if you wish to make something for the soup supper, you must sign up in the church narthex.

For further information, please contactMargaret Persans (718) 442 6558



If you would like to order plants to decorate the church on Easter, please fill out the form below and return with your payment to the

church office or to Janis Szoke no later than Sunday, March 22. The price per plant is $8. Please remember to indicate whether you are

taking your plants or leaving them to be delivered to a shut-in.

I wish to order: Lilies: ______ X $8 = $________

Plants: ______ X $8 = $ ________

Total Enclosed = $________

In loving memory of:








To commemorate an occasion or to honor someone:



Given by: _______________________________________________


____I am taking the plants ____I am leaving the plants


Palm Sunday 11:00 a.m.

Maundy Thursday 7:30pm (First Holy Communion)

Good Friday 2pmTenebrae Service 7:30pm

Easter Breakfast 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Easter Morning Service 11:00 a.m.



Breakfast (hot) 9:30-10:30 AM (Ladies Guild is sponsoring)

(The reservations are to ensure there is enough

for all to enjoy)

This breakfast is at NO charge. There will be a “Free Will” offering

Please call or e-mail the church office to make your reservation(718) 761-1600, e-mail:

Name: __________________Adult(s) #________________Children #_______________

Easter Sunday Worship Service 11:00 am (only)


Evangelism/Social Ministry Committee

Part of the ongoing ministry of St. John’s Lutheran is gathering non-perishable food to fill Easter Boxes for the needy. (We also do this during Thanksgiving and Christmas) The 20 boxes we fill represent about 50 people being helped. Your donations can be brought to Sunday church services on March 1, 8, 15 and 22 and also to Wednesday evening Lenten services on March 4, 11, 18 and 25. A bag with a list of items is available for you to fill. Turkeys, hams and oven roaster chickens will also be needed. Whatever you can do will be appreciated. Cash or check donations can also be given. Checks should be made out to St. John’s Lutheran Church. Please write,“Hunger Fund” in the memo part of the check. Please call Joan at (718) 273 2644 if you have a question.

Food boxes will be packed on Friday, March 27 at 7:00 p.m. in the church basement. Distribution is on Saturday, March 28 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Help is always needed and very much appreciated! Your generosity is Jesus’ name, is a true blessing to many. Remembering Jesus’ words, “Whatever you fo for the least of these my children, you do for me.” Let us give from our hearts and be a blessing.

For His Glory,Elsa WebbEvangelism/Social Ministry Chair


Evangelical PamphletsThe Evangelism Committee of St. John’s offers for your interest, booklets published by the Lutheran Laymen’s League, pertaining to everyday problems and concerns.

The following booklets are available at the display rack in the Narthex of the church. If there is a subject of concern not listed, please contact Rhoda Browne (718) 698-3356

Alone, Alive, Fulfilled Alzheimer’s Battles with the Bottle Coping with Cancer Dealing with Depression Finding Peace Forgiveness Is for Giving Has God Abandoned Me? How to Know What’s Right…And Do It No Need to Fear Now You’re Talking Overcoming A Painful Childhood Parenting with Purpose Prayer and Thoughts for Caregivers Setting Priorities Raising Your Children with Respect So You Prayed for A Miracle… Surviving A Loved One’s Suicide Surviving Breast Cancer Take Heart in Your Grief Talking with God The Purpose of Living, The Purpose of Dying The Truth About Angels “THHHPPTT!” And Other Helpful Ways to Manage Anger Too Much to Do, Too Little Time


Unlocking the Prison of Guilt When in Doubt…Read the Book! Where’s God in All of This? Why Should I go to Church?


