The Two Required Features of Google Analytics That Tell You Where Your Revenue Comes From


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The Two Required Features of Google Analytics that Tell You Where Your Revenue Comes From

Lars LofgrenMarketing Analyst - October 2012 - Confidential - Do not distribute

@larslofgren #KISSwebinar

We’ll cover...

How to get ecommerce working1

How to set up goals2


Our goal: connect data back to revenue

WHEN TO USEEcommerce

Use ecommerce tracking if you take credit cards

Google Analytics doesn’t do this by default

Step 1: Enable Ecommerce Tracking


Step 2: Add ecommerce tracking code to your site

Every order will have slightly different code


This isn’t a copy & paste job

Your website produces the code each time

Add the code to you payment confirmation page

Shopping cart captures order info1

Your site builds the tracking code2

GA tracking code executes3

Sends data to GA servers4

How GA ecommerce tracking works

Add it within your regular GA tracking code


What if we can’t modify the shopping cart?

Many payment platforms severely restrict what you can do with the

checkout process.

You’re going to want help from a developer


A goal is a critical event for your business

Use ecommerce first, goals second

Account sign ups1

Newsletter sign ups2

Lead gen forms3


Google Analytics goal examples

The data you’ll have

We tell GA what our goals are


1. URL Destination

Every time someone views a page, the goal triggers.


Funnels aren’t that flexible

They only work when your site has a series of consecutive steps.

Use event goals1

For funnels, use virtual pageviews2

What if we don’t have a unique URL?

What’s a virtual pageview?

We tell Google Analytics by hand that a pageview occurred when it didn’t.

This is what the virtual pageview code looks like:

Be careful with virtual pageviews

Only use them when you need to add a step to your funnel and URLs won’t




Only use goal values when they lead to revenue

We don’t want to assign random values to our goals. If you can’t

connect a goal to revenue, leave it blank.

Each sale gets you $1001

You need 10 lead to get a sale2

Each lead is worth $103

Your lead gen form should have a goal value of $10


Let’s work through an example

Recalculate goal values every 3-6 months


All traffic report from Google Analytics

How does Google Analytics assign credit?

Credit goes to the most recent traffic source (except for direct).

Let’s say Susan comes to your site

She discovers you via a Facebook post and buys

Next time, she uses an organic search and buys

Purchase #1: Facebook.com1

Purchase #2: Organic keyword2

Who gets the credit for each purchase?

Marketing to new customers is undervalued1

Marketing to repeat customers is overvalued2

This creates distortions in your attribution

Customer data gets split up between multiple traffic sources.

Web analytics can’t track people over time

You’ll need to use customer analytics.

To get a complete picture of your customers...

A revenue report that includes repeat purchases

Use KISSmetrics for long term tracking

Q&A Time!Lars Lofgren
