The Time is Now: Leadership that Matters Margie McGlinchey; Ph.D. Kimberly St. Martin; M.A. June 14,...


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The Time is Now: Leadership that Matters

Margie McGlinchey; Ph.D.Kimberly St. Martin; M.A.

June 14, 2010


• “What” and “Why” of RtI

• Stages of Implementation

• Barriers Impeding RtI Implementation

• Importance of Principal Leadership and Its Impact on Student Outcomes

• Leadership Necessary for RtI Implementation– Managing Second Order Change

Defining RtI

Response to Intervention (RtI)

• Response to intervention integrates good instruction, assessment, and intervention with a multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and to reduce behavior problems

Fundamental Beliefs

• Prevention is better than the “wait to fail” approach

• Early intervention is more effective than later remediation

• Use of screening assessments helps to prevent students from falling through the cracks

• Tiers of instruction and intervention are available to meet the needs of all learners

Core Principles of an RtI Framework

1. We can effectively teach all children.

2. Intervene early.

3. Use a multi-tier model of support.

4. Use a problem-solving method for decision making.

5. Research-based interventions/instruction to the extent available.

6. Monitor student progress to inform instruction.

7. Use data to make decisions.

8. Use assessment for different purposes.

Implementation of RtI

• Three stages (broad perspective)– Consensus: continuously working to achieve– Infrastructure: Beginning to develop the

infrastructure necessary for implementation– Implementation: Occurs at multiple levels.

Data is used to determine the effectiveness of the systems created and adjustments are made as needed

Intensity of Supports

Continuum of Supports

Students within Schools

Universal PreventionCore Instruction, all students,preventive, proactive and should meet the needs of at least 80% of the students relating to mastery of critical skills. A good core has materials to use with lower-performing students as well

Targeted Intervention Supplemental, some (15%) students, reduce risk

Intensive Intervention Individualized, functional assessment, highly specific for few (5%)

Academics Behavior

Implementing a RtI Framework

• Addressing the essential components of RtI in the context of reading and behavior require a specific lens when thinking about the data and practices associated with each BUT they are both intimately connected

• Depending on beliefs, assumptions, or philosophies about the data and practices in the subject area, a leader may encounter varying degrees of challenges throughout the process

Implementing a RtI Framework

• The systems necessary for implementing an RtI framework can be applied to both reading and behavior– Tiers of interventions– Use of research to determine selection of practices,

interventions, and programs– Problem solving process

• Focus around reliable and valid data

• Frequent progress monitoring

• Frequent adjustments to the intervention/instructional plan

Activity• To what degree do your staff know about

the core principles of RtI (slide 6) ?

Area for RtI implementation

Stage of Implementation(Slide 8)


Reading (Y or N)

Behavior (Y or N)

Math ((Y or N)

Setting the Context for Today • Many principals and central office

administrators believe that RtI is the right thing to do

• The prevention as opposed to intervention model is very appealing

• A common roadblock is lack of a clear vision of what RtI looks like in practice

• Leaders need a clear picture of what it looks like and sounds like in practice in order to lead effectively

Why RtI?

It’s what is best for our kids!

Let us not forget why we are here….

RtI: Fact and FictionRtI is….

• General education led effort that is implemented in the general education system; coordinated with all other services (special education, title I, ELL)

• Fluid system to support instructional needs of all students and intervene on behalf of low-performing students

• Problem-solving process• Alternate approach to the

diagnosis of learning disabilities

Rti is not….

• Pre-referral system• Done by one classroom

or one teacher• Special education

program• A separate, stand alone

initiative• Flavor of the month

So, what’s so difficult with implementing an RtI


The Science of Implementation

• An “intervention” is one set of activities

• “Implementation” is a very different set of activities

This session is about “Implementation” of Response to Intervention

Key Elements of Implementation Research

• Innovation Fluency

• Implementation Fluency• Implementation Stages• Implementation Drivers

• Improvement Cycles

Stages of Implementation

• Exploration

• Installation

• Initial Implementation

• Full Implementation

• Innovation

• Sustainability

Implementation occurs in stages

2 – 4 Years

Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005

Exploration: The Big Picture

• What happens during Exploration?– Formalize Structures and Promote “Buy

in” for the innovation and for implementation supports

– Determine Need and Identify Options– Assess “Fit” and Feasibility– Re-Assess

Installation• Initiating RtI infrastructure by planning for:

– Coaching and Supervision– Staff Fidelity Evaluation– Identifying Administrative Issues– Identifying Broader Systems Issues

• Creating feedback loops

– Ongoing problem solving• Rapid Cycle Problem-Solving Teams


What’s Needed:• High-level protection, problem solving, and

support • Reduced expectations and higher costs

during start up• Help in evolving organizational supports at

every level• Help in establishing new school,

community, and organizational climate and culture

Motto for Initial Implementation

“Anything worth doing

… worth doing poorly.”

Survive the Awkward Stage!• Initial Implementation

– Change practices, and manage change

– Put infrastructure components in place (Drivers)

– Provide services

– Change school and community structures & culture,

– Overcome fear & inertia

• Moving Toward Full Implementation

Full Implementation

• Full Implementation

– Components integrated, fully functioning

– Skillful teaching and interventions provided to Students

– Ready to be evaluated re: consumer outcomes

Innovation• Innovation

– First do it right (high fidelity)

– Then do it differently and better

• Consult with content experts

• Model the Masters

• Evaluate Impact

• Institutionalize Innovations

– Ability to retain function while changing form given turnover, changing needs and context


• Goals of Sustainability– Programmatic: Ensure high fidelity and

positive outcomes through:• Consistent attention to competence • Infrastructure improvement and

maintenance• Ongoing use of data

– Financial: Ensure funding streams for school programs and services and infrastructure

Sustainability (con’t)

• Characteristics and Activities Starts during Exploration Stage, never

stops Information sharing and trust building Achieve and tout good outcomes – stories

and data Remain financially and politically vigilant Expand support base during all stages Champions and Parent Support

Issues Impeding Successful RtI Implementation begin with Beliefs

and Common Vision• Reading wars• Assessments for different

purposes (timed vs. untimed; meaningful vs. quick assessments of discrete skills)

• Use of intervention “programs” and possible pitfalls for being responsive to students’ needs

• Explicit and systematic instructional practices

• Inclusion of students with disabilities in core instruction

• Belief that ALL kids can learn

• Elements of “scientifically based research”

• Anger toward state and federal involvement in educational policies

• Philosophies around the role schools play in student behavior

The leader’s role in eliminating issues that are impeding RtI implementation is magnified

Challenges of the Principalship

So much to do…so little time!


• Describe a “typical” day in your life as a principal.

• Create a list of things that occupy your time and attention on a daily basis.

Principal’s∧ Job Description?

• Many principals report, much of the administrator’s job is spent engaged in important but fundamentally non-instructional activities


Allocation of Time and AttentionResearch Findings:

• 17%- managing by walking about the school• 14%- human resource related activities (i.e.

teacher evaluation)• 13%- discipline• 20%- office related tasks• 25%- meetings or schedule conferences with

parents and/or students• 11% for interruptions and working on the culture

of the building

Bledinger, Arirata, Jones (2000)

The Principalship: A Historical Perspective

Changing Role of the Principal:Historical Perspective


• Principals were primarily expected to be managers

• Maintain the status-quo by “keeping a lid on things”

• Buffer teachers from outside distractions (competing district priorities, behavior problems, angry parents)

Now…• Instructional leaders• Create a culture of high

expectations• Establish clearly defined

goals• Create a safe and orderly

environment• Engage with staff in

frequent professional development

• Increase parental involvement

Leader or Manager…or Both?

• Principals experience a constant pull between wanting to be an instructional leader (to do what they thought they were hired to do) and finding the time to complete the necessary managerial tasks so the school can function smoothly

What does the research say about effective schools and

the role of the principal?

Key Components of Effective Schools

• Two lines of inquiry emerged from the research:– Key characteristics that constituted “effective

schools”– Principal’s involvement with the school’s

instructional program

Characteristics of “Effective Schools”

• Strong administrative leadership• Instructional leadership by the principal• High expectations of students and staff• Safe and orderly environment• Primary focus on learning• Resources focused on achieving key

objectives• Regular monitoring of student learning


(Lezotte, et. al)

Missing piece in the Effective Schools research: specific

leadership practices that are well defined and provide

direction as to how to proceed

Principal Actions that Support Student Achievement

Synthesis of the Research

What do Principals Need to do?

• Focus time and attention on the things that will improve student outcomes

• Bottom Line: “the correlation between the leadership behavior of the principal in the school and the average academic achievement is .25

Marzano, Waters, McNulty, 2005

Interpreting “.25”

Interpretation of a Correlation of .25 in Terms of Expected Passing Rates for Schools, Depending on Leadership Effectiveness

Percentage of Schools Passing the Test

Percentage of Schools Failing the Test

Schools with Principals Rated in the Top Half of All Principals Based on Leadership Effectiveness

62.5% 37.5%

Schools with Principals Rated in the Bottom Half of All Principals Based on Leadership Effectiveness

37.5% 62.5%

Figure 3.2: Marzano, Waters, McNulty, 2005

Principal Behaviors…All Equally Important?

• No, the responsibilities are NOT all created equal

• The rank order of the responsibilities changes depending on what type of innovation (i.e. RtI) principals are trying to lead

• Depending on how staff view the change required of them for the innovation (RtI), the principal needs to deploy one set of leadership practices over another

Principal Behaviors…All Equally Important?

“The extraordinary principals…embody all or nearly all these traits and actions. And as we shall see, the picture that emerges of their effectiveness is much more than a mere collection of behaviors” (Cotton, 2003, p. 7).

The 21 responsibilities “are, or at least should be standard operating procedures for effective principals” (Marzano, Waters, McNulty, 2005, p. 62).

21 Leadership Responsibilities

• Affirmation• Change Agent• Contingent Rewards• Communication• Culture• Discipline• Flexibility• Focus• Ideals/Beliefs

• Input• Intellectual Stimulation• Involvement in

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

• Knowledge of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

21 Leadership Responsibilities

• Monitoring/Evaluating

• Optimizer

• Order

• Outreach

• Relationships

• Resources

• Situational Awareness

• Visibility


• Review the document entitled, “21 Leadership Responsibilities….”

• Read through the principal responsibilities and their definitions

• Identify the top three leadership responsibilities that had the highest effect sizes– Looking back at your time allocation activity from this

morning, were the duties/tasks identified as occupying more of your time the same as the leadership responsibilities having the largest effect sizes?

Considering “Change”

Change is Hard

“Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving there is no need to do so, almost everybody gets busy on the proof.” (John Kenneth Gaibraith)

Order of Change

• First order change are changes that are perceived to be a continuation and refinement of existing beliefs and practices. They can be implemented with current knowledge

• Second order change are changes that are perceived to be a significant break from current practices and will require new knowledge, beliefs, and/or resources

McREL, 2006

For the purpose of this session the emphasis will be

on leading second order change

Characteristics of Second Order Change

• Departure from the normal way of doing business

• Challenges existing paradigms• Conflicts with prevailing values and norms• New knowledge and skills are needed• Resources that do not currently exist will be

necessary• Resistance by others who do not have a

broad perspective of the district/school


• Take 1 minute to identify a practice, policy, or procedure related to RtI (reading, behavior) that was perceived by staff as a second order change next to this slide

• Examples: 90 minute reading block; adoption of a basal reading program

Leading Second Order Change

• Second order change is positively related to only 7 of the 21 leadership responsibilities (listed in rank order)

– Knowledge of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment*

– Optimizer– Intellectual Stimulation– Change Agent– Monitoring/Evaluating– Flexibility– Ideals/Beliefs

Why those seven?

#1 Knowledge of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

• Knowledge of the RtI (through the lens of reading, behavior, math) and its impact on the curricular decisions (or the curriculum in general), instructional practices, and assessment procedures is essential

• Staff will turn to you for this knowledge and might challenge you regarding the research base

#2 Optimizer

• Cheerleading does not just benefit sports teams! You must be the driving force behind the implementation of the RtI

• Fostering a shared belief among staff that RtI can and WILL produce great gains in student outcomes through collective, hard work

#3 Intellectual Stimulation

• In order to be knowledgeable about RtI you need to deepen your knowledge about its theory and practices. – This will require leaders to deepen their knowledge

about the converging research regarding how children learn to read as well how to positively and proactively manage student behavior

• It is essential to systematically deepen the knowledge of the staff (i.e. discussions, book studies, vicarious experiences)

#4 Change Agent

• Second order change may seem uncomfortable and the outcome may seem uncertain

• It is important to challenge the current way of doing business and be willing to move forward in the face of uncertain outcomes

• Leaders who practice this responsibility are always seeking ways to challenge the status quo and to find alternatives that will yield great results

#5 Monitoring/Evaluating

• Continuously monitoring the impact of the RtI data, systems, and practices

• This requires looking at data in an objective manner

• Staff need to view the data as well

#6 Flexibility

• The leadership style during the stages of implementation for leading RtI will need to adapt as situations warrant

• This will require directive and nondirective leadership at different points of implementation

#7 Ideals/Beliefs

• Your own ideals and beliefs must be consistent with those of the innovation

• You cannot lead something you do not believe in…it is like a vegetarian selling meat

• This might cause you to reflect on your role in the organization and whether or not there is a goodness of fit

Pitfalls of Second Order Change

Sound Familiar?

• “I have staff who are saying I am not communicating effectively. They always told me that was a strength of mine until recently. I wish I knew what I am doing wrong.”

• “There is suddenly a great deal of in-house arguing between my staff who are supportive and unsupportive of the use of AIMSweb.”

• “I feel like I am loosing control with my staff. I am constantly trying to put out fires because any little comment that I make about what we are doing is being twisted and used against me.”

Negative Affects of Leadership Responsibilities

• Four of the Leadership Responsibilities are negatively affected by second order change:– Culture– Communication– Order– Input

This does not mean the leader intentionally tries to undermine the four leadership responsibilities. It means the leader might pay a price in relationship to the four leadership responsibilities when leading a second order change initiative


• Strongest negative relationship with second order change

• Common language, understanding, team spirit have all been impacted as a result of choosing to move forward in implementing RtI– This might be because of differences in

philosophy for particular aspects of the RtI Framework (i.e. reading philosophy)


• Since second order change is perceived as a deviation (break) from current practice, staff may think that communication has broken down as a result of the implementing (or getting ready to implement RtI)


• The routines that staff have come to enjoy and rely on are changing due to the implementation of new or refined systems and practices related to implementing an RtI Framework in the areas of reading and behavior


• Since implementation of RtI is perceived as a departure from current belief/practice staff feel as though their input is not being taken into consideration

• Example comments:– “This is being shoved down our throats!”– “We are not even being asked if this is what is

best for kids.”– “When we are asked, they do what they are going

to do regardless of what we say.”


• Refer back to your the second order change initiative.

• Based on the four leadership responsibilities that are negatively associated with second order change, identify those that you feel were problematic for you when leading the innovation/initiative

• If the implementation was unsuccessful was it because the risk of loosing credibility on the four responsibilities was too much to handle?

Bottom Line

• Leading second order change cannot be entered into lightly

• Be cautious but deliberate

• It is complex and calls for decisive, quick action

Prestine, 1992

“I’m increasingly persuaded that schools that go slow and a little at a time end up doing so little that they

succeed in only upsetting everything without accruing the benefits of

change” (Fullen, 1993, p. 8).

Why didn’t “they” teach me any of this stuff or other critical things that I find myself doing and having to learn on the fly when I was going through my

leadership coursework?

Good News (or Bad News)• An analysis of coursework aspiring principals

completed revealed:– Majority of the courses focused on “technical

knowledge” (law, finance, facilities, data research training, technology)

– Only 13% of the course time focused on preparing principals to address the demands of accountability, emphasis on state assessments, and to meet the demands of NCLB


Hess and Kelly, 2005

Disappointing Statistics• 69% of principals believed leadership

programs were not adequately preparing leaders to meet today’s challenges

• 80% of superintendents also believed the preparatory programs were inadequate in preparing principals

• 96% of practicing principals believed that interactions with their colleagues better prepared them than graduate courses

Lashway, 2003

Thank You!

Margie McGlinchey, Co-director Michigan Integrated Behavior Learning Support Initiative (MiBLSi)

Kim St. Martin, MiBLSi Lead Technical Assistance Provider

MiBLSi Website:
