the sword club yearbook 2014



The Lord has been good to The Sword Club this year. Join our admins and our members as we remember the Lord's goodness to us this year. To order a printed copy, message our admins on our The Sword Club Facebook page.

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The Sword Club was born in the year 2011 as a pro-ject to help youth read the Bible in a year. The minis-try has expanded and went under a major revamp in 2013 to include fortnightly discussion groups! The Sword Club is a Chris-tian youth group and is un-der the jurisdiction of Youth Ambassadors and Ambassador Baptist Church Singapore. It is managed by youth so it's nothing like an ordinary youth group! (We think youth know youth better, and we'll like to keep the Sword Club leadership in the hands of youth!) We hold to the Baptist distinc-tives and the same doctrinal statement.

We are called “The Sword Club” for the Bible is the Chris-tian’s Sword, (Eph. 6:17, Heb. 4:12) and we want God’s

Word to be the center of our club.

Our logo is a Christian soldier, reminding young people that we are engaged in spiritual warfare and to put on the

whole armour of God.

Our theme verse is 1 Timothy 6:20 "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so


Our motto and mission is "Keeping the Trust Committed to Us"

For Our Policies, Leadership Structure, and Statement of Faith, please visit this link:




From over hill and plain there comes the signal strain, ’Tis loyalty, loyalty, loyalty to Christ;

Its music rolls along, the hills take up the song, Of loyalty, loyalty, yes, loyalty to Christ.


“On to victory! On to victory!” Cries our great Commander, “On!”

We’ll move at His command, We’ll soon possess the land,

Through loyalty, loyalty, Yes, loyalty to Christ.

O hear, ye brave, the sound that moves the earth around, ’Tis loyalty, loyalty, loyalty to Christ;

Arise to dare and do, ring out the watchword true, Of loyalty, loyalty, yes, loyalty to Christ.


Come, join our loyal throng, we’ll rout the giant wrong, ’Tis loyalty, loyalty, loyalty to Christ;

Where Satan’s banners float we’ll send the bugle note, Of loyalty, loyalty, yes, loyalty to Christ.


The strength of youth we lay at Jesus’ feet today, ’Tis loyalty, loyalty, loyalty to Christ;

His Gospel we’ll proclaim, throughout the world’s domain, Of loyalty, loyalty, yes, loyalty to Christ.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the

other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.


“Loyalty to Christ” was chosen as our theme song as we want to remember our allegiance is to Christ and to no other. The song was in fact writ-ten for Baptist youth by E. Taylor Cassel in 1984 for the first convention of the Baptist Young People’s Un-ion.


FOREWORD by The Sword Club Admins



2014 has been a great year for The Sword Club. The Sword Club grew by leaps and bounds this year. Though started as a one-man project in 2011, the Lord really taught me that two, in this case, three, are better than one. (Eccle. 4:9) Burdened for young people, in 2013, I gathered the senior youth of Ambassador Baptist Church, namely Bro. Edward and Sis. Leandra, to think about ways to help young people. We felt that young people reaching young people was an important thing to do.

The existing Sword Club had already fizzled out due to busy-ness and irregularity, and we thought of coming up with a new name for our new youth group. But after some thought as well as encouragement from our youth leaders, it was decided to keep the name, “The Sword Club,” but to re-inaugurate it, and change the existing logo. With that, new life was breathed into The Sword Club, and we re-inaugurated The Sword Club on January 11th, 2014.

The ministry has since grown! We have had youth from all walks of life attend The Sword Club, and grow as a result. Thank God for the work He has done through The Sword Club in the past year, and I am looking forward to further expansion and more of God’s blessings in grace in the year 2015! God bless!



Last year, I was filled with much pessimism about the sustenance of The Sword Club. This was the first time The Sword Club was taking a bigger commitment leap since the founder, Jeremiah, started it in 2011. But because it was God’s will that The Sword Club does not fizzle out, through the ‘Admins’, He led the initiative. No doubt it had been hard for the ‘Admins’, as well as our fellow ‘Apprentices’ in time & effort, but may The Sword Club continue on for a long time. If God sustained The Sword Club for the whole year, it is His will for us to continue.

My only wish for The Sword Club is that everyone will desire the Word & Truth from God, to understand & apply what we learn. In essence, to be more & more like our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. My hope is for The Sword Club Meetings to continue to be of use to youth in handling modern day issues God’s way.



The Sword Club has blessed me in so many ways, through planning of meetings and outings, taking part in the discussions, and posting the readings. It has helped me a lot in my Bible reading and to understand what I'm reading. It is a great encouragement when other youths remember what we discussed in the previous meeting or remember what we wrote in our daily posts.

There were many times of discouragement throughout the year, but I believe it was God Who gave us the strength to press on and provided us with what we needed, like encouragements from the members and observers. God really carried us through the year 2014, and if not for God's goodness and the prayers of many people, The Sword Club will no longer be active. Other than having our Swords sharpened through the Bible studies, The Sword Club members have also developed new and strong friendships among one another throughout the year through the fellowships that we had. I am thankful that God continues to bring new people in and pray that we will be as welcoming to them as we can. I'm sure that in this coming year, God will continue to bless The Sword Club as we continue to press on to do His Work.



As a member of The Sword Club for the past year, I have learned many different Bi-ble principles that's definitely useful in my daily life. In junior college, we had a class dis-cussion regarding creation and evolution and my friend was confused between the two terms. The Sword Club has been a platform for me to learn more about creation and why we believe what we believe. Not only that, The Sword Club has also helped me with my Bible reading which is important in our spiritual life.

As a new admin, I hope that The Sword Club will be a platform whereby members are comfortable sharing what they have learned in their Bible reading and to even be a "help desk" for any inquiries or troubles they face during their daily life. Basically, for everyone to be like a family. :D


OUR YEAR: 2014 The Members Speak


It has been said, “A picture speaks louder than a thousand words!” and so it is true. This section of our yearbook is dedicated to our faithful apprentices who attended

The Sword Club meetings.

We’ll be including photos as well as their comments on The Sword Club.

Spirits High for The Sword Club re-inauguration!

Who can forget our first outing when the train delayed

at Yishun MRT and we all rushed out?



WORD TIME Inauguration Message

SunPlaza Park

We want to develop ourselves into Godly youth with character, who having done all, will stand, not children tossed to and fro

with every wind of doctrine. (Ephesians 4:14) Youth with convictions backed up by God's Word.


Meeting 2: Sun Plaza Kopitiam (our FB cover for awhile)

“Even though I’ve not been able to come for many of the meetings, I’ve been blessed by how the ad-mins, Jeremiah, Edward, and

Leandra, faithfully share with us their daily readings. I personally have difficulty being consistent in my Bible reading, but your exam-ples encourage me every time.”

Yi Ning, 17 (above, top row, second from the left)


Youth Leader’s Place!


“I’m thankful to be part of The Sword Club and for all I’ve learnt through the lessons

taught. I think it’s very encouraging to have a time when we gather to study God’s Word together and I’m grateful to the three ad-mins who organize the meetings, outings, and post a devotion every day. (with loads of emojis that make it more interesting! ☺) Thank you admins! Looking forward to new happenings in The Sword Club this 2015!”

Joanna, 15 (left)


“One way The Sword Club has benefited me is to get me to begin opening my Bible more and really get down to doing devotions.”

Reuben, 14 (above, 2nd row, third from left)

4th Meeting at Tampines Mall!

Outing 5: Our first at our beloved home church! It rained in on our outing and who can forget the memorable

pepsi-cola-1-2-3 game we played indoors??? :)


Aloysius, 13 (above, far left)

“Thank you for taking effort to organise the club. One thing that I learned in the meetings, was how to identify the differences between creation and evolution. It helps when I'm asked questions about crea-tion. The lesson also gave me a better understanding about creation.”

MEETING 6: WHITE SANDS MALL! (which later came to be one of our haunts!)

OUTING 7: Our Second attempt at an Outing at Sembawang Park, and this time we had great company (great in terms of size too!), great fellowship, great weather, and great fun!


“It (The Sword Club) has truly been a blessing to me, being able to learn,

be edified and grow through the sharing of

Bible passages, and through everyone’s desire

to learn! I ♥ you all!”

Ming Dao, 15 (left, far right)

Jireh 14, (above, right) “Joining The Sword Club has been wonderful! It has become an enjoyable time spent with other youths to study God’s Word. It has

also been great to see new members joining us!! I ♥ The Sword Club!”


Victor, 14 (top row, far left) “My first experience of The Sword Club Meeting left a deep impression. The members I met were kind, enthusiastic, and fun to be with. They present their findings (in God’s Word) in an exciting way and make them interest-ing.”

MEETING 9: Back to White Sands Mall!

MEETING 8: The debate begins!


MID-YEAR OUTING (11th outing) We commemorated 10 successful meet-ings with our 11th meet at Sunplaza Park. We didn’t have a big turnout, but we sure had fun!

“think, think, think…”

Another session viewing the debate between Mr. Bill Nye and Mr. Ken Ham, and we were also thankful to have Christy (left, in orange) back with us all the way from India!



MEETING 13: LUNCH WITH THE SWORD CLUB Katryn, 15 (first on the right row) “I think The Sword Club is good as the meetings are not only held in the north, but also in the east.”


MEETING 14: Changi Chalet Our home church was kind enough to al-low us to use the prayer retreat venue to hold one of our Sword Club meetings. We had a great time studying the preserva-tion of Scripture!


MEETING 15: (below) Amidst the busy year-end schedule, we still held a meeting in November, when we wrapped up the study of the Bible!

Shot a Changi beach. One of the most scenic Sword Club group photos!

Deborah, 13 (below, fourth from left) What I like about The Sword Club: 1. It has taught me a lot about the Bible. 2. The Bible reading schedules 3. The games 4. The daily “Words of Life” from the 3 admins


“One thing that en-couraged me about

The Sword Club was that everyone there

made an effort to get closer to God and help others grow

closer to God AND the games are fun

too!!” Andrea, 12 (left, far right)

OUTING 16: YEAR END! Back at Sunplaza Park!

It’s a dou-ble decker!

Just enjoying the ride

and each other.


“I like how it (The Sword Club) has taught me to have a proper reading plan so that I can finish the Bible in a year and I also like the discussions that happens in the meetings as it is very interesting.” Sam 15, (top row, fifth from left)


“The lessons, although they were just recaps of what you had learned, were such a great reminder to me. An example of this is to always go back to God’s Word to check if what someone said was right. Also the new things that I’ve learned are quite interesting like the importance of the versions of the Bible. I love the games, food, and especially the people. You guys have been a great en-couragement and blessing to me. I pray that we all will faithfully continue our journey to glory!”

Ella 16, (bottom row, fifth from right)



“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:”

1 Timothy 6:20
