The Sun. (New York, NY) 1875-12-19 [p 6]. · 2017-12-15 · BHfH ih--SIP' Bl v list ' If...


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rilK M AllTor SANTA I LAI'S.

woht:nrt-i- , dlflt tMttrioVH war- -

I I III 1 I miP (! i rl tit. m nrlion I'l ef'dlril I,. N(

H orii Ottanlirraara Wfcrrr lif-i.- t inin i nun4 ihin win iiriiuhi i hi- - hlltlran

mttm a4 nn ti.r llrarla m vn wllk Jar.The holiday wimwi M m Ita h4ntit. All

lh if Auitn t'luuit tltrmiitlKHlt thti imt:il

Klirti li'. IIMiey'- -. kiii-'- -. in'tl in Tny i 'omiHinr' WaWfinHM W iuhI M

irrB lafaa mill rmnll rhtft "tiftr Nnllita" an.!, anB 't-t- ara no throtutwl with pufvliarcr awl Mahl

,.. r- - ihal it almoal lmMMilMa during ihobiKiMt huun of tin dy In ni Itiofoul of tim

"Cm, tWf" Mid Mr. LafntN. tim Junior ill

thaH"Mt h1ia of M ii v A ' . "earl" In Iliam iriihin. "r Jtt.t artnul noon when nwryhodjr I,

Hi ! lillK'hrnl), unit the dinner hour, M ii In theHBl f mlna, If i mi with lo Rtl i he bMi time to makeHBl Mini 'ion- - Hut ixitn ladlaa My llial lba ami llial

If they i'oiim In tha vening and wait until nmHBV niafi la iiw and aftai the larval numbarnf hopHHj para and light aaafa hate anna away, than theHH MleKWoitieii and aatt girl Itava Huiv to aid them

HV In theirHBb M: in ii"er. the r man iifafi who neeinit loHBV In quietly liliiiiltoti, al Mm) eauia tn our nHBV atitjinee in n uklnga tonrnf iilmerrnthoi flimiitiliHBm the hulle Minn Hhe !nul llllatlcil haf t;ik ofHBV aarvliig r iffee with hini'hfiiii tn the lift Piatt atri

who run lietwaan the rnunten and the raahHBT daahfinf the great giitahlUhntenti Bha WoundHBl up lha maehlnar) thai diovm the toy lady per

f irmer nn a ti'lnUlure plaltO. Standing 00 one iifHBf the eantrnl ahnw rattt mui when tha parformar

tlilil glllehed her hrillittfit rlflfltafrt, pha I'll' Intn itlon tin- a alhlng aleihant and hi gunieoiiiilynitlred Airlean ruler mnl driver. Then ue

m h.iIk down the h nsenuntera anil admired tieHfH wondfiiinidliiiilNy uf diilleond loyaand ptaythlngxHfJ til It ure miff till there unihT the I1ir1tltiaHfH njiatiner and tree, and the huge and miniatureHH hantii t1flune whleh utaud auard nvartho fairyHH ra.ilm. When the upper dour had heentravHh efaMl MIm lloyer h ft iln in i h.irL'e of Mr. .!r;iw-- .

HfJ M.i yn iininr'ier of rhino giant, majollea and

j mit i -- im.i i iii i in v nmttHJH Mrimewith me," raid Mr. Ptntiiam "andwaHH vi waudei tliriiugh China withntit nir a mu- -

HJH gle heathen chli Certnlnlynoi rariuiwHH a greater railioy ol I'lilnn lutd Hittery, glaaji milHJH in n il' .i. liiiH-f- e. pnrlani lava. Iron Mime andHH artheu eoltex'llouliithaualea"

The Ihiw window of Maeya attrnet hundredHHl ofgturrat ill hniir with e dUita uf doll par1HH tien. i.. Wi lulerful even than of l.tHHl yaar. Theoneln the eeitimt window w veryHfJ orlfeTiiial ntuilv. h i n whiter erne nn thaiee

Br warinl; writ iiel In fttrn mnl prothlad with realBBm nUnl atiire u tP tim Imiktha plctureof eotnBBm fun ami eMjuyt iMit, rh linekiirmind of theBB pii tia 'ml letl hy a refreAhnien anBBb iontti throtiah the erlnrtown .tint ari'he of whh h

BBw ' tlt'ilai t tw .n ilBBb ilrinkliw wnrrn ilrink aaalnut am ther round miBB1 tun In it known to thona who Intvo itiukeplBB t " with 'he niaren of lmproenunt in the eralBBM W1' lloini fi'f the comfurti ennvenlem'a nnnBBfl ptcHAureii ifdidlmtl il iitythlugiliatatloirenilaBBfl Iriia or uinnter wmilil I I ordelie u now ItnUBBf talnd for fthe lull in I It i i.iw .linn, tBB ! '' 1,1 Maej - toBBfl rout thr il ll'n le mid furniture," n It doea

t i leler and foi t

BB1 doll oivnet. I' my me doubt. the tutenHntiBBJ ' ',r 'iBBb KIMtKVBftBj Hi rteil hl vi-- t fiT: v goodBB1BBBBfl hL' e.hi i,- i loaded withI eooiN. Unit. th entire t.BBfl coniiirWii i iwu im. j a'urerooin! i literallyBBfl every n,i and prhBBfl 1 v mill ui that weal if

j itmiltt mirely lie mippllml from Kltiey'n, eti'l tfHHJ v v iti'in itinther or father wlMg thereBBf niake wmililoiily Kpnie a few penBBfl r ' i'1.! e to aid in Inn h nm

BBfl il ake lug withBfBrBBfT 1,1 r. you i iii 'i vnii pre)

BBfl Ineiitigli I euiter ev I Utile nireelBB tutop InBBBBfl III lner',uieil,BB1 ami i V".--HJVJ

HaBBflHtawBBMBHDMBl i.r being lite tot mil fan, ) ifoodaBBfl hoi i

i latti' from Murrav Hill doee notBSBjcTBBftwav i t , r f t ii











Kg:BBHB"jMSfjiin r iii

BH ih- -

fHSIP'Bl v

list ' If t III

mttM ' tin


Ii ....

BBfl v in

BBBlie. Tile)

I I it' - ParU bouaei itheru thai iuvB i eajire ly fur thewaii'e Now YorkH i Miinyol tt Ke are nriiaiiieiited vvll iH v nr-- lor iiulntiiitfii, nue nn tuHea In IhuH ilef-- l Wnttei in KHiitfman, TheH I n Mile .uTiiiL'.-- reiii'lilng nrotind tin.,.

a n of .tettart at ibu) lluie, ulvei tbehoiiHn1 t i ainai o of beln a nlaee of anui umonlH v era e mammoth intitirioa porforttiaueo a

U nn Nurd I hl apply to mowart'a alone,B I. i l a laylor't. AninlU a L'nnntiihli - nnil Me-j lenri i ioor iilno inrongerj Hiih carrfauee,

Van .in making u iiMiilalt) til holliluy ttulihij ti in. really ell ig a van! amount ofBH nrygoudi Inthi way of elieap a well ai'niBBBJ ii , ,.i.rii f ,,r t hii. in.,1- - preienti i and theirPHH P" ft where luree, etlrf, fnra, llngarlii,

l ry mnl iIk h iinlki n I, lei. nlnl milflh-rt- t 'leJ fnlil. are ilnll) tbp nifinl, At MeCrn'i-- n attentionJ I 'ii. - nil tn the iiu ilriMirlinnt,HH where are bin k ill.- iiiiiuiifai'ltimil oipei'lnllyJ i - JamiM Mi l reer k l o., at Novl, ona of thehij e l mauufni'turlng towni ol rran .mi ti e

it i iilui of iIk made there for Mi 'reori are of theHIJ batii1o.,et eeliemlrn tlnl-h- . w It Ii MtHIJ v hm turiiailna unyililng aval produeaq in thev of m pram nr fallle.ei the uni prtoaa.

J my ruuue in prlee from I.A lo p.W( yardiHHJ kiid nm known In irn'e n the "eurhinlre da

"' Tba two gradeu which ate hlgbantBBI t ik of " cm Itnilra ml iiu.u duami, uud ikKhpin revive de NevL' tpu

I ti nianuffettirad liy hn neletiratod houae 'fIk'llon rrere At the wima nounlei iro the newIHluetlona ii Ikihtieti kitowii i llunnet'aimehfnlre rentaviulaf," ind alao that nhl favi rltalife I tut net allM, Will It - ' if nor I.nth n theold Kuh kerliiMiker I iinlll - Inaud i the tilt fwt he ne eloganie.

The i niirti ui,, Hiiiiirtntei dafllj Mr warten,ukiil ih it the irment Ion i a of ullke were t here nl1 of tHilniielltlon lieleetin thailllfi renl Imvahottxea nf New Vofk eniiaireil In tba illb triule,.nm onuld noi i.iHih,. lael throngli another im- -

.ii. i in i,t - the time to make iiuenh iea of HailreiMw ; mid for tbiMii who wImIi t i make iireitelitn nl i!tl ni bfl hotiiibl thai titer eotibl notleiaidlity dn aa well aa al MiH'reery vrelluiitghlin y itould notdo alt) Imtler, Hit 'reery I daniliit 4,ibi itfi nt t ii f Amerb'an illk m uiul m

Mired 'iy t hen") lim.I, ft i!, jottftanffi

Th large and hapldl) Inereaalng houae, liknthe itbei leading drVipHMlahou j,wlthmi iiiakllig a aiiuelalty nf null'lity jpetde, ure offeringei eryl hfltg that call tn- liaPtl f"r a t'liiMttna irlftit what are railed holiday prlnM. Nntn e ilileninonfl their beautiful Kitoaa are noma urlautalffarmenta, dreenlnii gnwna, ninntiiur wrapttara,and Meipiae fur liulle-- , uml amokTllg Ja knti,I'bamtNjr roltea, and nnioklng eapa for antloman,The ifarmenla, imlv oriental in their ahapa, aawell aa In the fahjjea whleh ooinpoaa thurn, anivery low nrlnad. Tin y me made of the rleheatthlna i Ik rrape, anibfvildered with urlfntaJOaurea in colored and gnM tim-ad- and linedwith rli h hiatroiifl taffeta ii' . in glowing eontrailing r lnr in tl t 'de fanflPi They ranirain iirlna from fns tn IIP?, and ate worth t bein y. The .in .nr ri'unl ir TnrkNli "ee. Inrlel hired i; Id Lin. ., ilr-- . I'liveted wltli ifnldbraid en iirolderlen, md ornamented with a longllk loanel,

The-- art anfna thlngt pfnpitaad for rhriatmaair. i i.t which are Iihi larire to put Inaalock

Ingorbang on a lhrlatma tree. Amongthaeine lypo writer ai d wwlng morhlnae. Theaewlng machlna nf the prtweni day a VaoJ Ininovemeiit mi the iirtginaj invention, Everyewingmai ii mtainy that hoahaan fonned

lint- uie it improvementi on the original pateut antl aln itn it own. The Infant and moatltuHirliitd impntvemenl tn which our atteullon

.died in thai ui Mm tt in. nt i.ii.i foniimnr.i lie) have itntetited a naw inachlne, noi an atlaclitmint tn thalr original iatant, whleh .inwuy with the antioyanca of rvgulailnji the ten-- f the thread when Ih.' w..rk nf the maehltta In cmtntcd. The w..rk In Itealf tnn regu-lator nt it own ttnaloni making the etltoh ntthe reuulred length the nntatit the changa Inmade in tie ihTekuena ..f tlio cloth thronghw hlch ihu naedla run.

pagpi'i Mrn tirtjnt,The tv,e writer han i n nn freiiently de

nerfhed that the readera of Ttm Hvit are by thilime ne wall aciualnteil wltblfcaa any one canlie from a written d e'rinlloni imt lieanwyandwritten eulnu eannol do lull luntice to thinilmple vet nut. in. ,u Invaiitloii fur

the lalaire of the nhtve ,.f thetun Ai SOS tfroadwn) thara ii from anearlj until a lute hour every day a milenil wi iieratoa una of tie run. hluon. much toth iinkmlnbment nf a tiding nf dghueeern,lorevvr iiathereU the wliubm If you

it, ii .t tint a gllmp t the damncl who throwaogcopi w ith melt llghtiilnil , I. enter and eamino fnr yournelf. and III timi that many

f tie', ipertm who have hatinta nuch in leanthan twelve unuith. an erfe Uiree tune- -

with ti.e typu wnter a you .an with yourmii and the tyte writer can lieat you with heri' ii bine, writing two and a half time an foot myou DM,

a nniUT t un.ThuM who ili tn helpagnml ratine In the

purelinee of their I1irlimt tflfta ciiu dn mi byattending the limnd t'harity r'alr In aid nf thel re nt- m d i '...: m s , .. - in;. I , ..Kltulerirtirteii f. r N ..-- . under the diri cllon nfMrn, l rtrd Keame) . wl leh otMn al nri eM.n wll he until I hrlnlniaa Kve. In I ha MaeonlcTemple, nt tl met f Twenty-thir- d ntreel and

The i. titijoarter nf Oanta 0.ttt hlmelf areat i'i'- - '.in. and ever) afternoon, at fnurpra

the t ni w j illv oalni call ha- -- it ind talked lo lit my little bo) Did .'ill-wh-

attend the fair If- - rblen In a nlelgh wrap,..'d in fur, and dlnpennv toya with a lllieralmd In ii.m.'e for pennlen nud dlmna, t'..r

tt i nuNlern, chnritoMe -- nnt.i tlaua - a very- l kin Islam i niattem.atid thougli be neltacheap, nnd - h meat, '."t lie exact the monayii t .t the Miund of Hi h The attraction .fthe fa'rartiHi mailt lo lie denerilard, hut aiiminrI hem i int. whine latllemid ifetiilemeii i in act everythlim found In thei' wt reauriinte In the cltt tt much lower Britw-lti- n Qpntatirsuita ei. irite f ir - h hIh :,.'. T. " re-- t in: i.t - uteh .' ,1 din-- ti fV- i- .11.' i'.. - .1,. wl., I. the iu.Toii.jui dc,'iulteorof thai kitia nlaaaaa nf the laullenlllrml v t Hmadwa) and Forty-Bft- h lreet.The ilcliea n tlanda rved are preiiared Hj therhr dr miMnr, who give the technical utruit a" fl ' '.i- Id - . ie Hit 'in. mil.ti if ' Italian. Kruih-uUd- who lathe fav .,: i .t .,! i,i i, Vtrti.rl ., ami llie

I iif 'i ... rating ninth f .mi .i-- royaltye llld .i .1'- - l llii tn ft "il ipon.

a.ti i f imi nn ivi...


u hn Intend to p ..mi in the a I old

At dier n er i Igar i. ii nianv a

ii r m,' . i mi r aum hi blot with an mil r

ii t the tnlor II ,, it a - ... .1 price,

I'll nth


i .1.1-- '). ' tin'-- . ltfltHillf t ItA fHifHii

,.,,,1,1 i

IIi)j: t - mi. ... thn wl .1 iwnt Ml

-.. i ! UtlU I'liPHp '! kit,


frl III ii. in i. .i. u Mki'tn wuintHpfol

ii ml a ' .If fool hiicli unU il. i l ntl nin in ii' vt i , i I lory IfciU'illiMd

t liL'lltVHli.', Ilir H'lll'h III K (jurtltltU HltUla

t'ottntry I tut u it, itiH nre not tilth ti.'.mi (

it,), ii.- lnoutflit wltli hiii i i wlr .f l. .- lloht.111I4J1 vliiM vn iu wlilrlj (in - worklnu frThiiy uuhI Iti th wiutfotv, u , i.'t.i iluti Mih u i, I' ltni.-- r,

PAH1MMN I'UMn.Mii aMi inmj-i- i,1. i.r r 1wn.1l uilli

"! " - Ml I.. iMrfO'lClJ II rHTfUt Hit tt 'Mil111 J:: hw. - I lin'uilwav, anilHim n i.i: U tliu purl ill immiIhU." 'J ti iy

of tlio priii' If l in Imvu ln-- u nmdaIK l'. 'I'M ';n, l, in U 1'iTiiiinly k

II iHilnltUiod liKii ih.' liur, Ttiolrt ijnit htrtlwlii llml if ii i' .1 uliiuuiiiU,

Mr M :;nj liroyn, tin nrii rlftur. uUn inuki 1lulty ..f rflil cur U.

lluiMtuHtH. tun Iniii niid frm j ,?i uni, thWill llf Il MfO HtllUllt'll Willi tlun'i'l'H nlUiwa nulU, oui-- hull ul nn we hi 11 lulltfi vtii pfta prh'fi, III for iniiiitiHr inim nr imliiivty in in fthiiM w Itidow i th ihrtyyeuhte

i.i Imi tifruofllr I'uiitrnli. nr iivit- -nue, Thfljr aro Htylcit ti Wimkt'iiiilmeit,"H wurij M'hlrhj utthiiuiili luriuun nnd luutilmuto,Is mnl' r i.n... liy iimiiy t i mi . n, im i;i'0iitrtoin rthod of ii.uuti'.ti 11 1.1 Mr. i Jinm-l- to wnlKtn i Into hl '.' !. H kfiMirj lir " i i.i.-- i tfonUxMiwIttUlun' ii.Jiii ruhhor for flftj-flv- e ui- -, una4 hiiv i'VDii"ti for "ini 11, at $.(, Wft.-i- iiin--hijh tii lowrd iIih knM. U jntly hJ1iioim ol),u!. I. it u Krm in, in. ,111. ii:., up :tril ifowii11. J LiiroiiiiJ.uut .villi '.j.r.,1 Uaniivt. I.- ..u

, Uv liur all 3 jU u( 014 ItUpfWT tn

HHUi tfiil bay. Mr. ('antftfl wiy ii1 hni rm.lonivri wii.t riMiti nn r nu tont

nknTKRMAM'M w i IK,

Al PUffoH'n nm rli ifithl 1; ittl'Mimn'-- . dn' l!.kjlnwtiii. fmiid xtri'i Mim i ti n ipiiltml lllt, ifirilami Iftrtftol t Inilti li Tin MIKfflNl il Wnfftl

a fflowllltf lini, h I'uliilortiiMw rlniltin.'tt ("iip.'i!,, M.hiK. till Milolll IVB ttili- him)

all t 'n r il tl. J.. t 4,im1 Utllfoli -I'. vt f, ; ii at ti llfiwnry, Attn M mw "f Hi

1". tir'. In tl,i- vrliolfl tt'ttiiv. N"- -

tlllllftf HO I t.'MIlt llM It. Til Mild I'll III. tri'i t

Klnri M w.i a r I l ou' nlontt IVlir SI in v..Mtit'o nM irm, it ihM lirlBtnin llm. Prtmt in hv only una prfro. llf iiMkwK a khh Inlty offfpni 'tni'ti'it tf'-- m r, a 1' I ItMjM nciirh ii -

I Ml j that tin' ItllMflrtn of II fllli'lv Wlnnwl lotiiniv.' hir f.iinHv I'oittfortablrt.

.Mr. Klrwri At tll i'Ollir l II' -- it ulltWl amillottri , ! I. in tl. al ho IMUOUtk WiiIlM "ln-iin- r

oh a oi il 1) for WArillth, W llh In- full- -

rofttu Innnitln mil nniitntNMlfiBi porti MiffvlIcA,lUUfMMta liot k, ami KM' link.

A nhliu'i; l iigf Idii) Uhli find hair1)0 Oriiiif ATnylor'n, nowpfTi i nn

rtttrai tii Bftlela to nit itli ftni, mnl barhe-lo- rtttlulOTi H 1:1 nU ohl f.'i. .iliit iii wi ll Mort h

It. Anions larLTi-- artlrffi Iti thl.t f uihoiiM ai at Hevnni lndypllndif donlti Kvin h

lRiH'IM'it. ilnt with iHitltln ilii tin tlilnit Tor ahatithonnK Mo h wlnnlnji fortmw and faina, An

li hiuiit -- land, the top i.r Millhpd Kratirnwalnut, nifi larif pjioiiffh and on purpose fortiu'irrfui family itni miuprnadi wtinitablaiiirh. tM'up iuf drawer DilrKir aliibtMn InvhaiMy twvlvcL all niliiMllied, llljiild with FirnihWalniltl Irnporti'il niar.on-- ry taMlr. ntnl nnnaaol with plajcc for a turaof plotutwi k bidroom t ja'i ullafly uml alumutlg hMtvfuli ofIt unitarian aahi trlmnird nitii st. ponilnfu in aliuoani abony, ami tulip wood ami a chlafotilafiir, In Kiitfllalia a htirii naM u narrow urnwaratlinn drawer wnrii urnaj n mit dlaplayi su antplawriting daak ' plgvon bidoa

PtmiRaM lNli NilVKI Tiff."iarn hunit ltd 4taf(rHit MylM nf plrttirt ami

mirror fraitn" are nhown at Ornham'a, Rl Bwery, whore plrturw find iimftnaa araatiffi iiireuurail iniraa, and inlrron aft M below rout '" toniakfl mnm alteratlotM,

The plaaeant vonntf iaiiiov behind the counterat Btller'tv on llfoaawayi no, l,ffi five yiut anrletfani niove boi with eveff nil palrn of alovea,whether they afa two-butt- or twelrabiittnalovew and their Rloven art a iheap aa yon rantun el where, Ttiay hava alao handatrvhlell.t" mali h.

Keik bown in ranhmere lure irr ihr novelty ttiNeiir. suth avenue near Twentieth ntrvat.iKKelllUad0Mndantot ibeold RtniM ol Iraland the heroM of tin' moat tjorloiie MrbHt ofIrish Mi titrv. ami tht preaent O'Nvlli UwuriMyof MU father' ohmi. Ill- - noVeUltl iitllfaster than they ran -' made up. Milliner)

fjbbon, and lace are nW itoeh In tradtiarHthedoen not. Ilka many other, ipi into tynet I In ii at thin taaeon, but ntlrka tohl leirJtlmatabunlnoea, Hi More npiaU two or thrrr ortli-imr- v

onaa in extent,RtrorylHtdy'fl old frlendofbepherd Knnpp, in

MtM iveiiui JieM Ik low Thirteenth ntroet, MaiMcaiititiil wiiiiiurt rurtalne, fare, nnif havingRtforee of blrai utm i nmu iful thlntfn, fiw onadollar InUow Tbay will inar wahtfiffi too,and do not look rhenp, lt nlo ran loor yotjmother la. ruttaln nt ft5,and othrn at nil

-- um Metweoni plnuo I'ovara, carpet front alienuilful Initraln iv fifty rentn a yartl to a Miiin iif ai ?v ami drutfireu from Ato

.Mil u I.. Lewbh nt IH4 ."'itth avenue, Itaawhalharnlln n l.u. m." whlrh la evidently not fortba print! donna, but for tin- ciiM baritone ortUi dotor by her hii. Mi han hImi tba " noiipa-i-ell- "' r tlo1 printer and tin "claimant' nhoe i tthe laWVir all theae for nun and tin' " .1

nil-- . u t r the ladle, and fairy, genuine cinderrli 1 rjl erv of nil nt lea,

ni 1. t.itTirt.i:.Thf cnrtier of tlirtntimbfrand niee.ker ntrteta

v - .1 t Mleuk corner lat evenliui, but tbci obiair in nli a roliier Wliubm full ' f inn tnuOM i ,,

niltttnn, and iove, aeem Thin waa at:ni llleeckir, W and K ( Tirtntopher ntivet, a

.t 'vv fui' "t tempt In u u "iN.Knox, i'm- Ii ttter, Ii - no entithllnhed hlmaelf in

tlio I hit f the publb' that no le thanI ntoree run arrfitnmodate nl- cunti i.who dally fMr.iitf fill rind llroudway amiunder the I ifih Avenue Hotel.

A run -- f Raker h nlate - a gond thln nfwtm t m irn njr The v-rt- tineticati maimfaa healthful bevomtn - t!r- -tallUhtMt In 1TV, at M r htrr. Mnwnn. Mnnplt,I W Itaki r Co, harol tallied inoilnl hi alltin1 tit, p f ir In lh' rutin try ami ui Kttrope.

tkitiifan. the hatter, profenam to ell .1 hniirl-nurn- ah it. chcnfier than If he hail ii"t leen

obi Iced to lav ia a ) c-- d. fnrtU'n itrl) .it ; an!.- pri c, on nn mnl nl th it fin- itSn nu ami Ami ntrietn that no he Ii onlyli il from 1 1 UI ntand and haa no old orunf ntiH-k- .

li. ii . lit tern, nulno arti. e, none ofthe umrriiun hnit 1!

Tl.-- Ml' itltlf vov, i; ,a ,,f ,.a,,.x(,rley A fir.ibam, ImportprH, ..f Maid am t

John t. ; hrtlfihen I r. '!-- . h it ntid MailIn net, with monogram, aft' all worth :

ami bun litThe im- .f,.- t!it 'ii ' in buy very

rbeap a' M rAill ai :. t ri dclrible a,:.'! wn v ur Kol trtd p n. rnii n.tiT a iMiiifcbt it ..t V.. I lor Kou-- e. 111

fool card l"ard npctta len,dd Iflycep,numeiiuit lalatla and their daacripilve atalotfue.

am 'in r 'i rt natnn known toe v'rylMHly n an ,,r'- t t.d iiki.i fid .in Wunli, Alniiit CbrlMma time il- not n . ,.iM In ilemaitil, for it - it 1 way 4 lu

I iiihou street l a I'lttre of iileunant t - t

in tio can I netmaker' n Mm in. . be louod, At

'l.u 11 01 I a I'imc, iM'twvt'ii Tbtriletli

in .i.- 1, awn . m. ,w i 'a. ii . . i iitreet,- tuH Ihi In lineal i.irltfiy, il - a- ur band a Joluituu'a, ,110 lirattil

ntl ami l mi have the mom and wUIi tna ii ui muj ... bad ..1 W iei n, KiiTth avi 1111 mdi. :.tli ntrcet J linl'll':'-- . I.i Wuvfrly hlrti c ;

U t! u, 1.;. i.t 'ii hi 1 Tlilrtii thntivetj . i' ii- - . laii uv, Itairo'v ; ut

tl Lllli . ii- - 1

.if. 1 a " ftiti.ii v 0 r. J

TairAbllr OM Man o inWrrttle lorHi.- 4 BMplonelilii al I. a.. i? nd

Out of tbo I limit ton ot tin Sin. ilk eouutypoor Imuai at Vaphok Ullaulelti ienaii 41

who potnaud on Itunday lat bit WUt uirtmlav.He U yot hu abl mim, with a at ad) ., .if irovua atiU eimugh teeth to chew tabic o ii.eauity, Hla baud 1 t iallan-- LUI kly coveredwltii 4i.iy ti I, Hi- wife HeUy, aired Ul, mU t

lih .', " r mf imt ttn- .r.- r tin 11 io... inthe ..: a., . f life, U Ititt nnely unevoiii henl miel wt '"1 :. .a- - umj 01 th.-i.t .iuii utn ten of the oay. . ea l,m .il ut t,icee 11.." tbey Wi;re 11: t

ii tt..-- t an m l dm in IV. III ffrfiUfuthr,trl ui an, wun man led lu an InJIuii -- nu 1 v,

l4iii li r tin n 11 niari tl to a while wuntanian tii. .vliltc blnod Mi thitilul't fcluH nve lilmu place in tin Inubiii cumin mti wJibh no

iMiJoi u, Klim l.v uiu i ni ii the lmllaiI. ai- - .11 in Iih e itV'i v. TMci'e were m uva'i.1 tic niiorta with tne Ituilam, and tin' prlotrlvi w n a ai U alwu) tf illop ..i m v r nun.Duulilvta moat of the Utile cliamiilon in !!

wiettUnn mid tt n,- n atctn , nmJ vi- - u wit:t tn: iuc ud I am aa,Turtio In tba Itimf.Uv ujtcn Mttlk 'I BltV nn! tu a wrentllntfilintcti llf WT il .l In ; ii i'n tint om ' rtin rli iiiipl"linnip .r Loi.a Idaud a; I two t

i f iniii. He a ya tlmt ho wpe i , f ' t bym; iiiv. Hi meet he aai'a, loaUtd nixtv twohoi wiivofi4 wl I. in.tli 11 fru'n nimrtne I - 11

.1!. IIvimI with Thoinnn M, J:i kr uioi New-town- ,

an At. win III if mall, 'or Mlltl l - rhl .0Rut1 oil .' nt (lie 11 nj that nine to

huve to ke p un il .'M. Hi- naya that ,1oe! un ii"'i tptv ii a. nud and lial y weni out Into theA n Ml aul uilftcij o. 1, 'M 1.1 10 no r noue,tiieenia m i mint, 11 nnouMl Ireo. liekvepi Mine witli tna auti nu np atid ktulutfto bad with n

I I Tit SOT' A Sill'O U ff HA) r.I'm'-- thai Helen fed n he i rr al l be

110 en a I u,

Iii Mm wiinlown U II WMf) UWIll luk- -"i'anii ,. a an npuricii ant'lendblawutd in fnei t l

Mv in 1.1 yialatufft of Kow Vork mt iiiurlCbettuf Heidi In Imi, and xalivrr'ei nyci nteiiMv llaeii4 ol Sew Vurk tothn time fa I nt uflj

r for hla dlatlniriiUhed 'en h s liurlua the wi r01 ltW,

fapt lM-- wai born V'.ai M, conn., intlaJ, nnd died In thla It Jun J 1, : if, Mr n eiilto ne ..I tiie nuti f rl ven wu 'ured by aFrench 1 iv .it i r. and wan for ix numtlip a niia-one- r

a' llanaetaiTe, IK win nn uettnti " h lilpiimii .11 the frlbiitn IJallliiioru in CNimmudoreTruxion'n v'i i inula mpnelrun ; iinldui'Uui tnnt.i l war wltli Urtu lit Uuiih un i tnc privat uer brltt (ieutriil Arnu mnifi w lin H'iil:h hefniitfiit olio uf Im in on I )'' "i irk ibe na l hatiit'i ever recorded in tin- r rbur of payal, oili of IMu Aa , mi tttept, ItQ Ulld'Si, I "li. Tua Afmotruuy (tarried townn hi. mi ninety inen. '1 " lint n attacked Iteraltn the "t 10 t nn piaiitavenei (T4i Kota 1Mband on lulu (tn). Mm (el t H ,b)ed enemyam! n'littlcd 11." Armttrnnj t. rovont hvreun-turf- .

IM I oh Mm ttt l.'U il uml unveil iVouil'bfad while tin' UrllUh lout IttU Killed uml flQ

wouudedi i" attack upon the Armatiumr mneutral wntora I'd to a protraotad oiplomntlounrreajMiudtiitfei but after yenra t dlaeunniuuiMc cane wan due I dud ujiaiuui Ihu Americtm.i.Ctpti Iteid wu afterwaitl appointed u faiMnun laterln tin imvv,and held the nfflce ml Mudli rl, iii- rrua on. . t irden n tin- port ofYa I., mnl InveulanJ ami araotaU tlte nlaftial leTo-ur..-

at im Battary ami Narrowa, uomiiiuiiMuUiitr with muui Ii ok, and il iw hawho reinil it'.'u and nunibi rud the idloii Tu Iilui ii ;u' tba lienor o daalgoingthe natluunl Uag in iia uiiiaiiug lurOit


tin ir mat Atth. srvru is t tl t: 11 t:a t a . t BJiLOW A LJM H r.

Tin llnii rniiai PfMlf M of n t.nrgr flrMtt ht ri- h' prl nir I'lnoit nm r 1I0 H rutDrtmnee-Cam- il llont t nhln I, lie,

" Mnivr imt know n Ibc flTPr tt) ntattt Upotlihtnfl lo qtilck a) nnttcfl for tnlftyyvafaathe did twnweaba ag ," .h aid an old rlvef boat-

man In Albany yetttcfdtiyi "TwoytM i.;''!"'rloaed a, luddtn a BtAfbttbut inprn wtm1!bnlf the Ire that tlirr- - In now. mo Hi le

Moin hifttbowlt'i rliock full of hoata oanalboatii barLT-- , ami pfOpallefl nil ml tad in btldflnml pOlntaf tVi-II- nwifit nf tlwrn bontn wanloftdtng htfft In tho rlvor, anil the ohl cwue onan nuJili't. that tbtf just t nn ly had tlffii tn netIn Ibt baain. You see they all worn lo ftn toNi' York ; vorv few of m were hoonil NnrtM ;

for a Moatm-i- nlwnvi llkca to winter hli boat InNarH York, nml iheu he n fully nuro of bavlittfnomethlns to do. Thrn'n nlwayi eraln nnd allkin N nf frpltl.t to Mo rarrird from rlevalorn tovosvln. nnd from TitHll tn dorkt ; nnd tbotitflitlMpflOW ain't blirh. they ate omniffri to hlt nsund deal inward pniii2tho winter tptttaas,''

Ttie Inst towa that atartod from AlManv farSow Vork went nut nn thn ;lOt h ff Nnv-mM-

thl 0 ld Tnemlay. The Schuyler To wing Lino nndthe new Una aint out their Mont un TunednvforfBootti nml with M ini work thev got UlfOtlgbi1 he and SUDtiytldt rearbfd Albaflyfrom Tr-.- abottl nint In the nuffllOgi and WfOtout In th ii mi at two. Tba fata of thoSunnvnldo tn woll known. TM Hrhuvlor go)thrnutfh, nml l pltlntf M.owpr'i N"W York nndNrw v nn tho Vunm iMM. whan h loft

rov, wan tiio i.M' mi m baloer ''Golden tinto,of the I It liana Lino of Tfoy, and tho lugVnio. Iielondng in HiiMnnu at Taylor of Trov.Tbeaa two rot fr-- t in the lea at St .no l.u.noar N"w MnMlmore. nMoot o,.ntrt'n tnllouuth of AlManv. whom thev Mill He. Thorn loft

Albany at tho Mumo lima the t ig Jaraen r.Kaaton hoi.Tifttin,r to Leonard, TOtinat A Co ; tiieW, H. Rraman, owned by Jonn In. Mount, Atlanv ; tho. S r itolonkring to V ;n, Young,Albany ; n I'btladclphla til th Hamilton Dla-to-

with two eanel hoata, ono loaded with maltfrom John (1. Whit. Alt nnv ; and nm.inor

n lod with baHay from Will. am Appletoll,; and 1M barge (iomldliio. nttm d Mv no)ei

ft ramp, Toil ir Ml I, M ad- - wti hnv. Tlirn ,M

got (nit no r tho Ntnlta HoiMt, and llu-r- theyUN Mktiiy tu remain until aprlng,

TM R I. VST ToW.About Mfen o'clook on the morning nf tho

With tMe Albnn) Canal line aont out ti otow i. n rtvraeuee and tba tow boat ';. '.Pierea h twenty fauai boata, three bargee,

ud tWO oyatat rlaopn, I nov fought tho lea forM.' mlla, and hen ntopnad M.r ft.ovo loeymanaon I he went aide of tim nver. That waa th.-- oattwo that left Aimitiv. pour or Ave canal boatamade their way into the baaln tnatnL'ht. amialnee tbenfroni Kondout to AlbanyMan hrrn fr en tight. '1 ho r oiatl betWean l.itlle1' dla and Albany la lull uf Moa n.

t o would nM have got i wn to Naw York."mi the captain of a canal u nt tint nle into

Albany on tba aiitb, "if tne Mtata nn I

done their dm . and kept tne lea broken. i itwnn. thoro wnn v two o Mr nk rn fromI it Me 1 alia down, and wa had to do moat or the

in k utmelvea "tr tba Uttvaaaelfl in the baatn ai AM tnythe

majority are light. Among too loaded 0 nait.oat-- . ara iho furktown, owned ' M.Mi HamteVa New Vork, witn fromII ,ffaio tn (few York ; the C nrord, (Jeorae 11.Ibtvla of t'.irt Kdw.iru, with Iron fromCohoeito New York; the John l, t'Mttendan of Phlla-detphl-ai

wnn marble from Pro? to Philadelphia:.0 J a ai in .'!. Mro.'iir. W'tliam Johtia n ofivdo. owtior, lo M tl with mult from Lyonato

Sew York; the iMirati Seymour, owned Mylii-nr- f Hocbeatar, with oate to New Yt.ikt; rlin U grit of ItliaOa,owned b) .1. tl. Mutt n ol Duffalo, wli oatafrom Albany to s-- ..rk; tne Hon. iteoraaGrabaiii, with mal ibarlea Hubbell, lumber;A. Hrt'ormick, lumlerj Benator Kernan, lum-ter- :

Uenrge A. Badon. luaiberiJohn r. Ileta,ooalt s. 11. Knnnp, lumbar J, 'urr v, lumlteri '

w'lMtnm a. Kundall, lumbar J ihn J. Uramenda,in irnir.

M f of tie Ii ;r.i 01 tho Albanv bfl ia aro I

owned there and ibout ona-bai- f ara loaded wl nliiiiilii-r- .


Coevmana u a little 'Dipping village .nt'iet 'auk of the lltidaon, pi oalte S. bdack.

A tt i a of twenty m'uutea ove Ihr f withoutant ore eaoltmg arrtdont tnnn tliaoeeattoti 1

di ppat nee of n foot through the Ire, and a' ui- - knowledge of th tamperlure of Hudno i rlvur water lu Deei mi rtMi. Mt It - Sin r "rt'-- t the r ivni mwharf, rno fiyracitac nd th M O, Pleroo, withtwenty of their tow, hid w rked their way0 un t.i the w h.rf. About ' af nolo, rntivfoui enna. hnate, in the t . t? : if themlight the otn ra t with lumber. Anil-

' .. f thorn were th h r," We binttou fA briny,! to tt!-'- , a in v wai1. 1 l.o. Thi ftem lie vet r h.ui laoine plttna1,10 vacht, built m J :. h Htoan ol lluffalo, whwaa brl btltigherto Now Yiuk lo n II M r. At11 ,i r abe J dned It. r Dabi ia !. onr nal at. th" Kntctrprtae, nn b.r w ft uw !.. u v Yo.k w.:1! ma hlnerv, anthe two jtlned ttn 11 etol Lpe ir rne at lbMn j.-- 1. 1. romi . f Auatin Ihi r

...t y, bioen with tl ir ai-- marblv duat, oilsloop pacific, who, e redcap In W'ta unableti eel) I6.UK) o hh) 01 t rn In Albany, bad marti- 1. a. k wtm tham, Uf will tind a id y marketforthemun ogtue tiuatuion vim will witiior I

itr pynan. Another ureter nloonwna fortu I

ptite enough to acll bar ovatern, and wo brtngIna . k o I.j..u uf m itatuM, it tin- canaloily aevun a ra oai d : tba Conatltutl :. 'owned by Oorrga VTenl .1 w' tenectadv, wit 11

ii y from UrravtHa to New t'orkj tne II rt .

ai . u ore t the A, 0. Y wnetl by JaiueItr A Iban jj with rubb gee, onions; i' : i "i" I'lioni " ' 'len c it, w ith m rthe I ante J. , with Mi at Men the Addle,v. km In un art .ml the eY, It. I) irton, ttirh Miniber. The 01. noeta r t 1" John Dtinv, w

II. W'llllni.'a, William II l ay, llelan htaoey,!. M. t'ratt, Bdgnr Halght, ti eT, Uutterw rut,Y. I. Cirtenta4 n Olio, II. lilt! rd,Lotghteti nrotbeva A xt b "ever, and t !o N. n.

u ti w mTgn ',1 tm oati are lying In one of tin moat estn ad

p Halt ix in in-- . or. m lha tmiln hatine . w

ne, will f eiva tlio full for iif tne lee n tenIt auirti di'Wii, TUo mlbl we.itlwr f I nur-.- . .vand uiav forenoon gave tapt, II. II. t rn:h ipea thnl hn mlntbtbi able to out bi way downa- - far a New I till In a . where there I a bei :urh tTMor, but It i very dou tfui 11 m e nine-- '

it, ia SyrorUro la Mi n .! euhdltluni thep. ph it Cotcman1! auv Iter euglni' la out of or-der, and aba UI aklng, and no are many ol the

in. Imata. Neatly ovi r mil n .at i. a ' umhun it. " tve r !' nta lu re 'Ol Wli?i r," aid oneof tho men. "Vol aee u boatman Uvea on .rin- - ball bVa i homo autwhere, Itut theW lo n thai lis d "i- nln 11 ait right, and w i!igo in for .tii.. reiurni heari and ml. it ioudid om Itiiuw it. w bo itman b i1 ttie ... nof power in the tatnte, and tbere not nnnvua but are dowu until mt an . ihg tbir rm. o j

you aeu we ougiit Lo vote any nuy, itued wnandaoi wner Wi live, f.'1 eoiitlnucd. fen ingthe a v down eome very Pt'ep atrpa Inio rboMull am n. ii rviMM g waa aa neat an cart fulii. iu-- iii v d mtoic 11. an the h x mi wlbihernclf wu a n- did of iicitncai, Tlio hoU'1; rplngnrrang inetita were in n nutshell, 'Jhe

nm wire a: ill ui llcr, but tiobxli neeoii dIn 1. ind - lug cr ded. 1.! in the Capml 'ae ii i 1. Iloru .1 live, rori id h tho f I'caatlt) f rti.- men. Inst about in. aize but ti tulw.iv aa pi 111. .v ivhv do you an ,

lie pje always tails 0 bod iiboul Ma... if0 i.y, wl. 1; vt una here t cuitpleof wecknj.othe tii im ra it nro ind were ae ..; t ii atb,

inutgl t ' i tta '1 tn out "f hi ui und home.Ho urute th' :i chlcki ne up to the bit I ;

- reii, Im ked up '"-i- . una g ic, p i letail lliolr dogn looao, w e . wi uinl u abudlut,und tin 're linn In ii 11 out. Iher" In 11

iii. .'i 11 M at tn... a ins-.n- evetvtime he da down to a liiei f ittli- ." "AnilIn tin' rig 1. ii of ,1 n ,1 i," g'dd 1,' ifn t bank till for w nal in ord nfy nuno ... 1. ii 11 . ar in it,"

the t'r n ak 1. M tint then ' dhard im a etui ug bnatuian, but I :.o i. n , . ,i. ud illg '" i ri leg "t bualne1111 ii, I iplv m act wVre i;oiii.t to ei '.P or, rnu treat i.e id, - iigg.r, tu. , wun't ul-t- t

jvs . UiauppolutOil "A HPBtlMVH,

b it' an,' aatd king yoiw ;tt bo Waa IlldUvlnoiuil W !.. M a, a in nil.,

bv oiler, wbeu 1 ig w .., two ur Mit onmile in iii. goU'iiry, an old 'ai mer gave noi an m nd tt in re having u rlgbi - .i dkj butw u .. 1 .li hull I wa i' 'in ,1, he ua ii upMU buf-- e tun I made nm got mil apil Walk ; din wot Mli.'i huyu a boat 111 urotil d nun noM Wi tin gui 1: ' nk Ill'lO WiUi'l Huduaam bad uuaiuiiior, Auv a ay, I Im Low it'lla go. 1.1 man) hum red doll ua rii lici v 11

w Imre. uud J dun are any ituuoe lor ourgi' llg iw ."

IJotWeeii . and Uoildout Hiora 11h.. a ve ol to .a ai ii, eioenl Lhfl little utat the Stone Itouae llmi ha" been mcntbined.Hero and there a aolltary aloon r a aoowfaugh I Iti thi- me mnl Ih' I up for 'ho wMn.r.

At H iidout tho anlid luuoe.ieoe. Mu fern l

running Irregid irlii ur wna 011 Frl ay atternuon,ami M ijor Tor oil s luge mo bark andforth from h uidotit to Ithlnebeck, Tha MaJ ir

he 11 going iu try to keep tha liininiioiaero the river open 'di winter. no huiuuiiaeIII t ol oat there nro ail owned In Km d mt

.1 id In lu uiiLv, ami ura I'ogulurh i.ud ur. LJutilI nl iy tin r wii' m Kondout rook the Me Dun--

:, a aide ahaei tte on tow boat of J. Ai.tfu a.VIM uv rinul line, n itn lour n irg ; tba Cliurb nf, tnkilit Uenrge Mouteltn, ur Auatln a Una, light.I be V e, f ti.u "aim line, coal nuided, and thoII p, Mllltnun, of Troy, tided wlih me rob aniije, Mid ;ow waa going N. riii ond wuadriven intu liomlotitbi tim mdd anaii, iio menIn tdtiiiae war" i"'it laying the Mai ii Id nnf ir i'i v. mti but on fcrlUay uiuruliig I'npi tinCralg woill down nod htar'od tliu Hoot for .Nwfolk, en itfbt on b nbinuud from New York

AlbllUy fwi U.n man il un bi Ii on IMmu iul

to Albajifi and bf lavinr tho hnri'm at ThirtyItfth ntr at the ;'. frum grtagt will Mea .vi'.!

tiik nAntWAftn trackTho tow loft Mofldout aliout nnon. mndo itn

ttav Wtthotrt much trouble inrotiarh tne ll.iatmgIre between Kondout ami rl ihktll, ami them 5had clear water to Now Torkwbeta It arrived0 rly vo-t- o day morning. ' ij,t llralg Mnoin--dlaielv atnrted tiaok for Coevmanato endeavor

get ttta HyrtBouaa and s. tl, Plaroaln bett p

winter imartara, Mia nlan la to naw two cutaeventy feet opart, with ihlra cut mlttway ne-- 1

warn the two, and than try to forontna fivra-nu-

throush thin impfovtaad channal an fnrBouth an ffaw llaltln ora. Tha laak la form id

for the l'o In Ipini three In ntirhttlih-k- ami VI ry haul. " Water too," nil of It.

Tho coi l i.t yeaterday waaalowlj closing thechannel not ween iiomi .ut end Poughkoepaie,and aa far aouth oa Kmtikdi. tmt mmw tii.a thonvt r wn rloar of Iga, A propeller la uJtpeetudfrom roughkeepdu thti morning.

rtt 1; 11 1:1.1, , 1 Mf ftOfA.e- - -

The I'erllou Per? lea nt tho llnppy lnhah- -Itnata or tity latan),

The Itell Gatg pllotti II :i olMa nro llttllknoWl ai i umparod with those WbOM bMUtlfulcraft aro t Mo fir it that grrct thu tr.ivdler'n oyo nnhe ippRMObW Sandy Hook. Their wi rk l.hnttevor. equally dangoroim, and their llfo In fullof ronantlo Intnragt, Thalr nrlnclpaJ rortdor.voonla at City Inland, near tho entrance to tba Sound,ind veevali raejulrlng nioir lervlcag arabonrdadall tbo way from Wand Point down to MollOato. lloyund Sand PolDt In considered 11 offHtwro," nud for that service tharo aro two largeach. loner, tho Soadrift uml the LWft the ro-- t ofthe acrvico being dune iu nmall bOiti Mob pilotowning MU own boat. Them toata are aboutatsttion feet long, four and a half w ide, and twodeep. Tbay are fillnkef-bull- ti filled wtm lugnail, and can ataud voir heavy woathor. Pilotmm cotntnnnnai at Bnndl Point, ami end it thoMattery ; but gaagaja are often t.ikon off ahore,that le, tn Montauk Point, and for thin serviceadditional ratio ara chargod.

Ih ore am annul forty (lite pilot In thonenico. inoir training miTrr-- considerablyImm i hat of their Nimlv Monk bfatbran, Me?are -- opponed to know mo. v ItttfU of tho OttOtnfrom nanda Point to tho Hatter?! mid in Mo con-varaantwltta Pound navigation, Tbeybava not hing io do witn a atior in reecbet thoMaiivry, or ttiib any von-- tfoing out b) Way ofHandy Hook. A Iva yeara' apprantipaahtp mi11 fi ll Mo it, in raqulrtd, At tin. and of threeyeara n pilot racaiveawbat called an eigia-foo- i

branch, which meant a Hoe nee to pilot boataof eight feet and under. Aft r live Yearn'

he 101 eiren a lull br in h. or llcanaa to Pilotve"ela of any llM. kkich Hot reeeivei w hat Mem ikon, ami tm tbcra a general fund for re-pairing m 1. it, etc,

l no offlco of tim 11 rii Oate piiotn is at flSCoentie Up. ah foreign veaaeli aro 1 ibiect to fullpilotage and all American veaaeli ol IflU toonmid over (new nioaaurement) to oait pilot iareAraertoana under reglater ara auojeci to full pilot ige, nut only ona ut ol rift venaela is of tutaclan. Only a few of the rearular ttttdera batweeapoi rt 111 the Oolind aro ipokell yachta never.Hcboonera are tba pnnclp I craft piloted nowa-1M- 0

rhe pilotage fee me f..r acta oner$tJNa foot draft of water j for aquari rigger, $1.6the latter rate Inereaalng with tii alaaof tnuablp,

I common with the bnudv Mink pltota, imosoof 11. 11 Date complain of null time ami lack ofbusttictaa, Both lav it to the exorbitant portchargen and exiwnaea, ami aay that II tbeyarekepi up New Yotk city vvdi soon he ruined aa apott, l'he aver tnat ioiu tlaitlmore, r..da

and llostoh are doing everytbluc lu theirpower io inviirt Kiunn to their wharvea, NowVorfc, on t Mo contrary. Beam to ne tryingtu drive them naiav m doing tm,tho pltota av. My encouraging tho est irtiou- -practtaetj Mv piri ofltcera, n. rn.r uaatera, ami"ti.errt. In lialiintore they return three centibuabet on gndu as 101 Inducement to eblna tucome there, nml aa a conetMpience the ahlnplnait 1i1.1i port is rapidly inereaalng. New Yorkcity ought to Me the cheaneat of all Americanporta, the aspenaea f toi nage tig tu eh lean.

The Hell tiate pilot-- complain that the tug-bon- ia

take all their lualnoe, and tbay add thaihalf the loaa Incurred In Hell Gate art-te- frmu11 j off Tti of tuga to t.oe ti.i ugh aevi tai veaelawben only one mm be property niati ged,

A few i iri - I iho I iw ie or. d ail vcrtseia it ik. pilot! ; out too tug ownere n ad too muchi i pi tut, atid pr- curi I th-- ' rei ll ol tin- law un-d-

i ne plea that towing la not piloting,I Ma he. .a: o inl re a h t t Mo- -t

of ih-a- . dwell in lieal little outtaijeg on Cii dan I. Their n .ik ji time - v. r. o i gar iuli eve Morton t k i Urg i bark clear f thei. m. i rtwo llloca Uland and Home ,k Point,ii tl i or t oo ago, Me h to COJIC b k in af i.r nen foot boat tn a vale. Alva. S. II mti r.In Irving to ''..ud n aleanier recently 011 a darknigut wua c ptaed He waa gtveu uoalt,Mu- f u ting around for two data tn tubotl on hla Moat. Me v. a pi k nu. t intPilot often have to atav mit ii liigbt in un .rliule ' i .itt await'. ug the appro icb of vtaneia, aitdin ii of t em and ia e m I lied, it aaork '( u lordiug i ted with Uaiiacr.

1 il n HiXU id I 1; a VI Hi EH,

Tho Heir f n !(oble n Oecomce tbeBaler f tVnnab rlug THbi .

vo,,i tf e Ottta .V" ?iAt the tiogdiiultig of the proauiit voittttr

there live l in Ii tuiinhlre, Km 11 id, a 11 le..

ILil .. I a.- w.i..- - 1.. a li. .1 .; the bouse, M

an only m, tbe Itch bin uMVo opinion. Toolloll Wo curcfult) 1. l a: h ie, andt, a. lgl.I edtii ileal in I be ll it m hmibj of l uk iigibiin littel, a.l h rej irod to iptin nUI 1. I but fortune Mad in dgued for lilm,Ai' r leut ug c,1Mwh ... ilnced certain tmltn

ii . tei v .. n ca "i d to, father gt ianxifi-lV- , luaullaelllig - a ,fc 1,. - ire Ma- - a u:..-- b

i.d Mfu lb ut miMoiirea Wwoe taken to pi. t

i. ill tint poll hint, bill to no pcipo-e- . jf uWoo Id H- elit 'ail, it for week al Itillle, andw.oiilcr alniut t'ne cuuutr' aiiiy tail and often.1 dilute of fund, till I baalh bo 11 ,n w it M a

ui ol mvlpg glpiicn, wttli nl ' in i.eAmotig tiuin tt:. a yooug Woman,

t ... throughout Un- 1. ml fir In la ,ut. mid.11- - untutored a, rd . waa, tbe daughter o," t

w o. !ii j Vagrunt ''d an otlb fri'iu oi it iv,Im married her ami mm boi'itiue oiulai withbl .. iaoa tin . maUIng Mim klfitft amif I loan d" 00 ivlgui'd t.vii all the t. 'too- - olr.iiglaml, unUer the title f llumtteld Moor

ui' of, King i In Uyp den.Ueooinlog ode trud to e . a decri c wi - en

.. ten) . re dl ig lib Kin ; foi life, I'M w Mfoli t neolnee wi ' bei one -- idete. Thi man M fi anuiiierou aiully, whom m- -. " ii imi urn to befound In ever) tnteui 11 n rope, line f tii, negrabdtn, cm ignited I A. .iriilla ootuo I yi .1 -H bill bm ooilllg dllUl n Willi al nl lltr)tt em t i gioi, and limill) about too yearLtiune to ('ulfiornlo, .i I now re len In hi!. land.

At thee nor of Kalln. id nvenieaml MHioh

boring pet bap twenty, and living iu Uditn inlit vein o wl. !; lb tin I. I onl) lu- MlMl nut of ia id I g ml n ...!. famlUen buttl royal ".1 . .ne u-- i tiyp , King. He may

or oidnaora lo grind, wblli Suudavn amidak Urn lent are thronged ttltli the youth of

I., ihclr future. Tbn un f the band employtl.ui-- . Ives In V.irloUn Itllientlll I. id - aboiiltowin an I Mai tic uceiiiuulal nl o ney

ii ' tiiIbelr in lor a 0.1 in,. .1.1, uai.

HOW IUII Uol a t it ui.i' oili '.( On a ,Yficf, I

Tin M.I!. wiiiir t 111) 111 rd Uf p llSt(Pll- - I

Hollo, nm, v.i. it'a im. mm ttoi with you to--

from foolln ".a rirkn tho elenliant md

... I r i In an' got out, an aaVvd thai iMIt

" ' iMj Hill, imi (ell im. la a I Wttnl to t

"o-i- tii mim- Ittey have wMtte tlckcla,v

'.it IIP In


ilea d I.. Iflg im- Ollt, U hli al UI in. .In

pa), for In hinted me wltli hla trunk and Km. ..- -

No M 11 ui, --m oh, mv bat !. how Itniiim will get men with thai ulepliunt 11 j guto jail lot Uliri) ua-.- "

a i bun a- tm Uantugea.from h ht ivrt,

Whcti ln-- Honor v im.-11- llljub i-! up t()him, ami n Hi an uwfuil) Import mi ok on tillrgce wl laprred t

" think I've gt it Tweed I".No n

ire'i you live I"" tiring nu out '."rbe old latiltor entered the eorrldi r amibrought out a man whom ho n ,d erri ited Jiiai

after day ii jmi. He waa n little withered up old'nm, with a era ked yoioe, and aa he ca mn nuthla Houur leuiied agaiuat the wall and .... .. .1

until tht lean relied down hla idiceka." It Iiuhj naw haw huw oob M beOn apad.

what are von taflog about " aked itljab In1111 injured tOUe of vm a.

Turn hai oiu man out of doorr. you dough-bo- .t vou 1"

" W ll , "" Why ir If 1 worn ha I'd inj yn a f,r t"i.nno

damat I He'a lloa Tweed about aa much aayou ait Q aen Vii lorlu I"Ami I II uo it t ' agueokod ihg lUUl old man.

tii h a 11 vn KftM hionea-

rl Nan wihi f 1 oi - nta own With tbe Mtreagamt nngaga t tbe Mrsrtali

Tho iVIiVaU III N.W VillKof Mi. II. K.liird, the dlatlngulahod Kngllafa choaa ptayefi lea ulh unataaicd of much Interawl to all dovotoonof the game, Mr. impi hnn alreait) tried hiMau l Willi mioiio of the boat of the New forkptiiycnts ami ii.t- - tnanlfeatod hla itroiiaftb andaklll to tim aet infection of alb lie I heart)every evening In the laf Intornntlonal c.heaa

heitn .11 iRH Howcry. the main uhena reaurl oithi city, wMrre he Mte tbe nontrn of largegathering uf rbea layer. ome to arc blm nndwp nort iii-- . ajanioa, fnf the laat two or three dayahe Ma been playing witn Atheronli a raympafailvi-l- new man In American Met- dp lea, nndnot long from KuropOi bul ina who laptfee tn ahigh rank among tbo erpononU of the gnntOiAbout tbo ntayen all ami atand cbeaaantbn-alaet- e

a- far at a gllmpae of the board can be obatalned. Tbay are of every tongue and rtltna.They look very much like tho otlti in KU'ier-inbit$r-

in which all tho nation am ropre-enle-

My appropiiate phyalognoiyilea, Oni who ia uthoQie there feCOgtlltea an eccentric bfitfeeaof ofHebrew l a Herman Jouriuill-- t of tbo clt y, Bpeo.

tai led and alurMed; Rtlaaiatfta- - From Mmon.Oertnana, tburoughbred Down liat Vank.-m-

a fiaidrth iea cant'iln. and an gtlled tiatrMd andmen of ail profaoal one ami occupa-

tion, compoeltora and lawyerm, phyalvliiiui andpeddlera ; men w Mo are tt "ll dn need ami ne, m tolinv-- ' plenty of money men who art ,'o. r.

collarieaa, unwiiahed, Chnaa maKeatneraall anitali The beet hean player Uia moel Intereatliig man. Theae all atand and watch thegame fur Mourn up 01 bourn.

Mr. Mini Ian ejuleti gitooUnatuntd, gentleman"lydoukliig bcraoii "i fortv-ilv- e . baldi ahoi I, portiv. of round ilorid face, fringed with light, aortwhlakere, lie might be mlataken foraaea cap-tain on a mer nan l en.el. Ho movon Mo piei-e-

gently, but without neall itton, and play veryrapidly, lie Ih renuokal le for iho raploltV of hi- -play. No Rnatlbdi player of note eital Film inini reepei't, lie aecma to liuve great endurance,since nf arrival here bo haa nometime playedlet! or hfteen came-- , .,r oven more, In a day. Tobe -- ure, they were noi for a atake,

Mr. itird ranka with the heel ol the Roroiwotnplayer, He Mat played w Andemen, Hteinlt,Wlaker, ItoiMai. Macdonnel, Dlackhume, Kukertoft ami Ltlauilton ami with tluckle, the authorof the lllntrorv of CtvllUaUon ami the greatcheaa plnyer, lie played with Andernen In tMetniirnemeiil of laal i a match witn ite!niti inloHtt a very-hot- ly conteated uiaV'h, which waaM it uridtibdicd In conaeqnence of Mr. Mlnrn trip,on Important bonlne, to Amerb i, the ncoreal ilidingi MoiiiM. 7: llird. It) drawn..". Mr.Hud rt g tinea tt ah Anilerm uai 0 Ikxleii iruaotneof the flnent on record, wnn Mr. U'leker, whown t ho 11 inner of the challeiitfe cup of the Iliit

h Mo Aaso latlon in llfi .. he r-- entll playeda match. Ktelniti N the only one wcii hm heban won leea ttinti hie Mult of th1 ganitta.

H- live- - lu bomion, where Im - honorarymember of the City ol London t'benel'iub, out- a lavoifto flWijlienter of Ht. fleorge '11 rt

taii. the r.t dibinable Inb, to whb a the nobilityand member ol I'arilnnient belong. Me waa awarm friend of (taunt tin tl tiring the latter'lifetime, lie in n railway ficronntnni by

ol large experience, md n known inconnection with railway Inveatlgatlon. lie boarecently pnaluced a liook on rhena ''CheaaMnterlccen a coj lection of choice gnmea,with note, dedicated lo Kollncb. whleh la rapidI V going tbroltSfh the edition. He Mai Mi en illSew V.nk three time.- heretofore, in hu, 'OS,ami '.in i'i i" came In the rnpnMtsrof Auditor ofthe Atltititb amKlreal tVetcm btltway, Man)Hmoun un iicftualnted with Mim wM.. know Im!ii In buntnea "'tnei ti and are not aware

th it ! play elie at ail. little Utfli in IttlM liemet alcKeuale here and played him a numlmrui ganiogi 'i Mat wa tn' only time before tintptoaent that he played lu America, HavingUiofi leisure thla trip, le w ill, probaldy, pi au "d deal. He I. a given hot ice thai he I rwarly

enter tMe anoia with anvMmly. 1 haa ai-

re ct bean laying villi M Ki uie, Maooii, andAlMeroui, uud tt ii n other play ere, nuch ae i'errinitnd liei. He dl amm meet IKdmar, and i

kel to in tin- player of IMilbwlelpbln amiHuitalo. it Ii thought that im tt in ie. five an in

a ion from the cne m pla) em of Phllattelpbia,ami will be aultabl) entertained hi them. TheItrtHiklyn ' heea luh Mar ri hlin verj hoepit iblv, biro ganion m itM Mend n- le weie veryhue, Mi'Kenale won Uie odd game, bul nlnceItlrtt bad the oppo:t unity ol making It a draw,and el Ivnlrou!) tl lined to do it, a can hardlyMr at! d a o . .11

Hegooeto Hbllatlelphta next week with Mc--V na to aee what arrangemeiita ran bo madefor a Che1 tournament in eoiuiection with the

i.i mint, U the ivnult in natUlactory a wh degahiay of un and atiwa of 1 .Me unlvertew til prob.ildy alied ioatre upon tMe rcntonnial. lbiuUou. Croiti I . Mo will iune ti rd,V it it. Mi nltr., Macd ncll and W laker

Mr. Hud present atay I tit i a1 about nluoiiih ui which ev irel day odi Me apent in

'.her iiiga.

Conn ta lender Maudav,vceurMH Coukt in tnuaita, -- hied Monday

tm cumMi a oi Heaci m Ti nu (lemtirrrri N

I, t. 7. .i. ..i. S3, go, a v.i-- Son, int.4 'I...-.- ' 1.1 caa, tmi, vi , 1 1. iti m to.- pan m it a Pari I 16. 17., tfai 1

n-- r.'. ". rt. aani, fflts Tt1t46, at aJ Dili, piT. Ih Ml, at tot 1,

I' If I H. ' .

MU, Ui.. NUi 1.4;. ...1. a . ... . li,

rV.uiuoa tkttV, l'.in -- i P rta Mil, 7a1 Bad, l... 1. ;is

I r it '. -- ' ui. I rev. Nn-- . ii, 1, ;., ;i,M. 10, IK 1CJ H 11. V.

I ..av in Plv . Part I c.w nn. Pnrt Tl.'V, 1.1 , IHI ft, u.i. lie, U . i. :., guj .a. , .ii p i. r.iM--

ia Puia i.sji itt Tiaa. S'oa. m, ,n.41. It, 7,

c f i 1.1 p it 1. Non. uiiij, tu:,j, ,17,IM u 4. . If, t!,, tinai. ftMlb, :.

: Q :i. s in. SVtW, a:- i wt ..i.. UittV. .abiM prf.i ill s u. .'ue;. v.oa,7m, .'.c .. fnar7, ::. fl at, H ci

1)41.0140, wan, . on .ill. iamf. 1. u, Bill 7, fjw&O, 1.., I07ti, l. j ..wi, M ....

ia im i.u a i com Ma ai ia 1..

HatiiitaTi Di . - r. U.-- Tiie fn kmarket ciencd dull nud routlnucd withoutniaterl I chance to. til inlddav, the tol I aleu i' t " ih t time t'overinaj fVUikl ibatea only, Att. ae rond ad a more active di lib 11 eaa devel-- i

pei en dec 11 ni nn price, I. ke Wmre fal IngotT to fti. after aelltng at 81 i, N'orthwi item

'erred dmpied to6tJ;, Mlchiffin Central tt ,.ft. 1'uul $. lilttu pteierre ft 1, ond Peclue Mall3V (jufl nt) tbe Bern ra) niarkt becameationer and price recovered w lu kj c ut.,at Hi iho ee lion ol r cm. Moll, h In idat the in.., t point of the UeVi Am ona the1I1 irt 1 oec alouall) deali In, New J r ry V tralnao ottone at an advance Mfi . while United

Lai inn ia old 1 , alt bough at the ciiua old, with otferllltfa ut la).

A detail f the d . i! tci uatlom u glveti tot eon ! rattve 1 d le b low.

The i lloa ina table repreaenta the openliiffihitftie I and lowcat prlcca of the lending atockodm ui.' be tout vvewk. together witii m nam-be- r

oi - .1.0 1 a dealt iu :

All idTef re tftuie... .. po" ,, ' ,'1 ln Iriii n t'i! y JiitJ fJJSj

'I i,

Mirl bmii mi' .... iij, mv mi.;i' 1- .i ..

' 1.:.

El I.i . :. ..I I ..1. Ili'n, 1,170 i.i ,11' i'i "

lit, K 1 N.ri.-f- i :;;( uj i h .11 11 ...leri . , .. . it ;:

I Ml, ill I'iu'IBi' I t.i, iii ; , 'WiiHrrn Inn Ti u- - ;.i ,,llllblium .il.-- III, I It).. ;., ,

" ' " HI IWI 1.1 III I

l.riric M .1111 ..IU I ;.. t, , ,

V I M Co , ..1 k iIll , ut), ll li

T0I,I (nr l, wn''; I I,. ' I

Tha total i hat ii ire, .1 .:'t in t.,invjru Ut,OI, p whii'li I. i.v Hhora Hi kai, 6.j(K) ; v,-i- ,., 1, mim, 1,1..IllOi Klia, ".im. N.iriliwi'.lrni, I.Hlili du u

gagrtj r.,u Wayiia, Mn lilwaiiB.OOOl m. I'.lii, I.i ,,, h ,, f. ,,, ,.,

Niv Jpr.ul, i,V)Olii LlM : t'liilvjil itt 1 Ksiuaaa, Wilt II". I; I.I ind, In i, n.rc Laokawanna uml IVw.turii. IMI ,..klaatrij, itt; 1'uclBu nf Ml'iiirl, lit di'iIimMouuialnCuaj, mt WalU-Katii- u apt , sui1111, I lliini,il,i. unit St,, I !7,inrtfarn d. loot lllliiola I mitrul, VValiuau ftutAmorluait hat ., isu; Ailantlu and I'aritioI elKjiraiill t .ii. .my. Inn; Alt'.n n I rllanta, lOUt v., V, hh.i i. c omj i L.. t,,,IlllVtllll Hint QdlllCT, U).) Dull". 'l. III.' I Mr. Il.ttaJ.1 V '.'! ' fcuMt'iain, luuj HI, Louu and liou Mwuuuiii, luu. si. 1,'jui.

Rmm ciiv and Morthrri arafatrad, ir-.- .

Noma and llxint,ThriKiild 11. ,rkul w. hfa. Hi. Mi(it III'., anil nt tin-,- . ft, r I.,,. n ..,'

,";' .'. vm ',r" atim-iai- q u n..i .. .I'll. i9M' j ii- i. v ..i.:.i iv m iiir.i t ai.. im., Q



&n tVii'rV .,.;.. :,..: I'llfjjr,:; ,.;".-- : fejajPlic rr mil t T,, ...i i," ..Vr.t ..I, ,h,. , u ..... b HI, (,.rth.:.,k v. ,,,!..m; .. mt ... ...., inrm ..1 .:,..

I iv I :.,.., ., f,u I 9t4t '. Hitn-l- r,Injiua . i.n"t :,::;., a,;-:- ; - -

ieWrMto-l- c KUm eiaiJ! Ke MkenI rein rttejaeaa ateeaa aefeaih.i.K-- r m flni l7.ia, and at foTifcorTawM

aaftvufnOia lha om r aen w , r. iim aa ai in :",tin' fimil,- - now lii.niinn 7,ih,7,:ui in ,., ,.f i.Arrfiniretiifnt. Tin Imm ware i Wjtiou- -5U'--

1,:u.r'' " ; i,,l it,3m

etrenuitien taSroJi' f'ne fnivlntStinal wnn Iitpioi tml thi from timfl - Ol llriM)nlta, i It I t p ... a'. ,1--

iL" rij. n- - ot ppteia ret tna veei toot.n ini mm no, mm naea .laa, i tn?aaa,o.uaeati t M.8ai,4fti nam time im trmT, millT.Uv;.7 tn l;:'. The ttijor -- f t..m - a aife, lairr.Micy iiim1om, fnr tho we. k end'i.r I lie,.Uv wet, w. re H.M. ,!Wrt. nnd ninri.fn.l f'.'iiiui h

The I m aorta el or aooen, eoM fataatiea, lneiuiinaK ttrl mereiianuie, n.r ihc week mm tigamminled to r.VffTrj.Mfl nnd aiacn Jaa. 1 ;nn .,:nn ,:.'jku,v,w u liu.e Iful yenr Hndu;t.....i:i. .': in n;.i.

tlovi ntmerit immtn wrrr iluli nnd laWer, ni tvaaaaiBewith lie oci lim in tm rtr'e-- i(mi.

Tno tull.jn an were lh eloalBg trlrrn it n t. M,tflfl y4.i.i ft, l , a.D.a.ear an .. IM inut VAlAhn,'6,t'.iL,t,fla, l" 11. r alia iw ,. a wj , 1

S.iln. 111. c ' J I .i, (' J 17 e J.i I,.A-M- lltU - ili.i. 5 tint.iivr.tioidi m:u

V a:, '.iif fltj.r - I1 s,'iivi:.i inalt.a.eaa.n4.r.iuU p.a notr ii7u imiu - p.e. 11 uniI S.lM0 v.',. r. i.s lltl t ...:... H, r. 7 11

1, 4oott.e.iiM ini y.n. ai.e..lith llTilPJ,r. .11.1 117 1171 ( en. Pa:, g. HvP Pin'CelledIn Mine tner- - wn 1 '!.-ti-t trade, WY notena.a

nf Kurt it Carolina aneeiai in, ftm r n. a JOnTf thrnm e rtn, aid. 44', dn, tin, n , mnl Oa, n, w ,alii. it.Hlrnnd bonua wi re atruniti wuti n w- -l

j i),. era.c pal reat ictletia wen ni Ai 'nr.y niei Baantthaana rtRaan, lldiej

lieu U frtoo. Hnrtford nnd Krti late, lu Ini .!.?', i nr- -II uai n nn.i Qttincf I in. M Iwiiikf nnd m Puirunauldatei flaatnj fund, tnveti rhiear. nn--

lnl. lii. ; Krl I'll mirtejee, IM L i gi boad, lofl i HniiBioat ladat. Joaenti asrnavi'riihi', ni; New rora Oeatral fl . ii-.- i, tot; hi Virreetrallal i..t:i.; .coupon. 13i N.w ,'urk ('eairall t fnnrta i.e, r".in; rci Itwtfi i llarlcin lain. 7. roapon, I tit I'.'i v rtt. Mionoiin lnt, ; unto aadNtinMifiiMa c aenildaiefl rumi. fMitlhte tad

i Minnippi eu. SB ; iatral a id boadn, p.ii i, i t uratral PeiBc i Nan J ., . Dra a, ini t ;

;i Pm trie boudn, looi I uiua la An i..Hrttat luortaaee, !".', !'--. i ; t ul n Pn il ;ipiinr, luvsPli I ninij P. r llf nil .. ,0 ml, W&jMi ;','( :t 'ii i u d IMiii nrfli '' ii itei ihtkmt lundi 10AM i Toledo and Wn 'i tat umrtanee, afj

ol ,r. iiimI Litem, i ni 17 ; Loulaviira anaKwanvllle c- aa tl iatu?a, h s ... ia,u.

lit Ui'CeUlir, .iiii nt. ,.,., ami J I'. , elatingi ncc vt ateena io- .at were

ittn nj ft- tmMt 94 ''4.ttaatteaari Paemepfd rw aAiitHi ft i t rre n n ft iv

UUatii' aoO fee. I'm . h i'i i mi tin, and Mortewentrrn W)i , feftCjiie, imii N'we-t . pi, frftai tt s r.i :.,

te. it i. aad I'i.'.- I'Uii r4-- n l"i'n bM i I' iifi ie.. nor. nm Hatajr.. tlaal tielMCai an t tna ea. i it

i irv. Uol..Uia, and led m-- , :aie aan Piiiaearaa,., n , uone it o mh.i Altea, . w;' un

i ii.ratt nim A POll lf, I U I ni urnoilditini) u jal Ifllj 4'dj' nutt'ti - a

i rli. a Wetern..tlOi ipj- - UH4 ii', ,ei.en'j iiu'tn.iii inai. i: ;, !

Aeanm r.iitm4 u IU9UAtnenean aaereM 67 f7 ft r; ,.7ut aiti-- VlatealCiereaa., 80 QOH oi BOH"A. r. j a,U ft K.I). t.X. K 4UI ne IRM taft IB4i Ida i .Cl,nrltn I IHL. MP. I 1 ,C11111 aad m. I 'feo ... m vi mit,, .1

i.h Ktolu. pn. arm '.tilIllinouiCeatrai W M nay

iKf nuru ei '4 WJ ui; i.iuCentral ! ' i

kn ii'- - an hnnea - I "t, i ..uMo.. Km. and ii 7 '?un auti at, tdi i5a m x. . tu,J

i . m at, in in. .. mt tiat . nu n64uNi-- Yor centra to) KM i"t i"i ihmSrw deraev itentr! .. :' l" - Itwd

w Jvrfna ..,.! 1n 1. nun Mu il PiV imi UV. lU

Pacidr Mal M .. v"i 4"'' Ri) traaaiuaL'ltr. ann Ft, uaine., in to w mn TilUctucof Miaaeurid 1 i tl llM UH tttuii'kailri r - m .uM.i i,n truerred., .4M. ...n. K I a if. tZH VPu M ...

11. . h- , .n-- VTeni Vy i'i c, 4 , 4t n mi rnc'inc 7Ml T" ".. 7:. ;o

.1 ii in nTr ' ! . :iiJpahequ loui y. rupr.n llettUl 01 t;j h

ifMii Patnie irnet.There era n- buntnena t ti! v r -

ta h. j an 0 1.1.' I, it.. ranie . 1 i a il u te

f m r. . ..j p. IH iiiit .. i f. ..$,Mavia t 01M.C89, the r.-i-

. f rttn jr-v- at v irk,

Nen Viirta InraeiasiTrnmv. i.', l. -- Ttti 11 ami MfAl '

ft man aoai ,iv mi 1 r e r

im Tii. live it akd eac ii 1 r wrn erJrru, in i.t in iwao'i aa t m aiinre. A bienl,toft with a lar.r n u u ui 0,4 Ml

f r J i.u ry. i:t' . 1 I .1 m. P. ,e n.n d i uie" OrtfliT at l H n I 'airy pro ncln Arm.


4 ,. ii 1, .en :i r r ' ; ntiili e aiMi . . ,1 11 BDo! i Mil .1 .. til 11 .;

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uel i" i" tiiur 11 a In o'natfl t.un anala llWei!, NeOr" until itOc i...r 0 tn rwtu baniuaa Hem nf M naauo pti-hiv teriuai Ibu i mi. u at 1 . .'. Junn, ui

M .r , u . :te., ai a 'pat an nnvnl itir eete c a nt fiTr iar

pirim turp nt. ne. nud l.T 41 for rotnmoa ie sKid ftralni'd r iu. P troleum purtnt tMIc lot crnue, in ubk atitl IUV r rrflti it, taP iieoau lieiglc wrra 11b, eul alibovi ra t

nip .ii i r Ltvi rli mm, 1 im, ao . e lea ; ntl. .1 3d . iiiuw, j ; tm ion, tii - am, tra 17.

1. 1. 1 1, rd to II in. i'V ; ae, 67 n. 0 , i n tu liret iei ia p lit.. I'm! lot i" lard , nu ; rahrei frjii iiilitieuhi iu for' lor rri di,

rcOiied petroliiiui d to tliei-otit;- i .'.ltd, .1.1.1; I wu. Hall Uli l w r. vi J in,

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it. a With ft. 0 nffi iiei m . pM detn in I. Mm

g riona ua i i id! uj u uai P, pi vii njI ir nuuditn ... men So ua en, of wii i tMfacrv foi i ii i, J' l p r i m. an : 4" In ;

nlallou, utilft il rlitirdtk t - it,'rn na i e.a at I3(. . 01 in . -- in.., r, 1:4 ; fni Junu t.i

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t iiiiuesi 01 yitrutfta

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