the rockette issue 5



the latist news from the latist bands

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Th e

Ro ckett e

New band on the scene! Meet.... “Every Day At Ten”

Live and Unsigned - Insert’s diary (part 2)

Interview with - The


Haddow Fest Review

at the HMV Picturehouse Edinburgh

including in-depth reviews of

Everyday at 10 and the 10:04’s

Alice Ai - EP Review

And loads more ....

make this Relate


Danielle Ban


Editors LetterWow I can’t believe it, we are into May already. I have had such an exciting past month putting this issue together. Now I can’t wait to tell you all about it! This issue is my biggest!

This month has two gig reviews.... YES two!! I was lucky enough to be Guestlisted for Haddow Fest at the HMV Picture house in Edinburgh. Where I met Daryl (lead singer) and Darek (lead guitar and backing vocals) of “Everyday at 10” such nice guys.

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I was also at Sucioperro gig at sneaky Pete’s in Edinburgh, I was at sneaky Pete’s to review “he slept on 57”. Also supporting them was “Aviation For Kids”, who you may

also remember supported “penguins kill polar bears” in the April issue. I met Stuart from “he slept on 57”. He was very nice also, I bought a copy of their new EP. Stuart also threw in a copy of the other EP for free!!! Both gigs where very different both in venue & style.

I have found a New Band by the name of “Everyday at 10”, a 5 piece pop/rock band also from Edinburgh. It’s nice to find musical talent from my city. I have reviewed another EP by “solo star” Alice Ai! “Always Read The Label” have just released a brand new single “Influence” with their new line-up, I got to write the first review. Rather exciting don’t you think?

Lots has been happening, I am pleased to say the next few issues have more exciting content than ever. So stay tuned....You don’t want to miss it!


Editors letter - page 2live and unsigned, inserts tour diary (part 2) - page 4interview with the 10.04’s - page 6interview with the usual pleasures - page 8solo star, alice ai - page 10sound of the suburbs - page 12the members of aspen tide - page 14alice ai, ep review - page 16

review of haddow fest at HMV picture house - page 17interview with the corleones - page 26Meet Adam from Page44 - page 28make this relate (cover story) - page 29

New band on the scene! meet... “Every Day At Ten” page 37

gig review of “Sucioperro” at sneaky petes - page 40the escape artist interview - page 44

interview with “cities and saints” for Video “Into the Deep” - page 46interview with Aaron brown - page 48

always read the label “influance“ single review - page 50info about sound of the suburbs - page 51



at ten

hey its Aaron here, and here is my entry for the live and unsigned diary and everything that went down...

13th March 2011well we got to the journal tyne theatre at about 1 in the afternoon and signed in then, havin a couple hours to spare before soundchecks, we headed off to Mcdonalds for a nice hearty if a lil unhealthy dinner/lunch.

once we were inside the venue we were briefed as to how the whole thing was going down, then we sound checked.

we weren’t to keen on sound and volume but we got through

Live and Unsigned - Insert’s diary (part 2)


to be continued...

Live and Unsigned - Insert’s diary (part 2)and I personally was hoping for the best lol then it was off to the dressing rooms to wait until it was time to go "do this!" as it were.

the song we did for our performance was our own song My Halluncination blended into our own version of Dolly Parton's Jolene, overall the performance was well received despite our playing a little fast and one or two muck-ups behind the kit, BLOODY DRUMMERS!

But we must have done something right as we made it through to the Area Finals on the 24th of April, so until then that’s HOW! For now....

Check ya later folksAaron =]



We’ve been fr iends long before we played in a band together and just thought i t would be fun to write some songs together and see how it goes, lucki ly i t seems to have have gone pretty wel l so far.

Were inf luenced by a whole number of bands, but direct inf luence that come through on our sound is probably from bands l ike The Buzzcocks, The Clash, The Cr ibs, The Rakes and The Strokes.

Me (Steven) & Danny write the songs together to get an in it ia l idea of what we’re doing , we then put i t a l l together a l l four of us , so i ts def initely a team effort . We tend just to write about things that are pretty personal to us and things that direct ly affect us. No doubt l ike any song writ ing that wi l l change over t ime too as were inf luenced by di f ferent things.

Best part of being on tour is just going round

gett ing to play your songs to new crowds of people and seeing new places. I ts a lways a lso just real ly good fun to get to go to a l l these di f ferent places with four of your best mates. The worst part is def initely the travel l ing in between gigs but that ’s part and parcel of being in a band.

Hopeful ly in the near future wel l start work on our f i rst a lbum and doing more touring round the

Name: Danny

Do in band: Guitars / Vocals

Age: 27

My favourite thing in the whole

world is : Sa l t & Vinegar McCoys

with Mature Cheddar Rol ls .

I real ly hate: The number 21 bus.

I have a pet: Dont have a pet .

But I would l ike a pet: Walrus

My favourite colour is : B lack

I love eat ing: FULL STOPI got the chance to catch up with one of Edinburghs hott ist new bands. heres what they had to say. . . . .

Name: Johnny

Do in band: Bass / Backing Vocals

Age: 27

My favour i te th ing in the whole

wor ld is : Sugar, just had a tooth

out though, need to be careful ! ! !

I real ly hate : Motorway Serv ice

Stat ion food, we end up having

lots of i t when were on tour.

I have a pet : I dont have any pets

just now.

But I would l ike a pet : Human

My favour i te colour i s : Green

I love eat ing : Indian Food

6 7

UK. Obviously with i t coming into summer wel l be doing a fa ir few shows on the fest ival c i rcuit so were looking forward to that.

In terms of developing our sound, were always looking at ways to evolve, our sound has changed a lot s ince we started a couple of years ago, so we’ l l def initely be look at ways to add to our sound maybe with keys and synths sometimes or other instruments

- brass etc maybe??? At the moment people usual ly tag us as being a punk/indie band and were f ine with that for now but we’ l l def initely be evolving as we go along so I ’d imagine the genre of our music might change a bit too.

Were so lucky to have a good fan base and we appreciate i t so much. I f i t wasn’t for a l l these people coming to see us we 100% wouldn’t have

al l the opportunit ies that we do. For people to learn the words to your songs and s ing them back to you is an amazing feel ing and to then take t ime out their day to come see you is something that we never take for granted and are very grateful for.

Name: StevenDo in band: Vocals / GuitarsAge: 26

My favourite thing in the whole world

is : F izzy Ju ice, i ts my f inal v ice.I real ly hate: Animal CrueltyI have a pet: Dog & Cat

But I would l ike a pet: Dog & Cat , I ’d

l ike more dogs and cats!!My favourite colour is : B lack, though

thats a tone not a colour I th ink so I l l go

for yel low, I remember l ik ing that when

I was smal l . . . .

I love eat ing: n ice food. I ’ve got re-

a l ly into cooking over the last couple

of years and I ’m a decept ively good

chef!!! !

Name: Paul HaddowDo in band: Drums / Backing VocalsAge: 27

My favourite thing in the whole world is : My fr iends and family.

I real ly hate : Snoring!I have a pet : No pets.But I would l ike a pet : Dog (a boxer)

My favourite colour is : B lack, no doubt most of the band said the same as i ts the tradit ional colour we wear on stageI love eat ing : Chinese Takeaway

Links. . .

6 7

What are your worst/favorite parts of being on tour?There’s nothing else l ike i t ; you essent ia l ly get to hang out wi th your mates, dr ink al l day, and when i t comes to gig t ime you get to do your favour i te th ing in the wor ld as your job real ly. There aren’ t real ly any downsides. Unless the venue owners are arseholes, then that usual ly resul ts in an argument. But they’re fun too.

The Most powerful lyrics are? In my mind you can’ t go far wrong with most stuff f rom Morr issey, Richey Edwards and Jarvis Cocker.

What have been your experiences of “celebrity l i fe”. What are the perks/negative sides of fame?We’re nowhere near being celebr i t ies, and I th ink i f we ever got to the unl ikely stage where I was being classed in the same bracket as Cheryl Cole or any other of those talent less di ldo’s that cont inual ly shaft our ears wi th their garbage, I ’d immeadiately go out, get a gun, and blow my fucking brains out al l over the celeb mags in the newsagents.

What is the weirdest gift you have received from a fan?I ’ve never recieved any

gi f ts that I can remember, though i t would explain some of the strange things I ’ve found in my pockets the next day. Weirdly i t ’s usual ly someone try ing to take things f rom me, l ike steal my beer on stage when I ’m not looking. But I ’ve never fa i led to apprehend a culpr i t yet . I would qui te l i teral ly put my l i fe on the l ine for my pint .

Which art ist would you l ike to collaborate with?Not music related I know, but Tracy Emin so that I could explain to her in I ’m sure a calm and reasoned manner that soi l ing your fucking bed is not art .

Th e

Usual Pleasures


How do you relax when you’re not working?I ’m not sure I ever do relax; I ’m usual ly tense or angry about something tr iv ia l and unimportant. L ike Tracy Emin.

What plans do you have for the near future?World dominat ion. And possibly cr isps. No, def inately cr isps. In fact , sod world dominat ion. I just want cr isps.

Do you have any pre-gig rituals/Lucky items?We tend to argue qui te of ten before gigs about whether red or brown sauce is better on a fu l l Engl ish breakfast , i t ’s a recurr ing theme mainly because I refuse to let i t drop. I t causes some ser ious div ides in the camp that one. And just incase you’re seeing this lads; the answer is def inately red. I thought I ’d take the opportuni ty whi le they can’ t argue back. But I am r ight . Other than that no r i tual type stuff , just s i t t ing around dr inking and wait ing for the venue folk to drag our backsides on stage.

Which instrument do you wish you could play?I ’m st i l l perplexed by the gui tar to be honest. I have no idea how I manage to wr i te music on i t when I ’ve barely a c lue what I ’m doing. I must have drunkenly sold my soul at some point .

Is there anything you wish you could add to your band?A heavi ly drugged and immobi le Nick Clegg on stage at a l l t imes so I could k ick him in the cock whenever I fe l t the urge. Which would be both of ten and without mercy.

What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your major influences?Most of my inf luences are ei ther spl i t up, dead, or have strange new jobs advert is ing butter and car insurance.

How long have you al l known each other? How did you meet?I met Chr is in a pub in Sheff ie ld about 2 and hal f years ago I guess, and by the way any Sheff ie lders seeing this, the pub’s cal led The Brown Bear; i f you want to get messed up that ’s the place to go, i t ’s l ike dr inking l iquidised evi l f rom the bowels of Hel l . Anyway, we got on l ike the proverbial house on f i re, I suppose morons at t ract other morons, ta lked I ’m sure coherent ly about start ing a band, and af ter that we advert ised on the net and so on for other l ike minded morons who fancied pursuing a l i fet ime of poverty and misery. We found them, and here we are now. St i l l fucking skint .

How does it make you feel, when you hear fans sing your lyrics back to you?I ’m usual ly far too drunk to not ice that k ind of th ing i f I ’m being honest. But fans, a l l several of you, i f you do, thank you very much.

Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs? Do you think these topics wil l change over t ime?Musical ly i t ’s very much a col laborat ive effor t , everyone has a dabble, but the lyr ics are solely my domain so far. I t ’s fa i r to say the themes range from depressing to extremely depressing. The only one I can think of that marches unconf idental ly anywhere towards a bi t of mir th is ‘Napoleon Syndrome, ’ which is, in my mind at least , an amusing di t ty about that painstakingly accurate paint ing of a horse on a bal l -bag Johnny Borrel l f rom Razor l ight . We’ve got no joyous themes that is for sure. I can’ t see that changing with the state of the wor ld around us that we have to bl indly muddle our way through the best we can. We l ive in a wor ld fu l l of id iots governed by id iots. We’re al l fucked.

Answers by Marc


Solo Star

Alice Ai - InterviewWhen did you real ize you wanted to be a s inger/songwriter? Short ly after my mother ’s pass ing , when I was 15.

What inspires you when you write your songs? Not sure exact ly where i t comes from, though I am defn moved by the inten-s ity of real l i fe experiences such as love, lost love, and death.

The Most powerful lyr ics are? Dr iven uncontrol lably by the heart , a volcanic eruption of the unconscious.

Which art ist would you l ike to col lab-orate with? Hmm, (there are so many!) For song-writ ing: Carol K ing , For a duet: Eminem.

How do you relax when you’re not s inging? I love to spend t ime in nature. Also real ly enjoy f i lm, books, writ ing , p lay-ing my piano, guitar & scrabble : ) Do you have any pre-gig r i tuals/Lucky i tems? Vocal warm-ups, q igong and breathing are a must before any g ig , and I have my Nana’s r ing , which I wear a l l the t ime.

Which instrument do you wish you could play? Drums and the cel lo.

Do you play your own music or do you have a band? At present I most ly perform solo, though sometimes I have other play-ers perform with me. I write, record, perform my own music , and sound-de-s ign a l l my l ive shows.

When is your next tour? This summer, to Canada. . . (F inal dates tbc) What band are you a big fan of? Again, so many great bands, though for modern c lass ic I ’d say RHCP, Radio-head, & one newer band I real ly l ike is MGMT. Do you get compared to any other art ists? Not so much to be honest , though when people feel a need to compare for reference I have heard names l ike Bjork, Feist & Imogen Heap bandied about.


Alice Ai - Interview


Questions… -Favorite song ever: That would be impossible to answer quickly, there are s imply too many good ones to choose from. Happy Birthday is a lways a fave : )

-Your funniest onstage moment: Having the PA cut out on nat ional tv whi lst the soundman was in the back k itchen eat ing pizza.

-Highl ight so far : Performing with iconic actress Al ly Sheedy s inging back-up vocals for me at a fest ival , after working as her music dble for a tv show. One of the nicest & most posit ive people I ’ve ever met.

-Gui l ty p leasure: Luxury dark chocolate truff les whi le having my body massaged with aromatherapy oi ls .

-Favorite food: Thai & gorgeous organic salads.

-Favorite TV programs: I don’t actual ly own a TV to be honest. Though I do harbour a c loset addict ion to the Gi lmore Gir ls & Anything I can get my hands on by Ricky Gervais dvd box sets : )

-Do you have a quest ion to ask me?? Which do you think came f i rst ,the chicken or the egg?

answer - The egg!!



website addy: iceai .com

MySpace page: iceaimusic

twitter:a l iceaimusic iceaimusic

This is the sound of the suburbsThis is where you can find out fans opinions of what sounds are Hot on the street,

who has the worst song & which Genre has the biggest following!

Name: Hew

Age: 32

Music you L ike: Different tastes , but

most ly metal

Music you Hate: commercia l g i r ly pop

such as Rhianna/ Lady Gaga

Fav Band: A l ice in Chains

Last Band you Saw L ive: Foo f ighters

Worst Song: Learn to f ly

Best Song: A l l my L i fe

Last a lbum you bought: Madbal l -

Best of. . .

Name: E layne

age: 31

Music you L ike: soul , rock, pop, reggae,

some hip hop

Music you Hate: punk, rave, real ly

heavy trash metal!

Favourite band: Ot is Reading , Queen

Last Band you Saw L ive: A i rbourne

worst song: Mar iah Carey - Any!!!

Best song: Queen - I want to break free

Last a lbum you bought: Adele 21

Name: Amy

Age: 19

Kind of music you l ike:

Rock,Pop,Soul , Jazzy stuff ! Musica ls!

Music Hate: Rap, Dance! Metal

Favourite band: emm Kings Of Leon,

The K i l lers ,Adele.

Last band you saw l ive: K ings Of Leon!

Worst song: any by The wanted, JLS . . .

Best song: umm Fans - K ings Of Leon.

Name: Lewis

Age: 22

Kind of music you l ike: most rock,

b lues, ska, reggy etc

Music hate: modern pop shite ( lady gaga


Favourite band: a lways changes bt i l go wi bowie, the

c lash and ac/dc

Last band you saw l ive: bad manners

Worst song: at the moment that 1

where the g ir l s ings “ i whip ma hair back

and front ” fuk in torture

Best song: shine on you crazy d imond -

p ink f loyd

Last a lbum you bought: the best of

e lv is costel lo


This is the sound of the suburbsThis is where you can find out fans opinions of what sounds are Hot on the street,

who has the worst song & which Genre has the biggest following!

Name: Alan

Age: 30

Kind of music you l ike: Death metal , thrash, Gr indcore, a l ternat ive, punk, Hip hop, e lectro,

country, rock

Music Hate: Manufactured pop


Favourite band: Kyuss

Last band you saw l ive: Madbal l

Worst song: greatest day by take shat

Best song: Supagorgonizer by

I ron Monkey

Last a lbum you bought: Pro Tools by


Name: Amy

Age: 19

Kind of music you l ike:

Rock,Pop,Soul , Jazzy stuff ! Musica ls!

Music Hate: Rap, Dance! Metal

Favourite band: emm Kings Of Leon,

The K i l lers ,Adele.

Last band you saw l ive: K ings Of Leon!

Worst song: any by The wanted, JLS . . .

Best song: umm Fans - K ings Of Leon.

Name: Cameron

Age: 20

Kind of music you l ike: heavy metal &


Music Hate: rap

Favourite band: K i l l switch Engage

Worst song: window shopper by 50 cent

Best song: scream aim f i re by Bul let For

My Val int ine.

Last a lbum you bought: foo f ighters

- great ist h i ts!

Name: G i l l ian

Age: 24

Kind of music you l ike: indie, rock, b i t

of 90s cheese for dancing

Music hate: garage, house, techno, rap,

just in beiber

Favourite band: snow patrol

Last band you saw l ive: Snow Patrol

Worst song: just in beiber

Best song: paradise by the dashboard

l ight- meat loaf

Last a lbum you bought: Paolo

Nut in i - these streets




Ia in

Meet the members of - Aspen TideName: Ia in MacleodAge: 22What do you do in the band: Bass and backing vocals with a h int of keys/strange noises

Have you ever bought your own songs ep/cd/itunes? I d id actual ly buy our s ingle on i tunes the day i t was re leased, but only because we were having problems with i t and I had to check i t was working. Honest!

How do you descr ibe your music to people who haven’t heard i t? Heavy but melodic a l ternat ive pop-rock. Something l ike that .

Have you been in a band before? I f you have why did you leave? I ’ve been in several bands before, in fact I can’t real ly remember any point where I haven’t been in one s ince I was probably

Name: Robi LambieAge: 21What do you do in the band: S ing and play guitar.

Do you have a g ir l f r iend? No, i ’m a s ingle pr ingle.

Do you have a Celeb crush? Many. L i ly Loveless f rom the last ser ies of Sk ins i s a personal fav. Reese Witherspoon, Frankie Sandford, Hayden Panett iere and Davina McCal l .

What ’s the 1st song on your iPod? Do you mean a lphabet ica l ly? That would be ‘About Last Night by The Mascara Story ’. The f i rst when I shuff le the a l l songs comes up as ‘Beaut i fu l Dreams by Jocasta S leeps’. What a gem!

Favorite CD you own? I have numerous Bi ffy C lyro CD’s s igned inc luding a copy of B lackened Sky. My favour i te of these however is a copy of Saturday Superhouse in which Ben Johnston s igned ‘Cheers Cocknose, Ben’. I t ’s a lways the s imple jokes that get me!14

about 15! The only reason I ’ve ever left was when I moved away to go to uni , other than that i t ’s just been a sort of a mutual agreement between everyone. I ’ve never real ly had any proper fa l l -outs with anyone that have caused me to leave or anything.

I f your l i fe was a song , what would i t be & why? Wow, that ’s an extremely tough one. I don’t know about my whole l i fe , that would probably depend on what k ind of mood I was in . I ’d maybe go for something l ike ‘ Three Hai l Marys’ by Reuben. The lyr ics are great , and there’s so many sect ions to i t - there’s no convent ional structure. I t ’s a l l over the p lace, up and down, quiet and loud, k inda l ike my l i fe! P lus i t ’s got a pretty f i l thy bass tone. And there is at least one rather meaty r i f f, my l i fe wouldn’t be the same without a heavy dose of good r i ffage.





Ross Garr


Meet the members of - Aspen Tide

Name: Ross Stoddart Age: 21What do you do in the band: Guitar and the odd dodgy backing vocal

When did you real ize you wanted to be in a band? A very long t ime ago! I used to a lways mime a long to music I was l i stening to s ince I was l ike 2 or something. I guess f rom when I got a guitar I started writ ing music i s when I knew this i s what I wanted to do, which was about 11-12 years o ld.

Did you study music? I f so where? Yes . UWS in Ayr. I studied Commercia l Music - which combined the bus iness and creat ive s ides of music . I t ’s where I met Garry (drums) and Robi (guitar/vocals) . Ia in (bass) d id a s imi lar course at another campus but had a few c lasses with us in Ayr. Strangely i t wasn’t unt i l we were f in ishing our respect ive degrees that we started the band!

Which art ist would you l ike to col laborate with? That i s such a tough choice. I mean there’s so many legends that I could only dream

of p lay ing with, but there’s a lso a lot of uns igned/indie art ists I ’d be real ly interested in working with - l ike the guys f rom Make Sparks , Farewel l S ingapore or Dar ien Venture. A l i tt le more real ist ic!

How do you relax when you’re not performing? Normal ly with v ideo games or sports . Nothing beats a good c inema night - though they are gett ing b loody expensive these days don’t you th ink?

Which instrument do you wish you could play? Drums. I t ’s strange, being a guitar ist I f ind mysel f ‘a i r-drumming ’ to new songs I hear, very strange. Though when ever I get behind the k i t i t i s painful to any and

Name :GarryAge :23What do you do in the band: I p lay percuss ion, drums and backing vox.

When is your next tour and how can you get t ickets? Our next tour i s rumoured to be in June ; ) and t ickets are readi ly avai lable f rom the band members or at later not ice f rom a quick search v ia google.

Where are you most excited about playing on the next tour? I would l ike to see our music venture North Bound. As a Skye boi I ’d l ike to see our sound plague sea goers and (h igh/ is )landers a l ike.

Funniest on stage moment so far? Poss ib ly p lay ing an intro to a d i fferent song.

What ’s your Gui l ty pleasure? That would be te l l ing , but i t feels pretty good.

everyone near by! I f I had the t ime




Alice Ai - Eye Spiral “EP Review”

Alice Ai is dest ined to conquer the pop world! I f You l ike Pixie Lott today, or even remember Bjork or Gwen Stefani when she was with “no Doubt”, then I introduce Al ice Ai’s new EP “Eye spiral”. Her music has a quirky sensual i ty which seems to t ranscend t ime and space and a fashion style to match. I t works as well today for Al ice Ai as i t did in the 90’s for Bjork and No Doubt.

Track 1 – Got The Stuf fFol lowing a short intro with shaking sleigh bel ls and clapping Al ice’s gravel r ich voice enl ightens this t rack. Her sensual ly erot ic voice pulsates and grinds i ts way through the track, ably supported by deep breathing. I t al l sounds hot n’ steamy. I ’ve got the stuf f to love you! Boom Boom Boom from heavens above! L ike some worm from Tremors 4! Al l appear to suggest more than love is on her mind.

Track 2 – Pr inces AvenueThe opening to this t rack reminded me of an old s i lent black and white movie. The synthesised piano gives i t a very classy feel. Again, l ike the previous t racks, Al ice’s voice stole the show with a mixture of angelic overtones and haunting echoes. Go on, close your eyes, and don’t tel l me you don’t get al l warm and fuzzy inside. A truly epic s i lent movie production!

Track 3 – Quest ion MarkThis t rack is so di f ferent, infact i t ’s st range, very strange! I t is much faster and the lyr ics are, wel l st range. I t is however, pure dead bri l l iant, just what do you think a quest ion mark is? My only fear is that some people won’t get i t ! ! !

photo by Flo Kohl16 17

Track 4 – Tel l Me Now“Tel l Me Now” is a l i t t le bit of a mix of “Pr inces Avenue” and “Quest ion Mark”. I t combines some of the haunting sounds of “Pr inces Avenue” with lyr ics which are sometime and somewhat confusing, a bit l ike, but nowhere near as much as “Quest ion Mark”.

Track 5 – Got The Stuf f (Stoney Remix)This remix, more grungy than the or iginal f rom the start , cymbals and drum beats now replace the bel ls and clapping. The whole track now musical ly heavier, but Al ice’s voice is st i l l the star of the show. This t ime though, i t is more absorbed into the medley of the track. With the added bonus of 43 seconds play-t ime i t is clearly better than the or iginal, just because there is even more to enjoy!! ! !

She may not be mainstream pop and some people won’t get i t , but I think Al ice Ai is fantast ic! ! !

for more News from Alice Ai please vis i t the EP wi l l be released later in May news on this vis i t facebook, MySpace & the website!

at the HMV Picturehouse


Haddow Fest is a two day, al l-day, music festival, spread across ten various venues in Edinburgh. It ran on Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd of April 2011 and was hosted by Jim Gellaty, radio DJ on Amazing Radio. I was fortunate enough to receive a “guestl ist” wristband to the HMV Picturehouse gig in Edinburgh, where Razorlight were the headline act.

The venue was very nice and generally viewing was good throughout the venue, at least for most. The staff were friendly and helpful, they cleared an area to allow access through a side door, al lowing me to get in before the crowd. They also escorted me up in the l ift to the Wheelchair Viewing Area, on the top floor. Unfortunately, the only view I got of the performance area was through iron rail ings, which ran the entire width of the room, it felt more l ike HMP (Her Majesty’s Prison) Picturehouse, than HMV Picturehouse!

Initial ly, being so high up, the sound levels where quite bad! This made it rather hard to hear any vocals. This did improve during the course of the evening and with that aside I enjoyed every band and had a very good night!

inc luding in-depth reviews of Everyday at 10 and the 10:04’s

ByDaniel le Bangham

16 17

The band opened the show with “Do you Know ”. The track sounded very good, with a nice rock based tempo to i t . I t d id s low down towards the end of the track, where the vocals should have come more to the fore, but the acoust ics in the room and the sound dif f icult ies on stage made i t d i f f icult to hear the lyr ics c lear ly.

Everyday At Ten

First band on stage was “Everyday at Ten” a Pop/Rock band from Edinburgh. Made up of : Daryl Demarco, lead vocals , Derek Tochler, Lead guitar, Col in Nevada, bass, Wesley Aberdeen, guitar and Dave Christ ie , drums.

this photo by Makx Dante Media

Derek, myself & Daryl

After opening with an up-tempo rock number, they decided to s low things down a bit . “How ’s i t gonna feel” was the second song performed by the band. This song was quite a cool , s low and mel low track, a real arm swayer. The lyr ics suggest breaking-up, asking “How ’s i t gonna feel” when I ’m gone? The basic guitar and drum beat to the intro worked very wel l . Throughout the song the beat stays consistent, gett ing a bit more of a rock beat added during the chorus, before returning to the or ig inal beat. This was my favourite from their set on the night.

The third track “ just for the day ” was a lot more upbeat than the second track. There was a good tempo and beat to i t , i t had a very Bl ink 182 (ear ly years!! ) feel to i t . There was a lso a hint of o ld school rock & rol l 50’s/60’s sty le in the background medley! “Everyday at 10” were real ly try ing to get the crowd going and Daryl came off the stage and into the crowd.

Opening the show is a lways a hard job,

but “Everyday at 10” were fantast ic .

Overal l a most enjoyable band despite

their sound dif f icult ies!!!/pages/Everyday-At-Ten/168059829885818

Next on stage was “Where’s Strutter?” a four piece a lternat ive rock band from Manchester. Paddy, guitar and vocals , Broady, drums, Danny Green, lead guitar and f inal ly Max on Bass! They played a total of 6 tracks. They had a sty le which seemed to range from a heavy rock sound, but not quite metal to a bit l ike Oasis or Coldplay and to hints of Punk Rock. Their guitar playing and drumming adds good rhythm to their music , however the lyr ics where st i l l d i f f icult to hear. They performed both quick tracks and some with a much s lower feel to them, but I wouldn’t descr ibe them as bal lads. Overal l they were a good band and brought their own

f lavour to this venue.

Where’s S t rut ter?


Mat inee

Third to grace the stage was “Matinee” a four piece Indie sty le band or ig inal ly f rom Ita ly, but now based in London. Luig i , vocals and guitar, Al f, vocals and bass, Josh, guitar and keyboard and Alex on drums. They played 9 tracks. Mainly good guitar based tracks, k inda poppie yet with hints of Franz Ferdinand or the Arct ic Monkeys. Their f i rst 3 or 4 tracks suffered from the same sound problems

as the previous bands, but from around track 5 things were improving. They had a nice sound

to them and played a var iety of quick and s lower tracks. Another couple of tracks would have been nice before they said “Ciao”


Pose Vic tor iousNext up a 5 piece band from Falk irk, Scot land cal led “Pose Victor ious”. Ross Mil lar, vocals and guitar, Jack Rowberry, guitar and vocals , Gordon Barc lay, guitar, Gav White, drums and Jordan Laird, bass. They played 6 tracks. Watching them on stage, I thought they had a look of S imple Minds to them. I a lso thought some of their faster tracks had a 70’s Glam Rock v ibe to them. Think of tracks by the Sweet or T-Rex and you’ l l get the idea. They played a var iety of n ice sounding and di f ferent tempo tracks. Thankful ly, the sound dif f icult ies which had plagued the ear l ier bands was now resolved and lyr ics could f inal ly be heard and understood.!/posevictorious

The 10.04’s

Fifth on stage and now playing to a ful l house, the 10:04’s a four piece group from Edinburgh. Stevie Bolton, vocals and guitar, Danny Scr imshaw, vocals and guitar, Johnny Tracey, bass and backing vocals and Paul Haddow, drums and backing vocals . They c la im to be an Indie/Punk band and they def initely sound s imi lar to the Clash.

Their opening number was “ Into Money ”. I t began with a s lamming rhythm. I t had a very Franz Ferdinand feel to i t . I t has a very contagious beat running through i t . The vocals were good and at t imes were ably supported by other members of the band. A very smart opening to their set!!!

“Bad Grammar ” was up next! I t was maybe a bit l ike the smiths, especial ly vocal ly. Lots of long guitar solos, very nicely supported by Paul on the drums. Fewer lyr ics this t ime however, but when lyr ics were sung they where powerful l !

Their third song is brand new (so new it doesn’t even have a name yet) . However that does not take anything away from the genius of this song. I t ’s lyr ical ly amazing and wel l supported by the music . With a nice rhythm and beat to i t , i t i s the guitar that is the star of this track.

The guitars in “Smoke & Mirrors” are outstanding! This song at points 22

Razor l ight!/the1004s

sounded real o ld-school punk/rock, reminding me of bands such as the c lash and the Ramones! With no dis-respect to Stevie on vocals , my fav bits where the guitar solos at the beginning and again about two-thirds through. Wel l rocking!!!

Their f i f th track “About Tonight?” was a lso rocking. A real crowd pleaser. I t got everyone on their feet!! The place was bouncing! The band announced this song can also be found on youTube, but I haven’t had any luck f inding i t . So go look yourself. Maybe you’ l l have better luck than me, good hunting. . . !

“ you Don’t Even Know Us”, another brand new song (at least this one has a name) sounds s imi lar to the previous track. Again, the crowd were bouncing! The evocat ive beat thumped i ts way through this track and the vocals rocked too. Al l in a l l a great tune.

Their f inal song “ I ’d Rather Have Character ” pretty much rocked as wel l ! As a l l of their tracks did. I t shows they have plenty of var iety and character! The crowd were encouraged to s ing a long , “Oh Oh there she goes, socia l hero”.

Al l - round a crowd pleasing band. They got the crowd to their feet and s inging. A high octaine high speed band. . . .

Razor l ight

Last up and headl ine for the n ight was “Razor l ight ”. A four p iece Indie/Punk band from London. Johnny Borrel l , Freddie St i tz , Gus Robertson and Skul ly. By now the venue was pumping and the crowd was jumping. “Razor l ight ” p layed a fu l l array of 21 tracks inc luding , not just one, but a second encore. They p layed many crowd favour i tes inc luding “ In the morning ”, “Stumble and Fal l”, “Before I fa l l to P ieces”, “America” and f in ished their set with, of a l l th ings “Goodnight ”!!!

Despite my own personal v iewing problems and the d i ff icu lt ies on the n ight with sound, i t was a stonkingly good night out .

Exclusive interview with

The CorleonesB a n d n a m e : T h e C o r l e o n e sM e m b e r s : To n i ( Vo ca l s , G u i t a r ) , S t e v e n ( K e y t a r, Pi a n o ) , R ya n ( B a s s / B a c k i n g Vo ca l s ) , D a v i d ( D r u m s )H o m e t o w n : G l a s g o w ! G e n r e : We’d d e s c r i b e o u r s e l v e s a s a S co t t i s h t a ke o n Sy n t h p o p ? h a h a

D e s c r i b e t h e s t y l e o f yo u r b a n d ?We’re a band who fuse e lements of rock and pop music together ; i t ’s got a lot of synthesisers involved, but i t ’s not quite e lec tro -pop. Our music ranges f rom piano -based bal lads to fu l l b lown synthpop songs. I t ’s quite diverse!

W h o wo u l d yo u r mu s i c a p p e a l t o ?H mm, that ’s a hard quest ion! I ’d l ike to think our music appealed to many di f ferent people. We seem to be playing to a lot of teenagers at gigs, but I don’t th ink our music only appeals to a younger demographic. I suggest people just l i s ten and judge for themselves !

W h o a r e yo u r m a j o r i n f l u e n ce s ?There are so many! As a band, i t ’d be a f ight

bet ween Idlewi ld, Panic ! at the disco, L i t t le Comets, B i f fy Clyro, Two Door Cinema Club, Ci rca Sur vive, Lady G aga (ha) and E VERY THING in bet ween.

W h a t a g e d i d yo u s t a r t yo u r b a n d ?The current l ine -up formed when we were 16, R yan was 15!

W hy d i d yo u d e c i d e t o s t a r t a b a n d ? Wa s i t a s u bj e c t yo u e n j oye d a t s c h o o l ?I ( Toni ) had a lways been in bands, f rom a ver y young age! And I happened to meet Steven in a school music room in 2nd Year ; I thought the idea of having a piano in a rock band was prett y cool . We were in a few bands and went through many l ine -up’s and here we are!

H ow d i d yo u a l l m e e t ?As I mentioned before, I happened to meet Steven in a music rehearsal room in our school . We both met R yan on a school t r ip to London, and I ’ve k nown David s ince we were k ids ! Stay on the same street !

H a ve yo u c h a n g e d t h e b a n d ’s n a m e b e f o r e, i f s o w h a t wa s t h e i d e a b e h i n d t h e o n e yo u c h o s e ?We haven’t changed the band name! We were a l ready cal led The Cor leones ( I jo ined the band as vocal ist in a di f ferent l ine -up late) and as members lef t etc, we just kept the name.

W h i c h s o n g s d o yo u p e r f o r m m o s t f r e q u e n t l y ? Truth be told, we ac tual ly don’t have a mass ive back- catalogue to choose f rom. We normal ly f i t ever ything in . I t ’s probably eas ier to answer “which songs do you per form least?” . . . in that case i t i s most def in i te ly “Surpr ise ; Goodbye” and “ Why Rock ”

D o yo u h a ve a ny t h a t a r e b i g h i t s w i t h t h e c r owd ?Three O ’c lock in The Morning seems to be a crowd pleaser !

W h a t ’s yo u r u l t i m a t e d i r e c t i o n f o r yo u r b a n d, fa m e a n d f o r t u n e ?I th ink that ’s a bad way to think! We’re in i t f i rst and foremost to make music we enjoy and to enjoy ourselves ; anything e lse is a bonus. We’re incredibly grateful of people who suppor t us and l i s ten/buy our songs and come to our shows. I t real ly does make i t a l l wor thwhi le.

W h e n yo u w r i t e mu s i c, w h i c h m e m b e r co m e s u p w i t h t h e l y r i c s ?That would be me! ( Toni )

H ow ca n my r e a d e r s g a i n a cce s s t o yo u r mu s i c ? I s i t f r e e ?You can check us out on thecor (a l l our t racks are f ree to stream) or you can get our debut EP for £3 or something on iTunes, or we’re f ree to l i s ten to on We7 and Spot i fy !


Fi n a l l y w h e n & w h e r e w i l l yo u b e p l a y i n g n e x t ?Great quest ion! – We’re happy to announce we’re suppor t ing MakeThisRelate and Page 44 at the O2 ABC2 in Glasgow on the 12th of May. I t ’s an O ver 14’s show and only £5. h t t p : / / t h e c o r l e o n e s .bigcar tel .com for t ickets !

A ny n e w s h ow s co m i n g u p ?I t ’s a l l a b i t secret just now. We’ l l announce stuf f in due course!

A ny l a s t wo r d s ?Thanks for the inter v iew I guess ! And to anyone reading, hopeful ly i t ’s interested you enough to check us out . We’d love to see you at a show! Peace!

T h e Q u i c k i e Ro u n d :I f yo u co u l d b e a s u p e r h e r o w h a t wo u l d yo u r n a m e b e ? A n d d e s c r i b e t h e co s t u m e ?I ’d def in i te ly be super lol lypopman. The costume would essent ia l ly be a pair of suspenders and a pair of speedos, and a pink vest .

I f yo u r b a n d s t o r y b e ca m e a f i l m , w h a t g e n r e o f f i l m wo u l d i t b e ?A porno!

Fa vo u r i t e p i z z a t o p p i n g ? O r f o o d ?Favour i te food is KFC. Favour i te pizza topping? I ’m a chicken guy!

Fa vo u r i t e s o n g e ve r ? Live in a h iding place – Id lewi ld.

Fu n n i e s t o n s t a g e m o m e n t ?There are plent y, Steven made a mistake dur ing a cover of “k ids” by mgmt once and I burst out laughing, and basical ly couldn’t s ing; I was in hyster ics ! The audience star ted laughing too, which made i t worse! Steven’s a lso dropped his keytar once too, that was prett y funny, and scar y too. haha

h t t p : / / w w w. my s p a ce. co m / t h e co r l e o n e s g l a s g owh t t p : / / w w w. t h e co r l e o n e s mu s i c. co m / H o m e. h t m l

h t t p : / / w w w. fa ce b o o k . co m / # ! / t h e co r l e o n e s

a n swers by



Meet Adam from Page44N a m e : A d a m J a m e s V yg u s B Sc ( A . K . A - Vi g g y ) A g e : 2 7 wa y to o o o o o o l d Ba n d yo u ’ re i n : Pa g e 4 4 W h a t d o yo u d o i n t h e ba n d : S i n g e r / G u i t a r i s t

Bio: e r m n o t s u r e w h a t t o s a y h e r e , i ’ m a p r e t t y n o r m a l g u y , b i t o f a t u b b y s h o r t a r s e b u t w h a t c a n y o u d o , i h a v e a d e g r e e i n C h e m i s t r y b u t h a v e n o p l a n s t o u s e i t i n a c h e m c a r e e r. Pe o p l e s e e m t o t h i n k i ’ m a b i t o f a j o k e r a n d t h a t i a l s o g i v e t h e w o r l d s b e s t h u g s , i t h i n k t h e t u b b y n e s s m a k e s m e m o r e c u d d l y b u t i ’ m n o t s u r e . i g r e w u p i n r e d d i t c h w h i c h i s t h e a r m p i t o f t h e w o r l d , i t s n o t t h e n i c e s t p l a c e e v e r b u t i v e e s c a p e d t o L i c h f i e l d n o w w h i c h i s n i c e r b u t t h e r e i s b u g g e r a l l t o d o h e r e !

w h e n i w a s a t s c h o o l i w a s a l i t t l e b i t o f a g e e k , w a s i n t o p s e t s f o r e v e r y t h i n g a n d o n e o f t h e m o r e i n t e l l i g e n t o n e s a t m y s c h o o l , d i d n ’ t r e a l l y l i k e w o r k i n g h a r d t h o u g h , i w a s s u p e r s p o r t y p l a y e d e v e r y s p o r t g o i n g f o r a l l m y s c h o o l s u n t i l i p i c k e d u p a g u i t a r a t 1 6 a n d g o t i n t e r e s t e d i n g i r l s a n d t h e n s p o r t t o o k a b i t m o r e o f a b a c k s e a t

I m e t S t a n n y a t h i g h s c h o o l a n d w e d e c i d e d t o s t a r t a b a n d t o i m p r o v e o u r p l a y i n g a n d t h e n t h e r o o t s o f Pa g e 4 4 w e r e s e t , b e e n a b i t o f a j o u r n e y s i n c e t h e n t h o u g h , l o t s o f b l o o d , s w e a t a n d t e a r s a n d a f e w y e a r s l a t e r a n d b o o m w e a r e w h e r e w e a r e t o d a y

Fa vo r i te s o n g yo u h a ve w r i t te n ? A n d w h y ? A n s w e r s , i t s t h e o n e t h e f a n s l i k e t h e m o s t a n d h a v i n g t h e m s i n g i n g i t b a c k t o y o u a t s h o w s i s a s p e c i a l m o m e n t !

W h e n yo u a re n o t wo r k i n g , w h a t d o yo u e n j o y d o i n g ? p l a y i n g m y x b o x o r h a v i n g w a y t o o m a n y b e e r s w i t h t h e l a d s , i l i k e w a t c h i n g r u g b y t o o a n d m i s s m y p l a y i n g d a y s

I f yo u co u l d h a ve 1 s u p e r p o we r w h a t wo u l d i t b e , a n d w h a t wo u l d yo u u s e i t fo r ? i d l o v e t o b e a b l e t o h e a r w h a t p e o p l e w e r e t h i n k i n g w o u l d m a k e l i v e a l o t e a s i e r, y o u w o u l d h a v e t o b e a b l e t o t u r n i t o n a n d o f f t h o u g h o r i t w o u l d g e t a n n o y i n g

W h a t i s Yo u r f a vo r i te ba n d ? d o n ’ t r e a l l y h a v e o n e i o w n t h a t m a n C D ’s a l l t h e a r t i s t s i n s p i r e m e i f i r e a l l y h a d t o p i c k s p o s e i t w o u l d b e R . E . M o r J i m m y E a t Wo r l d

W h a t ’s yo u r f a vo r i te fo o d ? a l l f o o d , i m a r i g h t f a t t y b o o m b o o m d o l o v e a n i c e h o t c u r r y

W h a t ’s b e e n t h e h i g h l i g h t fo r yo u s o f a r, a n d d o yo u h a ve a n y re g re t s ? e v e r y g i g i s a h i g h l i g h t t o b e h o n e s t , w e h a v e g o t t o g i g w i t h s o m e a w e s o m e b a n d s a n d m e e t l o a d s o f a m a z i n g p e o p l e j u s t h o p e i t c o n t i n u e s !

W h a t d o yo u d o to re l a x w h e n yo u ’ re n o t wo r k i n g ? d r i n k t o o m u c h !

I f yo u h a d n ’ t b e co m e a ba n d / s i n g e r e tc . , w h a t j o b d o yo u t h i n k yo u ’d b e d o i n g r i g h t n o w ? i d p r o b a -b l y b e a r i g h t b u m , i c n t i m a g i n e n o t b e i n g i n t h e b a n d n o w o r w h a t m y l i f e w o u l d b e l i k e p r o b a b l y n o t v e r y e x c i t i n g .

W h o a re yo u r ce l e b c r u s h e s ? N a t a l i e p o r t m a n s h e s d a m n h o t ! ! a n d p r e t t y m u c h a n y g i r l w i t h a g u i t a r, t h a t d o e s i t f o r m e

I f a g e n i e g a ve yo u 3 w i s h e s , w h a t wo u l d yo u w i s h fo r ? e r m m o r e w i s h e s , p r o b a b l y 1 - a n e n d l e s s s u p p l y o f m o n e y , i t m i g h t n o t m a k e u h a p p y b u t i t d o n ’ t h a l f m a k e i t e a s i e r t o l i v e , 2 - a c u r e f o r t i n n i t u s , 3 - f o r V i l l a 29

make this Relate

Cover story!!

Members: Kevin Wal ls (vocals/guitar) , David McErlane (guitar) , Aidan Scott (bass/vocals) and Danny Kel ly (drums/vocals)

Genre: Alternat ive Rock

How long you’ve been together: Just over 2 years. 29

Bio: MakethisRelate is a four piece a lternat ive rock band from Glasgow, Scot land. Brought together in 2008, the band steadi ly began to develop their sound: a capt ivat ing mix of stadium s ized pop melodies with the energy and aggress ion of a lternat ive rock, del ivered through a decidedly honest Scott ish vocal . The band, who met whi lst studying sound product ion at Cumbernauld Col lege, or ig inal ly formed as a backing band for s inger/guitar ist , Kevin Wal ls ’, pop-rock solo project . Guitar ist , David McErlane (who had played in a band with Kevin, years ear l ier) became involved with the project after hear ing Kevin perform some of his solo mater ia l at an open mic night in their hometown. Bass ist , Aidan Scott and drummer, Danny Kel ly (ex-members of rock band No Reserve) were next to join the band after an impromptu jam sess ion

in their col lege studio. With the l ine-up complete, the band began playing around the toi let c i rcuit of Glasgow, in the youth-centres and publ ic hal ls of the surrounding areas and even a handful of sel f-promoted shows around the Highlands of Scot land. After roughly a year of perfect ing their l ive performance, the group decided i t was t ime to begin creat ing music as a band, as the sound they had worked on for the past year had began to natural ly mature and stray away from that of Kevin’s solo project .

The band recorded their debut EP, P ick your S ide, over the summer of 2009 which featured the t i t le track Pick your S ide and the s ingle We’ l l Always Be Famous For Our Biggest Fai lures, which found i ts way to hands of a producer at C lyde 1 FM who gave the song i ts f i rst ever play on nat ional

radio. September of 2009 saw the band sel f-re lease the EP at the launch event in Glasgow ’s 13th Note, to a smal l gather ing of f r iends, family and fans. The EP proved popular and the l imited run of CDs was completely sold out by the beginning of 2010. In March of 2010, the band were busy writ ing the fol low-up to Pick your S ide when they were invited to open the Scott ish leg of the Att icus Black Tour with Juno Award nominated Canadian pop-rockers , Ten Second Epic and Crewe based groove- infused rock band, Bl i tz K ids. Fol lowing support s lots with What the Dead Know, Tempercalm and F lood of Red, the band’s local prof i le began to r ise and soon enough MakethisRelate had gathered a fol lowing of dedicated fans in their hometown, who played a v ita l role in propel l ing the band towards bigger stages - inc luding a support s lot , at a sold-out show in the legendary King Tut ’s Wah Wah Hut.

In the Summer of 2010, MakethisRelate played a handful of fest ivals inc luding REWired (with Rolo Tomassi , Br igade and Sucioperro) and The West End Fest ival in Glasgow. They also returned to the studio over the summer months to begin work on their next EP, One More Second Chance, where the band decided to opt for a more raw yet coherent sound compared to that on their f i rst re lease. The EP was released to cr i t ical acc la im in September of 2010 at the sold out launch night in Glasgow ’s O2 ABC2 and at The Tunnels in Aberdeen where the band supported E l l iot Minor. The year saw MakethisRelate go from strength to strength, receiv ing radio play a l l over the UK, playing their f i rst show south of the border and having their very f i rst music v ideo enter the Lava TV Off ic ia l Top 20 Chart .

Excit ing t imes l ie ahead for the young band who announced their f i rst fu l l UK tour at the start of 2011. The band wi l l h it the road in May with Birmingham based indie-rockers , Page 44 and wi l l p lay a number of dates across the UK in c i t ies they have yet v is i t . MakethisRelate was recently featured in the Local Heroes sect ions of an issue of Kerrang! Magazine (the world’s b iggest sel l ing weekly rock magazine) and i t was t ipped by the Metro at the beginning of 2011. Their music wi l l a lso be heading over the At lant ic where i t wi l l be appearing on American record label , Al l About Records, download compi lat ion. The compi lat ion wi l l be avai lable at a number of American music fest ivals inc luding this year ’s Warped Tour – the huge North American music fest ival which is now in i ts 17th year. In addit ion, the band are current ly try ing to conf irm a few other tours to see them through to the end of year and they are planning to release some new mater ia l over the coming months. I t i s st i l l ear ly days for this enthusiast ic young band. They may have made a few mistakes a long the way, but perhaps i t i s the best that


What are you up to at the moment? We’re very busy prepar ing for our UK tour. For the past few months we have been travel l ing up and down the UK, try ing to spread the word about our music and i t seems to be working! We’re a lso spending a lot of t ime writ ing new songs. I t ’s exc i t ing to hear how our sound is developing.

How did you get into the music industry? Music has a lways been a b ig part of our l ives . We’ve a l l p layed in bands s ince we were a l l pretty young , so i t has been a fa i r ly natural progress ion. A lso, studying sound product ion and commercia l music has real ly g iven us a good ins ight into how the music industry works.

Who were your favourite bands growing up? Personal ly, I loved l i stening to bands l ike Green Day, Nirvana and Bl ink-182. The f i rst few songs I remember being able to p lay on guitar were Basket Case by Green Day and In B loom by Nirvana. I was real ly into pop-punk and I st i l l am!

Who where your Chi ldhood music idol ’s? I loved the Spice Gir ls when I was a k id haha! I th ink the f i rst cassette I owned was a Spice Gir ls s ing le. . .bad t imes. In contrast though, I loved Bon Jovi . I remember l i stening to Cross Road, which was l ike a greatest h i ts a lbum, and reading through the lyr ics at the same t ime. That a lbum was probably the f i rst rock a lbum I ever l i stened too.

What age did you each decide music was going to be your career? Wel l music had a lways been such an integral part of our l ives , so when i t came to leaving school and decid ing what to do next , we choose music . However i t ’s a lways our dream to p lay in a band and make music . I f we manage to make a career out of i t , we’ l l be very lucky indeed.

Can you descr ibe your ear ly experiences of g igging and working on your f i rst EP? Our f i rst few g igs were pretty bad. The f i rst t ime we ever p layed together, the venue was empty apart f rom the other band and the sound guy. I snapped a str ing dur ing and I d idn’t have a replacement guitar or any spare str ing , so I just had to s ing and i t was just a real ly awkward exper ience. But we def in i te ly learned a lot f rom those ear ly shows – they shaped us as a band. Working on the f i rst EP was a b ig learning exper ience too. We were real ly unprepared dur ing the whole process . We recorded the songs in about four d i fferent locat ions - the f i rst two tracks were recorded in a smal l studio in Ayrshire, the th ird track was recorded part ly in my house and part ly in Danny ’s house and the last t rack was tracked l ive at a studio in Glasgow. Al l the tracks sounds completely d i fferent and they d idn’t real ly f low very wel l but when i t came to recording One More Second Chance, we k ind of knew what we were doing.

How would you descr ibe your music? I t ’s somewhere

between pop-punk and a l ternat ive rock. I don’t th ink we quite verge on emo however our songs def in i te ly emotional and honest . We wouldn’t have i t any other way real ly. We have to feel pass ionate about what we’re s inging about.

Who would you say are your greatest inf luences and who do you part icular ly admire r ight now in the industry? B l ink-182 are def in i te ly my biggest inf luence – they made me want to p ick up a guitar and write songs. A l though now I love l i stening to bands such as J immy Eat World, Death Cab for Cut ie and Fr ightened Rabbit . Each of us have real ly d iverse tastes though. Dave is real ly in to Metal l ica , A idan is a b ig R ise Against fan and Danny is real ly in to Brand New at the moment. I th ink these inf luence certa in ly creep in to our music at points .

Touring – love i t or hate i t? Love i t ! Our last tour only lasted a couple of days though but we are real ly exc i ted about loading up the van and heading back out on tour in May. We a lways have a good laugh when we’re on the road and we’re looking forward to hanging out with the boys in Page 44! They ’re a great bunch of guys.

What are your worst and favourite parts of being on tour together? The worst part i s heading home after the last show, knowing you’re not p lay ing another g ig the fo l lowing n ight . But the best parts of tour are gett ing to p lay music with

your f r iends in a new c i ty every n ight and gett ing to meet a l l the cool people that come a long to the shows. The dr ives between the c i t ies can be bor ing at t imes but usual ly keep each other enterta ined with some banter and the occas ional prank. What was the best g ig you’ve ever played, and what was the worst? P lay ing in K ing Tut ’s was insane! I reckon that was the best g ig we’ve ever p layed. We had such an awesome t ime on stage and the crowd were amazing that n ight . Hear ing around 300 people s ing the words to your songs back to you is a pretty powerful exper ience! I ’m not real ly sure which g ig was the worst . Probably one of our ear ly g igs when we were st i l l f inding our feet .

Could you br ief ly descr ibe the music-making process? And how you come up with your lyr ics? Usual ly mysel f or Dave wi l l come up with a guitar r i f f or a rough out l ine of a song , then we br ing i t to the rest band dur ing rehearsal . We start to jam the songs and we each begin to add our own ideas and try d i fferent th ings out . I ’ l l usual ly take the ideas home and work on lyr ics and vocal melodies then f l ing together a rough demo for the rest of the band. We spend a lot of t ime f ine tuning our songs – i t can take quite a whi le for i t a l l to come together. I have a l i tt le notebook where I wr i te down any lyr ics I come up with - most of them don’t even get used. Al l of the lyr ics are very personal . I f you look into them enough you can probably p ick out a story and

gain a l i tt le b i t of an ins ight in to my mind! I feel i t ’s eas ier to s ing about something I am personal ly affected by cause i t a l lows me to s ing with a b i t of convict ion and honesty.

I f you could do a cover of any song , what song would you choose and why? I ’m not real ly sure. We’re real ly bad at p ick ing songs to cover, that ’s why we hardly do any. I ’d l ike to try something o ld though and put our own spin on i t . Maybe we could try a Bon Jovi t rack!

What song do you get requests for the most? We actual ly get a lot of request fo r Last Year (a song from our f i rst EP) . We hardly ever p lay i t , so I guess that ’s why people a lways ask for i t ! I t might make a surpr ise return to our set at some point .

Who would be your ideal g ir l to date? I don’t know about the rest of the guys but I ’m st i l l t ry ing to f igure that out! Probably a g i r l that i s pat ient enough to put up with pass ion for music . I t takes up so much of my t ime, so I guess they ’d have to get used to that .

What is the weirdest g i f t you have received from a fan? We haven’t real ly received any weird g i f ts a l though we’ve had some awesome g i f ts . We get a lot of food but that ’s not a bad th ing. Food is the way to our hearts haha!

What ’s been the highl ight for you so far, and do you have any regrets? There’s been loads of h ighl ights .

P lay ing to a sold out K ing Tut ’s was amazing and so was launching our second EP in the O2 ABC2. We’ve had the chance to p lay with some amazing bands and meet loads of great people. I don’t th ink we’ve got any regrets so far.

What can we expect in the future from you? Some new songs and probably some more tour ing. We’re real ly exc i ted about the new songs we’re wr it ing just now and we real ly can’t wait for everyone to hear them. Although we don’t want to rush th ings. We want to make sure we’re tota l ly happy with them before we unleash them.

What would be the best piece of advice you have been given that you would l ike to share with our readers? Be yoursel f. There’s no point pretending to be someone you’re not .

What art ist would you love to col laborate with? I ’d love Mark Hoppus to do some guest vocals on one of our songs! I t ’s a b i t unreal ist ic but i t would be amazing. We’d love to work with loads of other art ists though. We love creat ing music so i t ’d real ly refreshing and interest ing to col laborate with another l ike-minded person.

The best g ig you have been to? I go to so many g igs that i t ’s hard to p ick the best one. J immy Eat World at the Barrowlands last November def in i te ly st icks out . I t was my f i rst t ime seeing them play and I had been a fan for years . They p layed about a 2 and a hal f hour set . I t was amazing!

What do you do to relax when you’re not working? I watch a lot of movies and try to hang out with my fr iends as much as poss ib le . We’re a lways so busy at the moment though, so i t ’s hard to f i t any re laxat ion t ime in . Hopeful ly a l l our hard work wi l l pay off ! I f you hadn’t become a band/singer etc . , what job do you think you’d be doing r ight now? I th ink I ’d be recording or managing bands. I don’t th ink I ’d have done anything outwith the music industry. Who are your celeb crushes? Hayley Wi l l iams, Lyndsy Fonseca and Emma Stone!

Any last words? Come see our band play on our UK tour th is May!

make this



Superman or Batman: Batman

Coke or Pepsi : Peps i

Ps3 or Xbox: PS3

Simpsons or Family guy: Fami ly Guy

Vampire or Werewolf : Vampire

Facebook or MySpace: Facebook

Fr iends or Scrubs: Scrubs

Ready salted or cheese and onion: Ready sa l ted

The Prankster is : We’re a l l pranksters!

Most attract ive is : I don’t know i f we can real ly comment

on that haha!

h t t p : / / w w w. m a ke t h i s r e l a t e. co m /h t t p : / / w w w. my s p a ce. co m / m a ke t h i s r e l a t e

h t t p : / / w w w. fa ce b o o k . co m / ? r e f = l o g o # ! / e ve n t. p h p ? e i d = 1 2 6 7 9 2 6 0 0 7 2 3 3 2 3


Bio: “Everyday At Ten” are a Edinburgh based band play ing melody-dr iven, har-mony- laden Pop-Rock sound. Led by h ighly energet ic f ront man, Dary l Demar-co, the guys are working on mater ia l that announces without any doubt that they have the ta lent , chemistry, pass ion and r ight team to move them to the next level .

The band’s recent r ise i s a result of indefat igable hard work, s ince forming they have bui l t a strong and loyal fan base. One even that a 60’s Cult Leader would be proud of! Produced by Mult i Genre remix producer Chr is Walker (AV8 Records) , the music has taken on a sound without sacr i f ic ing any of the melodises that are the trademark of Every Day At Ten. As Da-ry l expla ins , “Our tracks are about l i fe , emotion and fun, S imple songs about complex topics .


“Ever y Day At Ten”

Dave Ch rist ie

Age 23


Colin Bly th

Age 26

Bass guita r

Derek Tolcher

Age 27

lead guita r &

back ing voca l

Dar yl Demarco Age 28

lead voca ls

Mike Youn g

Age 28

keyboa rds

New ba nd on the scene!

Meet. . . .

How did you come up with the name for your band? Was i t your F irst choice?Da r yl : Wel l the reason I named the band Everyday At Ten is that i used to have a 10am break at my work, and whi le everyone was having something to eat or doing whatever I would go somewhere quiet and write lyr ics i t was my way of escaping the mundane work and a lways helped get me through the day. Yeah I d idn’t wanna cal l the band anything e lse i t was a lways going to be that . Did you have any other band names in mind?Da r yl : not real ly i t was a lways gonna be that I couldn’t get i t out of my head and i t meant a lot to ,some of our best songs came from i t . How long have you known each other? Da r yl : I have known Dave s ince I was 16 and the rest of the guys i only met when forming the band. Dave was my f i rst ca l l as he is the best drummer i know he was up for jo in ing and I was very ex i ted I knew i t was a great start for the project . Derek I met through a fami ly member and knew instant ly i wanted h im on lead guitar. Not long after Derek introduced me to Col in and that was that . I ’ve become very fond of a l l the guys on a personal level as wel l as a profess ional level .

How did your band start? Derek: I got a cal l f rom Daryl and when I heard h is ideas and songs i t was a no brainer real ly I have added my spin on th ings and we have a very harmonious bal lance.

What has been your biggest chal lenge as a band? Da r yl : I th ink launching everything and gett ing recognit ion in such a short space of t ime has been the b iggest chal lenge, we have been very prol i f ic so far and that i s very important to move forward gather ing pace, that ’s the chal lenging aspect , but i t ’s a lot of fun and that was our p lan from the start .

As a new band how much of a chal lenge has i t been in the industry?Da r yl : For any new band i t i s a tough industry, you’ve got to work t i re less ly. We have worked incredib ly hard and now the benef i ts are showing, you’ve got to want i t more than anything and then your natural ta lent wi l l pul l you through.

When you write your lyr ics , what inspires you?Da r yl : A mixture of personal exper iences and observat ions of other peoples exper iences, I get inspired by s imple th ings that are universal ly profound l ike to wr i te about th ings everyone can re late to.

What ’s your favourite song to perform?Derek: A l l our songs are d i f ferent in their own way, to be honest when we get in f ront of a crowd we want to make sure every song is enjoyable for everybody and that g ives us a mass ive buzz , i t ’s hard to say a favour i te but our song ‘ just for the day ’ has such an amazing beat and fu l l of hooks, i f I was pushed I would probably say that one. What where your musical inf luences growing up?Derek: I ’ve l i stened to a l l sorts growing up from rock, b lues, pop, to c lass ical , country, and jazz . I be l ieve that having a widespread interest in d i f ferent sty les helps you as a music ian and become the creat ive art ist you want to be. Who is your favourite band at the moment? Da r yl : That ’s a tough quest ion at the moment. . . Mr Chi ldren, I suggest g iv ing them a l i sten How long have you been playing (any) instruments?Derek: forever! Wel l seems that way s ince i was 5 I started, my dad was a great guitar ist so was a natural choice of instrument.

Da r yl : I started p lay ing guitar and writ ing songs when I was about 14. I f you could add any other band member from anywhere in the world, who would i t be and why?Da r yl : Takahiro Matsumoto (producer, composer, guitar ist ) f rom Japanese super group B’z . He is a born performer, a lways str ives to better h imsel f and loves what he does. 38 39

What lyr ic , e i ther your own or someone else’s has a speci f ic meaning to you?Da r yl : In our song, ‘How ’s i t gonna feel ’ the lyr ic for the chorus has a spec ia l meaning in part icu lar for me but a l l our songs have lyr ics that most people can re late to in their own way. Most of the feel ings I have fe l t I am sure there are lots of people who have fe l t the same. What type of music do you real ly not l ike?Derek: We accept and respect a l l music sty les you just may not f ind us l i stening to certa in sty les , but each to their own. X-factor, love or loathe and why?Da r yl : I know a few people who have been on the X factor and have made i t re lat ive ly far and I th ink i t ’s a good launch pad i f you want to s ing and do very l i tt le e lse . I would say though that you have got to make i t to win or come runner up to have any k ind of long term career with the except ion of JLS that i s ( laughs) . As a f r iend of Fred O’Nei l and h is protégé Susan Boyle I prefer Br i ta in’s Got Talent i f I ’m being honest .

Derek: can’t stand the x factor mysel f. Don’t get me wrong, there are some great s ingers on there, but the way i t works , the judges, the fakeness , the utter bul l of i t a l l , i t bores me to tears! What do you do to relax?Derek: p lay poker and music!

Da r yl : I don’t get much chance to re lax at the moment in fact I don’t know how to real ly ( laughs) , I somet imes l i sten to Leonard Cohen on my iPod and c lose my eyes for a whi le . I f you where a TV/cartoon character who would you be and why?Da r yl : Stewie f rom fami ly guy s imply because he’s the coolest character ever invented.

I f you were a superhero, which ONE special power would you have?Derek: inv is ib i l i ty . . . : ) What have been your experiences of “celebr ity l i fe”. What are the perks/negat ive s ides of fame?Da r yl : I ts tough keeping in the l imel ight at every level , I do know celebr i ty ’s , and I know that ’s their b iggest chal lenge, as i s keeping a good image through the press . . . showbiz i s a ruthless game.

Do you have any excit ing shows coming up? Derek: a l l of our shows, no matter where they are, wi l l be great . We’re gonna work hard to improve at each one, and g ive 100% ef fort in our performances. You get everything at our concerts we interact a lot with the crowd i t ’s not good enough for us to just stand there and p lay. I honest ly bel ieve a l l our shows are ex i t ing f rom the int imate ones to the larger ones; the fans a lways get the best f rom us. Who would you l ike to tour with?Derek: B i f fy C lyro great band, or for a laugh Just in T imber lake we did have a UK exc lus ive tour set with IYAZ in December 2010 but was cancel led due to awful weather and a irports being c losed. Final ly, where do you HOPE to be in a year ’s t ime? And where do you think you wi l l ACTUALLy be?Da r yl : I th ink our momentum wi l l have us in a great pos i t ion in a year ’s t ime, I don’t see us s lowing down. The real i ty i s that you never real ly know where you wi l l be, that ’s down to fate and I a lways bel ieve that i s just something that must run i ts course.


A nswers by

Daryl & Derek

38 39

Sucioperro gig AT

EdinburghWiTh in-dEpTh rEviEW of

“hE SlEpT on 57”

The gig took place at Sneaky Pete’s in the Cowgate, Edinburgh on Apri l 8th 2011. Sucioperro where the headl ine act of the night, a 3 piece Rock/Alt band from Ayr/Glasgow. With support f rom “Aviat ion For Kids”, a three piece Alternative band from Edinburgh and “He Slept On 57” a three piece alt/rock band from Inverness.

Aviation for KidsFi rst on stage was “Aviat ion For Kids”, made up of Stephen lead vocals & guitar, Gregor on bass and backing vocals, and L iam on drums. This was the second t ime I have seen this band, this t ime they were a lot louder than I remembered. Their f i r st t rack began with a lot of guitar, very loud on the ears! When the vocals f inal ly started, i t was not too clear what they were s inging. Having seen them before, I recognised i t as “Everything”. As the second track began I was thinking “turn

the AMP down” the vocals are toooo quiet! Again they were drowned out by very loud guitars. Now, normal ly, I would be shouting turn i t up, but I do l ike to hear the songs as wel l . Their thi rd song of the night, “memories”, was my favour i te. I t s lowed down a lot so you could hear the lyr ics much more clear ly. In fact I real ly enjoyed that song!! The fourth song they performed had a very lost prophets feel ing to i t , t racks such as “ last t rain home” and “to hel l we r ide”. Vocals also became stronger and clearer to hear. Their f i f th was another s low track. I t had an old school feel to i t . They ended their port ion of the show with their t rack cal led “t idal”. 41

he slept on 57

The place was f i l l ing up nicely as “He s lept on 57” took to the stage. The band, made up of Stuart Nelson lead vocal and guitar, Ewan Cruickshank Bass/Vocals and Kyle Campbel l on drums.

The band opened their set with “Your Faint Memory”. A nice fresh pop/rock song to get the fans going. This song began with just good sounding guitar ing, before the drums and s inging k ick in. This bands vocals where decidedly more powerful compared to “Aviat ion” who were on f i rst . Stuart was having some problems as he kept t r ipping over the wires on stage, maybe he should have taped them down!!!

“Another Photo for the Album” was next to be performed by the band. The music for this t rack was heavier than the f i rst and had more of a k ick to i t . With s lower vocals as wel l , i t made it easier to make out and enjoy the lyr ics.

The song “Autumn leaves & Freezing Feet” was next up. I loved this song! Personal ly i ts one of my favour i tes. L ive i t was even better. I f you l iked s imple plan in the ear ly days, then you wi l l def inately enjoy this t rack. Again a more pop/rock track, with plenty of st rong guitar solos where needed.

40 41

“Kicking Stones” sounded as good l ive as i t does on the EP. A real qual i ty t rack. The drumming was less pop/rock and more ROCK & ROLL.

The band announced “The Old Sparky” can be found on their EP, which was on sale at the “merch” stand. The tone and pitch of Stuart’s voice dur ing this song reminded me of lead vocals in “bowl ing for soup”.

The track “Where the Air i s Thin” is the new s ingle f rom the Inverness t r io. The

video for this t rack can be found on their YouTube. This t rack is my favour i te f rom the new EP!! I th ink the video is fab too, however, l ive is even better, i t had the crowd s inging along.

Their f inal song of the night was “Clark Bent”. Some fr iends of the band had travel led through from Glasgow for the event and they were being encouraged to join in with the s inging. This al l added to the atmosphere, as by now the venue was almost ful l .

Overal l a most enjoyable band! For fans of Twenty Twenty, s imple plan or any pop/rock band. I wi l l def in itely recommend this band.


Sucioperro were the headl ine band of the night. They opened the show with a song cal led “Running from al l that doesn’t tempt you”. A heavy rock song that got the crowd going and even some Moshing! The second song the fans took over the s inging. The track was not quite as grunge/rock as the previous t rack. There was some strange banter going on between the band and audience, involving monkeys and tans! By the fourth song the s inger wanted us to know he wasn’t a monkey?? Confused? So was I . Dur ing

the evening, Sucioperro announced they would be taking a break for a whi le. Their fans seemed a l i t t le upset. They then declared this i s not the end! They wi l l be back.. . . They dedicated the tenth track of the night to the fans as i t was cal led “song for Fans”. In total the band performed 14 tracks, al l heavy some you may even cal l metal.!/sucioperro

Name: Jack Tyreman (vocals)Age: 17My favour i te th ing in the whole wor ld is . FOOD!I real ly hate. Mike ta lk ing bout wrest l ingI have a pet . DogBut I would l ike a pet . SedgeMy favour i te colour i s . B lueI love eat ing. Everything

Name: Matthew Sedgewick (guitar/vocals)Age: 18My favour i te th ing in the whole wor ld is . KFCI real ly hate. Narrow minded peopleI have a pet . Dog ( jasper)But I would l ike a pet . Ta i tMy favour i te colour i s . PurpleI love eat ing. EVERYTHING

Name: Kurt is Brudenel l (guitar)Age: 20My favour i te th ing in the whole wor ld is . wor ld is gaming or chi l l ing with my guitar.I real ly hate. GENERIC HARDCORE MUSIC!!!I have a pet . guitar.But I would l ike a pet . Koala .My favour i te colour i s . B lack or redI love eat ing. This i s just a statement.

Name: Danie l Tyreman (bass)Age: 20My favour i te th ing in the whole wor ld is . I l ike walks by the beach and candlel i t d inners . I mean. . . Death Fucking Metal , Real A le and F i fa 11 (Now that ’s a Fr iday n ight! )I real ly hate. No comment.I have a pet . YakBut I would l ike a pet . Bal l Python or Turt leMy favour i te colour i s . REEEED THE COLOUR OF BLOOOOD. (And the sex iest l inger ie colour)I love eat ing. Jack Loves eat ing

Name: Mike Tait (drums)Age: 23My favour i te th ing in the whole wor ld is : DRUMSI real ly hate. GypsiesI have a pet . Dog (Frankie) cat (Oscar)But I would l ike a pet . T igerMy favour i te colour i s . B lack and yel low Black and yel lowI love eat ing. Anything that i s food.

The Escape Artist

How did you choose the name of your band Have you changed the band’s name before?I t ’s quite d i ff icu lt to p ick something or ig inal these days so we jus put the I Pod on shuff le and picked the f i rst t rack name that came up. We never real ly got round to th inking of a idea so The Escape Art ist just stuck.

What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your major inf luences?I guess i t ’s metalcore, but not the sense a lot of others p lay i t , i t ’s thrashier and more technica l with the occas ional funky t ime s ignatures and such. But we st i l l take the best b i ts f rom the metalcore scene.

When did you form your band? We formed about a year ago by Jack and Matthew and after a few l ine up changes we are now al happy and we work real ly wel l together and I can’t see there been another change.

What inspired you to make music together?

We have a l l been involved with music together in some way shape or form. Previous bands and three of us have taken a music course. Jack, Matt and Dan are the or ig inal three and Kurt is and Mike came into i t through knowing Matt .

Where have you performed?Mainly the north east of the UK but over the summer we plan to do a lot of shows a l l around.

What are your favourite and least favourite venues?Every venu is obvious ly d i fferent and we a l l have our personal opin ions but music i s our l i fe and we are happy to p lay anywhere and anyt ime that we can.

Do you have any upcoming shows?We have a few planned out and conf i rmed over the summer which can be found on our MySpace and Facebook page.

How has your music evolved s ince you f i rst began playing music together?When we f i rst started we had quite a metalcoe hardcore k ind of look on th ings and 44 45

The Escape Artist

i t real ly showed in our ear ly songs but our music taste has changed and we opened our minds up to d i fferent th ings real ly and we just started exper iment ing more.

Are you seeking fame and fortune?As long as we have fun and enjoy what we do we are a l l happy.

What advice do you have for people who want to form their own bands?Do i t . I f you love music and enjoy p lay ing then start up a band and go for i t .

How can fans-to-be gain access to your music? Through the MySpace page or facebook (which there is a l ink for on the myspac and YouTube channel Also we have a CD avai lable for anybody who comes out to see us .

Do you guys have any other hobbies besides, obviously, making music?We al l have d i fferent th ings we enjoy to do, gaming , sports and just hanging out in general with fr iends.

What ’s your most embarrass ing experience?There have been a few. Jack gett ing tangled up in h is mic lead and fa l l ing into a pole, Dan’s bass cutt ing out , Mike p lay ing the wrong part , Kurt is ’s effect board cutt ing out just before a solo. I ts a l l been a laugh though.

What ’s your dream hol iday?Somewhere hot maybe. Having a chance to get anywhere outs ide of the UK with our music would be a bonus.

What is your music background: We al l have s imi lar k ind of backgrounds when i t comes to music . We have been in separate bands and exper imented before but now we are a l l happy and love what we do.

What are your songs about?Personal i ssues I guess . Not in a Hawthorne Heights Emo k ind of way. But we don’t s ing about anything pol i t ica l or re l ig ious because none of that bul lsh i t interests us . Or none of that a imless ly bruta l Raping and Ki l l ing and Muti lat ing death metal sh i t (but that would be awesome). Just pure hatred a lot of the t ime, which Jack has a lot of.

I f you could play on your dream tour, what bands would be on i t support ing you?We al l have d i fferent opinions on th is but we love August Burns Red, Suic ide S i lence, Sy los is…. .

Quick Quest ions…

Best g ig you played & why:Bi l l ingham Synthonia with a Fable for the Curious jus cause of the s ize of the place and amount of people there.

L i fe on tour is : AWSOME

Band you would love to support: August Burns Red, Lamb Of God and Suic ide S i lence.

Would you date a fan: We are a l l in a re lat ionship and they don’t mind our music

L inks istuk istuk

Daniel T


an (bass)

Jack Tyrem

an (vo


Mike Tait (drums)

Kurt is Brudenel l (guitar)

Matthew Sedgewick (guitar/vocals)

44 45

Video interview with

“cities and Saints”“Into the Deep”

What ’s the v ideo cal led?The v ideo is for our song “ Into the Deep”

Was this your f i rst v ideo?Yes, th is i s our f i rst music v ideo. I t was a fun exper ience. The band was f i lmed on set at Cornerstone Univers i ty. I t actual ly took 12 hours to f i lm the band. I t took a lot of energy dr inks , coffee, and quesadi l las . Fortunately, we are used to p lay ing l ive with a c l ick track so gett ing the t iming write was no problem. There were just a lot of takes and a lot of camera angles to capture.

Who directed the v ideo?The v ideo was f i lmed by Matt P ickart (See notes & credits) . He is an exper ienced director but i t was h is f i rst t ime direct ing a music v ideo.

What message was i t t ry ing to send to the publ ic/fans? There are a lot of people in the world who feel a lone and unwanted. They struggle to f i t in . We want them to know they are perfect just the way they are. They are wanted and they are loved. At the same t ime, we as indiv iduals need to be aware of those in need and do our best to seek them out and show them love and compass ion.46

Video interview with

“cities and Saints”“Into the Deep”

Did you have a choice of how you wanted the v ideo to be done? ( i .e . of band, specia l effects inc luded or animated, ect)We didn’t real ly have a lot of say in how the v ideo was made. We gave the product ion team a bas ic idea of what the song meant to us and let them create their own concept. We thought the story they came up with was great .

Was that your f i rst choice of how to make i t?Orig inal ly, they had a story that involved about 5 characters . Eventual ly, they real ized the story was becoming too big and had to narrow i t down to one main character.

Are you excited about the next v ideo?Yes, we are very exc i ted to be shoot ing a second v ideo next month! We have another product ion team that wi l l be f i lming a v ideo for our song “Over I t .” Now that we have exper ience being in a music v ideo, i t wi l l be a lot eas ier to prepare for and to capture the shots we want. The band does not know al l the detai ls for th is new v ideo. At one point they ta lked about f looding a room. I th ink that has been scratched so we’ l l see what they are p lanning.

Where can people see your v ideo?Our music v ideo can be v iewed on our Youtube channel at . . . . . . iesandsaints


Any more news to share? We are gett ing new merchandise in soon! We have t-shirts and wristbands that should be avai lable in the next couple weeks

Arron brownGenre: Acoust ic / Pop Punk

Inf luences: Sum 41 , B l ink-182 , Owl

C i ty , Angels and Airwaves , Johnny

Cash,my Fami ly, And You! .


When did you real ize you wanted to be a s inger/songwriter?I started s inging from a young age I th ink around 6 or 7 years o ld. Then when I turned 13 I got my f i rst guitar and by the age of 15 I started writ ing songs. As the years passed by I real ized that music was a b ig part of my l i fe and something i wi l l do forever. What inspires you when you write your songs? Most of my songs have a meaning and come from the heart .When I wr i te songs I wr i te down my feel ings onto paper and i guess people can re late to them in one way or another.

The Most powerful lyr ics are?Things happen for a reason,Thats what I bel ieve in .

Which art ist would you l ike to col laborate with?I would love to work with Deryck whibley from the band (sum 41) hes very ta lented.

How do you relax when you’re not s inging?When I ’m not s inging I l ike p lay ing the mar io karts on the Wi i and a n ice can of Dr.pepper.

I f you hadn’t become a band/singer etc . , what job do you think you’d be doing r ight now?I would be lost without making music but I th ink I would have been doing something that involves music i ts in my blood. I would have l iked to be a footbal ler i t seems l ike a fun job to have.

Do you have any pre-gig r i tuals/Lucky i tems?I had a lucky guitar p ick but I th ink I lost i t .

Which instrument do you wish you could play? The v io l in would be awesome but i t looks hard to p lay. Do you play your own music or do you have a band?I p lay my guitar and s ing on my own but i t would be cool to have a band in the future maybe.

When is your next tour? Im looking into p lay ing some shows in the future but no tours yet . What band are you a big fan of?Im a huge sum 41 fan they have been my favor i te band for over 6 years . Do you get compared to any other art ists?Alot of people say I sound l ike a re lax ing acoust ic vers ion of B l ink-182.But Then many fans say my sound is unique which is n ice to hear.

Quick Quest ions… Favorite song ever: So long goodbye - sum 41

your funniest onstage moment: I p layed a smal l show at a col lege and there was no mic stand there so 2 g i r l students held 1 microphone to my mouth and the other microphone to my acoust ic guitar.Was pretty funnyHighl ight so far : A l l of the n ice comments and messages from everyone on myspace.

Gui lty pleasure: Dr.pepper i ts very addict ive

Favorite food: Cheese BurgerFavorite TV programs: The gadget show,The s impsons,Deal or no deal

“ Inf luence”

Damien, lead s inger of A lways Read the Label has asked me to wr ite a rev iew of their brand new s ingle

“ Inf luence”.

The track begins with just the guitar k inda screeching. Drumming k icks in and the guitar stops screeching and starts p lay ing. This cont inues for around the f i rst minute or so of the track, g iv ing a long and enjoyable intro. Vocals k ick in as guitars and drums drop into the background a l i tt le . There is def in i te ly a U2 v ibe going on at th is point , a l though the opening minute or so is more l ike an Inme track. The track cont inues to f l ip back and forth between these two sty les . Instruments and vocals are combined wel l to produce a s l ick sounding track. This t rack has a more grungy

feel ing compared to their usual sty le .

To gain f ree access to th is t rack, you can check out the bands myspace just fo l low the l ink below! Or you

can f ind the band on facebook. . .




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& keep Rocking! !

Next issue due in June