the right fair wages Call Center - SETCa Uni Call Center Folder EN... · Uni Call Center Campaign...


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Once again this year, we are taking part in the UNI (Union Network International) campaign

in Call Centers all over the world.

the right to fair wagesfor Call Center employees

fair wagesWe don't want a pittance or a promise to take the place of a fair wage! Em-ployees at Call Centers are entitled to a salary that enables them to live decently. Many employees in the sector have a very low wage or work part time and earn so little that they fall below the poverty line.

The share of the gross monthly wage in the overall pay packet is getting smaller and smaller. The employee's total remuneration is increasingly dependent on performances, and not just for telephone sales positions or outgoing calls.

for exampleIf you MEET all ThE CrITErIa lIsTEd wIll bE EnTITlEd To a bonus!

$ Late a maximum of 3 times a month

£ Late no more than 24 minutes

¥ a minimum of 70 calls handled per day

€ Maximum call time 4 minutes 30 seconds

$ Maximum time putting a call on hold 42 seconds

£ Results obtained on monitoring 80% minimum

¥ Passing the knowledge test

€ strict compliance with lunch and break time

$ Creation of 85% of the cases (introduced/recorded in the system)

Employees are put in competition with each other, or, for a bonus related to a group result, sites of the same group may compete. In the best of cases, the bonus consists of a cash compensation; at times it is limited to a gift: cell phone, movie tickets...

The "incentive and bonuses" used are increasingly related to dubious behaviour with regard to consumers: to reach objectives, the employees must try to sell additional products, new pricing schemes, new products, ... for an incoming call that had nothing to do with a sale.

$ a fair wage is a salary paid in money available for spending, that can be used directly and that is pegged to the price level. It should make it possible to live decently and make a sure living.

£ Competition between Call Centers cannot be encouraged by reducing employees' wages!

¥ a fair wage is a wage that takes account of the added value contributed by employees to the firm.

€ a fair wage cannot be variable – it must at least ensure maintenance of the purchasing power of employees.

$ a fair wage is a wage that respects the job classification for the sector or the classification set up in the company if it is more advantageous for the employees.

£ a fair wage cannot differ for a man and a woman doing equivalent work.

¥ a fair wage, paid in form of gross income, contributes to financing social security and consequently ensures benefits for employees: pensions, sick pay and reimbursement of health care, family allowances, unemployment allowances should the case arise.

our action for 2010

10 minutesmore on break

to take part in the Uni Call Center Campaign to meet yoUr Union representatives to defend the right to a fair wage

lbC-nVKsudermanstraat 52000 antwerpen

CnE-CsCavenue alcide de Gasperi 21


sETCarue haute 421000

bbTKhoogstraat 421000 brussel

- Hello, have I reached the trade union? This is Sophie G.- Hello, this is the reception desk, Julie H. How can I help you? Right... OK ...

If I have understood it right, you have problems with your employer and you work in a Call Center?

I'm glad to have you on the phone – we can help you effectively. We have good union representatives in your company and

good officials behind them.

I am going to ask them to get in touch with you. You are a member of our union and you are entitled to legal assistance if need be.

Have I answered all your questions? I hope I have helped clarify the situation.

While I have you on line, did you know that you are entitled to take part in the general information

meetings organized by the union representatives?

What do you think?

Are you interested?

Can I tell you more about them?

Explain why they are important?

So, I thought I should tell you about them. You won't regret belonging to a trade

union. Thanks for calling and have a good day!


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