The Results Centre Brochure



the Results Centre specialise in corporate coaching that gets results using challenging, unconventional, and at times uncomfortable methods to get results!

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Big leaps forward are never achieved by taking small steps


“Without doubt, the coaching played an important part in helping me win promotion,

plus a large salary increase.” - Cliff Palmer, Gatic

Delivering amazing business results through:

COACHING Results Page 7

LEADERSHIP Results Page 12

COMMERCIAL Results Page 16

KEYNOTE Results Page 20

…and what are the RESULTS? Page 22

“The Results Centre approach is challenging, occasionally unorthodox, innovative and always

delivers outstanding results.”- Stuart Mills, Director, Group Risk, Royal Bank of Scotland

Are you interested in a challenge? Let’s get one thing clear from the start: The Results Centre’s methods are challenging, unconventional and at times, uncomfortable. But it’s called The Results Centre for a reason. We deliver great results for our clients – often both life and business changing results. These results can only happen if you work with us to discover what you truly want, and are prepared to ask questions and take risks.

So what are these results and how do we help clients to achieve them?

The first thing we do is to challenge your inner chicken.

We have a plethora of success stories from clients for whom we have achieved astonishing breakthroughs. You can see and hear some of these for yourself on our website:

We achieve these results by coaching, leadership and management development of executives and teams – all focussed on commercially positive outcomes. As former executives and directors of international companies, we’re used to analysing complicated businesses to find opportunities for growth for you, your people and your business. Our response to business challenges is to develop practical plans, hold you and your people to account and to deliver results – fast.

Whether you are looking to expand into international markets or get out of a tight corner, we’re so confident that we will increase your business and develop your career that we will do something unheard of in our industry; we’ll offer you a money-back guarantee.

The profits you’ll make or the benefits you’ll accrue as a result of our coaching, leadership and management development will more than pay for the cost of our service. In fact, for most of our clients, that investment is recouped many, many times over.

It’s an offer that no commercially minded executive can refuse.


Prepare for take off...


If you are considering coaching for yourself or some of your team you are probably already achieving and performing at a higher than average level. So the question is - how successful could you be, and how much more can you achieve?

Maintaining career and business momentum can be difficult. Sometimes initial success comes in the way you hoped it would; you worked hard and you were rewarded. But when circumstances or the market change, or perhaps you find yourself working with new people in an unfamiliar environment, the ingredients that worked before sometimes don’t quite come together. You are too close to what’s going on and it can be hard to see why things aren’t working so well.

The higher you go, the fewer peers you have to share your thoughts with. That’s where coaching can help. The Results Centre can be a trusted professional friend, someone who can give you confidential advice, challenge and support you, and act as a safe place to clear your thoughts and argue out your business problems.

We look at your business situation objectively and can help turn ideas upside down and look at them from a dozen different angles.

Our support is practical and based on proven, successful methods. We don’t want to impress you or baffle you with jargon; we are here for one thing alone – getting you the results you want.

Once you have started achieving results with us, things begin to get exciting. You find yourself inspired to go a lot further with new goals, new outcomes and new ideas that you wouldn’t even consider at the moment.

“Business mentoring & coaching from The Results Centre is a core part of our business strategy, and one of the reasons we delivered a 30% year-on-year sales increase in our key product category. They have helped us believe we could achieve anything.”

- Nick Buckingham, Managing Director

- Challenge and non attachment (check us out to see what we mean by this)

- We won’t coach you or your team unless you have stretch goals to achieve and then we’ll stretch them even further

- If you like ‘fluffy’ conversations then don’t come to us

Coaching Results


What is different about executive coaching from The Results Centre?

“Alan is a great coach as he gains rapport quickly, gets to the heart of the issues and helps individuals to get fantastic results. Each person he coaches reports feeling enthused and re-energised to

move forward following their sessions - and importantly are able to sustain remarkable changes for the longer term.”

- Wendy Williams, Managing Director of Frontiers CPE Ltd

The coaching programmes that put people on the track to success

Executive coachingTo be a real leader you have to have people who want to follow you, Ask yourself if anybody would choose to follow you and if so why? The best leaders create the future, inspire their team and engender a loyalty and commitment that gives their companies an edge. Some seem to be born with these qualities, but in truth they have learned them (consciously or not). The Results Centre helps executives achieve new levels of leadership, with coaching that aims for results and creates leaders along the way.

Inspired leadership through management coachingWould you agree that the single most important relationship in the workplace is the one between manager and team member? It’s where virtually all current and future performance is either nurtured or suppressed. The wrong relationship can stifle a budding superstar whilst the right relationship can ignite a career. The Results Centre will challenge your leadership skills (and it can be very challenging) with a view to taking your team to another level. And if you or your team, individually or as a whole, want to consider a breakthrough leadership programme see page 14.


Coaching through change Changing circumstances can have a big impact on an individual’s enthusiasm and ability to perform in the workplace. Promotion, pregnancy or mass redundancies can all be challenging. However, any change can be a catalyst for innovation and new ways of working. The Results Centre has helped to deliver exceptional performance during times of change and has created several programmes that allow clients to not just accept change – but to thrive on it.

Team and strategic group coachingFor many, it’s hard to stifle a massive yawn when they think about team development. The Results Centre has noted how pointless much team development activity is, and instead has come up with a tailored package to address specific issues, concerns or ambitions. Our past events are still talked about months and years later – not just for their memorable nature. but also because of the transformation they have brought about.

Cross-cultural performanceIf America and the UK are two nations divided by a common language, it’s no wonder there are so many problems when senior staff are expected to instantly perform at a high level in another part of the world. There are so many subtle cultural disparities that a new appointment can quickly and unintentionally sour a division or department through cultural and management differences. The Results Centre helps you to create unity within culturally diverse teams, and to turn this diversity into a competitive advantage for your business. We bridge cultural gaps within diverse teams and then support them with coaching to reach your business objectives, creating a measurable return on your programme investment and helping you to compete globally.

If risk and fear were not an influence, what would be possible?

What’s the most amazing thing you have achieved in your life?

What would amazing results mean for your business?

What is holding you back?

How can The Results Centre help you achieve the results you want?

Comfort Zone Discomfort


Can you harness the power of conversation?

How can you explore your world of possibilities? What could you achieve if you

set yourself stretch goals?

What would creating amazing results mean for you?

Exploring PossibilitiesBreakthrough


Leadership Results

What is different about leadership development from The Results Centre?

- Yes we will talk about leadership theory but only when it can be applied directly to the delivery of your desired results

- We have a track record of designing and delivering leadership development that is practical and bottom-line focussed

- What are your issues, possibilities and desired results? We will design and run programmes that can be based ’in or out of team’, in-house or out of house that are focussed on the individual getting amazing results for yourself as a leader, your followers and your business.

It’s time for a takeover

“I’d describe the approach as excellent, harsh, honest and completely bonkers, all of which have led me to feel truly inspired, and ready to get the results that I want.”

- Lisa Blake, Regional Director

“The leadership coaching has enabled me to place more value on listening to my team and engaging with them in an open and honest manner in order to find the best way of approaching a scenario.”

- Bob Overy, Operations Director


Leadership Results

If you’re in a role where you are responsible for leading and managing teams you’ll know it is often a juggling act.

We work with successful managers and leaders who want to make even more of a difference within their organisation. We do this by understanding WHO you are. By far the MOST important relationship in a working environment is the one you have with your boss. It can impact on everything from morale, performance and retention of both staff and your clients.

The Results Centre help you not only understand your own management style, but also how you can have a positive impact and influence on the people you work with – your team and your boss.

Working closely with you and in a way that suits your working practices, we have experience of delivering outstanding leadership and management academies that help you and your company achieve results every time.

We ask that you only make contact with us if you can honestly answer ‘yes’ to the following 3 questions-

1. Are you ready for a challenge?

2. Are you prepared to step into your discomfort zone?

3. Do you want to make a positive difference to your teams and your business’s performance?

If you can say yes to all three – then we’d like to talk to you about a leadership lrogramme for you, your team or your business. It won’t be something we take off the shelf but something focussed on your issues, possibilities and desired RESULTS.

You can only be a leader if you have people prepared to follow you


Training courses? Who needs them? We are not in the business of selling training courses. Studies show that the average training programme is forgotten almost as soon as the delegates leave the conference room it was held in. There are plenty of reasons for this, but perhaps the most probable cause is that it transmits material that’s designed for everybody and nobody, which is unlikely to resonate with anybody. That’s why we have developed these programmes based on genuine coaching and feedback principles that (like everything else we do) generate real, tangible results.

What is this new concept called ‘commercial coaching’?

In short, it is why we don’t sell training courses. All of us are selling – selling ourselves, our ideas, products or services. Fundamental to all of these in business are:

- The relationships you build with your customers, your boss, team and stakeholders

- The commercial imperative of delivering the results that you desire in your unique circumstances

Both of these can be delivered through a combination of excellent coaching, which after all, is all about relationship and conversation and a focus on your real issues, possibilities and desired results. This is what we mean by commercial coaching.

Commercial Results

Why we will never sell you a training course


“Through well thought out sessions and strategies Sharon continually helped my

team achieve their goals. Sharon’s energy and enthusiasm is so infectious that only someone

with a heart of stone would fail to benefit from spending time with her.”

- Gavin Bruce, Managing Director, Guardia Media Group

These days we are all operating in a sales environment – whether that is selling ideas to our staff, or selling services and products to clients or prospects.

Whilst there is now a lot of technology around to help make this a more efficient process, for many it’s an area that we are either uncomfortable with or have no formal training in.

A recent survey for the 2013 Albion Growth Report showed that the number one area holding companies back was in fact a lack of skill at selling.

It often comes down to fear. Of being told ‘no’ when making a suggestion. Of having an idea misunderstood or rejected out of hand.

Most service based companies are still driven by human connections. At The Results Centre we believe now, more than ever, clients, colleagues and staff need to be encouraged, motivated and nurtured if they are to realise their potential and perform to their peak.

That’s where we come in.

Our sessions are GUARANTEED to inspire and get you the RESULTS you want.

Our commercial coaching programmes are fully tailored to suit the needs of your business and people. We can create everything from a one day negotiation session to a year long leadership academy.

Our “challenge for change” approach works to get RESULTS. Let’s talk about what results you are looking for and what we can do to help you achieve them.

Here are some examples of our commercial coaching programmes based on past delivery to clients.

Commercial Results

Why your ability to sell is holding you back

Commercial coaching workshops

Prospecting and Appointing: This is a one or two-day workshop getting to grips with new ways to create leads and generating appointments. Looking at the emotion of rejection and how to overcome it.Why it's important to have a plan. Being relevant. Lead nurturing and planning. Seven steps to success. The FBI approach. Where to start?

RESULTS - Tried and tested new business planning methods; measurable formula for business and delegates. All with individual and group coaching ‘interventions’ that deliver your stated desired results.

Mastering Negotiation: Negotiation strategies. Being brave and standing firm. Winning long term business. How to become a partner not a supplier. Why walking away is great for business. Knowing your variables and preparing to negotiate.

RESULTS - Higher value orders, longer term relationships, demonstrable yield increase.

Strategic Selling and Closing: Long term business partnering. Why listening is the most valuable skill in business today. Being a professional consultant. 4 Steps in Relationship marketing. Pareto ratio business planning.

RESULTS - Confidence in bigger pitches and a more strategic approach to business. Retention of higher value business and staff.

The Science of Success:The numbers behind individual and team performance. Know your own achievement levels. How to achieve targets and goals every time. What's your formula?

RESULTS - A personal guide to success measuring performance and efficiency. A map of success for every delegate.

Creativity and Innovation:Innovation is the lifeblood of industry. Exploring lateral rather than linear thinking. Mind gym techniques for problem solving and exercising creative thought processes.Working on real life, relevant business issues, creating new ideas to take back and implement at the office.

RESULTS - New ways of thinking. Creating new solutions in business and embracing innovation.

Strategy Development Workshops:What is your business or team strategy, where are you going, what is your vision? How can you cut through the mire of opinions, data and agendas that you have to contend with?

RESULTS – A clear direction for your team, be it the board of directors or a senior executive or operational group. A direction focused on delivering previously unthought of outcomes and RESULTS.

What STRETCH commercial results do you want your employees or team to deliver?


Words with impactIf you are after a safe, mildly amusing 30 minutes to tell your staff that everything is just wonderful, then please turn the page.

If you are interested in a speaker that has been compared to somebody ‘who turns up at a picnic armed with hand grenades’ then you will have a better idea of what to expect.

Alan Denton is a highly sought-after inspirational speaker who captivates any audience; large or small. He makes an indelible impression on them. Some will hate his honesty and insights. Others will be moved to not only think differently, but also to act differently as a result of his powerful insights.

Alan leaves everyone in the audience motivated and inspired to break through their own barriers in order to achieve their potential.

He has a track record of delivering exceptional results in difficult markets. This is done by assisting businesses and individuals in using strong business development and team coaching skills. Add to this a proven record of profit improvement, and it’s easy to see how all of this experience can make for an inspiring public speaker with a wealth of knowledge to draw from.

As the senior and supervising coach for The Results Centre, Alan is an excellent business and executive coach with extensive experience in a wide range of industry sectors.

By specialising in coaching, as well as creating leadership and transformational programmes in a variety of business scenarios (including international groups), his talks have impact and stay in the memory for a long time.

Keynote Results

“Alan delivered a talk that left many members of the audience visibly moved. It was thought provoking, startling in places and

generated the biggest reaction and discussion by far out of all the speakers we have booked over the past 2 years.”

- Alastair Campbell, The Business Agenda


Client Results

“As a result of the coaching, I gained more confidence and the ability to think differently about what my future would be like. It gave me the opportunity to talk with someone who was impartial, whom I had trust in and who gave me confidence to challenge myself, pushing me into something that I would not have otherwise done.

I moved into a new leadership role, challenging myself in a much more uncomfortable world. I was excited by the prospect of positioning myself as a leader to manage a large team in a new area that was having a very difficult time in the current market.

Coaching with The Results Centre was a successful investment and improved relationships both for me with my team members, as well as for the team with their clients; overall it created stronger relationships, trust and confidence.”

“It gave me a chance to speak to someone who was completely impartial, and encouraged me to explore what I wanted to get out of my role and how I could achieve this.

Since the coaching, I’ve gained a more balanced and considered approach to management and an enhanced confidence in my contribution to the business. It has helped me to realise that you become a leader through the right attitude, rather than through promotion – and my approach to the business has been completely reversed by considering The Results Centre’s ideas.

The coaching style has been challenging, provocative and inspiring. It has helped me to focus on the end result, and how to overcome the challenges I was facing to meet the expectations my employer would have when the coaching was finished. I would not hesitate to recommend Alan and The Results Centre.”

- Jonathan Cameron, Brattle Cameron Limited

- Simon Atherton, Speedy Services


“Before my first interaction with The Results Centre, coaching to me seemed to be a sort of fluffy thing that happened if you weren’t doing well. Corporations tend to do it as a part of their responsibility to improve engagement, and I feel that it could be used as a serious business tool. I was surprised when I had the coaching myself and my view completely changed. All top athletes use a coach - so why shouldn’t businesses?

One of the most valuable things about coaching versus mentoring is the conversations that you have with someone who is external to the business; someone who doesn’t have all the political considerations that you or any of your colleagues may have. Coaching is incredibly useful at getting you into a completely different space and understanding that you are responsible for all the impressions you create in your working and personal life. It puts you back in control, and therefore you become more accountable and perform much better in all areas of life.”

“Probably like many before, I was sceptical of coaching in job role such as mine. I was doing fine, been there years, had A or B yearly ratings for years. Sure, I had a well-paid job, I was in the top ten percentile for salary and benefits in the UK, but did I wake up wanting to push myself to achieve more?

Coaching by The Results Centre to me was like turning the clock back to a time when I was hungry to achieve, to move forward, embrace change, learn and make choices. Having the joy at seeing no boundaries to what I am capable of doing but with a wealth of life experience to avoid the nasty bits.

It gave me back my self-esteem, my self-confidence and self-belief. It helped me to discover new goals and ambitions. Coaching is not an easy or quick win option, you have to be open and honest with yourself and you have to want to change or you gain little or nothing out of it.”

- Kirstin Chambers, Executive Search Consulant

- Toni Panebianco, Barclays Bank

The Results Centre 33 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0PW

E: T: +44 (0)20 7182 4510

We know that The Results Centre is not for everybody.

Our methods involve questioning ideas and assumptions that may have been taken for granted your whole life. We’ll ask you difficult questions that will result in difficult conversations. We know (from experience) that many people don’t like this. We’ve been called ‘bonkers’, ‘dangerous’ and ‘disruptive’. And then we’ve been asked to come back because we are doing such a great job.

We’re not here to make friends. We are here to get results.

Many people choose fluffy coaching or safe training that gets OK results. They are happy to continue wandering down the road getting OK results and leading a safe and predictable career. And that’s perfectly acceptable of course – it’s how most people operate!

“You only ever grow as a human being if you’re outside your comfort zone”

Percy Cerutty

But if you want to shake things up, wake up to the true potential that you and your team hold, then we want to help. It won’t be cosy and comfortable and you might end up shouting at us. And that’s OK too because we will help you to achieve things that at the moment you may scarcely believe are possible. We’ve transformed the lives of many people and changed the direction of many businesses.

So give us a ring and find out why we call ourselves The Results Centre.

Not every business is up for the challenge.