The Rainbow Junction Gazette - Clover...


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PSWTE President’s Letter

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season and your New Year is starting off on a good

note. While Christmas was just a month ago and it is already the end of January, I am having a

hard time believing that we are just a couple of weeks away from the Lenten season.

For those of you that I have not had the opportunity to meet, I am Carol Decker, Board

President for 2013 – a position I am most humbled to be asked to fill. I went on my Walk in

August 1994 and have served on many Walks (including Lay Director for Walk 127), and

previously served as 4th Day Committee Co-chair (with my husband) and as Women’s Walk


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing Board and Committee members:

Jodi Wittrock, Cheryl Goodwin, Andy & Joan Pierce, and Jerry and Char Aiken. Your many

years of dedicated service to the Board are greatly appreciated. We are a better Community

because of you. And a special welcome to new Board and Committee members: Scott

Coffinger - moving from Historian & Kitchen Committee Chair to President-elect; Bobby

Brendt – Kitchen Committee Chair; Dee Turley – Historian; Kathy Hawkes – Facilities Chair

(North/Central) and Diana Wilson and Bob Jones (Gazette mailing for 2013).

As I began to draft this article I reflected back on a conversation I had with my yoga instructor

shortly after the New Year. We were discussing the word “new” as we planned the next level

of yoga she was proposing for me. The word “new” conjured up all sorts of thoughts and

feelings: fresh, beginning, first-time, innovative, untried, novel, different, exciting, scary,

uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and strange. And then I thought of the “new” within the PSWTE

community: a “new” Board and Committee members; a “new” supply trailer soon to be

ordered; “new” (updated) core team manuals available to the teams; “new” Lay Directors;

“new” pilgrims; a proposal before the Board for a “new” team size model in response to the

lower number of pilgrims (more on this in the next Gazette). We are all faced with changes in

our lives; not a day goes by that we do not experience something “new”, including God’s

tender mercies. Yet, there is one thing that does not change - God’s steadfast love and His

unfailing faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23) My prayer is that we as a community will

embrace the “new” and continue to be lights of God’s love to all those we meet and serve

throughout the coming year.

One final note: If you are unable to serve on an upcoming Walk, please continue to support the

Walks with prayer, palanca and joining us in welcoming the “new” pilgrims at Closura.


Volume 31, Number 1 Updated February 24, 2013 January 2013

The Rainbow Junction



Lay Director Thoughts -Walk #210

Back in August of 2004 my wife Erin asked (told) me to go on a Walk to Emmaus. She had gone 8 months prior to me while I refused. I was not in a very good mood that Thursday at Des Moines UMC and I was bound and determined to be grumpy. I quickly found out that being grumpy at a walk is tough to do. From the time I walked in I was surrounded by loving servants of God. It was a very difficult time for Erin the 8 months between our walks but I truly feel that God puts us on the walk he wants us on for a reason. By Friday morning I was emotionally drained but filled up at the same time. Things have not been the same since. I became an Emmaus junkie and have been blessed to meet so many wonderful brothers and sisters along the way. God placed me on certain walks at just the right time to meet people that would help me along my Christian walk.

One day shortly after my walk I walked into the bathroom at my son’s preschool and hanging on the mirror was a poster with 1st Corinthians 16: 13,14 written on it- “Stand Firm in the Faith, be men of courage but in all things do them with love”. I have tried to live that verse since so when I was blessed with the call to be a lay director for Walk 210 I knew that was the verse to use. Our world is full of many wicked things. We are in a battle against what the world wants us to do and what God asks us to do. If we do not ask God what our path is then the world will choose for us. That is why we need to wake up each day and stand firm in the faith and let God lead. It is the harder path but the rewards of eternal salvation are everlasting. Can the world offer that? I am so excited to be a part of Walk 210. It makes me giddy at the thought of being able to serve and give back to a community that has given me so much.

Thank you sweetheart for not giving up on me! Stand Firm in the Faith! Blessings, Kurt Noonan

Lay Director Thoughts -Walk #211

The theme of Walk to Emmaus # 211 is Serving Through Love. I think of what Mother

Theresa said: “God doesn’t look at how much we do, but with how much love we do it.”

I pray that during Walk #211 we will all remember to love as we serve.

The banner shows our magnificent mountain, Mt. Rainier, and a silhouette of someone

having their feet washed. My husband Terry took the picture of the mountain when we were

skiing at Crystal Mountain. My friend Garner Miller designed the banner and found the

silhouette for me. I asked him to find a silhouette of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. One

person looked at the picture and said: “What a great picture of Mary Magdalene washing

Jesus’ feet.” When I showed the picture to my reunion group the comment was: “Looks like

a hiker tying the shoes of another hiker.“ So whatever your interpretation of the silhouette, it

is right. The main idea is Serving Through Love.

I heard Chris Tomlin sing How Great is Our God and knew that had to be the song for this

Walk. The song spoke to me. The bible verse speaks for itself: “God has given gifts to each

of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God’s generosity

can flow through you.” 1 Peter 4:10.

God is truly great and has provided so much help for me. As Walk #211 approaches I feel

God’s presence. God has picked the team and the pilgrims and is by my side constantly

leading and guiding our entire team.

Blessings, Jeanne Kirkpatrick


Pilgrim Lists Men’s Walk #210

February 21 - 24, 2013

Women’s Walk #211

Feb 28 - Mar 3, 2013

Women’s Theme, Song and Verse Theme: Serving Through Love

Song: “How Great is Our God” by Chris Tomlin

Verse: God has given gifts to each of you from his

great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage

them well so that God’s generosity can

flow through you. 1 Peter 4:10.

Walk #210 Walk #211 Church Sponsor(s)

January 24 January 31 February 1

Arnold, Chuck Living Word Fellowship Deidre Davison

Azevedo, Maddie Marysville UMC Susan Azevedo

Conrad, Sherrie 1st Church / Nazarene Anita Dudra

Cole, Randy North Shore Christian Jim Azevedo

Davies, Dann Westminster Pres Stephanie Hankey

Emery, Jada Home Church Margo McKell-Warnick

Franz, Drew Everett 1st Baptist Brian Harpell

Gonzalez, Johanna St. Francis Cabrini Theresa Roy

Gothrow, C Marysville UMC Susan Azevedo

Grace, Jizel Home Church Margo McKell-Warnick

Griffiths, Joy Marysville UMC Connie Lanzinger/Barbara Cain

Gudmundson, Patrick Gudmundson, Jen Allen UMC Rocky & Michele Long

Harpell-Franz, Amanda Everett 1st Baptist Hyesook Johnson

Hutchins, Duane Hutchins, Heidi Father’s House M & S Malinosky, M Touchette

LaCourse, Steve LaCourse, Dorothy Marysville UMC Pete Reeder

Levien, Peggy Cornerstone UMC Kim Hansen

Maddock, Bonnie Marysville UMC Ardyce Johnson

McDonnell, Donna Puyallup UMC Renee Hartloff

Moorehead, Jennifer Oasis Church/Lakewood Kristi Roy

Mulivrana, Laurence Mulivrana, JoAnn Marysville UMC Steve King

Oesch, Craig Westminster Pres Stephanie Hankey

Phillips, Kathi Grace by the Sea Debb Leach

Rolfson, Sierra Marysville UMC Karen Guthrie

Rynning, Elesa Newbridge Community Jenny Baxter

Spence, Mary Lou Sacred Heart Catholic Jeanne Kirkpatrick

Walworth, Ellen (Barber) Federal Way UMC Jon & Karen Short

Wood, Susann Marysville UMC Joan Ricketts

Young, Sharon Everett 1st Baptist Steve & Jennifer Keep

Men’s Theme, Song and Verse Theme: Stand Firm in the Faith

Song: Revelation Song by Phillips, Craig,

and Dean

Verse: “...Stand firm in the faith, be men of

courage but in all things do them with

love.” 1 Corinthians 16: 13-14


Walks 210 & 211 Team Lists

Jesus Christ Director Jesus Christ

Kurt Noonan Lay Director Jeanne Kirkpatrick

Kevin Dragon Asst. Lay Director Tracy Canfield

Stephanie Hankey, Spiritual Director Richard Hargis

Gloria Kymn, John Peterson, Spiritual Team Jeni Gregory, Joy Martin,

boB Sinclair Cole Meckle

Wes Neeley Worship Team Lead Linda Bowlby

Neil Angst, David Bee, Worship Team Judy Allen, Cheryl Dyson,

Bobby Berndt, Steve King Gail Petkus, Martha Rorem

Bryan Lackey Head Cha Rocky Dowrey

Greg Flatmo, Brian Heineman, Cha Chas Jenny Baxter, Dayna Culbertson,

Mike Hoheisel, John Laskey Molly Ford, Kathleen Tuttle

Chris Aakre, Ken Ackerman Chef, Assistant Denise Doezema, Ann Coffinger

Scott Coffinger, Dave Frieboes, Duane Johnson, Kitchen Team Linn Forsell, Lila Kirkeby,

Lou Kooistra, Herman Laninga, Ali Laninga

Rocky Long, Jun Sapida, Connie Lanzinger,

Shannon Malinosky, Ida Richards,

Joan Ricketts, Chris Seifert,

Terry Vander Woude

Bob Harshbarger, John Hart Palanca Boss, Assistant Joan Hewitt, Kay McCarty

Nate Blaschka, Darrin Canfield, Palanca Team Sherry Benic, Paula Dana, Jenny Herrick,

Martin Estell, Bob Jones, Cheryl Howard, Diane Klein, Gwen Kruger,

Mike Malinosky, Terry Shockey, Margo McKell-Warnick,

Bob Short, Dan Williams Kate Pagel, Leslie Pagel,

Charlene Rodgers, Michael Touchette

Speaker Backup Talk Room Speaker Backup Mike Hoheisel (cha) John Laskey (cha) Priorities Karen Guthrie Randi Moe

Terren Musslewhite Eric Villesvik Priesthood Diana Sumner Fedele Mollie Hoare

Rick Snyder Steve Westerside Life in Piety Jenny Baxter (cha) Linda Hughes

Michael Heavener Bruce Raine Growth/Study Debb Leach Joyce Atkinson

Ken Wick Dana O’Blenes Christian Action Janann Roodzant Susan Azevedo

Lance Calisch Steve Anderson Discipleship Chris Potter Jeanne Harshbarger

Curt Vaniman David Richards Changing Our World Bette Kohlenberger Molly Ford (cha)

Bill Howard Bobby Berndt (worship) Body of Christ Irene Wilkerson Beth Zier

Darrell Olson Love Team Chair Barb Olson

Erin Buckley-Noonan Agape Boss Terry Kirkpatrick

Bob Harshbarger Send Palanca to: Joan Hewitt

14806 NE 77th CT 4929 Foxtrail Dr NE

Redmond, WA 98052 Olympia, WA 98516

February 7, February 14, February 24


2013 PSWTE Board Members

President Carol Decker

President-Emeritus Gary Buma

President-Elect Scott Coffinger

Secretary Ann Coffinger

Treasurer Cheryl Goodwin

Spiritual Directors Fred Gregory

Paul Kuhn

Women’s Walk Coord. Paula Wood

Men’s Walk Coord. Bill Gwyn


Ultreyas meet monthly in the following

locations. If you are in our area, please drop in

and share the spirit with us. These Ultreyas are

open to all who wish to follow Jesus!

East King County*

Third Sunday at 2:30

St. Peter’s United Methodist, Bellevue

Bob Jones

(c)206 832-7883 or (w)425 861-2685


TBD: see article below

Faith Fellowship, Silverdale

Jessica Berg

North Snohomish/South Skagit

Currently not meeting

See “Ultreya News” below

Oak Harbor

Third Friday at 7:00 p.m.

Oak Harbor FUMC

Ginger Opdyke


South Sound

Third Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Christ Lutheran,


Lee Chaffee-Birnbaum


Third Friday at 7:30 p.m.

Gail Sullivan

2013 Committee Chairs

Facilities North, Central Kathy Hawkes

Facilities South Karen Claussen

Fourth Day Lance Calisch & Charlene



Gazette Editor Joyce Atkinson

Historian Dee Turley

Kitchen Bob Berndt

Music Chair John Decker

National/Int’l Palanca Georgia Gwyn

Notebooks Nina Buma

Pre-Walk Joan Pierce

Supplies Karl Brackmann

Team Selection Gary Buma

Web Site Darrin Canfield

*Ultreya News* Help is needed to restart the North Snohomish/

South Skagit Ultreya. All it takes is a willing

group of volunteers and a location to meet

monthly (or at least quarterly). Contact Carol

Decker if you (or a group of you) wish to take on

this leadership role. Help is available for meeting


*Great news for those on the Eastside*: Bob Jones has restarted the East King County Ultreya.

They will meet the third Sunday of the month at 2:30 at St Peter’s United Methodist Church, Bellevue.

Contact Bob for more information: Work-425-861-2685 or Cell 206-832-7883.


PSWTE Supply Trailer Update

Funds for the new Supply trailer have been

received and it will be ordered within the next

month. If all goes on schedule, we should be-

gin using the trailer for the June Walks. Thank

you to all who have contributed towards this

purchase. Donations can still be made to help

pay for upkeep and the cost of gas to move the

trailer to the walk locations.

The Board is also looking for someone in the Everett, Marysville, Woodinville, Centralia areas

willing to store the trailer between the men’s and women’s walks when the walks are held in

those areas. For more details, contact Scott Coffinger at

Directions to Walks #210 & 211

Everett First Baptist Church

1616 Pacific Ave, Everett WA 98201

From South: I-5 North to Broadway Exit 192

Merge onto Broadway Ave

Turn left onto Pacific Ave, just past 32nd St

Turn left on Wetmore Ave

Church parking lot on left across from church

From North:

I-5 South to Everett Ave Exit 194

Keep right to take Everett Ave ramp toward City Center

Turn right onto Everett Ave

Take second left onto Maple St

Turn right onto Pacific Ave

Turn left on Wetmore Ave

Church parking lot on left across from church

The PSWTE Board is seeking nominations for the position of Board Treas-

urer. The position is a 2-year commitment. The Treasurer is responsible for

the receipt and disbursement of PWSTE funds, keeping current records, and

preparing and presenting a financial status report (using Quicken software) at

the Board meetings. The Treasurer is also the Board Liaison for the Supply

and Kitchen Committee Chairs, and responsible for mail collection and dis-

tribution. Knowledge of financial recordkeeping and experience with Quicken software is a

plus. A computer with the Board-owned Quicken software is available. Nominations should be

sent to President-Elect Scott Coffinger ( Nominations will be accepted

until January 25.


Address Changes

Please note: now that the majority of newsletters are received electronically, it

is even more important that we have your current email address.

For those of you receiving the print Gazette, please remember to keep your

mailing address current. You may send in changes the following ways:

Send note to: Puget Sound Walk To Emmaus OR

P. O. Box 77314 (indicate PSWTE Address

Seattle, WA 98133 Change in the subject line)

Name _______________________________________________________

New Address _________________________________________________

City ______________________________ State ________ Zip __________

Home Phone: ( )___________________ Work Phone: ( ) __________

Church ______________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________

Check here if you’d like to receive the Gazette electronically

Board Meeting Highlights

January is the "Changing of the Board" time for Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus.

A big “thank you!” to Jodi Wittrock, Scott Coffinger, and Joan and Andy Pierce for their countless hours of service as President, Historian, Kitchen Committee Chair and North Facilities chair.

Welcome to Scott Coffinger, President-Elect; Dee Turley, Historian; Robert Jones and Diana Wilson, Publications snail mail Gazette and Bob Berndt, Kitchen Committee chair. Gary Buma moves into the President Emeritus spot and Carol Decker into the role of President.

Did you know that the mailing of the Gazette costs about $2.00 each? This is similar to the cost of a Sunday paper, and it does add up in our budget. The Board is revisiting the electronic vs. snail-mail options provided to the community. If you receive a paper copy of the Gazette and have an email address, please consider opting in to the electronic version. Contact the Historian, Dee Turley at to get set up with the electronic version.

Next board meeting: Saturday, January 26, 2013. Elim Baptist Church 2410 North 46th, Seattle 9:00 am.

Deadline for pilgrim applications for the Winter Walks: January 28.

Thanks again to our out-going members! --Ann Coffinger, PSWTE Secretary


To help protect the privacy and

security of all persons, the

PSWTE Board has opted to

password-protect the 4th Day

information on the web site.

When you click on 4th Day,

you will be prompted to enter a

password. That password is

decolores. Note: no spaces, no


* Go to to

check out our updated

website, and to keep up

with team and pilgrim



Men's /Women’s Walks #212-213

FUMC Olympia, Olympia

Men’s: #212 June 20 - 23, 2013

LD Steve Westerside

Women’s #213 June 27 - 30, 2013

LD Joyce Atkinson

Team Meeting: May 4, 2013

Newsletter Deadline May 1, 2013

Fourth Day TBD

Men's /Women’s Walks #214-215

Silverdale UMC

Men’s: #214 Sept 26 - 29, 2013

LD Kevin Pickard

Women’s #215 October 3 - 6, 2013

LD Jessica Berg

Team Meeting: August 24, 2013

Newsletter Deadline August 20, 2013

Fourth Day October 26, 2013

Upcoming Walks & Activities

The Rainbow Junction Gazette Puget Sound Walk To Emmaus

PO Box 77314

Seattle, WA 98133

Address Service Requested

Non-Profit ORG

U.S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 484

Bellevue, WA

Request to Serve

on a Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus

Requests to Serve on a Walk to Emmaus weekend

can be found on the PSWTE website at Click on the “4th Day” link.

Be sure to read and sign the Statement of Leader-

ship Commitment on page 2 of the form.

To All AV techs and Music Leaders:

Please remember that whenever we copy mu-

sic, which includes projecting the words on a

screen by whatever method, we have to in-

clude the proper Christian Copyright License

information. If you don’t know what that is or

where to find it, you can contact me. Thanks

for your help. John Decker, Music Committee
