The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism - Book Review


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  • 8/13/2019 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism - Book Review


    The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism book review

    Imagine your religious leader convinced you that, to be saved, you must devote

    yourself neither to good deeds nor to spiritual disciplines, but to your professional

    career and to gaining as much money as possible. The only restriction is keeping

    your expenses at the minimum level to survive. What do you think would happen

    if more than half of your countrys population began to live by this creed?

    ccording to !ax Weber, capitalism would emerge.

    "ack in #$%&'#$%(, in his most renowned and controversial book ) The *rotestant

    +thic and the pirit of -apitalism ) the founder of modern sociology argued that

    uthers /eformation initiated a series of *rotestant and moral beliefs that

    developed Western capitalism to become 0the most fateful force in our modern

    life1, much more sophisticated than its 2riental forms. 3efining capitalism as 0the

    pursuit of 456 forever renewed profit, by means of continuous, rational,

    capitalistic enterprise1, he also linked the rise of capitalism to the uni7ue

    organi8ation of free labor that took place in the 2ccident.

    The author wrote on the spirit of capitalism as an ethic, meaning that the

    development of the maximum profit behavior in modern days was not due to

    thirst for power and wealth, but to a moral shift in society9 people began to

    believe that to accumulate wealth is the right thing to do. -onsidering the strong

    connection between religion and individuals ethical conduct, shouldnt this mean

    that some mystical or religious forces must have driven this moral shift? ince, in

    the !iddle ges, -atholicism didnt provide such a profit'friendly ethics, the

    *rotestant /eformation could be the cause.

    :rom a statistical survey conducted in a ;erman district, Weber ority *rotestants. et his conclusions remained sound, as he >udiciously

    identified the key elements of protestant rhetoric from which the spirit of

    capitalism derived9 uthers doctrine and biblical translation of the calling of ;od

    to salvation as the ;erman noun "eruf

  • 8/13/2019 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism - Book Review


    trade and accumulation of wealth for investment
