THE PRESIDENCY. Popular vote: each state Electoral vote: each state 538 electoral votes 535+3 ...


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Popular vote: each state Electoral vote: each state 538 electoral votes 535+3 270 are needed for the Presidency Electoral college: distrust of the people,

yet minority representation was better

Natural born citizen: to avoid divided loyalties

35 years old, must have lived in country for 14 years before taking office

Youngest President: Theodore Roosevelt (42)

Oldest President: Ronald Reagan (69) Elected for 2 (4 year terms) only

Chief executive: head of the executive branch

Chief legislator: bills must be signed by him to become law, can recommend legislation

State of the Union address Chief diplomat: treaty making power,

appointing ambassadors Chief of state Chief of his political party

Of all armed forces and state militias Yet, War Powers Act Executive Agreements: treaties without

Senate Executive Order: Laws without Congress Executive Privilege: Witholding

information from Congress

George Washington: two terms, Mr. President,

Thomas Jefferson: Treaty making power Andrew Jackson: spoils system, outsider Abraham Lincoln: constitutional

dictatorsip Woodrow Wilson: War dictatorship Franklin Roosevelt: War on Depression

The great communicator-Ronald Reagan The use of the media: FDR: fireside

chat, JFK: television, Excellent negotiation skills: Bill Clinton The use of newspapers, photographs,

early films. Theodore Roosevelt—the first media president

Max Weber: Charismatic personality

Active: several achievements Passive: more withdrawn, less

achievements Positive: Likes the job Negative: Does not like the job

Active-Positive: FDR, JFK Active-Negative: Abraham Lincoln Passive Positive: Ronald Reagan Passive-Negative: Calvin Coolidge
