THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point Hanna and Miss Le· vino attencfod the last...


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THE POINTER . ~ . . .

Series 111. VoL 111. No. 1.


Thi:- year ~- P. T. C. C!itnb!i:;hccl an unpreccclcnte<l custom-that of receiving tho freshman in advance of olC.:er stu­dents. 'l'his makes us real ize more t ht•n CVCr the fact thllt WC arc 110W ti CO[OrTC

and nrc gradually establishing tho eollegc nncl univer. ity custo :· s.

Freshman en roll ment was Scptcn1bcr 14th uncl thnt even ing a mixer party was g iven iu the gym by the social com­mittee. Aliss Seen nssi: tcd the ''Fresh­ies" in getting acquninte<l by leading them itt marching nnd gen era l mix-up gnmcS. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and ea ch wcut L


1)11 •ward fcc:ing not quite so lost but a li ttle more at h :u ne in Cen t ral College.

Saturday morui·1g September 15t h n convocnt ion nssc ,nb1y was held in the n.uditoriu111 to ncquuint the new stu· ,!ent with the ways of our in stitution, awl t.hat evening they were agai n en· tcrtain ed at -a musi ca l party at Nelson Hall. Musical game~ were p':.tyecl and

1 lrtcr there was clnncin g i.n the rceren· tion room. Refreshments w ere served.

Staff ..4pointments 1

For'l..rJsNowMade ·The only pub lic-at.ion outside of the

weekly editions of Uw Pointer, whi '·h we as a school now publish, ' i::i ' ' The I ris,'' our year book.

'' Th e Iris'' forms an important part of our school life for it serves as a re· cortl an<l hclp:-1 us to remember in the years to come all t he worth - while and intcrcstiug·net iv iti es of th e school. Last. .ru,nc at the c lass meetin g, the '' seniors· to·bc '' cxvrcsscd the ir prefc rc1u·es fo r positions on the staff; as a result only such people as arc inte rested _ i!t tlll' a ctivity for whit·h they arc nss1gnetl, arc serving. The 1928-192!) [ris staff is as fo llows: Assistant Editor .... Evelyn Ellio t Senior F.d itor ... .. .. Leonard Sp ri:tgue Home F.c·onominj Editor .. Loiii Gi•hrk<' High S<"11ool Editor .. . ... . ...... . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catherine 'l'ho111pson Grammar Edi to r Madge Dunham Primarv Editor . . . .. Ruth Pi erte Runt! 'Editor . . Palmer Budaltl }.fen's AthlPti<·s . . .. . ... Bi l1 Albrecht Girl's Athletics .. . ..... A lice Hougen Literary Ed itor .... Pau line Buhlm :rn Forensics .. . ..... ... . Cl:ire ncc 'l'eske Music .. . ......... . Dorothy Caw ley Alumni Editor . ....... Leota A nd rcws Snaps ......... . ..... Grace Lapcnskc

........ Loraine Gunderson Gencveivc Card

Dorothy Rentz Features Carlton Lintn e, Nelson Hall Mildred PcrRchf' Ca lendar . . . . . 'Marie Mollcn Organizations . ...... . .. Ruth Hol man Satire . . . . . . . .. . .... Eun ice Riley Typists . . . Sndie Storz.hacl•

... . .... Relma Field . . . . . . . . . . Virginia }~ish

Assistant Business Mana..,cr .. Walter \Vasrud

Circulation Manngcr .. Frank Lasccke The Juniors have not e lected the

AssoC'iate Editor or tho Asso~iatC' Business mana1?cr. These Officers will

·be editor·in-chief and business manager for 1nzg.1930 Iris.

The Editor.

t All ~~~~!~ei~~!~~!~ned at

I receptiohs piven by their respective

J churches Friday evening.

,, <

Stevens Point, Wis .. S~ptembe r 27 . rn2.-; Price 7 c·ents

I Reception Opens' Social Schedule

On Frid:1y night the social season of the College opened with the Faculty reception for t he students, he ld in the d., 111 which was decorated with colored lanterns nnd full flowers. This was the f irst sorial affni r for t he students body as a wh :>le and more than 2j0 attended.

The- students were greeted hy n r e· ccption li ne consisti ng of Dr.# nnd Mrs. Hobert D otlgc Baldwin; :Mi:,;s .Bertha Hussey, dean of women ; },fr. S tei ner, dean of men; l\f rs. Steiner; .Miss Elean­or Davis: 11/i ·s Lucille Gocrbing; :Mi!3S Blanche Tibbitts; and Alrik Gustafson. A ftc r this, ge t -acquainted games w ere played, and this pe:i:>d was -concluded· by a g ra nd march led by Miss Eva Seen. ~I iss Fern Pugh sang II Can It Be Love!" acco:11pan icd by 'Miss Dorothy Kuhl. The rest of the evening wns spent in da ncing. P'unch wns served by mem­ht"'ri,; of. j\fiss All en 's advanced class i n Co- kcry.

Tl11.:i ·co111 111ittce in charge consisted of Thomas A. Rogers; Miss Eva Seen; :\Iiss Bertha Hussey; 'Miss Em ily \Vi l· son; and Miss Edna Carlsten assisted by all the fa1.:ul ty members.

Papers Of Various Schools In ·Library

Arc you interested in read ing papers from other schools'f Perhaps we have au t'Xchangc front your Alma Mater. A.ny· one in t.crested in readin g these Exchan· ges, will fi nd t.hem in th o bottom of t he )fagazinc Rac k in the library. If you have cliffkulty in finding them. :u:ik the l ibrarian and she will give you t he requiTed in formation.

The primary re11s0:n fo r t hese excha ng­es is to give iclcas :111cl a id to t he mem· lier~ of the Pointe r S.taff.


FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Sept. 22 - Ashland . ... ... there

Sept. 29 - )[nrqucttc, l\lich .. then'

Od. 6.- Eau Claire her<'

Oct. 27 - Homecoming -P latteviBe here

~ov. :i - Open

Nov. 12 - Oshkosh .... here

School Attended by Members Of Faculty

~ ivc·r mu eh som~ students may haYc tlislik cd attend ing summer school t hf'y, may seek consolat ion in knowin~ that th ey ,.,.·ere uot the on ly ones who suffered. Several facul ty members we re a lso making use of the summer months in further study. Mr. , vatson, Mr. Evans, 1\Ir. Garby and Mr. Mott attended t he U. of Chicago. Mr. \Va t· son and Evnns both received th ei r 1\{. ..-\. degrees whi l~ Mr. Garby received hi s degree as Docto r of Chemistry. Miss Jonc!t and 'hiiss Allen also attended the U. ot Chicago during the second sCs· sion - Miss Hussey attended Columbi~ U., and Mr. Thompson and Mr. Steiner both attcndrcl nine weeks at U. of , visconsin. Miss Hanna and Miss L e· vino attencfod the last session ot tl1C'

U. of Minnesota while Miss Roa('h at· ten,lc<l there a ll summer. Mr. Piercf' en roll ed in t he se,·o nd session at the U. of Iowa.

Point Warriors Win First' Struggle Of Season 18-0.

Ct)ntml State 'reacher'~ College ·1028 Arra· nge College Edition to the football world opened the

cuncnt EfCason in masterful fash ion, '/· ,·cal Program wh en they defeated North land College JYI~ at Ashland las t Saturday, by nn 18 tO

Indications point to n Uigger and bet- 0 score. . . . ter year in music for C. S. T.C. Tryout!I 'rho entire contest wlnch wa8 pluyec} for · the Girl 's Glee Club began last · hi a downpour of ruh and the eoldcs.t week and vacancies are being fille d ns of went.her wn~ not the battle thnt the fnst as pORSible. Rehenrsnls a rc \Ved- score would in d i<'ntc. Time and agaiu 11e~day at ::3:05 aud all members will members of tlic Point team we re pre-

. receive oue hour of c redit for th is work. vented from i,;cor ing, not by Northland · The Campus Choir which wn~ a. new College, but by Old :wan \Vcathcr hi m·

organ ization last year will resume re· se lf . T he fi eld hein g so wet nnd slip· hcnrSa lR next Tuesda)' at :l :05. 'l'hc pcry it was alm ost imposs ible to move Cho~r is compo~ed of mixed voices an<l ut-out without crawling on ones hnud~ gives opportunity for th o st udy of part and kncc.s, thus the result. si11gi 11 g and publ ic pcrforuurnccs. 'fh e 'L'h c fi rst touchdown of the season Choir appeared before the student body ·in a downpour of rain and th e coldest last ycu r nt different th1es nncl sang bcrts, who by the way is a. ueweomcr a t the Forensic 1\fcet in Oshk o:,h Just to these part s. The Reore came ns o. rc­sprin g. Becu,use of graduation, there :.ult. of a direct walk down the fie ld by arc seve ra l vaca11cics and M r. Perc iva l t he Puqlle eleven with Vrobcl and Al· states that those who a re in terested are hcrts doing the .bulk. of the bull to t ing. to report a.t th e music room for per· P lunge~ off tackle nn<l a round entls sonal try-outs between claRscs or nftcr brought the oval in position to score school. • nnd on a drive off tackle, AlbcrtM went

Ornhcstrn n•hearsals are Friday at over the lin e. Razucr failed to kick t ho :l : 05. ~n the Au_ditoriurn . '!'hose having goal. .'rhc play ing for the rcmaincl.e r _of prenons experience arc cligibl <' . One the f irst quartet: fou nd Stevens Point hour of credi t is given. just us aggressive, hut hampered by tho

wet hall. Nu meron ii fumbl es prr •ntcd

Figures Show Large · Enrollment Increase Registration figures show a very

noticea lJlc gui11 over last yen r. Th e total enroll meut is 383, made u p of 202 new stu<lc11ts aud 181 old students. 'rhis is a n increase of approxi mately ;j0 over Inst year. 60 of these new stud ents :ire boys and 142 g ir ls. 55 boys :uul l 18 enrolled us 1trcshment and 7 lrnys und 24 girls ente red with advanced s tanding.

further sco ring . In t he second quart~r after ~ev oral

nice runs by ).l cDonald, r\ lhc rts, and Vrohcl, Eggt•brecht 's char~cs agai 1i found t.hcmsclve~ i 11 posit ion to nnd this timt! Vroht'I drove off lac.klc to bri ng t h score to 12 to 0. Uazn •r fn il ce.l in nt his attempted kick foi' 1hc t• x tra point at th i:, pr int the re· serves were sent into action to carry 1. 11 ti ll the whi stic ended the half. .

· \V ith the rai 11 .conti11ui11g to fa ll jms\. ns far,.t anti iu just a~ lar~u proportions •ho ''vn r:-: i t.y eleven'' were sent hack to star t t.h c seco nd ha lt , a nd th ey, appa·

IMPORTANT! rently showing no ill effect.a from their hrief rest, carried ·on where they hn'-! left. off nn<l before the quarte r was vi•ry 0 \11 1 Vrolw l h:i d Hcootcd ove;r fo r Get the Bull etin Bon rd Hahit. '1.' he

student hody is 80 large that it is im ­possible to get i11 to pe r110 11al t.oud1 wit.h studcntli in ai:iy other way. 'fhe bu ll et in board conta ins v itul i nformation co n­cern ing the activit ies of n1rious orga· nizations : L oyola, Y. \V. C. A., Y . ·M. C. A. , Glee Club, lfnrgarct Ashmun Club, Science Club, Student Mni1; Lost and Fou nd, and n11y specia l notice of interest to the school. \Vatch the bul1e tiu board at the head of th e main stairway on the seco n(l floor.

Wh at is a class without a tcacherl What is u 1 'footba11 e leven'' without a eonc h f What a rc fans without a cheerleader! F eliows an d gir ls, among you t he re arc many with stroug voices. You shouhl he our cheerleaders. Th er<? nre probably some new students that have held t his posit ion in other irnhoQJs \Vhy not lead cheers fo r ·Po in t co llegeJ The schoo l needs nt ]cast two people to f i11 th is position and can use more. You who are capab le, see C. G. T heis. President of t he Pep Club, as soon m1 possible.

Every Thu rsday mornin g nt 10 :05 t he re is an assembly for the student body. All the. stuclente nrc required to be present at these mass meet ings.

hi:,1 i.ccon d touchtlown of the dny uud tht• fi11al onu. Hozct.ta., who replaced A lhcrt :,1 aitl ct! to put the h:d l in posit ion for thf' f in a l score hy a pretty f orty yard run. Rn1.ncr ancl Smith running in'­terfercncc for Hozatta. blocked in mid r,.casori fu rm wh ile the lin e took care of their men just as ably.

Cc:t(' h F.g1,:'cb rcchtt used twenty -foul' men in the contest, th0!'1e who plnyca nre ns fof lew!-1: L. E . \Vhi te, Klappa, L. 'I'. Smi t h, ·Marshfield ; L ... G. Ch arl es­wort h, Albrecht, .Mainlnnd, C. \Vronke, \Vintcrf-!, R. G. F erm, Flcethnni, R. T . Ban nuch, For:-1, R. F:. Chc•srown, N ew· berg, 0. B. )feDonuld, R. H . Rainer, L. H . ..-\ lhc rts, Rezat ta, ·p. B. Vrohel, K i­to!-tki, Sch roeder.

Miss Welch Returns As School Librarian

:\1 is8 Eleano r W clch who has been absent. for a year while studying in tho School of L ibra ry Science at Columbja U. ifi again hol<l ing her position as sd1oo l Librarian. Upon tiniHhing her wo rk at Co lum bia, Miss Welch taught during the ,mmmcr months at th e McGi ll U. in Canada. It is interesting to note that this is the on ly 1ibrnry schoo l in Canada . Th ere :Miss \Vcleh gave lectures on b ibliography nnd schoo1 librari es. ·


This hour is devoted to the in teres t of t he student hody and they in turn.

. should show their intc r"t!st by getting to the assembly Ol\ time. 1't a ll would comply wi t h this, the re would be more t ime f or pep programs, musica l pro· 1:z--q,ms, and oth er things of interest to all.

During her ahscncc the position of librarian here was hc1d b Miss Lul~ M.aneur.


Vol Ill. THE POINTER No. 1.

Published Weekly a t Stevens Point by the students of the Central \Visconsin State T eachers' College.

Ente red na eeoond-c matter May 26, 1927, nt the post offict• nt S te\·cn ~ Point, , visconsin, under the Act of :March 3, 187!l.

Subscription Price $2.00 per·ycnr.

THE STAFF Editor ........... , . . . . . . . . . . . ...... , .. , ....... C. G. Th eis N ews Editor . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . Fern Pugh Society Editor .. ... •..•.••. . •.... •.. ..•..•..•. . .. •.•. ......... Huth John son Rport~ Edit.or ......... .. .• . .... . ....•. .. .... •. • ..•.. . ... Douglas ~lainlnnd Humor Editor .. ... . . . . . ...• . ... ... ... .. ....•.•........... . Ca rlt on Lintner Girls' Athletics . . . . . • • . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . ..• ..•. .. .• .. ........ Ethel Maes }.,cature~ ...... · .... . . ... . ..•. . ..•.. • . .•....•.........• . . . ..... P earl Staples R.eporters . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . l\[arie l\Iollen

Loui~e Meinke Kathryn Th ompson

Proof RcaJ,•r .... .. . ... ... , . ..... .. . . . . .. , ....... , .. ...... . .. Ethel Madsen Business i\ltLnage r . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . John Pralguski Circulation Manager .... : . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . • . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . . Richard Marshall Facult~· Adviso r ...... . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .... . . .. . .. ..... . Mr. R. Rightse!J 1'yph~t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ray Dagnenu


Ever watch a swarm of bees at work 7 How active the workers are gathering the honey together from miles around to fill the honey- . comb. Th e worker-bee also provides special food fo r the Queen bee but very little food is given to the male bee or drone. The bee family has no respect for the lazy, nonproductive drone. Isn't human life analagous to bee life in that r espect ? Do you fi nd that human drones are tolerated or respected in hom e life, organizations, schools, even the world at large ? Human drones will always remain just a.; the male bee or drone will continue.

Yet you anrl I do not rlesi·re to seek the company of that type of indi,·idual. Then just what should we, as separate members of this in­stitution endea\'Or to do in the coming year so that our fellow stu­dents won't have the opportunity of accusing us of be 'ng a social drone or liabili m the school? Well , here are a few suggestions that come to the writer' attention while writing this article-that doesn't mean that there a re 't many more that you might think of.

In the past few yea1·s, our president and facu lty members have raised the scholastic standards in our school to a high leve l. Pr incipals throughout the state are not.i cing the change and recognizing the ad­vantage of acq uiring a t eacher from our ranks. That's something to be proud of-proud that "·e have graduates in th e fi eld showing sterling qualities and buildin::: a reputation for their Alma Mater. We, too, in a fe \\' short years may, as incliYidauls, prove a credit to our school. Are YOU preparing yourself each clay to say when you face the prin­cipal , school board and town people, " I can be a credit to myself and to my Alma Mater - just giYe me an opportunity to prove it. ''

Second to our improvement iu scholastic standards is the rapid pro­gress we are making in athletics. C1·ccl it is due Coach E ggebrecht for the achievements of last year and more for the promising future. He ran 't win games in football or basketball without your support, youT eooperation. Just how can you help ? Try out fo r the team, if you can't do that , back him with your moral and finan cial support.

Last year, our orator won first place in the state and second in the inter-state contest. That hasn't been th e first time h·onors have heen won fo r our school. That means another record to brea k. Are you going to strive to attain a higher goal f

Extemporaneous speaking and debate offer opportunities for many. Leadership or co-operation in your department, your class, any one of the numerous clubs and societies certainly provide a niche for you. Support some form of student government which would be prac­tical and beneficial to the student body. Just which will you do ?

Don't let 'George'. do it. Bea t him to it.

A STUDENT 'S OPINION Wanta get a library book ? Try and do it no\\' that this new

system has been installed. Evidently some so called efficency expert has spent sleepless nights planning this new arrangement, but their . talent has sure been misdirected from th e students point of view. The average student must spend some time in the school library, and us­ually has to budge t his own time very carefu lly to look up references for different subjects and keep to his schedule. After being told to stand in line in front of the desk we now ,rnit until the librarian ~heerfully informs us that she cannot fine! our book. Any student could pick out the book and have twenty pages read while he is wait­ing in line. Surely the inconvenience: lost time, and extra work over­ba1ances th e cost of missing books each year. This is merely the senti­ment of several students and is perhaps prejudiced, but we a:k libra ­rians, or whoever was responsibl e for this change, to consid~r the stu­dents' side once in a while, and make it easie r for them to work ancl r,ooprrate instead of harder. The library is a place of work and study, l,ut how can we get anything done when we have to wait in line until the one in charge has combed the whole library for each person. H . E .


' ' Good-Night! ''

MUSTA TOOK ENGLISH '~Professor," sa id the college visitor

''I have made my pile and I want to d~ someth in g f or my old Alma Mater. I wish I cou ld remember what studies J excelled in nnd I-

i\fr. Steiner - '' In m,· c lass vou slept moat of the time., ·, · ·

"Oh, wen, in that case I '11 en dow n dormitory."


L ittle Mable - I gave our sick pig some sugar.

Mother - What did you do that for? Little Mabel - To make it welh

Haven't you heard of sugar cured hams?

BORDENS D. D . Boarder - Ia this milk pasteu rized f L:rnd'.nndy - It may be; we got . it

from 11. Preacher's cow.

YES, WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Headline in D ally pa per read :

W atson gets degree Back from Chicago.

Did he Jose It before?

UBE THE SPANKER ' 1 Cou 1d I sec the captain of the ship,

pJeasel '' ...,. , H e 's forward, ~fiss. '' "That's all right. I'm not nfrn id .

I've been out ,•,:it~ college boys.

NO Nl:EU FOR ROLLER SKATES A pretty little shop girl stood on the

comer, Up a long, yellow expen. sive car.

' ' Want a ride, girlie?' ' questioned the lar~e han,;lsome man in it. He was dressed mayn!flcently. Silver g\ ed on h~s vest; his black eyes soarkled and his black mustache glistened .

And so the little shop girl got in and the handsome man rang up t he fare and the street car went on down tho stTeet.

DID HE USE A SCYTHE? l\Ir. Mott - I unde rwent an operation

yesterday. :Mr. Smith - You surprise me. W'ls

it ver y eer)eusf 1\fr. ·:Mott - I had a growth remov l?c!

from m:v head. 1.-l r. Smith :..... Great guns. And here

you nre up and around a nd lookinf! well. Mr. 'Mott - Yes , I had my hair cut.

WHERE DID Tqls HAPPEN? Old man - to dau1<hter's sultor-

1 'Young man do you know what time it ts?"

Y outh - " Y-Yes sir. I was Just g o­ing to leave. ''

Old man - vnn•,b J1as fl•d­' 'What's the mattP.r wi•h this fel'ow? I wanted to ,tet the correct time so I could set my watch."

NOT NOW DAYS ll!ndgc - What kind of a husband

would you advi,c me to ge t T Y.-.tivc - You gC't n single man and

let the husbands a lone.




~ Howdy cn !rybody I El Duce s linging

ink and e \"c ry·thing handy nt everybody ngnin . Th is iutimat e and highly per· so nnl 1.'0 lumn h, no doubt somo what fami lnr to our old readers, and the .Pointe r editor hns Kindly nllowcd us to continue our de\"nsting· aesults upon the privacy of our athlet ic he roes. Por

- our new n•n <lc rs nnd friends, we wish to reHtntc tbnt our sole aim is to make public those snrnll in cidents in the caree rs of pro mine nt men·about-~chool which would ordinarilv be lost to poste rit:," . 1 Nuff said. · Lets Go!

11 • - ..

Scotty McDona ld, midge t stur nth lete und womnn ·hnter, is hereby given the honor of appeuring first in this noble co lumn . Scotch is by no mcn ns a Htrnnger here, ns lust years readers will t e ll ~'O U. Any -how he is in volved in n mighty -l'l l.' H11d ll' . A few wet>ks ago Scott~· waM i:ieen dan cin g (honest) at t he Casino with n g irl frirncl! No more •·nn our blushing hero refu~e and spurn bids to the Dorm nnd to Sorority hops.

Com 'o n gir ls, first come first se rved. El Ducf' of ferl4 a magnifi ,·unt pri ze (to be nnnouncecl later ) to th e first coed who cn n g et Scotty to n dance on tho Normnl flo or. ,vc ' II introducC' vou if heces~nry, but. for P e ter sake IC'is give this hnrct .f>oiled bn chelor some heart trouble. Only experienced neekc rs need npp!y.

'Not her prospective Indy-killer is back 1

in our midst nnd sti ll sing'e. Nono 11

other than Nip Chcsrown. He report:. n vury enjoynblc vacati on, having shot ' three leap-year upplicants for his sturdy hnnd ; besides keeping out of jail nnd refus ing two offers to go in th e movies. \Vatch hi s smoke. It's Toasted! . . .

NotiCei to whom it may concern: I will sJing a ten pnrty from four

to six nex t Snturday ~vening at my home. Come nnd get fashionably drunk by sundown. Both g"rcen nnd black ten will be served. Tnnkl4.

Mike Smith. . . P eeling hilarious o,·er their victory nt

:\ shlnncl Saturday, the following Pointers ce'e brated in the following wnys : Vi c Vrohcl went to church, Nip Chesrown hought nn ice crea m cone, Ren Wero nk c wore his new golf Kni ckers, Glen ,vhitc actually mo ved, nn,l Scottv blew himself to a stick ot Wriglcys. · By heck! .

Adv. For sa le or trade, cheap if taken nt ou<·c, girl ns (?ood us new. ,vatked less than 1,000 miles. Inquire of John Razatti.

Bill Albrecht ~mt nt dinner one day chewin~ on n piece of remarkably tough steak. After he had bent three teet h. he cn llNl the waiter and in · formed him th nt he did not mind ca t · in2 a horse , hut after this would the <"nok ph•nsc remove t he harness first . Ca n you eook, 1.ucicle?

Introducing L . J. math shark, marathon runner, and pilot of the Col.egos' most Collegiate crate. It's a question fo r debate wh et · her or not he wa!i sober when he applied the paint brush, but he sure got a rainbow color scheme. Faso1it e pastime is wrapping his lip nroun<l a bottle (bo th varie· ties), fat women, a nd necking. Likes everything e lse. And Inst of a'l, girls, he works in a filling I Station so he Knows his Oil. Wanta ridct "'

P. S . Rring your roller skates. ,



=S=. =O=C=l=E=T=·Y=dll~··

Rev. Reetz Talks At Meeting Of Y. W.C.A. The Y. W. C. A. held their first meet

ing of this year Thursday even ing at Nelson Hall. Miss Ruby Libbnken, the hew president of this organization, led tho group in singing, after which Rev Reetz of the Methodist Church deliver cd a· ve ry interesting and instructive address entitled 14 Beginnings". This talk was particularly of interest to t he freshman as it dwelt much upon the importance of good beginnings in school life.

A great interest was shown in Y. W C. A. und more thnn 60 girl s, including many Freshman and new students were present. Besides n progrnm, it is J)lann eel to have g and refreshment~ at following mcet1 s which will be held regularly on Thur. ny evening at 7 :30 nt Nelson Hall.


The Nelson Hall girls cordially invite the off-campus students to n half hour party nt seven o'clock every Tucsdav night. ·

Last year the majority of the Nelson Hall gjrls were in the graduating class eonscqi:teu.tly this year the majority ure Freshmen. T hey scent to be having a merry and busy time.

The Nelson Hall family has enter· tained for the past two Saturday nights. On Saturday, September 15 Nelson Hall Freshman entertained all other }..,rcshmcn at a musical part and dance. Last Sa turday September 22 the Nelson Hall g i rls entertaiiicd the students for a short time in the recrea­tion room after a n evening of serenad­ing the married members of t he faculty. 11 Let Me Call You Sweethea rt'' and "Moonlight and Roses" seemed to be the favorite serenade numbers. I wonder why T The hot choco!ate served in the ''rec. '' room tasted as Miss Rowe's hot chocolate nlwn.ys docs taste -'' Like more,'' fortunately there was ''more.''

·r ennis, hiking lHl- hockey arc in great favor these days. • rly every girl is out for one or two of these sports.

Last Tuesday night Miss Laddie Kyle, a s tudent of by gone days, en­tertain ed the girls in Ne lson Hall with music and the readi ng of original poems. Miss Kyle is winning success as a newspaper reporter and as a poetess.

Miss Lurille Scott entertained he r parents and &is ter on Sunday.

M.iss Leta Baxter on her visit home this past week had an auto accident but came through unhurt.

A number of Nelson Hall girls visited th eir people over the week cnd;-Ethel Kelly, in Royalton; Esther Evenson, in Ri o: Genevieve Lenby nnd Mary Lea, in Waupaca; Dorothy Cawley, Margaret Fehl, Irma Brrl"h ler, and Hazel Scbroe· der, in Wausau; E ve lyn Sivertson and Maurine Tavis in Aubunrdalc; Emma Bosom in MarRhfie1d; Ellen Mille, En ­deBivor; Anna MeWilliams, Westfield ; and Dorothy Oleson, Mosinee.

Faculty Joins With · Students In Frolic Satu rday night Miss Husscv invit ed

n il students nnd unm arried mCmbcrs of th e faculty to Nelson Hall for a. ''$erc­nndc Party." After guthering at th e Dorm they se t out nnd visited tho homctt of the married members of th e facu lty. Songs were sung in front of the homes and most of the fa cult y rt'· spondcd and joined the group. Everyone re turned to the Recreation room ut ~ elson .Hall where they were fo rtun ate m hearing Mr. J , \V. McLnin t he v b1it­ing Harmonica nrtis t from' Chicngo. Hot chocolate wns served.

Rurals Elect Teske As Club President

Thl:' Rural Life Club held its first meeting on· Monday night in the Rural Assembly room at which pract ically every member of the departm en t ,•·:iR present. Mr. Neale welcomed the 11~

members and introduced Miss LaVigne, MisA Ha nn a, l\Jrs. Neale and Miss Ron di. "'

At the business mee which fol­lowed, officers for the first semester were elected as follows: President . ........... Clarence Vice President .... . ... . . Irl Thurbe Sec retary .. . ....... Ethelyn Smerling Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Herbert Sec

After the buSine"ls meeting an hour was ~pent in a social wny, games and dancing.

Apples and pea nuts were served Ly committee . of girls und er the diredio of Miss Hann a.



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Home Made Candy -- AT - -




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The character of the suits and overcoats tailored by Charter House will earn your most sincere liking.




Announce· Rules For Girls Sport Events

'l'hl\ g-irll'< .\tlil t't i 1· .\ ssoda tiou (G . A. A. ) h::in.! :1lrcacly reorganized for tlu· llt'\\" sc hool V<•ar. 'l'hl•,· ha,·,, as tlwir sloga11 "Spo~ts for all ." all for Bpo1·ts." Th,· h t•ad:- (If tl1t.• variou:,1 dl•part111t..•11t~ are a~ follows!

H earl of th(• Hiki11g- a,ut 111i1\!H sport!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :\ l adgc Dunham

H c:icl of Hask l·f Bnll .. ........ . . .. Agnes Sparks a11d Dorot hy Vil~rtt' I.

J-l ea<l of J-1 01: kl'Y . . . . . . . .. . . ...... , .. 'Ethd .:\la cs and )larjur ic Craw ford

Hearl of Volley Ball .. Vt·ruh· c BchnkC' I-l ead of Stunt~ .. . . . .. .

Luc illt• t{ru111m, Eunin! Hil<'y , a11d Lul· i11 c 8f·111n i,l t.

1 [cad of 'l'C' 11 ni~ .. ..... . . .:-\ li ce Houge n Hrad of Horsc~hol' pitt.·l~ing- . . ... . ... .

. . . . . . . . . . . . Winona Rooln Pu lJ li titv Commill t..•c . ..... .. .. . ..... .

.. .. 1' .. ftlH'l 1fadscn 11 11<1 Gladys Cut ler. Soda! Com mi ttee .. . ...... . ... .. .

Betty S ippy, Gcnt•,· it.•vc Cn rd, and Ruth Piere<" .

All j?irl s wh o are iuf.hcstcd i n ~ts nc l'lig- ilJ le fo r membershi p, nnd are u rged to l'OllH' out .

T h is year a cup will h e prese nted by the G. A. A. to th e class hav ing tlw largest num ber of points as a result of purt ir ipation in sports offered during th e three seaso ns. P oi nt s arr ob tain ed ns f ollows : Class hnving larges t numhcr:,; of girls uut during the three seasons ..... . 100 }"nr C':H· h girl in k1111i :,1 tournamC'nt J O Wi nter season For ua eh girl 0 11 ,·u ll t•y ba ll team 10 F or eac h J.!irl in liasket ba ll . . . . . Hl F or each g irl ma k ing a per foet score

i n stunt tl"'sts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 :,or each girl makin a perfect st·or c

in three-fo ur t hs · t 1c tests . . . . 15 For each girl making p(• r fl"' l·t score

in one ha lf of th e ll"' s . . 10 Spring season For each g irl on tra ck kam 10 Por each girl in horseshoe pi tchi ng

tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 r•or ench girl 0 11 baschall t en m 10 T r nnis Tournamt•11t ( intl'rm cdi :1tes and advan ced ) }.,i rst place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Second place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 T ennis 'rourname11t ( Bt• g inn crs) First Plnee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Second Pln"o . . . . . . . 30 Rest in!li,·idua l score in raeh of the following . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2!'i

1 .Tennis tes ts 2. Volley b all tes ts 3. Base running 4. Fiftv vard dash :i. PotUtoC race 6. High jump 7. Bnscb:11 1 d ista 1lC' C t h row 8. Rasketb~ll di s tan ce t h row 9. Low hurdles. 1'ennis practice Tuesd3ys 1 nnd T hurs·

clay at 4:00 to 5 :00 Sa turday 9 :00 to 10:00.

llo·:kcy Pract i ce 1 1Ionda,vs, and Fri· days at 4:00 to 5:00, Saturday 10 :00 to 11 :00

P ract ice games Saturday mor ni ngs. The girls did some commend able work

last y ea r and from the beg inn ing th ey ha ve made so fa r , we ca n expect even better Tcsults.

Y u UR

TAXI Phone 65

MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR Hel!l!, Clothing Co.


CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits and v~g~tables

Phone 51 457 Main S t.


:'\lt•w-:'ll l·,,·. f ' m so l'Xdh•1 l l t· an scarl·t· · ly walk with del'O l'llm . Bn!rythinJ,! is ~u thr illin g! To 1Jl•gi n w ith t he re 's th e Ill'\\' roo f . Yon k11ow thL· rL•gt•nts de· dtled that we m·l•d ctl ach·er tisiug, so lh t· , · :tdvc rti s('d u~ wit h th e trnus-con · t ie1;ta l air rouh'8. But - hm 't i t pretty?

Th l' II tl i,-rt· an..' the fres h men. T hey t·o n1t• h<' rL' , with rou1nl innot·cnt ey es ::10 prl'tty t ha t Js :see ms n shame tu disillusion th em about th e easy joh of tC'ac hing. I had a ve ry interesting tinh.' thi:s Inst w eek following t hem about, listening to t heir commen ts a nti sharpen ing my (• l:nvs 011 t he tree trun kR whi le t ht•y ,n~rc :1dmiri11g ou r .A rchi tcC· t n rc. }.lew! )few!

Oh, I mustn't fo rget t he old ga1lg. l rea lly wande red clown the halls 3 ·

wh ile anrl stumh lcd ove r several c·ou plcs parked 011 t he stairs. Imccliatcly I k new I was nt h ome ! Meow-ifco wl

Of course my tour of inspect. ion in• d uded the mec• ti ng of my old fr ie nd s-, t h(' teach ers. T hey look mul'h ns u sua l but ins tead of some old faces , I found new ones, antl inst ead of some 111:! W ones, I fo und old ones - rea11y_ :11·1• 11 't things t urned about queerly t h,•st• days, P urr-Purr.

I h eard one of t he F reshmen say that hl"' 1' roo mmat e was th e cat 's meow. I trn1k tha t as quit e a compli ment s in ce r ha<l been s i11 gj11g ou tside of he r window for se\'(' rtt l hours t.h c night h e· fore arnl T nm hones tly proud of m y voict•. Some ti111 L' I :1111 l!oing to give :, l'OJ11·1•rt, solo, you u11d crs ta11cl, to de · 111011 strat e my n1,ilily .... ;

Uut tha t was n ' t what I ~tarted to su,·-uow-what di,l I s tar t to say! 'l'l~at '::1 all r igh.t, - i t l·a 11 wait unti i

uc.-xt t im e. P ur r ing ly you rs, The Kampus J{at.


Gents' Furnishings and a Complete Line of Ladies' and G~nts' Sh0ts

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h ours work afte r clai;set,1. No e x> per ie ncc. or in ves t me nt n eccs:;a r y. We ha ve an openln1; at the Ste ­\ 'C n 8 Point :=.talc T eac he rs Col ­le~c. Appll cntlo ns con sid e r ed I n ord e r of t:1e lr rece ipt. \Vrlte t o­day ro r free p:1.r tl cu lars.

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