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THE PLATTSBURGf T J T I L I T T — " T a r n O r t a t M t O o o J o f t i t *


THE REPUBLICAN. Ii"W heeling ha* beer a'rm**' en'irp!* afk lag this winter at r.a:t«?>iirrt-. (.»• :! >c. who indulge in that stiTinir *;>ort «ax :•••"•> it plenty of time Tet, an.! that » m » » i - ••: our beat ice boating during the '.._•' w.i.i-of March.

THB announcement i» made that the J A J. Rogers Oo. of Anaahle Fork* w ; carr»

the power from Black Brook to thmr wn'pr

power at Alice Fall*, below Ke«ee\.;ie, where there iee mechanical pn!p niili. The dwtartce te about IS mi lea.

W »T»K tn the low.r reservoir of Plat to-bargb waterworks wan lowered about «ix feet daring th. fir. at the electric light plant and there la Mill mwd of using it with »« little waste aa possible. There m plenty of water tor all legitimate needs, bat nooe to throw away.

THCBB IS yet open water in front of Piatte-bergh, and there l» no immediate proepect Of its closing. Lest year Ransom's stage began runniag ecoss the ice to Oram) l*le OB the 8th of January and there wan a good eeaano of crossing. The ice ha* frozen aevea* IBM) winter several times bat each time It woe broken up by th. .oath wind. aod there 1» no prospect of crossing at

Tlio |)i>l.innri< .*, l ln<l«on C n m -•*»••>.

\ '-ii *. N V J«-..i»r\ 12" . 1 '.*V'> M :> H < • x • ' . " ' i " i ' i . ; at'er.ti >n pirto .

* i • * - ' » ', i v 'tij"oa Hr'! rrt i'""" of The •t." .•! • a.'\,-u •',„ [le.awaru ,\ H<1 l»On t" '!;);»,'i k • *». fnr ar ! w !•• »« !m I ." i ! -• ~\- T . .* -:-*' J.'1*', 'f.e L"-f-iN*«: rarrier of '• .•*••>• " i i . ' , ;r. •*-..• c.»u»it'\. wiahe . to ae-r\r. n «.-,•,,•,„ n j , ..T-iains; P u ' w r n 1 ! . ' » r -.njr T m rs i •',.. a I r v . t a i ' u . of H f'e.. und

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tnir t!.f »»Mi«i en.i.t^p.i ..•. nut W ..[...IIP-I II D.^ltfn- ^ I « Irvhc* ir; « v nn.l *« fin i..n w ni>*v h* .1

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\'hn' T. N Y . *» a." t»» '.th l«ir, Th<-Y mu-t r»

u: i<ir wraptipr "l'i»tpr .i*iirn*».t nn.l aoard rwar^

p.wtfT an.! ttpnanipof the »l-*rHip wir*.|..t#. whi- h will Hit' award h>« Nppn mid* i..ii.<t n.»i ^ I«>M« than U.*sM Nhie f,ir en.nrirt-»ftil or re-

. The ixtrt-nipiT i^.Hii'iful rw>nitj« now ob In n. i ;r. Ihr-*. . .! >r t-rir.T.nfi l*»^vt« K wide sc ipe t.. t'ip H't•»• mi! i>rfU.r«Ti.'p all other ma'tera l».;r e '<;u». « '•'•: t«- i t p a to the design ar.l.H>>le for rrprmiuriT g the 1'iwtpr in i-oiura not eii'p«(i-ine i hrw

TH« B P « annual convention of thp NPW York Mote Grant* will bo

Feb. 7, 8. 9. and 10. The cniiPMof OgdPBObarg extend a cordial inTitation to law QfBBtw* of the State to Bttend. One •ff me taattai will be a boreaa of informa-0OB wbere istoraMtioa will hedtepeneiHl free, aid Graawen will be directed to an> hotel or boardtng BOOM in the city, and wili be eapplied with timp-tabieo. proer»mmp«, etc.

If thp rpsponspo arpaatisfactory in numbpr ami :hp ijnaht> of the work a* high a» PX-ppc'el. ii w proposed to pxhii>it the Po»tPr»

. . cnllpctp.1 in Al'mnv and pocHirtlr elsewhere. hel I at Ojdene- i The Dpiawarp A Ha Ison rpp»rvp« the risrht to withhold both awards provided none of

the deaisns reach** the neceeaary atandard. The Delaware & Hudson reaches an im-

prppeive numrter of toarigt reeorta, the moet prominent of which are Saratoga Sprines, Lake Georee . Lake Champlain. Plattariurii, Sararar Lakp, I.akp Piari.l. West port, E:iz»-beihtown ard other Adirondack reeorts, Co'-perti'owp ati.l Sharror. t-crinirs.

T'.- (' . .II i'Hii n.H't 'H'tia H Hnperior train w r i '.•' . M ' n ' . . ^ 't.e mo*! m.nVrn r.^nrh *^|aipnit!it, Otjoervaiion P x i o r Cars, Ja'e Cart, Dhrimr Car*, etc It aisfl •watswk* the haBdaome Seet of steamers pljiag aw Lake Georeeand Lake Champlain.

Sumeroni pnbiications toaebinc <w die Dataware It Hadaon territory are leased for frrataitooa distribution and will be seat ta eampetitors and others on receipt of aa follows:

"lee far tee'

rtoeatawalai there, bat tee roots were all

r o o d to the •primr of the

»Uw Devil, la a fnrtoas beat.— ' half tills thae. that's clear "


SodtvMe. - i , - — . ^ . » ~ . to MI: be leek Ike dry stabWe. and orted.-

balnw tfcere riant well, of Bnokertby

ted. desurtptire snide to the famous northern re-wwla. Aamtoaa epiinca. Lake Q*oc«w. Laa* Champlaia Hotel C.iamplaln, An 9 a b l e » » t a v ti>« Adirondacks. Co pentown. Sharon (torlaaa, Lak« 9*. Caiberine. Lake Bonweeen, and awav other charming, cool country place, alone the ptetnreoQMe D A H Pontage -to.

••Tun AnmoM>»< K«, ..rR(jRHTSjiTToniLPL»T-«aorKi>"—A unique and beautlfal folder telllnf jn«t what y«o want to know about the Adiron­dack*. Fully illustrated; maps; one. two and three ('ay tours, etc.

••MOMTK««L JSIB rorpisT!""—A descriptive guide to tt» f u y of Montreal embellished wttu thirty fine p'ctures. P. st ige 2o.

" H I For» EBJIS"—Excerpto from the history of travel net ween Montreal and New York from 1792 to 1904 Pof toge le

J. W. BlRDU K, General Passenger A g e n t

A . A . H E A R D .

Aast. General P a s s e n g e r A g e n t .

Two mpn wptv k l » ! a' a railroad croeam^ Jan 17

Two men w.»re killed by thp p*plo«ion of a h u l e r at GraTp* M.iuntain. (J».. Jan. 17.

Three mpn perished in a firp that hurppd four houaps in Harniarviile, Pa. , on the niirht o? Jar.. 15.

S.i m»n wpre k.ileil in th.e Docatar Coal Co "* coal rninp at P'Tatar. Til-. Jan. 17, from the effpets of a fire. .

Therp was an earthquake at Shemakha, 7f miles northwest ot Boko. Russia, that killed hundreds ot people.

Three persons were killed Jan. 12 and a score injured in a colli-non on the Santa Fe Railway, ne»r Raton. New Mexico.

The R>y»l Victoria Hoepltal in Montreal was damaged by Ore §150,000 laat Saturday morning. None of the patients were in­jured.

Two women of Wetervllle, Me , aged 55 j and fiA, perished in the barnine of their

hoarding house in Boston about 1 a. m. Jan. It.

A wholesale reduction is heme made in thp Government force in the Yukon Terri­tory, through the acting Governor, Major Wood.

The weather in New Brunswick' Jan. 15 was the coldeat known there in 50 years, thermometers going from 40 to 50 decrees below iero.

Mary Kieff, aged 19. of Lockport, was shot tnd killed In the Pearl hotel. Buffalo, Jan. 18, by an Italian, aged M, who then killed himself.

Two men were killed at Bedford, Inri., Jan. 17, bv a dynamite explosion in a wagon in which thev were driving, caused by jar­ring of the wagon.

The n>cent frost on the Riviera has ren-derpd the beautiful gardens of Nice and its neiuMiorhood iipur!\ r.arren. The damage is est imated at f 900,04*0.



[•pedal Correspoedeaee.l WASRINOTOH, D. C , Jan. 11

The President's aonoaneeaseot that ha proposes to call the Congrese in epecialaaa-•toa, waich ha* bean aotborUatleeJw attkeagb aot uafclaliy Baawe, baa iinaainiinil eaaatar-BatioBiBtbeUeBatewBeiwtbeold liaa.eoa. aereative leader* regard «*ery propoaitioa waeiaa; tor ite peraoae the exteaatea at tod-oral oeatnl oeer the railroada of the ooaa-tryaa*«aodaiierJc"aod BkJaa, ohaifasaa of the taawal with tola does of

•trwstkM wort; of Bjeat Co. at magan Palle teU iato the and waa awopt oeor the aaOa, iaa. IT.

A BOW raihaay. the 9pokaao Iateri>atW>aal, • to b« baUt froai Hnatawa, WaBaiagtoh Territory, toeoaaect with the Oaaadiaa rV eifle. A tfty year treafc agweaieBt made with the C. I*. B.

The Pat Stock. Beildtne; io Park, Ottawa, oollapaed Jan. 19, for the eeeood time within a year, and ia a total wreck. There waa little or BO enow on the roof, and no wind waa Mowing.

A oertiDcate of incorporation of the Corn­ing, Keoka Lake and Ontario Railway Com­pany waa filed Jan. 14, in the offlce ot the Secretary of State. Of the 96 miles of road bed 3* miles have already been built.

Five persons—Wm. T. Mason, a lawyer, his wife two children and maid, perished in the narning of hi* bouse at 130tb St , New York, Jan. Yb. It la thought the Ore started in the kitchen or near the furnace in the cellar.

Mr. Booker T. Washington, president of the Tuekegee Institute, who lectured in Wichita, Kansas, Jan. 18, waa refused ad­mittance to the hotels of the city, and in­formed that "colored people were not eoter-tained there."

The dead body of a woman who had evi­dently been fraasn to death was found near the Kenwood bridge, Albany, in the woode, by two boya mat Sunday, at* waa appar­ently «t or 45 yeara old aad there waa BO

to her identity.

CURIOl'S fACTS. Paris had 10 miieijee In one day mat


Prairie <lo£r« ar« decreasing with the ad-'» ce of c'T-ilizttion.

There was a snowstorm in Rome Jan. IS for the first time in ten yeara.

High water in Ar zona taet we*k broke thejbanks of Irrigation ditches and damaged crop.

A man won a smoking contest in Parle bv keeping a cigar a'ight for two hours and 20 minute*

The London Crystal Palace accommodates more people than anv other building in the world. It will bold 100.000.

A company baa been organixed In Pari* to build a railroad to the top of ML Blanc It will cost about S2.000.000.

St. Catherine's lighthouse, law of Wight, ha* been fitted with a flashlight or 15.oao.00a candlepower, reomcicg one Of 5.000,000.

The world's largest dredger Is now docked at Liverpool. It t« 200 feet long and can raise 1000 tons of hard material an boar.

Pineapples are now sent successfully from South Africa to Europe, packed in a epe-ial kind of peat, which prevents rot or mold

Capital punishment still exists in Swltxer-land, bat all dealh sentences Imposed within the last half century have been com­muted

H L Bowden of Boston made a mile in 37 seconds on his automobile at Florida Beach, Jan. 15, breaking the world's record

! by two sectwjuo. By the harnessing of Kakabeka Fails near

Fort Wtllian and Port Arthur, Western Canada, it is expected that 30,000 horse­power will be developed. ]

MKJ George 0. Squler of the U S. Signal Corp* has discovered that tree* may be used to catch wireless telegraph messages and ; convey them to the ground. ,

Three women cor verts from the Gospel Herald Society of Philadelphia wete bap­tized in ice water at North Cramer Hill, tt. | J., JOB. 1% with the thermometer at

miawwa '"

He struck me and I hit him, p** ' ' brother Bat it was quite frier ... * hastened to add. lie is my brotaer, haven't seen him for a long time.

Asnim -Well, if you don't like wh» don'i you get another onp* would Ifl waa sure Td like it any better.



Lote-o' time, said Uncle Eph'm. whea yo' hear a man a-talkio' to hiaaef he's dota' it to keep rm lieterin' to wot his cooedence ia a-tryin'to t*ll lm.

Tea, said Newhwed. my wife aad I are housekeeping now. She prepared oar Drst dinner last night with her owe fair baeda.

How wae it* aefced Bacheller. Well, the nam end raisme


Mr. Jackson — Ah wukked oner time yeeteddy an* aebtmh got ao pay ferit

Mr. Johneoe- How'd you eome to do it? Mr. Jackson Do boy failed tar wake mo

up at quittin' time aad ah' eiep two toan after six.

Mrs Trait-My hosbexd ia a eort of Jack of all trades; be can do almost anything-

Mrs. Gay boy—And mine la a sort of Jack of cub*; he belongs to Dfteea different so­cieties and can do almost anybody.

(from theOhioaco Record- Herald* Men are right* on*, men are bad. According to the meal you're had. Punming thing* we think will Mesa. W . loae the hlmeing* we | m w M . How can life he reckoned »weet By him whoee new shoe* pinch bis feat? Whether the world I* kind or ooM Depend* upon the job you bold. t>eek not to gain the peaceful life If n. t fair gem* bedeck your wtfe. Toiling'* uaelee* or worth while According to y..ur store of Wle Th* future's drew" and dark or hrigtit To match the dreamv you had laat night.

i Haw r«v«w>. M

•1 owe | Mawt W l v c a H> fhatt - » |

H"d ' ' to marry them aalea* they are eeir-ecpport-Ing. ThieM the startltwg dedMtioa made by the raited ftut«* Bwreaa of Labor la tm report. The marriage rate among wnojea who work aed among wnmsa with money is mach higher than amoag womea who am oeiiherworkere nor rich, aad the dtepropor-tioo ia aanaally iaerwaetog

All rich women, aceordiag to the tteiaaa. have nooortanltles to WMMTV. generally speaking ail working women have equal oBpnrtaaitiM, bat the mast depend eaeervaim te do the boose-hold work aad aa their bastmaas to sanely all the heesshoM laosme are betag arivaa from the wstiimselal aaM.

Fewer ibaa eas half of them marry now, aad the pemaatag* la eteadily diminkming. The Aatertaaa ssaa to Bmnag It haraer aad

1 part a a in |iri laamm wife aad family. Ftr* came the daorwaeem taeaamtwrof chtt-^aa^Pal a w aawV aaWw^aw^saB dawwSwve^aaana a W m a l * a V a M B

what • ealksd ••awoam^asa^ amtfimeay. IgaMaf Only 18 par caat. of Amwrtoaa married . . .

• W M M S iamsatle aareaats. AJthoagh ' I V "

mboeaahotd aerviee la lamsaslag rapidly, the aem-wr of famUiea m which they are em­ployed is diminishing. The boasefmida with n maid of-eJl-work or a cook and a maid are annually fewer, and the great eetabBsh-ments with n retinae of eervanta are grad­ually attordiag a large proportion of domsa tic employment

Nine per cast of the married women of the United States work tor wage* apart from the performance of their household dutiea Twenty-three per cent add to the household Income by taking boarder*. More than one family in tve has its children at work. Mora than M par cant of the earning* of the average American family cornea from the labor of the wtfe and the children.

The old type of American who supported by his own earnings his wife and bis children whose home waa his own and who occupied

anrnga m

Mt wan* marl la msfftferdw laat, aa*

f W W V a l llawf a f M a f M

that pretty Sarah Tattle, aad her peat* ar door peete for all he her gtovea aad demanded a khm Thau the twain eat down on a beach, aad he amaai her and she klseed him aad aa they ramala-ed for upwards of halt aa hear, asaeearei nv liable witnseese deckvad. Oaedmaa Tattle was nataraliy macb enraged at each bwav taroas behavior, aad he aaed Jaoea tor la-veigllng. No denial was possible tor the orward yoath had he inclined to the pwa, aa evidently he did not and Base aad the whipping poet seemed inevitably hay potttea. • a t a a raahaaaagaBd aaaa amma aa mm

f»«an thirty day* two par eaat h a wwt

i m afl taiwj reawii frw the date hat iiat. Mrast at taw few* of eas per espiratfaa of asM akttr iaa

Peawl Pmtishmajh. iae ts.iaia. j M i r a t


Trntmai awTlsawVmgte

tinchea lowgattaa ofthespmal ofewiiaga. —

SdenMsm baaa dTacovarad that hi Mm _JJ Black Sea daap^ahmm aia UUed by sal- J o pburetted bydrafjuu, ( a n n u s u y IBwoawat- BW| leaj sxierotMB which aaka Ukso1 aaaw bt lha ^ ^ oo*e at the bottom. i a j |

Fifty nine persona permhed at Masedal. M Bfi Norway, Jan. 1&, trom a tidal wave caused by an avalanche ot rocks iato LoenTand Lake, which ia surrounded by moanlaina 5000 io 6000 feel high.

Swlw steamboat companies, to avoid dis­putes as to the age of children, have estab­lished measurement rules. Under two feet in height go free; children under four feet four and dogs pay half fare.

Since vaccination waa made compulsory In Madras In 1884, deaths from smallpox rarely exceed 10 a year, while before there were hundreds and often thousands of daatha from this disease in a year.

The "botanical dock" ia the name of a flower that ia grown on the Iathmasof Tebauntepee. It is said to change color three times a day. being white In the morn­ing, red at noon and blue at night.

The leading railroads of the country are placing unusually largo ordote for steel raila and it BOW looks at though th* praAMtioa of steel raila ia this eoaatry will nmaant to 3\«m.0ea toua, which wttt beaaomfhaaeaar

KaCMy pvtMd fey taaatt •


They agree like bells; they want BOtmaf but banging.

Soft words hart not the mouth. He that will not when he may, when ha

wills he shall have nay. There goes the wedge whore the beetle

drives It He that staya ia the valley, ahall aeear gat

over the hill-A good tale, iU told, la atarred la th*

telling. He that will eteel a pin will ahm^abattar


(7ae wTeft ooaaaaeif oa Jaartt JVAW) [ *

Thaaanaal laport rtmaaa, CoraeUua 1 pubttcJanlC

At the dose of the I tomnerSB, 19H, the AaaatB,ma|| Stag as




i of the I

i lea i to aH

i aad at its point-m avaraga ofTt

I a a

asy, aamiilag warn limiaUs, hilled two " ^ 7 2 . pswWta, IhWiamaT h^ajal uawt*Wa«aaSw> (*«»•*" — f . • . J _ . — - — _ _ | a ^ ^ * • ,— n ar t a w a t l a kaama a a H U B Q am 4mVVa>HUF •mr'wHmatm O B awaw a w W a V V * s jPSaa . I ****** *****

It, Taaam^aaaamalaimata^

HBL LFotot. Oaaaam i

laiwBtatoitlBaf ty-


l a f t a t

The United S aaarasyotlhe found that the \

of of mabaaa araattva

aOUaaB.bat theWheaaaear

i hi thw'aftf at

aaaaaank^a*. ^aa_^Mav awa.A. _ _ ^ . _ fBm,__,av " Vgaj^agg^gaaaaaaAhi A-M^ft^p^^Agi— aaw4uaJamamy mma JkjaaammmaBmm. | | - 4 n | - _ _ _ a B B a - _ A ^^^^^^^ maammah, aaaa. ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ • • • • • • ^ g p a W B P ' w i


In reeognitioB of the marUa at th* Be. aStoe'Anti-Pain Pttm for thereoat at haaaV acha aad pam to which naatr* aaamaahjeat

aamahjj the Dr. aWsa aV^aml Cav mffl tor-ak* a trU package ot tattewafreetadmaaamoriaanaf

Aay taadar of thm paaar waa

aaiaaaaf oat •

laftmai aanngthajwa*


•at . I t mat,


w y aj*»> iaa i , .n lawjp -


* | ^ I T ; ; T




: tahaa A

Maw Tark city last thehriagtag of pat*

i tawOatsfttUa, 97 milea. throagh a tuaaai M a coat of t>75,

aawpty of f*a,**e,a*» gaUene < T o r b daily. r\mlt»bmrgh i s

haelag; s e e a r e d a a a m p l e supply o f

aatteiect tor all probable hat there ehoald be a big

r ee the Seaborn Brook, to do away fMhla*a*riaf huimmeaaf hariag thewaah of the laadatatat oar aatar aappiy, whea

> te pteaty of water, peobaMy not eae-saft of that raaaiec la the

T M . C A -

8. J. iTeaum will apeak at the for atea ea Sonday after-

la well know to the men of rkvrtatiargh, aad all who attend themeet-iag are aare to hear something good. There wUI ha apodal singing.

Mr. C. B Slgaor will apeak at the boys' at 3 o'clock, and all boys arein-

atCarrome, for the Cham-will be played oa Satardayeve-•a. Boyntoa Mooereaad i. Paj-

ters left la the lgbt and Balph Brown and Bay Snyder play the final aasie tor the baya' championship.

alOaml S*abgrw9mlt O a

lav F. of M. T Staia ForaMa, CoL

Foa. there was a iwmaraaWs as-i 19*4 ia both the AaV

wUI hag}*** a* Tars any evening aext, oa "The Gaastroctioa of the Air Brake." The lec­ture will be given by Mr. Chee. MeCrossm, Air Brake Instructor of the D A H B R Co. These lectores are free to members, aad to D A H railroad men.

PlmttabmrajB Ptovatclaaa' C l u b . The firat atoathly m e e t m e of the Piatta-

bargh PhysidaBa' Clnb an I be held at the oAV-e ot it* Preeideot. Or F Madden, on Tueetiay e v e c i o g . Jan . 94th. at 8 p. m.

Dr. Madden am present a paper on "Med-ieai Cse of ibe High Frequency Current with Demonstration." A discussion of this •ab­ject ie expectei.

The tmaMcratic them aa maafctal to cat they foal that chicly for pottieal nuigh and for the thelVeeideat wee a Piamdaht has will not be permitted to work say Southern State* while he ia they ran fas years hi* bat oaa year in which to work their prorvtotiB; but th* men insist that treaties which eepttale of perversion ar aaiB-amaoaad rtesiuaatta

y section of the country « ratified irreepecuva of th* boaeety of a partieumr Chief

adopted a wise poBev ia them «r* to Oiibascer or pmce obetadee ia the way at any tariff Mil which may ha maaaaweas at the special session which the fntUmH par-loseetoealL They have yielded, peraapa, some political advantage, bet they have made for the general good of the penile by removing a real or fancied obstacle trom the President's proclaimed wmh to lower the tariff duties, and the thinking portion of the American people will doubtless realise aad recognise the spirit in which political advan­tage baa thus been sacrificed.

Despite the protests or KepuMcan mem­bers of Coneress from the Northweet. Secre­tary of the Tteasury Shaw seems determined to rale that the Minneapolis millers may im­port Canadian wheat, mix it with Amsrlcaa wheat and grind it into tour for export aad then receive back the duty paid on each Ca­nadian wheat as they allege to be Ie thees-

Peawiona . base been issued to the follow­

ing named persons in ibis vicinity: Minor child o t Caarlse Lamkin,

Plattetarrh . . . . Wellington Hay, Mooers Forks, PhiBp Cameron, Platteburgrb, Bleary ItorBMBUaa, Grewu Isle, Leww Bourgerie, rtatmaurgh.

•10 ee 34 00 2C00 72 00 17 00

Tm* Cwmtrw mt tm* Ptrmt Ci ty a t

No. S3 of the Hew York Central's "Four Track awnes" ie devoted to a very inter-seuag eaacnpuoB of the eanira of New Tork.

I t caetalai at pages aad 117 pktarea. aad is Bsaatlfaby prtated aad lUuetrated.

A copy wW he eeat free, postpaid, to aay address ea receipt of five cents, by George H Oaaleta, General Passsager AgentGraad Central BtaUoa, Mew Tork.


of the Imported aaeat e» back is allowed moat be Mr. Shea insists that the proportloa of the Cana-" u wheat, when vooehed for Be the mill. -. will be "apparent to the miad, at-tboogu uui to the eye." Of coares the rea­son that Secretary Shaw indalgee in fallacy is that any other decision by him would interfere with a common and cher-i»hed prac ice of the Steel Trust namely, the mvK>rta'.ion of fore Urn ore, the blending i l

witb AmeneaD ore, and then claiming aad receiving the drawback on the exported ani c le . on Uie Troate' aocurtloa of the proportioa of foreign ore contained in toe finiabed pro-•toct. For yeara the farmers have b e e o told fattbey were protected by the duty of tt cenie a Oui.h-1 on wheat although the p r i o . on the Liverpool market has atwaya deter­mined the price of American wheat Mow, however, a abort crop In this put op ttte price to the millets aad Ia really affording sone^beaeat to the ha mm a. aad of cuoree the millers protest aad Bad a way, wib the connivance of the Secretary of the Treasury, of robbing the farmera of the ea-hanced price which aoaM, la • make up to them lor the partial lose of thaw crops. ThereswHofUHtrutag.wamWmaaV pected daily, will be to eeieaoi weaterBformereteaetl their


raaVfat i


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t*um-aauB\ aaaa BB\.aBBhla*BhJ Ma*t ftawetoBBBBaBBBBBBtaVaBBT BBBBVaWSBBBBB* ^—-^-jj^^-^^^^^^-^^awAphk w a » > w » dawVaW •BB>waBB*a?aw?> BBB> uuBBaVaB> aawammBy **maawAaKwaV awaaw^—-—^. 40jhjea^*feaaa> ataO MBBBU AfJhBBBBBBBl'uBBBBWaBBt *BBBI ^kaaB^ga-_^BflBWk£^B^Ba-aaBauBt. aaaaBBuaaaaaau*. ^uauw. ^Kaakua kav aaak. foauw OOnaOBma ammmt wraaaBtaaTaSf **•» wmaw waOOYOXOmmO^OOO O O BaHBaBBBBVOBBB^BBBH^ BBBBOHBT* 0^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB>'UBBBBBBBBBWBBBBB •eweammj aajy BwaamwgesBB*, maa u a a a Baaawawr^aw^awwa* eawawramwaw.Baawa, aBBBBBBBBBBOflmBBBOaVwrna* * s m m w j a j B j | e | m m Ojmf _aaammjOjawA«MmBj^ fma M g a , O f l p K e*wA*aBBwm*aa> *am*mr^mwam> aaat aaama fwawmBwaBwajawawga O O O J B O ] O O W * O P B T 0 9 0 P OOJmOOmfm OJOO O V m O j O O a r OJO e-^hmJ»aBmjaajB*B^ Ou%ma v * * * * * * * * * * * ^ *•**> wawmwmW wawaaBmTaaVmpwfW | M t f tlaATrV aaMll awfcautt i b k a a t f*gYamTaf ammBBmmmBBBBBm! ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ m ^^^^^^^^^^^m mamr *'v*>******"*wmjgf *m* wmwav uaB»mw. ^ ^ j | a ^ MJP M«Mk. B ^ B B B B O O B I " * * • T a a _ 0 » OOh^ajna i g__a. • B ^ m m a aMaaaamaBBBBBBBBam aaiuBsma. BBBaakaaaaAaaaaau^ J * * * * * * O t * * , f * * * * l ^ * W ' m " y * p * l J ^ * * * * ^ * * m T Q * * X ^ * S * * waamw fto^a-^amaaa. ^^^m—~m. ^ - - —v

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M M Tea


eoaatry. ''Weshall hat

theaaddest of OhaTCh, proeaotj » Baglaad tore aad sea* by iwligieea Maa-try,' aay* the aam** at faXe aad maM mawJwvTeartlstmv.

lMh*Mjtoaa*ks)af '

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P*-w-> - e'wajiuj.

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Weather oassrvaaoa lmr«* Barrack*. * . T.. to i a a 1A.1SI*

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tan i f a h o K

(Toe late for last week.) The pubHa ashoula o p — a Moaday. Jas . ».

after a t w o waaka' rmomtiou, durtag which t h . yoaag pwtpi. aBwac a vary ta.aaant a<4idar tia. ibe aaaual ha«ia— maeting of the t adlm' Aid ot U M Pr—byte- tas Ctmroti s u a b»ul Taeaaay, Jan. I* Kaportauf the year's wurk waramvua. after watoaaa —tfau r« ^ m t t o u a t t a . out o a u a n took pia»«. The anneal bwaasnt meatiag of the eaarah was a a o aaM The

ma ajaaaaa samtotSai

by hw*. aad





I fu r l

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ta. is H. a. M. «.




to aha

taryef voefi I will i

hUea. M D, LL • . , maia a t , Ittaan, law.

iilRlll i$ct»tespetiea>ttl»| st*%rtiiigofmcoetifor| a box of

ttacrfslltalimtl CBHCSBSBJCS

m a y save m a n y | times that amount-Its a bad <-oM that I one box won't enrol •intireiy. (Juaran teed. Price 25 oecttm. 8aune price bw maii|

«i i l


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